“I am bold, I am opinionated, I stand up for Justice.. I’m ready to go to Jury”

Head of Household Winner – Jackson
Have note are:
Nominations are:
Power of Veto Players are
Power of Veto holder –
Power of Veto Ceremony –

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1:16 pm Sis and Christie
Sis – I’m being honest I really have no f*ing idea what he’s going to do
Sis cries
Sis – I f*ing hate everyone here.
Sis I don’t want to be here anymore
Sis – I just f*ing hate it this is so hard
Christie – way harder than I thought. I feel stupid I feel like I’m giving up
Tommy joins them. Sis now saying “I love everyone in the house the energy is so low”
Christie – I’m ready to go to jury
Sis crying “I don’t want to be here alone”

Sis – I’m so tired
Christie – I’m spiritually tired
Christie starts bawling like crazy … “I miss my friends so bad”
Christie – I feel myself not caring if I go home .. I’m someone that stands up for everyone
Christie a slobbering mess .. “I am bold, I am opinionated, I stand up for Justice I have people’s back in here you can’t do that because you are looked at as a target”
Christie – I miss my sister she’s so f*ing real

1:29 pm Jackson Preparing another watermelon. Show Cliff how he stacks them on a bowl he puts the middle piece at the bottom “save the best for last”

1:33 pm Christie continues to melt.
Christie – everyone is going through their own struggles
Christie – I miss nature so much. I miss being in the woods.
Christie – I’m trying to be myself and in being myself. I am very strong. by being 100% myself I’m being this … In this game you can’t always speak your truth cause no one wants someone in the house that is always like that.
Christie – because that’s threatening or too blunt this is a game you are supposed to be under the radar and not take a bold stance and I did that so much the first 1/2 of the game and I feel like i’m trying to just be quieter I feel disconnected with myself

1:33 Another watermelon threesome.
Jackson goes over his conversations with the house. They know Nick is playing “All sides of the house”.
Holly says Tommy LOVES Nick
Jackson warns her trusting Tommy.
Holly says the next “distant” person in the house that she trusts is Tommy and she barely trusts him
Holly – of the remaining people in the house Tommy would be one person I trust
Jackson – you shouldn’t trust him with anything.

Jackson says those 6 people made a pact to protect each other if they didn’t win HOH they would be on the block, “It’s me you versus the house”
Jackson – the head of that team is Christie without her TOmmym is swingable.. there’s not breaking Nick, Sis, Tommy from Christie
Jackson says he’s going to pull Sis’ key first
Holly – if people see SIS they’ll know Christie is coming
Jackson – right, I’ll pull Christie’s first
Holly – putting Sis up means me and Tommy are the only ones not on the block
Jackson says Christie and Sis are a “Bold Move” he’s going to tell Sis she’s not the target and will tell CHrsitie she’s the target. Points out that Christie’s social game is fantastic she’s also a competition threat

1:52 pm Christie and Jessica
Christie still denying there was a 6 person alliance.
Christie – I’ve never talked game with Nicole ever literally neve, Nick I don’t trust that goes unsaid.. and Cliff said my name a million times so why would I work forward let alone a final 6 that’ was not the case at all I don’t know it that was said..
Christie thinks that maybe it was “people” trying to cause division in the house so then they would “have to be a six”

Christie – I am loyal to a very very small people in this house and that will never change in my eyes. (you’re not one of those)
Christie – If this is my time this is my week than it’s my week I feel proud of the game I played I feel consistent with the words that I’ve spoken I feel that I don’t have any skeletons. I don’t have anything I am ashamed off except for those few personal things that I said in impulse that I’ve apologized for.

2:41 pm Waiting for nominations eating watermelons


2:49 pm Jackson and Cliff
Jackson – I’m going for the head
Cliff- congratulations
Jackson – I have one shot at this thing. I’m going for the jugular one shot one kill get some
CLiff says the whole side will fall apart
Jackson – My noms are high-risk high reward
Cliff – I was the same way. I got your back there will be pissed off people
Jackson – ohh that’s fine. I like the excitement I like fireworks

Cliff alone talking to the camera says he’s bound by only two rules survive and win.
Says his best path forward is to stick with Jackson. he has to do what he has to do.

3:20pm Just waiting around for the nominations. Sis and Christie are going up.

4:01 pm chit chat waiting for noms.
Sis asking Christie if she would date her… Cliffs on the other screen talking about being just a regular guy that went to a casting call.

66 thoughts to ““I am bold, I am opinionated, I stand up for Justice.. I’m ready to go to Jury””

    1. Oh Cliff is most def “high risk, high reward.” At the thought of Christie using her power…he backed down and nominated Bella. C’mon man.

      1. Looking back he did the right thing. He didn’t have the backing of anyone else in the house and made more friends and didn’t make himself a target. If he gets to the end that will be the best move he made to help his game. We as fans may not have liked it but it saved his game.

        1. I don’t agree, if he had put Christie up, they would have to have chosen between Jack and Christie. Their alliance would have come apart at the seams as they threw each other under the bus. Nick and Bella would have stayed on the outs with the remaining group, Cliff and Nicole would have been in a decent place facing multiple smaller groups with multiple targets before either of them.

  1. Sure didn’t take her long to start crying. So now that things aren’t going her way she wants to take her toys and go home.

    Can’t wait to see her go !!!

    1. She’s rallying up sympathy for votes.
      Just in case she’s OTB. . . after all, Jackson was NOT forthcoming at all in his One-on-One.

    2. I wonder when Crusty says she is honest if the HG’s aren’t scared a bolt of lightening won’t come hit her from the universe to say “Stop that”.

    3. It’s just an eye roll for me that those two cry at the mere thought of having to fight for their game. There were no tears from them when they slammed the door on Nicole’s face, threw the same people on the block week after week, treated them like garbage, lie their butts off right to people’s faces. Truth and justice my a**

      1. You read my mind. In their simple minds it’s only good when they are the ones doing it to someone else. Only Jackass is not being as nasty to them as they were to Nicole and others

  2. Final two im hoping Nicole Jackson or Cliff Nicole don’t care if I get a thumbs down from haters lol

    1. Agree! Nicole is my favorite! I want her to go all the way! I was disappointed watching Kats full interview with Julie, she was throwing Nicole under the bus saying Nicole’s letting nick control her and she’s afraid to make decisions on her own! I mean hello kat voted to evict Nicole once already why is that ok but Nicole should be loyal to kat? I really liked kat until this week she treated Nicole and cliff poorly the last 2 days. It’s just a game, sheesh

  3. “Jackson – My noms are high-risk high reward
    Cliff – I was the same way.”

    Seriously Cliff? It’s about the follow through. You have nothing to brag about.

  4. Well, I’ve no doubt that Cliff is a “man of his word”. He’s told us and everyone else that repeatedly.

    The only question I have is just what is that “word”?

    1. I don’t think it’s Cliff’s “ word” more as his ‘rule’ he’ll do anything to survive and win. Isn’t that what was on last line of post?

      1. I guess it just depends on when Cliff says it and who he’s saying it to at the time; before or after Charley threw two of his angels under the bus.

        1. What does it matter though. Every deal he’s made was with someone who layer world dent the dream was made or even threw him on the block. The man was already voted clear out of the house. Nicole, Nick and Kat blabbed their secrets to the opposition. It’s been so frustrating to root for Kat and Nicole because they reveal classified information and trusted Nick of all people. There’s so many sketchy characters this season.

  5. Am I wrong…. but Michie is growing on me… I am sure his personality change is due to realizing he was acting like a douche, but maybe he is genuine in being nicer now?

    1. Agree. At least he took the information to heart and made a change. Christie and Sis still believe America has to love them. And Christie fights for herself interests, not for justice. They are not the same.

  6. Cliff is really starting to get on my nerves. “Best path forward is to stick with Jackson”. Ha that is until his HOH is done and then Cliff goes and sticks his head up the next HOHs butt. Watch him skate to the end of this.

    1. haha I’m tryin to recall past HG’s who kissed butt THIS much and were as blatantly flip-flopping week to week. I’m sure they’re out there?

    2. Just wondering… If the “end” is everyone’s objective, isn’t that one way to get to the end? If he gets there, he played well, imo

      1. Technically you’re right…it’s just hard to watch as a viewer, especially when you see others trying in diff ways

        1. I thought Cliff wasted his HOH. I was glad when he created the alliance with the girls, and he seemed genuinely comforting when Kat felt bad about the veto competition. But when he joined that 6-person alliance when he was on the block, I stopped liking him. Yes, you do what you have to do to stay in the game, but it was clear that Kat had a true friendship with Cliff, and you still have to be human. It seemed like once the veto competition was over, Cliff stopped caring about Kat. I think the news of the alliance should have come from him, not Jess. “The majority of the house wants you out, and they want to work with me moving forward. I’m sorry to see you go.” That’s that. Instead, he dumped Kat to join an alliance. He got blood on his hands during a week he was on the block with one of his allies, which takes some talent to do.

          1. In the first place, Kat was on the block against Cliff. One of them was going home. No getting around that. I’m not sure what he should have done but what you suggest is ridiculous. Cliff made a deal, not an alliance.

            1. Cliff managed to make an enemy out of Kat, and now he has two enemies in the jury house. At this point, you have to be a bit graceful with evictions. Obviously feelings get hurt, and there’s no getting around that, but you can’t be ruthless anymore. Even Jack and Jackson mended fences.
              And making a final 6 when there are 10 people left is an alliance, not a deal.

          2. I totally agree with you. It’s more about how he stabbed his team in the back. Not so much that he did because that is the name of the game. He worked with those who had hope in the dream ( kinda sounds funny as I am typing it but it is true) of the alliance and Kat believed in it and for him to be just so nonchalant about it the way he was is what makes him the slimeball. But at the same time Kat should know not to trust his word as he was always running to the power.

            1. But at the same time. He is surviving every week so that does account for something. If and that is a big IF he gets to finale night, and the jury is bitter then he doesn’t have a chance at winning. He used to be one of my favourites but not any more.

    3. How many BB winners ever made their way through without the benefit of a strong alliance at some point in the game? Cliff has been forced to cobble together support from the flotsam and jetsam left over after the 9,8,7,6 Shooters monopolized the first half of the game. He’s been behind the 8 ball since the first night and exile, and look who his alliance mates were….two of the most ineffectual players in recent memory in Nicole and Jessica, and the ditsy, but appealing, loose cannon Kathryn. Contrast that with the protected players who have had the luxury of being surrounded by multiple powerful meat shields the entire game, like Tommy, Christie, Sis, Holly, etc, who haven’t seriously had to scramble for anything. At least Cliff hasn’t resorted to dry humping any of his rivals.

      1. Now I am going to have to say that Jess has her problems, I hear you, but she too was in exile, on the block 2 weeks in a row. Won an HOH and a veto. She has finished second in a few comps and took the shot at AD, who was a real douche to her and others early on the game. She hasn’t been a target since then, nor on the block. She was cast for the girl power, and she is married much harder for a BB female contestant to fit it. Her’ s is not my favorite style but she and Cliff are pretty equal, IMO. Nicole’ s honesty game play just doesn’t do well inside BB house and Nic is a snake. You want a totally worthless was of space inside the house?? Look at season 16 Victoria Rafaeli. Could not stand her. She Cody and Derrick worst finale three EVER. I know I know Derrick’ s mist. But that season was cursed with the battle of the block, and a house full of media who””s. If I’m not mistaken Victoria is the most nominated H.G. ever. Sorry I just really don’t like her.

        1. Derrick’s mist is over-rated. He was playing with folks more interested in getting social media followers than winning the game. In most other seasons, he’d be out way before final 3.

          1. I totally agree about Derrick. Frankie Grande never walked past a mirror with out checking himself. Caleb stalker-showmance with Amber, too bad Amber could have done well in the game. Christine girl that did some things her now ex husband I am sure didn’t like everyone seeing with Mr. Underwear model Cody. Christine was even booed at her eviction. Since we are being honest I didn’t like Nicole and Hayden either. And Victoria who sniffed around Derrick and he told her what rooms she was allowed in while a house meeting was goin on and wait like a good goat. All the HG were more interested in anything and everything except winning BB 16.

  7. Jackson doesn’t trust Tommy. Tells Holly not to trust Tommy yet talks game with him and probably is not putting him on the block with Crusty? What did I miss?

    On an unrelated note does Jackson have an expandable stomach? How does someone hold so much watermelon in?

  8. Sis and christy are already having a meltdown and they haven’t even been told for sure they are going up yet? Oh this week the feeds are going to be gold. Love it.

  9. Christie – I feel myself not caring if I go home .. I’m someone that stands up for everyone
    Christie a slobbering mess .. “I am bold, I am opinionated, I stand up for Justice I have people’s back in here you can’t do that because you are looked at as a target” —-and I laughed and laughed and laughed

    1. Oh and don’t forget she said she played an honest game. I spit my coffee out in that one. Dam the delusional ranting of a MAD WOMAN. Lmaooooo

  10. There have been times I’ve eaten quite a bit of watermelon. It led to a lot of urination. Seems Jackson is getting a dozen a week, I can only imagine the plumbing.

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