“I’ll be honest if you stay I would never not want to work with you. I do love you” – Nick to Christie

Head of Household Winner – Jackson
Have note are:
Nominations are: Christie & Sis
Power of Veto Players are – Christie, Sis, Jackson, Nick (Christie pulled ), Holly (Sis pulled), Cliff
Power of Veto holder – Jackson
Power of Veto Ceremony – Jackson did not use the power of veto

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5:28 pm Nick and Nicole
Nick says if the votes 3-3 and Jackson votes in Christie’s favour he’s losing 2 jury votes. Sis and Jack because of how Jackson went on all week about his target being Christie and then to blindside Sis.
Nick – I really hope she f*ing goes

5:51 pm Cliff, Holly and Jackson
Jackson and Holly saying how blinded players are at Nick
Jackson saying he’s wanted Christie out for weeks because she’s so good at this game and her strengths have been a threat to him
Jackson – if those threats can be assets. what assets will Sis offer me?

Jackson – I’ll be honest I don’t know where you’re head is at
Cliff – I’m on board with you guys
Jackson – I don’t want to say it in a mean way or a disrespectful way.
Cliff – I think Nigel will break away at some point she’s the weak link.
Jackson – Christie is saying she’ll take fourth or fifth
Holly – she will be fiercely loyal to us three
Jackson – I could never get her 100%. When we were ion a 6 I could never say we were 100%. Now she’s backed into a corner because she has no option
Jackson – I’m not swearing on my family I’m not swearing on a bible my words my word
Cliff says Christie has lied to him before but her actions were honest.
Jackson – I’ll be honest with you man if it comes down to a tie I’ll break it in Christie’s favour.
Cliff – I’m on board with y’all

Cliff says Sis wants to know if she’s blindsided.
Jackson says Sis isn’t entitled to know. Ther’es a fear of what she might do.
Cliff – with her I’m afraid she’ll go ballistic and emotional

Feeds flip to Christie saying she’s always crying.
Sis – I’m saving my tears for tomorrow.

And we’re back to the HOH conversation
Holly – yeah she’s a freaking threat but I do respect her gameplay I don’t want a floater to win
Cliff – I’m onboard
Holly – I hate saying anything in a negative light about either of the girls. I do really love them. I’m playing a game and I want to make respectable moves
CLiff – we have to watch out for each other afterwards because it’s going to get bloody. Nick and Tommy is going to be out for blood. I would guess the three of us in here are going to be targets number 1
Jackson – Risky move
Holly – it’s a risky move putting Christie up and it’s a risky move saving her a$$
Jackson – I like to gamble
Holly – Isn’t it amazing the way things change in a week
Cliff – I didn’t come here for sixth place
Jackson – sixth, fifth, fourth
Holly – I also though. did not come here to play a game where one person decides what place we all get.. no, thank you. I’m not going to get sixth place because Nick decided (I swear to kraken she said the same thing a week before but was talking about Christie)

Holly – and placed all of us little pawns in a row and himself with a crown on it (OMFG Christie’s campaigning worked)
Cliff – he’s been a busy little bee
Holly – him and Christie have similar game styles and she is a power player
Jackson – Christie is being forced to have nothing.
Holly – I think she’ll be fiercely loyal
Jackson – she has nothing Nick has everything

Cliff leaves says he’s on board with them “If anything changes let me know and I’ll adjust accordingly”

6:22 pm Christie campaigning to Nick
Christie says last night wasn’t about tarnishing his character is was about forcing him to win HOH and show his cards.

Christie says it’s “frustrating to watch you protect a handful of people but never have to nominate people”
Nick says he really hasn’t been throwing HOH’s

Nick – I don’t have anything against you gamewise or personal wise I just felt like you were coming after me.
Nick – the only game conversations I have are with Tommy, Sis and Nicole.
Nick – I’m not working with Michie and Holly
Christie – Michie is not my target
Christie goes on about being “Very big on Justice and fairness”

Nick – if you do win this next HOH I get it you have to put me up
Nick – I’m telling you if I do win this next HOH you’re still not my target.. Sure you are coming after me but so is Jess
Christie says she kinda has to put him up now after last night. Nick understands.
Christie – I love this game I came here to play
Nick says Christie can resurrect her game like he did when Sam left.
Nick – I’ll be honest if you stay I would never not want to work with you I do love you. Granted I did want you out yes.
Christie says if Jackson is breaking a tie and she’s making a deal she will honour that deal.
Christie says she’s not proud of the outburst
She respects Nick’s game and wants to be his friend out of it goes on about how much she loves this game.

6:35 pm Nicole, Jackson and Holly
Nicole says she’ll respect Jackson’s HOH and vote the way he wants to. Says that nick might walk around declaring his loyalties it doesn’t mean it’s a two-way street.
6:56 pm HOH Nicole, Holly and Jackson
Jackson – if it’s a tie I’m going to vote to evict Sis

7:12 pm – 7:55 pm Cereal party

7:55 pm Cliff and Nicole
they’re talking about keeping Christie
Cliff – I feel like it’s probably okay to go that way
Nicole – I want to do what f*s me less
Cliff – I know I told them the same thing
Cliff – if ti’s the three of us and Holly it’s a four 2 vote
Nicole – I heard Christie’s campaign
Cliff – it makes a lot sense
Nicole – it does
Cliff – if she’s willing to take shots and goes after them hopefully makes the target for them they go after her.
They agree they’re on the same page.

95 thoughts to ““I’ll be honest if you stay I would never not want to work with you. I do love you” – Nick to Christie”

  1. As much as as people don’t like Christie & Jackson, this has been a much more entertaining season than Derrick’s season

            1. Had the worst people but was a lot more exciting than this season. This is the only season I’ve skipped episodes due to boredom.

    1. Yes so far….Bb16 (so bad I can’t remember anyone other than Derrick winning twice!) followed by bb19 now this? Christie stays then I will have to reevaluate my line up

  2. OMG they are keeping Crusty? Nope I can’t continue watching this mess after Jackson saying his goal was to take out Crusty and changing his mind. I believe it was less the blowup and more Holly’s influences. Time for me to give up on BB21 and catch Netflix, or Amazon Prime series.

      1. Thanks I put on my list. I still have several episodes of EUPHORIA, THE 100, LORE. It’s never ending what is available Grodner should be scared if all the viewers abandon BB. Just because season BB20 drew big numbers in the ratings, BB21 can cancel the show.

        1. Euphoria is a wicked series – wish it was longer & I love Billions too. Can’t wait for that & Ray Donovan to return assuming they are both doing another season.

    1. If you want the big move of the season get out Christie otherwise she will probably be in the final 2.. and no one still knows about her and tommy relationship yet

    2. I am in total shock… If they keep her … I really hope she wins cause the rest are a bunch of dumb ass idiots…..
      This is unreal

  3. This is BS…Jackson is a whimp and Cliff is nothing but a follower. But I really think production has a big hand in this. Put all the cards on the table and let them talk about what they heard outside. Thg jis is Bull

    1. I think that production has told Jackson that they don’t want Crusty voted out. We all know that Grodner interferes with the goings on every year.
      But that says, I thought Jackson was not going to wimp out. We all know Crusty is a constant liar, she will go after Holly, Jackson and Cliff.

      1. And if they keep her.. I hope she wins HOH and puts Jackson and Holly up.. They deserve it…They deserve to go to Jury as the dumb asses.. I am so irritated with this bunch!

    2. Ok, so if Christy gets to stay after making all these deals & Sis goes to jury, is Christy obligated to carry out the deals she is making or can she merely turn around & renege & put Jackson up if she gets HOH etc? Are deals concrete on BB & they aren’t allowed to break them??

      1. Caitlyn things turn on a dime. So stupid to trust christy again. These people are so dumb and crazy expecting s different result. They need to do a season where they bring back half the crazies and half the sane smart people like Derrick and toss them in the house together.

  4. Oh my god please send crusty home. I missed a day on the feeds and now he wants to save her. WTF

  5. Don’t these people know #christyevictionparty has been trending on twitter? Oh wait, Production works against what fans want online……

    1. Crusty is a Grod favorite so I was wondering when her flying monkeys would make an appearance…. I think they are afraid it will get boring without her constant crying and smacking lol.

  6. Here’s a newsflash: Nick Is Not THAT Good At This Game! Christie has successfully sold him as a mastermind to certain amongst these morons….. when he’s actually just a smarmy, sleazeball floater-type with an over-inflated sense of his own popularity in the house.

  7. smh amazing.. each and every week cbs (along with the actors err i mean hg’s) sell you all the fake flip drama why do you keep buying it??? CHRISTIE WILL BE EVICTED TOMORROW period end of story

    1. I’m “manifesting” this thought too. If Jackson flips, he’ll lose ever morsel of respect he’s earned with his HOH. Christie need to go!

    2. Yeah like the Sam hype flip. Julie even asked “it looked like u were staying Sam from all the hype. What happened?” (As if she didnt know it was part of the plot)

  8. Like it or not, the flip is going happen. Wouldn’t it be fun if we could at least get a Sis blindside out of the deal? That way she would find out how popular she really is.

    1. Yeah sis blindside would be the one upside to this. She’s so dumb she probably wouldn’t even realize she was evicted.

    2. Yeah I kinda agree about the Sis blindside.. it would be funny and deserving… BUT I still want Crusty the Clown out more!!!

  9. So if Christie stays Tommy is going to have to drop the “I love you” game play and fight his way to the finale.When it comes down to Jackson vs Tommy who will Christie betray?Tommy should drop Christie just like his aunt did.

    1. The CBS show tonight showed her and Sis in an accurate light, although it was only about 10% off Christie’s drama. Tommy’s diary room sessions revealed what we pretty much know, that she’s tanking her game and this too if she doesn’t go. She’s really insufferable when she decides she’s fighting a “moral good fight” against evil. Facts don’t care about Christie’s feelings.

    2. If Christine staying gets tommy out that’s a plus for me as long as she goes at some point before final 3.

  10. Not only have the powers that be worked overdrive to save Christie, they are also putts no in work to make her the greatest player ever, being able to save herself from her nemesis…please no.

    1. Well she is Queen of the Universe.Bow down to your effervescent Goddess and be blessed by her radiance.

    2. What really sucks is if she pulls this off, she actually deserves to win. Jackson is an idiot who is overthinking this whole thing.

  11. Does this mean Jackson will fall back to the bottom of the rankings where he belongs ? Everybody jumped on the Jackson train when he put Christie up , so it stands to reason if he saves her his ranking should fall.

    1. I’m elated that Jackson put Christy up, however, no way do I want him to win. When Holly, Jackson & Christy were talking tonight, and Holly acting like she isn’t savvy to what is totally going on & Jackson eyeing her each time she said something playing dum dum…I took it as her way of possibly putting this all on Jackson just in case she does make it to the end & she can look like she had nothing to do with it. ( I don’t pay that much attention to Holly, but noticed that tonight ) Jackson better watch his back with Holly.

  12. Nick gets hosed again by Christie and Michie. That HOH is rather important at this stage, and yes, if it is athletic he can win it.

  13. Ummm. what the sweet thundering apostle in a party dress is going on?
    I go out for a few hours and what what WHUUUUUT?
    Where is this keep Crustie thing gaining traction? When does it blow a tire?
    Admittedly the game side logical analytical brain part of me sees more value in keeping the crackhead… but the i want nice things strictly operates of gut side is still anticipating the popcorn i bought for tomorrow’s eviction.
    My god… what has the d/r been pumping into air vents???
    Oh wait. I forgot. In week three I theorized that Christie’s pheromones are actually a secret concoction of hallucinogenic will inhibitors. Yeah. That’s it. it’s the pheromones. damn Crustie’s musk. (thinly veiled Dan’s Mist takeoff that is wholly not earned by the whackjob).
    I’m a couple hours behind. just watching the episode now while i catch up on feeds…. anyone else thinking the d/r in this episode is particularly twilight zone??? No really. i think i sprained my eyelids rolling my eyes a couple times, and they are just starting to play veto. Any episode only viewers reading this: Nick did make a safety deal with Jackson, and swore to vote how Jackson wanted this week. He sold out so fast an so hard (under 30 seconds by last retell) Bella thought it was her birthday romp.

    I’m still thinking that this is artifice for the viewers, and a flip will explode. Otherwise, the entire week’s worth of episode edit makes zero sense. In terms of game contribution: Crustie adds more than Sis the pillowcase without a bed spread to lie on top of. In terms of aggravation level: why would anyone choose to have to continue watching Crustie chew?

  14. Does CBS really think we need to see more of Christie’s crying and cud chomping? Jackson is gambling that him, Holly, and Cliff will be able to beat Christie????

  15. For the first time in 21 seasons, I will stop watching if Christie stays. I have endured all the other horrible seasons, but can no longer continue to watch what I feel is the worst cast. There is not one person worthy of a win at this point. You can say Christie was able to save herself, but I call interference. No way production hasn’t stepped in especially after the other night when her and Tommy’s relationship was announced. Michie flipping will go down as top three worst BB moves when Christie wins.

    1. Jun would mop the floor with Nicole. Jun’s game was to be the food provider that used the kitchen as a vantage point to see who was where, with whom, use her pre-existing relationship with her ex boyfriend to stay in good with his side of the house, and use her guile to stay in good with the other side of the house. She engineered multiple plans, and eviction votes. She won at least 2 comps, while managing to use her hoh to cut her ex out of the game without actually having to vote him out herself, and still getting him to campaign and vote for her to win. Nicole could never.
      Nicole could be a more successful floater if, while she was in with the Angels, she had also cultivated a relationship or alliance with either Tommy and Christie or with Holly and Jackson at the same time. Her happenstance of being good with them comes from Nick believing she’d be an easy goat to drag to finals.
      If Nicole were playing a Jun game, she’d have both sides asking for her advice before making a move, and she’d already have each eviction decided as soon as the hoh was crowned. Admittedly, Jun was a nasty piece of work, but most didn’t figure it out until they were on their way out the door, and she was still considered the lesser of two evils because she, unlike Alison, didn’t use sexuality to manipulate. Most hated her for her cold blood backstabbing but envied her for being able to do it so well. They hated her less than Alison.

  16. Dang it! Michie flipping to keep Christie will count for the moron BB hall of shame and ensure Christie a win to the finals. Taking a shot at a target successfully is how u win the game. If she stays I’m sure they will make sure she wins a veto in pandora box or some sort of special power to get Michie out. If he does this flip I am so DONE and officially count this as the dumbest cast ever of BB

    1. This is the dumbest cast. Omg it’s the worst.. Definitely a season in need of a Paul (He might actually win lol). On another note, my ears bleed when Jess is on the feeds. It’s brutal.

    2. Does this flip mean that Christie is turning her back on Tommy? After all, it did seem as though he was willing to abandon her for Sis.

  17. cliff and Nicole ultimately have the power to send Christy home, if only they would stop living in fear of retaliation and stand firm I think Jackson would understand. I’ve rooted for cliff and Nicole all season and if they don’t take christy out tomorrow I will just start rooting for her to win bc that would be a stupid weak move! Christie says nick is a master manipulator and running the game? Looks like she’s not so bad herself! Even tommy looks exhausted from trying to keep Christie’s outburst and emotions at bay. I will be super disappointed if she stays…Please don’t do this!!

    1. If it’s any consolation to anyone, when they come out, they find out they were the most collectively disliked cast ever. The biggest contest between them was which was ranked last. Started on my THE BOYS binge fest.

  18. What a bunch of morons. Nick is not on the block so deal with him next week. Christie hasn’t won anything. Neither has Sis. So, why are they making promises they can’t keep and why are people listening to any of their “targets”?

    Christie will say anything to stay. I can’t believe Holly’s that dumb, too, all because Christie cries. She and Jackson deserve to go home if they chicken out. Plus, they are keeping Nick’s best ally. Stupid, stupid, stupid.

    I don’t want to hear Christie fake cry anymore. She’s such a victim of her own making. Did she manifest this? Production is pushing to keep her for the drama. I wouldn’t be surprised if they tried to let her win.

    And, if Nicole keeps her just because she WANTS to be there so bad, she deserves to be sent home.

  19. Christie says her attack was to force him to win HOH. Laughable how she’s trying to squirm out of her attack and make it look like she was trying to HELP him. What planet is she on? Nick, Tommy and Sis were her allies and she threw Nick under the bus because she was mad, hurting both of their games.

    I don’t want Nick to win because he’s playing everyone.

    1. Yes and she said that ” she has to put him up if she wins, after all that happened” and this fool is thinking of actually keeping her? I need a drink! or 10… LMAO

  20. If they decide in their infinite wisdom to commit suicide by allowing Christie to stay in the game, I hope she wins the HOH comp and puts Jackson and Holly on the block. At this point in the game if anybody still believe Christies lies despite all her dead sisters they deserve what they get.

  21. OMG b every years when the game is not the way fans wanted it to be they accused production to be rigged in the game ! But event if I dislike christy she has done an amazing campaning this week and maybe it will make her stay ! Stop accusing production and please just recognize that she did something we all thought she won’t be able to do ! Are those HG dumb enough to flip ? It seems yes they are! But god I hate Chritsty and wish for her to go but if it’s not happening she deserve the credit of her campaigning not the production

  22. I guess I can see the pros and cons of keeping Christie, that is if she can be trusted, which I believe that she can’t. I just really want her gone. Come on Jackson, finish what you started……

    Let me be clear, I really want to see Christie leave the BB house tonight BUT if by some chance she does stay AND they blindside Sis, well lets just say I wouldn’t mind seeing that after her thinking her social game is awesome and everyone loves her. How off can one person be. Saying that you have a great social game when you only talk with 1/2 the house is just stupid. Ugh…..These people are driving me crazy…….

    ….And can someone PLEASE tell me what is the point of Holly??? She has got to be one of the most annoying, useless, no personality players of BB. She brings NOTHING to the BB table. Hopefully it’s her time to go soon.

      1. Well she does have to make her 40+ year old looking face, look like she’s in her 20’s…ya know so she doesn’t look like a perv hanging all over Jackson 😀

  23. Its hard to believe that this is legitimate. I know these house guests have extremely low IQs but it makes no sense that they would turn on a dime like this. I think production has manipulated this because they love the drama with Crusty

  24. WoW! SHOCKER!!! I had to tune out for a couple of days since it was beyond boring, to coming back and seeing the script flipped in favor of Christie… I would of never thought she could pull this off! I am luvin this watchin people squirm and freak out cuz it messes up their layin low snooze fest game!!! Can U Say Welcome to Big Brother finally… This cast still doesnt know how to pull off a blindside…

  25. I can’t believe they are even considering keeping that cry baby. She doesn’t even cry tears. Please please send her to jury. Christy is horrible. These players are all ignorant. TOOLS.

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