Big Brother 25 Week 5 Eviction and HOH Results

Nominees give their final speech.

Red – I love you humans.
Jag – Please vote to keep me.

Cameron votes to evict Jag
Bowie votes to evict Jag
Blue votes to evict Red
America votes to evict Red

Matt votes to evict Red
Cirie votes to evict Red
Izzy votes to evict Red
Corey votes to evict Red
Felicia votes to evict Red
MEME votes to evict Red

Red is evicted. Red blames being on the block on Cameron based on what Jared told him.
Julie tells him Jared and Cirie are mother and son.
Red – ohh wow that’s awesome


Head of Household Competition

This week is Humiliweek

name that toot

Cameron wins HOH




Everyone except for Cameron is a have not this week. Everyone on Slop, Everyone takes cold showers, and they all take turns sleeping in the have nots room.

9:21pm The live feeds are still blocked..
10:03pm Still nothing..

102 thoughts to “Big Brother 25 Week 5 Eviction and HOH Results”

    1. Glad to get confirmation here on that bit of weirdness. Cannot understand it. So, was it even a live show? Did Cory flip-flop on the spot? Is that weird bit of hair under his nose causing him to lose control of his mouth? That was just so weird.

  1. It would be nice if Izzybell & Felicia got put on the block & then Cirie accidentally won veto. They both expect her to use it on them, but so that Jared is not a replacement nominee, she refuses to use it. Izzbell is voted out & Felicia comes back flaming hot .(HELL HATH NO FURY LIKE A SENIOR CITIZEN SCORNED)
    Felicia then comes back & wins the wall in the next HOH , puts up Cirie and Jared , & Jared is evicted leaving Cirie in the game to get vengeance on the very old, senile & eyebrowless Felicia.

    1. They’ll keep Izzy over Felicia. They all want to blame Felicia for everything. I hope he puts up Cirie and Izzy. Someone other than Jared wins Veto and don’t use it. Izzy leaves then also.

    1. Finally a week that will be fun to watch. All on slop and Cam should put up the 3 control freaks.
      Will enjoy seeing them complain

    2. If you look at the pictures of their reaction soon after CAM wins the contest, it will give you great insight into what they were thinking. Only one with a happy face was BOWIE. The entire group of vipers and rats were NOT smiling.


    1. You could see Cam’s mind racing after it was revealed that only 2 HG’s voted to keep Red, one being him. He’s thinking so much for Legend25 and realizing the alliance must have been fake; and that he’d better win HOH or he could be next out the door.
      I love that they all but Cam have to be have-nots. Now let’s see how many HG’s Cam can get to align with him now that he truly gets to live like a King In the House. I know he won’t like it. When he was HOH last time, he was so generous with his snacks and was always offering for HG’s to help themselves. Jared locked the door claiming that HG’s were taking his snacks. #CamFan

      1. Lololol I just realized he gets his hoh basket to himself. That must be a first! I hope he gets a ton of booze and just drinks it all/pours it out “for Red”

        1. Well Cam was disappointed that he wasn’t going to be able to share his snacks with the HG’s, because he specifically requested boiled peanuts to share with everyone.

      1. eh, nom cirie/felicia so you get the two weakest players in the pov. then unless cirie (or jared) wins, felicia comes down and jared goes up is what he should do. maybe he goes izzy instead of jared, but jared is the comp threat he should backdoor target.

      2. I want Cirie out !!! Then Jared…

        Neither belong there. Jared probably wouldn’t agree to do the show unless Mommy could come too. Has to have his status symbol by his side for people to believe he has a sort-of famous mother.

        They were all so upset that Cam won, hardly anyone even responded. I feel bad for him and Red both. Red should have confronted Cam to find out what was said and by whom. Jared is a cutthroat little weasel for taking Cam’s remarks and blowing them up and making them sound so hateful. When it’s all over I’m sure they will remain friends but right now it sucks.

        Well, at least Cam won.I knew he would. Just hope he demands answers and puts up the right people. That may be a losing battle when he has to fight with Production. There’s probably a clause in the contracts saying the houseguests release all control of how Proud wants the show to go.

        Please excuse my rant. I am so mad…ha, at a TV show. Maybe I’m the crazy one!!! Sorry…

        1. “I want Cirie out !!! Then Jared…
          Neither belong there…They were all so upset that Cam won, hardly anyone even responded…”

          My observations as well. Their lack of enthusiasm for CAM’s victory tells all. ONLY EXCEPTION is BOWIE. She seemed glad he won.

          At the moment I see CAM having one ally (BOWIE). I don’t get WHY CAN seems to hate AMERIKA, but this week he’s got to find a way to bring her and CORY to his side, in addition to a few more. Hummm..

    1. Izzy for sure needs to sweat being on the block. That should be interesting to watch her squirm for once. She’s always stirring the pot!

      1. yeah, i’d be pretty happy with any two of cirie/izzy/felicia with jared as potential renom. really hope the week ends with jared next to cirie.

        1. If Cam is smart, he’ll nominate the HG who put him on the chopping block as “target” JARED, and also the HG he trusted, liked, and was loyal to, who rallied the votes to evict his buddy, Red, the snake, CIRIE!! Alternate nominees Matt/Izzy (traitor/snake). I was kinda shocked to Cirie in last place in yesterday’s poll. But at the same time, so happy that USA can see the real Cirie they didn’t see on Survivor.

  3. My gosh! What a disgusting group of houseguests. Can’t even congratulate someone for winning a comp? I’m not sure I’ve ever seen that before. Not one single person. I’m sure Bowie wanted to but didn’t want to be the odd ball. Please Camron don’t waste this HOH on Jag.

    1. Season 6.
      Nobody was ever happy about an HOH win or veto win, especially if it was Janelle.. except Howie. and Howie was…odd.
      Season 16.
      Nobody was happy Frankie won veto.
      It happens when house targets win. Everyone is afraid to even fake it.

      1. Yes, I remember those! I don’t remember how many veto’s Frankie won. Just the one with Kathy G. Even then there were hugs all around. I was thinking about Janelle just a bit ago. I guess I’ve just never seen the prior HOH not give the key and at least shake hands or something lol. I can’t wait for the feeds to return!

        1. ” about Janelle just a bit ago. I guess “I’ve just never seen the prior HOH not give the key and at least shake hands or something lol”


    2. All I am hoping for this week is for Cameron to wake up and smell the truth!!! He needs to realize his “alliance” is totally fake and it’s time to put up two from the den of snakes i. e. Jared, Izzy, Felicia and Cirie. I truly hope he puts up Izzy and Jared. Time to shake stuff up!

    3. Yes or America!

      Totally in shock, Renee lol. I loved it, but sad for Cam at the same time. I was in shock over their reaction.

      So many jerks in there , Jamie! Ugh!

    4. Only time I can recall a similar reaction is that second Paul season, when that Marine won after Paul got everyone to turn on him. But that was some truly vile Lord of the Flies stuff that season.

      I don’t care for Cameron’s cocky act and the way he’s talked to a couple of women, but really hard to watch someone realize they are that disliked and alone.

  4. Two words: OH. SHIT.

    Cam is HOH. He’s going to the jury. This is a Black Swan week. No one except Bowie Jane is safe this week.

    I told y’all evicting Reilly over Cam was gonna bite everyone in the ass and look what happened tonight.

    He won’t win the game no matter what, but he needs to be backdoored the week after.

  5. Their faces when Cameron won was priceless! And, Jared, didn’t even say, ”Congratulations, Cameron, You’re the next HOH!” Crickets!!!!!!

    Ha! They should have kept Red!

    Come on, Cameron! You know they wanted to out! You’re not that dumb, right!?

    1. From my experience I would eat BBQ Ribs, big steaks, chicken and heavy burgers in front of Jared, Cirie, Izzy, Felicia, all day and night. When they are in the room I would talk about how crispy French fries are and how the tangy BBQ sauce is and how tender the meat falls from ribs, how gooey cheese pulls from the DELICIOUS pizza I am eating all week. Let them suffer, they deserve it by lying about Cameron wanting to put up Red and he be a “pawn”. Old Lady Felicia farted in HOH bed. Farted in Shower, Farted in the whole house let those ol’ lady farts rip in the nomination chair and as she gets evicted. Her or Jared PLEASE.

      1. Her facts are not as bad as what Jared & Blue have been doing all week in the HOH bed. That alone would have me not wanting to sleep in it.

      2. “Old Lady Felicia farted in HOH bed. Farted in Shower, Farted in the whole house”

        She farts every time she opens her mouth.

  6. Thank God for a Cameron win. The camera panning on Cirie right after Cameron wins – priceless! She was already plotting the next time the camera focused on her. Hopefully Cameron can see reality and nominate someone from the wretched Cirie/Jared/Izzy/Felicia foursome.

    1. That is what I am truly hoping for…two of those four and if one comes down put up another one from this same foursome!

  7. Cerie’s face at the end makes the universe realign itself.

    I can now sleep with a big smug grin on my face all night.

    Add insult to injury by making them all have-nots while they hate on Cam in his comfort week.

    Too sweet.

  8. That Cerie face needs to become a meme. I can’t get enough of it.

    Should’ve kept Hisam, after all.

    1. yeah, booting hisam really wasn’t good for her game. really hoping cam is smart and puts up some combo of cirie/jared/izzy/felicia.

  9. You know, I think I’m just done this season. Earlier there was all the mean girl stuff. This week these people are going to ruin two individuals relationship with lies for this game? They weren’t necessary. Making fun of someone’s hair? No one’s making fun of your age or your weight. I generally don’t like this group of people. Can someone who’s been evicted win America’s favorite?

  10. I feel for Cam! Even as HOH, he is on an island and he knows it. Cirie, Felecia, and Izzy are going to be kissing his ass, right up to the point he nominates them. And he’s the only one that NOT a have not. That’s not going to make him any friends.

  11. *MY ORIGINAL RECAP WAS ACCIDENTALLY DELETED. Rewrite from memory to 2nd half
    Expecting bowie/cam/izzy HOH.

    ChaoscovenBLAHBLAHCirie invincible plot CirieBaby default HOH blahblah CiridBaby targets Cam blahblah uhoh veto. Blahblah Cirie plots a flip target.

    The plot comes down to both noms are comfortable.
    but what does the Chaoscoven think?
    Izzy / Felicia confirm Jag going (though Izzy prefers Cam / Red split).

    making the perfect bf. she’s my gf

    it’s real for now
    families disagree, gotta stick together.
    Cam trying to suck up.

    Meme D/R rarity
    stick to the plan.
    will bros bro after a spat.

    All smooth sailing until Red wants the mediated talk with Jared and Cam.
    Felicia worries to Cirie
    Cirie D/R who is the bigger devil
    which mess do I clean?

    Chenbot notes may not be unanimous before commercial

    Red: family. love everyone
    Jag: family. keep me. steak.
    Cam, Bowiehow
    Blue, America, Matt, Cirie, Izzy, Cory, Felicia, Meme.

    most dsappointed in Cam. trusted Jared’s word
    enjoyed his time / experience

    F. All CorrectT. All CorrectCirie, Matt, Bowie outonly Izzy, Cory, Cam remainCameron wins HOH.Not much Celebrating. LOTS OF DIRTY LOOKS.


  12. Listen. Manson might be one of the few people I would be okay with winning this season. Cory, that’s it. The rest are just terrible.
    Taking the mother and son out on a double would be my dream scenario.

  13. What I expect:

    This afternoon Bowie was sure Felicia was pulling some shit.
    Matt and Jared made a hail mary alliance with Cam hoping to keep Cirie safe.
    Jared warned Cam last night.
    Cam originally said America / Blue with Cory renom. After saying America is nowhere near his radar….so ummmmm.
    Red said if he goes it’s Felicia.

    Therefore I expect:
    Bowie pushes Felicia.
    Matt pushes America / Cory.
    Jared already said Felicia is the cause.

    Won’t matter.

    Cam consistently disregards everything except the choose your own adventure that he wrote for himself for his bb adventure fairytale.

    I expect Jag and America or America and Blue. Possible bizarre plot backdoor… maybe not.
    All under the deluded umbrella of fostering Alliance reunification… saving everyone by endangering them.

    IF MATT IS REVEALED AS POWER HOLDER (Cory already told him Cam didn’t believe it).
    So…. no.
    IF CAM TARGETS IZZY (He decided he loves Izzy and wants her around a while) So…no.
    IF CAM REMEMBERS CIRIE IS PRESIDENT, FELICIA VICE, IZZY SEC.DEF. THEORY HE HAD. (he thinks Cirie was brought into bb to help Cam win) So. no.

  14. I’m sorry. Tell me your asses weren’t jumping up and down and cheering when Cam won HOH?!? NOW we got a game!! Not going to be boring THIS week!….Fingers crossed.

    1. It’ll all be a waste if he doesn’t put up one/two of the coven or fuq boy Jared…… I hope BJ can knock some sense into him & make him realize that he’s being played by the coven…,,,,I’m fully expecting him to be “bro’d” by azzhole Jared & be swayed to put up America & Jag……. Ugh, we’ll need to start construction on that America shrine

      1. “,,,,I’m fully expecting him to be “bro’d” by azzhole Jared & be swayed to put up America & Jag…”


  15. As far as the Cory vote… who cares when the vote was 8-2?
    No, really.
    It wouldn’t save Red. 8-2. Wasn’t 6-4 or 5-5. It was 8-2.
    Let’s worry about the real riggery.
    It’s reality entertainment programming, not a game show.
    The episode edit has been golden to protect Jared and Cameron.
    Anyone that watches feeds KNOWS their edit is not representative of their game and house behavior. AT ALL. I’m far more upset by that than the silly worry about a vote that didn’t change outcome.
    btw, I noped Airhead on Saturday.
    Meaning this season I’ve noped Hisam, Cameron and Jared ALL based on production golden editing them beyond reason. TPTB are doing too much whitewashing of these hg’s. When it reaches the point of tipping the outhouse level… I gotta nope.

    1. when feeds are cut for a few minutes any time prodo thinks hg’s will talk about bad behavior being covered up, as a feed viewer I’m pissed off.
      when episode edits make zero sense compared to what we know from feeds, in order to sanitize bad behavior, as a viewer i’m more pissed off.
      These have always been nopable offenses. I don’t care who’s favorite i’m noping: if feed behavior is beyond the pale OR if production actively engages in cover up to benefit a houseguest…. they’re NOPE to me. Not sorry in the slightest.

      1. you’re welcome. It helps having a Canadian sense of sarcasm, and cutting your teeth on commenting during bbcan2 with the opinion that Sabrina was the chaos and entertainment of the season. I learned to be very thick skinned about down votes, give my authentic 100% gut feeling, never accept personal attacks but always appreciate game based opinions of others, especially if opposite to my own.

    2. “Let’s worry about the real riggery.
      It’s reality entertainment programming, not a game show.
      The episode edit has been golden to protect Jared and Cameron”

      Given that, then I wouldn’t be surprised to know that CAM was given the correct answers ahead of the comp.

  16. May I just add that it was VERY satisfying that Baldilocks & the coven are have-nots! They’re faces when Julie told them was delicious

    1. What are the odds that that stench from underneath buggy eye’s hairy underarms gets more rancid now that they are on cold showers?

      I’m really happy most of these people are have-nots.

      Buggy eyes is going to be hurting for her nightly quesadilla fix soon lol.

  17. What a crazy turn of events!

    Cameron BETTER say fuck trying to get out my original targets of Jag, Blue, or America I am going for the people who actually control the house: Cirie and Izzy.

    Put them both up and let them duke it out lol.

    I’d actually want Izzy to win the Veto so that Cameron could backdoor Jared.

    Poo gotta go!

    1. Never understood CAM’s logic, if any, in trying to evict JAG, BLEW, OR AMERIKA.


  18. Falling off my chair. Dropping my phone. Laughing with the mixture of Felicia and Hisam booming laughs over this image RIGHT HERE……

  19. GUYS! WHERE ARE THE FEEDS?? Am I missing something here? I didn’t stay up this late for nothing. Is it getting juicy in the house? Is there a blow up going on? Is Cam cooking Meme’s fat steak for dinner? I need to know!!

  20. F#CK!!! CAM already saying Jag has to go this week!!! GRRRRRR shooting himself in the foot too bad Cam’s precious daughter will not get her wish of a big house because her daddy doesn’t see that the reason Cirie and Jared wanted to target Jag because Jag puts 2 and 2 together how they run the house and Cirie and Jared LIE!!! Let’s go Jag go on the block and win veto!!!

  21. What we know.
    Cam told Cory he was safe. sorta America too? (possible pawn?) She wasn’t targeting Cam is what Cory told him.
    Cory told Cam he warned him this morning that there was chaos this morning.
    Izzy is starting a slow spiral.
    Bowie says maybe Matt / Jag noms to the bitches.
    Meaning: Cam thinks he or Matt win veto?

    There is a 55/45 Cam is being sarcastic about Jag as actual target and Bowie is playing along.

    1. I’m not sure who his target is, if it’s Jag or Jared, but Blue is crying her eyes out because she’s the pawn. She’s begging him not to put her up but he is adamant. I hope it’s Jared. He won’t name names so maybe it is Jared.
      Nope, he just named Jag.
      Rats…I was hoping he saw how Cirie and Jared are ruining the show. I guess there’s always the chance for a backdoor!
      Get ’em Cam!!!

  22. In honor of allllll the have-nots I think I’ll have a California burger, fries & large chocolate shake at Carl’s Jr. My only regret is that I can’t eat in front of them.

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