Joe “Its best if all 3 of us stay but if not it should be him (Monte)” Terrance “Self preservation”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household:  Michael
Nominees: Terrance, Monte & Joseph
POV Players: Terrance, Monte, Joe, Brittany, Michael Jasmine and Turner; (Taylor is hosting)
POV Winner: Michael & Brittany
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots:  None so far

Lock your ranks in before midnight


Festie Besties:

Turner & Jasmine
Joe & Monte & Terrance
Daniel & Kyle
Brittany & Michael
Alyssa & Indy & Taylor

The Situation

Michael will be using the veto to nominate Kyle and Daniel. Daniel is the target. The leftovers appear to be solid once again. I wouldn’t say Daniel being evicted is set in stone there is always a chance Kyle will spiral out and get himself evicted.

12:20pm Backyard couches – Brittany, Michael, Taylor, Terrance, Indy and Michael are chatting.

1pm Bedroom – Terrance and Joseph.
Terrance – I am trying in my mind to think about best case scenario and worst case scenario. Joe – you have to. You can never get too comfortable. Terrance – and in the worst.. Joe – we all got to talk then in the worst. There is no guarantee we come down. Terrance – if its worst case scenario we’ve got to lock game bro. Joe – yeah you don’t need to be scared .. I love both of y’all but the game is the game. That’s a tough one but it wouldn’t be the first tough decision this house has had to make. If we come down then it will be Daniel… and I don’t want to see that either. I feel like he might keep us up. Terrance – I think that it might be. Joe – it would make sense, I mean you’ve got three decent people on the block. Its best if all three of us stay but if not it should be him (Monte). Terrance – self preservation. You know what I’m saying. You have me, I’ve got you. Joe – yeah I know. You ain’t got to tell me that. Terrance – we’re on no ones radar. This week is critical to go further past jury. Joe – Monte stays the longest in vetos and he has an HOH where as you and me are on the same level. No HOH’s and no Vetos. Terrance – and I told Michael, think about it… what happens to you next week if he is here… and we’re all here. Joe – yeah yeah.. he got one free pass… but at the end of the day its Michaels decision if he wants to get out Monte. No one likes touching the block. Period! I already spoke with Michael and if he wants to leave us.. I don’t think its the end for me and you but if he takes us down too that’s fine. I don’t want to see the block the night before jury. You never know people in the last minute could go Monte, Terrance or Joseph. I hope it doesn’t come to this but that’s what we signed up for. Terrance – Yeah, I want to make it to jury. We’re locked in. They fist bump and leave the room.

2:37pm Bathroom – Joseph and Taylor
Joe – I was like have you talked to Daniel and he was like yeah, the whole house wants Daniel. I was like I f**k with Daniel. I rock with Daniel but if the whole house wants him… I told Michael to do whatever is best for his game. If he leaves us up .. that happens. Terrance jumped at that. Taylor – of course he did. Joe – he was trying to make it like we’re like this.. like we’re tight. Even though I thought he was tighter with Monte.. but.. Taylor – well the way he’s thrown him under the bus. Joe – I was like you and me are like this and if we stay up it would be Monte that goes. I said I would hate to see that. I would rather not but if it happens.. this is what we signed up for. I just wanted that verbal confirmation so I can go back to Michael and be like green light. Which will strengthen their alliance and the other reason why I did it was to break me and Monte further from each other.

3:15pm – 3:50pm The house guests are chatting and hanging out in the backyard. Alyssa talks about her ex-boyfriend that was controlling, manipulating and how he diminished her self worth.

4:25pm HOH camera time..

5:09pm Backyard couches – Brittany, Indy and Jasmine.
Jasmine – so how are you feeling? Brittany – I need to talk to Michael. Jasmine – I just want him to know that we have his back. You know what I mean? Brittany – yeah. Jasmine – And not only me… her (Indy), Alyssa. Indy – for me he is always part of our team. He was never separate. Brittany – I talked to him a little bit and of course we’re completely on board but I know he (Michael) is wrestling around with .. like he very much told him (Monte) that he would be safe this week.. like last week. And I know that’s a big thing for Michael (Keeping his word). Like that is what he told me that its a big thing. Jasmine – I don’t know man.. I just want him to be safe. Like that time is going to come and they’re not going to think about the same thing. Alyssa joins them. Jasmine – it has nothing to do with you .. because he doesn’t vote.. so its not him that’s upholding his part. And if you dig deeper into that he said he would keep him safe but he is still on the block. I know he (Michael) is such a great guy.. I get it. Brittany – I think its tough Daniel has been actively telling him that he (Michael) is his target. So that does leave him (Michael) particularly vulnerable. I just need to reconnect with Michael to see where his head is at. He is definitely thinking through both options.

5:15pm Bedroom – Daniel and Alyssa.
Alyssa – He (Michael) knows that you wouldn’t come for him? Daniel – he knows, I told him yesterday. Why did he say something? Alyssa – I am just making sure because I really want him to keep it the same. Like really, really badly. Daniel – I think he was on board but that was last night ..and I’ve been hearing from other people that as long as I have the numbers to get out.. He just wants to make sure that he is secured in it. I am going to double down today with me and Kyle going up there. Me, you, Kyle, Jasmine, Indy and Brittany. Alyssa – you just have to make sure you tell him that you will not come for him. Michael told him (Monte) last week I got you bro .. so he just wants to make sure he’s secure.

5:32pm More backyard photos..

28 thoughts to “Joe “Its best if all 3 of us stay but if not it should be him (Monte)” Terrance “Self preservation””

  1. Once again. Red flags…Indy with Jasmine “ I hope people like me…..and I will use it”… The tone when she said that wasn’t innocent. I hope she doesn’t get other houseguests involved in some fraudulent charity or some other fraud

    1. she’s saying she’s going to use her us celebrity to get on bb brazil, book celeb endorsements and signing fees. She sees this as a platform to stardom, because of the number of brazilians that watch bbb.

      1. In my opinion That seemed to be only part of it based on what I saw and heard. I think she said that in context with this Brazilian social media guy she was also talking about earlier in that conversation

  2. Joseph is probably the most strategic player in the house. Although he seems to be telling Taylor everything but I don’t think that she will expose him.

    1. They currently are part of the same alliance and while they will never be in a showmance there’s a mutual respect between them

    2. I really think he’ll take Taylor to his final 2. He thinks he can beat her, and he may be right. I’d still want to see Taylor in F2.

  3. They should leave the noms the same. Then Kyle, turner, Brit and Taylor vote to keep terrence. Alyssa, Daniel, Indy, jasmine vote to out monte. Michael breaks tie to keep monte. It would be a fun few days watching jasmine and Terrence think they’re running game.

  4. dear Taylor and Joe should showmance people:

    Let’s think for a minute.
    Joe tells Taylor he is putting distance between him and Monte so they don’t get targeted together. So he’s going to hang out with Taylor more.
    Put on your logic caps.
    He’s saying:
    The heat in on me and my final 2. I’m going to use you like a human shield, because if we hit the block together i’ll stay and you’ll go.

    So showmancers: be careful what you wish for.

    1. We know that they are not in a showmance and most of the houseguests also know but there’s one with a jealous streak so whether he is using it to get Indy to target her is up for debate

      1. There’s an entire cadre of twitts… flock of tweetists? whatev
        That has already started shipping them, and have been for at least 2 weeks.
        And my points are valid for why it’s a mistake if those shippers are Taylor fans.

    2. Joe has not learned, Nicole, she thought she was shielded by Taylor, where’s Nicole now ?

      I believe a lot of people are onto Joe’s Mr. Nice Guy Game Play, they are hip to him.

      1. Terrence flip flopping all over the place isn’t strategic. He’s playing a messy game but he thinks he’s a strong player. I won’t be sad to see him go … he’s just not much of a threat so he’ll likely float to jury with Indy.

  5. I cannot believe Terrance flipped over to the side of the house with Daniel and Jasmine.

    Terrance just told Joe, you know I have your back. Well we see how fast Terrance drove a knife into Monte’s back, and jumped over to the side of the house that voted him out, with the exception of Daniel’s sympathy vote.

    Jasmine and Daniel are not taking it into consideration, trying to get Michael, Brittany, Joe and Taylor to flip on Monte, do they not think any of these people are smart enough to see how they would turn on them next week if they have power.

    I don’t understand anyone talking to Taylor about keeping a dude who has verbally attacked her, does not talk with her unless she initiates the conversation, said he will not target her next week if they keep him, YEA RIGHT, Daniel has no word.

    Taylor is not stupid, she knows Daniel will flip, Jasmine with go back to ignoring her, Indy will jump on board with voting Taylor out in a heartbeat, Taylor gets too much attention from Joe, Indy does not like that, she wants Joe all to her Cougar Ass.

    Jasmine, Daniel, Indy, Terrance and Alyssa, who would want to jump to the weaker side of the house, when you have such a strong group of competitors with the Left Overs, they are actually wining competitions.

    Daniel lucked out and won the 1st HOH, he has not won anything since !!

    Jasmine won HOH week 2, in a comp that involved eating, which is her speciality lol…

    Indy barely understands she is on BB, Alyssa is being played by a nerd, Alyssa acts like she is on Love Island or the Dating Game, Indy and Alyssa have ZERO Wins, don’t get me started on Terrance, he’s always going to win, give his best, what happens, he loses every competition he participates in.

    Why would you switch from a strong winning alliance, to work with a back stabbing no loyalty group of people who have only communicated with you when they need your vote ?

    If they switch over and work with them, as soon as Monte is voted out, they will stop talking with them again, and they would be picked off 1 by 1.

    I don’t want to see Daniel have the opportunity to go to Jury. I do not care that he said he really needs the money, I don’t believe anything he says. Daniel’s mean nasty game play should not be rewarded, he does not deserve to be in Jury, send his pathetic Evil Butt out the door.

    I really wish we could send Jasmine out with him, but hopefully these people will wake up and stop saying we cannot nominate Jasmine because she is injured, or she’s a black woman, play the game skin color, injuries, none of that matters play Big Brother, leave all of the other crap out of the game. Just my opinion,

    Taylor is too nice to these people who have treated her like crap, stop being so nice to them, they are not on your side.

    1. Daniel really botched his first hoh. As Michael pointed out the first hoh usually does pretty well, but it’s about using that position to build alliances which he failed at horribly even though he put the two players with no other loyalties on the block

    Muffingate. a really cheap HOH comp.
    After the eviction:
    Indy didn’t want Nic to go home. Indy is not happy to be Taylor’s bestie.
    Daniel… no support. Lone wolf. (ED. so lets push everyone further away)
    Daniel is pissy with Alyssa.
    Daniel is calling out Monte and Michael. (ED. to put targets on their back)
    Kyle is worried he’s going on the block because Daniel is being pissy.
    Taylor is glad he’s not yelling at Taylor this time.
    Monte is saying this display is all for show. (ED. it is).
    Daniel… i’m dead if I don’t win HOH.
    balance beams, fall off start again. longer course more stable(wider). shortcuts thinner.
    Daniel is first: 16.49
    Michael: 11.79 Joseph falls off red beam. Jasmine. gets 3 feet max.
    Alyssa can’t ride a bike. gets 1/4 of way on blue beam. Terrance falls on red beam.
    Britt gets to centre. Taylor falls twice trying that route. Kyle is trying to save Alyssa.
    Kyle is just short by about a second. Indy: 3/4 of the way.
    Turner faceplants. MICHAEL IS HOH.
    ON FEEDS: Britt is telling the girls she and Michael still have concerns about Daniel.
    They are concerned that Daniel named Michael as a big target.
    Monte is thinking Daniel is in trouble.
    Daniel is worried calling people out may have been stupid.
    Taylor is happy about her final 3.
    Michael isn’t sure Daniel is the best target.
    Taylor / Indy / Alyssa talk Festie Bestie.
    Taylor is still a big target… it puts a target on Indy’s back.
    The foot incident from days ago. Turner thinks she faked it. ED. So do i. but hey.
    Back to Plotting
    The three boys say they’re fine with going on the block… ED. they wanted to convince Michael that Taylor and the girls should do it.
    ON FEEDS: Jasmine told Britt that KYLE TELLS ALYSSA EVERYTHING. He’s their mole with the boys.
    Jasmine just needs pastries… and doritos… and popsicles… and wings…
    Who ate half a muffin.
    Turner is tired of Jasmine.
    D/R Jasmine who is starving me? D/R GREMLIN: we can’t tell you nothin.
    Turner ate the muffin. He ate it in d/r
    threat level: Daniel goes. Backdoor. Turner is willing to be a pawn.
    Kyle is nervousing. the cam flips to it twice.
    Pawning the boys covers their tracks.
    D/R Taylor pawn someone else.
    D/R Michael isn’t sure. He might let Monte take the fall.
    SHOWMANCE POO with added fireworks. SHE’S already…next on feeds.
    who ate my muffin.
    I have nothing to lose so I’m willing to do anything to stay. I’ll be your executioner.
    People are going to want me to backdoor you.
    D/R Micheal: maybe i do use him.
    The group is pretty strong… do we stand a chance with them? Monte is pretty strong… should he go?
    D/R Britt: is it time to throw out the Leftovers?
    D/R Michael: is now the time?
    ED. SO THEY ARE IGNORING THE Kyle BBQ Theory and PUSH for Monte to be target?
    OH. I SEE YOU.
    Michael nominates volunteers JOSEPH/MONTE/TERRANCE
    Love you, viewed as strongest in the house. I like a veto challenge.
    Terrance: surprised (he volunteered).
    Daniel: I’m not nominated.
    Monte: we volunteered. Leftovers strong. Have muffin eating it too.
    Michael: I have OPTIONS.

  7. Well that DR was curious when Monte said The Leftovers AND Michael. Hopefully enough people who watch the show also watch the feeds to understand the context without the show airing particular Monte/Joe conversations

  8. Britt’s take away from her chat with Jasmine:
    the ‘sometimes the HOH doesn’t belong to the HOH anymore when the house makes up their mind.” veiled threat didn’t sit well at all.
    They want Monte to KNOW for CERTAIN just how against him the other side is right now.
    (making sure Monte doesn’t try any funny business later).
    (She’s also got the goods on Kyle.)
    Michael’s reaction to Britt’s Jas retell: If Jas doesn’t want Daniel to go, maybe she can celebrate her birthday at home with her husband.

    Britt is hyperhypnotoading less, but its’ still a day before a ceremony. SO she is going to be a bit…. that. She’s talking through every possible scenario because she has to verbalize the gobbledygook at Michael. Michael is sure of his decision it seems.

    Joseph is now learning the depths of Jasmine and Terrance’s plotting. Well learning is a strong word. He knows already. But I gotta be honest with you… Joseph is one of those people you have to reinforce constantly, because he slips back into pattern really quick. Look how quick he adds Alyssa to any plot as a social mastermind because she’s showmancing with Kyle so not available for flirt control. If you don’t keep him guided, he will certainly fall back into his own thought pattern because he thinks he’s the smartest person in every room.

  9. I love this from Michael: “If Jas doesn’t want Daniel to go, maybe she can celebrate her birthday at home with her husband.”

    That comment and Turner’s quips about Jasmine made the show. 🙂

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