JASMINE Is The NEW HOH! “You’re a big brother legend to roll your ankle and then win HOH!”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Jasmine
POV Players:
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots: Terrance, Nicole, Pooch, Daniel

Lock your ranks in before midnight


8:42pm Wednesday Night – 12:07am Friday Night Big Brother blocked the feeds due to Paloma exiting the game.

In the living room. Jasmine – I am going to let people volun.. I am going to open it up and if nobody .. then.. Are you telling me I get a bathtub!? Who is taking a bath with me?! Ameerah – ME! If you like sleeping next to someone, just let me know. Jasmine – oh no I am not sleeping up there by myself! Absolutely not! That is not happening! This is crazy. Ameerah – oh yeah this is f**king crazy! Like …LOOK AT YOUR FOOT! EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED! Joe – you’re a big brother legend to roll your ankle and then win HOH! Jasmine – I think people have done that before.. They say no. Indy – if you guys are going to do havenots .. I should cook something. Jasmine – I did not want Taylor to get it. Ameerah – that was by biggest fear! Jasmine – get her up outta here! You thought you just got off the block! You thought you were off the block baby.. you’re going right back! Week two lets go. I am sorry, I want her out!!

12:12am Bedroom. Alyssa and Pooch.
Pooch – Jasmine has to put someone else up so that when one of us win it (veto) we don’t even give her (Taylor) a chance to play unless she gets picked (HG choice). Because whoever else gets pulled I feel good and if she does (Taylor does get picked to play and wins the veto).. now we send Brittany’s a$$ home. Alyssa – yeah. Pooch – why even put up Taylor and giver her a chance to win the veto. Alyssa – yeah because if she comes off she is going to come after Jasmine. Pooch – for sure. Yeah we don’t want that. No one is going to pick her .. unless her name comes out of basket (HG choice). She could put up me and Brittany. So it would be me, Brittany and Jasmine picking (veto players). Don’t even give Taylor a shot to F**King save herself.

12:20am Bathroom. Ameerah and Pooch.
Pooch – how do you feel about Brittany? Ameerah – I still don’t .. wildcard! I mean she says she wants to work with me but.. Pooch – how do you feel about it? Ameerah shakes her head no. No not solid! Pooch – do you think she is someone she would go after this week. Ameerah – I have no idea. Give it like 24 hours.

12:26am Bathroom. Brittany and Michael
Brittany – oh my god we’re here! We’re both here! Its week one. Michael – what a crazy crazy day! Brittany – what a day! Taylor joins them. Taylor – oh my god you guys! Michael – I bet that was just an incredible feeling when Julie said that. Taylor – like I just know how brutal this game still is and like I watched Celebrity (BB) where they still evicted someone after someone self evicted and I was just like Phhhh WOW! Did not expect it! Second chance! Second life! Michael – not that you needed it, we saw you out there.

12:37pm The house guests are eating.. each hoping they’re not going to be have nots.

12:42am Bathroom. Taylor and Ameerah.
Taylor – am I still going up as a pawn with Jasmine? Ameerah – no, I don’t think so. No, No, No.. I don’t know what she is doing to be honest.

12:50am Jasmine comes out of the diary room – Jasmine reads a BB card – Monte, Joe, Michael, Kyle you all suffered for a week eating slop. Taking cold showers and sleeping in the BB Hotel now you get to pass the pain on to someone new by choosing this weeks Havenots! As HOH I cannot be a havenot and you cannot pick each other.

Monte’s turn to pick. Pooch puts up his hand to volunteer.
Joe picks / Nicole volunteers.
Michael – Terrance puts up his hand. Michael – I will go with Terrance, thanks Terrance.
Kyle – any volunteers? Daniel – I’ll do it.

12:57am Havenot room. The havenots check out their room for the week. They all agree they won’t b***h and complain.

Girl’s Girls (Paloma, Jasmine, Alyssa, Ameerah, Indy, Brittany)
Motley Crew (POOCH, Turner, Daniel)
The Oasis (POOCH, Turner, Daniel, Kyle, Monte, Joe)
MAMBA (Paloma, ALyssa, Ameerah, Monte, Kyle, Michael)
Burner (Turner, Brittany)
TOOCH (Turner and Pooch)
PSL (Paloma, ALyssa)
Rouge Rats (Nicole, Daniel)
Smurfs (Jasmine, Paloma, Kyle, Monte)

27 thoughts to “JASMINE Is The NEW HOH! “You’re a big brother legend to roll your ankle and then win HOH!””

  1. Previous have nots pick this weeks Have nots:
    Monte picks Pooch
    Joe picks Nicole
    Michael picks Terrance
    Kyle picks Daniel.
    Sounds like volunteers not randoms.

    1. So far 8 have nots – 8 volunteers – all men except for Nicole. The only man not to volunteer so far is Turner. Not one single woman from the “all women’s” alliance has volunteered, or attempted to volunteer yet. What are they waiting for? Don’t they know their time is coming? Do they expect to go through the entire season without being a have not, and it won’t be noticed by the others, or resented?

      1. If the pairs twist goes how i think it will, next week will be mostly male/female teams, so they’ll be put in have not as their pair.

  2. Well this blows, how the hell does Jasmine win after spraining her ankle?!?! Obviously they did a totally different comp for the ones who moved on to compete for HOH. I’m pulling for Michael, Kyle, and Taylor, they’re the ones who I like so far.

    1. That is what I have been hunting for. There must have been a totally new comp to favor Jas even though her chubbie foot touched down in the first comp

        1. I also thought I saw her foot touch the ground but calling her foot chubby is disrespectful and insulting.

    2. Are you speculating? How can you say that when they’ve had similar competitions in the past? It sounds like there are bullies outside the house that judge those whom they do not know.

  3. They are still wide awake! I wonder what type of alarm clock they will need for when nominations are later today

  4. So far:

    Jasmine wants Taylor out.
    Pooch volunteered to be a pawn in a six finger plan to get rid of Taylor. Britt would be the other nom in Pooch’s vision.
    Monte is all for this plan. If Monte is cool with it, Joe is cool with it (my opinion). Turner is not dissuading Pooch.
    Kyle and Alyssa (and Michael, though he won’t lift a finger) don’t want Britt to go this week.
    Ameerah invited Nicole to join Mamba? Monte might have suggested it (or at least okayed it). Monte is quit proud of himself when he welcomes Nicole to the team. Meanwhile Kyle and Alyssa are worried about Nicole telling. She did.
    Nicole ratted Mamba to Daniel, and Daniel ratted Oasis to Nicole a week late. He knows he’s not a real Oasis member, he’s the throwaway. well D’uh.
    Daniel now thinks Mamba will target him, Nicole says Michael isn’t after Daniel, he’s after Turner and Pooch. Nicole and Daniel also want Pooch out it seems. Nicole still likes Turner.
    Taylor thinks she’s safe (to Daniel). Britt thinks she’s safe (to Michael).

    The plans being talked about for this week:
    So far… Pooch offering himself as pawn in a backdoor Taylor or evict Britt plan… well half the house secretly wants Pooch gone. Monte and Pooch say they should string Daniel along for another week to guarantee his vote.
    Joe is giving Jasmine ideas. Basically, she should offer deals to Daniel and Monte and let them control her HOH for her? Is that what i’m hearing? And Jasmine is a moron (my opinion). I’m already tired of actually HAVING to listen to her until one on ones and noms are over.
    As long as Taylor doesn’t push for Kyle to Jasmine and Alyssa… eyerollmance vibe Kyle and Alyssa…. she has a tiny chance to maybe make a short term inroad with at least Alyssa.
    Alyssa, Ameerah and Michael are thinking Pooch should go… even over Taylor. they’d even try to get Jasmine to renom Turner instead of Taylor if Pooch wins veto? Or is Taylor already the other nom because the 3 have decided Britt doesn’t need to be otb this week? grain of salt because i’m obviously getting tired. I think they workshopped both concepts.

    Because week one is screwy with scheduling…. they think noms are on saturday. oops. therefore Jasmine is going to wait to do one on ones. d’oh. get used to the yeesh d’oh and oops this week. Jasmine has the makings to be an entire landfill of dumpsters on fire.
    With that i’m going to sleep.

    1. If there is one thing that the Big Brother staff likes is to maintain a schedule so I can’t wait until they find out the nominations are still Friday, lol. Otherwise, Nominations and the POV comp would be the same day

  5. It’s totally BS that the person who clearly touched the ground actually ended up winning that 7 way Part 2 HOH.

    I mean kudos to Jasmine for winning whatever that final part was but Terrance was robbed because they were running out of time and Julie just allowed that shit to go on. She should have been DQ’d after the break…

    Anyone who goes this week has a serious case to come back again…

    Hopefully it is the cocky idiot Pooch. Never volunteer to be a pawn!

    All they had to do was put up Taylor and Brittany and it would have been a relatively easy week sadly. Regardless of the Veto winner one of those two would go home with someone like Terrance being the replacement nominee if one of those girls did win.

    It will be sad if Taylor is evicted Week 2 after all of this so I do hope she can win that Veto or someone else does and keeps the nominations the same meaning Pooch goes. It would serve him right!

    1. Pooch thinks he’s a Big Brother genius, but he’s actually channeling Marcellas from BB 3 or maybe Lawon from BB 13 with this kind of strategy, and like so many recent players is showing that he probably never even watched the show before he was contacted about being on it. Volunteering to be a pawn is never a good idea, and IMHO the earlier in the season you do it, the dumber it gets.

  6. The girls girls alliance is obsessed with voting out GIRLS ?
    same thing every season. Sad.

    1. Girls alliances never work bc girls are way too catty. Say what you will about the cookout. It was massively impressive that they made this alliance day one, maintained it the entire season, and managed to keep the entire house clueless. It was a work of art to see every other houseguest absolutely shocked at the end. Whether or not you liked the alliance of the reason it was created, the fact they pulled it off was absolutely amazing! This has not continued on the Challenge as Tiffany was the second team evicted and the former cookout was not helping her out.

      1. Xavier put the final nail in Tiffany’s coffin because he’s a simp for Alyssa. Xavier reminds me so much of Monte (protecting Paloma). Simps!

      2. Girls can be mean, vicious. With that being said, a beautiful woman who enters the BB house and announces that she is a former “pageant queen”, walks around like she’s on the catwalk, wears provocative swimwear, appears to be flirting with the men, and shows off her pageant clothes is screaming to be hated. Period. It does not matter what ethnicity she is. Other women have NEVER responded well to a girl like Taylor. EVER. If Taylor were Caucasian, blonde, blue-eyed we would not even hear a peep from a former BB winner who happens to be black calling the behavior microaggressive and racist. WE WOULDN’T BE HEARING ANY OF THE COMMENTARY THAT IS CURRENTLY GOING ON. This is not a scenario where racism/bigotry is in play. Taylor is simply making the other women jealous and insecure. I personally like Taylor and want to see her go far in this game, but I don’t think she is playing the game smart. In past seasons, contestants have held their true identities close to their vests, not disclosing their true vocations/pasts. Taylor should be playing this game below the radar, not on the radar.

      3. Yeah – it’s clear Tiffany still leaves in Xavier’s head. And this happened after Tiffany spoke to Tyson and PROTECTED X/Azah.

    2. Girls can be mean, vicious. With that being said, a beautiful woman who enters the BB house and announces that she is a former “pageant queen”, walks around like she’s on the catwalk, wears provocative swimwear, appears to be flirting with the men, and shows off her pageant clothes is screaming to be hated. Period. It does not matter what ethnicity she is. Other women have NEVER responded well to a girl like Taylor. EVER. If Taylor were Caucasian, blonde, blue-eyed we would not even hear a peep from a former BB winner who happens to be black calling the behavior microaggressive and racist. WE WOULDN’T BE HEARING ANY OF THE COMMENTARY THAT IS CURRENTLY GOING ON. This is not a scenario where racism/bigotry is in play. Taylor is simply making the other women jealous and insecure. I personally like Taylor and want to see her go far in this game, but I don’t think she is playing the game smart. In past seasons, contestants have held their true identities close to their vests, not disclosing their true vocations/pasts. Taylor should be playing this game below the radar, not on the radar.

  7. Out of all the house guests, I did not expect Jasmine to win HOH. And I think Monte and Nicole were both throwing the competition.

    1. Monte and Nicole were both definitely throwing, and it was so obvious it was ridiculous. IIRC Monte re-started at least twice and I think Nicole did three times. It was comical watching them stand on those guitars, biding their time waiting for perfect alignment before they would even attempt to move on to the next one. I think Ameerah was throwing too, but her competition was so bad (Brittany?), she finally just went ahead and won.

      1. Apparently Ameerah was second in the HOH comp so if she’s throwing she’s sure not doing a good job of making everyone think she’s an easy out later lol

  8. “You thought you were off the block baby.. you’re going right back! Week two lets go. I am sorry, I want her out!!”


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