“How are we going to convince Daniel to not use the veto?”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Monte
Nominees: Indy and Alyssa
POV Players: Alyssa, Indy, Monte, Terrance, Joe, Kyle and Daniel (Michael is the host)
POV Winner: Daniel & Kyle
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots: Turner & Jasmine

Lock your ranks in before midnight


Festie Besties:

Turner & Jasmine
Joe & Monte & Terrance
Daniel & Kyle
Brittany & Michael
Alyssa & Indy
Nicole & Taylor

House Situation

The reason to get Alyssa out over Nicole is so in the event indy picks Michael/Brittnay as her new festie Bestie it will mean the Leftovers have “insulation” in every one of their groups. Michael/Brittnay have Indy, Monte/Joe have Terrance, Taylor has Nicole, Kyle has daniel.

2:55 am Michael, Joe, Taylor, Brittnay and Monte
Talking about permutations with the twist. Michael asks what should Taylor do if the twist makes her decide to take one of the people in the triple team, Joe, Terrance, and Monte, and form a new pair.
Taylor decides the best choice would be Terrance.

Brittany points out that keeping the noms the same and getting rid of Alyssa is better for their long-term game and sets them up better next week.
They discuss if it was better to leave the nominations alone and take out Alyssa.
Monte says getting rid of Alyssa is avoiding short-term pain for long-term benefits.
Monte – how are we going to convince Daniel to not use the veto?

Turner joins them “Fill me in”
Michael – if we backdoor Nicole this week Taylor may have to choose between those two and Terrance to form a new pair. That leaves three of us and Terrance no matter who sis left with Terrance that creates a second pair that is not insolated.
Michael – that leaves us double vulnerable..
Taylor – someone not in our alliance wins power they can put up one duo then backdoor the other.
Brittnay – then we lose numbers which protects us all
Michael – if Alyssa and Indy stay up and Alyssa goes home they are forced they are not going to pick Terrance as their person. WE’re going to be left with two pairs that are one of each. Brittany and I will still be vulnerable but it avoids us having…
Monte – two fesite besties that are alliance members
Michael says if Indy gets to pick her new festie he thinks there’s a good chance she’ll pick Brittany and Michael.
Joe – what if Nicole wins HO and does her plan puts us up and backdoors your guys (Brittany and Michael)
Brittany goes on about how taking out Alyssa insolates them better than Nicole.
They ask Turner what he thinks about this.
Turner – Keeping Nicole is the biggest threat to everyone’s game. She’s the only person if they win HOH we’ll be like “F***”
Turner asks why Brittnay over Indy.
Monte says INdy trust three people in the leftovers.
Brittnay says there’s a better chance Indy will pick her and Michael and the trio

Joe – Alyssa is significantly a better player and she’s not on or team.
Taylor – Turner considering what INdy has said about me I want her gone..
Brittany – what do we need to set up so that Kyle doesn’t use the veto?

Joe says they’ll leave it to Monte to talk. If he gets a lot of push back then we’ll leave it to their plan B and get Nicole out.
Joe – the only problem is Indy is such a wild card. When Indy stays on the block she will lose all sense of.. she will think she’s going home.
Brittany says Indy will cool down a couple of days ago Indy told Brittany “I hate you” and called her a b1tch

Monte is thinking about pulling Nicole and Daniel into the HOH to tell them he’s not feeling good about putting Nicole up right now.

They wonder if Kyle will be onboard with this new plan. Monte thinks he will he listens to logic and reason.
Joe says convincing Daniel will be easy.

Brittnay it’s not as flashy of a move but it sets us up way better.

Brittnay leaves.
Taylor – you cool with this Monte
Monte – yeah.

Monte – if Daniel wants to use it it’ll override Kyle not using it.
Joe – Kyle will have to tell Alyssa it’s because we want to send Indy home
Monte – yeah I guess.. this is going to make me look like sh1t
Taylor – So Kyle tells Alyssa to her face we’re trying to send Indy home then Alyssa goes..
Joe – to keep Indy from SPirallying we’ll need to tell her she’s not going home
Joe – If Indy thinks she’s going home she’ll spiral out that door.

Joe – it’s such an unexpected move for you
Monte – I don’t own it.. I’m pissed that Daniel and Kyle were supposed to use the veto..
Joe – you now can’t have Daniel going around saying he was told not to use the veto. Now it’s looking shady.

Joe points out how unexpected this is and may leave loose ends.
Joe – we went so strong in one direction now that we’re undoing it. it could lead to loose ends for the next week.
Monte – who are we concerned about lately.. we’re concerned with Daniel winning Hoh and Nicole winning HOH if she stays
Monte – if I have them on my side.. our side it grows a lot of trust
Joe – It’s jasmine and Indy that are the wild cards.

Joe – so you think it’ll be easier to work with Daniel and Nicole, Indy, and Jasmine than Daniel, Alyssa, INdy Jasmine
Monte – I think so. I think Daniel will be livid if Nicole is backdoored this week.
Joe – Jasmine will be pissed. You move the anger from daniel to Jasmine.

Joe – what if Indy joins Jasmine and Turner? That will be a pain in the f***ing ass.
Turner says jasmine and Indy are close Indy could very much
joe now asks what will they do if Indy picks Nicole and Daniel.
Joe says this is why they moved away from this conversation earlier in the week because INdy is such a wild card they don’t know who she would pick to team up with.
Joe – we should ask Indy what she would do and make the decision based on that.
Joe – this whole idea hinges on Indy picking BRittanya and Michael.. Before you move it into motion find out what Indy will do.
Monte says there are a lot of conversations he would have to use tomorrow morning before 11am at the veto meeting.

Monte – I have to talk to three people and I’ll need to go to Indy then immediately after I will have to jet to Nicole and Daniel and make sure I talk to them. I guess what I”m asking is do you feel more comfortable doing it..
joe – find out from Indy
Monte – yeah

They agree with Joe they should get some confirmation that Indy will pick Brittany and Michael before they lock in this flip.
Joe is really stressing he doesn’t know what Indy will do they need confirmation before risking this.
Monte – if Indy doesn’t do it we’re better off sending Nicole out.
Joe – and Alyssa can still give intel to Kyel.
Joe – we should have had these conversations yesterday and did all this today.

Monte – we cant hinge our alliance s on Indy’s decision
joe – that’s what I’m saying
Monte – I’m a little concerned if we can get Kyle in on this.
Taylor – the only other side of that is keeping Alyssa and getting rid of Indy.
Monte – this is so stressful..

They agree until they get confirmation from Indy they hold off.
Joe – I don’t ever want to risk Brittnay and Micahel’s game but I think we’re still risking their game but putting it into INdy’s hands. They are in a worse position if Nicole is still here
Monte – Nicole and daniel going after HOH is more dangerous than just Daniel
Joe points out how close Nicole was to win this week’s HOH

3:55 am Daniel and Nicole
Daniel – I think Turner is America’s vote.
Nicole – it’s possible.
Daniel said Turner lied to his f**ing face “Real strong move brother”
Daniel – ugh makes me sick.. the bullying thing you made is a f**ing joke when it’s a real-life situation and you kept the actual bully in the house. Yeah you really made a point for America Brother Good job.
Daniel – what A dumb speech.. he’s seeking revenge.. I’m making a big move. You are so much of a fan and you don’t even know what you are doing. he’s too involved he’s not removed enough. Small town kid makes this dumb move.. Good for you. I’m in a circus full of clowns.
they laugh
Daniel – even if I’m wrong this is how I f***ing feel. My intuition rarely lets me down.
Daniel – I wish these clowns would get out of my way. (He laughs)
Nicole – you are a mess
Daniel – I need to win HOH
Nicole – I need to make sure I’m here on Thursday night
Nicole says Taylor will “Bulldoze this entire game if they keep her”
Nicole says Brittnay will side with Taylor “She hasn’t looked me in the face since I had a conversation with her yesterday”
Daniel – ulitmate floater
Nicole – she’s the worst
Daniel – I thought this would happen week 6
Daniel says what Turner did last week just sped up him figuring out who he can trust. “otherwise I Would be sitting around waiting for MOnte to pick me off”
Nicole – when I walked into that room.. I thought ohh this all makes sense.
Nicole says there’s a whole crew up in the HOH, Monte, Turner, Taylor, Brittnay, Miachel, and Joe
Daniel – Michael is with them be careful
Nicole – the irony is the three people I told him I wasn’t sure about their vote, Turner, Brittnay, and Joe
Nicole – I’ll talk to jasmine tomorrow after the Veto ceremony.
Daniel – don’t press her too hard she’s already on board.

4:10 am Monte, Turner, Taylor, Kyle
Monte tells Kyle this new plan. “we’re all insolated whoever wins HOH we’re good”

Monte – if Nicole and Daniel are here at least we can have their trust. I can convince Daniel and Nicole you don’t use the veto this week you know why? Cause Indy came up to mes saying she doesn’t trust you, Alyssa came up to me, jasmine came up to me and I have very specific things Jasmine told me about the whole Po’s Pack alliance how Nicole didn’t reveal that she was in it.

Monte says this is all in the hopes that Indy joins Brittnay and Michael.
Monte – even if Dnaile or Nicole win HO there’s nothing they can do to the alliance.. that is a fail-safe plan.
Kyle – Dude that is going to be tough with Alyssa.. I told both of them that I was going to use it like 100% like that is a BIG move for me. That is tough
Monte – I know that is why we were like I have to talk to Kyle first.
Taylor – this was all in the past 30 minutes..
Monte – we at least build favour with Daniel and Nicole..
Kyle – I’m just thinking about blowback.
Michael, Brittany, and Joe join them.

Kyle says not using the veto now is a big “Morale decision” for him since he already said he was using it.
Brittany goes on about how there’s a possibility one of the pairs isn’t uninsulated if they send Nicole home.

Kyle – I don’t know I will have to think about it and think it through.
Monte- I can’t think of a good reason for you not to use it other than hey Daniel is your festie bestie and he convinced you to protect Nicole.
Kyle says the only scenario where Taking out Alyssa is beneficial is if there’s the option she has to pick another pair and she picks Brittnay/Michael
Turner brings up what if the twist ends in 2 weeks how does that change their decisions?
Brittnay thinks the twist ends there will be a double eviction.
Turner – if we would not vote Nicole out now will she be a HUGE liability with the twist ending?
Monte says they’ll take Nicole out next week.
Turner – the only person I’m worried about winning a comp next week is Nicole.
Brittany – Daniel could win
Turner – Nicole and Daniel.. with both of them winning a comp that’s a good chance they take it home.
Michael – don’t underestimate Alyssa..
Kyle – she’s really smart.
Joe – who do you think out of Alyssa, jasmin, Indy and Daniel would backdoor you to? (Brittany and Michael)
Michael – daniel
Kyle – Daniel has pieced it together

Kyle asks who would Daniel and Nicole go after if they win HOH
Monte- Taylor or Turner.
Kyle – f*** guys this is a tough decision for me based on a moral base.
Monte – I hear you on that.. at least we got a chance to talk about it.
Kyle – I reassured them multiple times today. it’s still a risk it’s not like if we do this we’re all safe.
Kyle – I have to sit on it for a bit. This is a big thing to do. I have to go tell them tomorrow that ‘HEY I’m not using it’ then talk to Daniel then deal with the reprocusions for the next three days. That’s a tough decision. it’s hard.
Michael tells him if it all blows up Kyle won’t be going home they have the votes.
Kyle keeps pointing this out this is all for “POTENTIAL” added safety for Brittany and Michael.

Joe tells Kyle that Michael and Brittany would give them their all to save Kyle he doesn’t think Alyssa would.
Brittnay – the decision is ultimately yours.
Brittnay says her voting out Ameerah last week damaged her game with the girls “I was taking one for the team”


5:11 am leftovers meeting over. Kyle said he’s on the same page as them but they’ll see what tomorrow’s conversations bring.

6:52 am zzzzzz
9:00 am Waking up

41 thoughts to ““How are we going to convince Daniel to not use the veto?””

    1. it’s so weird how they’re targetting alyssa. i get taking out indy. she’s completely useless in the game and no benefit to anyone plus you don’t risk putting an aliance member on the block to get her out. but alyssa feeds them so much information and especially without indy becomes super isolated.

      but whatever strategically alyssa, indy, jasmine, daniel, and nicole are all about the same. nicole and daniel look like slightly bigger comp threats but socially all 5 are equally bad. the major advantage of going after nicole now would probably be to allow taylor to pick a bestie group where she’s more protected. imagine if she joined alyssa and indy, they would be livid and it’d be so amazing.

      1. I’m suspicious of Joe and Monte defending Indy, albeit indirectly, against going home. I think they each figure she would be the best bet to take to final two because noone is going to vote her to win. Plus, she is the most flattering to their egos.

    2. While I understand the reasoning (Brittany/Michael panic) I don’t like it. I do hope that they realize their mistake before it is too late. They may not have another shot at taking Nicole out before Jury

    3. Spoiler: Daniel is going to use it to save Alyssa and Kyle didn’t want to use it with the intent of sending Alyssa home.

  1. I don’t understand. There is no chance in hell Alyssa or Indy will win HOH unless the contest has no skill or physicality. But with Daniel and Nic playing, they have double the chance of taking HOH. I would get Nicole out now and then let Daniel float. They have total control over which team Taylor would join. They have no control over Indy. Come on guys…don’t screw it up now!

    1. Agree but I didn’t think it was possible for Jas to win HOH but somehow she did. And now she thinks she can win again and doesn’t know why Taylor knew about the flip last week and not her. lol

    2. I agree that Indy’s new Bestie team choice not being something The Leftovers can control is the reason why I would scrap this switch.

      I think she will pick Turner and Jasmine no matter what she tells them later today before the Veto meeting. Either way she is not reliable so I wouldn’t chance it when they have Cruel Chef’s goose cooked!

      Cruel Chef was runner up in the HOH and had she won she would have done her backdoor plan (Monte/Joe/Terrance nominated with Michael/Brittany as the backdoor target).

      It WOULD HAVE worked this week too dropping The Leftovers to 6 people!!!

      Nothing would have changed from what really happened this week just Cruel Chef/Taylor play Veto instead of Indy/Alyssa.

      Taylor would have had to throw the Veto so Terrance at worst stayed on the block.

      But Evil Elvis/Kyle won either way (they did beat Monte/Joe/Terrance to win the Veto in the real timeline) so Evil Elvis 100% would have used the Veto to pull off Cruel Chef’s backdoor plan.

      And who knows maybe Cruel Chef could have Frankie’d her way to a solo Veto win even with a partner who was screwing her?

      Either way her or Evil Elvis would have used the Veto to save Terrance to get out at worst Brittany (although clearly they would want Michael out). And it would have been a win for their side since Brittany is a vote and a mental competition threat The Leftovers need.

      In that scenario though Michael would join Indy/Alyssa and surely Evil Elvis/Cruel Chef would go home the following week with Cruel Chef being ineligible for HOH.

      Going back to our real life time line though if they spare Cruel Chef to somehow try and win favor with her and Evil Elvis they are so dumb. They have to be kidding themselves to think that that evil duo doesn’t know what is up by now!

      Kyle KNOWS Evil Elvis knows basically about the entire alliance and needing Kyle to join him and Cruel Chef/Indy/Alyssa/Terrance/JasMEAN *whoever started this I give credit* so why isn’t he talking about that?

      It’s a major reason why Cruel Chef HAS TO GO because they are both going to convince those 7 to stick together tight. Alyssa was convinced by Evil Elvis so yeah they need to get one of that side’s top competitors out now not Indy or Alyssa!

  2. I will stop watching the feeds if they get rid of Alyssa. Can’t stomach the thought of watching EE, CC, Jasmine and Brittany all summer. Oh well, what’s on Netflix? ?

  3. I was hoping the Leftovers would stick together until at least jury. Monte what are you doing?

    1. The leftovers just turned into Dumb and Dumber except for Turner and Kyle…..geeze, did Michael and Britt sprinkle fairy dust on them?

  4. Pleaseee vote out Nicole. Turner is doing good at trying to talk them out of it. Same with Kyle.

  5. Well Alyssa the only one I ever hear her talk bad about is Britney and I don’t want that team to be broke up. I am not a fan of Daniel and Nichole but right now I like them there for drama reasons.

  6. Cruel Chef better leave this week or they are so dumb and deserve to lose Brittany to Cruel Chef/Evil Elvis/JasMEAN/Terrance/Indy or Alyssa should one of them win HOH…

    Because if one of the non Leftover alliance members wins HOH Evil Elvis and Cruel Chef will no doubt convince them (and smartly so for all of them *I can’t even hate*) to backdoor Brittany/Michael if Veto is used to take off the likely trio of Monte/Joe/Terrance. That is Cruel Chef’s plan should she win HOH and it is a smart one.

    It’s so smart because every pair/trio but Brittany/Michael (my guess is Indy or Alyssa will pick JasMEAN/Turner or Kyle/Daniel) will have at least one non Leftover member in it so if any member in those duos/trios wins the Veto then the Veto IS getting used and the non Leftover member who is HOH will be 100% backdooring Brittany/Michael.

    So Brittany/Michael better first hope Indy or Alyssa pick them if Cruel Chef is not evicted this week and if not then they better hope they get picked for Veto. A Veto that is MUST win next week should a non Leftover person win HOH because Brittany is going home if not.

    One way to heavily reduce Brittany’s eviction is to evict Cruel Chef so the other side have less outs to win HOH (and one of that sides top competitors overall).

    Taylor’s speech before the live vote where they send Cruel Chef home will also hopefully frazzle Evil Elvis because he is the biggest HOH threat on the other side to win HOH.

    They will be so dumb to leave both of those major competitors around going into next week’s HOH.

    And just because JasMEAN, Terrance, Indy or Alyssa don’t seem like threats doesn’t mean they can’t get a win a True or False, Before or After, or some other memory mental questions HOH!

    Any of those people winning = Cruel Chef/Evil Elvis winning and all of that side skates by another week.

    Come on Leftovers! I thought of this and I’m only one person… They have 7 non-slop brained minds and 24/7 to discuss and they want to make an error at the 11th hour? So dumb..

  7. So to me, it’s looking like Monte is looking out for himself & Taylor with a side of Terrance & Joe. What he is doing is basically telling Kyle & Turner to F*** off. So, what I would do if I was Kyle is #1 USE the veto no matter what. Get with Turner, Daniel, Nicole, Alyssa and tell them about Leftovers & how they “now” want to vote out Alyssa, but their original target was Nicole. Flip that Sh*t.

    Kyle & Daniel uses veto, Nicole & Taylor go up.
    Votes for Nicole: Michael, Brittney, Terrance, Joe = 4
    Votes for Taylor: Alyssa, Indy, Kyle, Daniel, Jasmine, Turner. = 6

    So now, Kyle, Alyssa, Turner, Nicole, & Daniel can run it. Target the Monte crew 1st.

    Only scary factor is Michael/Brit or Terrance/Joe win HOH.

    Another thing that could happen is they get Indy & Jasmine to flip and vote out Nicole.

    But it’s obvious that Turner & Kyle are on the bottom.

    1. Thats a great way to get Kyle and Turner bigger targets on themselves lol
      You mean they should drop the people they trust and work with those who literally cant keep their mouth shut for 1 hot minute (+ people they got 0 trust with)
      The Leftovers should stick together at least till jury. I’m sure they will use Terrance, Jasmine or however it’s still in the house once the moment comes to turn on each other.
      I think Monte and Joe are at the bottom of the alliance tbh, I could very well see Taylor, Brittany, Michael and Kyle targeting Monte or Joe, and getting Turner into the plan too.

      1. It’s a chance you take because by Monte’s actions, he’s only looking out for certain people and Kyle is on the bottom. I have a feeling if not this time, Kyle will be flipping soon enough.

    2. i never understand why anyone needs to run anything past the hoh after the initial noms. they can’t vote, they can’t play in the next week’s hoh, they have no real power after make their noms. like i guess the veto could get played and you need to make sure the replacements are who you want, but the replacements can’t be the veto holder anyway so the veto holder has way more leverage than the hoh.

  8. I hope they don’t listen to Brittany and Michael because they have their own agenda. They want to keep Nicole and Daniel to take the guys out for them. I can’t believe Monte doesn’t see through them. Bad move not to get rid of Nicole.

    1. I know, right? Plus, Monte and the guys are waaaay over thinking this! They’re worried about what Daniel and Nicole will think if they vote Nicole out, when 50% of that problem will walk out the door if they do! Numb nutz Bittany seems to think it’s a great idea to save Nicole, and seems oblivious to the fact she’s actually Nicole’s #2 target (behind Taylor), who she can’t nominate since she’s her “bestie”, which means she’s actually her #1 target, so why in the world would she want to save her from going home when they have a golden opportunity to get her ass out?

      I get the fact Michael and Brit are the only pair in the Leftovers that don’t have a “pawn” in their group to be voted out in case they are nominated, but damn, what’s the chance that will happen with only Daniel, Jasmine (squeaky squeaky squeaky squeak), Alyssa and Indy going against you in the HOH competition (I really don’t think Terrance is against them, and what chance does he have of winning anyway)? Not to mention Michael has won EVERY SINGLE Veto comp he’s played in so far (I believe), so if they get put OTB, there’s a GREAT chance they win Veto and take themselves down anyway, forcing EE or whoever to put up another pair/group, and the Leftovers simply vote out the non-Leftover person OTB since they clearly have the numbers. It’s not 100%, but it’s about 85-90% fool proof, if they continue on with their current plan to evict the former cop, and rid the house of about 50% of it’s current toxicity level.

  9. They should stay with the original plan to evict Nicole.

    After Taylor gives her speech slamming Nicole, she should say something like, “This is your opportunity to show America that bullies don’t win in the BB house or in the real world.” Daniel will be angry after the vote and probably won’t perform very well in the HOH comp. After the comp, the Leftovers should call a house meeting and tell everyone that Taylor’s speech was the reason they switched their votes at the last minute; that they wanted the bullying to stop. The others (esp. Daniel and Indy) would still be angry, but at least the Leftovers would have a reasonable excuse. And. . . depending on Indy to keep her word about anything would be too much of a risk that they don’t need to take.

  10. I am so disappointed they are considering keeping Nicole! That’s just straight BS, I’m really aggravated!

  11. I think they all are forgetting that the festie bestie twist may end soon. So the leftovers are not thinking ahead. They’re just working on covering there assess. Expect the unexpected. More twist to come.

    1. Exactly what Turner was trying to tell them! But Britt is crapping in her pants with worry that she will go……She’s useless IMHO.

      1. Brittany is useless and the pound is being stupid getting rid of Alyssa when she will target Daniel and Taylor.

        1. Would be daniel n kyle. Tayler would go to alyssa and indy. If veto is used and nichole gets voted out. Unless the festie bestie is over. And only if alyssa wins next hoh

  12. Dumb, dumb move to get out Alyssa this wk vs the crazy ex-cop…… Alyssa is entranced by Kyle, trusts him & gives him info….. keeping Daniel/Nicole together is dangerous

  13. This idea makes no sense at all! This is nothing but a Production move! It would be a waste of a week in the house! SMH

      1. No, but this last minute “idea” reeks of production fed information – “Just something you might want to think about….” – in the d/r, so that they can keep the cast members around who are driving the narrative and keeping the “buzz” going out on the internet. That buzz is what helps to drive the ratings up, and ratings are what production wants – we all know it. That’s why we see those individual timed comps from time to time, heavily edited, so that nobody actually knows how long anybody took to complete it, and a winner is simply declared by TPTB.

  14. So per my calculations, once they get rid of Nicole it doesn’t matter what happens. They have the votes to control the outcome. Or am I mistaken?


    I was so teed off they were going to switch (although I saw the logic to protect Michael & Brittany) but Evil Elvis just has to prove he’s the smartest person in the room & by my count there are at least 6 smarter than him this season. (They’ll be the ones voting out Cruel Chef on Thursday!)


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