Donny says Cody once told me he would never nominate me. I think someone else was behind it.

POV Holder: Victoria Next POV July 19th
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony July 26th
HOH Winner 1: Frankie HOH Winner 2:  Cody
Battle of the Block Winner Jocasta/Amber Next HOH/ Next BOB July 24/July 25
Original Nominations: Brittany/Victoria(Cody) Jocasta/Amber (Frankie)
Final Nominations: Brittany & Donny
Have Nots ?
POV Players Cody, Brittany, Victoria, Caleb, Nicole, Zach

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10am – 10:40am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Donny heads outside to eat his cereal. He looks up and waves to the live feeders. Donny tells Cody that he and a lot of other people want Brittany gone and that he only put me up because I am such a likeable person and no one would want me gone. Its a pretty nice thing if its true. Jocasta says she heard the same thing and thinks it could be true. Donny says its risky but I hope its true. Its best just to hide and say nothing till Thursday. Jocasta says that Brittany thinks she has Amber, Caleb and I can’t remember the other person. Thats the same thing with Pow and it wasn’t true. Donny says when you have nothing else to believe you have to believe if for a little while. When people tell you a lie you have to pretend to believe it and hope its true. Jocasta says I believe what they’re telling you. My gut feeling tells me its true. Donny says that Cody once told me he would never nominate me. I think someone else was behind it. Someone had to say something to put it in his brain.

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10:45am – 11:15am In the bathroom – Brittany finds a grey hair and tells Jocasta that she’s never had one before. Jocasta says well if you were going to get one it would be in here. Brittany talks to Jocasta about how Cody doesn’t want me to go. Caleb and Derrick also said they’re voting for me to stay. Amber said she was going to vote with the house because she’s scared of being a target but why is she scared if the head of household wants me to stay. Brittany asks should I be upset that when I asked Amber if I still have her vote and she told me she had to go with the house? It’s ridiculous Nicole and Christine think she’s coming after them because of the bed situation. I couldn’t believe it when Amber told me that. Caleb will vote however Amber votes. Jocasta wonders if Amber couldn’t tell her how she was voting because of the announcement to not discuss votes with other house guests. Brittany says that she feels bad for campaigning against Donny. Jocasta tells her not to and that Big Brother is an individual game. Brittany says that she is still holding out hope for a miracle announcement or twist. She says that she thinks if there was something like that they would have heard by now. She says she doesn’t have Frankie’s vote but probably has Victoria’s. Jocasta says that Victoria will do what they tell her. Brittany says well then, I’ll have her vote. It’s so f**king frustrated how people are afraid to speak up and won’t play their own game. I feel like I’m on a leash all the time. Brittany says I have the biggest bags under my eyes! Jocasta says you have to start going to sleep. Brittany says I’ve tried to but what am I supposed to do if my body just won’t let me. Brittany says I just can’t believe Amber did that. Jocasta says she is probably just doing whatever it takes to last another week. Brittany says well if that’s true then people should be afraid of Donny because he is coming after all of them. Jocasta says well they probably don’t believe that.

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11:25am – 11:40am Donny joins Cody out in the backyard. Cody comments that he was locked out of the diary room while they get the HOH blog ready for him. Donny asks if Cody had a good sleep. Cody says no. Donny says I did, isn’t that funny the guy on the block slept good and the head of household didn’t. Cody talks about how he’ll be doing his blog today. Donny tells Cody that he can write about why things happened the way they did and blame things on people. You can explain things to your family and no one will know, I won’t know and the rest of the house won’t either. Cody heads inside to eat.
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11:50am – 12pm Brittany asks Victoria I know you probably can’t say but can you tell me what direct you are going to vote. Victoria says that she isn’t sure yet. She says that no one is really talking about it. I don’t know it will be a house vote or not. Brittany says that she doesn’t understand why people are scared to vote because the most influential people in the house: Cody, Derrick and Caleb want me to stay .. so I don’t know why people would be scared. The only way us four stay in this house is if we stick together. If you don’t save yourself next week you’re going to be the next one out. Victoria says I think there are bigger targets than me. Brittany says she fears Donny is making deals with them now. He is a threat, more than me so I don’t understand why they would want to keep him unless they made a deal with him. I know Nicole thinks she’s a target of mine because of the bed situation with you but she’s not my target, one of the guys is. Victoria says I know if I go up again I WILL take myself off, its 100%. Brittany says nothing is a 100% in here, so don’t fool yourself. Victoria says its within my own will and I know if I put my mind to something I can do it. I can take win the veto if I’m nominated again. Brittany says I have proved that I deserve to be here, I kicked a ball for 21 hours. They leave the room.

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12:20pm Donny and Jocasta are making lunch in the kitchen and Brittany is suntanning out in the backyard.

12:40pm – 12:55pm Brittany asks Nicole to talk to her in the hive room. Brittany say that people have been coming to me telling me that you and Christine are my targets. Which is not that case at all. I am just tired of having to pick sleeping arrangements. You and Christine are not my targets at all. Its hard for me to campaign against Donny after he sat out there and helped me through the kicking challenge. I am sorry if I am distant, this whole situation is just hard for me. Brittany says that both Cody and Derrick want me here. The people that I want gone are the people that don’t appreciate being here and don’t do anything. I knew I had to complete that challenge because I didn’t want people to think I gave up. I’ve had the sh*t end of the stick more than anyone. I’ve been put on the block more than anyone. Nicole says the only thing I heard was that I was your target. Brittany says there are a few people here that are stirring sh*t up and they’re the people I want out of the house. Nicole says I will definitely think about it now. Brittany says I know you don’t trust me completely, its hard to trust in here. Nicole asks all I would ask is that you don’t put me up if you win HOH. Brittany says I wouldn’t put you or Christine up. Brittany says that she wouldn’t ever put her up, and would even agree to throw the HOH. Nicole says I wouldn’t ask you to throw it, just not put me up. Brittany says I’m not a threat, Donny is a superfan and understands the game and can win comps, if you are going by threat,, it’s not me. Brittany says Nicole and Christine aren’t threats to her game. Nicole says I will take this into consideration. Brittany says I just don’t want people to tell me one thing to my face and then do another. Nicole says right now, I just don’t know what I’m doing. They hug and leave the room.

Out in the backyard – Nicole tells Donny that she just talked to Brittany. She says I won’t vote for her to stay. She tells Donny he’s good.

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1pm Brittany talks to Derrick in the hive room. She tells him that she talked with Nicole and tried to clear up the issue of the bed situation. Brittany tells Derrick that Victoria is all cocky now thinking she’s a big time competitor. Derrick says well that’s not true, she wasn’t the biggest competitor out there. Caleb really won the competition, Victoria went out before him. Derrick tells Brittany to just keep doing what she’s doing and make it as discrete as possible. Brittany says that Donny is a bigger threat he has been calling out what’s going to happen before it happens. That to me is a bigger threat than I am. Derrick says well I think that’s why he’s on the block. Brittany says all the girls are stupid saying they’re going with the house vote. Derrick says I think you need to get to Christine and Nicole to convince them for sure. That is the only way you will feel safe. Derrick says going to Cody doesn’t make a difference because he doesn’t have a vote. Brittany says the 20 year old girls are up his a$$ and they go to him for what he wants. He wants me to stay. Derrick says it’s definitely not going to be a landslide vote unless you can get Christine & Nicole. Brittany says Victoria is convinced she’s a beast in the house. Derrick says okay, she beat me. I wasn’t in the veto.

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1:10pm Cody comes out with the HOH camera and starts taking photos. Nicole laughs about her talk with Brittany and tells Cody & Derrick that you two mean a lot in the house so I have to do what you want.

In the storage room – Derrick tells Christine that Brittany is going to come talk to her. Christine asks did you tell her you would vote for her. Derrick says yeah I pretended that I would. Nicole comes in and tells them about her talk with Brittany. Nicole says that Brittany thinks Cody and Derrick have a lot of control in the house and that we should all vote with them. Nicole tells Christine to just tell Brittany that you’re not sure what you’re going to do yet. Nicole says that Brittany is way worse than Donny.

1:30pm Brittany then pulls Christine into the hive room. She gives her the same campaigning speech. She tries to smooth over the bed situation and how she isn’t mad at her or Nicole. Brittany says my targets are the people that have money and don’t deserve to be here.

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Alliances (Some Of these are dead)
Zankie = Frankie/Zach
Bomb squad = Caleb, Amber, Frankie, Derrick, Cody, Christine, Zach, Hayden
Team America = Donny, Derrick, Frankie
Nicotine = Christine/Nicole
Not a showmance= Hayden/Nicole
Los Tres Amigos = Derrick, Cody, Zach
The bottom Feeders = Derrick/Nicole
We hate Devin = Christine and Zach
Outsiders = Brittany, Victoria, Jocasta, Donny
Old timers = Jocasta/Donny
Stalker = Caleb/Amber
Quad Kings = Derrick, Zach, Cody and Hayden (still being built)
Trilogy = Nicole, Christine & Hayden
The Detonators = Derrick, Frankie, Zach, Christine, Cody
Final 2 Deal “The HITMEN” – Cody & Derrick

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68 thoughts to “Donny says Cody once told me he would never nominate me. I think someone else was behind it.”

  1. I thought Jocasta straight out told Britt she was voting for Donnie to stay because he saved her last week? Is that not true? Why would Britt think she has her vote after that?

    1. Because the house is full of weak-kneed dolts who refuse to open their eyes to the reality that is right in front of them???

    2. There is nothing on this post that says that Brit thinks she has Jocasta’s vote. Brit says that cody wants her to stay as well as Derrick and Caleb wants her to stay and she said that Amber is voting with the house. Ofcourse, we all know that it will be unanimous for Brit to go.

    3. She said on live feeds that’ she wouldn’t vote against Donny. Now, they are preventing straight out vote talk other than campaigning….or so it appears.

  2. Poor Brit, she’s going to watch this and see that she was never ever as popular as she thinks. Caleb, Derrick and Cody want her to stay? Sorry kidoo, nobody fell for you like you thought they did other than Devin. What a comedown this will be when she sees herself and how wrong she was from the start. Thinking she had all the guys wrapped around her little finger by flirting? Or, that people thought she DESERVES it, what a crock. I can’t think of anything she did right in the game.

    1. I’m with Frankie on this one ( one of the few things I agree with him on) but your outside life has nothing to do with if you deserve to be there or not. Just because you have kids doesn’t mean you should have a better shot at the money than anyone else. It’s about the game you play in the house. The guys did have her back until she got paranoid and turned her back on them first. She burned all of her bridges, she could have been sitting pretty but instead let her lack of sleep cloud her judgement. So no Britt we do not feel sorry for you because you have kids. Be happy you get to go home to them instead of sitting in jury for another 6 weeks. Btw I have 5 kids myself so I speak from a mothers point of view.

      1. Same goes for pig nosed Derrick saying “you’re taking food out of my babies mouth” bfd no one is doing that…can’t stand him

    2. Just like Donny said, if people tell you something at this point, just believe and hope it is true.

      Is better for Brittany to talk with people and give then the idea she has the votes to stay ( because you never know). Because if she goes around saying she has no votes, nobody will really give their vote.

      Just like she said, nobody is playing their own game. Everybody is just in Derrick`s leash.

      And she knows she is living, that`s why she said she is praying for a Twist to save her.

      Keep the positive attitude always.

    3. Derrick turned on Britany when he saw how close Cody and Zack were getting to her, and how they stood up to Devin when she got put up. Any chance that his boys might align with her in the future instead of him was going to get squashed PDQ.

    4. HI, Victoria, I may want your vote but I also want to make sure you know I think you are an idiot for saying you will 100% win a veto if you go up on the block next week!!

      Also, Brit, if you didn’t want Nicole to think you were coming after her due to the socalled Bed Incident, then why didn’t you simply talk to her when she came to talk to you? then later, you still didn’t come to talk to her after you were on the block. And later still, when you and Vic were the final noms, you still continued to not talk to people.

      But now, when the noms are final, now you have something to talk about? but only to everyone else, not Nicole? Too little too late

  3. no miracle twist. you got beat, bad pov pick, you are done. lets move on to the next HOH and hope its not Derrick of Frankie

        1. Because people are dumbasses!! They would rather lessen their chance at 500k then risk offending someone they have only known for a month.

    1. Derrick jokingly outed himself as a cop to Frankie and I’m shocked Frankie didn’t take it more seriously than he did. The way Derrick acts and behaves and the comment he was a cop (just kidding) should have had light bulbs going off, but then again, the house all thinks Donny is special ops.

  4. I so badly want Donny to win. I love that beard. But why is everyone stringing Britt on? Including Jocasta, I hope no one flips.

    1. “Donny joins Cody out in the backyard. Cody comments that he was locked out of the diary room while they get the HOH blog ready for him. Donny asks if Cody had a good sleep. Cody says no. Donny says I did, isn’t that funny the guy on the block slept good and the head of household didn’t. Cody talks about how he’ll be doing his blog today. Donny tells Cody that he can write about why things happened the way they did and blame things on people. You can explain things to your family and no one will know, I won’t know and the rest of the house won’t either.”

      Why do you love the beard, huh? Isn’t he playing a passive aggressive manipulative game just like the rest of them..Oh, that’s’s Donny! sweet childlike Donny who can do no wrong in America’s eyes!..the dumb hick is just so damn charming with his 5th grade education that his shenanigans can be forgiven..OH BLESS HIS HEART! I’m fixin to hurl over America’s love for Donny! Wake up’s all about looking good for the camera’s. He says it time and time again…BTW, GO DERRICK! the REAL MASTERMIND

      1. I’m not surprised that you’re a Derrick fan. He also tries to manipulate people into thinking the way he does. If people want Donny to do well, that’s their business.

        1. And if I want Derrick to do well..than that’s MY business. Your opinion is irrelevant..don’t care~

        2. Passive Aggressive, maybe. At this point, Cody is out of power and Donny is obviously upset that he put him on the block. But I really can’t believe you would bad mouth Donny for speaking his mind to Cody’s FACE when the HG’s bash each other behind their backs. Is it because he’s a Hick???

    2. it seems that no one is allowed to actually say what they are voting, but maybe that means to the nominees? it seems pretty weird, on the one hand a nom needs to campaign and get people to promise to vote for them, and HGs are going to discuss who of the noms they are going to want to vote out, but the feeds cut out if anyone actually does talk about how they are voting?

      It’s like the #1 worst kept secret since it doesn’t take much to find out what the vote is going to be.

  5. OMG! I can’t believe I did the vote for the 3 least liked (most hated) and I matched the top 3! Whoo Hoo! I am never close on the other poles.

  6. This season is absolutely pathetic. Might as well call it “The Derrick Show” and hand him the $500,000. I hate predictable seasons. At this point, I’ll keep watching BB for Donny, but once he’s out, I’m out.

    1. Its still has plenty of time to get better. At least the floaters aren’t ruling the house this year. Just wait until Derrick or Frankie on the block. That should be good.

      1. Should be a fairly dull month.
        Brit out this week.
        Double-evict next week: Jocasta and Amber
        Week 3: Zack will be sacrificed (because Derrick will see that Victoria makes it to Jury. She’s a for-sure Jury vote for him, Zack isn’t.)
        Week 4: Victoria, first in Jury house.
        Week 5: Nine are left and the game will finally start getting interesting.

  7. Brittany, relax!!!! If the twist save you, you will be fine. If not, you always be our winner.

  8. I really DO NOT understand why no one is trying to make alliances with Donny. He has proven he is no dummy, he’s good at competitions, and he’s loyal. So frustrating.
    Donny really is the only one that has the slightest understanding of what is taking place behind his back. How the others can’t see what is going on is crazy.

    1. I think Hayden is open to working with Donny. Donny told him that he would put Derrick and Frankie. I don’t think he told anyone, or Donny would be going home this week. Derrick would be all over that.

      1. Derrick is all over the $5k a week TA money … and he’s underestimating Donny. Nicole told Haydon that Derrick made a final 2 deal with her, so Haydon knows Derrick is playing everyone.

    2. Because people are dumbasses. When people are perceived as different, they tend to be the outcast. Foolishness. In many past seasons, not all, the first HOH will put up the older person, or just someone that stands out as a little different then the others, or who the whole house wants out. That is absolutely foolish. Work with someone who is smart, loyal, and slyly competitive, just like Donny. But most people don’t think like that. They would rather conform. Devin was the only one smart enough to approach Donny, but unfortunately, he lost Donny when he wrongfully got suspicious of him.

    3. i agree. Plus why are Frankie and Derrick not only not suggesting him in a smaller alliance, but literally throwing his name out there at every opportunity to the point of lying? There are enough other targets in the house to not be alerting everyone to the idea of putting Donny up for eviction, and be serious about it.

      They act like they don’t need or want more of the TA $$.

  9. Why people don`t like Victoria?

    That is all personal. She saved herself 2x from the block. And why would she make a alliance with anybody? If everyone in the house does not like her?

    why Zack and Hayden can just float around, and people don`t think they are floaters or want them gone?

    I was hoping that America would get to vote for a HOH. But I hope that does not happen. Because it will be Victoria and Caleb,

    People say BB is not a personal game.. But that is not true.

    Everything in this game is personal

    1. Victoria saved herself 2 times from the block? That’s like Jacosta saying she won the BOB (she didn’t, Amber won it).

      Also, Victoria saying she will definitely win the POV, it’s 100% just shows how naive she is in this game. Then again, Victoria thinks Amsterdam is a part of Germany – she knows 1050% sure. (SMH)

  10. Every year it seems all anyone in the house wants to do is vote with the house. I am so sick of everyone doing this. At this rate just give Derrick the money. Although if it is like recent years we will probably see Christine, a huge floater no matter what she says, Nicole, who I like but is to afraid to play the game, Cody a spineless sheep who bows to Derrick’s feet, Victoria, Who does nothing but act like a spoiled princess and Jocasta, someone who could make moves but has to big of a heart to hurt anyone’s feelings, in the final five. I really don’t know who I want to win anymore. Derrick is playing the best game but he is way to cocky. Frankie is just slimy. Zack does nothing but thinks he is the greatest game player. Donny is playing the best game but no one will listen to him.

    1. This started a couple of season’s ago when BB start bringing all the brain dead 20 year olds who think the exposure will make them big stars.

      1. Exactly! I wrote last year mix up the ages and get some smart people in there. This voting with “the house” (aka Derrick) has been a death knife for fun and surprises (that’s why BB keeps trying new things). But it’s really in casting. Pretty young things does not an interesting show make

        1. Everyone but Derrick is in way over their heads. He makes a living as a narc, is a super-fan-feed-watcher and is almost 30 years old. All the others are much younger, or were recruited for their looks. Donny may have the smarts to match him, but I don’t think he has the killer instinct. Derrick can justify his lying and backstabbing, we still don’t know if Donny can go dark when he needs to.

          1. Agree. We watch this show to see the most clever person win the money. Derrick has the best game and is playing smart. Why does everyone dislike the one person doing exactly what he went there to do???? I’m all for Derrick for the win.

            1. I don’t dislike Derrick… but it’s boring if he’s the only competent one in the house. He needs a worthy adversary. I agree he’s playing great.. but the only one playing great.

              I listened to that Mike Boogie interview and he was spot on about the differences from when he was on and how they weren’t so jaded. They all went back to their real JOBS. Derrick has a real job and is smart… i hope he doesn’t think he’ll have any other career in show biz.

      2. it isn’t just that they are 20 year olds, it is more specifically because they are recruited when they are trying out for other shows to be ‘famous’ on. Whenever someone (like in BBCAN) mentions TV time, it irritates me.

  11. Donny is on the right track in that he knows someone is pulling the strings he just needs to put the pieces together and realize its his teamamerica teammate Derrick if/when he figures this out and if/when he wins HOH kakakakaboom!!

    Now if Brittany truly is voted out Thirsday the next four to go not necessarily in this order are Victoria,Jocasta,Donny,and Amber. They better figure it out fast and reign in Hayden and possibly Nicole and even Zach or Calib and they might stand a chance at defeating the alliance otherwise its lights out for this seasons Big Brother.
    One more thing once they get to sending people to the jury house there is always the possibility of a jury member winning a chance to re-enter the house so exit question
    How awesome would it be if they got down to a final 5 (Derrick,Cody,Zach,Frankie,Christine) and suddenly a Donny or Amber was put back into the house and as HoH?

  12. i wish the hg had paid more attention in math class – if there’s a double eviction before jury, it’s not time yet, not this week. it’s right to be planning, but dense to claim this thursday’s the day. did anyone in the house watch the show before walking through the door!?

  13. What happened to all the twisted twists to end all twisty twists?
    My god I have never been bored watching BB!

  14. Brit, turning on Donny after he supported you during your punishment is shameful. I rooted for you for having heart and finishing the punishment, but now I’m thoroughly disgusted by you! Bye, bye.

    1. Don’t hate on someone campaigning to save themself from eviction, no matter who it is. It’s an insult to the the chair yo!

    2. She’s on the block…is she supposed to roll over and play dead? Let’s not forget that the DR is definitely coaxing her to campaign (they did the same thing w/Devin last week). I don’t fault her as long as she doesn’t make up some lie or say something horrible about him as a person.

  15. Britt needs to offer blow jobs for votes. If she is better then that then her game play she may buy herself another week or two. The only problem with that is I am sure Frankie is much better at it, already blew everyone and swallows every drop (Britt strikes me as a spitter) hard to compete with the pros but well worth a shot and would make good tv

  16. Dear Simon & Dawg,
    Hey guys…just heard a great interview by Rob Cisterino with Mike Boogie & was wondering if I could post the link on here? Love him or hate him, Boogie put this season into perspective & I now have new found respect for this years BB HG (& am enjoying the show more so, in the process)…Let me know.

  17. I would love to see Donny and Jocasta win HOH just to shake things up. I hate that Derrick is always in power and this way he won’t be.

  18. Mike Boogie is my hero. An All-star season is what we fans need. I doubt a single unanimous eviction would ever occur. God (Grodner), why must we be deprived of such glory after the past few monstrous seasons?

  19. I can’t stand how some of these people are laughing at brittany for campaigning. Wait until you scumbags are in her position. Only a matter of time!! I hope brittany smashes christine right in the face before she walks out the door!!

  20. I know my comment will be unpopular with some, but I am finding DONNY is getting more creepy as time goes on. He has a good heart, an extremely loving and caring individual, but there is just something that is making my skin crawl. I can’t pinpoint it, but he is like a dog with a bone about Cody putting him on the block. It seems like it is everyone elses fault but Cody’s

    1. He’s smart!! He knows that it wasn’t Cody who wanted him up! He said a few times that he thinks someone else was behind it and he’s right because Cody really wanted to put caleb up!!!

  21. Im sick of the HG’S sayin i deserve to be here more then this person shut up u all got picked to be on the show so u all deserve to be there.

    If i lived in this house i would snap on some of these people.

    Brittany- you claim you gave up so much to be there, if u loved ur kids so much why would u leave them to go on a tv show shut the hell up about it.

    Frankie- u are a d-bag u need to get evicted asap u are a rat that runs and tells everyone everything.

    Caleb- u friggin moron ur so stupid ur willing to trash ur game for amber who “news flash” doesnt want anything to do with u..u are a stage 5 clinger, she is gona have to file a pfa and restraining order against ur self centered narsacistic a$$.

    Jocasta- ur only bb moments will be ur getting sick, gettin evicted and ur crazy a$$ cry/speaking tongues/idk what the hell moment during BOB.

    Zach- just shut up man..if u would keep ur mouth shut u could prob skip to final 5 at least.

    Cody- sack up..dont let others control ur game.

    Victoria- just keep giving otpej’s

    Amber- ur hot…but ur a idiot.

    Christine-for being a superfan theres alot of people talking about u behind ur back. U need to lay back stop opening ur mouth.

    Donny- awesome beard, but need to try to get in better with derrick n cody u get good with them ur set.

    Nicole hayden – work togather cause hayden had it in with big group so he can keep nicole safe for a lil while.

    Derrick- u definitely are a super fan u are playing the best game so far u have everyone eating out of the palm of ur hand..u should make it to final 2 because no one will vote u out..every single hg trust you, ur a beast u dont even have to win hoh till prob like week 7 or 8 hopefully u win hoh during double eviction night and can get out frankie or caleb cause by then u will have done like 4 missions for team america then u can bounce frankie.

  22. Maybe we should call this season “Derrick and the Dominoes”.

    I’m going to listen to “Layla” right now.

  23. Everyone hates a winner!!! You all bitch and crab about Derrick. You all wish you could play like him. So far he has a great future in the game, and the only one who suspects what he is doing is Donny. Now if Donny is as good as he thinks he is, step up and win an HOH, and try to get Derrick out. I say try, because I don’t think anyone at this point will vote him out. Derrick is friends with everyone in the house except Jocasta, who by the way doesn’t know where the hell she is, and Donny to some extent. His game to this point has been fantastic, like him or not. Most of the posters talk on these sites about his pig nose, and that he lies…..get over it. This is a game of lies and betrayal. Because Donny is a “good ole boy” with a heart of gold means nothing. Not many get to the end without an attitude like Derricks. So to all you haters out there, suck it up!!!

  24. Derrick is actually worse because he was bad mouthing Britt for using her kids as a reason to be deserving then goes and does it himself. I cannot stand him and I hate the fact that him and Frankie our picks for favorite players even more! The people who voted for those rat- pigs must not have. The live feeds and see who they really are before production gives them the golden edit.

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