Big Brother Canada 4 Nomination Spoilers “I don’t really want to be here I kinda want to go home”

POV Holder: ? Next POV ?
POV Used ? POV Ceremony ?
HOH Winner: Jared Next HOH: ?
Original Nominations: ?
Current Nominations: Loveita and Sharry
Last Evicted Houseguest Paige
Have Nots Loveita, Sharry, Joel, Cassandra


There will likely be a lot of alliances during the season – keep track with our alliance help guide.

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Feeds are back and we Find out Loveita and Sharry have been nominated for Eviction by Jared.
Lovetia says “I love how we got nominates this week, You’re good.. I don’t really want to be here I kinda want to go home ”
Sharry “I kow what you’re syaing”

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Niki is complaining about how haggard and tired she is. She goes on about the game being so different compared to BBUK.

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Collection of houseguests talking about Niki wanting to go home.

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1:15am Mitchell breaking down in tears “Niki is unstable”

Feeds cut out real hard to follow what is going on.

2:05am Have nots Tim, Loveita … feeds cut out a lot tonight.

2:13am have nots Sharry and Loveita


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23 thoughts to “Big Brother Canada 4 Nomination Spoilers “I don’t really want to be here I kinda want to go home””

  1. Can you upload a vid of Tim taking with Love and Sharry? According to twitter they just had a little game talk

  2. If Nikki quits, that is going to be so embarrassing for bbcan, especially since she got voted in. That is why i wanted jase in the house, bb us and bb can are the only players who understand this format of the game. Also, loveita and sharry are so damn annoying, bitching and talking about wanting to go home, if you don’t have the gut to fight to stay in the house, why did you apply when there are millions that wanted to be in your place? This kind of people just make me angry.

    1. Well, since the only other option to having Nikki in the house was the Italian girl (who also played the same style game as Nikki, and Tim), you would have had to have one girl wildcard from the other format. With Nikki being known for her crazy emotional antics, as opposed to the Italian sexpot…(in her day, yeah, but getting too old to play that role here…too many younger Canadian girls!)…those that voted for her knew she swings emotionally day to day. As for having Made in the house over Tim because he has played a similar style game….well, Tim is a VERY quick learner, and funny to watch! He has all of other HGs coming to him for advice and he is down playing his chances of winning. (Kind of reminds me of how Dan played his second turn as a coach…Dan came in 2nd!). At least with Tim, we are going to be very entertained and he might surprise a few people….I think he will make at least top three….who knows, made even 2nd. (Now I think if we had a chance to pick ANY two out of those four….we might have seen Tim and Jase enter the house…but I think Nikki will still surprise everyone. She did do four big brother shows…even if it was a different format, that alone should be respected…this will be #5! (Not easy to be locked away with strangers, let alone far far away from your home too! ). But that’s just my view to express, we all have one….that’s why I love Canada!!

  3. Yep, looks like Nikki wants to leave now. It may have been better to vote Veronica in, she would give Kelsey a run for her money with the flirting, could create some tension.

  4. I’m not sure what happened, but I feel bad for Nikki and Mitch. Is she on medication? Mitch said something about her bring unstable.

    I really don’t like it when players talk about wanting to go home. Seriously Loveita and Sharry? It’s not like you’ve been backdoored, you still have a chance to save yourselves plus post veto campaigning.

  5. When I heard Loveita earlier tonight saying she is done and ready to go home it made me SO angry. People would literally murder to be in your spot, and you roll over and want to leave week 2 after not getting your way like a spoiled little girl…..shame…..

  6. I watched a bit of Nikki from bbuk (okay a couple of hours of clips to make sure i was picking up on her methods). She complains about wanting to go home in every season she participates in. It’s one of her attention seeking devices. Nowhere near the screaming and throwing things she’s capable of. If she’s evicted she wails and acts completely gobsmacked by the public taking her seriously when she repeatedly says she wants to go home.

  7. I really hope Nikki stays because let’s face it everyone wants to see her breakdown in the house and starts cursing everyone. No one sees her as a potential winner but she was voted in because she is the fun and crazy person that everyone enjoys watching. The only reason why I want her out now is because she is causing so much of the fishes, having said so, she is still pretty hilarious especially when Loveita and Sharry were talking with her about Kenzy; she is just so out of the loop. :))))
    Tim on the other hand is showing some signs of very good subtle gameplay, while I do enjoy him talking with Cass, I think she will be his downfall and vice versa.

  8. LOL!!! Production have no idea that Nikki truly is unstable and a liability!
    The heifer’s last season was 10 years ago for goodness sake!!! And she even tried to kill herself after she broke up with her boyfriend.
    Production… Save yourselves (and your budget) cut the bitch now and bring in Veronica.
    I don’t see anything amusing about someone having a real nervous breakdown… And Nikki is soon going to.

  9. Aw Mitch is so caring, love him more. Yea I always felt a little uncomfortable how BBCAN exploits an individual with clear mental issues just for entertainment. It isn’t right.

    1. Sabrina from bbcan2 clearly had mental health issues (borderline personality disorder, narcissistic disorder and prolly other mental health issues as well) and she was in the game till the end. The mental health questionnaire is a joke in the semi finals, not sure what they do in the higher level recruitment to assess mental health of potential players.

  10. Is there any Twistos twists this year where production completely rigs the game?
    Could come in handy for Sharry and Loveita I hope.

    1. As sad is that is, its the truth. The twists always seem to help out a minority houseguest whos about to be voted out

  11. production will cater to NIkki’s wishes to make her stay…which will feed her need to bitch more, which I am okay with..

    I want drama, dammit. Last year was too easy going.. bring in the nutbars and whackadoo’s

  12. IS BBUK really that much different than BBCAN? I guess I don’t understand what possible difference there could be so early in the game, they don’t have have nots?

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