POV Holder: | Next POV | Aug 17th | |
POV Used | POV Ceremony | Aug 19th | |
HOH Winner: | Aaryn | Next HOH: | Aug 22nd |
Original Nominations: | |||
Current Nominations: | Last Evicted Houseguest | David, Nick, Jeremy, Kaitlin, Howard, Candice, JUDD, Jessie | |
Have Nots |
9:57pm Cockpit Helen, McCrae and Andy
Helen is telling them that the DR is asking her about Spencer and why he chose the people he did in the HOH competition. Helen explains to Andy that Spencer put up McCrae and GM instead of GM and Aaryn. When he was confronted by Elissa about why he chose those he fumbled his words and said he got flustered. Helen thinks Spencer is much smarter than that he knows what he’s doing. She suspects he’s working with Aaryn and GM.
Elissa comes in..
They fill her in on the Spencer/Aaryn/GM super alliance. Andy and McCrae are playing along. Helen says Aaryn is probably wanting Elissa gone this week so she can work with Helen.
Elissa asks them if there is anyway they can get Spencer up.
Helen: “No way.. at a certain point she’s got to be worried she’s won 4 HOH’s”
MC: ‘She’s going to have Janelle syndrome.. everyone will be gunning after her because she’s so good”
Helen: “She’s going to be good at vetos”
MC says Aaryn and Gm will have to go back and forth from here on out to stay in the game.
Helen: “Maybe we should have kept Kaitlin”
MC: “JUDD f*** us on that one”
Helen: “Totally”
Helen and McCrae both say they would vote for Aaryn in the end. Helen likes how Aaryn is so humble with her wins.
Helen says she feels sorry for Aaryn because no one was congratulating her beside GM.
MC: “Aaryn winning is the worst Case scenario”
Helen mentions how she really wanted Amanda to win it, “You know it’s good for different people to win You know”
Helen says Aaryn is amazing under pressure.
Elissa: “I just think she has good luck and Adderall”
Helen: “Don’t say that she’ll put you up”
Elissa: “She’ll put me up anyways”
MC: “Amanda is on Adderall and she f****g blew”
Ellissa: “But she’s been on it for like 8 years”
Helen: “you shouldn’t say that because Aaryn got really upset about it”
Elissa: “I know”
Helen: ‘We can’t get down in the dumps OK”
Helen says they just need to be prepared that her and ELissa are going up or McCrae and Amanda.
Helen asks them if there is anyway they can get Spencer up. Elissa suggests they tell Aaryn Specner was going to put her up if he won HOH.
Helen: “No that’s no going to work she’s not going to put him up based some hearsay”
Elissa: “She put him up before”
McCrae mentions that him and Andy could be going up. Andy says he’s sacred if a duo goes up and veto is used he’ll go up.
10:30pm Aaryn gets her HOH room
10:36pm Spencer, GM and Aaryn
GM says she’s pissed because she wanted to put up a pair. Aaryn: “That is what’s happening”
Aaryn tells them Helen and Elissa are going up.
They tell Spencer he’s good Spencer leaves.
Gm: “Dude.. you want Elissa to go over Helen right”
Aaryn: “YA”
Gm can’t stand Elissa
10:44pm HOH Helen, Gm and Aaryn
Helen: “So I know Elissa pissed you off”
Aaryn: “Ya.. why would you do that right before a HOH”
Helen: ‘Because it’s Elissa”
Aaryn: “I thought that her and I had come to a common ground”
GM jumps in says what Elissa said was disgusting and she’s ready to cry right now.
Helen is trying to explain why Elissa said the things she did. Helen thinks Elissa gets really nervous before competitions and she’s also been missing her family a lot and is stressed.
GM basically tells her that is not a valid excuse, mentions she only pinpoints GM and Araryn.
Helen says it was childish of Elissa it’s not like they are on the school bus in 3rd grade.
GM: ‘Why didn’t she say it to anybody else”
Aaryn: “What did I do”
Helen: “Not that I know of.. she hasn’t talked about yo in a long time… I thought your relationship did a 180.. she was nervous about the comp she was crying”
GM: “I know you’re trying to defend her Helen… I respect that I know you are friends.. . but you shouldn’t have to strike and hurt people’s feelings saying negative things about them to make yourself feel better”
Helen: ‘ohh Of course”
Andy joins them.
GM starts saying that she doesn’t have any money she lives with her parents. The house she lives in looks like a hurricane hit is, “it looks like a wh*re house.. that’s how bad my house looks ”
GM: “I don’t care what her f*** husband does I don’t care what he f*** drives I got 20 mother f*** dollar shoes and I make that sh1t look good”
Gm says she hasn’t said anything bad about Elissa since they squashed out their issues weeks ago. She was complimenting her in the Diary room saying how amazing her body is. Gm doesn’t care if Elissa was upset she should have never had said it.
GM: “I never said nothin bad about the lady and now she’s coming out saying i’m in squalor and I smell bad so I can’t sit next to you.. what is this the 1940’s and I can’t sit next to black people at the back of the bus.. c’mon bro you aint better than nobody ”
GM: “Even Donald Trump ain’t better than me”
Helen: ‘So.. I understand that she rubbed you all the wrong way and she owes you an apology and I’m sure at some point she will do that”
Aaryn: After keeping her safe for two weeks of the block.. this is how she repays me by calling me scum”
Helen: “I agree with you.. and I don’t agree with her not wanting to sit next to certain people on couches”
Helen: “Her sister was a comp champ and she never did well in comps”
GM: “Can I ask you something” (Feeds cut)
11:00pm HOH Amanda, Andy, Specner, McCrae, Helen, Aaryn
going over the whole Elissa thing again. Helen is still bringing up the excuse that Elssa doesn’t like competitions and misses her family .
Gm:”It made us feel like we shot pissed and stabbed somebody”
Helen points out that Elissa’s sister played this game before and “Beat it to the punch.. made it look easy.. she convinced her to go on the show and it’s not easy ”
Helen: “It’s easier to go to work and earn 500 thousand dollars than win Big Brother.. it’s a very complicated game”
Amanda:L “I disagree”
Helen says Elissa thought her experience was going to be a lot like her sister but it’s not because she’s not wining anything.. Helen goes on and on about Elissa getting overly nervous at the comps and she was in a bad mood that is why she said the things she said.
Aaryn and GM say they are over it.
Amadna jokes that Gm does expell some nasty a$$ odours from her Anu$
11:24pm Storage Helen and Elissa
Helen: “I have the feeling you are going up .. not sure about the second person it could be me it might be me.”
H: “I know you don’t like her I know you don’t.. it just sucks you got in a argument before a competition”
Elissa says she never said that straight to GM and Aaryn she only told Amanda, Helen and McCrae.
Elissa says she was having a bad day.. Helen mentions how she was trying in the HOH to explain to them you were just having a bad day.
Helen: “If she puts us both upo one of us will go home”
Elissa: “Not if one of us wins the veto”
helen:’ No she’ll put up Spencer and one of us will go home probably”
Elissa: ‘you think they will vote us out”
Helen: “Yes they do”
Elissa thinks maybe if they put up Spencer and Elissa and veto is used Aaryn will put up Amanda or McCrae. helen says no because then she will piss off 2 couples.
Helen tells her the reason she is going up is Gm/Aaryn feel like they have kept you safe for 4 HOH’s and today you didn’t want to sit next to them on a couch so they are pissed off at you.
Elissa: “That’s kinda ridiculous.. I never put Aaryn up as MVP or vote against her so we’re even.. She’s been gunning after me since week one”
Helen tells her it’s going to be a tough week and it doesn’t look good if Spencer wins the Veto. Helen: “I will obviously do my best to keep you here.. I’m also on the down low because jessie killed me with Aaryn.. who knows what Aaryn thinks about me.. Jessie was like GET HELEN out.. I knew Jessie was bad news.”
Helen is blaming JEssie for sinking their game with Aaryn. Helen says the one thing Candice said to her before she left was to trust Jessie. HElen: ‘Candice didn’t know the game. “
Elissa: “Jessie doesn’t know this game either”
Helen: “Jessie doesn’t understand this game either I totally agree. .. look what kind of Horror she was”
They leave the storage room.. Elissa tells Helen if she goes home this week she’s not going to Jury she going straight home.
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11:55pm heads up to the HOH starts to cry
Helen says she cannot protect Elissa anymore.. Helen says Elissa is one of her only votes she doesn;’t want her to leave. McCrae says production will talk her out of it
Amanda tells her if Elissa walks off the set she will not be eligible to win the 25K America’s favorite, She points out Elissa isn’t playing the best game, Helen has been carrying her thorough the entire time. Amanda wants the 25K to be freed up for someone that fought to be on the show. Spencer mentions that Elissa wasn’t even sequester in a hotel like the rest of them.. Feeds cut..
12:10AM Kitchen Aaryn and McCrae
Aaryn: “Thats really sad”
MC: “that’s f*** heartbreaking.. thats someone that doesn’t care about anyone but themselves.. ”
A: “We already knew that”
MC says he really pissed at Elissa right now for saying she’s going to walk off if she goes to Jury. .
Mc: ‘It hurts me inside.. I hope Helen wins the Veto .. I will feel so happy sending her home “
Aaryn: “Me to.. But if this is game play.. thats the only thing that scares me”
Mc: ‘I know.. thats what I think to”
MC now tries to compare Elissa’s game to Dr Will’s game, points out that they started the game with such a HUGE target on them and they both sucked at comps . MC says the only difference is he knew what he was doing and she is falling “A$$ backwards into it”
Spencer comes down.. Aaryn says what’s going on in the HOH (With Helen crying) is horrible almost as bad as the camel toe in the pants she’s wearing.
Aaryn heads back up to the HOH. Amanda comes down and joins the guys in the kitchen.
She says she doesn’t feel bad for Helen and Elissa.
McCrae: “I do “
Amanda: “I don’t”
Spencer: ” I feel sorry for all the mother f****rs at the hotel that I stopped seeing after day 2 and 3 and 4”
Mc and Amanda Agree.
Amanda: “Helen needs to stop worrying about Elissa and start worrying about her f****ing self”
Spencer: “Lets just smooth this over].. vote Helen out and if Elissa leaves f*** her .. final 6”
Amanda: “Ya.. agree 100 and 50 thousand percent”
Amanda again says she doesn’t feel any sympathy for helen. Mc says the only person that feel sympathy is Aaryn..
Amanda: “She’ll be fine”
McCrae: “of course she’ll be fine but for me it’s more OK F** helen ceya”
They move to the door near the cockpit… Spencer says if Helen goes they have a good chance Elissa will quit.
Amanda points out that Helen is acting like she was the only one protecting Elissa when in reality it was McCrae, Spencer and her that were trying to keep her in the game for the MVP.
Spencer: “I don’t give two fucks that there will be one less vote for Helen” (this is a response to Helen crying in the HOH and saying if Elissa leaves it’s one less jury vote for her)
McCrae agrees why do they give a f** if helen losses a jury vote when Elissa walks out.
Spencer: “If Helen goes home this week ELissa have a mental f*** breakdown.. she will lose her support system and go nuts”
MC suggests that if Helen leaves and Elissa stays she may find some crazy mentally disabled strength during the HOH endurance competition and win it. (what a PC way to put it)
Amanda says she knew this was going to happen. McCrea agrees with them they need to have Elissa go crazy.
Mc says he wishes Elissa would just f***g walk. Amanda and Spencer are both excited that she’ll walk from jury it frees up America’s player.
Spencer jokes says once the POV is known and everything is good he’s going to fart in Elissa’s mouth..
Amanda: “Sit you bum hole on her eyeball socket and fart in her eyeball”
McCrae jokes says he’s going to rub lotion all over his body and run into Elissa’s bed.
They agree Elissa wanting to quit is the biggest slap in the face to all the people that tried to get on the show.
Amanda: “Is it bad I do not have 1 oz of sympathy for Helen”
Spencer: “I liked watching her cry”
Amanda: “I enjoyed it.. does that make me a bad person”
Spencer: “Dude I f*** cannot stand that b1tch since she told me she would let me get to jury but thats as far as she can take me.. “
McCrae laughs he remember her saying that.
Spencer: “I thought ahh thank you gandalf.. “
Amanda: “This is the same thing she did with Jessie.. She wanted to flip the house with Jessie.. but after she realized she didn’t have the numbers she threw Jessie under the bus.. jessie was telling the truth the whole f-***in time.. “
Spencer knows..
Amanda: “Now she’s going to throw Elissa under the bus because now she know Elissa is a ball and chain.. BUT little does she know she should be protecting herself over Elissa ”
1:26AM Bathroom Helen and McCrae
Helen: “I know she is going to put up Elissa.. who is the second person”
MC:’ I don’t know”
Helen: “Spencer Is still up there” (in the HOH)
MC:’ Ya he’s going to be up her a$$”
MC says he doesn’t’ know if it’s going to be Elissa and him or Helen, he suggests it could also be Andy. Helen thinks it will be her and Elissa. She wonders if they can convince her to put up Elissa and Spencer.
McCrae:” Spencer is scary..” he think she’s going to put someone up to make sure Elissa doesn’t stay
helen: “Which is me.. if ELissa wins the veto who does she put up.. Andy.. “
MC: “I dunno Spencer maybe”
Helen: “Will you keep me over Spencer. “
McCrae: “Of course.. Spencer is dangerous.. you’re on our side.. we got numbers numbers”
MC says she needs to win the Veto. “We have to psychologically break Elissa down.. if she doesn’t want to play with you in the end then why should you play for her right now”
McCrae says Elissa saying she’s going to quit jury is a big f*** you to everyone that has tried out for this game, voted for MVP or been in the game.
Helen says she’s been playing for ELissa, McCrae, Andy and Amanda from the beginning she now has to play for herself.
McCrae: “You have to win Veto and take yourself off”
Helen: “But I don’t want Andy to go up”
MC: “Ya”
Helen: “then I guess Elissa goes home.. and it’s 4 of use against 3 of them”
MC: “Yup”
H: “If I can’t win it the second best person to win it will be her(aaryn) because she won’t use it”
Helen wishes Amanda would have won the HOH doesn’t understand why she just didn’t like the HOH button.
The “I hate Elissa Show” is back on, it was postponed for a few weeks.
ya ya Ellisa back lol
OK SERIOUSLY!!! And I’m not kidding!
We(the mob) on behalf of all the “good” sheeple must be clear about one J C F*cking point! We do not want Ellisa to self evict! And I mean under absolutely NO circumstances this week. If “duckface” leaves the house other than eviction they will reset! I freaking repeat… production will hit the RESET button and Helen is off the block. Only after Helen is evicted and the 4 play to see who returns on Thursday will we even begin to worry about duckface and her emotional snobbish better than thou trashbag mouth.
There are 24% of respondents to the pole that actually pick this elitest, do absolutely nothing in the game b*tch as the freaking favourite player? And while I’m on my rant let me say I am sick of people crying at the drop of a hat. The sheep vote out a “friend” then cry like 2 year olds that wet their diaper. Get F…ing toilet trained, grow a pair and OWN your decisions JC! Please note Ellisa voted out so called friend all season. They all have but Helen the douchebag has been the worst. Judd was a BIG move my big fat A$$! Helen lose veto so I can watch you do the douche scramble for 3 plus days. Secondly please make sure it slips out she is the target like Jessie, I can wait to see the absolute two faced lying b*tch cry a river for 4 days!
There are very few people I have grown to dislike in 15 seasons as much as Helen!
PS the camel toe reference in the post was priceless! TY Simon
I was reading and got to “duckface”, spit out the food I was eating and my dog went scrambling to eat it up. Thank you. Tonight is one of the best I’ve had as far as not taking this show too seriously anymore. It has become laughable, at least. At this point I’m in it for the comedy.
if Elissa Self evicts they will not reset they will make Aaryn chose a replacement nom they will not RESET the whole week. i have a feeling she will selfevict after Noms or after POV (if she loses). Even if they RESET the week Helen will still be on the block probably with Spencer. I think this could be a win win for the remaining hgs
If nominations are already made, then they will reset if one of the nominations is expelled/self-evicts.
– BB11, Chima was expelled from game while on the block during Michelle’s HOH – game was reset and remainder of Michelle’s HOH was canceled
– BB14, Willie was expelled from game during Frank’s HOH, prior to nominations. Frank was allowed to continue with HOH as normal.
I’m not so sure they are voting for her because she really is their favorite…more like she’s the lesser of the evils so to speak.
Most overused statement this season
No one says Dragged me through the mud or dirt or any
other intelligent statement.
Helen not only says You Know but OK and Like
I have never watched a bigger bunch of dumbasses in my life, for superfans andy, mccrae & helen, how do they do not see amanda is running the entire house without ever having won anything but the $500000. there is no one that can beat her in the end, she may be a vile human being but she will win the entire thing. too bad for jesse, she should never have changed sides in the beginning, may have gotten further, just glad she took helen down with her when she went. mccrae is so p**sywhipped he cant see that he cant win with amanda, mccrae thinks he’s a mastermind but he’s just amanda’s vibrator. andy just sucks. aaryn could have won the $500000 but she’s another sheep, playing someone else’s game not her own. spencer will be gone soon so he dont count. elissa is too self absorbed to go anywhere. nothing to say about gm because she is just a few cards short of a full deck
I agree. Elissa may not be as dumb as everyone thinks. She never wanted to vote out Howard, Candice or Jessie. Helen convinced her to do that. What they did was voted out the people that would have played for their side. The house was not being run by Amanda and Helen. It is being run by Amanda and Andy.
How in the world can your defense of Elissa’s intelligence be that Helen convinced her to vote a certain way. That whole statement is an oxymoron! Stupid is as stupid does.
I’m sorry I offended you. This is just my opinion and I believe that I am entitled to one. My opinion is not based on my personal feelings about Elissa. It is just an unbiased observation. My observation has been that Amanda sets in motion the person whom she wants evicted, convinces everyone else that this is good for the house and everyone else sets out to make it happen, especially Helen. I have observed Elissa saying that she didn’t want to make that particular move, but goes along with it because it is what the house wants.
We are all just armchair quarterbacks looking from the outside in and making our best assumptions. Remember, we have a bird’s eye view. One that the hgs are not privy to.
BTW: Given the opportunity, I would defend your intelligence, too.
GM is about 50u cards short of a full deck
It is a shame that any of them are going to win the money.
I am loving how Helen is scrambling right now and Elissa did have brains she knew keeping kaitlyn was better she wanted to keep Howard and Candice and Jessie but Helen was too busy being dumb and it was annoying watching helm because you knew that she was going to vote out all her people and have no team but she thought she had Andy and Aaryn Amanda and McCray whatever hopefully Helen goes home this week. And honestly for Elissa not being able to endure these people in the house how can you blame her I think Elissa just got a rude awakening of the fact that thre are some bulll shit people in the world.
Why shouldn’t they be made at Elissa. I would. She says something mean about not wanting to sit beside them and then Amanda, McCrae and Andy tell them. Elissa is stupid and then she says she will not go to jury; she will just go home. I hope she does just go home and do not want her to be able to come back in the house. She is a spoiled bratty child. Want her to go home!
Yeah who wouldn’t want to sit next to the mean girls (aka the racist and the mentally unstable stalker). Get off your Elissa hate wagon anytime.
Please read sarcasm.
Where did they find these people? Nasty… just nasty.
I’m I the only one that saw MC throw the HOH Comp.
I’m gonna enjoy Helen misery to the fullest.
Only problem if she gets booted this week is she gets to compete with the other 3 to go back to the house. Candice and Jessie are week. JuDD has the only chance to beat Helen.
weak….not week…the misspelling of words on these threads drives me completely insane.
If that’s your biggest issue in life, count yourself lucky. If not get over it.
good they can throw her azz out twice
Guess Helen will be doing a lot of crying this week. Helen controls people by crying to get her way. She better be in the HOH room a lot. Because as mean as Elissa might be towards Arryn, Helen is still the biggest threat and Aaryn is not affected by the tears. Aaryn is from Brooklyn, they don’t cry in Brooklyn. Wait its Gina that’s from Brooklyn, not Aaryn. Aaryn is from the West Coast, they don’t cry in the West. Nope…Aaryn is not from the West. Shucks! Wherever Aaryn’s from, those crocodile tears of Helen’s won’t help her.
Aaryn is from Texas…and unless you win a pageant or strike ‘black gold’ (uh…I hope no one takes my use of that word out of context and is offended)…I meant ‘oil’ …Texans don’t cry much either.
Oil has been called Texas Tea in addition to Black Gold.
Omg, this is absolutely the worst season by far. There is no one to pull for! How did casting manage to find such a vile, fake, spineless, group of people? And racists in the mix to boot?! Awful…I can’t pick a least favorite (of those left) because as soon as I settle on Helen, Ginamaries trashy arse pops into mind, then Aaryn the mean girl racist, then Andy the oopy snake (those tears of his?? Ugh…), Elissa… In a season where there is talk of her being Americas fave, we know this is a bottom of the barrel group! I could go on and on. Amanda is just mean and gross! I’ve emailed CBS for what it worth. I feel like we all got screwed out of a season of BB.
Aaryn asking Helen – why can’t she just self-evict? (talking about Elissa)
GM: Can we get Nick back then?
Nick, if given the chance to be guaranteed $500K would not come back..
Then GinaMarie says, “what is this the 40’s where I can’t sit next to black people at the back of the bus?” (because Elissa didn’t want to sit next to her).
This girl is funny and she doesn’t even know it. Sitting NEXT to black people at the BACK?
Then she says Freddy has one leg and does more than people with 2. Amanda asks if he’s a pirate.
Comedy gold tonight folks…..
As much as I hate Helen. Absolutely, no sympathy for her. She created and actually participated in her own demise. Amanda is such a vile bitch. Allison Groder you have singe handily ruined Big Brother, by planting your bestie in this house.
Worst season ever. EVER!!! Lame HG’s that play without a spine. Racism is the theme of the house this year. I can’t believe that I was looking forward to this season. Of the HG’s left, only Elissa is remotely likeable for me. As for the rest of the HG’s, I wouldn’t piss on them if they were to burst into flames.
Helen doing her fake crying again! BooHoo! She’s pitiful. And Elissa is just dumb.
I think Helen may be crying for real this time. She knows she’s in danger. Of course she’s blaming Jessie instead of accepting responsibility for keeping the showmance in power.
yeah GM u r racist u will never sit next to black ppl whether it is 1940s or not.
No GM, Elissa not wanting to sit by you is not like the racism you and Aaryn engaged in against Candice & Howard or any back of the bus sort of thing. It is simple, Elissa does not like you or Aaryn because you have both been mean to her. Besides, according to the other HG you really do stink from all he vomiting and noxious gas you emit. But I’m sure in both of your own minds you have ample reasons to feel nothing less than proud of your own behavior.
Helen reminds me of a lap dog … panting after anyone who’s holding up the food and leaving puddles of slimy drool in her quake!
The “Duck” is a quack! Aaron and GM think and act like they’re still in junior high … If I were a duck I’d flap my wings and flee from them as well!!! Spencer is so crude and vile he should be “su-spencered” from the game. McCrae and Andy are Amanda’s good and evil angels sitting on her shoulder … Submissive McCrae whining about Amanda’s ruthlessness and Andy gleefully rubbing his hands together and urging Amanda on! And finally Amanda … despite her crudeness and faults, she is the only one who is truly playing “the game”! She chose her allies wisely, has stayed true to the core group, and rules with an iron fist!
Oh Helen Jessie understands the game you screwed
Her she screwed you back I can’t wait till they vote
You out next week bye bye Helen .
This is everyone’s fault but Helen’s. Helen go a few steps back on the chain of events. Why did Jessie say that. Because you were lying about her? Backstabbing her and throwing her under the bus. Possibly because when Jessie brought up that you wanted Amanda out too, your best move was to run to Amanda which threw Jessie into action. Maybe it was because you were betraying her like you have with other allies. And maybe because your poker face sucked when Jessie was on the block and she figured out what was going on. I guess Jessie was just supposed to sit in her room and let all this happen because that’s how the game works?? If anyone doesn’t understand the game its Helen.
You are absolutely right!! And may I say that Helen should never ever ever ever, cry in public!!! WOOF!!!!!!!!
This cast is like the people I date. I like them the first few weeks but now I can live without all of them.
gm and aaryn are so pathetic…
these girls have bashed candice on everything she did in the house and when elissa said she doesnt want them to sit next to her, they throw a hissy fit. um, what is wrong with you?! stop being toddlers and grow the fuck up.
Welcome to the Mean Girl dynamic.
Well, If Elissa is going to be a grown up and say such BS snobbish things like “I dont want to sit next to Aaryn and GM on the couch”, then she should be grown up enough to OWN IT AND NOT TRY TO SMOOTH IT OVER WITH … “IM HAVING A BAD DAY”… “IT WASNT PERSONAL”…. because it was PERSONAL!
I can not stand Elissa and her self righteous BS anymore. For someone who calls herself a Christian and then looks down her fake nose at everyone as though she is BETTER than everyone… bragging about all her houses and charity and blah blah blah…. For the record.. if you google her… she got married in 2011… her kid isnt her husbands, her husband is old… she didnt earn the money to pay for any of those houses she is so proud of herself… she’s fake fake fake inside and out! GAG! Let her self evict! Show all the sheeple who voted for her as MVP what a self absorbed quitter she is and who they were all duped into thinking she was something special because she is related to their beloved “Rachel” …another GAG!
I hope Jessie comes back in the game and wins this thing… I can’t stand any of the rest of them… Spensor as vile as he is… would be my choice to win otherwise because he’s fought to stay there the hardest going on the block so much and not teaming up with vile Amanda. Spensor is going to need the money for legal fees when he gets out anyway… I cant believe I’d vote for Spensor … that just shows how bad of a group of people are in this house to choose from.
Dumb ass Helen. You had a chance and the numbers to take out Amanda TWICE. Every week. “Its not the time. Its not the time”. Guess what hope you get the boot.
I’m not a Helen fan because she not only helps evict allies sometimes she leads the charge, and her handling of the whole Jessie situation- including but not limited to her allowing a sure vote against Amanda to leave instead of unknown vote of Spencer who she suspected may nominate her- but she didn’t have the votes to get Amanda out last time. Andy was not going to do it and Judd had a f4 deal with Mcranda so he wasn’t going to do it. Maybe the first time Amanda was up when Helen controlled Aaryn’s noms and Helen knew Aaryn didn’t want Howard out, she might have been able to gather enough votes , but the second time she was wasn’t going to get enough to evict Amanda.
So I’ve been reading everyone’s comments here regarding Helen…& I’d like to offer what little I know :o)
Do you think, quite possibly, that maybe Helen does have a bigger picture in mind when it comes to Amanda? As annoying as that sounds…think about it…we all know what is coming on the next BB, because of it predictability…and as ‘super fans’ even Helen & McWhipped knew what was coming (the same things happening season after season on BB) I think Helen wanted to wait to get Amanda out now, because if Amanda did go, she would be sent to sequester with the possibility of returning. I think Amanda loses these HOH comps on purpose, because of the “I don’t want to get blood on my hands”…even Aaryn asked her if she threw the last HOH and McCrae said she knew the stuff…Helen may just be waiting on getting Amanda out because if [or when (HaHa)] that happens, Amanda would be sent straight to jury. What do you think?
What happens this week will be interesting…Helen is already letting Elissa go and we all knew that was going to happen…Hate her all you want (Lord knows I have), but I think we should wait and see what happens…Helen (& I’m sure McCrae) know double eviction is coming up again, so it’ll be interesting to see what does happen. I think McCrae and Helen are on the same page, but are smart in not letting others in on it and using the “I think I’m going up” to somehow take them off possibly going on the block.
UGH! I’m hoping…
OH! And McCrae was smart in keeping Amanda around because he’s letting her do all the ‘dirty’ work for him and now he’s vocally talking about letting her go…maybe he is waiting for sequester to be over too, so he can get Amanda straight to jury…
Elissa: “Jessie doesn’t know this game either”
And neither does Elissa, all she did this season was follow orders, from her alliance or DR, nobody gives a fuck that she’s Rachel’s sister anymore, she’s completely worthless in BB. Should’ve told them week 2 to evict her, than maybe this season wouldn’t have been so bad. Now she’s whining because the MVP twist was abused by her alliance to further their game. ROLMFAO Self-Evict, that would be the most entertaining thing she does all season.
Yet she’s still somehow America’s favorite player, I just don’t get it.
Must be all the pervs who vote for her when she stretching in them yoga pants and sports bra. Helen aint hurting for cash. Shes a lobbyist. Im sure she gets plenty of kick back. Wink wink…….
Because she is the least repulsive player left.
Least repulsive? A prostitute who married a sugar daddy, gets religion, then decides that she is better than others? Try MOST repulsive. She reminds me of Teresa from Real housewives/NJ who didn’t like living in “used” houses– a real scumbag elitist.
Look at the other choices.
Helen just figured out ELLISA is here for ELLISA! She just told HELEN if she gets evicted then she is nOT going to jury houe but she is going HOME!!! She doesn’t care about the MONEY!! and she will NOT be there at the END to vote for HELEN hahaha Now Helen is crying upstairs for someone to feel sorry for her!!! because she won’t have ELLISA’s VOTE lol
I find it interesting that Helen has played this game for herself. However, she is shocked when Jessie wants to play for herself and not follow Helen’s lead. Helen is shocked that Elissa says that she’ll leave vice go to jury. Elissa is not thinking of Helen. Wow! Helen can’t fathom someone not putting her interest before their own. LOL!
Go back and listen to the entire 30 minute conversation if you haven’t already, Elissa’s stupidity and block-headedness will make you cringe. Helen might as well have been talking to a toilet plunger. I don’t like Helen, but I do feel some measure of sympathy for her having to tote that ungrateful moron through the game.
” Helen says Elissa is one of her only votes she doesn’t want her to leave.”
LOL this might actually be a very good blindside! IF they don’t tell her right before the live eviction they have been doing.
It took Helen all of an hour to start throwing Elissa right under the bus, SHOCKER!
Funny Helen says that Jessie doesn’t know how to play the game, when Helen will be voted out right after her. Your crocodile tears aren’t gonna work this time Helen, save that for your kids.
Helen is unbelievable. I hope her whole game blows up in her manipulative face. She is the one that doesn’t know the game like she think she does because her self importance and arrogance trumps everything. There were people she could have used as allies but instead she treated them like dirt. And in turn schmoozed the lowest of the low thinking it would get her further. Although she’s actually the real lowest of the low she attempts to hide it. She may have gotten farther but the point is to make it to end. And as long as Amanda is in there she’s a big big obstacle. And Amanda is a brat, overbearing, insecure etc but at the end of the day she’s protects and is loyal to herself and her alliance of two beyond anything else. Where as Helen gets a mob after the ones that actually could have been her allies to go the distance with and also be jury votes for her if she makes it to the end. The perfect scenario is if Amanda gets in Elissa’s ear and exposes some of what Helen has done or said if indeed Helen is the target.
As much as I want to see Amanda’s game blown up I’m gonna hate seeing Helen get an immediate reprieve if she wins the comp. I’d like to see Helen get comfortable and believe she is staying, have the conversation turn to a returning HG and have Helen talk again about how that person should be sent right back out.
Sweetie…this is Big Brother…Manipulation is part of the game :o)
I am up so late its 3.29 i stayed up just to watch USAIN BOLT IN THE 200 METERS … AMANDA WILL NOT GET AMERICAS FAVOURITE .. even though hellen will be blindside thats what she made aaryn did to JUDD KARMA ,,,, BUT I LOVE HER RETUrNING BACK IN THE HOUSE and watch amanda , andy face cant wait that woul be priceless … ELISSA , PRODUCTION ,, WINS VETO HELLEN RETURN BACK IN THE HOUSE … AARYN HOH WILL BE A WASTE JUST LIKE KALIA HOH …….
It shows what a spoiled little bitch Elissa is. If she can’t win she just wants to leave & not be a member of jury. I hope her contract states if she quits then she gets no money. So she just wasted several months of her life LOL!
Jeremy and Nick, could’ve saved this season.
for those that have the live feeds heres a number ,because im concerned ,
1-800-784-2433 its the suicide hotline, your welcome,
If Ellisa doesn’t wanna be there, by all means let her go home.
Don;t even understand why she decided to do BB in the 1st place.
Helen is a
Whoa there cowboy…keep in mind this is Big Brother…what else are they suppose to do!?!? Damn if you do and damn if you don’t, huh Name!?!?
Seriously Helen’s eviction may be more
satisfying then Aaryn’s
Omg pl send Helen out! Boo hoo fake cryer ! She throwing Elissa out to same her ugly a s s ! Gotta go this week Helen or McCranda ! Has anyone notice how fat McCranda is ? Production ought to enforce her covering up her flabby body .????????????????
GM starts saying that she doesn’t have any money she lives with her parents. The house she lives in looks like a hurricane hit is, “it looks like a wh*re house.. that’s how bad my house looks ”
I think she meant a “crack house”, a whore house is a elegant looking place, to make customers feel comfortable.
Wh*re house was fitting. If she would have said “crack house,” we would have received another 2 dozen “How racist!” posts…
At least she (or her parents anyway) have a house. A lot of us lost ours in this wonderful recession!
Watching Elissa look at Helen with the Michael Myers dead stare when Helen asks about not being able to vote for her if she refuses to go to jury was AWESOME!
Helen is so clueless, she really has nerve talking about Candice and Jesse not knowing this game.
She looked at her like “BITCH PLEASE” !! Helen is an egotistical jackass. And she looks very foolish during the HOH evictions with those snap poses that she does with her head and neck.
I hate to sound so damn evil but watching and listening to HELEN cry makes me smile non stop. Its pretty pathetic listening to GM tell people she felt bad that elissa made a negative comment toward her what a hippo-krit. Simon will you make a voting poll for who America wants back in the house?
What I can’t understand about this game is why everyone scared of Amanda and McCrae? Can someone answer this question. I really would like to know…Thanks
If you get an answer, pass it on. It seems to be the best kept secret of 2013. I can’t figure it out.
I believe Howard was right all along in his reference to the Bug’s Life. Howard tried to let the ants know they could overcome the bigger bug. They should have done something about Amanda at that time. Even then Helen was saying, “It’s too earlier.”
People (mom squad) need to get over themselves. If you ignored Jessie, asked her if she was off her meds, and lie about her in front of the house, you just might make Jessie less loyal to you. If you kept her or treated her normal, she couldn’t of hurt your game. So blame yourself and only yourself for the position you’re in. Insulting Aaryn and GM isn’t smart either. But it doesn’t matter since Helen was Amanda’s next target anyways and the house is full of sheep.
Exactly. They could of had an ally.
Helen walking in the HOH crying, and throwing Elissa under the bus was pathetic. everyone in the HOH talking $hit about Elissa, and Helen is in there acting like she’s a victim. Elissa may come off as ditzy at times, but she knows exactly how low life and disgusting these people really are. Andy showed his true colors in the HOH tonight, he was one of the people talking very bad about Elissa and Helen, and when Helen walks in the HOH crying, Andy says to Helen “we all love you very much Helen”. the HOH conversations that were on the feeds tonight were sick and down right disgusting. GM is a straight up hoodrat wannabe mob wife low life scum of the earth POS.
Helen throwing Elissa under the bus with her fakeo tears.
I hope production don’t do something to protect Elissa again, let her self evict and go home, there’s still 8 Jury members so she isn’t needed.
I wonder if production made this 8 person jury because they knew that Elissa was planning on leaving if she went to jury?
The more I really watch Elissa interact with the others, the clearer it becomes she wants outta there.
Every facial expression just screams “These people are SO beneath me…back to the Yacht Club!”
honestly, this is the one year that I really can’t blame her for that.
And the comical thing about her snootiness is the fact that she’s the dumbest person in the house…… aside from GM. Elissa knows she has no influence and that the others are far sharper than her, so I think all the “I would never associate with these types of people” crap is a defense mechanism and an attempt to save face.
Her psyche is already so fragile, it should be interesting watching her squirm over the next couple of weeks now that things aren’t going so well. I’ll be really surprised if Elissa is still around at the finale.
They ARE beneath her. She has tried to stick to her morals. She has had the balls to confront people on their racist and hateful comments and actions. She has NOT played a game that was good for her, but has stayed loyal to an alliance she believes she has. She may not be the brightest of the bunch, but at least she has class. She has a very valid point about the Adderal that Aaryn takes. Unless BB did their own exam to determine if she actually has ADHD, it is quite likely that she is abusing this drug as many models and starlets do. The vile things coming out of the mouths of the witches (WITH A CAPITAL B) last night are inexcusable, especially when they bring her children into the convo. Personally, I think Elissa should refuse to go to jury and go home to her family. Let America have a vote on jury. That would be the ONE TRUE VOTE knowing what we know.
Elissa is a total dumb ass. Sure she had a good point about the Adderall and that is why Amanda is so darn good at the competitions NOT!! Elissa thinks that she is a little princess and she is just a WORSE TYPE OF SNOB!! She thinks that everyone is beneath her and funny that someone posted on the updates a few days ago that she used to sell her body before she married her old husband for his money. She is the worst excuse for a person that has money. She deserves going home and I hope the witch self evicts!!!
I’m kind of neutral on Elyssa but I really don’t think she was actually a whore. That’s called people making jokes. It doesn’t make you sound very intelligent. That said, she probably will leave on her own, doesn’t sound like she needs the money.
I was never a fan of Rachel’s, and thought the stunt casting of her sister was stupid. I’ve got to say though that she turned out to be the least loathsome of all the HGs. I had to laugh last nite watching Chen get corrected by Aaryn, serves her right. I figure Helen is a couple of days away from swearing on the lives of her children. This group has done more to ruin the show than any other. I used to DVR the shows in case I missed a part of it, now I don’t bother. The HGs (GM for instance) are so dumb they can’t even stage fake arguments. Amanda at the HOH contest, not a good enough actress to sell that she was throwing it.
I really believe that the show is very stale and needs new direction, if they continue the way they are going, someone will end up getting hurt while a HG-a TV show should’nt foster an atmosphere of hate.
PUKE!!! Who in the hell do you think Elissa is? some frickin body important. She is a whore and is not even beneath GinaMarie. She is a gutter rat with money because she married into it. I highly doubt that this self important slutbag has any concern in the world other than herself. She is fake through and through and I hope she walks off. The world would be a much better place without her and all those like her.
Jury has to be an odd number… it can’t be 8… or they will have to let America be the deciding vote in case of a tie…
if Ms. ELISSA is sent into the JURY HOUSE but is too “stir crazy” to sit still and refuses
to serve out her tyme, then bring back either KAITLIN or poor long suffering HOWARD!!!!
having NINE jurors is not that difficult. Letz go thru the BB evictees in the reverse order
an’ find someone willing to 100% do their “thingie” for say TEN GRAND if ELISSA bolts!!!
if all of ’em refuse except 4 poor DAVID, then daggggnnnabbbit, have HIM sub for HER!
Elissa told Helen way back in week two that she did not want to go to jury.. Can you imagine how Rachel is going to feel if Elissa walks out of the studio and heads back home to Canada?
Originally, I felt Elissa had an unfair advantage in the game, only because she is Rachel’s sister.. I think the MVP was designed for her to win it every week, because without it, she might have been evicted the first week.
Spencer mentioned that Elissa was not even sequestered before the show started. Aaryn and McCrae were saying that Judd tried out for the show five times before he was finally selected. I am going to be completely disgusted if Elissa quits the game at this point.
I completely agree, I thought it was pretty strange that comment that Elissa was not sequestered as the others….it does seem like she was coaxed a lot to go on the show just because she is Rachel’s sis….what a waste, that plastic rich conceited b&$ch does not deserve to be there, out of all the applicants, CBS chose her!? I’m positive they are 100 more interesting candidates that would have been infinitely more active and interested to be there, tired of this yoga plant, let her leave!!!
Like they did a great job of picking the rest of the house guests.
Now that aaryn has simmered on the racism. Is she now the favourite? Will she be able to retain her job and carry on?
Seems to me like CBS has been giving her pretty good edits, probably to hypnotize us into forgetting all the racist shit she said just in case she wins the game. Not the greatest PR for CBS. It would be nice if none of the assholes get $500K (Amanda, GM, Spencer, Aaryn) but it’s not looking good on that front.
The only great thing amanda HAS said all season was that she enjoed helen crying…. hahahahahahahahhahah SO DID I !!!!!!!!
They need to put mccrae and amanda up together. Thats the only way i see this being entertaining. Its been unanimous decisions for the most part. Mccrae doesnt really seem to in to Amanda either. Andy would also be a good person to put up, he feels to safe. Helen is pretty much a goner unless she gets a POV…assuming of course sthat she is put up on the block.
I don’t care what anyone thinks, she’s a beast and deserves to win.
Wow are these people unbelievable!! Helen and Elissa saying that Candice and Jessie don’t know this game, at least they wanted to make big moves and not be mindless sheep doing whatever the house wanted. Besides if anybody doesn’t know this game it’s Helen and Elissa, when Helen gets evicted she will still be saying it’s too early to get Amanda. plus she’s saying Jessie killed her game with Aaryn. No bitch you killed your game by lying to everybody plus trusting that rat Andy that’s what killed your game. As far as Elissa goes well you already know how good she knows the game I don’t even have to say anything.
Funny considering how GinaMarie treated Candice and how her and Aaryn both talked about Jessie that now they’re upset because Elissa didn’t want them to sit beside of her. GinaMaire says you shouldn’t have to strike and hurt people’s feelings saying negative things about them to make yourself feel better. This might be her most hypocritical line of the season considering everything that she’s said and done. lol
Also Aaryn being the good little sheep and doing what Amanda and McCrae wants yet again, I guess like Elissa and Helen she’s having memory problems yet again. She said after she got rid of Howard that she wasn’t doing their dirty work for them anymore and since then she’s got rid of Judd and now Helen/Elissa. I know she can’t stand Elissa but she’s not a threat and Helen was going after Amanda/McCrae. Aaryn is stupid if she thinks Amanda/McCrae are going to give her a chance to get to the end because with all of her comp wins they know they would have not shot at winning
Just to give you an update Arryn is part of 3 AM. She has a F2 deal with Opie the rat. GM is amazingly still in the house also. Only if Opie says yes, but there might be and end game that doesn’t include McManda at all. Tough to get around production and Grodner though.
Putting up Helen at this point isn’t even a big move, she voted out anyone who would have worked with her because Amanda told her to and all she has left is ellisa. Am I the only person who can’t access the feeds now? The links all say forbidden 🙁
Helen did it to herself, but here’s the rub. I’ve been saying that she was desperate to fit in with the cool kids. She could’ve gotten rid of Ahandjob and Aaryn but she didn’t because she wanted to fit in with them. That’s just the plain truth of it. She wanted it so bad to the point that she threw the people that could’ve cushioned her in the game under the bus and she did it hoping t hat she could weasel her way into the inner circle, which she wanted from day one. Jessie just destroyed her with Andy and Ahandjob and any remorse that would’ve felt for getting rid of her went out the window. Spencer hates all the women in that house. The only thing that might save Helen is Aaryn and Andy will put a stop to that real quick. The only person that can come back into the game a have a chance is Judd. He’s the only one everybody felt bad about evicting so that’s his small window of opportunity. Anyone else is getting voted out as fast as they came back in. But if all goes the way it has been all season, they’ll find the small thing to hate Helen for so they can justify her eviction because they think America see them the way they do. They think Elissa will win America’s favorite, nah, Jessie’s got a lock on that one. Elissa is a worthless jury vote. The downfall of Helen has started and the feeds will be epic this week for those waiting for this moment. I’m one of them. I don’t like Aaryn but the fact is she deserves to win, she’s played the game, survived and is kickin ass and taking names. Julie will have a stroke if that happens.
The juror coming back into the house will be a waste of time unless they give them the HOH, a week of immunity or a DPOV or something. If not then it’s useless everybody will just gang up on them and vote them right back out again. Judd would be the biggest waste to come back in because he would go running to Amanda saying he wasn’t MVP and that he forgives her now that he’s back and he’ll do whatever she wants. Jessie, Candice or Helen would be better because they would all have an an axe to grind with pretty much everybody. Jessie would be the best bet though because she even said to Julie that she ruined her game by trying to make a big move so you know if she came back in with a power of some kind, immunity for a week or was HOH then she would blow the f*cking house down. Everybody but especially that rat Andy who said he carried her as far as he could (what the hell did he do for her what a joke lol) and that nasty fat smug bitch Amanda would be scared to death because they would know she wouldn’t have anything to lose so she wouldn’t hold anything back.
I wish that Aaryn would put up McManda.
If McManda is able to win the POV – Aaryn could put up Helen as a replacement.
Aaryn, Andy, Spencer, and GM could switch the game by putting up McManda – and make a great deal of viewers delighted.
Aaryn has no reason to keep McManda safe at this point – Aaryn should be smart enough to know that McManda’s next HOH has a high probability of voting Aaryn out. Aaryn has won so much – Aaryn should be able to deduce that McManda will get rid of her sooner than later.
If Aaryn wants to win this game she cannot waste this HOH on not getting McManda out this week – next HOH she will not be able to play, and, if McManda is still in the house they may decide it is time for Aaryn to go. In the end, McManda would rather “fight” it out with GM, Spencer, Elissa, and Andy.
The McManda Show is boring – I hope that production does interfere (perhaps by illuminating Aaryn during DR sessions by “sprinkling” statements such as, “If you do not get Amanda out this week your game is over …. You know that Amanda and McCrae will not want to risk bringing you to the final 4 / 3 …. Why are you satisfied giving the BB15 first and second place to McManda …. Getting Amanda out this week is better for you – this week Amanda will use you to get rid of who she wants – the next HOH Amanda will use to get you out .”
I agree with McManda about it being a slap in the face. This fake bitch got this experience handed to her b/c of Rachel. She gets a bigger stipend, didn’t have to go to hotel sequester, had the Brenchel drones save her in th beginning of the season and NOW you gonna pull the Waaah, Im gonna take my ball and go home routine!? Unbelieveable
It is def a slap in the face to everyone who has followed the franchise since its inception and sweat blood and scratched and clawed MULTIPLE times to make it on the show! What a spoiled snobby lil diva! I guess that’s what wearing too much makeup does to your brain.
Or all that plastic surgery to make her look like Rachel’s twin and all that botox. Hope Elissa self evicts since she did not deserve to be there in the first place!
I think everyone needs to realize that Elissa was brought in to disrupt the house and that is what she has done. I can’t even believe the houseguests didn’t realize this. It’s their fault she’s still there. If they have a problem with her they need to look back to the week they evicted Nick.
WOW after seeing Helen stand by the door to compose her acting skills,
walk into the HOH room and deliver a Razzie-worthy performance with
her fake croc tears while throwing Ellisa under the bus in nano seconds.
I must say she puts a capital C*UNT onto Condescending.
Helen is radioactive slime.
I really do feel sorry for the people who like/love Elissa. Elissa is no different than the racism that has been happening in the house, what a condescending hypocrite. She is extremely selfish and narcissistic, to call people peasants, really; in this day and age.. Rachel would be ashamed her sister is a big flop in the house, what a joke. I like Rachel’s personality wayyyy more than Elissa’s.
Elissa is correct these people are disgusting….Aaryn, Amanda, and GM are racists….how can someone forgive that…she is not a sheep like the rest of the house. GM said the N-word into Andy’s ear, and Andy did not find a problem with that…..that’s sad……Aaryn thinks she’s better than Candice and Howard because she’s White…that is just pure racist ideology on Aaryn part……Amanda is disgusting…walking around the house with her breast hanging out, blood stain dirty panties with onion odor coming from her vagina….spits the most racist language in house because she was not put on notice like Aaryn was. These people are racists and disgusting….In the End ….Elissa feeling about how disgusting these people are is going to be proven right……I don’t know what is to be admired by these 3 racists women and the condoning house guests….
I hope they evict Elissa because there is no way she’s going to win the competition to return next Thursday since she sucks at everything.
It’ll give Judd, Jessie and Candice a leg up. I mostly want Jessie or Candice to come back because Jessie will piss everyone off but Candice would make GM go crazy!
Im not a lesbian, but after seeing Jessie in that dress tonight… i would do her. I repeat, im not a lesbian! !!!
The show s fixed thats why they go to the ddiary room so production can tell them what to. Do
I don’t know if anyone mentioned it already but Jessie got greeted with thunderous applause when she went out and talked to Julie. I got the impression that America really adored her.
“Helen: “It’s easier to go to work and earn 500 thousand dollars than win Big Brother.. it’s a very complicated game”
Amanda:L “I disagree”
Proof that Helen is just a housewife who volunteered on a few campaigns and doesn’t work for a living. It’s a shame Amanda had to be so detestable because I do enjoy when she calls bulls**t on people.
Two more things:
1) Production screwed Howard and Candice over with the DR sessions with other HG’s, so now they need to help Helen figure out she’s cooked after veto. I want to watch her find out that Amanda never said “it’s too early, we’ll do it next week”, that Andy was a snitch and never her ally, and that Aaryn never fell for her bs.
2) Ellissa is like Jen from season 8. She’s a space cadet, consumed with how she looks on TV…forgetting she’s on TV 24/7. Elissa knows what Aaryn and GM are and doesn’t want to be seen fraternizing on CBS…but she’s fine with both otherwise. This makes her beyond fake.
Production Really Sucks. Allison Grodner has ruined Big Brother. Aaryn tonight revealed that Elissa gets an Inflated Stipend and is exempt from Jury. If she is evicted she will stay with Rachel. & Amanda said (when they were trying to guess who Judd was related to) that Allison (executive producer) & Rich (Co-Executive producer) told her everything about Judd and all the other houseguests. & then Fish…No surprise.
helen is an idiot hands down
dont like amanda but she is very smart
elissa and spencer needs to team up and start winning
mccrea is cruising through this game …. he just might win
andy for a professor is very dumb he is at the bottom
aaron good social game;;;;trust worthy ???? trying to redeem herself from being a racist …….too late
gina marie is just a looser she tries so hard to be a gangster…….she will be so suprised when she comes out
candice needs to reenter the game and shake things up and win
If we get a chance to vote someone back in the house PLEASE VOTE BACK IN CANDICE….The look on Amanda, GM and Aaryns face would be priceless!!!!
Candice is boring and she sucked at competitions. Jessie or Judd need to come back in the game. Candice NO WAY!!
I hope it is Judd or Jessie because hey will be mad and ready to stir the pot.
I have to say, watching Helen cry is very satisfying. I know she fakes, but maybe a few teardrops are real, knowing she’s in danger of eviction. I truly liked her the first couple of weeks, but not anymore. I think the reason Amanda can so easily commandeer the HOH bed is because Andy, the Rat, is so busy scurrying from room to room collecting information for her. I wonder if it ever occurs to any of the remaining players to actually evict Andy. Would that be enough to make Amanda leave the bed and actually do her own dirty work? Probably not. I love this site and all the great comments. Kudos to Simon and Dawg.
The weather report says: flash floods expected this week in the BB House, cuz Helen won’t stop crying her “manipulating” tears. This week is gonna be real entertaining. Although I hope Aaryn puts Helen and Demanda up on the block.
All of you really need to calm down. I’m not sure if I’ve even seen ONE positive comment on this forum….. I have seen people be way too harsh to every member of the house. Imagine if you were in the bb house. Do you really think you would much better than them? Just cut them some slack.
GM: “I know you’re trying to defend her Helen… I respect that I know you are friends.. . but you shouldn’t have to strike and hurt people’s feelings saying negative things about them to make yourself feel better”
Um what game is GM and Aaryn playing because we’re watching Big Brother and we’ve seen how they have treated people throughout the season.
This season really went downhill after Nick left! Judd was one of the last one worth a d@mn!
I can’t understand for the life of me why won’t these people when in power won’t put Mr & Mrs. McNasty asses on the block!!! I believe a few of them threw that HOH to Aaryn last night so she could continue to get blood on her hands & do the McNasty’s dirty work & for that she’s probably sealed her fate because she can’t play in HOH next wk & for Helen from Hell telling her a couple episodes back she’s just like (Janelle the comp Queen) boy the lies she tells because if Aaryn was anything like Janelle and she said herself on Twitter, AmanDUMB & HeLLena would’ve been on the block!!! I wish GM would shut the hell up she’s only talking like the trash she is because she knows she’s safe this wk, I’m hoping next wk either Candice or Jessie comes back in the house & the reason being is to shake sh*t up neither one of them are good @ comps, Judd would prlby run back & kiss AmanDUMB’s nasty ass! If anybody deserves to win this game is Aaryn ( although i can’t stand her) based on comp wins some may have been thrown to her but i would rather her win then those other goons in the house, with that being said they need to stop voting with the house & have a mind of their own…GEESSH PPL GROW A PAIR!!!
GM: “I know you’re trying to defend her Helen… I respect that I know you are friends.. . but you shouldn’t have to strike and hurt people’s feelings saying negative things about them to make yourself feel better”
Seriously, does GM even understand what she is saying??? She really needs a reality check.
I nearly fell out of my seat laughing at that one.
What a freaking crybaby Rachelissa is. Didn’t get her way, so she’s just going to quit the show. Pathetic.
Now are Brenchel zombies starting to realize how delusional they were for trying to hold this loser up as some great player and saint of a person?
So instead of Helen being happy spencer squared her off against Gina Marie she’s going off thinking there’s some huge alliance that spencer is part of? I’d be embarrassed too if I was Helen, losing to gm like that. But to think spencer is capable of being in, let one loyal enough to an alliance perhaps gives us more insight than we care to see about her perception of what’s happening.
God forbid spencer plays a game and does what’s good for him. Frankly he did fuck up with putting Helen up against gm. Not cause he’s in an allience with anyone but because these morons didnt pair the people with THEIR allience members. He should of put her up against Elissa.
Had he done that tho of course he’d out him self as a selfish prick playing for him self kinda players. Oh nooooo!
It really hurt my head to hear Amanda get so butt hurt that spencer refused to throw a pov in which he was on the block. As if playin to remove him self from the block shows some sort of distrust and non loyalty or something. Like really? Stfu
Please house guests stop telling Aaryn she is janielle because janielle would have the balls to make a HUGE move janielle has the balls to get blood on her hands janielle wouldnt let some scruffy pizza boy and his bitch tell her what to do
That’s a slap in the face to Janelle. Janelle was a GREAT player and my favorite by far. These HG are a joke and I hesitate to even call them game players at all. Helen telling Aaryn she’s like Janelle to try to save her own a$$ was hilarious. Aaryn probably believing it is even more ridiculous. Amanda and Helen would have been out a long time ago if Janelle were playing!!
All these people including Amanda complaining about Elissa having a free ride because of the MVP are all delusional. Amanda and her drones were the ones that benefited from that. Seeing how this season has evolved, I would bet that Elissa wishes she had been voted out week one instead of being used to further a bunch of racist pigs in this game. Don’t forget it was Candice and Elissa who made the decision to put Nick up and it was Nick’s fatal mistake to not make a deal with Elissa. So why is he considered to be such a great player? I don’t believe Elissa thinks she is better than these people because she has money, I believe she thinks she is better because she is not a disgusting, racist pig. Certainly she has said some “not nice” things but in comparison to what Aaryn, GM, Amanda, McCrae and yes even Andy have said, well there is no comparison. If I put myself in Elissa’s place I think it would be hard not to blow up at these people. They are talking about making her life a living hell so she leaves and can’t get the $25,000. If it was all about game it would be different but these people attack so personally I would go bat shit crazy on them all. Unfortunately, Elissa can’t do that because of how Rachel acted in Season 12. She is desperately trying to hold it together in a house full of people she would never associate with in real life. I would not associate with any of them either. I think it would be priceless if Elissa wins veto and Helen wins the comp to return. I believe the comp will be catered to Judd. That would be a waste because he won’t do anything to shake things up, he will just help McCranda get to final 2. My votes are going to Candice for fan favorite because I think she held it together a lot longer than some of us would have and the look on the racist’s faces will be priceless!
Your comment: never associate with in REAL LIFE shows that you are the same type of scummy elitist snob as Elissa.
Elissa= plastic yoga plant…..so useless , she is taking the spot of a possible true bb great player, let her leave.
This season is just ridiculous. The worst season casted yet. I do not want to see anyone out of this house on the news, or talk shows or ANYTHING. LAME season, next summer better blow all of the other seasons out of the water, CBS has some making up to do for this horsecrap of a cast. Now all we see is fighting and crying and people NOT making big moves. Im over this cast. the only person worth watching better come back in the house…JUDD im looking at you kid, keep Jessie there, she wanted to make big moves, but dang girl, too little too late.
…and now Andy joins in to the ‘cry fest’. What the hell was he crying for? Because he lied to Jessie and made her feel like crap. Hope he gets back doored so he can see just how important he was to the dynamic duo of McAmanda….
Bringing someone back after the eviction next week is B/S plain and simple. How convenient they decide to do this when the deck is stacked for Helen or Elissa to be evicted. What’s the comp between the 4 evictees going to be??? 1. Who can do duck lips? or 2. Who can cry on demand?
Hope the only thing everyone says to Helen all week is “I’m voting with the house”…
I really don’t understand why ALL the HG constantly talk about “that’s one less vote for me” etc. You have to make it to the final 2 before you can get votes anyway. I understand thinking about it, but talking about it out loud makes you look like you are convinced you are going to be there. For instance Helen worrying about Elissa going home instead of to jury is hilarious. Helen, honey you really don’t need to worry about Elissa’s vote because you are NOT going to be in the final 2. I was rooting for you in the beginning but you played it way too safe. Should have put Amanda and McRae up weeks ago. I despise Amanda with all my being, but Helen ruined her own game by not being willing to make a big move and all her fakeness has made me dislike her immensely (not as much as Amanda, but close). Can’t stand the racist/homophobic/child molesting alliance of Aaryn, GM and Spencer, so am not rooting for any of them. Also can’t stand that bully Amanda and her pu$$y whipped boy toy McRae so not rooting for them. Liked Andy in the beginning but his game has been nothing but agreeing with and making alliances with every single person in the house and doing what everyone else says so he “doesn’t get any blood on his hands” or “doesn’t ruffle any feathers” which basically makes him a floater. He’s supposed to be a superfan, but not being willing to make ANY moves, big or otherwise does not sound like a superfan. Well I guess you can be a superfan without actually being a super player as this season has clearly shown. So I am in no way rooting for this follower either. Then there’s Elissa, ugh. She is at least politically correct and sticks up for those that the other HG bash with racist and homophobic comments, so I respect her for that. She is the polar opposite of her sister whom I really, really despised (even more than Amanda). She’s somewhat quiet, doesn’t cry and feel sorry for herself in a dramatic way and isn’t nasty like Rachel, she actually acts like she has some dignity and class. However, also unlike Rachel, she SUCKS at competition and gameplay. So that being said, yes she is snobby and pretentious at times, but with these HG, it would be hard not to be. She doesn’t need the money, so I’m really not rooting for her either. I basically have no one left to root for unless one of the jury members come back and manages to somehow stay and throw the house into a tailspin and make it all the way to final 2. Here’s hoping that happens!!! Why is Big Brother getting worse and worse every season? Maybe next season they should have an entire cast of people who have never seen the show and don’t know how to play it, so it can be exciting again like it was in the earlier seasons…just a thought.
GinaMarie; “I know you’re trying to defend her Helen… I respect that I know you are friends.. . but you shouldn’t have to strike and hurt people’s feelings saying negative things about them to make yourself feel better” I was rolling on the floor when I heard GM say this. Her poor feelings were hurt. Poor GM. She would never say anything to anyone that would hurt their feelings would she??? And negative words have never come out of her mouth have they??
Just realized this season everyone wears each other clothes, last night Helen wore Ginamaries dress.
I’ve finally figured out who this show is aimed at……. Naive hillbillies who would never in a million years figure out that the whole show is scripted. If I was a writer I’d have Elissa voted out, Judd the hillbilly come back in, him and Elissa battle it out in a game of “what you say”, Elissa win because no one would understand a word Judd said, and Aaryn flips out with inappropriate remarks about people with Botox, fake hair, fake eyebrows, fake hooters, etc.
By the way Helen is one cheating lying ingrate….. it would be fantastic if she gets the boot, Jessie comes back and wipes her out in the competition to bring her back into the house……..
if elissa wins america’s favorite player, i’m going to be VERY disappointed. she’s so useless in this game and she’s so self-involved. actually, if elissa, helen, amanda, aaryn, gm, andy, jeremy or spencer win america’s favorite i’ll be disappointed. i hate them all. i hope helen leaves this week, and judd comes back into the house. and they better not vote him out right away either. spencer should use judd to his advantage and they should decide to create some sort of guys alliance to take out amanda. THAT would be awesome. judd deserves to win america’s favorite. he was the most likable houseguest by far, and went out way too soon. i can’t believe they thought getting rid of him was their “big move”. shut up losers, i bet the majority of the world thought that was the stupidest move ever. you should’ve backdoored amanda or helen. THAT would’ve been a big move. SO HAPPY helen or elissa will be leaving this week!
Helen, how is it that just because she is trying to save her game, that she doesn’t understand this game? What you are really saying is she doesn’t know how to (or better yet doesn’t WANT to) play YOUR game!
Also I love how these houseguest are so offended at the twitter question that was presented about not making big moves. Ever since week 3 NO BIG MOVES HAVE BEEN MADE! They can keep telling themselves that JUDD was a big move, but we all know the truth. I think what the twitter question was really trying to get across was that no one is making individual big moves. It’s always what the “house” wants, almost as if “the house” is another player!
All Helen needed to say was that for her game it hasn’t been necessary to make big moves as of yet. I could respect that over, “I believe we (there we go again making it about the whole house) have made big moves”.
So Amanda is trying to say she threw the HOH. I call BS on that. If she threw it she wouldn’t be crying behind the garbage can. Then I realized that if Aaryn wanted to give it to Amanda all she had to do was hit the wrong button and Amanda would have won. Anyone who saw BBCA will remember Alec giving it to Andrew during the same comp. However, Aaryn would not have done it so blatantly. Unlike BBCA the jury is not sequestered together like they were on BBCA which gave Gary a huge advantage into how the other jury members were feeling. That was the unfair part of bringing someone back. Regardless who comes back they will probably just go home the next week unless they win HOH at which point they will be targeted the week after. Looking forward to the next double eviction. Simon/Dawg do you know if there will be 1 more double eviction or if they need to do 2 since someone is coming back in? Thanks!
Personally no one can come back from jury and make a difference. They will all suck up to mcranda and believe the alliance crap they get fed. Bring back someone from the outside that has been watching and can expose what is going on. On a side note, something is amiss when no one suggests getting rid of a power couple like mcranda. Finally, I think if it got down to mcranda and Andy in the final hoh they would convince him to throw the comp so he doesn’t get blood on his hands. He is the ultimate rat IMHO.
Bye Bye Helen! Just like Judd, you’ll be meeting this mutual friend of yours: KARMA! You fucking lying two-faced woman, keep throwing people who are loyal to you under the bus and getting them evicted: Candice, Jessie and now Elissa (you did throw her under the bus 3 wks ago telling ppl she was hurting your game). Don’t worry: once you find yourself alone with all these ppl whose approval you’ve been seeking, you’ll understand that you’ll never get it. Even, for 500k, I’ve never seen someone who seems like she could even sell her own family to get ahead. You’re vile, Helen and the way you get all uppity and open the tear gates whenever your allies call you out on your BS, is the perfect proof of it. So pathetic to see you trusting McCrea! The other HG might be mentally unstable, you’re delusional!
What part of common sense don’t these people do not understand about showmances? Its two votes against you. Mcranda should have been taken out two weeks ago.
I really can’t stand Helen, but I’d much rather Amanduh-the-she-Beast get blindsided first. Everyone sees that Helen is a useless liar now and won’t work with her. It’s already “game-over” for her, so getting that She-Beast out should be priority, but we know how this HOH is going to play out. I wonder if Aaryn will get to sleep in the HOH bed…..
“It’s easier to go to work and earn 500 thousand dollars than win Big Brother.”
This may be the dumbest thing anyone has ever said on television in the history of the universe.
Great job of dumping on Helen by Jessie.
When does Helen start blaming Elissa for “ruining her game”? She’s blamed just about everyone else (except herself of course).
These so called human beings are a disgrace to society. None of them have any morale’s, what kind of up bring did they have? Big Brother production has stooped really low this season. In my opinion, no-one deserves the prize monies and therefore, should be split and awarded to a charity organization’s. I have stopped watching BB and once in a while I will check out the BB live feed on the website. SHAME, SHAME BB for a horrible season.
bitch bitch bitch ” this season sucks” moan moan moan “worst house-guests ever!!” bitch bitch bitch “these people are dumb-asses! ” moan moan moan “worst season ever!!” bitch bitch bitch “Alison Grodner ruined Big Brother!! moan moan moan “I’m not watching anymore”
Hmmmm…. BB14 biggest bitch & moan??
” They need to stop bringing in former players and bring in all new people”
Be careful what you bitch for….just sayin’
Oh Helen, Helen, Helen…………stop blaming Jessie for effing up your game. You flat out got caught in a lie, put on your big girl panties and try and save yourself instead of crying like a little beeatch.
The houseguests are Tea Party people
wow, can’t believe how blindsided Helen is.. She hasn’t a clue that Aaryn is up Amanda’s ass?! She thinks Mc and Amanda are on her side still???
I hope Helen does get evicted only to come back.. then the game will get real, because she will then know
The biggest crock of shit is Amanda laying in mccreas arms telling eliisa you make Helen stronger cause you’re a couple people see that as a threat ! Lol really Amanda! This getting to be too much for me.
The biggest crock of shit is Amanda laying in mccreas arms telling eliisa you make Helen stronger cause you’re a couple people see that as a threat ! Lol really Amanda! This getting to be too much for me.