“you got to get off that block yo they’ll flip it yo” – Enzo

Head of Household Winner – Dani
Have nots – Da’Vonne, David, Ian
Nominations David Tyler and Kevin
Power of Veto Players are – Ian, Kevin, Dani, Tyler, Enzo, Da’Vonne.
POV Host: – Nicole
Power of Veto holder
Power of Veto Ceremony
Powers – Christmas, Dani, David
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9:16 am Dani and Nicole
Dani – I do not want to play in a veto competition..
Nicole – it’s one where you get locked in a room and have to wait for hours for your turn
Dani – that’s awful.. i want the noms to stay the same
Nicole says these are the easiest ones to throw “no ones watching”
Dani says most importantly Kevin can’t win.

Nicole – I felt bad today because he’s so nice..
Nicole says Kevin is the one person in this house she wants out as soon as possible.

Nicole says Da’vonne really thinks Tyler is Dani’s target.
DAni – that scares me Nicole what if Kevin goes home what do I do.
Nicole – say the whole house flipped..
Dani – say I thought I had the votes but I don’t..
Dani says David was the one person she didn’t want to get picked for the veto.
Dani – I have to have a long talk with Tyler. This has put me in a really bad spot with him
Dani – he told Cody that this show says he’s at the bottom with me.. so that’s really bad. (from production leak)
They agree putting Tyler up under the circumstance was the best choice.
Nicoel says Enzo wouldn’t use the veto.
Dani says her or Enzo are the best two to win it. They are the most likely to not use it.
Dani goes on complaining about her power “When I found out about my power I started crying.. I’m kinda worried how I’m coming off on the show now”

Nicole says it’s easier if they had people they were against because everyone she’s good with. When they have to turn on each other it’ll be betrayal.
Nicole – I’m worried if Ian finds out there’s a big alliance he’ll never ever trust me or any of us.. you know what I mean.
Dani – this week will be over one down four to go and Ian is in that four.
Dani – we have to keep him trusting us for 3 weeks that’s all we need then he has to go
Dani – I’m scared of Christmas..
Nicole – don’t be
Dani – going against her, she’ll go crazy.. crazy..
Nicole – i’m not.. I would rather go after other people for sure

9:44 am Memphis and Cody (they’re talking about Tyler)
Cody says the thing that annoys him the most in this game is when people in solid groups start to self sabotage.
Memphis – I’m not cool so far with what I’m getting whether he wins or not I’m not cool with that dude what the f** is wrong with you
Cody agrees.
Memphis – I get it if we didn’t have the power and you got to pivot I get it but nothing needed to be done so I’m like what the f** dude.

Cody – maybe he did want to go home.. I don’t know what his headspace was.
Memphis – either way he’s getting messy
Cody – why was Christmas in a scenario where they tried to push her to get her on the f**Ing block
Cody – I did not expect that from him to be the messy one.
Memphis says Tyler was trying to over play
Cody – they want to be something on the show
Memphis – they want to be like Ohh I made that move I tricked the house.
Cody – you know what is the greatest move in this entire game the fact that this alliance was formed and has won 5 out of the 6 HOH’s
Memphis – that’s great
Cody – roll with that..
Memphis says if the noms stay the same they need to talk to Tyler because he needs confirmation, “I want to know what he did”
Memphis – we still need the numbers
Memphis says they have enzo he just doesn’t want to throw Tyler under the bus “hes a great competitor I don’t want to lose that”
Cody – I want those wins where I know we’re safe than with someone I don’t know if we’re safe.
Memphis – Tyler thinks Dani, Nicole and Ian have something going one.. I wouldn’t put it past but they’re still trying to ride the wave..

Memphis says Tyler is worried about the vote because Dani is the tiebreaker. He said to Christmas “why don’t you talk to Nicole and pitch the idea of sending me home and see if she takes the bait”
Memphis – I’m like Tyler what are you doing
Cody – What the f*** is going on dude
Memphis – when he said that It made me start questioning everything
Memphis says he gets why someone would just come on the show make the money and get out before Jury. If Tyler really wanted to do that he had 5 weeks to do it, “You’re a smart guy to figure it out”

10:07 am Tyler and Enzo
Enzo – you got to get off that block yo they’ll flip it yo
Tyler – best case is if you win because if Kevin wins she’ll put you up
Enzo – I know me too.. that’s what I’m feeling to yo.. you know what I mean
Tyler – they cut a deal for sure (with Da’Vonne)
Enzo – if you win I’m like yo you better not put me up I won HOH I protected you yo
Tyler – she might bro
Enzo – that’s why i’m saying she might

10:26 am Enzo and Cody
Enzo – she wants Tyler out..
Cody – she wants Tyler out
Enzo – f***
Cody – unless Kevin mentions something about Nicole and Me she’s going to want Tyler targeted.
Cody – she’s already planting seeds.. She thinks she holds all the power in the house.. like if I want someone to go home they’re going home
Cody – Tyler going home is not shape or form good for us..
Enzo – it’s not

Enzo – between me and you, you’re my guy I love you. I’m thinking of using it on him if I win ..
Cody – you don’t think that will f** you bad with her.. I don’t think it’s the play..
Enzo says if he wins POV they need to go to her and push the core 4 and they need Tyler.

Cody – they shook hands yesterday they aren’t going after each other then she puts him on the block that night.. so Tyler is now upset with her
Cody – all I want Tyler to win the POV.. she is going to push for Tyler to go this week.. Are we really going to push back not really

Cody – she said to me Christmas is trying to start an all girls alliance.. I went to Nicole land she said Christmas isn’t trying to form that it was Dani
Cody – what Dani wasn’t is the final 5 to be, You, me, Nicole, Dani, Da’Vonne
Enzxo – Da’Vonne

Cody says if miraculously DA’vonne wins a competitions she’ll go after them not Dani and Nicole
Cody says Dani is now not even considering Ian
Cody – Tyler is super close to us
Enzo – Tyler will go after Dani, Ian, everyone ..

They agree Tyler put him in this situation because of what he did
Enzo – Christmas is dangerous she’s in everyone F**Ing ear
They agree Ian isn’t putting them up.

Cody keeps telling him using the veto on Tyler is not the right play
Cody – Nicole isn’t big on voting out Tyler either
Enzo – we have the votes..
Enzo says if he wins the veto they’ll pull Tyler, Dani into the HOH and tell Tyler they have the votes to keep him.
Cody – we’ll have to get Kevin to slip up some way
Enzo says David is the target next week because of how he’s acting denying his power use.
Enzo says Da’Vonne knows she won’t win nothing all she has is her mouth
Enzo – I want her out of this house.. I don’t trust her.
Cody says Dani keeps telling him “Da’Vonne’s not coming after you she’s not coming after you”
enzo and Cody agree this is bullshit.
Enzo says Nicoel needs to start winning competitions “I know she doesn’t want to get her hands dirty.. enough now.. enough”

Enzo – If Tyler wins POV you got to make a move put up Christmas backdoor..
Cody – Sending Christmas home right now is not the play

Cody – she’s brought up multiple times that Christmas is trying to start an all girls thing it’ was her
Enzo – stop being so cure yo.. stop with the cuteness yo
Cody – Tyler shot himself in the foot that is why I’m not willing to stick out my neck and use the veto on him

Enzo says Tyler told him Dani will put him on the block if Tyler uses the veto.
Enzo says if he used the veto on Tyler it f**s him up with Nicole, Dani and a bunch of people in the house.

Cody says Dani told Memphis about what Happened to Tyler last week. She then told him that Cody knew. Cody is pissed by this because he’s got a relationship with Memphis now Memphis knows he’s holding back information.
Enzo – there’s 15 alliance in this house.. enough already.. enough.. If I win HOH i’m making a f**Ing move (If only)

Enzo says he’s not putting up a Kevin he’s putting up someone big.
Cody – I’m putting up a Kevin.

11:16 am Dani and Da’vonne.
Dani saying she wants to the noms to stay the same.
Dani says Da’Vonne isn’t a consideration “You are in the no touch zone”

11:35 am Veto waiting game.
They talk about how smokey it is outside. The POV will be inside in the basement.

noon waiting for veto

12:32pm The live feeds switch to the kitty pound for the Power of Veto Competition..

79 thoughts to ““you got to get off that block yo they’ll flip it yo” – Enzo”

  1. I’m putting up a Kevin. Lol. Maybe we need a shrine to save the whole season. I hope kevin kicks ass. Wonder what the “plan” is.

    1. Well since Grod released powers, I’m guessing Grod has also found a way to have individual time comps or some stupid buzzer comp in the basement.

      1. I wish. Best bet for Tyler to stay is to win for himself. Would love to see Dani squirm too!
        Every time Enzo says he will use Veto on Tyler, Cody deflects and makes a different suggestion. Enzo just doesn’t catch it.

    2. they (enzo/cody) talk about saving tyler, which at this point means evicting keven, then cody says say next week he’s putting up keven…

    1. That might be tough since Grodner will let DaVonne hide her marker in the Diary Room if it is the hide your marker comp.

    1. Yes and it’s insane. I’m just north of Seattle and the smoke is so thick right now, it’s noon and looks like twilight outside. Getting hard to breathe. These wildfires are horrible.

      1. Our eyes feel like ashtrays here in San Fran Bay area. Inside.

        Firefighters are SUPER HEROES. Every single one of them! Feed and water them at every opportunity folks… they’re tired, hungry and thirsty and don’t have time to take care of anything but their goal of ending this nightmare for us ALL.

      1. There’s a big one burning nearby (several actually… too may to mention up & down our coastline).The “Bobcat Fire” in Angeles National Forest is probably the closest to them. There ARE others. The Santa Ana winds (they’re always very active this time of year) blow embers everywhere and start new ones.

        Expect the Unexpected is all of our mindsets here in Cali/Oregon/Wash right now… way more than in the game. The game has been a welcome distraction to real life.

        And this Site!!! Thanks Simon and Dawg. Most often, I prefer your transcriptions over just listening to the hamsters myself. You’re THAT good. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication. Truly.

          1. Well earned and happy to support you guys! Thanks again. Still haven’t received an email to set up my membership yet. If ya get some downtime, I’d like to add my mug to my name. No pressure… whenever ya get a chance.

    2. We can’t breathe has taken on a whole new meaning. I haven’t been able to open a door or window without serious air quality consequences for almost 3 weeks now (friends/family evacs everywhere, Covid is everywhere, and everyone’s “go bags” are packed). I wasn’t kidding when I said it’s like we’re living inside a smoke filled pumpkin here on the West Coast.

      Now the eerie pics have gone global of what we’ve been living. It’s a whole different thing to be LIVING it vs. seeing the pics and videos. This is unprecedented. I’d rather go through at a Category 5 hurricane that lasts a week.

      The fires here are not just burning our forests and towns. Everyone not in the path of the fires are gonna start dropping from smoke inhalation. 11,000 DRY lightning strikes in 24 hours caused this weeks ago. It was incredible, beautiful and STILL terrifying.

      Mother Nature is PISSED.

    3. Yeah it was just Vic and Van yesterday but today is so gross on the South Island. Central Island is getting gross today?

      1. I live in the Westshore and went into Victoria yesterday and my eyes stung for the rest of the day…today is worse, not even gonna go out! Those poor people down south, if it’s this bad here must be a nightmare for them!

    4. Ya, here in Spokane WA, we are blanketed and air advisory is Hazard for all. Like 450 on a 500 scale. Hurts the lungs, eyes to be out. 🙁

    1. It was the sound leak during the eviction. Hearing Julie say Tyler and Christmas have a final 2. He was grooming her to be his final 4 soldier.

        1. Well there was the video leak as well where Kevin read Julie’s lips to determine that Dani and Christmas are working together.
          With the work from homes and the outside of the bubble unit (because Studio City had Active Covid cases in the offices) it’s not surprising that issues would pop up.

  2. Cody and Enzo are idiots if they don’t save Tyler, they totally need him for numbers. Why would they pick off one of their own so early? This should totally show them where Dani’s loyalty really lies…and it ain’t with them. If she turns on Tyler clearly she would do the same to them! Also I’m confused, did David’s power also let him pick who the replacement nominee was or did Dani pick him? If Dani did I don’t get why the rest of the alliance isn’t more up in arms about it???? Such weird game play this season!

      1. Simon isn’t the rest of Dani’s alliance going to know she is shady once she uses her power to play in next weeks HOH?

    1. Tyler was messing with dani game before head , and everyone knew it .
      On top of that, tyler even said i deserve it (if you put me up!!) . So.. no, they are not upset with her. Memphis is upset with tyler , actually.
      Anyway, cody and enzo don’t want tyler out , so why do you call them idiots? They had a convo agreeing with you that they need tyler.
      Anyway, Danni is loyal to Cody ..
      He is the main reason she nominated kevin. She really didn’t want to.
      She is allowed to target tyler (and she is actually not.. the target is kevin) , who will be after her .

      1. Tyler’s self deprecation is a mixture of guilt from the whole situation with Bayleigh and DaVonne (the BLM situation and how it looked) and the fact he pretty much messed up not only his own game, but somewhat the games of his alliance members by doing that (or so they feel). Dani’s just mad at him because he revealed the TRUTH to Bay and Day about her – apparently she’s the only one that’s allowed to do that – so now she wants him out!

        I don’t necessarily think they want him out, but they seem to be willing to at least talk about getting him out to appease Dani, which would be stupid of them IMO, because she would backstab either one of them in a heartbeat if it would benefit her game. She just did it to Tyler only hours after shaking his hand in agreement that she wouldn’t go after him until Final 6! She’s also done it in her previous seasons of BB.

        She can cry and wail about not wanting to nominate Kevin, but she damn sure did nominate his ass, and she is saying she did it to “protect” Cody. This sounds like BS to me to try and get Cody to do what she wants. Say what you will about that woman, but she is strategic, and she is good at getting people to do what she wants done, and a lot of that is accomplished by the manner in which she talks and “flirts” as Simon points out in his commentary. That’s all part of the game, and she is very good at that particular part of it.

    2. not that i like dani but tyler was trying to get bay/day & dani to go after each other and got caught when bay/day told dani what he was saying. tyler hung himself with his own game play. dani owes him nothing and the rest of the alliance is seeing that tyler can’t be trusted

      1. But Dani WAS targeting Day/Bay. Tyler was telling Day/Bay the truth. They have been on Dani’s list since Week 2 after Janelle and Kasar.
        Now Dani wants Day as her goat in the finals.

    1. Dani has already gotten in crap from production multiple times for her comments about Ian (using autism as a strategy was her first dressing down, the rocking complaint was the second, and then the Memphis led incident). She’s not looking to add nominating ALL the POC to that (which is something I’d mentioned a couple of weeks ago, once they’ve got everyone out but the POC because they are afraid of looking racist, they’re going to be afraid of looking racist because all that’s left is cannibalism or nominating POC).
      Besides, Dani is afraid of any more women leaving. That’s why I have been reconsidering thinking she’s not asking Christmas to volunteer as a pawn any time soon if someone wins the veto. She’s scared of living in a frathouse.

      1. She’s probably going to feel differently about her “trash” power after this week, eh? I hope so. I love when shitty, entitled, behavior gets its just desserts.

      2. Whereas what you say is most likely true, I think the fact Dani has decided DaVonne is the perfect person to drag to Final 3 plays a much more significant role in her decision that she is “untouchable”. Dani thinks she can beat Day handily if it comes down to that, can control her vote, and she’s not going to win anything along the way (whoops!), so yeah, she wants to keep her around now.

        I agree also that too many women leaving is an easy thing to point to as a factor in that decision for Day and Christmas too, but Dani is nowhere near as adamant about keeping Christmas around as she is DaVonne at this point, and I can definitely see her throwing her up on the block if she feels she needs to, and if it’s her “best” option. It’s how she determines her “best” option that really matters here though isn’t it? Is it what does the outside world think (re: Ian)? Or is it what does my alliance think, or each individual therein?

        Doesn’t really matter now, as it’s probably gonna be Kevin and Tyler and we’ll see who wins the inter-alliance battle for loyalty. I hope it’s Tyler, and Dani gets her comeuppance next week!

    2. Dani is playing scared because she won’t nominate someone that’s no threat to her? One of the weaker player in the games? Someone who is basically alone in this game and has no choice but to play with Dani. Let’s not be silly.

      Dani is not winning if she goes to the end with her alliance. Also playing with pregame alliances and no real shots at players with good position in the house is playing scared.

  3. I’m hoping that Enzo wins POV and decides to use it on Tyler, Christmas uses her power, and Dani has to put-up one of her alliance members to keep her word to Da’vonne.

    At this point, Enzo, Tyler, David, Ian, and Da’vonne are the only ones that I can stand watching.

  4. Meow meow is getting on my nerves lol
    if Cody meow meow and Tyler read the final 3 who do you think Cody will pick? Tyler
    If Cody meow meow and sscole reach the final two who do you think Cody will pick? sssssscole
    If Cody David and meow meow rich the final 3 who do you think cry will pick? David lol

    meow meow is already on people’s target and he would go soon cause he’s playing the same game from his season.

    He’s more worried about saving his bruhs whom would throw his under the bus right away lol

  5. Xmess: I think it was a good move to deflect the fact that the(pause) a certain group of people keep getting picked.
    Memphis: I’m with that understanding.
    So these two asshats think Tyler is on the block so that they don’t all look a certain kind of way… and then they talk about it on feeds just so it’s known that they think Tyler is on the block so they don’t look a certain kind of way, defeating the purpose entirely?
    Oh. Okay.

    1. What is crazy to me is that they think they are talking in some type of code… “a certain group of people”… as if BB Twitter isn’t going to be all over that.

      Speaking of BB Twitter, I think the decline in quality BB gameplay is primarily due to contestants’ fears of how they are perceived and discussed on social media. Nobody has their head in the game because they are too busy attempting to manage their image.

      1. When you cast wannabe actors wannabe celebutards and wannabe influencers instead of people that want to play the game… that’s what you’re going to get.

      2. I would love if next year the requirement to be a contestant is you have no social media, let people who just want to actually play, play

    2. Why is christmas so clueless??? How can she not know that dani put tyler up to get him out for turning against her
      At this point i wouldnt be surprised if she gets nominated and doesnt use her power thinking that she will be safe (this is if she has to announce she wants to use it before the veto meeting)

  6. I sooo loveee when the game gets so bloody. This week, I’m wanting Dani to feel maximum blood on her hands. It’s kinda too bad that Krakenmess isn’t safe if she uses her power on Tyler (not being able to get POV).

    This week is a good one by all the scenarios that could play out.

    1. Imagine this won’t happen but it would be funny scenario for a second. Kevin gets removed from the block with the veto… Christmas uses her power to save Tyler… and Dani has to nominate a 4th and a 5th person… and one of them is Christmas. popcorn.

      1. Better yet because of the power and Enzo winning veto and saving Tyler Dani has to put up Day and either Day or Kevin gets evicted.

        1. That would mean only 4 nominees.
          I’m going for a situation where she has to nominate the most people to really screw her up.

  7. I hate Cody and Nicole’s game. “If I win I am putting up a Kevin or a David.” Snooze. Tired of hearing Cody trying maneuver Dani to certain people. He ain’t no Derrick and she ain’t no Cody.

    I know they are playing it “safe” and their strategy would probably get them far. But I am here for Dani’s game and her entertainment. If it weren’t for her this week would’ve been another snooze.

  8. Nicole ! Is she lying to Cody? So she remains his no.1 and not Danni?
    I don’t remember who started the girls Alliance. Is it really danni?
    Anyway , nicole telling that to coddy was throwing her under the bus.. didn’t see that one coming.

    1. Christmas went to Da’vonne. intent: convince Da not to target Xmas if they have an alliance.
      Da’vonne went to Dani and Nicf. intent: pull all girls in to try to get veto used then save Bay.
      Dani and Nicf went to Christmas. intent: stop the female slaughter.
      Then all four met.
      Dani thought it was her idea because she’d been talking to Nicf about having to make a move soon with only 4 women left.
      Nicf wanted the alliance named fuzzy pandas or some such juvenile crap.
      Christmas wanted it named the snipers or some such militaristic thing.

  9. Da’vonne won veto?
    Am I hearing that right?
    WHAT WAS THE COMP???????
    Nicf and Xmas saying they have to make sure she doesn’t use it, and Kevin almost won????
    I repeat… WHAT WAS THE COMP???????????????????

  10. The entire house looks as shellshocked as i do. Da’vonne won her first comp in three seasons.
    Nicf and Xmas say they have to convince (trick) her into not using it.
    Cody says she’ll never use it in a million years to Dani.
    David says Da’vonne won her first comp. Tyler… yup. David: wow.
    Tyler is pushing that there is a girls alliance between Dani Day and Nicole to Xmas… who told him about the girls alliance 2 hours after it formed.
    Everyone is scared because Da’ and Kevin are talking. They’re talking about how Da’ can’t use it, won’t use it, has to be convinced not to use it.
    Tyler has his sunglasses back on. He thinks Enzo is joining him on the block.
    Tyler says he refuses to go to jury. Again. Oh. Goodie. We get pouty Tyler back.
    Veto ceremony is Monday. Vote is Thursday. Pouty won’t go to jury Tyler is going to be a pill if the veto is used. Better call Grod back in to tell Da’vonne not to use the veto.

  11. Soooooooooo

    If this was really All-Stars then I’d have one of Enzo, Memphis or Ian go to Day and say so girl’s alliance huh?

    And imply Dani told everyone about it but Kevin confirmed it. And then tell her oh & btw Dani did want you two targeted last week she only wanted one of you in the house & granted her preference was you b/c you couldn’t win comps but I guess you just showed her huh?

    1. Ian knows Da’vonne outside of the game. He operates on a ‘how well do i know you” basis. He’s not doing it since Nicf and most likely Grod said he is safe this week.
      Da and Memphis relationship…. do they … have… a speaking relationship?
      That leaves Enzo.

      1. Good to know (Ian / Day)

        As for Memphis he’s basically looked at like an ass anyway so it could be sarcasm thrown at Day (letting her know WE ALL KNOW about your girl’s alliance).

        And I just don’t know if Enzo would go there but he’d actually be the best one to talk to her since she tells him everything. He could position it like Day I didn’t want to go here b/c I want that top group taken out but Tyler wasn’t lying – she did want you & Bay split up and although she wanted you to stay she actually didn’t care as long as you two got split. And she went to Christmas to PUSH that nomination – you can confirm that but then you & I’ll be in danger.

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