Beth – lines are drawn next week.. it’s a f**ing free for all

9:44 am Houseguests begin to get up for the day. The Power of Veto competition will be happening so expect longer than normal feed outages.
Head of Household: Austin
Nominations: Josh and Kiefer
The Power of Veto Players are : Kiefer (picked Tera), Josh (Picked Tina), Victoria
POwer of Veto Winner : Kiefer

1:00 pm Vicotria and Keifer
Vic tells him Austin is 50/50
Kiefer says he has the votes if up against Josh.
Vic – the house will do what she says
K – I don’t think so
Vic mentions that yesterday she was being told josh was the target today she’s being told it’s 50/50

2:20 pm Latoya  and Jedson
L – let’s keep our eyes and ears open. I’m not going to lie to you.. like, this morning in the Expedia room. You kinda made a comment ohh Josh thinks he was the one that flipped the house saying no we were the ones.. Don’t even say that Kyle is listening and watching everything
L – You’re not on his radar (Kyle) to be targeted
J – I talked to Kyle.. he said in the past Alpha males target each other.. that’s what he said.
J – I was like I’m not going to gun for you if you don’t gun for me.. he was alike Alright
L – I don’t want RO on the block I don’t want RO to go home this week I think that after this week things really change and we all need to talk more. Not together we all need to keep checking with each other and make sure we’re still good. Next HOH one of us HAS to win.

J – We have a good shot. We are all playing that’s six people potentially winning it.
L – you sure Beth is good
J – 100% Beth is good
L – She thinks I don’t trust her
J – she just thinks.. I don’t know.. I guess she does think you don’t trust her.

Victoria opens the door.
Victoria – I just want to say I really want to work with you both. I am proposing a final four with us and Ti that is my dream what is what I see. That’s how I am feeling I just wanted you guys to know that. I know what I am looking for I don’t want time to go by without you knowing where my brain is at. I am a gut person I go with how I feel you are smart logical and strong. My think I am going to try and win this veto to show you guys I’m a… OK…

L – OK we’ll talk..
Victoria leaves.
L _ it’s getting hard because when I am pulled into rooms like I was with Kyle, Ro, and Tera and they are giving me all this information and I know different. And they are asking me to be in an alliance. I can’t.. and then like I’m trying not to compromise the person and the player I want to be
J – You don’t want to lie
L – people are probably watching saying GIRL just lie… lie..

Beth joins them.
L – people have no idea we are so unsuspecting Beth it’s crazy
Beth – they have no clue
L – they have no idea and if they have an idea they are totally wrong.

They all think the teams are done this week.
L – Do you want to fight against Ro or Kief?

They talk about how Josh has no idea why he is on the block.
J – you are on the block because you targeted her verbally. If she doesn’t know who she is putting up she does now.

3:00 pm Jed and Austin
Austin says at the beginning of the week she had no idea who to nominate. She complains about Kiefer sucking up with people. Austin mentions that Kiefer is such a fan that he might want to do something crazy and target her.
Jed says Kiefer heard Austin wants him out more than Josh so he’s freaking out.
Jed told Kiefer even if Austin wants him out the house wants JOsh.
Austin – who would he target who will he go after
J – I’m not too sure.. He has no chance of winning the HOH
They go on about Kiefer trying so hard whereas Josh is on the other end of the spectrum being standoffish

They agree they love Latoya
Austin – she’s bad a$$
L – She’s a bad A$$ b!tch
They talk about her muscles
J – it’s so sick.. she’s a strong woman.
They bring up Tina being pissed that Josh picked her for POV because he thinks she’s weak.

A – I don’t know what would happen if your team won.
Jed has no idea. Austin thinks it could be Tina/Kyle .
J – it wouldn’t have been you.. it would have been Vic/Kyle/Tina/Terra one of those four..

3:20 pm Beth and Ty
B – I don’t think Kyle trusts me.. He doesn’t give me anything. Latoya said there for a reason right.. For sure..
Beth – I thought you guys had something string
TY – we haven’t talked recently ..
Tychon says they have nothing official there was that pretty boy’s thing
Beth – that’s done
Ty – yeah
Beth – we need Kief next week we need him on Jury. I can’t have him spiral
Beth – that is why it is important we keep the side things going so we get to Jury

Ty – Are you and Austin tight
B – I would have her as a number. I just have to be careful because she tells Breydon things. This alliance doesn’t leave my mouth.
Beth hopes it’s the same with Tychon. He says it is.
TY – it’s an unsuspecting alliance
B – it’s the best. we picked the people that would never mesh
TY – it’s so brilliant.
B – people suspect me Austin and Brey have something.. I’m fine with that I’m not going to stop hanging with people
TY – to avoid suspicion

They go on about having a perfect balance and picking off other people.
Beth brings up how they would manage Ro going on the block. Ty interrupts “Ro has people”
Beth – No .. yeah but also Kiefer can’t win anything.
Ty – Kiefer appears to be a free agent and he’s not a comp threat.
B – Kiefer can’t win anything and it’s been shown that he says things that offend people so keep him around.. in reality, we have something with him. I don’t want to see RO go yet
Ty – me either
B – Josh has to go this week
Beth – the wild cards are Kyle, Tera, Ro
Ty – Vic
Beth laughs “it would be a crazy week:
Ty laughs
(a crazy week = Vic wins HOH… this is my dream Victoria for HOH)

Tychon brings up how when you are in the house everything is being scrutinized. Mentions Kiefer making a joke about self-evicting.
Ty – IN this game everything is a big deal
B – Everything is under a magnifying glass
Ty – how you laughed at something how you cheered for something how you didn’t cheer for something. people will find whatever they can and hold onto it.
Ty – Julie VU pulled me aside and she was like You didn’t say I was one of the girls that were hot I was like…
Makes a face (See image)
Beth laughs
Ty – ok
B – she had to go she was so bad for our game.. I mean you weren’t even flirting and she as pissed at us
Ty – the looks I would get it was bad
B – holy f*** .. she was a major threat. I’m glad she went over Josh and now Josh is being extra annoying.. so f** i hope he goes..

Beth laughs if the team twist continues the defenders will get wiped out. They mention the other team was dysfunctional from day one. They go on about how bloody it will get taking out the other side.
Tychon laughs at how annoying Josh and how his stories are boring.
Beth – his conversations are about why the sky’s blue.
(In previous conversations between Jed/Latoya it was mentioned how painful Josh’s stories are. They go over some of his stories and laugh.. Common trends are driving and parties with a good vibe)

They talk about telling Austin they’ll stick with the four. (a fake alliance)
Ty – you, her, and Jed?
B – yeah, She will tell Breydon stuff so watch what you say.
Tychon says it’s impossible to have 2 six-person alliances.
Beth – dude..
Feeds cut.. When we’re back.
Ty – both our names were in fishy alliances that never materialized.. Who else has numbers?
Beth doesn’t think anyone has numbers.
Ty – does anyone else have big numbers
Beth – I don’t think so
Ty – we have Kief and Tina who are older.. no one will ever think
Beth says that Vic was saying that Jed and Latoya have a thing
Ty – no they didn’t
Beth – Vic talks

Ty – everyone is very game-focused.
Beth – that’s what scary dude
They laugh about how this year everyone is fighting to win the money.
Ty – Everyone wants that money.. what could you use more than 100 grand right now..
They laugh about how They are all struggling financially because of Covid so they all are fighting to win.
Beth – lines are drawn next week.. it’s a f**ing free for all, If I win what am I doing
Ty – out Breydon and Ro up if they are still here (if its teams)
They agree if it’s not teams they can out up Kief and Ro. Beth is worried Kief will be pissed.
B – Tera will spiral if she sees her name
Ty – I can see her losing her f*ing mind
Beth suggests it’s someone in their six to put up and tell them to keep their cool.

8:30 pm Feeds have been down for hours.

9:18 pm Feeds return. Latoya and Tina going on about how nobody suspects them.
L – I’m going to start hanging around Breydon that will really throw things off
Tina – Kyle, and Breydon

9:20 pm Kiefer wins the Power Of Veto

9:35 pm Tera, Beth, Kyle, Breydon
Talking about Julie coming up with an alliance called the “west coast warriors”
Tera leaves. Rohan joins them..
Kyle – If you go up you’ll be OKay
Rohan – there’ a pretty good chance I’m going up

Rohan – that’s fine I’ll take a hit.
Rohan – We’re smoking darts when she names me the replacement nominee
Kyle – Yeah I’ll have a dart with you

Rohan – the block king baby

9:49 pm Josh and Tera
The talk about the Power of Veto competition. It involved a wheelbarrow. Tera says she’s never used a wheelbarrow before.
JOsh says people cheered for every single person but him.
Tera says the same happened to her, “don’t take things personally.. It doesn’t feel great”
Tera says anticipated having moments of feeling insecure in the house because she is older and has kids. She’s in a different headspace than the younger people.

9:57 pm Rohan, Kyle and Kiefer
Rohan and Kyle telling Kiefer they feel like outsiders. Keifer says he feels like an outsider “I was on the f**Ing block dude.. 100% I would be loyal”

Tera joins them they start talking about the comp

4 thoughts to “Beth – lines are drawn next week.. it’s a f**ing free for all”

  1. I don’t like Kiefer winning veto.
    I have nothing against Kiefer.
    I don’t like the alliance he’s in very much (from strategy view they’re great, but from how they talk with each other i just get skeeved).
    I wanted to see them sweat.

    1) If Kiefer is fool enough not to use veto, vote him out. not using veto on yourself is dumb.
    2) If Kiefer uses the veto, vote out Josh so we don’t have to have more Joshing. They actually CALL it joshing.

    What shocks me: it wasn’t an individual time comp. it was either run all together or in heats, and was not a knock out.
    Rohan has surmised he’s renom (but thinks it is because LaToya and Austin have a deal from the HOH comp).

    1. Today in a Nutshell:
      Kyle should let Rohan do the talking. Telling the girls he would target Jed and Tay? To LaToya? I could practically see the cartoon puff of smoke as she jetted to tell Jed.
      I still say LaToya is way to micromanaging for my taste.
      Austin is easily led and gullible even without Breydon giving her bad reads.
      Josh. Shouldn’t have gone back for that last wheelbarrow run, dude.
      Terrror… yeah, the more you talk the more I see why Christmas is your favorite.

      1. Dear Holly,
        When you go up to Terror to complain about the worst thing that has happened in the house yet this season…
        Make it something more earthshattering than:
        Josh hugged me.


  2. The feeds seem to be off more than they’re on. I’ve been watching feeds since season one and now they’ve ruined it. On off on off on off.
    They seem to go off for no reason. Unless their reason is to get people to stop watching.

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