“To all the random live feeders thank you for watching.”

HOH Part 1 Of 3: Monte Vs Turner Vs Taylor
Part 1 Winner: TURNER

HOH Part 2 Of 3: Monte Vs Taylor
Part 2 Winner: Monte

HOH Part 3 Of 3: Turner Vs Part 2 Winner
Final HOH Winner: ?

1:55 am Taylor alone in the bathroom

1:58 am Turner looking at the memory wall studying

2:20 am Taylor quizes Turner
“How many Vetos did Kyle win”
“First women win HOH first woman to win multiple HOH’s”

3:00 am Turner continues to study using the friendship bracelet thread.

3:50 am Monte takes a look at the memory wall before heading back to bed.
5:00 am – 9 am zzzzz

9:20 am Lights on Houseguest getting up
Monte joins Turner in the kitchen for a coffee. Says he slept horribly last night.
Monte – in 10 hours.. no .. is it 10 hours?
Turner – Yeah because 7 o’clock
Monte – 7 is when the show starts? It has to be 6 because 7 on the east coast would be 10.
Turner – I think it’s 6 to 8
Monte – well 10 hours we’ll be in the shit. Giving them hell, capping off the season right. Free.
Monte – Did they say there’s things we have to do after this?
Turner – that is what I heard. If could be different this season.
Monte – I wonder.. I don’t want to be bothered after this.
Turner – Same
Monte – I’m almost concerned they are putting us in Mexico to make sure we get things done..
Feeds cut.. (Mexico is code for the hotel they stayed at before the season started.)
WHen the feeds return it’s chit chat.
They talk about Michael and how dominate he was in the competitions.
Turner “He cream pied us”
They laugh
Monte- OTEV.. if I had known that back section was open ..
Turner – hell yeah
Monte – I felt like I could have won that thing But I didn’t know it was open.
TUrner – Brittany was laying them all out for him back there.
Monte – OHH really!
Turner – Taylor told me that last night.
Monte- Oh my god..
Turner – she was laying out every single one in the dry pool
Monte – WOW
Turner – here master let me help you
They laugh
Monte – Ohh my god.. I will take the L to make sure that
Feeds cut..

9:46 am Taylor has joined them.
They talk about how cold the house is.

9:56 am Turner, Taylor and MOnte
Turner – Thank you to ever single live feeder that stayed loyal no matter what. I don’t know it early on you thought you would watch these three faces the entire season but lo and behold you have. No matter how hard you struggle it’s going to happen.. t
Turner – I don’t know there you go.. umm.. ugh.. ummm.. I can’t address.. I’m malfunctioning. To all the random live feeders thank you for watching. Thank you for filling the pockets of just another corporation.. That’s awesome.. because of you I had a job this summer.
Turner – Shout out to my mom, my girlfriend, and all of my family that inspired me this entire season. Throughout all the comps, Social situations umm..
Turner – there’s a core group of people you know who you are that have inspired me through this summer. And Select few houseguests. Two of the people at this table included I knew I could go to whenever I was feeling down. Or if I just needed to CRY because Brittany was torturing me then I could just cry to them both. Thank you to everyone here and everyone home we love Ya.. and the live feeders.

Monte – To all the live feeders I just want to say thank you for tuning in and watching my ass and the rest of these clowns parading around the house and having fun. Sometimes it doesn’t even feel like we feel your presence all we see is the camera moving and we live our lives.
Monte – To all the live feeders that could have taken advantage of some moments where we were vulnerable and and were you say some things you maybe didn’t need to see I thank you for not sharing that with the internet. For the live feeders could have caught me sliping on some things… I thank you for not sharing. For those that did for entertainment purposes I understand.
Monte – I hope one of us three are your favorite. I hope you enjoyed this season because we sure as hell have.

Taylor – WELL FEEDAS Look what you did all the way 82 days. Watching us being a little bit of a DINGbat a little bit emotional, little bit ridiculous You have seen so much of it.. so many of my nipples probably and I appreciate you guys not spreading hat around the internet.. multiple times.. (we did)
Taylor – it’s been quite a journeay and I’m sure I am one of the last people you expected to make this far in the game. It’s been the ride of a lifetime.
Taylor – I am so happy there are people that can see the truth in the moment as it happens and hopefully advocate for my character because it’s been twisted and flipped around in this space and you are all the ones that could see the truth. So I appreciate all the work that has been done on my behalf to spread the truth before a narrative was spun and I’m really thankyou

Feeds cut.. Season over!

WE’ll be back for the finale.

77 thoughts to ““To all the random live feeders thank you for watching.””

  1. Turner should have evicted Taylor instead of Alyssa. Monte would have been loyal to Turner F2. After I said Monte can totally throw it to Turner and win the game. Guaranteed F2 others criticized my point of a time and place to throw part three. As a half dozen former players have done in the past who were guaranteed F2. I bet everyone that doesn’t want Taylor in F2 hopes my suggestion comes true now. Now people are in church praying that Monte doesn’t win part 3 to push an agenda which hands Taylor an automatic winning victory in F2.

    1. taylor doesn’t win if she makes final. most of the jury doesn’t really like her, don’t have much beef with monte’s game (though they do with turner’s), and monte has the better resume.

      1. Michael and all the women will vote for Taylor. Its still likely Joe will vote for her too. The emphasis Monte has so many more votes if he takes Turner which is why it’s nuts for him to risk losing a $750,000 win and take Taylor for an agenda.

        1. What agenda? Was there ever an agenda with this cast? Other than Kyle’s paranoia and Taylor’s commitment, Monte never participated in an agenda-driven game.

          1. Monte to Taylor: If it’s up to me winning competitions, I will bet on myself and I will bet on me picking you 100% over Turner. There is no situation where I prioritize Turner over you in some sort of final two. That’s what I am locked in to. taylor: let me ask you something.. why do you wanna take me to the end over turner?
            monte: i rather lose to you than to anybody else.. cuz if i can be a part of this season where a black woman wins.. id be fine with that.. id be fine with taking that L…

            1. I never saw or felt that Monte wanted Taylor to win if he didn’t…..NEVER. Monte taking Taylor to a final 2 is because he thinks he can beat her. Losing to her will bruise his ego.

              1. He thought he would win with Taylor,he would have lost with Turner. Monte was never going to win. He treated Taylor bad on the show and the public saw it Taylor has nothing to do with him. Like she said anyone sitting on the chair next to her never wins. I am happy Taylor won and not Monte.

          2. Monte is taking Taylor to the end just to lose so Kyle was right! So how did Monte not engage with this agenda-driven game that you speak of? Monte outright told Taylor this last week. Taylor’s commitment? No other summer has a player gotten saved from the chopping block on eviction night like Taylor did to start the season. The show encouraged the cookout to stay together last year. Not surprising they want a Taylor win. House guests are afraid to get canceled by America and the show for voting out of a POC is all you need to see that there is an agenda. Monte as you can see from all of his conversations with Taylor is willing to throw his winning game away to check off an African American women win.. Monte taking Taylor to the end just to lose is not strategy. It’s an agenda which is what this game has now become.

          1. Compared to Monte playing the veto to backdoor Michael. Taylor got no blood on her hands getting Michael out stabbing him in the front by only voting him out. Michael wanted to take Taylor to F2 if Brit was gone. All these considering strong chance Michael votes for Taylor to win. It is not impossible by any stretch that Taylor could get Kyle’s vote as she got zero blood on her hands. Taylor didn’t even vote Kyle out nor was a result of him leaving even though she was on the block.

            1. taylor didn’t do anything though. jurors who are evaluating based on game (i know, bitterness often seems to trump game) don’t have any reason to vote for her. i think any juror who’s been there more than two weeks isn’t voting for taylor, with the possible exception of joe. they’re over being bitter and haven’t seen taylor do anything all season.

          2. Tried mentioning that Monte could throw this part 3 and win the game which other players have done in the past. Turner has been loyal true to his Monte F2 and it has been officially reported that Turner will honor this F2. But Turner’s idiotic mistake to keep Taylor like Monte will do tonight is going to cost both of those guys winning the game! I promise you if Taylor gets to F2 she wins the show. Production, the cookout, Davonne, Danielle R., Janelle and the majority of AFP voters have wanted a Taylor Title all along to check off the agenda of never having an african-american women winning. If Monte wins and takes Taylor he will look as foolish as Turner evicting Alyssa just to have Taylor steal his F2 with Monte. Those guys will look foolish as it will be obvious they should lose to Taylor. As it will prove that all those guys did this summer was bend over backwards to protect Taylor and not get rid of her when it was clear and obvious that they should have at multiple spots in the F8! It would be a serious screw up taking her if your Monte as he would annihilate Turner even if he just throws it to Turner. Monte cuts Turner tonight with what would be a last second blindside backstab. No chance Turner votes for Monte to win over Taylor after Turner is 1000% taking Monte to F2

            1. we’ll see who wins afp. afp voters and twitter aren’t one and the same. taylor is significantly more popular on twitter than to the more casual viewers (who generally make up like 60% of the vote).

              they very obviously should not lose to taylor. she hasn’t done anything. and it’s not even obvious they will lose to taylor. big distinction between will and should. this is a vote for who should win, not who deserves to win or has the best underdog story as paul knows well from both his appearances, especially his first.

              though i agree there’s no way the final hoh winner gets the vote of whoever they vote out (but that doesn’t usually matter).

              1. Believe me I agree with what you are saying she has not done anything. I wouldn’t vote for her to win in final 2 or for AFP. But Monte Just won the Final HOH and I bet he takes Taylor now. Turner screwed himself over keeping Taylor over Alyssa!

      2. Taylor will get All the girls and Michaels vote, that’s all she needs to win. I don’t think she should but if Monte takes her, he deserves to lose.

      3. Actually, Taylor did a great job socially with the jury. From tucking a dress into the very first jury member’s suitcase to being gracious and kind to Jasmine and Brittany. Casuals didn’t see any of that.

    2. I think Monte will throw the HOH so he doesn’t have to choose between two people he’s promised to take to final 2. (he knows Turner will take him to final 2)

  2. Monte is not going to be happy. I think he has at least 3 post-show interviews he will have to do including the traditional Dalton Ross one (Yes, he doesn’t only cover Survivor). They won’t let him avoid those. I just had to laugh at Turner’s goodbye

    1. Another fun season and great feed recaps. Thanks Simon and Dawg, you are truly appreciated. Enjoy some down time and hope to see you again when BBCanada starts again.

    2. Simon and Dawg glad you did not have to drink a case of kraken this season. I had my doubts with Jasmeana lasting so long in the house.

      as always an awesome job keeping us all informed of the goings on.

      1. Other than this (Paloma is awful), and going a bit mental on Brit, I’ve enjoyed all the work you guys do with this. Thank you.

    1. The show is filmed on a sound lot with a yard, not a real home like jury house. Sound lots are pretty much glorified warehouses with a yard. They stay cold.

  3. Arrgggghhhhh while I’m not super pumped for any of the house guests left in the house to win. I do want to watch the final. But…I’m in PEI and friggin Hurricane Fiona has basically the entire island without power. So I’m gonna miss it. Minor I know haha in the scheme of things, my house is basically ok, loved ones also good. But my community is so damaged. It would have been nice to zone out to some BB. Thanks Simon and Dawg for keeping us updated. And Another Name and TTOTambz always love to read your comments and analysis so thanks to you as well !!

  4. I am glad to see Turner sitting in the final three. He was screwed out of so many veto competitions because he was besties with Jasmine who you could tell kind of milked it a little.
    Congratulations to all 3 of you.

  5. Jury information.
    Not from what I believe to be the show’s paid bbtwitter spin person.
    From other twitter sources I tend to think are perhaps a bit more independent.

    The jury house is contentious this year. Not actually about the finalists. About each other and who made whom look foolish, and who they hold personally responsible for their lack of success.
    The Michael and Terrance argued rumors seems to pan out. Terrance may have gone to a hotel for a night to give distance and cool down for a night, but did not leave jury.
    The Britt and Indy argued rumor seems to pan out. Jasmine was team Indy, Michael was team Britt. The basics: Britt was a floater who betrayed the girls. Michael defined floater for them in order to show that Britt wasn’t a floater.
    Tempers seem to be more about divas male and female trying to out diva each other.

    The gruesomes in pre-jury seem to be at Todrick’s house. Like attracts like.

    Personal note: don’t care about AFP. Have never given a rat’s ass about AFP.
    The top three will most likely be Taylor along with Joseph and Kyle. This is not confirmed. This is me looking at the production team and wondering who they’d most likely individual time comp support for.

    Overall pattern of 24 does in some ways mirror the beta-test that was bbcan 10… but. The ‘but’… it has a lot of the same elements in plotline, but they are in a different order that leads to a more american zeitgeist and casting model perspective.

    1. I suspect the Terrance Michael was just rumor. On the recent jury watch when Michael entered jury after the DE, they both laughed over Michael’s dramatic exit and gave each other a friendly hug. Both had big smiles so I didn’t see a problem there.

      1. Jury visits are like d/r calls.
        Hyper produced.
        That’s why I tend to believe there was a bit more diva drama than the jury clips showed.

  6. This was my first year commenting besides just reading.
    Had a great time.
    Thank you!
    I want Turner and Monte to be final 2.
    CBS will have Taylor win.
    My prediction.
    Michael will not vote Turner. Michael still bitter. Will pretend he is not voting for Turner because he did not own up to getting him our, however, Michael is bitter!

  7. thank god that’s a wrap on taylor competing in competitions. i don’t think i could take any more of her claiming how great she is in competitions and failing.

      1. She was literally the biggest joke in BB history! All the controversy in week one about micro aggressions and fear of racism caused the producers to cancel the week one eviction so Taylor wouldn’t go home otherwise they would have looked bad. They used Paloma’s departure as an excuse to save Taylor who was the worst racist fake person that has ever been on the show! Then claim she was Americans favourite! Absolute insult to all of BBS loyal fans. And her ridiculous sell herself in every speech and use causes she had no right to use! She absolutely despised every woman there the first week and now all of a sudden she’s a champion for women when it’s convenient to sell the narrative! She is the only person that uses race in that show and it was disgusting. She is pathetic and equally as disgusting

        1. Way to represent her race AND gender, huh?? What a joke!! So, if she is a strong, independent woman, why couldn’t she win more comps & have better..hell, ANY…game play?? She spent 90% of her time there in BED…whether it be sleeping OR trying to seduce men & having sex. Nice. Such an ” HONORABLE” winner. At least monte won comps AND had a good social game. If he had won, I would have been just FINE with that…up until he took Taylor which was the DUMBEST game move EVER. Serves him right. She manipulated him outta first place….so selling yourself like a prostitute for money is apparently good game play in some eyes. Wow….talk about LOW standards…& messed up morality. That’s the most undeserving , weekass player I have ever witnessed on BB.

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