Big Brother Canada: Power of Veto Competition Happens TODAY!

POV Holder: Next POV March 9th
POV Used POV Ceremony March 11th
HOH Winner: TOM Next HOH: March 14th
Original Nominations: Garry Suzette
Current Nominations:
Last Evicted Houseguest Danielle
Have Nots Alec, Topaz, Aneal, Jillian

Big Brother Canada March 9 2013 1120am
11:20am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Emmett, Tom and Jillian are in the kitchen. Andrew, Alec, Aj and Petere are talking out on the backyard couches. Big Brother puts them on an indoor lock down. The house guests are making their breakfast and talking about the tasks they were woken up to do all night.
Big Brother Canada March 9 2013 1143am

11:40pm – 12:20pm Big Brother announces that a rule has been broken – You are not allowed to sleep in the main bedroom if you are a havenot. Big Brother says we will get back to you. Jillian is in a bed with Emmett. Jillian says we weren’t sleeping, we were wide a wake talking. They get up and head into the kitchen. Meanwhile up in the HOH room Tom is talking to Liza. They talk about how Gary is pissing everyone off and making people want him out this week. Tom says that he promised Gary he would take him off the block if he wins. Liza asks are you going to do that? Tom says yeah I have to keep my word in this house. There is a lot of banging coming from big brother building the power of veto competition in the backyard.

Big Brother Canada March 9 2013 1149am

12:35pm Big Brother keeps turning on an alarms to mess with the house guests. Gary and Suzette are on the living room couch talking. Suzette talks to Gary about how the jury members are already picked out. She says they are taking out you, me, Aneal, Aj, Danielle and Kat. She says this game is so predictable now.

12:40pm – 1:35pm Meanwhile up in the HOH Emmett, Tom and Alec are talking game. Tom is worried that Suzette might win the veto and come after me and the other couples. Tom says that he wants Gary out next week. He says that he is not going to make a deal with Gary. Aneal joins them. Tom says that he wants to pick Talla for the host of the competition. Aneal says that he will do it too if he needs an alternate just in case. Tom figures the power of veto will be about the tasks last night. He starts to run through the details of the tasks. They talk about how Gary keeps going back to sleep and he was already punished and had to clean all the mirrors. Tom asks Aneal who he wants out. Aneal says that he wants Aj out. They talk about how they wouldn’t be able to stand Aj in the jury. They talk about getting Suzette out. Aneal says she keeps saying Canada loves me. Aneal says not after this week. Alec thinks this POV will be search for something bring it back, search for something bring it back. Alec heads down stairs. Emmett says that he is going to go talk to Gary to see if he will pick me if he gets house guests choice. Tom tells Aneal that he won’t be the pawn, you have been up on the block too many times. Aneal thanks Tom. Tom is scared Suzette will win the POV. Emmett comes back and tells them that Gary said he would pick me if he gets house guest choice when picking players. Tom goes to shower. Aneal and Jillian head downstairs. Andrew joins Emmett and Peter. They start talking about Big Brother 14. The conversation turns back to talking about Suzette. Andrew says he thinks production wants Gary to stay over Suzette. Tom joins them. They talk about how they should dump all of Gary’s glitter down the toilet. Emmett says that Gary would lose his marbles. The conversation turns to talking about football.

1:40pm -1:50pm Talla asks Gary how confident he feels about winning the power of veto today. Gary says he is very confident. Talla then gets called to the diary room. Soon after the live feeds switch to the hush, hush screen..
Big Brother Canada March 9 2013 151pm

1:52pm The live feeds are back, Topaz is sitting up against the wall on the bedroom floor with her head covered. Gary and Suzette are talking. Peter comes in and talks to Suzette about the power of veto. Suzette tells Peter that if she gets house guest choice she will pick him. Peter says he won’t be winning anything with the way his ankle is twisted. Suzette says yeah that’s why I want to pick you. Peter leaves the room. Suzette says that she thinks its funny all the viewers at home thinking that’s your biggest strategy move. Gary asks to pick you. Suzette yeah.

2pm Up in the HOH room Tom and Alec talk about keeping Gary. Alec explains that if we keep Gary around we can let him go after Aj and Aneal and even if he starts coming after us then we will get wind of it through Topaz. Alec heads downstairs. Liza comes up and joins Tom. Tom asks Liza what she would do if she wins the veto. Liza says she would leave the nominations the same. Liza tells Tom that everyone in the house is talking, no one is keeping anything a secret. Tom explains that he was just up here talking to Andrew, Emmett and Alec. Tom and Liza agree that they can’t trust Andrew. Liza says Andrew is a snake. Tom says that he doesn’t trust Andrew and knows he’s coming after him but in a sneaky way. Tom says that when he was talking to Andrew he wouldn’t even look him in the eye.
Big Brother Canada March 9 2013 210pm

2:15pm Talla comes up to the HOH room. Tom asks her if she isn’t picked to play he wants her to be the host. Talla is super excited about hosting. Talla says she decided week 6 or 7 she is going to win HOH. She also talks about going on a date with the monkey tonight. Talla says “If I am hosting, I will be spitting up love.” Tom tells her to just be fair and give updates on where everyone is at in the competition. Talla asks Liza “Are you proud of me?” Liza says for what? You haven’t hosted yet. Tom tells Talla to not be too excited and to just be ready to play or host. Talla says I think it is going to get way more intense soon and I am scared of being left on my own because I don’t have a showmance. Tom asks what does a showmance have to do with anything. Tom heads downstairs. Liza tells Talla this isn’t a showmance thing, I have throats to cut before we get down to the final few. Liza tells Talla that we have me and we have Jillian and Tom … but Emmett is a problem. And the best thing to do would be to put up Alec with Emmett. They talk about how Aj is just a puppet for these boys.

6 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada: Power of Veto Competition Happens TODAY!”

  1. Oh I’m so hoping that Alec and Peter
    won’t spill the beans to some silly leaker
    before gutting Tom like a sqealing porker
    and spitting him out like a slimey horker.

    Then again, if Emmitt emerges with devious game
    will Peter dump Alec for Em and his dame?

    1. I don’t Peter will ever drop Alec for anyone, except maybe in the final two. They’re clearly the smartest ones in that house. I hope Gary stays in the game long enough for the time when Alec & Peter turn on Emmett & Tom. I think the best alliance would be Peter, Alex, Gary, Topez.

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