“Coming into the game I was like no showmances it’s day 28, I’m so bored and I’m so horny”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Monte
Nominees: Indy and Alyssa Taylor and Nicole
POV Players: Alyssa, Indy, Monte, Terrance, Joe, Kyle and Daniel (Michael is the host)
POV Winner: Daniel & Kyle
Veto Ceremony: Daniel used the power of veto. Taylor and Nicole are nominated.
Havenots: Turner & Jasmine

Lock your ranks in before midnight


Festie Besties:

Turner & Jasmine
Joe & Monte & Terrance
Daniel & Kyle
Brittany & Michael
Alyssa & Indy
Nicole & Taylor

10:00 am Waking up

10:30 am Daniel talking alone
“I bet you the person playing the best game not only from my perspective but from the viewer’s perspective is Michael. I don’t agree with his floating tactics but that’s one way to do it”
“There are different types of floaters. His version is jumping in between alliances when there’s power which I guess is the actual definition of floating. The other floaters like Brittany who’s kinda doing the same game as him. I don’t think anyone trusts her at all. She’s just going to float to the end because people can send her home every minute. Yeah, she won a power of veto but Micahel was 50% of that.”
“I can see people thinking Monte is playing a great game. It is a great game but there are a couple of people in here that are playing one step ahead and can see through his bullshit. He’s not a good liar. I hope I am. Who knows?”
“The fact that Janelle and Kaysar still haven’t won this game pisses me off I love them”
Nicole joins him.
Nicole – I talked to Turner and Joe yesterday.
Production tells them to lower the outside awnings. Feeds flip to Terrance and Jasmine chatting.

10:40 am Terrance and Jasmine
Jasmine – she (Nicole) said the people I want in Jury are ‘Me, Daniel, Terrance and you’ She’s like if I don’t have y’all I might as well leave the game.
Jasmine – she never said one negative thing about you.
Jasmine – it’s crazy everybody is scared that like it may flip but I don’t see how. I want to get this girl out already.
Jasmine – Get Taylor out of this b1tch. You, Me, Alyssa, Indy, Daniel. Who is the 6?
Terrance – gotta be Kyle
Jasmine – Michael last night said he would
Terrance – he needs to. He f***ing needs to
Jasmine – why would he get a target out of the house when he was on the block?
Terrance – if she’s still here she’s always going to be a target.
Jasmine – I can see his strategy there.
Terrance – Alyssa has Kyle’s ear.
Jasmine – you think so?
Terrance – I’m hoping so. I don’t know what the f** they’re doing that’s a shot we got to use.
Terrance says right now he’s “Rocking” with Monte
Jasmine – do they incorporate you in anything
Terrance – they don’t its surface..
JHasmine – that makes me more nervous.. which is why Turner makes me nervous. He don’t talk game.
Terrance – Joe talks to me more than Monte
Jasmine – I don’t want the house to flip again. Was I the only one that had a unanimous vote as HOH?
Terrance – mmmhmmm

Noon Nothing but Chit chat.. Jasmine goes on an one about being such a kick a$$ influencer.

12:15 pm Kyle to the camera
“Kyle – I came into the thinking there was no way I was going to do any sort of Showmance stuff.. AHHHHHH Here we are I really like her I don’t know what to do because she’s outside of the leftovers alliance. Like she could have been gone this week and I could have been the reason she had to leave. Oh my GOSH.. Just a recap.
We came up with a plan to ensure Michael and Brittany are safe. It meant I wasn’t going to use the veto and neither was Daniel. To leave Alyssa and Indy on the block. Send Alyssa home and then Indy would join Michael and Brittany’s two so they would have a third so no matter what pair gets put on the block we have the numbers to keep our alliance safe. ”

“That was the plan and I was the last to know about it. It was the day before the veto ceremony and I get pulled in. ”
“I had told Alyssa and Indy for two days ‘i’m going to use the veto on you’.
“That was the hardest thing morally I couldn’t do it to feel I was lying to her. It was so difficult I don’t think I could have done it”
“The next day Lucnly Daniel came to my rescue”
“The plan was that Monte was going to share a bunch of info from the house that indicated Nicole was going to leave”
“Monte comes down to the kitchen and says to Daniel ‘Dude I got some information ”
“And immediately he smelled something fishy he comes running outside dude Monte is trying to keep Alyss and Indy pon the block he doesn’t want to put up Nicole and Taylor becuase he doesn’t have the votes to Keep Taylor.. so he smelt it right from the start”
“monte talks to Daniel and Nicole they don’t buy the BS at all and so Daniel comes out and says I’m using the veto 100%”
“I’m playing so dumb with Daniel. He thinks I’m an idiot.. he trusts me for some reason.”
“I was the one that started the leftover alliance it was my idea to unite the outcasts he has no idea I am going to vote for the. He thinks I’m their 7th member..”
“That’s tough too I’m lying to Daniel’s face.. he’s using the veto basically to send his best friend out the door. It’s the dumbest move in BB history it’s so dumb”
“I understand the logic. He thinks Monte, Joe, Brittany, Michael, and Taylor,. Turner are 6 votes.. Taylor on the block Monte can’t vote they have 4 votes he doesn’t assume I’m with them. He thinks Daniel, Nicole, Terance, Me, Indy, Alyssa, and jasmine.. Me, for some reason I haven’t talked game with him this entire time..”
“he thinks it’s a 6 to 4 vote to get Taylor out”
“I think it’ll be a landslide of a vote.. people don’t want to be blindsided again they don’t want to be on the opposite side of the vote. I don’t think Terrance is with them. right now it is 5/5”

“I kissed Alyssa yesterday .. oh my GOSH what am I thinking America?”
“you have to understand something coming into the game I was like no showmances it’s day 28 I’m so board and I’m so horny”
“It’s so bad.. and she’s so hot and I never thought I would get along with someone this well”
“I have to keep playing it up with the leftovers that I’m not in a showmance even though I was making out with her 2 feet from Joe”
“Now I think about us kissing and stuff and I get excited I have to wear this hoodie everywhere so it hangs down to my mid thighs.. it’s very obvious I’m excited”
“is that TMI? I don’t really care”
“She is so HOT… am I stupid”
“Heres my philosophy when I was going to vote her out and not use the veto. We’re only in this game for a certain amount of time it is a game and games are meant to be fun I’m so bored.. we’re all bored. At the end of this am I really going to regret
“It was so much fun kissing her too that’s all I want to do I don’t even care”

“I’m worried if my relationship with Alyssa is affecting my leftovers I wonder if that played into it when they wanted her gone this week. I don’t think it is.”
“Brittnay and Michael are in a tough spot.. ”

12:40 pm Kyle and MOnte
They talk about targeting Daniel next week. Kyle brings up if his relationship with Alyssa is affecting the Leftovers. Has there been talk?
Monte doesn’t think so “it’s no a big thing at all.. you’ve brought in a lot of information”
Kyle – this group would not have formed without her information.. without that, we wouldn’t have thought there was a whole other side.
Joe joins them.
Kyle – I hope my personal relationship with Alyssa isn’t causing any worry with the group I am all in with the leftovers is 1000%
Kyle says he’s been working with Joe and Montesince on day one but people like Taylor and Brittany are pretty new he wonders if they may have questions about him and Alyssa.
Joe – I don’t think so.. the same way you are close to Alyssa I’m close with Indy (Yikes you’re not)
Joe – at some point we’re going to have to Peace..
Monte and Joe say there’s no question from their perspective about kye’s loyalty
They talk about the targets. Nicole this week. Joe asks who is next week. Offers up, Daniel and Alyssa. Daniel is the physical threat Alyssa is the social threat.
Joe asks who Alyssa would put up. Kyle doesn’t know he doesn’t talk that level of game with her.
Joe wonders if it’ll be Jasmine and Turner. Kyle doubts it Turner and her are Homies and Jasmine is her best friend.
Joe says the one person on the other side that he hasn’t caught lying is Terrance.
Monte – Terrance is looking to survive he wants to make it to jury. The way for him to do that is through..
Joe completes his sentence – “Me and Monte”
Joe says the only ones on the other side that are smart enough to put Brittany and Micheal up as a backdoor are Daniel and Alyssa.
Kyle – I wonder how Daniel will react.. I guess it all depends on the HOH.
Monte – he’s either going to go apesh1t crazy or he’ll tap out
They laugh that Joe and Kyle are playing the same game with Daniel. Acting stupid.
Joe – it’s not our fault he just assumes we’re stupid and we haven’t corrected him
Kyle- and he trust me like nothing yesterday

They go on about how Alyssa and Jasmine are dangerous players.

12:54 pm Indy making food

14 thoughts to ““Coming into the game I was like no showmances it’s day 28, I’m so bored and I’m so horny””

  1. Simon or Dawg, after hearing Taylor before and the Boys now, do think that Production will allow Taylor to give that speech on eviction night Thursday

  2. For the love of all that’s holy, can this be the final season. It’s the same thing every season. Showmances, little phrase (pooch wtaf?) I mean it’s been a solid, solid run.

    1. I always wonder how long this show will go. The Franchise continues to grow.

      There’s generally 1 good season for every 3-4. This one is shaping up to be good.

      1. A number of good storylines this season (at least for us who watch the live feeds). Even “Ms. Blanche” has a good storyline even though she is infuriating with her expecting everyone to do everything for her still

  3. I’m glad to hear Monte, Joe and Kyle notice Jasmine is a dangerous player, I’d get her out as soon as they evict Daniel, Jasmine should be next to go.

    I don’t really put Alyssa in the category of being dangerous, all I’ve seen from Alyssa is, she’s thirsty for a showmance, she’ll be happy to be in Jury with Kyle, they can go at it night and day, forget about the 750k, she has her showmance.

    Jasmine is sneaky, I think her angle is milking this ankle injury, everyone does not feel threatened by her, and they carry her further in the game, at least until Jury.

    Once they get to point where evictee’s go to Jury, Jasmine will all of a sudden be able to maneuver around better, be more physical and go for the HOH.

    Jasmine also is going to be pissed Taylor is still around, we all know Jasmine is fixed on evicting Taylor, only she knows why she does not like Taylor or Brittany, they have done nothing to her.

    I expect Jasmine, Indy and Alyssa will go with the leftovers this week and vote to evict Nicole this week, just so they are with the majority, but she really wants Taylor gone.

    I’d love for the vote to be 9 to evict Nicole, 1 vote from Daniel to evict Taylor.

    Daniel will go absolutely crazy, he will have a total melt down, because he and Nicole know when people are lying to them, Evil Elvis will see total red, because it’s his fault Nicole is gone.

    It’s too bad Jasmine, Taylor, Michael and Kyle cannot secretly work together, and be prepared for Monte & Joe trying to pick them off, and Monte and Joe make it to final 2.

    Hopefully Taylor, Michael, Turner, Kyle & Britt will be able to put something together. I was not really a Turner fan, but the more I’ve seen him on the Live Feeds, Turner is really a good guy.

    Monte and Joe, they are ok, but I’m going to sound like Nicole now LOL.. I don’t trust them.

    Kyle, Monte & Joe really feel they should never be used as a Pawn, even though they have the votes, they don’t really trust their alliance, they expect the Alliance members to trust them when they need to use the others as Pawns, but Monte, Joe & Kyle are off limit.

    This season has improved, and Thursday should be great TV. Down the road, I’m hoping Turner, Taylor, Michael and Kyle work together and get rid of Daniel, Jasmine, Alyssa, Monte, Joe, Terrance and then Brittany.

    I don’t ever seeing Terrance winning HOH not being mean, but Terrance is not athletic, and I can’t think of an HOH comp that he can win. I remember years ago, Donny was an older gentleman, he won HOH, I don’t see this happening with Terrance, Terrance will always be sitting on the passenger side, he will never be HOH.

    Brittany might win an HOH based on Memory, Puzzle, I think Brittany has a shot at being HOH, and if Jasmine is still in the house, I bet she won’t mind Britt talking with her then.

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