Dallas “So you’re on the same breath as me, getting rid of Sharry?” Cassandra “yes”

POV Holder: Christine Next POV March 5th
POV Used No POV Ceremony March 7th
HOH Winner: Jared Next HOH: March 10th
Original Nominations: Loveita and Sharry
Current Nominations: Loveita and Sharry
Last Evicted Houseguest Paige
Have Nots Loveita, Sharry, Joel, Cassandra

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9:50am – 10:40am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Dallas asks Cassandra says she thinks the HOH will be some kind of physical. I don’t think it will be mental again. Dallas agrees. Dallas asks so you’re on the same breath as me, getting rid of Sharry? Cassandra says yes. They fist bump. She says that a lot of people are 50/50. Dallas says that’s up to them. Cassandra says she already told Sharry. Dallas asks does it feel better? Cassandra says yeah. Dallas says I just want to let you know if I win this HOH, you’re safe with me. I’ve got bigger fish to fry. Cassandra says you’re safe with me. Cassandra says I’ll pick your nose whenever you want. Dallas says that’s a special bond right there. I’ve got a little bat in the cave right there. Cassandra says if I win HOH the only person I would go after is Ramsey. Dallas says that those two brothers are going to have their own vote within a couple weeks. If you can’t figure something out that could be a backup plan. Another one you can put up would be Nikki, because she would be an awesome pawn. No one wants to vote her out yet. If you put her up, everyone will go against the target. Its a little bit of advice that I’ve thrown around. Cassandra says she’s going to go put her face on and pull up her t!ts.

11am By the High Roller Room – Dallas and Jared are talking. Dallas says I exposed Ramsey and them so its clear that they’re going to go up. People are looking at me with some funny looks. Jared says Yeah I know. They’re good right now but later on they won’t be. Dallas says that he is gunning for this one harder than any other one. Nick already won one competition and he made it look pretty easy. I’m going to show you more trust. Jared says everyone else is weary but we shook hands and I’m good. Dallas says for me and you we’re good. They fist bump and jared leaves.

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11:10am – 12:30pm Big Brother blocks the feeds and when they return the house guests are leaving the living room and start making breakfast / getting ready for the eviction/HOH later today. Big Brother tells the house guests “There are two hours till the live eviction.”

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12:35pm Havenot room – Dallas says its not in people’s best interest to send you home. I am 90% sure that Sharry’s out that door. I don’t know where Mitch is at. You have 5 votes for sure. Loveita says I would be just as happy for Sharry to stay. It doesn’t even feel like a competition, you know because she’s my best friend. If she gets to stay then I’m happy for her.

Cassandra tells Loveita that she’s got her back. Loveita says I know. Loveita heads out of the bedroom and talks to Sharry. Loveita and Sharry say goodbye and say they’ll be friends inside and outside of the house. Sharry says I don’t know what’s going to happen. Loveita says she doesn’t know either. Loveita says you’re the one person that I genuinely love.

1:30pm Bedroom – Maddy asks Tim and Dallas if they you can see her full nipple. Tim says that’s not bad, we’re all about freeing the nipple these days. Dallas says you look like a fembot from Austin Powers. Christine says you can see everything. Tim says the areola. Its too much.

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1:40pm – 1:50pmLoveita talks to Ramsey in the havenot room. She said don’t tell Ramsey I told you. So I don’t know if you lied or she did. I don’t know if you’re aligned with Maddy or Jared but just be a lone ranger. Loveita says at least I can leave knowing I did nothing wrong. I was told Ramsey, Maddy and Dallas are voting to keep Sharry in the game. Ramsey says I can tell you that Maddy, Dallas and I are voting for you to stay so whoever told you that is lying. Loveita says I hate the bullying in here. Just vote your own way. Ramsey says she is the biggest snake in the world. (Cassandra) Everyone knows I’m gunning for her. Loveita says the way she is trying to be friends with me right now. I can see right through it. Ramsey says she is best friends with Kelsey.

2pm Big Brother blocks the feeds. The live feeds will likely be down until after the Eviction/HOH episode airs.

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16 thoughts to “Dallas “So you’re on the same breath as me, getting rid of Sharry?” Cassandra “yes””

  1. this week with Loveita and Sharry on the block feels like its been an eternity…anyone else feel the same?

    1. I am all team Tim and Nikki but I cannot wait for Nikki to be on the block because that will be something to watch…plus her being a have not. …I feel like being a have not will make her quit for sure! But I want tim and Nikki to go far in the game as they are so much fun to watch. If not then I hope mitch or Phil win the game….my other 2 favs

    2. I agree, It seems like weeks since the last eviction. Not a lot of excitement so far. Too many floaters, too many people think it’s too early to start playing, and too many that think they are safe for a few weeks. Hopefully someone who came to play wins HOH and makes a game move. Shake/wake some people up. The only thing interesting so far has been Nikki’s rants. Even Tim is getting boring. However, I fear this how the season is going to go, everyone floating to the end.

    3. because there were so much down time with the feeds, and a lot of waiting around for them to come back on!

  2. Dallas’ mouth is too loud to the point that he’s spilling his plans to his biggest enemy. (Cassandra).
    Regardless I hope that HoH goes to someone not working with Jared/Kelsey/Rail even if that means Dallas is still in the house.
    That trio is the most insufferable in the house, somewhat power trippy, not entertaining and they bring nothing to the feeds.
    Rooting for either a Nikki or Maddy HoH because itd cause the most waves.

  3. Well goodbye Sharry. If only you knew when to jump ship and not soeak for Loveita, you would have had at least another week.

    I just hope Dallas goes next week.

  4. Why cant we have more than 3 faves?
    Nikki and Tim are so obvious. Phil has been growing on me. Ramsey is so rootable to me for some reason. I think its because of how rude Kelsey has been towards him.

    I dont like Dallas and Rail either. After seeing last nights episode, Christine seems so hateful. She also doesnt add anything and sleeps in the bed all day. In fact, Christine’s strongest ally is the bed.

  5. I just want a week where Nikki has to put Raul up so that she is forced to say his name, improperly, over and over again. Rule. Rool. Rowl. Rall.

  6. i suppose it will be some kind of endurance comp. those are more interesting, and more used, when there are more people up there anyway. i am not sure what the theme would be with this BB house set up of course.

    and considering this year’s theme, i am pretty surprised at the lack of things for canada to vote on, or random gambling moments that are being missed.

    I miss the Twistos twists, obviously. the thing that made BB CAN so different from the US is the level of input from Canada to actually change the game around. i don’t want a whole season of them waiting for the other shoe to drop, or secret panel to open, or roll the dice/turn the roulette wheel and that never actually happens.

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