POV Holder: | Next POV: | Aug 18 (Saturday) | |
POV Used | POV Ceremony | Aug 20 (Monday) | |
HOH Winner: | Shane | Next HOH: | Aug 13 (Thursday) |
Original Nominations: | |||
Current Nominations: | |||
Have Nots | No Have Nots this Week | ||
Last Evicted Houseguest | Wil | ||
HOH temptations | Britney Safe this week, Boogie gets 10grand |
2:55pm Cam 3-4 Ashley and Shane Watch with FlashBack FREE TRIAL!
Shane tell her that people are wanting him to put her and Joe up but that is not what he’s thinking about doing. Ashley: “I promise you if I win HOH next week I won’t be putting you up”. Shane hopes is happy to hear that he tells her that he can help keep her safe as well. He doesn’t get to play for HOH but can still win POV.
Ashley says Frank is cranky that he didn’t get a chance to play for the 10 grand, All morning he’s been super pissy to everyone except Boogie. AShley points out that Shane had an entire Head of Household taken from him and he didn’t act all like this. Shane mentions that Boogie didn’t even try to get safety or the HOH he went straight for the money. This bugs Shane because Boogie is wealthy to begin with, why did Boogie think he was so safe?
Ashley: “All this shows he doesn’t give a shit”
Shane says if he puts both both of them up then they have to play individually for once in the game. Shane likes them as people but together as a duo in this game they are dangerous.
Ashley mentions how Frank’s moods really swing wildly She thinks he’s unpleasant to be around.
Shane more or less tells her Frank and Boogie going up but he wants her to still look like she’s the target. Shane knows when the nominations come out there will be all out war in the house.
Shane brings up that both him and Ashley have been on the same spot in the house. Shane was all alone early on and felt like the entire house was after him and now AShley is all alone. Ashley thought that her and Joe were going up for sure. She’s glad Shane is deciding to make a big move.
Shane hopes that he can have her vote this week if he’s up on the block. Shane: “When they see yours and JOe’s key SHI!TS going to Hit the Fan.. Between those 2 and between us 3” (Shane + Boogie + Frank)
(Ashley just says YA with everything.. she will have forgotten the entire conversation by the time she leaves the arcade room. TT4L )
3:23pm Bathroom Britney and AShley
Britney: ‘Did you and Shane gave a good talk”
Ashley: “YA”
Ashley: “Obviously I Do support shane I would rather work with Shane than the Mike Boogies in the house.. I really want to support shane.. And I told him If I win HOH next week I won’t put up Shane”
Ashley express concern that Boogie’s group of 4 is a threat in the house.
Britney: “Exactly look at the memory wall there is 4 of them.. think of jury votes”
Ashley is saying that Jenn is all salty right now, Ashley doesn’t know if it’s because she’s hurt or what.. Ashley: “Jenn was saying Ohh.. Britney winning the safety was a waste because Shane won the HOH.. She’s not in any danger”
Ashley doesn’t think that’s fair to say because by Britney winning the safety prevented someone else from winning. Britney says that was her plan all along.. She’ shocked Boogie went for the money. Ashley: ‘Just shows he doesn’t give a shit.. If I was Frank I would have been pissed”
Britney: “boogie said this morning that his first restaurant grossed 9 million dollars
Ashley: “You know how much of that he gets.. a ton..”
They both talk about how much of a douche Frank is being about not getting to play for the 10 grand in the HOH. Britney points out that Frank was going out the door and the reset saved him. Ashley adds that Shane lost a entire HOH but never complained to the house.
Frank joins them. .
3:46pm Cam 1-2 Shane, Joe, Ian and Dan
They are talking about Jodi and how people have probably forgotten about it. Ian thinks Brian Hart was the most memorable first boot of all time.
They start joking around with Dan saying they are pissed that the coaches got a “Gold key” and were safe for the first 4 weeks. Shane is more mad about the coaches being in control of the players when it came to havenots. (Shane really hates being a havenots.. has it been 3 weeks total for him? )
Chat goes to Jodi and how she irritated so many people in the house.
Ian says regardless of the twist Jodi would have been nominated first week. Dan: “You underestimate my coaching skills.. Nahh.. I don’t think I could reel her in”
Ian asks what Jodi did for a living.. Dan says she worked in a old folks home and a restaurant she had 6 step kids. Shane wonders how many people in the house lied about their jobs. Dan jokes says Joe owns a bunch of restaurants. Dan starts giving Joe a hard time saying he owns 6 restaurants. Joe denies it starts to tell them about years ago when he had a restaurant and his business partner stole the idea and cut him out. JOe: “It’ll be a franchise soon you just wait”
Dan says he wrote a couple hundred tweets for his wife to send out. Asks Ian if anyone is tweeting for him, Ian says no he really doesn’t use twitter much. Dan asks him if he would rather start his own business or work for a giant chemical company. Ian wants to work for a company he doesn’t want the headache of starting his own venture. Dan: “But what if you only need to work 9-12 instead of 9-5” .. Feeds to fish (Dan continually tries to pitch this passive income idea to the houseguests… )
Dan asks him what his goals for his career are.
Ian says he’s going to get a Phd then work in R&D. Joe asks him how much money he’ll be making. Ian: “100-150K” (Just wait Joe will use this against Ian) Dan asks him what his PhD costs and offers him. Ian explains that to get a R&D position he needs a PhD and most times they pay you to complete it so most of his costs are for undergraduate tuition.
4:11pm outdoor lockdown is called.
4:30pm Fish
4:34pm Lockdown is over.. Britney tells Shane to go up and see if his door is locked because if it is could mean Pandora’s Box
Boogie, Frank and Joe find a bunch of coloured balls on the ground leading to the arcade room on the ground leading to the the game in the arcade room.
All the houseguests crowd into the Arcade room.. they noticed that there is a question mark inside the ball game now (Image Link) .
Shane heads up to the HOH and finds out that his room is open..
4:44pm Dan is walking around
4:45pm cam 1-2 Shane and Britney
shane telling her if he gets a Pandora’s Box he won’t open it. Britney thinks he should if there is a power.. Shane: ‘I don’t even know what the powers look like” Britney: “they will show it on the screen it looks like a power of veto”
Britney: “I’m just hoping they don’t do anything to screw with the game.. It’s fine if it’s luxury .. (feeds cut)”
Britney: “If it’s another twist that keeps Frank in the game i’m just going to go home.. why don’t they just give him the check”
Shane agrees, he has no clue what is going on with the twist.
Britney: “It’s could have to do with POV but why now if all the weeks they would clue us into the game” (thinking that the balls on the ground was hinting that the POV will have something to do with counting)
Britney: “The fact they did it before nominations”
Shane: “Thats what i’m worried about that I will nominate 2 people and they’ll tell me I have to nominate 2 more.. I’ll snap.. they can’t do that can they”.. (Feeds cut)
5:13pm Cam 1-2 HOH Shane and Dan
Dan thinks that something is happening and it’s probably going to be Pandora’s box he speculates that there could be a pouch of coins that you can use for the game. Dan: “One thing I have learnt is ‘They’ do not do something for nothing.. don’t let this deter where you’re nominations are going”
Shane is trying to figure out how he can leverage this paranoia with the arcade game to lessen the blow to Boogie and Frank. He’s thinking about acting like he knows something is up and during the nominations say “Something has happened in this house all of a sudden.. ” Dan thinks its a great idea. Everyone is in panic mode right now and you can say that the recent turn of events had you thinking about the game and you made a call.
Shane recommends that Dan starts to act quite.. Dan : “I’m just going to keep searching around the house.. making people nervous” Dan reiterates that never have paranoia change what you plan to do in the game.
5:35pm CraZy Paranoia running amoke.. the only person really keeping his cool is Boogie ( I added some pictures of the houseguests searching around on Google+)
5:43pm Cam 3-4 HOH
Danielle asks him if he’s going to change the nominations.. Shane says no all that has changed is his nomination speech.
Danielle: “Frank just cussed out Joe like 30 minutes ago”
Danielle explains that Frank came out of the storage room said “They gave us all egg whites this week” Joe asks him “what do you mean” Frank replied “What the F*** do you think I mean.. fuc**** dumbass”
Shane: “No he didn’t say that.. wait was he smiling?”
Danielle :”no it was just the three of us in the kitchen.. Joe was really hurt by it”
Shane: “What do you think that is in the arcade balls?”
Danielle: “I think it’s either pandora’s box because that is what it looks like or the Comp tomorrow has to do with courting”
Danielle has made an approximation and figures that there is 790 balls in the game. Danielle: “I only told Dan and Britney I don’t think I’ll tell Ian”
Danielle “I think me and Ian are the only people that can square in our head”
5:48pm Cam 1-4 Nominations Ceremony has started
6:41pm Cam 1-4 Nominations Ceremony YO
7:06pm Cam 1-4 Nominations Ceremony YO
Can’t believe house guest who think about getting certain people out, yet they don’t see those certain people coming after them.
For a second, when I saw the picture of Ashley in the mirror I thought it was Wil. And who the hell is Brian Hart? I’ve seen most of the seasons, but I have no clue who he is.
I believe they’re talking about Brian from season 10. He had the potential to be a really good player, but he went way too hard way too fast and the entire house pretty much forced Jerry to put him up and he got evicted week one.
Brian Hart was the first one evicted in Dan’s season, season 10
He was in Season 10, I barely remember him but I think he was one of those guys that gets really cocky when they are safe, sort of a douche.
I really do not remember him that well.
Danielle is a lot smarter than Boogie realizes. He thinks he can manipulate her forever? Well, he’s in for a surprise. I originally thought that it was Boogie who got Janelle out, but I changed my opinion. It was Danielle and the fact she couldn’t get over the fat comment. Boogie may have provided the extra push, but I give that one to Dani. Say whatever you want about her emotional state, but she’s a pretty smart player in her own right. Boogie got overconfident and this is his demise.
Totally agree with you , Danielle is the only girl that has won a competition , she won hoh and a pov , and she came second a few times against some tough competitors either shane or frank , I think that says a lot.
Her hoh was practically given to her by Britney who convinced Ian to drop, gimme a break. The pov is the only thing she won so far but that doesn’t say much when we have a bunch of useless and lazy “boogies” in the house with her who prefer to coast til the end with no blood on their hands and want everyone else to do the work. My hamsters are more fun to watch than this cast and I only have 2 hamsters vs 10 people in a house.
Bring back Janelle!!
Absolutely disagree. Ian looked about 5 minutes from dying, Britney about 10. Danielle looked like she could have stayed on there forever, so there is no doubt in my mind she would have won it regardless. I am not a Janelle hater. In fact, I like her and wasn’t too happy she played such a bad game (looked like her heart wasn’t it in, probably due to her recently becoming a mom) and got kicked out.
Ok, keep telling yourself that If it makes you feel better. In case you haven’t noticed, Brit loves to exaggerate and it would only seem plausible to say that so Ian would drop. Britney threw that comp to keep a target off her back so soon into the game. I don’t like Britney and I am not at all biased towards any of them. Dan and Shane are my 2 favorite players but it seems you can’t say that same (biased).
I watched the full competition on feeds and I stand with what I said. Danielle would have won in the following 15-30 minutes. If you don’t agree, then I’ll have to assume you’re either biased against Danielle for other reasons or didn’t see what happened.
I totally agree with everything you said about Danielle. I see her as a tough competitor, and is falsely being portrayed as some lovesick puppy. Also to the comment of Brittney throwing the HOH comp, isn’t that ridiculous? If anyone watched her in her first season, they would know how weak she is. She would have gone lhome soo early in her season had she not rode Lane’s coattails. She’s surely not fit to be a coach, and I’m thinking she needs to go home soon this time too. I tried to like her, she just has no game.
I don’t see how Danielle is being falsely portrayed. The live shows don’t even scratch the surface as most of the behavior is on the feeds and AD. She is the only one making herself look bad and, from what I have read, former friends and roommates state that she is acting exactly as they knew her to be – batshit crazy and making up constant lies about herself and her life. For me, the biggest lie was that she was in a car crash where a friend was killed. It is a complete lie. It happened to someone else. She was not in the car. You have to be a bit off to claim some of the stuff she has said because it is not going to help her move forward in the game. There is only one reason to lie about stuff like that and it is to get sympathy. She BEGS for sympathy or compliments every time she opens her mouth!
i do not understand the whole danielle bashing. so far she has played a good game! she deserves to go deeper into the game. people like joe, jen, ash, even ian (ok it looks like he has a plan at least) dont deserve to stay over her.
ok. she has a crush on shane. and is overreacting. so what? she is a young woman, mid 20. thats kind of normal. maybe i have another perspective on it. because this whole dating/flirting thing is a little bit different over here in germany. looks like things are way more conservative in the US.
I 100 % agree with you Cornerback , that’s what I had in mind!
I think a lot of the bashing has to do with her move on Janelle. Lot of Janelle lovers out there (not one of them by the way) who didn’t like how she blindsided. Danielle is a bit self centered but she’s early 20s I bet most of u were like that around her age.
I thought I was alone with that opinion.. I completely agree. Stop hating Danielle, she’s my favourite ;[
Danielle did most of the work for getting Janelle out…but I don’t think it was her smarts…it’s more her fat insecurities. There is a psycho beast inside her and if anyone calls her fat then they are dead meat! Infact Shane better watch out because if he keeps rejecting her and she happens to win hoh then he’s gone. Or maybe she’ll just cut off his penis. “If I can’t have it than nobody can!”
Ian is driving me nuts, he is entirely too cocky! he is like a mix of Shelly and Adam.
I really hope he is out soon. He doesn’t want to do anything in this game but get “floaters” out..
um…Ian, I consider you a floater!
Wow, I couldn’t put my finger on it, but that’s a perfect description. A combination of Shelly and Adam.
wonder if it’s like last season with the fortune teller? has something to do with POV?
Why are they dragging out getting to the noms today?
Seems like it has been around noon the last couple weeks, are they waiting for Boogie to decide to go talk to Shane maybe?
Anyone see Dan inspecting the rest of the house for something? He must think something else is hidden somewhere.
On some of the comments I read here today…
Every season there are people who say the production is too involved, that the players suck, and that it’s boring. I like this season. I think we’ve had quiet a few exciting ups and downs already and seeing Boogie/Frank’s faces when they go up is going to be fun as hell. What’s going to happen with Dan? I think this is a fine season. We even have had two emotional wrecks in Willie and Danielle. I don’t know what else people expect anymore, but I personally am looking forward to how the rest of it turns out.
I thought it was boring until the coaches entered. There are just too many that don’t know the game well. It is more exciting when they play, even the floaters play. It would be hard to be a floater in the game, not burning any friendships.
Wow, agian, I agree with your comment. Recently, the last few years, I’ve doubted BB house and there game. This year, I am enjoying all. I like multiple players, and what I ‘ve missed the last few seasons is here. Anyone who coplains about being bored is just unhappy and for some reason thribing on complaing about being bored. Stop watching the game, but I’m enjoying.
Why are the nominations taking so long wanna see booger act like a lil crybaby again
Honestly I think production is trying to get Shane to doubt his nom choices (which he is actually doing right at this moment). He is wondering if somehow the balls are some kind of clue to something that will screw his noms and give Frank and Boogie safety.
I hope he sticks to his guns and doesnt let Frank-loving production scare him.
same here
I concur!! I’m so over the production doing this a second time…they are basically undermining and insulting the viewers.
And Shane, TWICE. That’s the problem. It is so obvious that production wants Boogie and Frank around for a while. But I think the game is finally going to get fun with Boogie the blowhard on the block crying about how he is the BEST player, the SMARTEST player, that he is safe and running the house. I can’t wait to see that obnoxious smirk wiped off of his face. Hey Booger breath – don’t go for the money if you want to stay in the game. You shot yourself in the foot with your arrogance and greed and it’s time you had some schooling!
Oh god I hope the arcade room twist isn’t some way of production trying to save the hillbilly Hanson brother. Does this dude really have that many fans? Does anyone really hear him say “preesh!” and think “oh that’s catchy! I’m gonna start saying that!”
Not to mention that it’ll be the 2nd time they’ve completely fuck over Shane’s HOH. I’m not even a Shane fan, but he’s been the best competitor of the season by far.
i so agree with you .. what is productions love affair with Frank .. I also would love to see the whole cast up and walk out if production does something to keep frank in the game .. ENOUGH already …. If they do keep Frank in this game and watch he will win the next HOH .. cause they will give him the answers I will do nothing more then to constantly SLAM Big Brother and the producers…
because production is thinking hard how they can help frank again….they want him in the game. with boogie.
You know what I am dying to see next Thursday,
That would be so LOVELY, right?! 🙂
Wrong, Brit is a moron.
Would be AWESOME but they might still want Frank out Boogie might play with Dan than
Now that you’ve mentioned it, I’m now dying to see it as well.
Hopefully Shane does come to his senses and nominate Dan/Danielle if he wants to break up the Silent Six. Shane has a chance to win in the final 2 against Boogie, but probably not against Dan (who has his nose up everybody’s butt all the time). If the houseguests figured Dan’s strategy out, that would be one thing… but Dan seems to be fooling everyone.
Wish on your part. Boogie has no intention of going any further than Jury with Shane. He’s too dangerous. DDB will take him to final 6 at least.
I don’t think people are buying Dan’s shit. I think it’s more of, “Yeah, just because I’m not calling you out on your bullshit, doesn’t mean I’m buying your bullshit.” He hasn’t won anything, so right now, he’s no big deal. If you notice, Dan picks on Ian a lot and Ian rolls his eyes when Dan talks. Last night, Dan kept trying to get them to play some game, and everyone was like “WE ARE TIRED!”
This is sooo off topic but do anybody else besides me find it funny when they be hugging each other after the pov ceremony and the hoh nomination like they just meeting each other then after somebody get eliminated they be hugging each other I’m sorry but I just find that soo funny cuz they really act like they never seen each other before I wonder is that something they have to do
I’ve always thought they were more like funeral hugs
Why no mention of Frank fiddling in his pockets, then sneaking somethign into his bag?! He found something!
I think that Production should know that they are on thin ice with the manipulations this season. To void out Shane’s intention a 2nd time would be extremely unwise. To openly save a player once is one thing – to do it again is asking for severe repercussions. NBC had players walk off of a reality show due to a twist, CBS would be wise not to push it. Stick to your guns Shane. It will make for high drama the next two weeks…unless of course CBS penned a deal to hand the $500K to Frank or Boogie before the season even started?????
That’s what I am afraid of – that production has already promised Boogie or Frank something and will screw up everything to get it. I can’t stand the increasing manipulation. If they are going to pre-determine the outcome, what is the point of watching anymore? This is from someone who has watched from day one. They are betraying the FANS of the show, who want to see the game played out naturally.
I agree that production manipulates for ratings. Last year, the runner up had put something wrong in Jeff’s drink and they didn’t kick her out of the game. What was her name, the blond, and she wound up being runner up.
Agree with teamnoobs…Britney can give Boogie a goodbye message he wont forget. Cant wait to see his face when he finds out hes on the block with his best boy.
If Frank and Boogie are not put up, Big Brother should just do what wwe did. Admit it is all fake entertainment. I can’t imagine them screwing with another Shane HOH. It would be too transparent and would lead to BB going by the wayside IMO. Double eviction week already, a pandoras box should happen following week. OR, I think a fair pandoras box would be everyone gets to play for every HOH and POV for the rest of the game. Gives Productions favorites a chance to stay in game, but at least makes them earn it.
i am sooo over brit and dan. They are so fake. Why cant people see that. I dont care if boogie goes. I like Frank. He is the most honerable player. Ian is a moron. Get him out too.
Ya Frank is real honorable. Just called Joe a fking dumbass. Real cool dude, and he lies and talks about people more than most. Wild guess..you’re a fan of his. Take off the blinders, or just give him a bumpkin along with boogie and AG.
Brit talks really bad about people. Shane, Dani and little tattletale Ian also talk bad about people. Remember Janelle, bad things were said.
Production going to work this week aren’t they yo? LOL
How much you wanna bet those stupid balls or whatever they are say things like “1 week of safety”, or “can’t be nominated”. And they will have stupid things like, “alcohol party”, “no have nots for 4 weeks, etc. Everyone gets one and guess who will get the ones affecting the outcome of nominations. This is going to be stupid.
Shane would not rock the boat & nominate Frank & Mike Boogie. Too early & even risky. The only safer if Ashley & Jenn goes up as well. Jenn never goes up. It’s about time Jenn will go up. All she does is floated.
Yes I agree with myself. No can put up Frank and boogie. I will much be not happy. Put up tattooed girl. Much better for boat not to be rocking.
Lol. That was too funny.
Shane will do what his puppet master Brit tells him to do.
Your like who you like but your predictions have nothing to do with the game. It’s obvious that F/B are going up yet you keep saying it will never happen. I would love to see the look on your face when they are nominated.
If the production saves Frank yet again,
well i have no concerned but please just release Boogie. Having Dan Britney returning maybe cause It’s their 2nd time playing
But BOOGIE? Just release him back to Brady. The kid missed his pawpaw
Frank’s good to be had in the game so SOMEONE would actually come after DAN…
I am just tired seeing these coaches, they never win anything HOH/POV yet they claim to be the best uuugh!!!
pretty sure boogie knew he was soon to go, and took the 10k because of it. he just is no longer the younger guy hooking up with a girl in the house, it hurt a lot for him to not have that extra link.
I guess I’m at a loss of why so many players (each season, and on every “reality” show) bitch and moan about peoples wealth and relate that to whether or not they should win the game, ala Britney > Boogie. In my Artie Lange voice…waaaaa he has money he shouldn’t win waaaaa… Give me a MF break here ya snatch. Personally I’m stoked for Boogie to gross 9 mil on his first restaurant. Good for him. It should tell her that anyone can do it if you get off your queef box and make it happen.
Right back at you. Why aren’t you a millionaire too, if it’s so easy?
LOL. production has shane thinking. only by putting a ? into a box. funny.
if they are screwing shane over again you can basicly stop watching until F4. boogie, frank, ash maybe dan will be there.
its hilarious to me to watch people, the same people who were bashing boogie for his janelle message, talk about how much they want to see brit’s message to boogie, how funny that will be, how awesome.
what a double standard.
Well I did say that earlier, but i never said I wanted to see Boogie’s goodbye message to Janelle, just to throw that out there
I am just looking for a show, to make me laugh my ass off
I mean who the hell wants to see Jenn’s goodbye message to Boogie…
im starting to get mad as well…it seems like they r messing with shane…what the hell is going on? if they do it to him two times in a row u have to wonder if they will take it
In the claw machine there are clear boxes with question marks on them. Has to be some kind of power you would think.
i dont think it matters what production does for every person who says it makes the show lose credibility theres two more die hards who watch the show because they love how unpredictable it is with the many twists. and all those people who call boogie a cry baby are no better than he is cause their the ones that keep cryin about production because the players they like arent winning
Well said. I was looking forward to Boogie and Dan working together. Frank and Boogie think they are safe because they are part of the silent six.
I am new to the site. I got the feeds for the first time this season. Simon thanks for a great site. Isn’t it funny how when Boogie & Frank aren’t in control they are in a bad mood. I’m sick of Frank being saved. He’s not the golden boy he thinks he is. Boogie is just arrogant and lazy and feels privileged.
Frank is acting like a real jerk. Guess his true colors are coming out. He has lied just like the rest of them but yet says he’s a stand up guy. I hope he gets voted out before jury because he doesn’t deserve anything else. I’m not sure he could play the game without Boogie telling him what to do. It really bugs me that when he talks to the others he always says me & Mike or me & Boogie. That shows he doesn’t have a mind of his own.
Please Shane put them both up and have Frank go first then Boogie go in the double eviction.
I know Joe’s is a pain in the butt, but what Frank said to him today was uncalled for. Hope it comes back & bites Frank in the butt.
There is a big difference between a twist and flat out manipulating the game to end how production wants it to. As a fan, I love the unpredictability but only within the game. Production should not be a part of that or try to change things to favor on or 2 players over others, like Shane. He has earned 2 HOH’s himself and yet, it appears, production didn’t want him to win or put up B/F, so they continue to try to take away his hard-earned HOH. And, he is the one in the house who has tried to make big moves but production keeps blocking him, which is so unfair.
If Production screws another one of Shane’s HOH’s over, I will be officially done with BB this season. I hated it the first time, in which Frank was 100% definitely going home, and if they do it again,, it would be an understatement to say I will be pissed.
You won’t be alone! They will have an uproar and people won’t like AG she won’t have a job
if she blows this one!
I think this is production of saying dble eviction week is coming we all know as watchers but how do you tell houseguest without telling them ? marked box
They will it will be a short HOH
They need to send Raggedy Ann (Frank) home! Oh, and it’s a clear box. Pandora? with a question mark. So if Shane opens the box, balls are going to fall outside which whoever has the most will win the prize/power (I’m guessing)
I think production is definitely trying to play a role here. Let’s hope Shane does not ALLOW them to have their way. Boogie and Frank on the block is the best thing that can happen, in terms of game and viewership, IMO. Let’s hope Shane screws production — We’ll see.
Production screwing with Shane again would be outlandish. Let the house go as it goes for realz.
Danielle can’t do squares either. 790 isn’t a square. The closest is 784, or 28 squared.
Ashley and Joe? LMFAO another wasted HOH
If he nominates boogie an frank I’ll cry he should put britany and someone else
I wish the newbies would band together and get all the vets out. Seems like this is going to be a repeat of last season. Don’t understand why CBS just don’t have another All Star Season and let the other seasons be all newbies.
I agree I think the finale will have 1 newbie and 1 coach and the coach will win.
I am confident that production reads this site so they know who the faves are each year. With that said I don’t think they will jack with the plan to get out Frank/Boogie. It is obvious there are only a few (ok 1), captainwedgie who want Frank and Boogie safe.
Putting up Frank and Boogie does not make this season better from a viewing standpoint. It will cause very little drama. They will not throw each other under the bus and other than both being pissed at Shane, things will be pretty boring. They’ll try hard to get others to vote for a replacement (if one wins Veto) but no one will really listen. DDSB is like the brigade at this point, it will be boring no matter who wins. They control the votes and the game from this point. Hopefully production will step in to make this more entertaining.
If production saves Frank for the second time.I hope that all past house guests and the majority of viewers,refuse to give Frank any credit for winning Big Brother and being a great player.Frank was suppose to be out of the game two weeks ago,but was saved by production.If they pull that crap again,then the viewers should give the producers credit for thinking of ways to save Frank.But Frank should never be told that he’s a good player because he isn’t.Any player that needs production to save them in order to stay in the game,isn’t a good player.Shane better not open the pandora’s box,and he needs to ignore anything production tells him,until Frank butt is finally out of the house.
I know this is off topic but this video my friend showed me on youtube kind of reminds me of Danielle…
i saw that someone posted something about frank finding something and hiding it in his bag is there any truth to that
So if there was an ULTIMATE All Star season who would be there? I’d go with:
Dr. Will
Evel Dick
Danielle (from BB3 and BB7)
I think Matt Hoffman should be on the list. He might have not won but he was a great player.
I’m waiting for Janelle and Rachel to go head to head in a season how great would that be haha
sounds pretty good except for britney and lisa their garbage replace them with matt hoffman and memphis or russel and you got a winner if it has to be females then maybe libra instead of brit
Frank is acting all pissy because he’s pissed at Boogie for going for the money instead of the HOH or safety, but Frank can’t take out his anger on Boogie because Boogie saved Frank two weeks ago. Frank wouldn’t be there if Boogie hadn’t convinced everyone to vote out Janelle.
That would suck if production messes with Shane’s HOH to keep Boogie and/or Frank. If there was a valid reason, I could see it. But Boogie really messed up by being overly confident and not try for the HOH instead of the money. He should have tried for the HOH, if not for him, he should have tried for Frank’s safety. I like Jannelle and have to give it to Boogie’s social manipulation and Frank for his social game too. But clearly, Boogie’s arrogance got him and Frank into this mess. He told Danielle he wanted her to get out Britney, and Frank admitted to Dan that he “entertained” the possibility of backdooring him so…….these are the plays that caused Quack Pack to not trust the Silent 6 alliance. Bad moves on Boogie and Franks part. I just hope that production doesn’t interfere with the outcome of their bad moves. That would suck. Ok, I said that twice.
THE BALLS are part of a luxury comp. No more Twists!
HEADLINES !!!!! Mr n Mrs Froogie headed for divorce by force!!!!! BANG! Shane cuts off the dastardly duo by divine intervenion! Mrs Froogie in the loo going boo hoo hoo. Mr Froogie in the BY cussing at the moon. OH LOOK how sweet . Babies? Twin turds spotted on the block benches!
Blame the coaches?
yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh SHANE He got mad bb’s.
Boy, Boogie sure as hell can’t take it when he is the target, can he now? What a big baby! He should be saying, OK, that’s the game so we will need to win the POV like everyone else needs to do to save themselves. Why does he get so pissed if he is a “gazillionare” like everyone says and doesn’t need the money?? Let’s just hope and pray AG and production doesn’t give someone a power to save these 2 schmucks!