Jillian is going to smash the shield – Peter “I feel like I have the strongest social game”

POV Holder: ? Next POV April 6th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 8th
HOH Winner: JILIAN Next HOH: April 11th
Original Nominations: ?
Current Nominations: ?
Last Evicted Houseguest GARY
Have Nots No havenots this week


8:40pm HOH Peter and Jillian

Jillian: “I’m in the worst position in my life.. what should I do?”
Peter: “It’s tricky.. we have a plan for the 4 of use and that leaves 3 people.. it’s up to you which one you want to put up and which one you want to put up with them”
Jillian is concerned about the final 4 deal they have made with Emmett she doesn’t feel like she was included in any game talk until tomorrow.

Jillian made a deal with topaz and she doesn’t feel that Topaz deserves to go up on the block because she stuck around on the HOH competition while the the guys all dropped.
Jillian: “nobody has talked to me about any final 4.. I’m not putting Emmett or Topaz up.. I have more trust with Andrew.. Emmett is my number one and Andrew is my number 2”
Jillian: “When Andrew was HOH last week week we made a deal .. I would have absolutely loved to have put up Topaz.. but we made a deal and I’m not turning back on that deal”

Jillian says it was obvious how Alec was acting during the HOH that he was shitting himself when Topaz and Jillian were left standing. Jillian: “What was he scared about I thought we were in a final 4.. He should have been happy his final 4 and showmance were left in the HOH comp”.
Jillian: “Alec has been lying to me behind my back “

Jillian says she’s known for awhile that Alec and Topaz have been together and the entire breakup was a ruse.
Peter: “That was a surprise for even me and i’m suppose to be his best friend”
Jillian: “For my game I don’t want to touch Andrew this week”.
Peter tells her that he would not be comfortable being nominated up against talla personally.
Jillian says she got herself in a pickle from all the deals she’s made she needs to make the decision that is best for her.

Peter: “So here is my questions.. “
Jillian :you guys lost the competition” (she giggles)
Peter: “So reading between the lines your target is Talla.. “
Jillian: “Ya she’s jumping between the lines”
Peter: “Who is the most capable to win Veto.. between Alec and me.. the answer is Alec”
Peter: If talla is the objective then put Talla and Alec and if Alec wins POV put up Topaz.”
Peter says he’s OK about Jillian and Emmett winning but he doesn’t want Talla or Topaz to win this game he doesn’t feel like they deserve it.

Peter: “I want it to be the four of us and Andrew being the fifth.. Talla is like a kitten chasing the laser point pen”
Peter drives home how good he is at this game and how big of an asset he is to have in Jillian’s corner. “I feel like I have the strongest social game”
(It’s funny that Peter says that he actually has the weakest social game.. he’s got the best stealth game however)



9:04pm Hot Tub Room Emmett and Talla

Emmett saying that he hasn’t had the greatest luck with getting picked for POV’s Talla reminds him that he’s competed in 3 and won 2. Emmett plans on making Alec and Topaz think he’s pissed at Jillian for the nominations then they will choose him if they get houseguests choice.

They are both convinced another double eviction is coming up. Talla seems to think it’s this week and hopes they can get rid of Alec and Topaz. (Biam biam) Talla mentions that last week Alec and Peter were making plans to put Emmett up and wanted to solidify her vote. Emmett instructs her to keep talking to them. Talla says they stopped talking to her when Gary left.

(Video Uploading)


9:00pm HOH Tub Alec taking a tomato bath because he smells like fish.
They are scheming about how to save there asses this week. Alec says if Peter went on the block against Andrew he doesn’t trust that Jillian and Emmett would want to keep Peter over Andrew. He tells Topaz she needs to convince them she doesn’t like Talla and will target her next week.
(This is a pretty long conversation.. Pretty much Alec knows Andrew is going up and is trying to figure out a way to get Peter and Talla to be nominated. Topaz is fully on board to run Talla’s name threw the mud in order to accomplish this)



9:15pm Backyard French maid and Jillian

Jillian relays her conversation she had with Alec. Highlights how he was a bully and a douche bag. Confirms that she will put up Alec/Peter and the target is Alec. This conversation solidifies the Beast coasts final three however it appears Talla will need to win some comps if she is going to make it.

Dawg already covered the Alec Jillian conversation earlier today.. It’s probably worth watching..


9:50pm Backyard Emmett and Peter Emmett asks him what Jillian has been telling him. Peter relays that the potential nominees are Alec, Peter and Talla with the target being. Emmett: ‘He shouldn’t have threaten her man.. she’s pissed.. What a f*** moron.. He told her what to do and if she didn’t do that he was going to come after her and me” Peter: “WHAT.. I had no idea about that.. that makes no sense at all.. ” Emmett: “She said he would get really nice then get all quiet and mean”
Emmett pretty much tells Peter that Alec f*/** up by going up to Jillian and threatening her. He says that Alec is acting like Tom and that isn’t cool. Emmett: “Alec is weird man … what is he doing threatening her.. what the f*ck man” Peter agrees says that Alec’s behavior is highly suspect.

Emmett: “I would be F**** worried if I was Alec right now.. you shouldn’t be worried Pete” Emmett points out that Alec and Topaz are back together it’s “F**** up”.

(Lots of stuff going on.. Alec needs POV to survive.. nominations happen tomorrow followed by the POV)

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53 thoughts to “Jillian is going to smash the shield – Peter “I feel like I have the strongest social game””

  1. Peter has played a great game thus far in my opinion. He’s not on the top of anyones target list, he’s being portrayed as a floater because he WANTS people to think that, so that he’s not an immediate threat to anyone. He didn’t win any competitions because he didn’t have to, he’s managed to stay of the block so why should he make himself look like a threat? Look at Dan he didn’t win his first competition till week 6, and it’s only week 5 so far. When the time comes for him to win a competition he will win, trust me. If he doesn’t and falls flat on his face and goes out that door, then I’ll be the first to admit that I was wrong. Peter has set himself up nicely in the house, his one mistake was probably keeping Andrew in the house. But even if the shield is targeted Alec would be the first to go since people see him as more of a threat. My money has been on Peter since the beginning of this game, and that’s not gonna change.

    1. The thing about the Shield is that they really aren’t pilling strings when you’re just suggesting what people wanted anyways. They act like they swayed votes when they just thought like everyone else. They didn’t convince anyone to do anything they didn’t want to do. They are believing their on hype.

      Keeping Andrew over AJ just shows when it actually comes to strategic moves, they suck.

      1. I cant believe what kind of game Alec’s playing, after throwing his 2nd closest ally Topaz under the bus repeatedly, and given that he’s going for a doctorate in social psych, he actually seems quiet naive when it comes to social situations after how he talked to Jillian, it is just mind blowing how incompetent his social game is, his social intelligence is almost on par with Abbi Maria from Survivor Philippines to be honest.

        my prediction is that the shield with be gone after this week’s double eviction, not surprising after how poorly Alec played his game ever since his HoH win and essentially using Topaz as a puppet, I feel bad for Peter bcuz he played a reasonable stealth game, but Alec will surely get what he deserves this week – say hello to Gary for me in the jury house!

        As of now the most deserving final 2 imo is Emmett n Jillian, they are strong physical competitors for sure, and their social game is one of the stronger ones, they’ve stayed under the radar relatively well since the beginning and got little blood on their hands, so I definitely hope they make it.

    2. I don’t like Peter, so I’m obviously very biased against the guy. His arrogance in thinking he runs the game makes me dislike him even more and I would love to see him FAIL big time. That being said what you just wrote is debateable, meaning yes you have a point that he’s positioned himself pretty well in the game flying under the radar, he’s not a floater I agree but no I don’t see him as this great player.

      Me I think he’s well shielded by power allies, I don’t see where he influenced the game in any way. He’s still there because the others were taking each other out for their own reasons, none of which he influenced since he thinks he’s this great mastermind. What Boogie did with the Janelle backdooring, that’s what I call a mastermind. Peter just happens to be in a strong alliance and all the evictions he had nothing to do with them, ie Gary taking out Tom, Andrew taking out Gary, Alec taking out Suzette. He just happened to share the same opinions as the others.

      But yes he’s in a good place right now, no one thinks he’s a threat. It’s real easy to think he’s good and has just been throwing comps. Well when he was trying he still didn’t win. What if he really is bad and it looks like he’s just throwing shyte?

      My comment is all over the place I hope you get what I’m trying to say here.

    3. FYI We are in Week 7 not 5 🙂 Also, Peter already tried in 2 competitions and didn’t win any of them. So he can’t win a competition even if he tries!

      1. Well I was going on the basis that the show started Feb 27. None the less its 2 out of how many competitions? and out of those two only 1 of them actually mattered. There’s still lots of time to win competitions 😉

        1. I too have been a Peter fan since the beginning I think he’s funny, clever and was in a great spot until Alec started to panic and may have gotten him nominated. but as to the competitions….. the two Peter tried in were based largely on luck. With the maze if you went the wrong way at the start you might as well quit plus Alec happened to see the clue in the mirror and didn’t have waste time going to read it. Plus I think Peter was really close in that comp too. And as for the Spooky veto That was pure luck I mean can you imagine how hard it would have been to find those body parts if you had your vision and full mobility? Most of Big Brother is luck, sometimes created by production but I do think that how the game is set up now the game is 50% luck 25% relationships and 25% strategy. In short I adore Peter I like the shield and if Peter can survive this week and the double eviction I think he can win it all.

    4. You’ll end up broke. A little free advice…. don’t bet on the races!!!

      Peter cannot win his way to F2. Second his social game purely sucks. Thus if and I strongly say….IF he makes the final the only way he wins is if it’s a vote “anyone but *****”. He’s a waste of space. He’s spent most of his time talking to 2 people. Alec and Liza. Alec is public enemy number 1 this week. And all he has of Liza is an elastic the moron carries around.

      This is a SOCIAL GAME. You have to talk to people in a genuine way. Take a freaking interest in someone other than yourself. He and Alec cut deals with virtually everyone. You don’t think these folks compared notes by now? And if your a weak social player you better win comps. I believe the genius has a grand total of…….ZERO wins. You might as well put the whip away Secretariat is at the finish line and your horse(Peter) hasn’t made the front stretch yet.

      1. I agree Stan,

        If Peter stays this week after Tom’s (er I mean Alec lol) melt down then he may have a chance at moving ahead.

        I believe Peter WAS in a good position prior to Alec’s HOH b/c he was letting Alec do all the “outside conversations” while keeping his own game talk limited to Emmett & Alec (after Tom & Liza left). So I think Peter felt he could start pulling out wins at this point in the season & by the time he & Alec made jury he prob thought he would be more respected/liked.

        Problem is Alec went all crazy acting like it was his house (i.e. what is it about the BB house that does this to people? Tom/Alec even Gary & Andrew fell victim to this) & worse in his bid to move away from Topaz he really came across as a rat. Remember when Peter told Emmett “you should still vote for Tom b/c in this game people respect loyalty” Alec bought into his own invincibility hype & sunk not only his own boat but Peter’s too.

        For Peter to stay: (Hypothetically)

        If Alec leaves I see the potential for Peter to atone himself with Jill & Emmett especially if he wins the FF HOH on Thursday & nominates Talla & Topaz or Andrew & Topaz b/c it will prove to Emm/Jill he is still on their side. He’ll be vulnerable for the following HOH but the milk-mance has already suggested they might want Peter over Talla.

        Making his odds of moving ahead better would be one of those fluke wins this Thursday by Topaz where she would put up Emmett & Jill to break them up. Likely the house would vote out Jill as she proven to be a beast at comps (even better than Emm). Peter HAS been playing for second especially recently without even realizing it, just by trusting Alec but if a combination of things occur he may actually still have a chance.

        It requires someone breaking up Emm/Jill that isn’t him & then he needs to win some critical comps. For example if he were to survive both votes on Thursday & then could pull out an HOH followed by winning the F4 POV as well as the last 3 parter HOH he would definitely have a case but he couldn’t be sitting beside Jill as IMO she will have ousted a big threat this week & will have won the most comps.

        If Peter makes F2 vs Talla or Topaz IMO he wins.

        If Peter makes F2 vs Jill he loses outright

        However; if Peter can win a couple of these last critical comps he may still have a chance even vs Andrew or Emmett b/c his story then becomes I was part of the Shield & planned on lying low until jury & then starting to win. Then if he explains to the house he had to change his strategy on the fly after Alec self imploded & win even more than he planned & fix the damage that was done by his alliance he may actually win.

        The other intangible is if Peter wins the 2nd half HOH on Thursday’s double eviction & gets out Jill or Emmett. I’m not sure how that would play in jury but it would likely garner him votes from Topaz, Gary, Alec & possibly even AJ (b/c Topaz/Alec will work him in jury).

        I’m only throwing this out there for the Peter fans b/c although I do think it’s plausible he can still make F3 over Andrew I don’t think he’ll get further unless Jill & Emmett are split up.

  2. The look at Peters face during his convo with Jill then with Emmett tells me that he realized Alec just f**k’d his game.

    Time to sever ties, Pete.

    1. Ha you caught that too.. He’s literally taking out the people that have their trust in him. Its weird.

      And I thought he was way smarter than that.

    2. Perfect analogy regaurding his game. His face when Jillian told Peter Alec threatened her was priceless! I cannot wait for the convo…. Alec WTF where you F***ing thinking threating Jillbot? It will be a rager! And Alec plotting revenge if he doesn’t have veto after the comp later today would be hilarious. Alec has himself and maybe Topaz playing for him. I think topaz will tank but not sure. Get Emmit in this and hopefully the noms stay the same.

  3. Jillian is such a hypocrite trying to be all self righteous now she seems to have forgotten the people who went home because she screwd them. Give it a rest Jillian and for the love of god stop talking I am going to heave my cookies!!!

      1. Hi Jim

        Just borrowing your translator. Your earlier post was hilarious in the other thread! 🙂 🙂

        BB Translator …. Alec for the win!

    1. My humble predictions for this week’s double eviction: Emmett wins PoV and keeps nominations the same: Alec n Peter
      Alec goes home, then either Andrew, Talla, or Emmett wins HoH and nominates Peter and a pawn, Peter goes home.

      Alec just lost his mind ever since his HoH win and for targetting someone as harmless as Suzette, and throwing his showmance into the meat grinder, and never talks to Jill but only talks to her when she becomes HoH, not only that, but takes a knife to her throat, good job Alec, you had it coming for quiet a while now.

  4. Honest question:

    I’ve only watched two BB seasons and its awesome that its in Canada now but why do people in the housE (andon blogs) think peter deserves to be there more than topaz.

    From what I remember she was instrumental in keeping Gary safe, and creating an oppurtunity to get Tom out, she’s won HOH been doing pretty well in challenges and honestly if she had an honest alliance I think she would go far.

    But I don’t see what peter has done. I get that he’s smart and respects the game but is that all it takes to be more deserving??

    (I am biased by the way so I would like some clarity)

    1. I think it’s because of all the sleeping she does. It gives the impression she does nothing. She has also spazzed a few times. But she and Gary were the night feeds so I feel she has contributed more.

      1. Since the forced the new sleep scheduale on everyone she isn’t snoozy girl. The other night she was cleaning wirh Jillian before she went to bed. I was freaking shocked. She has been decent in challenges, as for the HOH win I still believe she cheated personally. Her social game is lousy. That said Peters is so much worse. Comp wise she has shown alot more than Peter. Topaz’s problem is some in the house genuinely do not like her for a variety of reason. As for Peter he definately doesn’t have the dislike factor. He’s a target by subtraction as the HG’s go home.

  5. Once again Samboooooooooooodee has turned out to be correct. Last week I predicted that someone random like Jillian will win this game and I was “thumbs’d” down but mark this post and watch it happen. The winner will be Jillian which sucks because she has a pretty bad social game and pretty much did what Emmett told her.

    1. Peter is probably praying to the gods right now that Alec (and Topaz) doesn’t win POV (assuming Jillian nominates Alec and Peter) because it’s bye-bye Peter if Alec gets off the block. Looks like the shield is in shambles…

  6. It’s unfortunate that Alec’s real lies haven’t been put up on notice like throwing Topaz under the bus.

    The whole threatening thing Jillian is talking about is just a copout for her to put him up on the block…..HE WAS ALWAYS GOING TO BE PUT UP ON THE BLOCK.

    I know this is unfortunate, but Alec is a great mental player, if he somehow wins the POV, I can really see him win the next HOH because topaz, peter and alec are better than andrew, talla and emmett when it comes to the mental HOH competitions.

    If he loses POV, he’s out the door.

    The true reason Alec probably will be in the jury house……he thought he was running the game, got too sloppy. If Fourgy was faithful……this would be a totally different house and I’m pretty sure they would have made it to the end. Karma isn’t pleasant, but at this point, I believe Alec deserves what he gets for thinking he could play everyone so early in the game.

    My pick to win: Jillian because if she gets to final 3, she will win the endurance competition with ease and probably get to pick who she takes to the finals.
    My least favorite player: Emmett because everyone thinks he’s awesome, he honestly can be looked at as a floater. NEVER WON AN HOH, if he gets to final two with Jillian, I think jillian walks out of there 100,000 richer.

  7. @ LOL I’m a fan of Peter, and by circumstance The Shield. In the case of the Andrew-Aj situation, your right that it wasn’t the best strategic move to advance them in the game however it was because of the that Andrew stayed whether it was a good move or not that was THEIR doing. Aside from being a fan of Peter, im a fan of the game, and that move made good television. Getting AJ out would have been the expected and easy thing to do, which would also have been the smarter thing to do. However, I wouldn’t change the fact that they did that because I’m willing to make that sacrifice even if it puts the players im rooting for in some jeopardy, because it’s more entertaining. Im okay with things not going the way I want in the house, cause if they did then it would be to predictable. You know what I’m saying?

    With that said, I don’t mind seeing Peter backstabbing Alec. It would be bittersweet, but that’s the type of gameplay I enjoy. Im not saying it has to happen, if they can mist their way out of going home that’s even better. But im rooting for Peter and he should do whatever he has to do to further himself in the game, and if that means dropping Alec, then so be it.

    I get that everyone things that Peter doesn’t deserve to be here and that he’s a “floater” and that he’s arrogant and all that crap. But is he really? How many Competitions did Dr. Will win? Was Dr. Will not arrogant? Exactly. Now i’m not saying that Peter is equivalent to Will or anything like that, I’m just trying to argue that winning competitions is not everything and just because you don’t like someones personality, it doesn’t mean that they don’t deserve to be there.

    Everyone has different opinions, and that’s what makes the game even better.

    1. Dr Delicious, I agree winning competitions is not everything. There’s social, mental , physical blah blah. But I gotta say Dr Will was so charming he even charmed me as a viewer! There were times when I was watcing him and I was like DAMN, he makes a lot of sense even though as we all know he was full of BS. Influencing Janelle to put up her best frined Marcellus, I enjoyed watching him strategize.

      Peter doesn’t charm me even for a microsecond. I see you like him, I just don’t, but no he’s not a floater, he belongs somewhere, I agree.
      For every houseguest, there’s always someone who likes them and someone who doesn’t. It’s all good.

      1. Stop that right now!
        Is this what we have devolved to?
        Two people with diametrically opposed views stooping to have a calm, polite, and well reasoned debate about Big Brother?
        This is supposed to be an internet BB discussion board!
        Where is the “F you, biatch, Peter FTW!” ?
        Stop being so bloody NICE!
        Canadians ruin everything…

        1. Honestly, I would rather this kind of house and don’t think ‘canadians ruin everything’. There are no crazy ridiculous fights at this point…but there is a LOT of strategy going on…whether you agree with it or not doesnt matter, you can’t deny it especially this week!!!

        2. Blank, I know right. Me I try to be nice when I respond even when I disagree with someone. I hate when people get rude and personal with each other. Not my style.

          Of course if I get a rude one, and I have, then I respond appropriately however without ever resorting to personal attacks.

        3. Sure BlankXIII Canadians are nice. Well at least untill we get pissed off.. Then we can get quite nasty but in a nice way of course..e.g … The same way Alex is close to Topaz one moment and running her down the next…In the US people tend to be in your face. In Canada they take you down and you never see it comig..

      2. Queen “Bee”, you, of all people, should prefer “honey” to “vinegar”, no? I think most folks would rather *not* be insulted than *get* insulted on OBB, given a choice. Heck, I don’t agree with your take on BB sometimes, But I always *love* your posts. Every one. You add valuable perspective to the BB game for me. I already know what I think. Now is that “charming you”, or it is just telling you the honest truth? Sounds to me like you’ve had a few folks “Doin’ you wrong, around the hive” over the years! Just give me their names, and I’ll take care of them for you, if you haven’t already!

        And I admit, I really *do* enjoy that 99%+ of the BBCA posts on OBB this season haven’t “de-volved” into name calling. Hey, if that’s your preference, it’s easily found, most everywhere else. (At times, it can get *really* ugly here on OBB, during BBUS.) To me, there *does* appear to be a “basic civility and niceness”, among the Canadian people, be it the HGs or posters, that I find charming. Yet their BBCA gameplay is still fierce. As an American, it’s a nice change. Just my opinion. What can I say?

        1. Queen Bee, I just realized I mis-read your post (as I chomp down some “Humble Pie.”) Please disregard……….

          1. Yah the US version is crazy. Simon should call his site onlinebigbrotherbloodbath.com, OBBBB.
            Some people don’t know how to debate without insulting the intelligence of the other person. As for me if someone stikes first then it’s on I’m not nice anymore, otherwise I don’t see the point of internet arguments. Facts yes, have a point but what I see sometimes makes me smh.

  8. As mentioned previously by yours truly during the 2nd week, Peter is utterly useless. He just likes to believe his own lies that he’s “throwing” competitions because of his desperate aspirations to be like Dan but this guy is out of the loop 90% of the time. He has not made one strategic move or alliance, has not influenced anyone or “controlled” anyone as he likes to believe. I don’t know why people think he’s smart, is it because of his appearance??? I don’t see anything with this guy, he was glad that Liza was giving him attention and was just trying to get some ass. Peter is one of the worst casting choice this season apart from Talla (DESPISE HER….wouldn’t be able to stand her for 5 mins) and Suzette.

  9. Jillian is going to put Peter and Talla on the block. She doesn’t want to break her promise to Topaz and ruin her game.

  10. They are stupid for not taking Alec and Peter if they want to win.. no one in jury will vote for either. I like Peter. Jillian has earned where she is but I can’t stand her. I hope she doesn’t win. Everyone trashes Alec for his poor attitude and game play(well warrented), but forgets that it is Emmet who has hasn’t been HOH, who has turned on everyone in his alliance(except Jill, but there is time) and is a bit of an ass. Talla is annoying and doesn’t deserve to even be in jury. Andrew is funny at times, but I think he’s a bit of a jerk. I wonder how any of them could actually be friends after. The trash talk is rarely game oriented…it’s all personal. Though my opinion has changed…I’d like to see Peter, Andrew and Topaz in the finals….for now 🙂

    1. The truth:

      Jillian dislikes Emmett kissing her.
      Jillian will nominate Peter and Talla.
      Alec and Topaz really do like each other – God knows why!

    2. Emmett had good reason to turn on the people in his alliance though, he tried so hard to work with Tom and get him to see Liza for the snake that she was but Tom wouldn’t listen. He had no other option when Liza was coming after him and Tom wouldn’t change. And he has a good reason to turn on Alec/Peter when they’re plotting against him too. I think Alec turning on people is fine too, that’s totally part of the game. Of course he doesn’t know this, but it’s unfortunate that Alec constantly turns on people who are pretty loyal and want to work with him long term (topaz/gary). Now that it’s biting him in the ass, of course people would be happy about that, I know I am. I also think Emmett happens to have better instincts or something, I don’t know what it is. Emmett strikes just at the right time and turns on people exactly when he needs to and it benefits him. And most importantly, he’s turning on all the right people.

      Plus, Alec and Peter did not keep up with Emmett and Jillian. I noticed a while ago that they didn’t consistently talk game with them so the final four kind of fractured and fell to pieces. Emmett/Jillian happened to move on from it.

      Emmett hasn’t won HOHs but he has won 2 POV’s I think so he has earned his position, especially since his closest ally (Tom) was taken out and he’s a huge guy. the bigger guys are usually the biggest targets in the house and yet he’s stayed safe and consistently made good, loyal alliances. Emmett and Jillian are a pretty threatening duo, it’s crazy that they have yet to be broken up.

    3. Stoogies cannot beat either E/J at F2. The F4 deal they made was basically the result of Alec cutting deals with everyone. I’ve looked at the numbers and my assessment of where the game stands goes like this.

      We are pretty sure it’s Alec and Peter noms. POV later today will decide the week. Alec goes jury unless he wins POV. Topaz could also try for it. I think she’ll be smart(in so many ways) and tank the POV comp.
      Next is the double eviction on Thursday. Most of this is taped. I think HOH and POV if played will be question or a quick physical comp. I really hate no POV evictions like AJ’s. Here we may see E/J split. If the F4 deal beast coast plus Lala wins. Peter/Topaz up 1 goes home.
      Now 4 F5. This is a very important HOH/eviction. If Andrew/Talla rightfully realize E/J final 2 they may pull a backstab here. It would make sense. Lets say Peter is the 5th player. It can be Topaz doesn’t matter. Andrew or Lala win HOH. They must put up 1 of E/J as a “Pawn”. Peter votes with the voting stooge and Emmit or Jillian hits the jury 5th. I think this is vital for anyones game other than E/J that they get split up before F4.
      Win and your in time.I love the chances of Emmit/Jillian survivor to win HOH. The power lies in POV as they have the only vote to evict basically. Emmit or Jillian if either is F3 will play the final 7 question comp. It is also why it is so important that A/T must get 1 out before F3. the 1st 2 parts of the final 3 part comp are endurance then physical. That screams Jillian and Emmit. The 7 question may not matter at that point. Though Jillian may take anyone but Emmit as she wins the money by doing that.

  11. I think jill will put up alec and peter and take there chances. The look on peter’s face seemed he had no clue what alec has been up to he needs to start thing about himself. I think emmitt wants to take peter over talla

  12. off topic but…Does the way jillian eats and lick her fingers bother anyone else or just me.

    I like her position in the game but I can’t stand her at all.

      1. Hahaha yes it is so gross. Someone mentioned earlier that she also does it while cooking. Ewwwww

  13. I still think Peter is a legend in his own mind. I wouldn’t compare, his game play (is that what hanging out waiting for the end 24/7 is) with Dan or Boogie. More like Jordan. He position himself behind Alex’s game Now Jordan did win. So anything is possible.. Of course Jordon was liked. She was warm, caring. Peter is cold and creepy and strange…e.g seems to have issues around food and family. Just something about him makes me feel uneasy…

    1. Please don’t be bad mouthing my girl Jordan. She actually competed in comps. Wore a GREAT leotard and a terrific social game. Peter could never rock that tard like Jordan. …… shame….shame…shame

      hehehe 🙂 🙂

  14. Andrew is looking good at this point…..his strategy whether u approve it or not, may become the best by the end of the game.

    Andrew has won competitions, made alliances, and if Alec is out the door this week, just wait…..Andrew just may throw jemmett under the bus. HE IS FEARLESS and has won mental comps…..he’s my favorite to win.

    Anyone feel that peter, topaz, talla and andrew will turn on Jemmett next week……cause I can see it happen!

  15. Alec is in a damned if you do, damned if ou don’t position. He is basically like Frank or Brendon from bbus at this point. Pretty much everyone is gunninf for him at this point, and not without reason. Alex wuld be the mostlogical person for Jill to target and its irrelevent what he says or does. He is the strongest male player, the smartest player, has connections to everyone except jill,so why would she keep around such a strong competitor. He wll have to take himself down

  16. If Jillian makes final two, I think she wins no matter who she is up against. She is the biggest threat in the game right now, but if Emmett were to leave I think her game will crumble and she would have to decide whether to stick with Andrew and Talla, or start something new with the remaining half of the shield and Topaz. Alec had a good chance in the beginning, but the showmance was his fatal error. What was he thinking? I liked him at first, but that didn’t last long. He becomes douchier as the days go by. I don’t think he can win, no matter who he sits with at the end. Don’t count out Andrew and Talla. If they can avoid the block next week, they will be in a good spot. If Alec goes home, Peter will be alone, Topaz will be alone, and I don’t think they would work together very well. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them talking one on one. Topaz would probably try to rally the girls, but that isn’t going to work unless Emmett goes, Topaz has been throwing Lala under the bus, so maybe that bridge has been burned too. She also burned Andrew and I don’t think he will forget it any time soon. Topaz made a fatal mistake last week. She should have put up Emmett and Jillian. Even if AJ had been saved, he would be pissed at her for taking out his best friend. Did she really think that the 4 plus Gary were golden, and more importantly, did she think she could beat any of them at the end? Jillian has the perfect excuse for putting up Peter and Alec. Neither of them have talked game with her, they talk through Emmett, and have him tell her what’s going on. Problem is, Emmett has never been in power but she has. And now there aren’t many people left to put up, so they are the obvious targets. Funny how the self proclaimed “big players” have done nothing notable (Tom put up Suzette, Aj and Aneal, Emmett can’t win an HOH without being DQ’d, Alec put up Suzette and AJ, and Peter hasn’t done anything but lie on the hammock and watch everyone). The ones that made big moves or tried to are Gary and Andrew and Jillian. My personal favorites are Andrew and Lala, but if Jillian wins I will concede that she deserves it.

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