“You think anybody will have a big secret to reveal tomorrow night?”

HOH Part 1 Of 3: Monte Vs Turner Vs Taylor
Part 1 Winner: TURNER

HOH Part 2 Of 3: Monte Vs Taylor
Part 2 Winner: Monte

HOH Part 3 Of 3: Turner Vs Part 2 Winner
Final HOH Winner: ?

9:00 am Houseguests given their wakeup call.

9:30 am Monte is up Turner and Taylor Sleeping.

10:00 am zzzzzzzz

11:00 am Monte and Turner
Monte has been spending a junk of the morning looking at the memory wall.
Monte – You think anybody will have a big secret to reveal tomorrow night?
Turner – I bet there’s a few little ones.
Turner thinks Michael might have something as well as Brittany. They agree Terrerance is who he says he is.
Turner – Maybe Kyle. I could see Kyle making a lot of money. He said he made a good amount from his IT startup that he made.
Monte – even off of TIK TOK he said he doesn’t monetize it which just seems .. if that is what you are doing all damn day. It’s hard to believe you aren’t taking at least one deal.. you know.
Turner – yeah
Monte – Joe might. There might be something but low likelihood. I don’t think Alyssa either. Taylor?
Monte – I don’t think so
Turner – I don’t think so but I wouldn’t be shocked.
Turner – you got any secrets?
Monte – no dude..
they laugh

They move to general chit chat..

12:20 pm Feeds cut to pound
1:10 pm Feeds

1:40pm Still kittens.

2:08pm – 4:40pm The feeds return.. Monte staring off into the distance in the living room while Turner sleeps on the other cam. Taylor is sleeping in the bathroom. Monte then starts packing his suitcase. Turner soon after starts packing his bag. Taylor packs her bag. They’re all getting ready to leave the house tomorrow.

5pm Kitchen – Turner and Taylor going over the past comps / events of the season.

5:15pm Bedroom – Taylor is quizzing Monte in the bedroom. How many vetos did Kyle play? How many vetos did Michael play? Who played in OTEV? What was Brittany’s eviction vote? First Female HOH? What female has the most HOHs? Etc. Taylor – Turner is doing a good job. Monte – with? Taylor – learning. We’ve been rehearsing longer. (In other words Taylor is trying to hint at Monte to not take Turner to the final two.)

5:35pm Cards…

5:47pm – 7:38pm Cards in the bedroom. They chat about random things while they play.

8:30pm – 9:01pm Monte, Turner and Taylor cheers to being final 3. They sit around the kitchen table drinking wine and cider chatting. They talk about how big Brittany’s ring was and wonder if it was fake. Turner – Jasmine said that her ring was 10 racks and it was nothing compared to that thing. That thing was f**king huge! Monte – that was a big rock. Turner – 50 racks. Monte – for that? Turner – yeah. Monte – I could believe it. Taylor – go Steven. Turner – if there wasn’t a day left I think I would be going f**king insane right now. Monte – especially if we didn’t have the yard. Taylor – yeah we would have gone bat sh*t.

9:50pm – 10:48pm Turner is now sleeping in the back bedroom. Back in the kitchen, Taylor and Monte are studying the days, events, comps of the season.

10:50pm Kitchen – Monte and Taylor.
Monte – its just going to be ah .. I am just trying to figure out when if any time before I make the decision or before I say it .. Do I approach him and let him know? Or give him a heads up or you know?! I don’t think I have ever, or since the Ameerah vote .. that is probably the only time I’ve withheld my true intentions or been very indirect about it… and then flipped or something. But.. its almost as if like I saw how he handled it with Alyssa.. like he definitely didn’t tell her beforehand. He waited until the goodbye message and let things be from there. He was okay with it to come out and her to just be shocked by that. I am just trying to figure out how to handle it. He really .. he really expects me to pick him so .. oh man! Taylor – oh Monte… you don’t have to hold back. Monte wipes away tears and then Big Brother switches the feeds away and then back. Monte – that is why I don’t want it to just be a big shock to him because I can just imagine in that moment on live tv.. like.. having all the expectations and then for that to be closed live and in that moment. Taylor – you’re not that person. Monte – no. I mean he is going to be fine but I don’t look forward to that. I am going to make sure I go in and win and control my own fate. But having to tell him that .. I am just trying to figure out how to tell him. Most people before they go out the have an idea but I don’t think he has any idea.

11pm – 12:25am Monte heads to bed. Taylor heads to the bathroom. Taylor – I am absolutely devastated that I didn’t win that second part HOH and take myself to the part 3 of the final comp. Now I have to rely on men whos resumes are stronger mine .. whos relationships are stronger than mine on the jury. I have to rely on men to take me to the end when it meant everything for me to put myself there. I put myself in final 3 which is something but not being in the very end and having my fate rest in two men is just not the game I came to play. Going against Monte and Turner seems impossible but there is always something there… but manipulation, and lies and deceit does not work with either of these two. I am locked in with Monte. Turner needs to understand …that he needs to choose me over Monte. He just needs to understand that. And the only way that Turner maybe understands that is if I throw Monte under the bus and tell Turner that Monte is locked in with me. But maybe if Monte tells Turner that he won’t take him .. maybe that is when I swoop in and tell Turner that he only wins this game sitting next to me. They just can’t sit next to each other. I deserve a shot at advocating for myself.

12:30am Lays chips

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Turner or Monte Win this season to save the season

Just looking forward to how mad Alyssa and Brittany will be when they see the final 2 are Monte and Turner. (If they take each other to final 2)


I don’t think they’ll be that mad. They knew it was headed that direction and were frustrated that no one would work with them to stop it. If anything expect a big I told ya so to Taylor when she joins jury


I concur.


Turner will take Monte, but Monte is taking Taylor. Monte was telling Taylor last night in the feeds when Turner was in the Diary Room that he hopes Turner will forgive him for breaking his word. He said Turner’s mom and girlfriend are BB fans and maybe they can help Turner understand. Monte said he thinks Turner will understand later that he, Monte, has to “represent” meaning two POC in the end. I was pulling for Monte but I am so over this reverse racist crap. GO TURNER

Turner or Monte Win this season to save the season

well in that case. I pray turner wins final hoh


I highly recommend that you never talk about big brother again. I told you that the pointless risk was was the monumental brain fart of Monte wanting to take Taylor for an agenda. Now look he wants to take Taylor and lose and your praying to Jesus Christ hoping for a miracle. Maybe you should go to Jun, Dr. Will, Derrick, Tyler, Nicole, and Dan all these other players that threw part three and tell them to their face that they shouldn’t play big brother bc they gave up part 3. It clearly hasn’t registered with you that players in the past have given up part three so they don’t have to get blood on their hands especially in the case when they’re guaranteed for F2. I mean all those players I mentioned just handed that thing on a platter to the other players. You were acting like I don’t know what I’m talking about being ignorant. Go look at Jun season 4 she wrote 1 million for a tie breaker answer for a reason so I dare you to go out up to her and tell her that she shouldn’t play big brother because she threw part three. In this case Monte can throw it to to Turner bc he is guaranteed F2 and he will dominate Turner who has bad jury management. If Monte he wins he’s taking Taylor and now you’re praying on your knees begging that Turner wins it. Funny how irony and karma works out. I bet your hoping Monte throws it now. Like I said there is a time and place to throw part 3. This clearly is the time for it to happen if your Monte.


Now I bet your hoping Monte throw part 3 now.


How do you know “represent” doesn’t mean represent for strength. If he takes Taylor it’s because Brittany changed his mind that Turner may be a stronger competitor.


If that DOES happen( Turner not being taken to final 2 because of a POC agenda), not only will I no longer watch BB, but I will take the word racism in a whole different light now & unfortunately view those who are POC as anti white., so no longer will I empathize with them. So, indirectly, Kyle WAS right, because there is an underlying agenda to take POC to the end whether they were deserving or not. I understand that there is still racism in the world, but to constantly bring it into every thing that POC participate in is just a poor excuse for not being able to accomplish it on your own merit beyond skin color. Sad to see. And to think that the POC, including Monte, were the ones that were a big part of the so called ” bullying” of Taylor. What she experienced she brought on herself by her choice to exclude herself from the girls & constantly flaunt herself in front of the guys. What she experienced has always been a part of BB…if you don’t work on your social game, you many times get pushed aside. Funny, because Brittany experienced a lot of the same things Taylor did & no one seems to notice THAT. But Brittany at least TRIED to play the game & be social, as opposed to Taylor who was in bed a good amount of time. , or more concerned about getting booze & sex, & making ” good tv”, not about playing the game. But, I could care less now…my BB days are over. It has become a lame, boring, senseless program with senseless, idiotic gameplayers. ( Sidenote: my significant other is a POC , along with many of my friends , who ALL agree with me!! They are all successful & earned their success WITHOUT using their race as a weapon ( excuse) to try & get ahead…& I am extremely proud of ALL of them!)


You have described this season and last season and basically what is going on everywhere perfectly! Why would you not want to earn something on your own merits than have it given to you because of your skin color? There has been racism and it still exists but not with everyone and those that aren’t racist shouldn’t be punished or accused of being racist because of things from the past. We should learn from it and make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Daisy may123

How can we learn from it when they throw the cook out in our faces every season? That to bb is not racist so we have to swallow it

The Kats Meow

If a TV show makes you treat POC differently or makes you assume they are anti-white. You already had those thoughts in your head, own it. Stop you trying to use Big Brother as your excuse for conducting yourself in reality. Topping it off with I have friends who are people of color or I date someone who is a person of color, is a classic ridiculous argument used to excuse yourself from your own ugly behaviors. You sound like a child. Offense intended.


I totally agree! I’m a white person, and I absolutely love Jasmines huge melons. She wasn’t given the time to let those puppies out in the house like she deserved. Regardless of your skin color, you should be allowed to let it all hang out in the BB house. I lost my breathe several times staring at those suckers, literally took my breath away. I’d have to gasp for air coming up from under those enormous balloons. I love all POC. Especially Jasmine. She didn’t get a fair shake, and she shook those knockers….a lot.




Very well said! Racism should be avoided and not encouraged. So sick of the open agenda in BB. Turner for the win.


He won’t win. 2 blacks at the end would be yet again epic!


I agree with you 1000%. BB has become a lame, worthless show which is a far far cry from the real skill and strategy that was in play when Michael started watching when he was 8.

I haven’t watched for ten years because it’s so boring, but lucked out to turn on the TV in the very early weeks and saw Michael and knew this was going to be worth watching.

Taylor, in D/R stated she wants to represent her race. Really? Is using sex for a ticket to 750K the way she wants her race to think is a good thing?

I would feel good if Monte wins 750K and then we can, at long last, close out a horrible season, as usual. Except for The Comp King becoming a new BB legend!!!!


I hope I’m doing this right 1st time. Unfortunately I have to agree about the direction TV has been going. I started watching Big Brother last season and
was very upset to hear the POC starting in talking how they had to stay together
after that I stopped watching I tried this season but it turned out to be the same.
I believe in ALL colors,religions etc. I feel that people need to work together and not against each other. I started watching these shows for relaxation not politics!!


There is a history to put this—and last—season in context. The reason the black players last year formed the cookout was, for whatever reason, black players historically just happened to be evicted early on thus couldn’t win BB. It was unquestionably racial but that doesn’t make it racist. Or political. Taken across seasons it was leveling the field even if it seemed “unfair” for the non-black players in that season (23). That’s everyday life for every minority, both unconsciously—and sometimes deliberately. This season some choices were made with race as a factor but to my recollection no one said “I can’t play with them/allow them to win because they are black (or white)”. Thank goodness.


It sucks that POC are finally fighting back against white people. White people don’t get to benefit from the system anymore, it’s hard I know. I hope you find a therapist to discuss your feelings with.


lol, the whining though. hee hee How will the show continue without these tender trolls?



Rocker Heather

Wow, this is the best comment all season! Thank you for validating my feelings in a way I couldn’t express myself. What a frustrating development at the end game. Rooting for Turner because of all of this, who I don’t even like that much.


Thank you!!! Glad to see so many agree with me. I think BB is about to close for good…& that’s what CBS gets for allowing such bigoted behavior. Good riddance!


They have been allowing bigoted behavior for years. When i watched last many years ago, a poor black girl was being brutally verbally harassed. And yet, the show went on..

Avid watcher

Why argue???


Check out the definitions of narcissism. One involves thinking the world revolves around your every whim.

Avid watcher

Why don’t you all just watch the The Little House on the Prairie? Or MASH? Or the Andy Griffith Show? You won’t have to worry about production interrupting your agenda if unfairly treating PONC.


L j

Based on your long post (whether you know it or not) you are racist. I don’t believe for one minute you have a POC partner or friend. It’s just the line that racists use to justify their warped thinking and spewing their hate filled words. Plus, Monte never said he has to “represent”. Show the receipts. Just because he will take Taylor to F2, you and so many others on this site are creating your own vile and racist narratives. Admit it, you can’t stand the fact that another black person is going to more than likely win Big Brother and AFP. It makes your bigoted blood boil just thinking about it. Get over yourselves and get out of the 1950s way of thinking. PEACE OUT…


FACTS! 100%


All T M is saying is after this entire season of promising Turner F2, Monte will now take Taylor solely based on the criteria of race. T M is not racist, just upset that it’s simply a ridiculous reason to take someone to F2. If Monte had said it’s because I’m sure I have better jury presence than Taylor, that’s game play. But just because she’s a POC is symbolic of how bad BB has become.


I’m going to be quiet before I hurt someone’s feelings yah did it 22 years and in reality we still slaves stfu who cares if you never watch again period


Doesn’t feel good does it? Imagine dealing with that in the real world just because you are a POC!!!! We been dealing with injustice, Slavery, Jim Crow, Civil Rights , Apartheid and many other things! You’re mad over a TV show! You it’s not right or fair huh???

Avid watcher

You look so dumb right now…

Daisy may123

Word for word I’m with you all the way. Everything you just said is true and I too am giving up big brother because of the race issue. It’s too much, like bringing back the cook out is that their only claim to fame? I am really upset that bb ran with the Kyle story line and made him out to be so racist! Other bb alums are out on other shows trying to make a name for themselves not sitting on their asses I was part of the cook out remember us the all black alliance on bb. I’m done too.


Blah blah blah.. it’s okay when they all hang up and “unconsciously ” target the poc.


It’s ironic how those promoting the term reverse racism don’t realize that it inherently implies and admits that the FORWARD motion of racism has always been towards POC. In turn, reversing it would mean undoing it.

Well then, thank you very much for unwittingly contributing to progress!

I was attacked last night in my home, but I fought back and made the perpetrator retreat. I reverse attacked!


I wish I could agree with you but Taylor proves you wrong. In the D/R she states she wants to represent girls of her race. And then she has sex to get closer to the 750K. Can you tell me what kind of message that sends?

I liked her for the first half of the season, then lost all respect for her. What are girls of her race supposed to think watching her having sex with Monte, who she disliked most of the season, so he’d keep her closer to the money?


You didn’t address my point. I think you’re trolling by throwing in this old tired narrative about Taylor. Unless perhaps you are actually a minor.


Old and tired? Do you actually have a TV? The sex for the ticket to 750K happened a short 2 weeks ago!

And I’m hardly a minor!


Bro, why are you so obsessed with her having sex with Monte, why aren’t you talking about Monte having sex with her? She didn’t have sex to get closer to $750,000, she had sex because she wanted to feel close to something and she was in the mood. Newsflash, women have urges just like men.

The Kats Meow

Maybe someone who looked like Taylor stole her “man/woman.” Sh*t at this point none of these Taylor has sex comments make sense. I’ve yet to see any of these same commentators ragging on the pool floaty f*ckers. One of which had a bf back home. She chased and threw herself at Kyle for 3 weeks before they mutually had 10 second sex. Imagine if a guy in the house had acted like that, he’s be kicked off the show and arrested. But you’re right, it’s real strange that everytime she’s questioned about Monte’s part in wanting sex, she’s silent. All these vestel virgins clutching their pearls crack me up. Go get laid


The floatie kids was just cute and stemmed from a genuine liking for each other. The relationship built over the summer and money was not part of the equation.


The point you’re missing is that all season Monte disliked Taylor and if you saw the Brittany eviction episode you’d know Monte expressed his dislike for the person she is, cold and witchy. OK, so he got seduced, it happens, but Taylor knew exactly what she was doing when she slept with him for the road to the money. If you approve of that, it’s your right.

The Kats Meow

Oh stop lying just to keep your I hate Taylor bs going lol. He hated her at the beginning of the season over that Paloma crap. Once they were in the leftovers alliance, that whole group got to know each other and moved on from the earlier petty lies that were told by the other ladies. I don’t know your age so I won’t assume you’re having a “senior moment,” but I do think you have selective memory either based on your woody for Taylor. They had been flirting with each other all week and the morning they had sex was mutual teasing until they both decided to do it. Monte is an adult man with an ego the size of a Mack truck, he wasn’t seduced into putting his d*ck in someone he hated. He wanted her, just as much as she did him. I know it’s hard to hear, but people who are attracted to each other have sex. The fight they had over her headphones and her benign comment about his goddaughter lasted about 12 hours, before they were back to ass grabs, kisses and more sex. Have an opinion/argument based on substance. Do better.


Because the sex with Monte was her brain child. Sure he went along with it, absolutely.
But it’s creation and purpose was Taylor’s. Monte wouldn’t have initiated sex with her because they never liked each other all season.


LC you are out of line.

Avid watcher

They just need someone to talk to because no one else will listen.


Whoa Nelly. In that case I definitely hope Turner wins the final comp, fingers and toes crossed. And if Monte does take Taylor to the final 2 I hope it bites him in the ass and loses, it would serve him right !

Turner for the last comp win !




I love invented stuff on BB boards.


Bullshit but yah been doing it for 22 years


I had been rooting for Monte but this is completely a game changer for me. It’s pathetic that this is what BB has come to.

If Monte actually wins HOH 3 and takes Taylor, he deserves to lose to her. Which he will.


Okay, so if it’s “reverse racist crap” now, was it forward racist crap all the times white people took white people to final two? I’m not saying Monte tossing out the significance of a POC final two is all together sincere, but what I’m over is whiney people always backlashing with ‘playing the race card’ or ‘reverse racism’ complaints and moans whenever a black person highlights their motivation to promote their presence or culture. White people don’t need to do the same, because it’s done for them, historically. But if you don’t see that, then how about this: I’ll get over it when you get over it.

oh dude

Monte should have listened to Taylor… he should have picked Brittany.


I’m not even going to watch.. I can’t believe that BB allowed Taylor to spew her racist s#!t as much as she did and then allow Kyle to be put thru hell for telling people that the HG’s are planning THEIR racist BS like last year and HE gets dragged over the coals for it!


Go monte and taylor!!!!!Taylor!!!!!!
White people have won for, let’s see……… 20 plus seasons….. I’m loving the POC thing!!!! Not reverse racism, just time!

Paul Sucks

Think Taylor would be more upset if Monte wins and takes Turner.


She would definitely take Turner, but she’d win.

The Ghost Of Tupac

I ain’t mad at ya.


It’s what she expects!

orwell the out of work bbad owl

Hopefully the Pound makes it to the final two. Turner and Monte are the one’s that made the most crucial moves this season. It would be a fitting end to this good but not great season.


But how mad are you right now. LOL! Are you waking up at odd hours clicking ‘zero’ Monte on the rankings?

Captain Kirk

“Monte – You think anybody will have a big secret to reveal tomorrow night?
Turner – I bet there’s a few little ones”

Can we ask Taylor (and Alyssa —(keeping it “fair and balanced”….lol) about whether any previously held “secret” was either “big” or “little ones” ??? I’m sure they both have a story to tell, but likely VERY BORING, And honestly, do we really care??

But not exactly sure WHY contestants even lie or misrepresent to others in the house what they do on the outside. Seems SILLY.

And the practice seems to push the agenda that “it’s okay” to lie, cheat, misrepresent, steal (even half a muffin), and so on.


Monte’s question is a good one.

I wonder if Michael will reveal that he is a member of Mensa.


Certain professions make you look manipulative, insincere, and/or undeserving. Generally speaking I think saying that you’re a doctor, lawyer, cop, or pageant queen is a mistake. I also understand players lying about their age to be closer to contestants average age and attempt to fit in more

The Kats Meow

Monte seems overly worried about how the jury would vote. Turner does not beat him in any way shape or form. They may be mad at Monte because they’re sitting in jury and he’s not. But Turner they are actually angry at him as a person (which I believe is stupid.) Both know that they won’t win against Taylor, so I doubt it’s even a thought to take her F2. She’s gonna be the well dressed 9th jury member

The Ghost Of Tupac

No way Monte is winning against Turner. I doubt Taylor even for that matter. Turner is the winner no doubt.


I sure hope not!!




He is one of the last people who should get that money because I envision him getting in trouble with the money like Adam


i don’t see that happening..


Nah, don’t even think he’ll be one of the 3 who gets the most votes for AFP. I really really think Michael will get the AFP title.

Kyle turned out to be not that likable or worthy.


Taylor is going to get AFP. Both Beyoncé and Rihanna have tweeted to their millions of fans to vote for Taylor.


F no!


Seriously? Well, everyone’s entitled to an opinion. I voted for Michael—one of the best BB players I’ve seen in years. Only made one serious mistake but it was a doozy & it cost him his game…


There’s a lot of secrets left to come out for sure. Jasmine is carrying two secrets in that big ass bra she wears.




Dude I made myself laugh out loud with that one!


How can anyone stand to watch the feeds at this point? It’s 8:15PM BB time & Monte is shuffling cards, Taylor is silently puttering in the kitchen & Turner is staring off into space. Think I’ll go watch some paint dry. It’s more entertaining.


I agree. I’d rather watch Jasmines big balloons float in the pool in JH.


eh, this is usually what it’s like at the end.


Haha! Thanks for the humor. It’s getting tense here.


Always that way. CBS was smart in shortening the time during Finals.

Personally I think they should dump the “reminisce” show in favor of 1) a montage of unaired scenes from the back yard, 2) an extended jury house segment, and 3) a more substantial start of the HoH competition rather than the opening two minutes. Maybe five minutes?

BB Sista

I feel in my soul that Monte is just telling Taylor that and he throws HOH to Turner so it’s not on him to evict her. Just my thoughts…


Gosh I hope so, please !!


I don’t think Monte strategizes that way. He wants to win this HOH too badly.


I have to eat my words. I previously said you should never throw a comp, I was adamant. But now Monte *should* throw it to Turner knowing Turner would choose him over Taylor for F2. Thus saving Monte from evicting Taylor resulting in not getting her jury vote cuz she’d be pissed big time.


I don’t think Monte could or should trust Turner to not just throw him to the jury!


If this is so, Monte is sounding very believable that he’s taking Taylor. I suspect he’s been going back and forth all weekend in his brain about who he’ll take!

Surf all day

In all honesty, this season seems rigged. Taylor was sought after and brought on the show. She said in earlier weeks of the season how production wanted her on the show. Supposedly she wasn’t supposed to deal with the crap she was going through. I totally
agree, the bullying was ridiculous. But, every single time Taylor is on her way out the door, someone magically changes their mind and she stays or is saved. Monte literally could make it to the end and probably win. He can prove that the game can be won by a POC without using the Cookout’s strategy. Now, all of a sudden he’s changing his mind and want to take Taylor because she’s a strong black woman. I agree that she is a strong, intelligent woman. Was Taylor treated mean and horrible? Yes. Do she deserve to win BB24? No. She got this far because she was carried and there were bigger fish to fry. Both of her HOHs were taken over by Monte and/ or Kyle. None of her targets (Alyssa &Turner) got evicted on her HOHs. A Caucasian lady and African American man won The Challenge this season and it had NOTHING to do with race or color. Damn, just let a game show be a game show. People who are stuck on black/white hate need to grow up. Life is too freaking short. It’s over two-thousand years of existence as we know it and people are still pushing this racist hate bullsh!t.


If it unfolds that Monte takes Taylor to F2, I will agree with you that things have gone on behind the scenes by production to make her win.

I’m still questioning how Michael’s rope could possibly have been one of two that broke during a crucial DE. That’s when I thought, this was rigged.


Cut the BS! Monte should take Taylor! He knows he can’t beat Turner! Did you see the Jury segment! Even Jasmine was impressed by Turner! They all mentioned Turner! He has Kyle, Alyssa, Michael, Brittany, Indy, Maybe Jasmine! Monte had Joe n Terrance maybe! Terrance doesn’t like Monte or Taylor!

Michaels Cat

He can’t beat Taylor either!

Surf all day

Agree! Turner’s only chance is against Monte. They equally have people in jury that’s not crazy about them.

Surf all day

Cut the BS?? How mature of you. It will be a shocking surprise if Jasmine, Indy and especially Micheal, vote for Turner. Especially after talkative Britney, tells them things Turner has said about them. That’s three votes too many to lose. This is a bitter jury. As a matter of fact, most of them were bitter houseguest. So you think they will be reasonable jurors? Good luck with that.


Well said!! I agree!! And you are SO right!! I have seen MANY different reality shows where blacks( and other races) have won solely on playing well & were very deserving to win!! No need to do a “cookout” type action or bring up their race…& I completely respect that & am happy to see them win!! So, it goes to prove that race does NOT have to be, nor should be, a factor in ANY of this!!

Surf all day

Thank you!! I’m glad someone gets it.

Julie Chen

Lgbt finalists: 3 (up to 5 if rumor and post season declaration is to be believed)
What’s the rumor? Monte is bi? Gay?

un autre nom

that was from something I wrote a couple of days ago giving historical parameters.
The 3 lgbt finalists andy15, kaycee 20, couch23.
finalist declaration was i believe paul 18/19 (i don’t remember if it was a declaration of non-binary or if it was bi… sorry, I’m not a paul follower and don’t care). finalist rumor was josh (19), who has had rumors since cast reveal of his season, but only rumors.


Monte is not LGBTQ.

Now the Pooch-Joseph thing had me going “Say, what?!” ‘cause Joseph doesn’t read as gay/bi—just someone who comes from a culture that (I believe) is accustomed to & comfortable with physical male peer contact. Pooch wasn’t on camera long enough for me to assess. But Monte reads as very straight.

It's me

I think Joseph is gay


Turner is bi. Monte is straight.

It's me

I think Joseph is gay

It's me

Why is it so cold in the house??????


I was wondering that too! I live in Oregon and we don’t cover up with blankets our legs in the summer! All of these people do.


It’s California. Plenty of electricity for them.

The Kats Meow

Because the show is filmed on a sound lot. Basically a glorified warehouse with a yard. It’s not a real home like the jury houses is. Big lots like that stay cold.

It's me

Michael will NEVER vote for Turner. Michael still bitter Turner voted him out.
Michael using the excuse he is not voting for Turner because Turner did not take the credit for voting him out.
Michael know EXACTLY what is is doing and saying.
Michael is a member of Mensa


Speaking of Mensa, remember when Kyle & Alyssa were talking about going to Europe but didn’t know their ass from their elbow about basic geography !!! “Is Greece a city or a country” “London is in France, right ?” This convo went on for 10 minutes OMFG.


Haha! I agree, a lighthearted funny BB moment!


Was Turner able to vote when Michael got evicted? Wasn’t he HOH?


He was HOH

It's me

He put Michael up as a replacement. Turner said I have to open up first place, meaning if Michael did not go during double eviction, Michael would win.


I think when Turner was giving his speech about why he was putting Terrance and Ameerah on the block, he said he was the youngest houseguest this season. Who is the youngest houseguest to win BB? Who is the oldest? By the way, I think that move by Turner was the biggest game changer on BB this season.


All the misogynists are losing their shit over Monte’s dilemma right now. The incels must be clicking the cancel Monte button on repeat. So funny.


Anybody see the Twitter feed. Everyone of the houseguests including Daniel and Nicole, Jasmine,Indy,Kyle, Michael, Ameerah, absolutely gushing over Taylor, her fantastic growth as a player and a wonderful person and a girls girl.. She goes to final ,she wins. If Monte wants to win he needs to pick Turner.


Yes! Unfortunately Taylor is the obvious jury pick so I hope the boys take each other!

Geraldine Perry

I think Taylor should win…

Michaels Cat

I don’t think she should win, but she will win if she is taken to final 2.


Disagree, Monte is the clear best winner IMO. However, whomever takes her to F2 loses.


They just finished with their goodbyes to the live feeders! Turner’s was the funniest

Daisy may123

Is bb going to be about color from now on? Only black people can win we will never have white people winning ever again. I am so over it, like bringing on the cook out is that going to be every season? Is that their only claim to fame being the cook out? Wow but I guess if you can run with it. I’ll finish with this season but this is one show that I won’t watch again. Good bye big brother


I have no problem with other races besides whites winning, but not in the manner that they did it. To me, it sends a message of” Well, we aren’t capable of winning any other way than to focus on race” which is such a copout & actually sad to see. Blaming others for you not succeeding is the easy way out & you aren’t truly a “winner”. But, if that is how they see it & want to do it fine…but I still think in future shows, it sets the stage for a possibility now of a mindset where race could be the focus & creating a much bigger divide in a bad way. Unfortunate, but you reap what you sow. Have fun with that future BB houseguests… it’s all fair game & sometimes there are negative consequences to what may seem like a progressive move…..expect the unexpected…..& don’t cry & whine over the fire you lit & then kept adding fuel to it. It may become an inferno that ends up destroying it completely for others.