Big Brother 24 Live Feed Highlights

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Big BroChella SIDE

Brochella HOH (Inside the House):  Michael
TEAM BroChella:  Brittany, Jasmine, Monte, and Taylor.
Nominees: Jasmine and Monte
POV Players:  Michael, Monte, Jasmine, Brittany, and Taylor
POV Winner: Brittany
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots:  None this week

Dyre Fest SIDE

Dyre Fest HOH (Backyard):  Terrance
TEAM Dyre Fest: Alyssa, Joseph, Kyle, and Turner
Nominees: Joe and Turner
POV Players: Terrance, Alyssa, Joe, Kyle, and Turner
POV Winner: Terrance
Veto Ceremony:
Havenots:  None this week

Lock your ranks in before midnight

10:40 am Insiders are up and about.
Monte – I’m going to go back to sleep

11:17:58 Feeds flip to Pound Bunnies

12:38 pm no feeds never

1:46 pm Kittens have been eating. Some are washing.

2:04 pm Bird steals the Pound dog’s food.. Dog notices but is too sad to care.

2:08 pm Feeds return
Brittany – what were you really into as a kid
Michael – Dinosaurs
Britt- what was your favorite
Michale – triceratops
Jasmine loved “Ball pits”
Jasmine talks about having trouble finding a sports bra that fits.
Taylor starts to describe “She FIt” the brand of Sports bra she likes and the feeds cut.. HA! (This season is f**ed)

2:21 pm Pound rabbit enjoying some straw

2:22 pm Ohh look another one flops out.. They are really enjoying the straw together.

2:33 pm White Floppy eared Bunny drinks water while the Beige Flops gobbles down straw.

3:05 pm Pound Puppy near the highway. Looks sad.


3:08 pm Being locked up doesn’t seem to upset these Kitties. They continue to play.

Terrance, Turner and Joe are still out there.

3:39 pm Feeds change from the Pound to the “We’ll be right back” screen

4:06 pm Feeds cut to chit chat..

4:25 pm chatting and Rachel and Brendon duing season 12.
Monte – I did not think it was going to work.. (Same I was shocked)

Jasmine and Brittany don’t think Kyle and Alyssa will last. They think Alyssa will break his heart. Jasmine adds that Kyle won’t be able to give to Alyssa’s emotional side.


4:50 pm Jasmine is testing her ability to talk constantly.


4:53 pm The microwave is almost done.

5:30 pm Bumper pool

6:20 pm feeds cut..

6:41 pm Feeds popping off..

7pm – 7:50pm The house guests have been chatting about random things and hanging out. They then head down to make dinner.

42 thoughts to “Big Brother 24 Live Feed Highlights”

      1. We honestly should have seen this coming. The live feeds before this week were very minimally blocked which was unusual given the past few years

    1. zzzzzzzzzzz…zzzzzzzz BORING! Don’t they know people pay good money for this crap!

  1. Ross – Kyle talked about being worried over players aligning due to their “diverse backgrounds” even though there has been no evidence of that. Is that just typical game paranoia, or something else?

    Chen – I think it’s just typical game paranoia. You also have to remember, Taylor told her whole alliance she would not nominate Jasmine because she refuses to part of evicting another Black woman. That might have steered Kyle’s mind into thinking what if there is a secret alliance like the Cookout this season. Beyond that, I don’t think there’s much more to it.

    1. However, the LO voted out Ameerah and Nicole so that should have show them that there wasn’t a POC alliance to be worried about.

      1. The Cookout was exclusively black Alyssa and Derrick x were also poc and excluded. I have that people are trying to make Kyle out to be racist because of a legit concern. After the Cookout thats going be on people’s mind just like male alliances after the brigade and pretty boys. Especially when Taylor said that about jasmine and they protected Terrance .

    2. but there was evidence at the beginning of the game some of the black players wanted to do a cookout 2.0 especially Terrance, but Monte didn’t want any part of it…There was one moment when Terrance was talking to Ameerah about it and said Monte wasn’t down(for a cookout 2.0) and called Monte “a weird dude”

      calling Monte “a weird dude” because he didn’t want to start another racist alliance. SMH

      1. They were all talking about the chances of doing cookout 2.0 and referencing their skin color multiple times.

  2. Just like every survivor or bb, when a alience of 7 is formed the moment the #7 person realizes they are the number 7 they decide to change it up. No fault on kile to start a new one with his hot girl and Terrence. Kile haters need to ask your self what would you do if you found out you were on the bottom? I’m sure you would just say oh well I’ll be out at 7 and not fight for a different outcome.
    CBS needs to hire a private security company and get permission from the city to enforce the no trespassing in the la river. I’m sure Joseph and Michael could help write the legal documents for such a coordinated enforcement of the wall yellers. No chance la pd would ever enforce the no trespassing laws.

    1. weird thing is i don’t think kyle was number 7. he was pretty well positioned between two sets of 3, but he also had a final 2 deal with alyssa, and 2nd is better than 4th.

      1. Well at least 1 of the 2 sets of 3. After the poc alience comment to Michael brittany and their response that they did not want that to appear that way, he must have realized Michael britney Turner and him does not fit their idea.

      2. Completely agree with this. Kyle was well positioned. Now all the insiders will be gunning for him and probably turner too. If he or Alyssa, dont win HOH (Assuming terrance can’t play next week) they’re going on the block.

  3. Something is going on…& it is annoying. It’s Monday, are we getting this until Thurs?! Maybe CBS is doing this b/c Terrance used it & put up Kyle, due to the yeller. I’d rather look at CBS Sunday Morning segments than this bunny bird kitten crap…I’d finally learn a thing.

  4. The Pooch Pound looks like these animals locked up. Also “The microwave is almost done” is epic. Damn you’re good!

  5. i’m kinda curious. how well have showmances fared statistically? everyone always talks like they’re huge threats, but how many times have they actually led to one member winning? i feel like jordan was the first to win, then rachel reilly (but there were two other showmances that season in jeff/jordan and dominic/dani), but are there any others that won? note, i am specifically talking showmances, not strong duos. while it can get you far in the game, the notion that it’s a winning strategy seems flawed, and largely overvalued.

    1. Holly & Michie ended up final 2
      Boogie & Ericka although not a lot of people realized they were
      Tyler & Angela

      Those are the ones where one or both of them made it to the end.

    2. Michie won and his showmance holly made f2. Drew had a showmaxne with Diane and won Boogie had a showmance with erika when he won season 7. Will and Shannon had a short showmance in season 2 which he won Hayden and Kristen season 12 had a short one 14 Shane and Danielle made f4. Austin And Liz made it pretty far their season that’s all I can remember.

  6. Lol the detailed explanation of the puppies, kittens and bunnies is the best. I was loving the twist now i just hate it.

  7. Kyle gets literally everything: alliance; girlfriend; first betrayal of his alliance. Now he whines that, being a straight, white, good-looking male, the one thing he can’t seem to wield is the race or gender card. Cry me a river Kyle.

        1. It’s media driven victim mentality designed to divide us. It’s a load of crap. We are ALL the human race.

  8. As far as some couples that have lasted from Big Brother much longer than the Bachelor/Bachelorette (lol): 1)Rachel and Brendan was a clear example opposites attract and it made them endearing to watch; 2) people felt Memphis and Christmas deserved each other; 3) Dominic was quite the smitten puppy for Daniele; and 4) Everyone was seeing NIcole’s other relationships end in disaster so were rooting for her relationship with Victor to actually work out

    1. I follow Nicole and Victor on Instagram. They are married and they look happy. They have an adorable blonde baby boy nicknamed Arrow.

  9. Hahaha, loved your recap of the pound animals. White Floppy drinks water while Beige floppy eats. Crack me up. I must be easily entertained.

  10. This is so odd how today has went… wonder why they are waiting so long to get the ceremony out of the way..

  11. I’m glad the wall yellers got the feeds shut down. They were boring as hell anyway with this lame twist. I say they did us all a favor. Tbh it probably had no effect on Terrance’s decision anyway but at least now we don’t have to be tortured by Joe’s moping, Terrance and Turner’s horrible modern day lingo or Kyle and Alyssa’s grossmance.

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