Big Brother Canada Gary wants Talla the Stooge gone next..

POV Holder: ? Next POV April 20th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 22nd
HOH Winner: Emmett Next HOH: April 25th
Original Nominations: ?
Current Nominations: ?
Last Evicted Houseguest Peter
Have Nots Talla and Andrew

Big Brother Canada April 19 2013  930pm

9am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. In the bathroom Andrew asks Gary how the wake alarm was? Gary says that it wasn’t so bad. The luxury item the haves received today is a massage chair that is set up in the backyard. Andrew tells Jillian in the storage room. Andrew says I can’t believe it is us against Talla and Gary. Andrew says that knowing my luck I will be a havenot with Gary. Andrew says you know what it doesn’t matter we will get Gary out this week. He says you, me or Emmett will kill the POV and make sure he goes. Meanwhile Emmett tells Talla that in his letter his friend said grab Talla a beer because she is pure entertainment. Talla says oh my god! Can you believe that.. well I guess its good.. that I am entertaining. Emmett tells Gary how they got a massage chair. Gary says you mother fu*kers. Emmett says yeah but we only have it for the day. Gary says you better utilize it. Andrew, Emmett and Jillian head out to check out the massage chair. Andrew asks what Gary was up talking about last night. Emmett says that he was saying before he left it wasn’t him. Andrew and Jillian are in the kitchen. He tells Jillian hopefully it’s us two against those two in the have/havenot competition.

Big Brother Canada April 19 2013  937am

9:55am – 10:10am Talla comes into the kitchen and tells Jillian about her conversation with Gary. Gary joins them in the kitchen. Jillian says that she is gaining weight like a meat packer. Gary starts talking about how he feels blessed to be back inside the house. He says that obviously Canada liked my game play and think that I got duped. He says that they wanted me back be because they think I am entertaining. Talla walks though the kitchen. Gary tells Jillian I want her gone so bad! She is going next! Gary tells Jillian that Andrew and Talla are freaking out. Gary starts talking about how Andrew and Talla are call the three stooges with Aj. Gary and Jillian head out to where Emmett is at the massage chair. Gary says there are two stooges left.

Big Brother Canada April 19 2013  1010am

10:10am – 10:40am Jillian, Andrew and Talla are by the pool talking. Jillian says that Gary said he wanted to come into the house and start fresh. Talla says you can’t come back in here and expect to start fresh.. we are busy! Jillian tells Andrew and Talla that Emmett is going to be putting Gary up with one of you two. Andrew says if it was me coming back in and I didn’t win the HOH .. I would be like oh well I better back my bags now. He says and after the veto I might as well leave now. Andrew says watch the veto is going to be a make up and fashion show. Emmett joins them. Talla tells Emmett that Gary is trying to find out if we are working together. Emmett and Jillian head inside. Talla says that there is curse of being on the block 3 times and going home and I don’t want to fall victim to that curse. Andrew tells Talla if Gary doesn’t win the veto he is gone.

10:40am Emmett is teaching Jillian how to play chess. Jillian says maybe you can play some stupid moves so that we can see if I know what I am doing. Andrew comes up and tells them. I want to give you some shocking news. He says Talla just told me she is scared to go up on the block again and asked if he would. Jillian says that’s like if I asked Emmett to go up on the block. Andrew says we are nothing like you guys. Andrew says that its not his decision any way I am not the HOH. Andrew says tells Jillian that he is okay going up. He says that its funny that she has no idea we are in an alliance of three. Andrew says he wants to tell her to go block herself. Jillian comments that Talla wants to be carried to the end. Andrew leaves. Emmett says Andrew has to go up on the block. Jillian says yeah he knows.

11:15am Andrew and Talla are out in the hot tub room talking about Peter. Andrew talks about how Peter had an alter ego in the house to get out of his shell. Talla says that she wants an alter ego.. cute! But do I want an alter ego? Hmm.. too much work! Talla starts talking about wanting to go camping.

Big Brother Canada April 19 2013  1117am

11:40am Andrew and Talla head back inside. Andrew goes up to the HOH room. He tells them that he has breaking news … Talla wants to go camping! How many times is she going to tell me that! Talla joins them. Andrew and Talla watch the chess game. Talla asks what’s diagonal?

Big Brother Canada April 19 2013  1140am

11:50am – 12:15pm Gary and Jillian are in the backyard talking. Gary mentions how worried Andrew and Talla are because they felt like they were so close to the end. Gary says that Talla doesn’t deserve to be here. Gary says that he won’t ever reveal that we are working together either. They continue to talk about past events of the house. Gary gets called to the diary room. Jillian and Gary head inside the house.

12:15pm – 12:35pm In the kitchen: Talla tells Jillian that Peter told her that Andrew has the best shot at winning this. Jillian says yeah that’s what Gary said everyone in the jury house is talking about too. Talla says we just need to get Gary out first. Talla says that she is happy inside. Talla brings up how Emmett looked her straight in her eyes yesterday and told her she is safe. Jillian says that Emmett can’t lie. The conversation turns to whether or not they will have a havenot competition and when it will be. Jillian heads to the storage room. Talla says I would just like you to ask yourself who you want to move forward with in the game. ..Who says that!? Well I do! Talla heads out to the hot tub room. She starts talking to herself. Okay so if I, Emmett or Jillian win POV .. it keeps the noms the same. Otherwise I go up.

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26 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada Gary wants Talla the Stooge gone next..”

  1. i knew gary would pick up right where he left the game. being childish and playing personal.yeah right getting talla out next is a great move. i have honestly never seen a season with so many bad players. add the messed up twists and your in for one annoying ride. really don’t love it at the moment and if andrew doesn’t win veto, i will definitely be busy for the rest of the season.

    1. Talla probably won’t be going up on the block, but even if she was it would be stupid for Gary to want to get HER out next. Just because she’s a bad player? Really, Gary? You’ve been given a second chance to get back in the game and you’re going to try and get out the person who is the LEAST threatening to you? [frustrated noises inserted here]

      So, so, so tired of the milkmance. Congrats to them for continually winning HoH, of course (that’s quite an achievement), but MAN am I sick of them being the only people in power!

      1. Gary knows how close Jillian and Emmett are with Andrew, so because he didn’t win HOH obviously he is going to try to convince them to get out talla. If he had won HOH he probably would make a bigger move than getting out talla, but at this point he probably thinks that it will be easier to get Emmett to let go of talla than Jillian or Andrew.

  2. As long as Andrew wins Veto I’m happy. I would love for Talla to win and take Andrew off, but a) she won’t win anything…ever, and b) even if she did, Andrews one voice in her ear will be overshadowed by the milkmance.


  3. This twist has to be the most unfair of all. Somehow, my favourite players have now become my most hated and I’m now on the evict E/J train!! My money is on Andrew to pull a rabbit out and win veto, he always pulls through when he needs to! Soooooo sick of watching E/J makeout on the cams, can’t even watch it anymore. The primary reason I loved them was they were so cute and nice and played good game, they were Canada’s sweethearts, now they have turned into these whiny, immature powerhouses…guess their true colours really came out. If I have to hear Jillian’s whiny baby voice one more time I think I will self evict myself from life.

    SO not loving the fact that Gary was voted back in, especially because he has so much inside info from the Jury house – this should NOT be allowed!!! The fact that he was allowed to hear other people’s game plan and then come back and expose everything, is just unfair. Same as when they ruined Topaz’s game by revealing her inner thoughts. Yeah, expect the unexpected but….what a terrible way for production to try and control the game and stir up drama. The only thing bringing Gary back is going to do is strengthen the stupid Milkmance alliance and they will rule the game till F3.

    I am Team Andrew all the way – the fact they say he isn’t playing very well is total crap – what is it with the majority of the players in this game thinking they are the best thing to happen to the game of BB?!!!? Most of them have had TERRIBLE game the entire season. The sad thing is, most of the interesting and dynamic people were voted out first thing so the “popular” kids could have a smooth fun time in the house. It was like a team of bullies ruling the house…weird thing is how NO ONE has even tried to break up the E/J alliance – what the hell are they doing?! Someone should have split that pair up a LONG time ago…it’s their own fault now that they keep winning everything. I really hope somehow Emmett is DQ’d again from his HOH…now THAT would be entertaining!!

    1. They will only control it if Jill wins the next HOH…which I doubt will happen. I think next week (or this week if double eviction, we may see Emmett leaving)

    2. I actually thought they brought back an evicted HG (Gary) to go after the milkmance. You figure being in the jury house would give you the hindsight to get rid of them.

      But Gary coming back and telling E/J everything he knows shows that the jury house has taught him nothing. I actually thought he would be smart enough to go after them. Unless he knows that the jury won’t vote for them in the final 2. But he is taking a big risk if Em or Jill has control at the crucial end of the game. He may find his butt out again. All of them are taking that chance. Even Andrew wants to keep them!

      I just don’t get it.

  4. I would love to see Andrew, Talla and Gary in final three, the feeds would still be interesting and funny, but only a miracle could make that happen, I doubt production would allow Gary to be voted out a week later so the POV will probably favour him and Andrew will be out the door. Peter was ridiculous last night, I was embarrassed for him and couldn’t wait for the interview to end, he showed no class whatsoever.

    1. I thought peter was funny and i agreed with some of what he said (especialy about talla) gary would never wook with the stoogies so i doubt them in F2 would be possible. We will have to see how the pov will play out but i can’t blame emmitt andrew has already said he wants him out so taking andrew out is a smart move for him. I am not a fan of jillian’s but i like emmitt talla should have gone weeks ago and aj wanting talla to win is riddulus. At this point in the game it isn’t about entertainment we are coming to the end.

  5. You do your thing a Talla and JUMP to the power this week.
    If Gary had won HOH he would not be talking to Emmett and Jillian because he hates them.
    He is playing E/J and it seems like they are buying what he is selling.

    Expect the stop bitching about the twist.

    1. Does gary hate them or do you lol during gary’s exit interview he was hoping emmitt or topez would win, in the jury house he said he would never put emmitt up so i don’t see where you get he would put E/J up. All in all gary doesn’t really jump he has been aligned with emmitt since day 1 so i highly doubt he would go after him. If gary had won he would have put andrew and talla up with jillian as his back up everything he has said and done in and out of the house doesn’t make me think he will ever go after emmitt. I think gary is being truthful with emmitt jillian is a different story he wants her gone as well.

      1. I hate them as much as you love them LOL. not.
        Gary is not stupid, he knows that the power couple must be broken up so why would he align with them for real. Topaz told him all about your precious Emmett that they are both liars and cannot be trusted.

  6. I wonder if Gary is suggesting getting Talla out because Andrew is stronger and has a better chance of winning hoh next week to take out E/J? I’m getting too obsessed with this darn show again lol, I want Andrew in the finals!!

    1. No, gary seems to hitch his wagon on emmitt he wants talla gone because he hates her and their fight before he left he is still holding against her. He also doesn’t like her so called game and the idea of her winning is disturbing. Gary is an emotional player rather the strategically. Andrew he wants gone to but this is less emotional

  7. Lingering thoughts about how Peter left the BB house last night. The silent speech from the block The spoken riddle sitting on the stairs. The pretend wrting on the outside of the front door. Makes you wonder if he dabbles in the occult…. That or he’s an nerdy alien.. (not)…. His downfall was hooking his star to Emmett, like so many others. .Some day someone is going to figure out that Emmett is the major threat and can’t be trusted.. Are you listening Jillian. One person not a team will win it all.. Anyway. Peter Be playful and stay open. The possibilities are endless.

    1. I thought peter was funny as for him trusting emmitt at that point not sure it mattered is biggest mistake was not voting out andrew instead of aj. I think emmitt wanted to keep pete but once andrew won pov there was nothing he could do. I have to agree as much as i like emmitt and want him to win i don’t get how nobody see’s him as a threat even in the jury house no one is bitter against him which is shocking to me. On bbus players like emmitt would have been gone weeks ago but nobody consudered it. As for jillian her taking emmitt or andrew to the F2 would be a risk to be honest talla is the only one she could win against the jury is really bitter against her. I actually want gary to win pov only to see talla/ andrew go nuts when he leaves the house unlike last week the stoogies do not see this comming i an shocked that andrew gasn’t even considered this. If jillian was smart she would relise that gary is good for emmitts game while andrew is good for her’s but since he is hoh she will do what he wants like he did for her

    2. Someone on a Youtube comment said Peter’s speech at the top of the stairs was influenced by Patrick Bateman from American Pyscho. If that’s true, he’s just one of the many people Peter is trying to emulate.

  8. Where are Peter’s goodbye messages from Andrew, Jillian and Emmet? I guess they didn’t have time last night to air it. Hope they post it online soon.

    1. Hey, YEAH! D: We didn’t get to see any goodbye messages! Though here’s what I assume they would have been like:

      -Jillian: Sorry, Peter, but you’re just not as good at this game as you think you are (followed by one of her little smiles and hand shrugs). I hope you don’t hold it against me, etc.
      -Emmett: Man, Peter. I really wish we could have kept you over Talla… sorry things turned out this way, buddy, but I’ll see you at the finals okay?
      -Talla: Uh–BUSY! You SAID you wouldn’t campaign against me and then you did. Weeeeeeeaak!
      -Andrew: Well, I can’t say I’m sorry to see you go because you’ve been a pain in the **** for a while now. Take care of the jury house, Peter.

  9. Once again, Talla is not thinking clearly…..No: If you win the POV, you CAN use the POV and STILL be safe!! Get Andrew off of there and stop listening to Emmett for crying out loud!! Get Jemmett out!!

    1. Tallas’ brain and her mouth, can’t get in sync, because, she is just one big bloody scrambled mess. I ‘m really sick and tired of her – get her out!

  10. I wish I was in the big brother house because at this moment this is what I would do: (if Gary and Andrew go up)
    First off talk to Gary, Andrew, and Talla and make a final 3 deal since they can see with their eyes that Emmett and Jillian are taking each other, so WAKE UP. Anyways, during the power of veto, try and make sure Talla wins. That way she could take off Andrews then Emmett has no other option than Jillian. Jillian would get voted out 2-0. And they wouldn’t have to worry about Emmett trying to get revenge because a) he can’t play the HOH b) it’ll be 3 against 1. If either Gary, Andrew, or Talla, want to win this game this is their only option. Whoever wins the veto could use as it in their speech, if they make final two, claiming they put an end to the “Milkmance”.
    The only other thing I can see happening that might save the stooges is a Pandora’s box.

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