Big Brother 25 Week one Live Show Episode

The First week Of Big Brother 25 was fairly muted. I would rank it somewhere in the middle. Nothing like the Week one HOH’s of Frenchie and Willie. Thank Grod.

The week started with four houseguests getting nominated for coming in last in the first episode Competition. They were Kristen, Corey, Felicia, and Jared. Reilly went on to win that competition. Her HOH gave her the power to remove two nominees. After querying the house she concluded the majority wanted Kirsten out. So Reilly removed Corey and Jared leaving Big Brother powerhouse Felicia and Kirsten on the block. Reilly went on to create a loose 8 person alliance consisting of the younger side of the house. Cirie went on to create a similar size alliance composed of mostly olds. The Veto is played and Hisam pulls out the win. Hisam decides not to use the veto. Nominations stay the same with the vote being against Kirsten.

Tuesday night Luke uses the N word mid sentence and is removed from the game. You can gather details of how it went down here -> Luke gets expelled Feeds have been down ever since. No idea if they will go ahead with the eviction or not.

Going to the Ranking grid it’s clear that the Core of the handful alliance is the most popular with MEME, Cirie, Jared and Hisam taking up the middle. The bottom feeders are Izzy, Felicia and Kristen (I gave her a 4).

Lock your ranks in before midnight

Houseguests are told that Luke is removed from the game for using a racial slur. The Live eviction will go as scheduled. Hisam claimed that he didn’t hear it.

Hisam Votes to evict Kirsten
Jag Votes to evict Kirsten
Izzy Votes to evict Kirsten
Cameron Votes to evict Kirsten

Matt Votes to evict Kirsten
Blue Votes to evict Kirsten
America Votes to evict Kirsten
MEME Votes to evict Kirsten
Cirie Votes to evict Kirsten
Bowie Votes to evict Kirsten
Corey Votes to evict Kirsten
Red Votes to evict Kirsten
Jared Votes to evict Kirsten

Kirsten is evicted from the Big Brother House

Julie tells Kirsten that Cirie is Jared’s Mother. (Hmmm.. no pre-jury battleback)

Julie – The scary verse sends a never before seen twist into the game (on Sunday)

11:08pm Still blocked

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58 thoughts to “Big Brother 25 Week one Live Show Episode”

  1. LOL First minute of feeds being turned on for Big Brother 16 had “Joey” Van Pelt running around topless.

    1. I was worried it would be someone terrible like Josh but I love Cirie so I’m happy about it but if it was a houseguest I wasn’t a fan of I’d be pissed

    2. I hate it! And the fact that they both knew beforehand…if only Cirie would have known that could have been interesting to see how Jared would scramble-verse his pre-game thoughts. It doesn’t help they’re really only professor alliance (yes I know Jared probably technically isn’t but come on) and I can’t stand that crew more than the handful which is mostly good?!
      Thanks for coming back! This website is my love of the summer, and it took too long to get back together! ?

    3. What a dumb idea. It’s not a level playing field that Mommy/Son twist. If I were a contestant trying to win the game I’d be PISSED at their unfair advantage. Production has cast all of them as Stoopid Suckers! And what’s with Jared in his Babushka look – what a dork!! I have not missed a season since the first one but I think this one will be my last. My bullshit tolerance has run out.

      1. I agree, obviously, producers have already made up their minds, who the winner should be. Cherie/Jared. The game is skewed in favor of the mother/son winning, because of the unfair advanrage their relationship gives them.

  2. Am I the only one that thinks it’s crazy that the first segment of the show is not addressing the Luke situation. Big brother is a game but real life situations have to come first before the game does.

    1. Maybe they didnt want to give him any more airtime then necessary. They handled it with the most forceful repercussions as possible. Maybe no more was needed.

    1. I think they purposefully did it this way because of people like Spoiler Girl claiming that there wouldn’t be an eviction citing “Sources”. They weren’t going to let anyone derail their plans for this season

    2. Production’s fave was Taylor last year. So when Paloma left, they halted an eviction that would have seen her leave.

      Their favorite is Cirie this year, so there was no way they were going to let Kirsten get another week, when Cirie might be her target.

        1. Stop the conspiracy theories. Reality show producers never SAVE black folks. Their favorites are men and women that look like Jeff and Jordan.

    3. Agreed! Bright and motivated girl. Kirsten would have been an interesting competitor. I disliked Bald Bitch Mouth from the moment I saw her right off the bat. Struck me as a person with no redeeming qualities. And she stuck onto Cirie like a like a blood sucker on a shark. Would like her gone sooner rather than later. Surprised by Red, Jag and Hisam – enjoying their presence immensely. Twenty five years of faithfully watching has turned me all cratchedy, ornery and snarky… oh well…

      1. I dislike Felicia and her “know it all talks/tone”….she is a female Terrence; yet everyone seems to ignore and/or give her attitude as a pass to appear that the behavior is funny.

    1. I think Production tell them to say that to make it interesting. Every week they say that when it will be an unanimous vote.

  3. Shocked they still had the vote and even more shocked with the 100 day season there won’t be a returning member before jury. I assumed there would be before she exposed Jared and cirie

    1. I don’t necessarily think it means that. I might be completely ignorant to the past, but what if they let the first 2-4 go and then the next ones after are the ones that are in the battle back. So Julie can spoil stuff for these first couple or few, but after that maybe she wont and we’ll still get a battle back.

      1. looks like a blonde raven sometimes. when crying.
        sounds tonally like Franzel without the vocal fry on her vowels.

    1. Oh no, don’t do that to me. I’m currently indifferent to Rielly right now, but I despise Nicole…haha


    Nether region warning.
    Easy to say Felicis is a sleuth when all her info came from Jared
    “Will vote to evict” noted.

    POST VETO talk
    alliance known.
    I’m not buying the post veto d/r.

    America wants to keep Kirsten.
    The whole house agreed unanimous vote before noms so good luck.

    bitches becomes professors talk. second oldest average cast in history of bbus
    Red wanted to jump ship. remember?

    I’m very skeptical with over 24 hours feed block. D/R gremlins being a real thing. see little bird told me and see houseguests mentioning things they shouldn’t know after d/r.

    Code of Conduct talk.
    Kirsten pressure build up.
    Kirsten / Luke talk.
    Jared saying he couldn’t react. d/r.
    d/r is storyline not confessional. Remember that.
    Announcement. Live vote and eviction
    Cory tells background

    Hisam says didn’t hear. LIE. HE later said it wasn’t a big deal.
    Jared tries to cover, tries to belittle Cory’s opinion

    This Red talk is…he wanted to jump ship to stay with Cameron.
    This Izzy talk is… spun for storyline. SO MUCH SKIPPED.

    I’m not liking the SPIN GOING ON.
    Not showing Cam discount Manson.
    Not showing the house animus and rumor spreading.
    jag / reilly d/r are 100% fiction as of feed cut.

    America’s save Kirsten had ZERO traction.

    STILL HAVING AN EVICTION (must not help Cirie to cancel eviction lol sorta kidding)
    Hisam, Jag, Izzy, Cameron, Kirsten, Blue, America, Meme, Cirie, Bowie, Cory, Red, Jared

    Kirsten, so much tension NOTED BUT NOT SHOWN IN EDIT. She had numbers she said.
    Most betrayed by Cirie. Dumb act Cirie and Jared. SHE KNEW. Remember premiere and can see family resemblance one liner.
    Netherverse portal.

    1. the alliance titles are tongue in cheek because one of the professors that knows they have 9 votes called themselves the underdogs, and i’m still laughing about how 9 vs 5 is underdog.

    2. Every person of color needs to keep an eye on Hisam. You could tell by the look on his face that he knew EXACTLY what Luke said. For him to later say that he didn’t hear that is sus as fuck.

    not sure if my review went through, I got a commenting too fast warning.

    1. Who did Hisam say it was not big deal too? I know he’s lying. We saw his face! He just trying to cover up for not telling cirie or Felicia, or meme, the people he’s aligned with

      1. When Hisam came back to have not after leaving immediately without doing humiliation kicks, he rejoined Luke and Jared. Luke gave a half ass laughsorry, and Hasim said he respected Luke’s edginess.
        Cory later entered looking disturbed still.

  6. Hisam saying he didn’t hear Luke is 100% a lie to cover that he later gave Luke a pass on it while Hisam, Luke and Jared talked, and Cory came back still looking bothered.
    That puts Hisam right behind Cameron in leading the race to being noped.

  7. Dear Big Brother,
    the way you humiliated yourselves leaving Matt in the voting booth
    the way you told houseguests to stop talking when someone was repeating the overhead speaker giving comp rules so that he could compete.


    1. Matt’s deaf, not dumb. You vote, you leave. Did he really need a prompt to remind him of that? I vote to evict billy! (stand up and say hello to family as you exit). That’s on him.

      1. there’s usually a thanks or verbal cue acknowledging the vote from julie that leads the hg to get up and do shoutouts.

  8. Don’t know if we will see anything that proves this to be true but when Rob, Taran, and crew from Rob’s podcast were talking about (ok, maybe more like bashing) tonight’s episode Rob stated that he got information that the HoH competition was being filmed outside of the House

  9. Was Matt gonna sit there the rest of the night after he told Julie he voted to evict Kirsten?

    1. IF they have a caption monitor, it didn’t give him signal to leave.
      IF they don’t have a caption monitor… why, they know he’s deaf and has problems with the speakers.

  10. Humble opinion:
    The reason they held the eviction was because production was having the hardest time getting Kirsten to go along with the nobody knows Cirie and Jared are family plot device.
    THIS explains her comments to America on Aug 7 around 1045 am regarding tptb telling her a lot of stuff and her being caught off guard.
    I’m still 95 she looked at Cirie, turned to Jared and said that’s your mom. during the premiere. If not, her face when Izzy said it? She knew.
    I KNOW she said to a group including Cirie that she can see resemblances between parents and children.
    Everyone else is playing off looking at the exact same face on two people like nothing to see here.
    Kirsten was trying to expose she knew without openly defying production, even with the post eviction interview while she was making shock face.

    That’s my opinion.

  11. After 37 hours feed block:
    Hisam is HOH.
    We know Jared is in the netherverse. Cirie and Izzy told us so.

  12. So, as of feed cut Hisam said Blue and Jag noms to backdoor Reilly or Cameron.

    If that’s the case:
    Expect Blue to call out Hisam saying he directly told her he would never put another lgbt on the block.
    Expect Jag to call out Hisam for saying brown people have to watch out for each other and not target each other.

    YES, it’s ONE MILLION PERCENT hypocritcal of Blue and Hisam.. but Hisam did those ‘good people’ psa’s all over the place when he wasn’t insinuating that he’d only be targeted or nominated because of prejudice and homophobia… not because of his comp record.
    Maybe he just didn’t hear the words out of his mouth with his scathing case of selective deafness and selective memory.

    target order 48 hours ago Hisam’s target order was Reilly, Cory, Cameron, Jag, Blue, Matt, America in two different conversations pieced together.

    Cirie says the target is supposed to be Cam. She thinks the Handful threw HOH. They didn’t want to to take the shot.
    Hisam tells Felicia she is safe (the handful hoped she’d be used as pawn).
    Meme says America is a snake, and Cam was pissed. why was he pissed.

    1. not a huge fan of hisam winning. he’s being played by cirie hard and just making himself into a huge shield for her. at some level he’s gotta realize he’s like 6 or 7 in the professor’s alliance, right? don’t think he has much of a plan to get himself out of that position other than relying on winning comps (which i guess maybe he has an advantage compared to the rest of the profs). think he was much better off not winning this week and trying to lie low, but now he’s gotta be viewed as a comp threat on everyone’s radar.


    Kirsten told Meme that everyone but Reilly named Hisam as target.
    Meme’s pushing Cam as asshole.
    Cirie says Reilly said she wasn’t ringleader. Apparently Jag and Blue are the ringleaders.
    Bowie doesn’t buy it completely.
    Hisam wonders if he could just nom Cam and Reilly. He’s decided Matt is dangerous too.
    (somebody realized they PSA’d and insinuated all the white people are racist homophobes)
    Hisam would have to discuss it with Red though.

    CAM IS GIVING THE HANDFUL MARCHING ORDERS. He thinks he’s safe, Cory and Jared are safe

  14. If Izzy wants to be a young man, she’s gonna have to learn to stop being so periodic & crying so much. Men don’t have times of the month.

    1. Can people be expelled from these comments like in BB? Because misogynistic, etc comments like these sure warrant it.

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