Big Brother 18 Road Kill Results “I want to put James up” – Victor

POV Holder: ? POV Competition July 1st?
POV Used ? POV Ceremony July 3rd?
HOH Paulie Next HOH July 7th
Roadkill Competition Winner: Victor
Original Nominations: Paul and Bronte
After POV Nominations: ? and ?
Have Nots ?

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6:11pm Corey, Bronte and Paulie

She said Paule doesn’t want to backdoor victor no more..

Corey – Vic won.. He won.. Paul knows that he won he doesn’t want to backdoor him.

Tiffany – you sure
Corey – ya

6:12pm Corey and Nicole
Corey tells Nicole that Vic won the Road Block and he’s worried he’ll get backdoored nnow

Nicole thought it was Frank because he was looking at her freaky

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6:13pm Victor and Frank
Frank – Good job Brotha good job…

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6:16pm Bedroom Paul and Victor
Paul telling him to keep the Roadblock win to himself.
paul – one of us is going home.. i know that ,.. the way to get back at them.. they are using me Bronte or you.. one of us three…
Vicotr – I’m working with Paulie and Frank…

Paul – be very careful… there’s a plan I have it could work
Victor – I’m bringing you in with us and Corey.. He has a vendetta against bronte because Bronte shit talked him.. he has a personal vendetta..

Paul – be careful.. I would not tell anybody.. they are all freaking out..
Paul – there’s a smarter way to do it..
Victor – I want to put James up..
Paul – they are all working together it’s 7 to 4 ,.,… I swear they are all scared right
Paul is explaining to Victor what is going on in the house and how they don’t have the numbers.
Victor – I don’t think so bro

6:23pm bedroom Bronte, Natalie and Tiffany
Bronte tells Tiffany that Paul came up to her and said Paulie wants to backdoor Victor but he’s got a plan to prevent that from happening. Bronte adds that she told this to paulie because she wants everyone to know she’s not attached to “Those boys”

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6:30pm Victor and Paulie HOH
Victor tells him Paul is unsure about paulie and Frank. Paulie is unsure about Paul.
Paulie is saying he really wants Bronte out this week. tells him if one of nominees are taken off he’ll put up Natalie.
Victor says he’ll put James up let him sweat a little bit.
Victor – I might put Tiffany up.. she might go home she’s rubbing people the wrong way
Paulie – ya ya put Tiffany up …
Victor – then there’s no suspicion that it’s me (The whole house knows you won.. ZOMG)

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6:33pm paulie, Da;vonne, Michelle and Frank

Paulie says that Vic is telling him that Paul doesn’t trust us and is wanting him about us. Paulie might send Paulie’s a$$ home instead of Vic
Nicole joins them “Whos going up?”
The group – James

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6:41pm James, Bronte and Tiffany

James is telling them the plan is still the same.. Victor is going up unless he wins POV. Tiffany says if Victor wins POV he’ll take Paul down and put Bronte up.
James corrects her that the roadkill winner only replaces his nominee the HOH replaces their nominess.

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6:45pm Frank and Nicole whispering
Frank says Paul is going around to Vicotr telling him not to trust us.. Frank going to tell him look Paul if you don’t stick to the plan and get rid of Victor this week He’ll have to be the target.

Frank – Pauls a f***g idiot
Michelle, Da’Vonne and Zakiyah also in the room.. They start talking about how they want Tiffany gone.
Da’Vonne – she acts out on her emotions
Frank – I don’t trust her

James joins them.
Frank – there’s 5 vote right here you stay..
James- i’ll go put a pizza in Victors bed right now make sure I go up

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6:52pm Paul and James
Paul is saying he has nobody people he got close with are lying to him, Names Victor and Bronte.
Paul – it sucks … I like to be cool with everybody
adds that he got clumped in with all those people.
James says the biggest mistake people make in this game is they form a “delta force” too early on and try to sweep through the house with it.
Paulie joins them “You said you are pissed about a F****ed up situation”

Paul – I’ve been tossed in a mix with two barking dogs… I’m tossed in the category of being on the other side
Paulie – when Vic came to talk to you about it did you tell us to not trust Frank and I
Paul – no.. (more or less)
Paulie – when he came up stairs he said I hope you guys aren’t playing me because Paul said not to trust you..
Paul adds that Victor was going on about getting backdoored yesterday
Paulie – So he’s getting paranoid again
Paule- are you still feeling it the backdoor…
Paul – he lied to me.. dude i was lied to

Paulie – i’m telling you people like you keep being you
Paul – Michelle hates me
Paul says Vic told him he’s putting James up.
paulie- it doesn’t matter who he puts up they are going to keep from winning the competitions
James – I’m not winning shit (ZOMG! )

Frank joins them and Paulie leaves..

Nicole joins them says Tiffany told her she’s going up..
They tell her it’s james
Nicole – Ohh so I can breath..

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7:05pm Paulie, Bronte and Natalie

Paulie telling her that Victor is still the target and if Paul tries to get that changed Paul is teh target. Paulie can’t trust the “Kid” he’s never come to them before today and now he’s offering deals.

Paulie – Why the F*** would you come tell us that you won unless you knew you were a target for a b@ckdoor.
Tiffany comes in.. Paulie says James is going up and James isn’t going to win the POV so Victor has no power..
Paulie – So don’t be really good at winning the competition..
Paulie explains to them again Victor is the plan.
Bronte – Paul is really irrational
paul – we’re holding his (Paul) hand through this thing
Tiffany – he’s not as tough as he tries to seem
Bronte – He’s a baby
Tiffany – who does Vic think the target is this week..
Paulie – he’s all over the place wit his information.. so…
Paulie – he linked up to Frank and I he thinks Frank and I have his back..
Paulie leaves.. Zakiyah joins them.

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7:15pm Tiffany, Natalie and Bronte
Tiffany – Me, Nicole and Jame are on his hit list
Natalie- I’m going to end up on the block
Tiffany and Bronte tell her she’s safe
Natalie – No ones safe.
Tiffany – I don’t blame him for not putting me up I don’t talk any game with him and If I had won I would have put his a$$ upp
Bronte thinks Paulie can convince Paul to not pick Victor in POV.

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7:24pm Paulie, Paul, Corey and Nicole

Paulie – the only person that should be freaking out is Bronte (she’s target number 2)
Paulie says Victor will freak out after the POV. Paulie is going to tell him straight up “You’re getting backdoored” he was Jozea’s right hand man and he was trying to get Paulie out last week.
Paulie – you sat there and trashed my sh1t.. and now saying I’ll be loyal to you.. until how long until you have another group to be loyal to.

Paulie – he’s got to go

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60 thoughts to “Big Brother 18 Road Kill Results “I want to put James up” – Victor”

  1. Jozea & Victor are easily the most clueless HG’s in BB history lmao I can’t wait to see Victor not get picked for POV then go up on the block & get evicted. Should’ve listened to Paul… What an idiot ????????????

  2. Victor is being a complete bonehead and won’t listen to Paul lol. Victor is like Jozea’s twin! Messiah reincarnated

  3. Ugh if Victor really has the roadkill then this is baddd for the week.
    Frank is playing is double time game from season 14 and I remember why I hated him so much. Save ur own people until u get to a point. Ugh it’s a week in and I’m frustrated

    1. Couldn’t agree more. I hated him season 14. Couldn’t believe he won America’s favorite. I was willing to give him a second chance but he already blew it. He had an alliance that had all the power with nothing to worry about the first week but he couldn’t even make it to the first eviction without playing a shady game, covering his own ass with everyone in the house, putting targets on alliance members, lying to multiple people. I know there is a point when things get dirty but not week one when you aren’t on the block, none of your alliance members are on the block and your side controls the vote. And I remember season 14 when he cried the blues about being such an honest guy and everyone lied to him and no one wanted to play the game with him. One more thing-he is a superfan supposedly but he ruined the blindside of Jozea by giving them the heads up. Any superfan should know how much the audience loves a blindside. But he was already setting the wheels in motion to cover his own ass. Frankly, I would love to see him go home, preferably before jury.

      1. Exactly right! Frank’s HG Ranking takes a dive. He can’t school his pawn b*tch minions well enough or they got too much self respect to trust him. Victor negotiates himself out of a backdoor with Paulie, Paul tells him not to trust Frank, LOL! It’s all blown up in his face! Day is the only HG that trusts Frank since he’s openly shared everything with Paul, Victor, Natalie, Bridgette AND campaigns to put up Tiff, James, Nicole, Michelle, Day, Corey, Zak and Nommed Paul & Paulie for the block. He better get out Vans Bible and start praying Tiff, Day and Paul don’t spill his beans! If Paul would tell Vets Frank has been gunning for them through Newbies he’d be up and out! But Frank tells us BB wants him to win, confirming it’s scripted… so it’s the F-Rank show a poor Boogie Derek Van immitation.

        1. Frank’s HG ranking takes a dive???
          He’s third on the ranking.
          In fact, the last 2 days he’s picking up ground on Nicole.
          Go ahead.
          Look at the poll yourself.
          3rd place.
          We will all sit back and let you do that research.
          How does it feel to be as blind as Jozea?

  4. If Victor was smart, he would nominate himself for the roadkill so that he has a chance to play in the VETO. Any POV scenario pretty much guarantees him as the replacement nomination. Too bad this is Victor we’re talking about…

    1. Yep, key word in that sentence was “If” and while Victor isn’t as outrageous as Jozea, he’s definitely as clueless.

  5. I think it’s potentially great that Vic won. No matter who I want to win. I can’t stand when one group steamrolls over the other. I want to see some scrambling and good game play because as much as I loved Frank before, I’m unsure now, so I don’t have that person I am cheering for yet. Maybe after this week I can get behind someone in particular. This could be an interesting week.

    1. Will never be a good game if their gonna keep pitting detective, poker lawyers & ruthless vets & subs against instagram kids who’ve never seen the show much less outta mom’s basement. They don’t even use word “game show” in contract it’s scripted frat hazing shooting fish in a barrel.

  6. Honestly victor should nominate himself… He then can control his own destiny and is guaranteed a shot a veto. It’s what I’d do if I was playing and in his position. BUT he’s not that smart

    1. I do not think his allowed to nominate Himself, Paulie, Frank, Michelle and Bridgette.
      The problem is he has a big mouth and his ally’s have a big mouth. Too many big mouths in the house. He has to nominate someone strong so that he can control the PoV so that he is safe this week. The problem is what happens if the PoV is thrown? So that you pick Corey and he throws the PoV to Paul and Bronte or some other player…. like Nicole. The have the numbers to keep Corey and evict Victor as long as they keep Paul up and take off Bronte. Victor did not play a good social game he stepped on some shoes with his ego…. he really needs to win that PoV because he really has NO One.
      He is really screwed.
      Bridgette, Michelle and Natalie can sell their votes to evict Victor for safety next week.

  7. “James- i’ll go put a pizza in Victors bed right now make sure I go up”
    Haha…gotta love James.

    1. If its Papa Johns that’s a good idea, either that or flush it down the toilet. If it’s Domino’s, that’s a waste of good pizza.

  8. WOW!!!!! World class idiots Paul and Victor!!! There’s clueless and then there’s CLUELESS.
    Frank won the first roadkill and the other side still have no idea he won it. Victor wins it and EVERYONE knows he’s won it but thinks no one knows ….. what a buffoon!!!!!

    Paul tells him out right that they don’t have the numbers which makes Victor’s nom a moot point and he still doesn’t get it. The other side is laughing their asses off and far from being scared. Whoever Vic noms will put on an Oscar winning performance of being angry and scared.

    Paul and Victor have no idea how to play BB. Why on earth would they think that Paulie and Frank is now on their team and not just leading them on??????? Buffoons! Buffoons! BUFFOONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Frank is so shady..he’s overly confident and arrogant. He is totally threatened by James and Tiffany for whatever reason. I’m hoping they figure out his game. Knock him down a notch. He thinks he’s so cleaver ugh

    1. If I’m brought back in with old players as an old player and the very 1st dynamic I get wind of is new wants old out, that never leaves the back of my mind. Even when the social dynamics interrupts that initial gut reaction, I know it’s not entirely gone….and it’s so early in the game. This majority will not hold much longer. They will see the remaining minority group as a non-threat or somehow useful and an HOH will decide to make a play…or the minority wins the next HOH and tries to rekindle the “get the vets” dynamic and wash the stink of their evicted allies away. Protecting myself early from the most obvious, vocalized threats is paramount…so I’m making certain if the vets become a target for no other reason than being vets, somebody else is the target and I’m choosing the low hanging fruit, the easiest sell.

    1. Lol no. James is unfunny and unfit to play the game.

    1. Indeed! That boy must have his scrotum (nut sac) held together with velcro as many times as he’s thrown it in the river and/or stapled it to someone’s forehead.

      1. Perhaps he has “neuticals.” I saw,those on Penn and Tellers “Bullshit” show. They come in all sizes from teacup poodle to Irish Wolf hound. Look em up.

  10. Oh how Frank and Da turn on their alliance … Bad game play
    Idiot Frank is saying her doesn’t trust Tiff because she might open her mouth
    Guess what Frank? You already did! Frank solely screwed up the eviction surprise
    by opening his big mouth and playing all sides. Franks an idiot
    Thanks Frank for the boring-est eviction in history … you could hear a pin drop
    Didn’t Tiff watch her sisters season? She should know not to trust Da one bit.

    1. And he loves to throw comps like tantrums, takes all the pressure off. Balding baby with bags under his eyes, he’s aged alot in one year. Too much drinking? He said he’s gonna quit. That’s, the same camo visor & flag wife beater though so you don’t forget he’s the Asian Hillbilly… remember how many times he called himself that last year, yeesh.

  11. I would crack up so much if Paul ended up going home this week after all his talks with Paulie. The 8Pack should see how much of a fool Victor really is and realize it’s better to get out Paul. While neither of them have any working strategy, Victor seems much more clueless than Paul, and the fact that he revealed his Roadkill Win almost immediately shows he’s less of a threat than he originally seemed.

    1. Paul can’t win anything so Victor’s a bigger threat at the moment. Bronte is all mouth, so Paul should be next. Frank & Paulie’s plans to make minions out of these big headed dumb newbie’s is going down the crapper.

      1. Why you being so rude? Clueless had a valid question they thought other BB fans would be helpful and answer and all you can do is give a nasty remark.
        Clueless: It’s the same as OMG just more sarcastic, probably closer to SMH (shaking my head)

  12. I’m pretty sure production is controlling who wins Roadkill to make sure one side doesn’t have all the power

    1. Why else would Frank keep saying on feeds “BB” wants Victor out? He should know, he’s Co-producer.

  13. When Paul huffs and threatens, I want to laugh, he’s such a wuss. But if Corey stared at me with those cold as steel eyes, I would tremble in my shoes. He has the gaze and heart of a psychopathic serial killer. I wonder how many bodies he’s buried in the woods. He’ll make the news one day when the police uncover the trail of cadavers he’s left behind. They’ll blame it on his repressed homosexuality. It’ll come out that when Corey was an adolescent, he used to duct tape stray dogs mouths shut and drench alley cats in gasoline and light them on fire.

      1. He does have some weird eyeball thing goin’ on. Perhaps he should have his thyroid checked.

  14. to me the girl of 5 working together will turn in leak information to frank an james that’s when the game will
    change it might be this week women or very emotional

  15. Tiffany here’s a tip, when Vanessa freaks out, it is mostly done if she has a veto around her neck or an HOH key.

  16. Could be Tiffany’s week to go! If Victor puts her up I’d be willing to bet the vets take that opportunity to tell her to Get To Stepping! Joeza and Victor are annoying to the houseguest’s and to us at home, but they’re also clueless when it comes to the game. If I’m in that house I don’t care how annoying the people are, if they are the types to announce their targets powers and moves for the entire house to know where their head is without ever needing to ask them… i’d be willing to deal with them all summer long! It’s all about that money not who is more fun to sit on a hammock with…Joeza and Victor are the perfect enemies to have so long as they keep playing whatever game theyre playing/played…

    1. Very true. It’s not about friendship, and having a good time. Its about winning the game.

  17. I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if Paul ends up hanging around for a few weeks. I can see people considering him no threat and an easy target to keep around.

    I’ve never been a fan of that logic. I mean if the easy target never goes home, are they really a target?

  18. The most interesting development would be for the vets to start going for each other and fight for control of the newbies.

  19. Tiffany is awesome. Totally level headed. When she heard Vic may put her up. She was like “I don’t blame him for wanting to maybe put me up. If I won I would have put his ass up” Meanwhile Day and Frank are running around like nut cases talking shit scared to death of Tiffany because they know she only one smart enough to end their back stabbing cheating lying games and send their asses out.

    They were talking shit about Tiff with Michelle in room. Big mistake. Michelle and Tiff are tight. Tiff already knows Frank and Day are working against her and Michelle will re confirm it.

    Tiff won’t blow up at them. Level headed. She will just strategically take them out when time is right. Day and Frank know she can that is why they so desperately want her gone and are shitting their pants over her. lol

    Go Tiff!

  20. Just watching the first couple after darks and noticed something weird – Josea and Zakiyah have the exact same lower body. His legs and ass are exactly like hers.
    What’s with him showing off his dick wearing his underwear and sitting all over the house like that. Dude it’s gross.

  21. When will James grow up? I am not fond of Victor but he is correct in being upset about wasting food. Plus with the bug situation in that house and the fact that some of them do not believe in showering, placing food in the sleeping area is an awful, stupid and gross idea! Production needs to put a stop to this immediately!! Only a pea-brained, moron would think that is remotely funny. What’s next, bed bugs??? James is disturbed and disturbing!!! I will never understand the love for that little turd as he is #1n in fan fave voting. That just blows my mind. Next to Paul and Frankie Grande he is the grossest, most sick minded HG to ever play the game. Get his butt out of there please and the sooner the better!!

    1. Yum, I agree with a lot of what you’re saying as far as wasting food and putting food in bedrooms; how they haven’t had roaches yet is amazing. However, James is not disturbed, a little bit of a sick f@ck every now and then, but please DO NOT compare him with Frankie Sparkles. James served in the military – what the hell has Frankie ever done? Piggybacked off his half-sister’s fame and that’s about it.

  22. I just noticed on BBAD that everyone has their toothbrushes in one cup. Eww ick eww!! I’ll take a swig out of a friend’s beer, but toothbrushes need to be kept apart. Won’t even share mine with my better half. That just skeeved me out.
    Just had to get that off my chest!

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