
Joe tells Frank that his social game sucks. Shane says his does too because Britney was his social game.

POV Holder: DAN Next POV: Sept 1 (Saturday)
POV Used POV Ceremony Sept 3 (Monday)
HOH Winner: Ian Next HOH: Sept 6 (Thursday)
Original Nominations: Jenn and Frank
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest Britney


12:15am Shane grabs Danielle’s bikini top to try and see the label. Danielle tries to get it back so Shane throws it to Dan. Dan tries to look at the size, but Danielle also grabs it back. Dan throws it back to Shane and he reads out the 34D label. Danielle chases Shane and he eventually gives her top back. Ian calls Danielle a stage five clinger for chasing Shane all over the yard. Ian and Dan start playing pool. Dan notices that the word p***s is scratched into the table and asks who did it. Ian confesses that it was him when he was smashed. Dan tells Ian that he has an obsession with Matt Hoffman & Shelley Moore and says that he isn’t sure why. Ian asks Matt Hoffman? You don’t get why? Dan says that well Matt didn’t win. Ian says that Maggie won, so winning isn’t everything. Ian starts talking about how he would want to meet Renny from Dan’s season. Dan tells him that he isn’t missing anything and says that she Is way too into herself. Dan talks about how he meet every BB winner but Drew. Ian tells Dan that Drew doesn’t associate himself with Big Brother.

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12:25am – 12:45am Joe tells Frank that Janelle knew that Frank was a threat from week one. He talks about how she would point to how you worked out. Joe jokingly tells Frank that his social game sucks. Shane says that his does too because Britney was his social game. Frank says that Janelle gave me mad props and called me a pervert. Frank says Janelle, I don’t miss you. They start to talk about the bed situation and who will sleep where. Shane says that he might sleep in the stereo room. Danielle talks about how she thinks the have-nots are done for the season. Joe comments on how Frank was never a have-not. Dan comments on how Joe went to town on himself in the have-not room. Joe jokes and says that it was Shane. Danielle tells Joe that he tried again in the have-not room a second time but that she moved around so he would stop. Joe says that’s not true. Shane and Frank ask Joe what he used when he finished up. Danielle says that he had tissues.


Shane asks Dan if he is sleeping with him tonight. Dan says that he is sleeping in the hard bed. They start bugging Danielle to sleep in the same bed as Shane. Danielle asks why would she when he doesn’t want to. Dan says that Danielle just wants Shane to say that he wants to sleep with her. Danielle says that Shane would want separate comforters. Dan says that Shane may want the appearance of separate comforters. Shane says that she doesn’t get it because she’s too young an immature. Danielle tells Shane that she will put him on blast. Dan looks at Danielle and says that she is giving Shane bedroom eyes. Danielle denies it. Shane says that he wasn’t even looking. Ian tells Danielle and Shane to go to bed.. the same bed.
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Dan heads to bed. Danielle says that she doesn’t want to sleep with someone that doesn’t want to sleep with her. Shane says that he never said that. Shane asks Frank if he can use his body pillow to put between them. Danielle says she is out and leaves to go inside. Joe tells Shane to get the restraining order now! Inside Danielle tells Dan that Shane is a d***. She says that she is 23 and has more life experience than Shane does. Dan tells Danielle that Shane can play coy but that he knows he wants her. Danielle says that they haven’t kissed since day 27. Danielle says that she has never, ever had this problem. Dan asks Danielle if she’s talked to Jenn. Danielle says that she did but that Jenn didn’t mention a final three so she thinks Jenn is waiting to see if Dan uses the veto. Danielle says that she talked to Ian and he told her that Dan won’t use the veto or and if he does Ian will rip his face off. Dan says that as long as Danielle won’t go up then he doesn’t care. Dan tells Danielle that he’s surprised that she slept in the HOH bed with Shane. Danielle says that it was useless because they slept on different sides of the bed. Danielle says that Shane is so scared and says that it’s such a turn off. Danielle says that Shane puts her downs in front of others. Danielle says that she’s over it with Shane. Dan tells her to tell him that. Danielle tells Dan that Jenn keeps bringing up how Dan blindsided her and asking her what if he does it again. Danielle says that Jenn asked what if Dan uses the POV, will that convince you that you can trust him. Danielle says I said yes.


1:10am Shane joins them. Shane tells Danielle that he wasn’t trying to be a d*** he is just trying to not get put up on the block together. Dan jokes that they should at least get something out of it. Shane leaves so that Dan and her can continue talking. Danielle tells Dan that Shane is suck a d****he bag. Dan thinks it’s smart of him to try and make sure they don’t get nominated together. Danielle tells Dan that she has convinced the other that she hates him (Dan). Danielle tells Dan that Shane wants a final three deal with her and Dan. Dan leaves.


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1:20am Shane tells Dan that Joe doesn’t think that Dan will use the POV on Jenn, so it will be a complete blindside. Dan tells Shane that Joe hasn’t talked to him at all because Joe hates him. Shane says he has some more insight to tell Dan later. Dan asks Shane if he could see himself dating Danielle. Shane says that outside of the house, yeah because she’s a sweetheart but the distance makes it hard and he isn’t in a position to date anyone, especially not financially. Dan says that if Shane wins the game then he’s in the position. Shane says yeah but truthfully, I’d give a lot of my money to my family because my parents had borrowed money just to buy groceries so even getting 10,000 or a job offer from being on Big Brother would mean a lot. They talk about how everything happens for a reason. Shane comments on how Dan’s funeral showed him that Britney had a final two deal with Ian which he wouldn’t have known otherwise. Shane says that he respects that Dan didn’t throw Danielle or Shane under the bus. Dan saying that truthfully, he wasn’t sure what to think of Britney as a coach but watching her play made him respect her so much more. Shane says that he feels that Britney used his HOH wins to make deals. Shane and Dan wait for Danielle to come in the kicks room so that Shane can surprise her by being in her bed.


1:30am – 2:30am Frank and Jenn go to the stereo room to go to bed. Frank talks about how gross it is to watch Joe peel skin off his feet. Jenn talks about how Joe never washes his hands in the bathroom. Frank says he is almost jealous that Jenn doesn’t have to eat their food. They both laugh. They talk about how pissed Danielle was at Shane. Frank talks about stoking that fire to separate Shane and Danielle. Meanwhile, Danielle goes to get into bed and can’t see that Shane is in her bed. He pokes her and she screams. She says that she thinks she just peed herself. Shane asks if she wants him leave. Danielle says no. Everyone is going to sleep. Ian is in the HOH room listening to his cd.

6:10am All the house guests are still sleeping..

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9:50am Frank and Jenn are awake, while all the other house guests are still sleeping.
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118 thoughts to “Joe tells Frank that his social game sucks. Shane says his does too because Britney was his social game.”

  1. Frank seriously needs to pull something out of his butt and stay here this week. This show is going to be SO boring with a house full of floaters..who wants to watch everyone week by week make a new alliance and switch sides. this is one of the most boring big brother seasons ive seen. frank keeps the house interesting. he’s actually the only one that deserves to win anyways.

    1. lol franks baby momma…i agree 100 percent frank does need to pull something outta his ass! i want him to stay but it really doesnt look that way.. i want frank to win..if frank leaves..then i want shane to win cause he is second best to frank…but i hope some how frank stays. but then again..he cant play hoh thursday and its double eviction…and who will be up? frank and this season will be boring.

    2. frank is not the only one who deserves to win everyone except joe and jenn deserves it.. i personally want shane or ian to win

      1. Why does Shane or Ian deserve to win? They wouldn’t even be still there if it wasn’t for Brit! No other HG is more deserving of F2 than Dan and Frank! Dan because of his uncanny aptitude to manipulate everyone so strategically and save his own ass just in the nick of time, and Frank for having to fight a bunch of monkeys off his back since day one…singlehandedly. Frank has been alone in that house from the beginning. Even when Boogie was in the house he wasn’t there for Frank. Boogie was there for Boogie. I may dislike Dan’s tactics (all that swearing!), but I respect his BB game. I repeat…No other HG is more deserving of F2 than Dan and Frank!

    3. Those that are “threats” are most subject to removal from the BB house. So Franks right when he says he has to fight every week to stay in the game.
      I’d say the biggest threats remaining are Frank, Shane and Dan.

    4. You want Frank to perform a hail mary to get himself off the block like Dan. You mean where Frank takes a chum bath, agrees not to compete the next 2 HOHs and his ally accepts to eat slop the rest of the season in order to get out Dan, and then Dan, the guy you trying to get out, comes to you with some story about how Ian told on Boogie. Instead of Frank playing game, he wanted to standup for the honor of Boogie! Ah Frank, Boogie is not in the game anymore,time to think about number one. If everything Dan told you that night was true, it still meant Dan was complicit in getting rid of Boogie and Dan was the bigger threat.

      So now you are telling me that the not so bright Frank should pull a Dan. Hmmm…the only problem ….Dan’s strategy only works with someone like….well like Frank; however there is hope for you. Dan has this house so wired up. He could pull Jenn of the block, and her replacement would be Shane…..Shane, “I still don’t understand how to play this game”, has volunteered to go up. Dan, may target Shane this week instead of Frank, not because of anything Frank says, but he takes a major competitor out. Frank still can’t compete in the next HOH, so he is not a threat. Dani won’t even cry when Shane leaves, Dan will mind control Dani as usual and then Dani will go in front of the mirror and say” mirror mirror on the wall, who is the thinnest house guest of all”. Yep Frank is staying, but only because it helps Dan game; whereas Frank’s move last week was….well just stupid

      1. You are so right about Frank’s move last week being stupid. I think Frank’s problem is that he really wants to work with a big player like Boogie or Dan, not that he could admit it but he must not have enough confidence in his own game, without someone telling him how to play it, same thing with Ian. Danielle also has this problem, but she only wants Dan’s advise, (approval).

    5. baby momma i agree with you totally. i thought the same way when Willie, Janelle, and Mike left although
      other people were happy to see them leave because they thought the players were jerks but the show
      gets boring with less people.

      Simon, what does Jenn eat slop without Joe’s cooking?

      1. kevins………………….sounds to me like you might be a jinx if everyone you’ve supported so far has went out the door.

        Guess it’s Frank’s turn this week.

        Please tell me you aint gonna start rooting for Dan

    6. Honestly, I think the house got boring after Britney left. Frank leaving won’t make that much more of a difference, to me.

  2. So I guess Dan will use the veto on Jenn. And Joe goes up. Then it’s up to Danielle, Dan and Jenn to decide if they’ll go with Frank or Joe. And at the same time QP is safe too. I think it’s time for Frank to go. Unfortunate cos I do like heart of the guy. He’s had it rough but he sometimes your number is up. At the moment, unless Frank blows up the house when he leaves and tells everyone about D/D/J/F final 4…this game is cruising towards a Dan and Danielle final 2.

  3. this really hit me when Shane said …
    “I’d give a lot of my money to my family because my parents had borrowed money just to buy groceries so even getting 10,000 or a job offer from being on Big Brother would mean a lot.”

    I mean, I know this is a game and you’re in to win it
    but doesn’t it hit you in some terms when some of them actually need money no matter how much the value is?

    he didn’t even say 500G. He said 10G or a job offer. Aw Shane!
    If Frank wins it what’s he gonna do with it? I bet his parents are filthy rich and he’s just gonna use the money to do shits

    I really feel that pain and how relieve it is when I can help my family financially

      1. we don’t even know if what Shane is saying is true….let’s not be gullible like the houseguests often times are…let’s wait for the facts.

        1. I don’t think Shane’s lying about this though

          Why would he anyway? I respect him for wanting to help his family

          I mean what would a person like Frank do with the money? Curl his hair curlier???

        2. I think if Shane was using it as a ploy for sympathy votes he would have been talking about it all along.
          I have heard him mention it once before, I don’t think he is bullshitting about it (plus I don’t think he tries to play the mental game very hard, for obvious reasons).

          I am kind of hoping for a Shane/Ian F2. It would be Brains VS, Brawn which I feel would make a good debate over who shoud win.

          Powerhouse being in it would be fun, but he really doesn’t deserve it.
          Dani would have been deserving, but she has just floated in Dans wake since her HOH & POV wins.
          Dan deserves it, but other than seeing him cut Dani at some point, I don’t want to see him in F2, maybe F3 with Ian and Shane letting him go.
          Frank….he is leaving.
          Jenn…WTF if she fell asleep for the next 17 days I think no one would even remember she was there. You could see her stumbling out in her leopard skirt and hoodie on finale night, asking if she still has to eat slop.

          1. This wasn’t the first time Shane mentioned his family’s hardship. He mentioned that he’s been helping his parents pay the mortgage et al. I don’t think he’s lying about it at all, though.

          2. I think an Ian/Shane F2 would be great. Shane sucks at the social because he’s not a good liar or very bright, but there is something endearing about him and I think he’s telling the truth about his family. It’s funny when you watch him thinking hard about something and he has a painful look on him face. Although Ian wants to play evil he doesn’t realize how much life feeders get to see and how obvious his insecurities are too us watching him. All in all I believe these two boys are at heart nice honest young men and although they may not “deserve” it I hope they make it to final 2 and one of them wins. They would have been awesome if they had been playing together from the start. Shane has to realize he isn’t anyone’s number two and he should hook up with Ian.

    1. The scene I would like to see on the feeds but never will. Shane walking up to a conversing Dan/Dani and saying “Judas would gladly betray me with a kiss, will you?” Say what you want about Shane’s emotional distance and the reasons for it, he has gone gone out of his way on every occasion to protect her interests. It’s only a matter of time until Judas, with her help, cuts his throat. Hopefully he’ll cut hers right after.

    2. Cry me a river. Shane’s is not poor. He is well to manicured to be poor. Poor people do not hit golf balls off their deck. Poor peoples hobbies are not renovating houses. It’s a con

      1. Poor people who buy golf clubs at places like the salvation army hit balls off their porches. (Believe me) I was listening to him ask questions about things like estate sales and little odd and end things that the others in the house assume is common, but when you live struggling as a child or an adult you really don’t know about these things. I believe you are right that he is not ‘Mississippi Poor’ but I don’t think he lives luxuriously either.

    3. who knows if that is even true this house is nothing BUT lies he says that to tug on anyones heart strings and production buys into that. The only one who is and has told the truth is the guy everyone has wanted out since day two FRANK. He has not lied to anyone and he plays a better game. I want him to stay and I want him to win. He is unemployed too so who needs the money more. Frank has such a big heart he would probably give money to Shane if he won it. I want Frank to win and I want Dan to use the veto to keep him safe, they can blindside anyone as easy with Jenn on the block as they can with Frank. Dan had better man up and keep Frank in the game.

  4. @Simon.”Danielle says that Jenn asked what if Dan uses the pov will that convince you that you can trust him.Danielle says I said yes.” Wait.Jenn doesn’t know that Dan didn’t mean what he said about Danielle being dead to him?I thought Frank&Jenn knew the truth about the funeral?

    1. No, the only onr that knows the whole truth of what dan did is danielle, dan told frank it was about the veto and dan told frank he would go to danielle and tell her that it was all for show because otherwise he couldn’t win franks trust. So, frank and jen think dan still was mad at dani but pretened to make peace.

    2. Didn’t Jenn tell Dani that if Dan used the POV on her that she would then trust Dan 100%? Then Danielle turns the convoy around to say that Jenn asks if Dan uses the POV on Jenn then would Dani trust Dan again? Once again it seems that Dani is getting creative with her story telling.

  5. If Frank gets evicted, Joe will be the only entertainment left.

    I would love to see Joe, Dan and Frank in the Final 3 for pure entertainment reasons.

    Come on, Dan…use the POV on Frank, get Shane nominated as a replacement and then evicted. Add more material to your resume. Do the unexpected.

    Destroy the gay Quack Pack alliance!

  6. Oh…just go Frank!!!!

    Most boring BB house now that Brit is gone…she was their social compass….now they are so boring……this season is the most boring ever!!!!

    Brit’s interview with Jeff Schroder was GREAT!!! Showed her cute personality!!!!

    Doesn’t matter if you like Brit are not….she kept the whole house going with her sense of humor & her gift for gab!!!!!

  7. Shane says his social game sucks because Britney was his social game. Wow, he’s smarter than I thought. I didn’t think he was capable of figuring that out.

    I hope Frank is finally gone, but I’m not sure Production is through messing with the game yet. If they don’t intervene, it appears that Dan will continue to take candy from babies. I actually think it will get better if Frank leaves because then the QP will have to start beating each other to the punch and using the floaters to get the numbers. Should make for good strategy.

    1. @NickyBrand.The only reason I think production won’t intervene and save Frank yet again,has to do with if they do it everyone(who’s not in denial)will know that production refuses to allow Frank to be evicted.Which will mean that production is the one that decides who will win the game,not the players.I doubt viewers will be interested in watching a show that makes it obvious that the show is rigged.

      1. I hope you two are right. I know there are always twists like Pandora’s Box and voted out guests returning to the show that obviously benefit someone and hurt others, but usually they seem random and are one-time events. In all 13 seasons (1st doesn’t count), this is the first time I have felt there was a concentrated effort by Production to help the same player week after week. I and many others have been convinced that his winning was inevitable and no other result would be permitted.

        I think you’re right that it would seriously damage the game if they pulled out some twist to save him again. This isn’t the WWE audience, which accepts a totally fixed game and suspends disbelief. But I’m half way expecting it.

  8. I really respect Dan’s game this season actually. I must first say that i don’t care what he swears on or anything like that; i separate this game from real life. I also agree that most of newcomers must not be too bright because he did similar actions in season 10 that they are still blind of. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. Listening to some of Dick at Nite, there have been countless guests that have told Janelle and Boogie to get Dan out first. Don’t trust him. Their problem was letting him stay in this game too long. While they felt safe with their own team, Dan from day 1 was working on everyone of the insecure newbies and finding out their weaknesses. Pretty much all of the newbies had them. Then when other coaches decided not to form coaches alliance, ala season 13 steamrolling newbies, his bonds kept him in game while watching each one of them fall (boogies and janelle’s hatred for each other ended their runs in house in my opinion).
    We have seen a different, darker side of dan this season, most likely because he felt he was on ropes more than he ever had been in his two seasons. But somehow he prevailed intact (he is now sitting well again after being sacrificial lamb one week ago). I know some Frank fans are hoping that he will honor his agreement to him last week, but i say why? you say anything in this game to advance another week. you lie, manipulate, do anything. the greatest player of all time, dr. will, did in his two seasons. he lied to everyone and anytime he had chance to backstab someone he took the chance. heck 3 weeks in a row on allstars, chilltown had backs of the pawns on block just to let them go. You owe nobody anything in this game. Obviously there is price to pay in jury sometimes, but i truly believe dan doesn’t believe he’ll beat anyone other than dani, ?, and joe. Plus if him and dani make it to end, he can always say he was best coach as well because his player survived it all, especially being targeted early because she was on dan’s team; and survived.

    1. Dan also had a 4 week free pass. He has played the game well since he has become a player but the new houseguest have had to battle it out through what we be 15 other players not 11 like the coaches. Even thou some of these player have not won anything they have survived without any free passes.

        1. I am not disagreeing that he didn’t have help to start off, but so did fan favorite frank. Don’t forget frank would have been as blindsided as Dustin from season 8. Him and Boogie had absolutely no idea Frank was going home, until Dan let it slip up. As for Dan getting 4 week pass. i do agree that was unfair. I actually wanted coaches twist to last, because it was one twist in last several seasons that i could handle. It didn’t, and noone should be surprised. Dan still has to go through 12 people, most of who wanted to evict him out of house originally. Thing is, unlike other coaches as mentioned before, he worked on these relationships to build rapport. EVERYONE from outside is screaming get him out (only other target would be frank) , yet despite his throwing competitions (which i think everyone knew he was throwing….hello!!! season 10!!!), he still found a way. I respect that. We agree to disagree, which is another fun aspect of BB

          1. And i misspoke, I know that Frank started from week 1. I had just meant that Frank was blindsided and production said for first time ever, “eh, lets not have eviction this week.” i’m not going into conspiracies but we all know production leans certain ways for ratings, and this season they leaned a lot lol. I just wanted to emphasize that i know frank had to work few weeks prior to dan but still, he also had few weeks to work social game (which made dr will greatest of all time) and he failed. partly because of boogie, partly because he was bully. In my opinion

    2. I respect Dan’s Game. I still think from the moment the coaches entered the house. Everyone should have known BB was going to have them enter the game. When Danielle was on the block with JoJo. The smartest move would have been to evict Danielle, not because she was a worse person than JoJo (normally week two is about getting out the person who drove you the most crazy, not a threat.), but it would have taken Dan out of play. If you had ever watched Dan’s Season, you would know, he has the face of an angel, but is completely ruthless and Cutthroat with absolutely no conscious.
      Unfortunately they didn’t and now he is the last coach standing, he has made the biggest move in game history, has gone from being in the worst spot to the best spot and is making big moves. If you are in the final two, pray people vote with emotion not who played the game the best.

    3. Despite him causing my favorite player (Britney) to be evicted, I think Dan is the only player that really deserves to win it. Everyone does everything Dan wants them to every week. He is controlling the game, despite winning only 1 comp (he throws them unless they are important). While Frank & Shane are trading the HOH room back and forth, getting blood all over their hands, Dan never sheds any until he’s about to get evicted and it can’t be helped. Best player, no contest.

  9. What move did Matt(Season12) make that was so great for Ian to like him as a player?All I remeber Matt doing in the game,was lying to everyone that his wife has a disease and him using his diamond veto to evict Kathy(who was basically a non threat).I’m not questioning Ian liking him because Matt didn’t win.Danielle Reyes from season3 didn’t win,but she played the best game in that season and she’s also considered one of the best that’s played the game(along with Dr.Will&Dan).But Matt didn’t do anything in the game that should have Ian thinking he’s a great player.But hey,that’s my opinion.What do you guys think?

    1. i think he likes matt because, of the bra-gade members, matt’s side aliance was the only one that was a total lie. enzo didn’t have a side alliance. kristen didn’t last long enough for her side alliance with with hayden to mean anything, and had the competitions went down differently i think lane would have taken britney to the end. matt was really close with ragan, but more than willing to stab him in the back once it got down to just the bra-gade. meanwhile not only was matt’s side alliance so convincing that ragan thought matt had his back, EVERYONE thought matt had ragan’s back to the point that his own alliance turned on him becuase they worried he wasn’t loyal. ian wants to play this game of having a ton of alliances and no one knows what side he’s really on (and ian even thinks he is playing this type of game), and matt’s definitely one of the more recent examples of someone playing multiple sides of the house with questionable loyalty rather than lane’s game of getting an alliance, realizing he likes people outside his alliance better, then being wishy-washy about his loyalties which is a more common way someone ends up playing both sides it seems.

      plus i’m guessing ian really admires what matt’s done since leaving the show with his podcast stuff and whatnot.

  10. Watch out for Shane after Frank goes.

    Lest we forget that Shane can win competitions. Shane won three POV’s and two HOH’s before he realized that everyone was just fine with him taking all the heat. Looks to me like he decided to go into floater mode for awhile.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if he makes his move in the next HOH so that he will be able to also play in the HOH when they get to final four which would set him up to be in the final three. Also look for him to send Dan packing if he gets a chance.

  11. People give Shane a little more than he is worth. I don’t see him as a player anymore. He has skated by these last weeks. But the comment about his family is nice 🙂 but not the job offer part lol. What is he expecting, to be the 6th member to n’sync???

  12. SHANE SHANE I would love for shane to win because i know what the money means for him …. he said before he has to pay for school ….. and his parents help him but he even said it before that a couple thousand would be a big help …. no condition in this life is ever permanately and i said it from day one even if he doesn’t win the big prize i would love to see shane in finale 2 but dan will try get him out i just know that ….. in life we cant appreciate up until we really been down ….. shane said that he cant date or see anyone because he cant help them finacially ….. i guess everyone in the house has there story and there need for the money but i just wish he would be in finale 2 keeping my fingers cross

    1. YES! GO SHANE!
      Dan already won $500G

      Shane needs that money and will absolutely use it for good…

      I hope Dan doesn’t get in his way!

      GO SHANE! I feel that pain of you man!

      1. If you want Shane to win some $$, vote for him when they pick america’s favorite. If $10K would help, 25 would really help. Unfortunately, I don’t think he’ll be in the final 2. Not with Dan around.

    2. The reason that I believe that Shane is being truthful about his and his parents financial situations is what he expressed when Wil won the $5,000. He was actually angry about how Wil reacted like, poof it’s only $5,000. He said $5,000 would help alot.

      1. Shane is a nice guy, the poverty thing is a con job. He shoot golf balls off his deck as hobby, he is perfectly manicured manscaped Another little factoid, Shane was chosen as Vermont’s most eligible bachelor 2010 in Cosmopolitan Magazine (sorry kids poor folk don’t get in no Cosmo Magazine). It is about as real as why he packed all of the pink shirts and Danielle’s being a kindergarten teacher.

  13. As much as I don’t want Frank to leave I am actually starting to agree that Shane will be my fave to win afterwards. Hopefully he smartens up!

  14. There is so much talk about whose social game sucks, but other than Dan, I don’t know that anybody has much of a social game at all except for one unexpected and unwitting person.

    Frank has a little bit in that he is quick to joke around and laugh…but he’s just too honest and not good at working people at all Ex: If the entire house sits around and says you’re unbeatable, you have to dissuade them of that notion, while simultaneously reminding them as jurors of why they should vote for you. It’s not an easy line to toe, but it would be doable, but Frank so far has not really even tried

    Shane has a little bit in that he is a very nice guy…but not smart enough to work anybody, so he just becomes a yes man, telling everybody what they want to hear then rather than think for himself, he just does as he’s told. I mean he could at least try to steer opinion but he lacks the brain power.

    Ian has no game other than sympathy. Maybe a medical condition or his age or his size has carried him through the social aspect or maybe it was just Britney. Imagine if Ian was a 6’2, 200 lbs, rock solid, 30 year old guy. The way Ian has behaved since he stopped being a floater the day Mike left, means I suspect he will follow Frank out the door. Oddly enough, I think that aside from veto, Ian’s only hope is that Joe wins HOH.

    Jenn is not not nice, but she goes into panic mode when on the block and completely overreacts to the slightest offense. I mean she’s sitting there thinking Danielle will summon the power to cut both Dan and Shane because they’re such good friends or that the remaining competitions will be all about guessing drawing then taking punishments and she can just win everything. Her reading of the game is ridiculously bad.

    Joe is loud, obnoxious, with questionable personal hygiene whose transparent floating has ensured him that he’s seen with disdain as a player by all in the house. Sorry, but sucking up is not social game, it’s not game, it’s just survival. A rat scurrying about on a sinking ship…a masturbating rat, of course.

    Danielle has had help from Dan…but remember that Britney would still be in the game if not for Danielle’s having worked Jenn prior to the funeral. Recall that Jenn said Danielle was her biggest concern and she would only take Dan down if Danielle said OK. Her victim routine has worked on everybody left in the house and because of that she is almost guaranteed final three…even if Frank stays in the game. Now I don’t think she acts as she does on purpose for the game, but that does not really matter. In fact, I think she is the biggest obstacle to Dan winning at the end. I just don’t know that he can beat her. Joe, Britney, Jenn, and Shane are all the votes she would need. And Ashley did not have any relationship with Dan and if Frank is furious with Dan, Danielle could beat him 6-1.

    1. Well said…love the analysis of the game and I agree with most of what you said. Can’t seem to respect that Danielle girl or her game at all. For some reason her wining this rubs me the wrong way but I think you might be right the “poor” girl has a good shot at it. Hope Shane figures this out.

    2. Dan will explain how Danielle’s every move and decision made was expedited directly by him, even the sympathy bestow upon her was directly from his actions. Even if he doesn’t get the jury votes his ego will still allow him to think of himself as the best big brother player of all time; in his mind.

  15. I’m just wondering if Frank goes who productions new favorite will be. We should be able to tell with the next HOH contest.

    Ian: Pokemon questions ( if he could compete )

    Dan: Football questions

    Joe: How do get stains out of socks questions

    Jenn: Tattoo questions

    Dani: Eating competition

    Shane: What goes well with pink t-shirt questions

    1. Shane isn’t scared!!!….he just isn’t into you. I think he lied to Dan about dating her because he’s still trying to hide the fact that he is gay.

      1. I know right, hilarious, ummm yeah, I’m not laughing. We’ll see whose laughing after I get a hold of your precious Zingbot. Yeah, betcha won’t be laughing then. BTW, did ya know that I threw up, not Once, But TWICE during the HOH comp? Hmmh, now where did Shane disappear to.

    2. And they say love is blind, truth is y’all are blind to love. I don’t know if y’all are not listening to me or what, but Shane is playing hard to get. He doesn’t want to attract attention to us. Duh, he wants us in the final two, then we have the money to move into together. y’all need to open y’alls eyes.

  16. Dan’s a complete douchebag for hiding behind his bible. I don’t like his game either. He’s won just one comp this year.
    The “big” move everyone is talking about was a desperate ploy and worked only because Frank was in need of anyone to come to him wanting to be his partner to the end. Frank was the one who convinced Jen that being on slop for the rest of the season was for nothing. He’s the one that should be given credit for making a big move, stupid that it was. She had committed to Frank to the end and had to switch her game and take Dickhead off the block because Frank promised her final 3 with “Father Dan”.
    Had “Father Douche” gone to Jen and talked her into taking him off the block then I would be giving him major props.
    He’s a sociopath and it shows when he hides behind his bible one minute then flips at the drop of a hat.
    I’ll always remember the way he acted during the Pandora POV with Ian out in the yard chasing around looking for the quarters hidden in the balls.
    The way he talks to the players and asks them about their personal lives is a joke.
    Britt always seen right thru him and was the only one to call him out to his face.
    He would never talk to her about it and would just sit there with that shitty grin on his face.
    Father Dan my ass.
    My apologies to the Father Dick fans. These rants of mine against this phony are not to be taken personal. I just find a need to vent from time to time whenever he makes me want to vomit.
    Have a great Labor Day Weekend all.

    1. At the end of the day, if Dan can be OK with his actions, then anything he does in the context of the game is fair play. And no, I don’t believe for a second the parsing his defenders have done, claiming his oath was only valid for half the conversation. Dan knew what he was doing and it did not matter to him. That’s absolutely fine in my book. Of course I don’t believe in God and I personally would use my belief/non-belief or that of others as part of my game anymore than I would use race or sexual orientation, but that’s just me. So long as it’s not used with malice (targeting somebody because of their religion, race, or sexuality), it’s fair game in my book.

      At the end of the day on Thursday, Frank can walk out to Julie and say “Julie, I was the top target from day one, long before I gave anybody reason to “hate” me. All the hatred was just a way for the other HG’s to justify in their own mind their fear that I would beat them. It’s really common for a person to need to hate the people they compete against and I was the brunt of that in the house. I either had to win HOH or POV every single week to survive. I knew this made my prospects for victory bleak. Of course my ultimate demise was because I believed somebody when they proclaimed a faith in God and a love for a wife and a deceased Grandfather and that person went back on a promise he made while swearing on all he holds dear in life, but I was already on my last leg and Dan just came from behind and tripped me. I went into this house wanting to walk out with my head held high and I managed to do that. My demise was that I was not willing to go to the extreme lengths like Dan. I could have turned on my closest friend and ally, but I didn’t. I could have lied to everybody and made promises swearing on Nana’s life, but I was not willing to go to such lengths. My character wouldn’t let me. That’s my demise in a nutshell.”

      I hope he ultimately admires Dan’s drive to win and can put the final betrayal aside and if not, then I hope that once he sees the shows and the abject cowardice and stupidity of the other HG’s his vote will be a toss-up between Dan and Danielle, as the lesser of two evils.

  17. Well, I think I’m probably done this season. It was a good run while it lasted. I actually think this was one of the better seasons. The first week was awesome and then it kind of fizzled, but picked up again with the silent 6 and then boogie getting the boot. Now that Frank is out, I really don’t care to see Ian and Dan “battle” it out, Shane is like a mannequin come to life and there is nothing to say about any of JJD.

    Simon & Dawg, great updates as usual!

    I’m calling my shot now, next year, Celebrity BB. All sort of D & F list celebrities in the house.

  18. Right now I think Frank has lost favor with Production. I think that productions “new” golden boy is Dan.


    Look at the press that Dan’s Funeral has brought to the show. He is being hailed in the media and the “Greatest Player in Big Brother History”. They want the Dan run to continue so that:

    1) the “Greatest Player in Big Brother History” will continue to draw in viewers (I don’t know if the ratings went up, but CBS will continue to hope).

    2) the possibility of the first 2x winner in BB history is still alive.

    Why is Frank on the outs?

    What happened the last time he won the Veto? The live audience (for the most part) booed (Frank’s ego would not let him hear anything other than cheers). CBS wants someone to root for and Frank is not the popular boy they thought at first. People do not like a bully. Like him or dislike him, when Boogie was in the game, he brought out the worst in Frank and the both bullied the house. Frank is fine right now, because he thinks he is safe (he is WAY to optimistic for this game. That or he is WAY too cocky for his own good). If he thought that he was going, he would be threatening everyone in the house.

  19. You know what’s really boring? Everytime someone’s favorite is in danger of going home, their fans come on here and complain about how lame the other HG’s are (they are always useless floaters) and how this season will become the most boring EVER if player X (X being any popular player) leaves the game. First it was Willie’s fans, then Janelle’s fans, then Boogies fans, then Britney’s fans, and now it’s Franks fans. The whining not only is it boring and tired, but its sadly predictable. I have liked and/or rooted for several that have left already, didn’t ruin the game for me. Perhaps BB isn’t for some of you. I think Real World might be more your speed, your fav’s don’t get voted out. Not hating, just stating…

      1. Well take your ball and go home now. Based on your previous post, you are just the type of fan I was speaking about.

      1. I think you’re absolutely right.

        But I wonder about this scenario:

        If I’m Dan, my perfect scenario is being in a final 3 where I’m the first choice of the other 2 players. He went to the swearing on everything route to gain Frank’s trust and it worked. So if I’m Dan, I think Frank is the loyal, earnest, and honest type, the type who would believe and place a lot of stock in swearing on that which is important. So what if on Thursday afternoon, he went very calmly and non-threateningly to Frank and said he (maybe put it on Danielle) was wavering, that he keeps thinking Frank will turn on him the first chance he gets. Then he brings up his oath and how far he was willing to go to prove his allegiance and asks if frank will do the same. He asks if Frank would swear on the lives of Nana and his mother that he will do everything in his power to take Dan to final two?

        Dan is excellent at reading people and Frank is not a skilled liar, so I think Dan would really put him on the spot and get a good reading. It’s not to say he reverses course and saves Frank based solely on his read, but it gives him options, scenarios, and draws Frank in even more to ponder and if he was 100% certain of Frank, then he’s either got backup in case he needs it or he tosses him without a second thought.

        One other thing that it does is give Dan some cover with Frank. If he still decides to evict him, then when he faces him during jury questioning, Dan can say “Frank, I wavered on you and when I tried to get reassurance, I could just sense that you were wavering inside just like me. I’m really sorry I had to do it, but you were so tough to beat, I was afraid you would get me before I had another chance to get you.”

        I don’t know. If I’m Dan I still see Shane and Ian as wildcards that could pull Joe, whereas he has already roped Jenn from Frank, Ian hates Frank (Bin Laden would beat him? Really!), Shane fears Frank, and Joe won’t go against the odds. Danielle’s victim role makes her tough to beat and Jenn and Shane are with her to the end. He could even blame the wavering on Danielle and play to Frank as well as everybody else that he and Danielle have not mended the wounds, just two make sure they don’t see the block against each other if Frank flips and they own the numbers to control the vote.

        I don’t know, just thinking out loud.

  20. Uhhh HUH!!! And I’m the crazy one huh? Let me ask y’all, where did Shane sleep last night? Yep, next to your’s truly. Why? Simple, he’s madly in love with me. Dan even said so. Shane being scared isn’t hot at all, but I think I can forgive him for it. He just doesn’t want us both on the block together, so he keeps up his charade of playing hard to get. y’all know what I am talking bout, right? Hey, are you listening to me? Did y’all hear me throw up during that last HOH? Well, actually I threw up twice. Ian better watch his little mouth, he calls me a stage 5 clinger again I will use my thighs to crush him. I’d snap him like a twig. Nah, just kidding. Too many cameras/witnesses. But the Zingbot, that’s a different story altogether. That freaking thang cost me America’s Favorite Player, I just know it.

    PS Good morning Trey, love ya.

  21. i swear danille can sell dreams … danille told jen she wont nominate her that is bullshit right there if danille does win because i know she will win the next hoh this thursday she will nominate joe and ian or if …… if danille has to choose later down in the game between her physciartris dan or shane who she will choose … all summer she has been begging /starving/ thirsty and needy of shane affection ….. i just hope danielle is selling dan dreams and i hope if she has a chance i hope shane is her number one guy ….. hopefully she is gone this thursday and i dont have to worry about her dissing shane

  22. Ian carved something into the pool table??? WTF? That boy needs a good spanking. (I don’t believe in “time outs”)

    Can’t believe Shane was there in bed waiting for Danielle… talk about giving everything you got to get to the Final 4. He CLEARLY didn’t want to share a bed with her til Dan misted him. And that excuse that he can’t afford to date anybody… blah, blah, blah… yeah ok right, I believe that… maybe he’s just used to having the guy pay for dates.

  23. I felt early on that Shane was not into Danielle and refused to use her for s** so that is why he kept his distance as best he could. There are still guys out there that are NICE!!! Shane knew what he had to do in the game to keep Danielle from flipping out on him. He had to give in a little to keep her close. Leading her on a bit was the ONLY way she would not go full blown psycho on him. I give him props for his restraint. I don’t believe for a second he is gay.

    I have liked Shane all season but was liking Brit more because she cracked me up.

    Dan, oh Dan – he is in a league by himself after what he pulled off last week.

    I would give Frank some props for his comp skills but he is so arrogant and such a bully. I get being mad when someone scumbags you in the game but he has no restraint when he is mad. That is super bad for his game.

    I really want Shane and Dan as the final two.

    If Shane isn’t final 2, I am pretty sure he will be my favorite houseguest.

    I don’t want Jenn or Joe to win anything. They have been useless.

    Joe is a disgusting man and I hope for his wife and kid’s sake that they don’t read the blogs about him. He lost me the 1st time he didn’t wash his hands before cooking. After all the meat beating, I’m full blown disgusted.

  24. That’s too bad for us cap’n.

    I was hoping after Frank leaves that you would quit watching and commenting on this site.

    I challenge you cap’n to complete a sentence. I would like to know if you could actually complete a grammatically correct sentence with punctuation. Can you do it??????

    If so, please show us. I’m really curious to see if you can.

  25. Dan will be happy if Danielle wins so he will definitely take her to the final 2…sure he wants to win, but as much as he’s obsessed with coaching, he would love to take the credit for Danielle winning.

  26. This group of HGs are soooo boring! In the past there have been drinking games, mock weddings, a late night talk show, etc. These guys have absolutely no imagination.

  27. Well, if Frank does get evicted, I’ll get several hours of my life freed up, since I won’t be watching the BBAD hours anymore, I’d rather shave my legs with a carrot peeler than watch the rest of the house plot, plan and betray each other with alarming ease. Frank is the only one that I feel is at least slightly honorable. I don’t know if he can be saved at this point, but I’m sure the ratings will do quite a dip when and if he walks out the door.

    1. Frank actually isn’t that popular with the general public, I don’t think that the ratings would be affected. Maybe they’d go up because people are finally seeing him evicted?

      1. Daniele is the one tht alot viewers hate… i bet Frank has more fans then her….she needs to go cuz she s making it hard to watch BBAD… she is the worst hg ever..

    2. Please, people all over will tune in Thursday to see his ass out the door. The ratings dropped when Brit left.

  28. after frank goes they need to target Danielle…she has Shane and Dan ….these guys don’t seem smart enough to see that and act on it.

  29. So Ian is now destryoing property. That doesn’t make him evil just stupid and a vandal. It’s against the law to do that and he should be thrown out of the house immediately not to return. Maybe that would wake some of the so called fanatics up and keep them from trying to play a the game. I think I’ll head to the track to bet on the snail races. Put all my money on Speedy Gonzales or Road Runner 2.

  30. Just watchin the run on BBAD……who the hell does Danielle think she is ? ? ? All she does is lay around and eat ! ! ! she’s won hardly anything….she sure does not belong in the final 2 ! ! ! ! Frank and Shane and even nerdy Ian have done better than her ! that round face and little beady eyes loaded with black mascara…….she’s actually creepy ! Dan has already won a half mil and has a good job……………he doesn’t need to win another dime ! I hope he loses because of the way he has lied to Frank…..just to save his ass ! ! ! They should have gotten him out when they had the chance ! When they all go back and look at this ….they are gonna be sick to their stomach ! Also, Danielle had said some really ugly things about Joe…….she forgets he has a family ! ! ! Her and Dan deserve all the bad luck in the world ! ! ! ! ! ! !

  31. I think because Joe hates Dan, Dan will use this opportunity to “save” Jen from the block and arrange the votes for Frank to stay. Frank can’t play in the next HOH and if Joe did (hauling bricks yo!) Dan know he would be on the block. Saving Jen and Frank this week is the safest bet for Dan and he knows it.

    1. Stratigically, I think Dan needs to target Joe this week too. Not that Joe is a threat but he hates Dan and that would be a vote he could get out of the house to move forward. Also, the next HOH comp Frank & Ian can’t participate…so that would leave Shane, Danielle, Jenn & Dan for HOH. If Dan uses the veto on Jenn, then how can she put him up for evicition without looking shady?! Not to mention, that would leave Frank as a big target and Ian too.

  32. First, BEST spoiler site every year dudes. As for Danielle, yes she’s gained a few pounds this month but remember the camera puts on 10 lbs and she is not fat. That said Danielle is the woman other woman want to talk about and throw a drink in the face to make her shut up and act like she has a brain. But the men on here just want to test drive for a week and see how good it really is and then say sorry honey you were great but I need more than what you can give.
    My F2 is Ian for the win and give Dan the 50k for the game play.

  33. Britney was such a floater…she never won anything. All she did on big brother was hide behind guys. I have no idea why she was even a coach..people should seriously quit talking about her and move on

  34. SHANE SHANE SHANE… trust me you can get any women beatiful girls like Kara… dont waste your time with a stalker…controller… never will let you live your life .stupid ass Dan quit trying to forse shane on her…

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