Cody – “it’s going to be JOEY.. POWPOW is a nonexistent person in the game”

POV Holder: Donny Next POV ?
POV Used YES POV Ceremony June 29th
HOH Winner Team 1: Frankie HOH Winner Team 2: Caleb (current HOH)
Battle of the Block Winner Brittany, Victoria Next HOH/ Next BOB ?
Original Nominations: Caleb noms (Donny, Paola) Frankie noms (Brittany, Victoria)
Current Nominations: Joey, Paola
Have Nots Cody, Hayden, Joey, Brittany
POV Players Donny, Paola, Cody, Zach, Caleb, Victoria (HOST = Jocasta)

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3:14pm HOh Brittany and Caleb
Caleb – “this is going to be pretty quick and sweet unless you talk like a crazy person.”
Brittany says more people wants Joey to stay than POWPOW but she can see how Joey has rubbed people the wrong way. She says she’s not as close to Joey as everyone thinks. Caleb mention how Brittnay and Joey are together all the time. Brittany explains that Joey is relying on her more than anything ”I’m the only one she feels comfortable with”, Brittnay points out how close she was with POW POW when they were sharing a room. Brittany doesn’t want him to think she’s automatically voting out POWPOW.
Caleb tells her he doesn’t want to see her being the lone vote and being singled out he wants her to get a good read of the house before she places her vote.

Caleb says he knows the game quite well and the the most important thing in the game is loyalty Caleb – “Joey.. I see her being able to win competitions but not loyal”
Brittany says POW POW is very loyal
Caleb “she’s never done anything wrong except for not winning any competitions”. Caleb says everyone likes Joey but she has no idea how to play this game, “she tried to start a girls alliance”. Caleb says POWPOW isn’t going to win any competitions but she’s loyal they know where she stands. Caleb wants it to be a unanimous decision on Thursday so he’s talking to everyone.

Caleb -” the last thing I want is you to be singled out” Caleb warns if Brittany gives Joey a vote and Joey leaves it will hurt POWPOW. Brittany asks if POWPOW is upset with her now. Caleb thinks that POWPOW is under the impression Brittany wants to keep Joey. Brittany says she’s been trying to distance herself from Joey especially now that Joey is trying to draw her into her plans, “I’ve been closer to POWPOW lately” Brittany adds the only reason why she got close to Joey is because she’s a lot of fun to hang out with “She’s a female Frankie”

Brittany is worried about Joey throwing her name out there and making it sound like they have an alliance. Caleb says the best thing to do is vote Joey out it will send a clear signal.
Brittany – “Both of my closest friends are on the block right now.. no matter what happens I hurt someone”
Caleb – “At the end of the day your loyalty to JOEY means nothing it means more to POWPOW because she’s most likely staying”
Brittany says Joey never talked to her about making that announcement it was completely out of the blue to brittany. She looked around and could see by how everyone was reacting that it wasn’t a good idea.
Brittany – is the majority of the vote is to keep POWPOW
Caleb says from what he’s heard Joey is going home.
Brittany swears her mind is not set on keeping Joey she feels like a “pinball” going back and forth she’s more looking at what the house does to make her decision.
Caleb – “You will be the next one put up if you are the only one that votes for Joey.. your smart enough to make the right decision”
Brittany is worried she’s going to get set up.

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3:15pm Cam 1 Devine and Joey Storage room
Devin – “No matter if you stay or go it’s going to be a unanimous vote.. 13-0”
He suggests she goes out there and campaigns as hard as she can and get the votes. Nobody is going to do it for her this early in the game.
Devin – “I’m going with the house.. if you have the house votes you have my vote otherwise you don’t have my vote” He explains nobody wants to be the offside vote this week because they would become the target next week that’s why it’s important for Joey to campaign.
Devin- “I’m on the fence”
Joey – “I think everyone is on the fence”

Devin says at the end of the day if he has to see her leave to keep himself in the game that’s what people are going to do. Joey understands asks him if people are leaning towards getting her out. Devin doesn’t know the entire house is telling him ‘I don’t know.. literally I don’t know there’s still 2 and a half days” Joey comments how hungry she is and how much being a have nots suck,  Devin says if she does end up getting voted out he’ll give her a few M&M’s in her pocket

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3:56pm Backyard Donny and POW POW
Donny telling her people like her in the house the best thing for her is to chill and be friendly with everyone. POWPOW thinks the house really likes Joey as well. Donny assures her the house like POWPOW. He mentions how horrible she did early on in the competitions and now the house thinks she’s weak. He stresses this is an advantage
Brittany joins them starts telling them she’s not close with Joey. She explains the reason Joey is around her is because the house is distancing themselves from Joey and she has no one to turn to. Brittany tells POWPOW they were friends in the beginning before Joey, Joey use to be close to Frankie.
Brittnay – “She comes to me I can’t not hand out with her”
Brittany starts to justify if she votes Joey out it doesn’t mean she doesn’t like Joey.
POWPOW understands
Brittany tells them she questions Joey’s loyalty in the game.
Brittany says nobody especially Joey is saying anything bad about POWPOW, they agree they houseguests haven’t really done anything “bad” and even the girls alliance thing wasn’t a big deal.
POWPOW about Joey – “she attacked a lot of people she attacked the girls she attacked that whole battle of the block thing.. I’m not going to lie and be here saying it’s not true.. how can you tell me my partner is a pawn and I should lose the battle of the block. you know what I mean i’m not mad at her i’m just saying I don’t have anything to go around and say bad about her”
Brittany – “I don’t think she thinks things through”
POWPOW – “that’s not good”
Brittany – “all her ideas suck and she doesn’t know the game”
POWPOW says Joey knows the games she’s seen 6 season
Brittany thinks Joey just watched it right before the game started,
Brittany says how confused she is in the house not being able to figure people out or thinking a person is one thing then the next day they change. She has no idea what will happen next week or who will go up.
Donny pipes up says they have shown the house how well they’ve handled the block by not having any animosity and being peaceful the house may put them up the next week because it’s easy.
Donny – “But it really matter who wins the HOH”
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4:14pm Amber and Cody
They both want POWPOW to stay another week, they really have no reason to want her to leave right now. Both feel safe if POWPOW wins HOH even though they doubt POWPOW will win it.
Cody thinks the house will be gunning for Devin and Caleb next week. Cody tells her their alliance has 8 people as long as one of them wins it they have the votes to stay.
Cody – “I’ve already decided it’s going to be JOEY.. POWPOW is nonexistent person in the game.. she makes bacon and rice for everyone and loses the competitions. ”
Amber – “POWPOW is just having fun being here.. hayden’s the same way”

AMber is nervous that once the bomb squad gets down 8 the guys will pick off her and christine. Cody tells her not to worry when they are that deep into the game it’ll be everyone for themselves he’s not worried about it he’s just going to focus on next week.

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4:20pm Jocasta and Caleb
Talking about the BB prom. Jocasta says it was Donny and Victoria’s idea. Donny had never been to a prom before and victoria is all about it. Caleb wants to take Amber, nobody has asked her yet because of him. jocasta says Cody is taking Christine and Hayden is taking Nicole.

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No Name – Zach, Cody, Derrick
Fragment A of bomb squad no name  = Christine, Frankie, Cody, Derrick Zach
Double Ds = Devin, Donny
Bomb Squad = Frankie, Caleb, Devin, Cody, Derrick, Zach, Amber, Christine
Bed buddies = Nicole, Christine
Final 2 Deal Zankie= Frankie, Zach


TheCrazy8s = Frankie, Donny, Joey, Paola, Devin, Amber, Nicole, Cody
El Cuatro = Paola, Amber, Joey, Nicole

Where the vote is 

As of now Joey is going home.. (Still early)

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40 thoughts to “Cody – “it’s going to be JOEY.. POWPOW is a nonexistent person in the game””

    1. Wait, what! Amber is NOT interested in Caleb? Does this mean he has to give back Amber’s dress/scarf back?

  1. amber is worried that in an 8 hg alliance, including the strongest guys, the 2 ladies are at the bottom? thank you, captain obvious! the only solution is to play them, don’t let them play you – an alliance this big won’t last long anyway, cody gave great advice.

  2. So I was reading all the comments about Caleb confessing his love for Amber and people taking this opportunity to make fun of him. Honestly you guys are the worst hypocrites of all. Do you guys really hate Caleb because he likes Amber or do you guys hate him because of some pre-conceived notion that he was maybe a homophobic and racist person? Now I don’t know the answer to this question because he was yet to show who he really is; but then again it’s only WEEK ONE and you guys have a deep hatred for the guy and i can’t understand why…
    To show you guys how deep your hypocrisy goes let’s go back to previous seasons.
    Season 12 with Hayden madly in love. Nothing was said.
    Season 14 with Ian madly in love. Nothing was said.
    Season 15 with Ginamarie madly in love. Nothing was said
    Even Season 16 with POW POW madly in love. Nothing was said
    But Caleb is a stalker right… Take a moment and think what you really don’t like about the guy and if you can’t find anything then STOP HATING

    1. lol hayden madly in love? no he was not at all! ian madly in love? no he had a little crush on her and he actually waited and took time with her… and EVERYONE messed with GM about her obsession with that guy who i can’t seem to remember

      1. So sad everyone has forgotten me already. Can’t say I’m surprised. GM has kept me in her underwear ever since Nick got taken away by the witness relocation program.

    2. “To show you guys how deep your hypocrisy goes let’s go back to previous seasons.
      Season 12 with Hayden madly in love. Nothing was said. Season 14 with Ian madly in love. Nothing was said. Season 15 with Ginamarie madly in love. Nothing was said Even Season 6 with POW POW madly in love. Nothing was said But Caleb is a stalker right… Take a moment and think what you really don’t like about the guy and if you can’t find anything then STOP HATING!”
      If you’re going to make a broad statement, be sure you have the facts to back it up. I can’t remember all the seasons before, but Simon and Dawg have the proven facts that last year almost EVERYONE was hating on Gina Marie because of her fast and furious fatal attraction for Nick. It was down right embarrassing.

      Caleb is not in the house more than a day and his infatuation with Amber was cute at first. But when he finally got the balls to tell her that he likes her, and she tells him she doesn’t like him back in that way, he doesn’t believe her??? Because she was mic’d up? Come on. I personally don’t HATE Caleb, I don’t even know him. But I do feel sorry for him, and for Amber. Her denial could mess up her game since Caleb has most of the guys behind him. So check your facts before you post.

      1. Hey man I completely agree with you!! Maybe I was a little wrong about the Ginamarie situation but what I’m trying to say is everybody hates Caleb not because he is obsessed with Amber but because he was believed to be Racist and homophobic. Now everyone wants to jump on the fact that Amber told him that she doesn’t like him and he refuses to accept it but this incident only happened last night and those feeling of hate for Caleb were there long before that. Me too I feel bad for Caleb… And the reason why I took those other seasons as examples is because when Ian and Hayden were in love people thought it was cute but since it’s Caleb it’s a stalker attitude and that’s what i wasn’t cool with

        1. I’ve talked crap about Caleb and his obsession on here and elsewhere and I never knew Caleb was pre-judged as racist and homophobic by anyone. I talked mad crap about GM last season too. This place was FULL of crazy GM posts. I think you’re reaching a little too much (and I say that as a far left liberal). I think most everyone who has talked about Caleb here did it because the dude is acting creepy…not because we secretly think he’s a racist homophobe. There’s not always a hidden agenda. The most obvious answer is usually the correct one….Caleb’s acting like an obsessed stalker.

    3. Caleb was talking about his feelings for Amber from the first day, even before the show when he saw her at the airport and “prayed to God” that she was a fellow BB player. I have watched him have the same Amber conversations with the same people over and over multiple times per day. Each day his delusions have grown. He’s built up this imaginary relationship in his head and now he doesn’t believe her when she said she doesn’t like him? Sheesh! I’m not calling him crazy, but that’s not something normal adults do. In your examples listed from past seasons, NONE of those guys were that bad. I never saw them having multiple conversations a day that lasted 20 minutes about the girls they liked.

      So get over your conspiracy theories that we’re “hating on Caleb” because we think he’s a racist homophobe. This is the internet, if that’s what we really thought we would say and not disguise our prejudice by blowing his obsessive behavior out of proportion.

    4. we called Gina Marie a Psycho stalker… complete with warning Nick to get a restraining order. Ian in love… yep made fun of that also…. You left out Douchie and the Beast (Rachel and Brendan) we made fun of that on 2 season of Big Brother and an Amazing Race also the Reality TV Show of their wedding that was never produced… We make fun of everyone… We are terrible horrible people. Are you new here?

    5. Where did dream up this idea? I’ve read a lot of jokes about Caleb’s obsession with amber, but I haven’t yet gotten a “Hate” vibe from any of them. You are super defensive about Caleb. That’s actually the angriest post I’ve read so far. I think the comments sections has been really fun and tame so far this year. I hope it lasts!
      Also, I was aware of the posts by Caleb, and thought they were incredibly stupid. However, the fact that he is obsessing over a woman, who I believe is bi-racial, actually helps his image. So, the opposite of what you are saying has been my reaction to the Caleb obsession. Also his friendship with Frankie is nice.

  3. Who the H is Caleb? The Gestapo? He is so whacked between his obsession with Amber and his power hungry ego! Hope he doesn’t last very long!

  4. This whole prom thing has put Amber in a very tough spot. Caleb doesn’t believe her that she doesn’t really feel that way about him. He thinks she was mic’d up and didn’t want to share her feelings with the world. And now he wants to take to the prom? If she says yes she feeds into his obsession/delusion. If she says no there is no telling what Caleb will do. Isn’t anyone else concerned about the fact that Caleb has so much power over Amber’s fate in the house and he won’t take no for an answer?

    1. If i were in her position, i’d DECLINE in a nice way. I’ve liked people before, and i’d prefer them to NOT lead me on. He’s a grown man. He’ll get over it. she doesn’t need to patronize him and think he’s going to get all psychotic just because she says no. That means she has a big ego if she thinks he’ll commit suicide or something just because she says no. perhaps it will help him to realize she doesn’t feel the same way and he can start get over her, or at least move on.

      1. I’ve also had guys like me, and although its awkward, it’s best to just say no. No reason to be a jerk about it though. You can decline in a nice way.

  5. So I was reading all the comments about Caleb confessing his love for Amber and people taking this opportunity to make fun of him. Honestly you guys are the worst hypocrites of all. Do you guys really hate Caleb because he likes Amber or do you guys hate him because of some pre-conceived notion that he was maybe a homophobic and racist person? Now I don’t know the answer to this question because he was yet to show who he really is; but then again it’s only WEEK ONE and you guys have a deep hatred for the guy and i can’t understand why…
    To show you guys how deep your hypocrisy goes let’s go back to previous seasons.
    Season 12 with Hayden madly in love. Nothing was said.
    Season 14 with Ian madly in love. Nothing was said.
    Season 15 with Ginamarie madly in love. Nothing was said
    Even Season 16 with POW POW madly in love. Nothing was said
    But Caleb is a stalker right… Take a moment and think what you really don’t like about the guy and if you can’t find anything then STOP HATING!

    1. Nothing said about GM in BB15? Don’t know where you were reading comments but all season her obsession was commented on. And Amber told Caleb that she doesn’t feel that way but he doesn’t believer her. He’s strutting around telling people they better not go against him, that he has the power in the house.

      There are a lot of reasons to dislike Caleb but his refusal to take Amber at her word that she doesn’t want a relationship is scary.

      1. I do admit that Caleb is refusing to accept the fact that Amber doesn’t like him but don’t tell me that you don’t like Caleb because of that only…
        Caleb was being being hit one since day one and this event only happened last night

        1. caleb has people hating him b/c he has the hohitus where he acts like his shit dont stink, and has been in full creeper mode for a while tellin every one about how much she likes him even how within 6months of the show ending how he was gonna marry her mind you at that point she had made no indication of liking him except for having made eye contact which apparently he considers first or second base with a chic. the fact she has to treat him like a t rex from jurassic park because any slight movement or eye contact may mean she wants to have his kids is ridiculous and creepy. she tells him no n he doesnt believe her thats why ppl dont like him. shit i didnt know about him being racist till i read an update today on here.

  6. Please don’t tell me we are going to have another season of unanimous votes. I think it’s more exciting when lines are drawn and alliances support their members. And I also think “voting with the house” shows a lack of individuality and independent thought. So forget what the house wants do what you want and if they target you, well then stiffen your spine and start fighting to stay, that is the game after all, is it not?

  7. “Going with what the house wants,” that’s a funny line everyone is saying. I guess the house is Amber and Cody and the rest join in later.

  8. Devin wanted to make his epic “Mark” on BB history. He has achieved this by being one of the most ( if not the most) grandoise dellisional player ever and the one of the worst BB contestants ever!!!

  9. Another one that was made made fun of for the season was Danielle and her craziness over Shane Meaney.

  10. Does anyone else find it a little odd that Caleb has become so infatuated with a girl who is obviously ethnic so soon after entering the house?!? Damage control from his statements online perhaps? Seems pretty ironic to me…he must have good “advisors”.

    1. Nah, not damage control. Just love/lust. Lots of racists would love to get with say, Halle Berry. Hot, light skinned girls are OK. Hell, there were slave owners who caught feelings for the ones they were sleeping with.

      I would love to see Amber’s reaction when she finds out some of the stuff he said, like calling the prez a Muslim monkey. >_<

    2. He seems very genuine (not to mention obsessed) about it though and same with how he and Frankie relate, does not seem homophobic either. I don’t think it’s an act. That said, I really HATE his politics either way.

  11. I just wanna give a shout out to Amber’s Dress. I’ve been there, girl! It’s gonna be a long, hard season but you’ll make it! xoxoxo

  12. Wait till tomorrow… Calebs power will be slipping… People will think he has NO Power next week… except for an alliance. Joey can promise the moon… Honestly if Devin and Frankie would wake up and smell the target… they may want to keep the loud mouth girl and get rid of PowPow… Frankie is liked now but a shit stirrer only has a long BB life if the houseguest’s are clueless…. and some are starting to smell the crap.
    Keep Joey and dump PowPow… besides keeping PowPow means a Summer of snooze.

  13. Is it just me, but when ever I hear Caleb talk about his non-existent relationship with Amber, I hear Mariah Carey singing, “Your delusional, your delusional, boy your wasting your time” Is it just me!? This guy has stalker written all over him…just like Gina Marie and Danielle with Shane! And yes I made fun of both them, and I enjoyed it! hahahaha!!

  14. Brittany – “Both of my closest friends are on the block right now.. no matter what happens I hurt someone”
    Brittany joins them starts telling them she’s not close with Joey.


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