“We played a clean game and it’s the cleanest thing to do V Dirty this week and get her out”

Head of Household: Beth
Nominations: Ro, Tera, Vic
The Power of Veto Players are: Rohan, Tera, Tina, Tychon, Breydon
POwer of Veto Winner: Rohan
Power of Veto Ceremony: Rohan used the Veto Vic went up.
Have nots: ?????

Big Brother Spoilers – Vic is in full throttle Campaign mode for these past few days. As of Thursday morning at around 11am Vic is being evcited.

11:10 am Vic and Jed
Vic hitting all the same talking points we’ve heard from yesterday. Jed doesn’t say much other than “Yeah”
“they are coming for you”
“Dead a$$”
“I’m loyal to ghost peppers to the end”
“I’m after Ro”
“Tera and Ro are working toegther”
“If I win I’m backdooring him (Ro) with you guys”
“Tera and Ro are tight I see things o guys don’t see”
“I’m here to fight with you guys. I am here to fight to get Ro out to get Blue line out. ”
“Final 5”
“Final 4”
“heartbroken going home by my own alliance.. another night I couldn’t sleep”
“It really hurts.. I’ve always had you always will”
“I gave you guys all of me”
“Please don’t be the ones to send me home I’m here to fight with you guys”
“If you want me to stay you can make it happen”
“Beth can’t play.. you guys are so vulnerable”
‘Ro is so dangerous in this game.. he has numbers.. if you take Tera out of this equation everything changes.. blue line has to play the game by herself”
“I swear on my boyfriend’s life”

Beth joins

Vic – It’s your last day as HOH. I don’t want to bombard you it’s your last day I gave you my all yesterday everything is true.. I would be devastated if I went home..

here we go again..

“You guys are going up you guys are going home”
“I swear on my boyfriend’s life I want to fight with you”
Beth – I don’t see Tera putting us up next week
Vic – you don’t.. Rohan has them..
“Tera will make that move she has Rohan and Blue line”
“I will never come for you guys”
“Ghost peppers, I want to fight”
“They’re not putting Kief up.. if I stay it’ll be me and Breydon if I’m, not here I can’t be put up”
“I am a shield for you in this game”
“It’s your turn to do something for me in this game.. I got you guys”
“You’re leaving Rohan with numbers”
“Those two girls are coming for you guys”
“Ro is great at this game.. he wants to win this game.. he’s coming for you”
“This can be undone.. we can be the best comeback of all time we make it to final 4 literally history
“If I go home one of you are going up”
“I swear over everything.. second night of staying up going over in my head what went wrong.. I got you in this game”
“I have this pit in my stomach.. ”
“It would be sad for me to go home the week after I made such a bold move for our alliance.. this mistake it not set in stone”

“They are coming for you. let me stay and fight for you let me fight for you I will keep you safe I swear on my boyfriend’s life.. ”
“I’m a ghost pepper”
“I did everything to protect you in this game”
“If I win HOH it’s our HOH.. OUR HOH”

Jed asks for privacy with BEth..
Vic – don’t trust what Tera is telling you.. I got you I promise..
Vic leaves..

Beth – she has no idea we have Tina, She has no idea we have a final 4 with Breydon and we’re so strong with Kief. Tera only has her word.
Beth – we don’t need her
Beth – If she stays you still can’t tell her anything. Don’t forget how big her mouth is.. we don’t need her.
Beth – do you want to be in this position in two weeks? Sorry V this ghost peppers things isn’t going to happen
Beth – we will be idiots keeping Ro and her on this HOH..
Beth – we don’t owe her anything we stayed off the block last week because we’re good that’s why
Jed – yeah
Beth – no V we don’t owe you anything..
Beth – V’s been in alliance all over this f**Ing house and hasn’t said a word. She keeps secrets.
Beth says she would rather Ty and Jed to start winning sh1t than keeping Vic around to build up her resume.
Beth – keeping her builds up her resume.. does sh1t for us.. keeping her as a shield shows we’re sacred.
Beth – we played a clean game and it’s the cleanest thing to do V Dirty this week and get her out. It’s cleanest for the rest of the house
beth – Ro is going for Kief

Beth says Tera has the “biggest crush” on Jed “ever”

Breydon joins them. They talk about getting out Vic. Tina joins Breydon leaves. Tina says the oddballs were a thing for a HOT MINUTE.

1:50 pm Waffling…
Kiefer – after this we control every single vote.

They eventually agree to evict Victoria.
(No word yet if Ontario’s lockdowns will affect BB)

2:46 pm Tera and Breydon
Tera tells him as part of her pitch this week she had to give them Breydon’s name.
Tera – if I stay and I win and I don’t go after you and Ro it will be a big attack on my integrity and my character. (ZOMG)
Tera – I want you to know what is actually important to me..
She tells him he has never put her in a position of danger and she won’t put him in a position of danger, “You are not my target”

They hug it out.

3:00 pm Sunsetters talking about getting Vic out
Talking about their goodbye speeches.
Ty – Vic chose the wrong side. the Oddballs over us the oddballs burned her we took her in use her to do our dirty work and kicked her out we don’t need her anymore.
Beth – we never had needed her.. we just needed her for that invisible HOH. It’s dirty
Ty – it’s not dirty we’ve been together from the start. She took out one of our people.
Ty – she came on the journey for a ride this is her stop sucks that it’s not Jury wish it was for her but it is what it is.

Ty – sunsetters for life.

Kiefer – once she’s gone all we have to worry about is Ro, We’ll have to work hard to get Tera to put up Tera against me.
Ty says there’s no way they can convince Ro to put up TnT
Beth says Ro told her.
Ty doesn’t believe it
Beth – stop believing that Ro isn’t with them
Kiefer mentions they have to just win the next HOH.
Kiefer – then we have another chance to get that f***er
Kiefer – when he wins HOH I’m gone

3:22 pm Ontario going on Lockdown.. Doesn’t look like Television producitons are affected.

6:00 pm Vic campaigns to Kiefer
Vic – it will be a big move C’mon..
Vic says she needs Keifer, Ty, Jed, and Beth.

8:50 pm Family dinner

10:28 pm Vic with the sunsetters
Vic – welcome everybody to my last campaign.. I don’t know where to start..
Vic – “I want to work with you guys I don’t want to come after you guys there’s nothing I want more than to work with you guys
Vic – “This has strengthened our relationship. I care about you guys so much.. don’t matter what happens it’ll be ok. I don’t think Me going this week is the right move. I made a huge move because they made it clear to me that before that HOH they were coming for you guys. That made me so uncomfortable so I won the invisible HOH ..

Vic – the thought of me going home the week after doing that by my own alliance is breaking my heart
Vic – It’s not too late to keep me here.. they are coming for you guys
Vic says Ro and Breydon have confirmed with her that they are working together

Vic says she’s kept them safe this whole time “If I stayed in this game that won’t change at all”
Vic points out that Ro is a comp beast, not her. Says the HOH’s she won by default “These comps are anybody’s game.. ”

Vic cries.. keeps going about how the other side of the house doesn’t know she was working with them.

Vic – I hope we can still be an alliance. The thought of going home after making such a big move for you guys.. knowing they are coming for you guys.. they lied to you guys.. I just don’t understand.
Vic says Rohan is with Breydon, ‘You guys are going up if you don’t win this week.”
Vic – I really hope you guys can have a conversation. I promise you guys the best thing is to keep me this week. They are coming for you.
Vic – tomorrow Beth can’t play.. Beth they are coming for you I think they are coming for you more than anyone in this room I want to stay here to protect you. I want to fight for you because they are really pissing me off..
Vic – I’m so scared you guys are going to get fooled by Rohan.. and Tera..
Vic – if any of them gain power I’m going up
Vic – Ro is so good at this game..

Vic keeps with the same core 6 lines…
Ty asks why Breydon and Rohan feel comfortable talking to Vic and telling her they are working together
Vic says they don’t think she’s close to them.
Vic says after the house meeting Rohan told her he’s working with BReydon, “I swear on my boyfriend’s life”
Vic says Tera will win the endurance competition standing on a stick or on a rope. “They practice their days they know their days.. I really hope you guys don’t make this mistake”
Vic – I’m offering safety, protection, and the same loyalty I’ve been giving you guys.. Beth when you won I was so happy there was no once of fakeness..
Vic – I deserve to be here more than Tera..
Vic cries says she won’t even make it to Jury.
Vic – I’m telling you guys you will regret it. that is the first thing people will tell you getting spicey V out was the wrong move..

They let her talk for around 30 minutes.
Ty – Vic you have been loyal I love you.. the reality is we’re in this situation ..
Ty tells her she will look back at this and figure out the choice they are making is the best one for them.
Ty says she’s made huge moves none of them can beat her.
Vic goes on about her 3 comps wins being luck.
Vic – please.. please. this is Big Brother somebody goes home every week.. I will go I am the biggest target in this game.
Vic leaves..

11:00 pm this group just hanging out..

11:06 pm Sunsetter met to go over her campaign
Jed – I am having a hard time with this one
Kiefer says Breydon is working with Ro
Ty – we’re trading him for Vic.. Vic has been loyal to us he hasn’t
Kiefer – is the bigger move keep her now?
Beth says she doesn’t think Tina and Tera are working with Ro
Kiefer agrees.
Beth – Do we have Tina? I think we have Tina
Kiefer – we have Tina
They agree it doesn’t matter if Vic is in the game or not they have to win HOH tomorrow.

Ty – do we see Vic working with To?
Beth tells him they just had a conversation about this before Vic’s waterworks.
Beth – I know she says the Canda thing but at this point and time.
Kiefer – I didn’t come here for Canda
Beth – I didn’t come here for Canada, I’m not here for TV
Beth says if Ro wins Vic won’t touch the block
Ty – she’s right he wouldn’t put her on the block.. Ro’s not that stupid.
Beth says if they send Tera out Tina and them are done.
Kiefer – I’m done with her, to be honest.
Beth stresses when they started this week they agreed not to end this week with Ro or Vic still in teh game.

Tina and Tera join them. Tera says the two people she trusts in this game are Keifer and Tina. Says Vic is grabbing at straws.
Jed points out that they sleep in the same room as Rohan and are always hanging out so they are suspicious.

11:40 pm Sunsetters are back alone in the HOH they’re deciding to get out Vic. (Feels like Jed and Ty will side with whoever is the last person to talk to them)

11:55 pm Jed, Keifer and Vic.
Vic gets a whiff she’s getting evicted. Ty goes to get Beth.
Vic – Jed you don’t want me here
Jed – I want you here..
Vic – why won’t you keep me here
Jed – there’s so much shit going on nobody knows..
Beth and Ty come in.
Vic – you guys don’t want me here.
Beth says she hopes Vic goes back and watches their game and why they are doing this.
Vic – you are getting somebody that is with you guys it’s not a good move.
Vic starts campaigning again.

Beth says their plan was Ro.
Vic – I didn’t think you guys could do me like this, like BAckdoor me.. that’s so shady
Jed says it was a game move not an emotional move. “there’s bigger things in place.. you’ll understand .. lotta conflicting sh1t going on in this house we’ve made it this far playing a clean game”
Vic laughs “This is not a clean move”

Feeds cut.. When we’re back Vic is gone and sunsetters going on about doing what’s best for them.

(Why do they let Jed speak?)

10:20 am Thursday morning. Vic still getting evicted..

2:00 pm Feeds down.. Spicey V still going home Double planned for tonight.

89 thoughts to ““We played a clean game and it’s the cleanest thing to do V Dirty this week and get her out””

  1. Yup, Vic has a crush on the boys. She wants to be in the cool kids alliance. However, she played it wrong. Should have told them to include them during the invisible week, instead of telling them after being on the block. A good player would have used that advantage way better, mixing up the noms from both sides, take a side and bring people in, not tell Keif and sit back and lie to everyone making yourself look sketchy after the fact…..

  2. Side note, anyone see Jamar was partying last weekend? Has taken to social media saying he has been safe, and is now in Kelowna partying with Michael from last year?

  3. Watching the live stream from Premier of Ontario. Sounds like Ontario is declaring a state of emergency.. YIKES!

    1. Gee, announced on the same day a nurse friend in the local hospital just got her first vaccine dose. The administration and board got theirs weeks ago. Can’t see where a state of emergency would rise out of such a stupid priority system.
      *that wasn’t me being political. Don’t go thinking that, that was me saying gee, didn’t see that coming.

      1. I got my nurse poke last February, mind you if surgeries get canceled I’m ICU overflow. Tell your friend to ice their arm, I wish I did ha ha

        1. Our mutual friends that were early priority already gave her that tip.
          Thanks, I appreciate it.

    2. Two random questions. I’ve been away from the feeds all day. Who is blue line ? What did I miss there ? And Simon you Canadian ?

  4. What I’m learning today:

    • Beth is becoming more forceful as the day goes on that Vic is going home. She’s entering LaToya territory in forcefulness.
    • Ty is the weak link sentimentally to the trio. He’s a little intractable when it comes to altering his own plan, and not getting it his way. He was trying to check if Kiefer would go against Beth’s wishes and keep Vic anyway last night before lights out, afterall. As much as Ty is justifying getting rid of Vic to the boys now, he’s the weak link that will push again 12x for the flip. HIS IT DOESN’T SIT RIGHT CRAP IS GETTING BROKEN RECORD LEVEL ANNOYING.
    • Jed will believe the last person who spoke to him, and parrot them. Good thing Beth came in at the tail end of Vic’s latest pitch to reprogram her faulty showmance.
    • Tera truly sucks at campaigning. But she’s doing her best given how many people are left in the house and how many people she can put on the block. The sunsetters want to never touch the block, but don’t want Kiefer to touch the block, and know she never puts Tina on the block… so there is no renom if veto is used that will satisfy them. What she SHOULD have said: if I put up Ro and Brey, and one wins the veto, we all get together and we talk about who volunteers to be the pawn, because that way we can all lock in the vote for pawn safety. NO name there.
    • Tera’s campaign to Breydon is even worse, i’m never targeting you, added to I might have to put you on the block to save face and not be the biggest liar. I MAY HAVE MISHEARD??
    • Brey is still providing some mist coverage (he’s aware Vic has poisoned the boys, but isn’t aware Kief is jealous). but it’s wearing thin when Kief is around.
    • Brey has informed Ro that Vic is still telling them false opposing stories.
    • Tina essentially wholesale lied to the sunsetters for the first time I can remember on feeds. She said it was a hot minute alliance. She said Tera knows nothing about the sunsetters. I’d never heard Tina have an entire lieversation before.
    • EVERY ODDBALL LEFT: Oddballs was only a thing for less than a minute. This includes Vic.
    • Tina does NOT have the days down backwards and forwards.
    • Someone is clowning by having Ro and Brey wear the same outfit 2 days running.

    Breydon was smart in telling Vic she didn’t have his vote at the moment because she did him dirty. He hasn’t had to hear two days straight of her exact same campaign over and over like propaganda radio. However, if she gets the hint she’s actually leaving… the gloves come off. That’s right, so far the gloves have been on and it’s exhausting. I’d vote her out just for some silence.

    1. omg terra’s campaign … i was shooktttthhhh to the core. this is like adding fuel to the fire LOLL
      straight up pointing the obvious putting Beth on the block.

      Sunsetters must be living in the twilight zone if they dont think people aren’t coming for them.
      Ive got to say, “if” Vic stays, they will have bigger chance of staying off the block. Use Vic as a weapon.

      However, if they keep her, wowwwww, Vic with Rohan potentially working together… thats like a power Dual (in comps) , no one can ever touch them. trio will always be a target.

    2. So last night I’m thinking —- what if?

      What if Ty & Jed decide to vote for Vic to get her jury vote & Breydon learns this is happening & tells Ro – who THROWS a hinky vote to save Vic forcing Beth to break the tie. Vic still leaves but is left thinking KEIFER was the one who voted that way & that her group put her in that position.


      Breydon learns the vote is going to be 6-0 or 5-1 to vote out Vic & tells Ro who AGAIN throws a hinky vote to cause panic among the trio.

      This could pay dividends for Ro & Brey who could then:

      Have Brey tell Beth -it was Keifer/Ty doing it for a jury vote so they put themselves ahead of the group. It could cause some mistrust in the trio if Ty did it & definitely cause problems for Keif.

      Have Ro tell TNT that Ty/Jed are mad so it had to be Keifer

      Beth would then go to Ty/Jed & say Keifer is out of the F4/F5 & next to go after Ro

      Just some fun stuff to consider.

      1. The problem with that consideration is what if Ty and Kief actually try to be sneaky to keep Vic’s jury vote (that they don’t think exists because they don’t think VIc is making jury), and then two other people (Ro and Brey) throw sneak votes to implicate the guy…
        Then you have Vic staying.
        Any plan that involves RO thinking he’s being sneaky gets a firm no from me because history has shown us that Ro fails at sneaky.

        1. True – I was thinking only ONE of them vote that way knowing TJ/Keif wouldn’t put Beth in the tiebreak position so at worst it would be a tie.

  5. Listened closely to Ter’s convo with Brey.
    She told him Austin said he was trustworthy, and he’s proven himself to her.
    She told him she’s had to say his name to THEM.
    Complimented him in the game.
    She told him she’s going to look like a liar with no credibility.
    She asked him to help her come up with a pivot so that she can get out of her campaign promises if she wins HOH.

    It was still bad, but listening to the talk actually makes it sound more like she’s trying to figure out how to get out of her word to the trio without looking like a huge liar.

    ME: campaign promises are worthless. If someone has their heel on you throat, you can promise the moon and later say duress. How about, I know how many times you guys debated flipping the vote after promising me I was a pawn. The fact you considered doing me dirty after swearing I was safe means you can’t be trusted. There’s your justification.

    New news: Beth and Tina made a final 2 on day 2. Now beth has multiple final 2’s and Tina has 2 other final 2’s… but this is brand new information.

    Beth is now getting FULL Paras Cam treatment: enjoy the spiral into delusion that gets edited into mastermind gold.
    Her big target seems to be TY moving forward. She doesn’t know majority vote is take out Jed, not Ty.

    1. Now to be the messenger: Paras Junior doesn’t have the votes to win against Jed or Ty or Kiefer, or Rohan, or likely even Brey. Her only true hope is Tina or Tera. WHY? The whole house thinks she’s been a really bad snoop for the boys, she’s played the game for the boys, done nothing for herself. Even this week, It was Brey first that convinced her to target VIc (she was if we don’t get Ro then Tera is fine, until he coaxed her to take the Vic shot), and surprisingly Kief has been pushing that agenda to continue.

      Ty and Kief have come to the conclusion that Ro and Jed are the best noms to get Ro out, Beth has cosigned.
      So… they really want to put Jed up against Ro or a replacement nom… counting on TNT and either Brey/Ro to vote with them because they owe them.
      Oh. Yeah, go with that plan. throw my whole week 6-10 gameplan chart out the damn window.
      Reminder: in the double there are 5 votes, hoh and 2 noms.
      If the sunsetters decide to go through with this… they give up absolute vote advantage.

      IF VIC LEAVES: can we please have a Cam of Vic demolishing the car in a tasmanian devil dervish while driving her to jury house after hearing goodby messages that amount to : get to steppin i’m the big bitch, 3 this is for Latoya’s and 2 this is for Austin’s? PLEASE?
      And can we have it played on the monitor to the houseguests too?

      1. Keif’s inspiration is seeing Vic spiral and knowing he wouldn’t likely be safe in the next go round when Vic blew up his game. PLUS feeling the sting of Ty/Jed/Beth making him feel uneasy this week. It’s one thing to have to navigate getting Brey out of being a trio favorite it’s quite another to have to do it with both Brey AND Vic.

  6. I don’t know why I subject myself to Keifer feeds UGH– he’s talking to Jed essentially taking credit for Beth’s HOH — WE did this — UM no Keif EVEN if you did vote to keep Vic – she’s leaving b/c Beth ensured she has Tina, Brey & Ro’s votes.

    It’s amazing to me no one other than Ro & Brey have caught on to his showboating yet. The thing the boastful Keif might be worse but not by much to the panicked Keif, or the victim Keif. They are all untenable for me. The problem is not watching those convos can result in missed information.

    1. I’ve got him on mute most of the time because I can’t anymore.
      Last i heard he was trying to get Vic to go off on Brey.
      Brey already told Beth and Jed what type of things Vic was saying to him when they were outside for their chat. He played up the she’ll say anything and swear on anything because it’s big brother talk.
      He’s already partially neutralized Vic, and by extension Kiefer.
      The only problem that keeps Brey from a clean getaway… Ty and Kief talks at night. Ty puts more weight on Kief talks.

      I’d actually like to see Brey do a clapback on Vic. I don’t know, but I think his ability to convey trustworthiness in others trumps Vic’s spew. NOT 100% on that. But I think he’s got some fire we haven’t seen yet. We’ve seen her fire.

  7. Current conversation has Keifer trying to USE Vic one last time to get her to call our Brey for playing both sides b/c come on ONLY KEIF is allowed to do that. He’s blaming everything on Brey.

    Not sure it’s wise of Vic to take that route (or for Keif) b/c Brey will shut her down in a snap & all it will do is close any window for her staying.

    And I’m not sure it’s a wise move b/c it could really backfire if it comes out Keif told her that. Vic isn’t one to keep secrets so she could easily say Keifer TOLD ME it’s all you. And then watch the fur fly when Brey tells her reallllllllllllllllllllllly well maybe you should talk to your man then b/c he made the best argument for YOU to leave!

  8. kiefer is so rude can’t wait to see him out of the house. praying for someone to take him out next week

  9. Unfathomable that Jed & Beth haven’t figured out putting Jed/Brey OTB means three players would be pulled to play in POV (assuming one of TNT are HOH) that would leave Ro, Keif, Ty, Beth & one of TNT for three of the other players.

    They’ve spent all this week spiraling over whether to keep Vic but no time at all to consider what happens if Ro wins POV & removes Brey – and then TNT put up Ty as the replacement and out Jed goes!

    IF that perfect storm could happen the perfect HOH would be Ro winning the next HOH & putting up Keif with Tina with a view to potentially backdooring Ty (but getting him to promise Ro safety the next week if he doesn’t put him up). That way they either boot Keif (OH PLEASE) or they take out Ty if they want (at worst Beth if Ty won POV & saved Keif)

    TPTB will probably keep Beth, Ty & Keif safe which isn’t ideal for fans. I mean can someone PLEASE tell me what is so appealing about Ty? He doesn’t win comps, I don’t find his strategic play that solid (all he does is make moves based on his own best interest with no long -term view eg: not being bothered Jed could go OTB) & sure he’s nice and has a good social game I guess if you count flirting with Vic & Brey. But for my money Brey’s social and strategic game play far outshines Ty’s.

  10. While I do feel for Vic as she begs Keifer to help save her it’s hard to feel that bad for her-

    • She took out Austin & alienated Brey – TWO people who were NEVER coming for her. HELLO – if Aus is still in the house she has A/B, Ro & either Ty or Keif to keep her
    • B/c she kept her invisible HOH from the Ghost Peppers her move looked suspect – ie: she can’t claim “it was FOR the group”.
    • Moreover, by winning she upped her “resume” & made herself look stealth by putting herself on slop & then playing it up – all it did is reinforce what a great actress she is.
    • Vic CONSTANTLY trash talked Beth & that sh*t travels so IMHO Beth’s target at week start was ALWAYS Vic b/c she knew that Vic would be the one to target her next. (Note: Beth might’ve been a little antsy to pull the move with initial noms b/c of the guys BUT to Another Name’s point – Brey helped reinforce why she should do it — and I still believe that was her personal preference right from the start) From the minute Beth won Vic starting kissing her ass & being nice (something she had NEVER done to this point in the game).
    • Her top F2 alliance with Keifer wasn’t going to pay dividends unless she was consistently the HOH or POV winner b/c he would always lean toward the guys & keeping ALL of his alliances flowing. I mean come on even his biggest target (Ro) he speaks to before/after comps to try to make it seem like he wants to work with him — the man has NO SHAME.

    Ultimately (sorry) she deserves the karma of this cut b/c BB is about numbers first and foremost & by cutting Aus & alienating Brey she removed two from a house that has eight others in it – that’s 25% a HUGE percentage in this game.

    Even if she had wanted to take out Aus for spiteful jealous reasons or b/c she’s enamored with being the “it girl” to Ty & Jed she still needed to maneuver that invisible HOH completely differently. At her heart she knows Aus/Brey weren’t coming for her (nor Keif/Ro/Ty). She also knew TNT would be looking at the trio before her & even with her resume she wasn’t a guarantee to win at the end beside Ty or Keif for example.

    She should’ve put Ty/Jed herself & one other on slop NOT who she did. Then nominated Beth & Ro one from each side), kept her mouth shut & left the backdoor option open. Then when Ro won POV she could decide based on the conversations she had & how the trio treated her believing she WASN’T HOH. She failed to use the invisible HOH to her advantage which was to collect information & see how people treated her thinking she wasn’t in power.

    Hindsight is 20-20 but I’d argue her position in the game would be much better this week if she had followed that path. No one would’ve been able to figure out if the invisible HOH was Keifer, TNT, Brey/Aus or even an envious Ty.

    Instead, she got rid of someone who likely would be OTB this week or at worst whose vote she sure could use this week.

    So yeah – I hate seeing her eyes welling up with tears as she sits alone after her chat with Keif – relying on him to be the one to save her game (bet she wishes Austin was there now helping to pitch for her to stay). But – as they say – karma is a b*tch and again I can’t feel sorry for someone who played emotionally and has NO ONE to blame for the fact she’ll be evicted for too soon (based on her ability) but herself!

    1. So you still buy Vic’s tear welling as genuine?
      I stopped doing that during the argument at the hot tub.
      She doesn’t use it as much as Austin did, But Vic can pull a tear for the cameras just as well.
      I’ll be honest: I don’t so much WANT Vic to go, as I like how it will affect the game.
      Tera leaving doesn’t affect the game, it just prolongs the status quo.
      Vic leaving alters the dynamics.
      I still don’t totally believe Vic goes.
      Ty is still lightly pushing for a Vic save, even as everyone else is confirmed they are not doing that. Her resume, her ability to lie, her manipulation skills? gotta go. But Ty is Ty and is sure Vic’s obvious crush gets him further, and takes out the people he can’t touch… which is exactly what Vic told Brey she would do for him. Gee Ty, she had to mean the trio there, didn’t she?

      Vic wants a go at the trio and Kief without Brey. she sends in Kief to get Brey out.
      Kief tells the room that Vic has requested Brey leave so that he can campaign for her.

      1. I mean anything is possible after all TPTB will determine this won’t they? But I agree Vic leaving is best for the game dynamics – besides they could always do a jury buy back where she returns with a vengeance to take out whoever is remaining in the trio.

        Brey did yeoman’s work – he’s just much better at this game than Keif who (other than Ty BECAUSE he’s promising Ty F2) don’t really buy into his takes the same way they do Brey. It helped that Brey stuck to Austin & w/o her in the game he goes immediately to the trio to share intel – that curried him favor & loyalty (at least for now) with the trio. Whereas, Keif has known things for a LONG time but only shared what he wanted to with the trio that helped his cause & planted all kinds of Keif spins on reality with them.

        If it came down to Brey/Vic/Keif dynamics all Brey has to say is so when did Vic/Keif let you know your names (Jed/Beth) were being mentioned? I told you immediately. THAT trumps EVERYTHING – EVERY TIME.

        If there is a show down I’m kind of hoping it comes out that Vic was the one who came up with the “odd balls” alliance & it was her goal SHE TOLD THEM – they didn’t force anything she wanted LaToya out AND that Keif knew all week & bragged about how well he played his role. And she was the one who told the group she would FORCE Jed not to use the POV or else Ty would be the replacement. PLEASE let this all come out tonight so Keif has to deal with the after effects of that fact.

    Will they go back to day one again? Eyeroll.
    Beth wants to make a big move.
    Vic threw Ro under the bus. Brey gets the mastermind edit.
    Teranoia and Ronipulation talk by Beth.
    The boys are being the boys, because Vic isn’t after THEM personally.
    Will Vic catch wind? well ya dipshitz… you told her in d/r.
    Post Nominations
    D/R Beth’s overall target is Vic.
    D/R Ro: she’s got bigger fish to fry.
    D/R Vic: this is why you play everybody against each other. yeesh.
    no Tera D/R and she’s a nom. ouch.
    oh finally. D/R Tera: hope i can keep my mouth shut, I don’t trust anybody.
    Tina thinks the trio is a bunch of eunuchs.
    Tera doesn’t want to be on the block with VIc because Vic will be a dirty fighter.
    Kiefer is shooting at Ro’s loyalty, Tera shoots at Kiefer’s loyalty. Tera Tera’s.
    Tina points out that Vic is to Tina like Ro is to Kiefer.
    Ro Rosplains to Brey. Brey says they are on the downlow. Brey is in deflect and bury Vic mode.
    NOTE: there’s still no episode inclusion of TY/BREY.
    The foursome date oh and flatulent toad joins.. the bros are pro VIC. Brey/Beth are not. wash rinse repeat a million times before the veto and a million times after the veto.
    Beth has to lie to Vic. time to put the ghost in ghost peppers.
    I don’t actually believe any of Vic’s talks if I listen without watching.
    Vic is cue card reading for the final four talk to the camera. just listen to the audio not watch the video. it’s rehearsed parrot readback. I’m serious. Get used to it, you’re going to hear a lot of it (the night my video was out and i could only review by audio was the first time i noticed it). She’s been parroting D/R talking points for a couple weeks. Sorry purists, I’m serious.
    remember when Ty and Beth talked about how MAD they were she wasn’t JUST with Jed, the authorized showmance?
    No mention that the whole house is on slop right now. Rohan wins. Slop and have nots end the next day. Kief FUMING while watching Ro eat? He’s such a scumbag.
    Kief is not a Breydon fan. Ummm, because Brey was invited in when they got mad at Kief for being a sketchball. Why does the trio forget this? Ty especially.
    Kief kiefs. He’s currently putting a bus on top of Tera. Oh right, he did that a lot until Veto.
    Jed and Beth talk. Beth reveals that Kief will cut her, Brey won’t cut Beth or Jed. That’s why she likes Brey.
    Beth picks Breydon. Ro picks Tina. Tera picks Ty.
    Actually a good pick for everyone but Vic.
    Tina talks to Beth. The Tina has to use the veto so she is trusted by the house talk.
    Beth: Tera will not go home this week. So you have to have both Tina and Tera’s trust.
    Beth acknowledges the winner of Veto decides the path. Well, d’uh considering Ty is against the plan, and Jed is only for the plan when Ty isn’t around.
    Match the position of the food. most correct in shortest time wins.
    Brey is trying to ensure the backdoor to get rid of Vic.
    Rohan is fighting. already on his pineapples, and then weenies.
    Ty is fighting for Vic to stay in the Veto.
    Ro is moving on to his giant spatula. Having a problem with rolling.
    Brey is about lobbing the food so it doesn’t roll in theory.
    Tera is wanting to cry.
    Brey is doing fairly well when Ro has 8 of 9 items. Ro finishes.
    They have one minute remaining when Brey lands his last item. Brey locks in.
    ten seconds to go. I think it was a 40 minute clock? I missed the time limit.
    One is correct and one is wrong. Rohan won.
    Well this forces the plan to happen. Beth is shitting herself in fear. Brey stabilizes the situation.
    PRE-VETO CEREMONY CAMPAIGNING unusual this season but not unheard of in BB history.
    Vic comes in and throws TINA all the way under the bus. Brey laughs along.
    Vic asks Ro and Brey to tell them about the backdoor if it happens. Brey gets lots of D/R here. “sure, sure sweetie, of course I’ll tell you.”
    Boys say Tera isn’t a big target, and they are soft on Vic. Oh look a “for cappy” style D/R. play those on repeat cus those boys are wishy washy to the extreme.
    Vic talks to Tera. Tera feels like it’s Tina going up. The lie is happening. Tera is proud she got as far as she has talk… that Vic will twist into wanting to go home talk. Tera feels bad about the blindside moment. Oh child. suck it up.
    GHOST PEPPERS are loyal to Vic, so she’s happy talk. leads to Ty and Vic loyalty talk.
    Vic will never do them dirty. More of Ty feeling bad because she was loyal to HIM talk.
    Vic moves on to Beth. Every time someone says LOYALTY, take a drink. DON’T DO THAT. You will die.
    Beth D/R: Beth feels bad.
    Taking out Tera is a waste pep talk.
    Ro and Tera matching clothes.
    Ro is using the veto on himself.
    Ro tries to get cute with a speech that… ouch.
    Beth talks about how people play, things going to get spicy. Victoria, take a seat.
    D/R1: Vic is a good sport. oh this is some prodogremlin buffoonery.
    D/R2: Tera is worried. Vic won’t go without a fight.
    D/R3: Beth is feeling all badass.

  12. Boys: where did Vic go wrong?
    Breydon: fuqing me over.
    He’s been holding that one in for DAYS and i’m chuckling because he reallllly meant it.

    Ty: Kiefs food is better than the take out.
    Kief: especially the currie.
    Ro: unless it’s from skip the dishes.
    It’s like Ro just ripped out a piece of Kief’s soul and i’m here for it. I mean, if anyone has a right to rip Kief… it’s Rohan.

    Vic had BRAND NEW NEVER HEARD BEFORE INFORMATION to use as her campaign to the trio tonight. That’s not going to be sketch at aaaaalllllll.
    Even Jed says now at the 11th hour she has new information? wtf?
    It’s going to sound like last minute lies if it wasn’t in her campaign from the hop.
    Um, she’s campaigned to them for about 84 years now… why would she hold back information? Oh.
    Breydon jokes about hiding in the bathroom for Vic’s pitch. Everyone laughs. DOO ITT!
    The Breydon bury that Breydon has already prepared the trio is coming. That’s the new information. Kiefer told her to do it (it better’s Kiefer’s position with the trio).
    Right. Breydon has been prepping them for what attack Vic was going to make against him since this afternoon. Say he’s working with Ro, Say she’ll swear on everything (it’s just big brother swears mean nothing to her it’s a game), Say he’s coming for them. He’s been prepping this since I woke up. He told them she said she could do this but she won’t do Breydon dirty like that. He told Beth and Jed as soon as he saw them. He told Ty tonight.

    She should just start pitching at the dinner table. It’s not like Brey is under any obligation to leave. If she’s going to accuse him, why shouldn’t he be there to shut her down? Here is the problem. If information can’t stand up to direct scrutiny, IS it information you can trust? (mind you, her information is accurate, but it comes from Ro as a source… and nobody believes Ro is capable of truth). All Brey has to say in response: you believe her? like come on… how many times has she lied already?
    They don’t think any information Vic can give can save Vic.
    It shouldn’t. a feed block here and there could help. wink and an eyeroll.

    1. OLG room. Tina, Brey and Kief present.
      Kiefer is saying Vic won’t have a blow up tonight.
      Brey is pretty much if not directly saying Kief is an idiot to think that, because when someone shows you who they are, believe them.
      Brey sees the clouds have already formed. He’s already handed out umbrellas. But still.
      They discuss the possibility of a double.
      *note, d/r has hinted in past seasons when a special or a double eviction is coming, and altered bed times in some cases.

      Still waiting on Vic to attempt her latest new and improved never before seen campaign.
      Now be honest.
      If someone on the block comes to you with a new campaign at the last minute… how do you possibly believe it?

      How Tina can get out of her current predicament if she were truly as smart as she was before she developped a Tera shaped growth: Tell the trio she’s been feeding info back to Kiefer as her contact for weeks, she didn’t know he wasn’t running it to them.

      Current DE plans if I’m reading Ty and Beth’s conversation into the mix:
      Ro: Jed/Ty noms, Beth replace (or low grade Kief replace)
      Kief/Ty/Jed: Tera/Tina noms, Rohan replace (Kief throws Brey up in place of one of the T’s)
      Brey: Wants to throw HOH; but if won would do what Ro does (Kief more likely than Beth)
      TnT: Unsure but targeting Jed. They really need to talk to Ro and Brey, cus they are 100% scatterbrain on this whole public credibility / liar issue.

  13. Seriously — Brey gets BIG TIME bonus points for how he played this week.

    Sensing Vic might blow up at him he cuts her off at the pass by telling the trio how Vic told him he was never her target & still isn’t. That she never said his name to the trio – she’ll take out his targets. Tells him if I wanted to I could go up there right now, swear on a bunch of sh*t & throw you OTB & say all kinds of things that would make them question your loyalty. She told him I thought I was really in with them but look at what they did to me – they’ll do it to you And that she really wants to work with him so don’t worry b/c I’ll take out your targets.

    Even Ty is shook over that convo. And the thing is IF Vic elects to take a last ditch effort (ie: follow Keif’s advice & blow up at Breydon) I’m pretty sure she would lose that battle- especially now.

  14. It’s sooooooooooooooooooooo obvious the last pitch by Vic is totally Keifer’s directed pitch for her to make so he can put dirt on Brey b/c he KNOWS she is leaving. I mean kudos to Keif for getting her to make this pitch.

    OOPS– Vic tells the trio “if I was ever doing ANYTHING sneaky – I ALWAYS told Keifer about it” Hmmmmmmm that’s now both Vic & Tina telling the trio precisely the same thing & then Tera says essentially the SAME thing when she comes in for the last ditch pitch.

    Unfortunately, it did hurt Brey with the quartet taking that ONE THING out of Vic’s entire pitch to believe but discount everything else — obviously with Keifer PUSHING that to them.

    So, now they’ve decided if Ty/Jed/Keif win in the DE they’ll put up Ro & Brey together & if Ro wins POV Brey goes. I’m hopeful that changes & in that event Tera goes up instead to break up TNT but more so that Ro finally wins HOH b/c Brey is the one player I’m enjoying the game play of most and I want him to be safe.

    When Brey comes into the room — Jed face — if looks could kill.

    The trio always shifts like a yo-yo so hopefully Brey/Beth do talk and he finds a way to make her see how tight Keifer is with EVERY ONE other than Ro.

    I wish Brey would point out that as much as they (Ty/Jed/Beth) are a trio so too are Keif/TNT regardless of what they believe. Can someone PLEASE point out to the trio that Keifer KNEW LaToya was leaving the entire week & was only pretending he was leaving — maybe that would FINALLY show them he can’t be trusted.

    As they tell Vic she is going it’s sort of funny to me that Vic says “this is NOT how you play BB — you keep the people who you are fighting with that wouldn’t put you up” Umm sorry Vic take your own advice b/c you just got rid of someone last week (& laughed about it) despite her being your number & never coming for you.

    Even though she said she would take their decision SHE’S NOT & is getting angrier which might not bode well for her. Hey she’s tried talking them to death, tears, throwing everyone UTB and I guess anger is her last option.

    As Vic finally leaves — I wonder if she’ll piece together that KEIFER is the one who did her dirty b/c THAT could be the one thing that will change the house dynamics — not for Vic but for Breydon — (fingers crossed that happens b/c we all know were “the Keif” lands on my totem pole)

  15. Long Post. SORRY.

    VIC’S FINAL CAMPAIGN (the abridged edition because dammmn she can gab)

    • i was always protecting you guys.
    • on my first hoh i was protecting you. fuqifiknow how that works.
    • Breydon isn’t with you. Breydon belongs under a bus. Breydon is with Ro (the Kiefer story that Kiefer agrees with). The story Brey told them she was going to say.
    • Beth they’re allllll out to get you. It was Ty yesterday… uh oh continuity error.
    • Rohan has an army. I doubt skip the dishes counts as an army.
    • I won’t win anyway, but Tera could win a comp. chuckle to yourselves.
    • I want to fight for this five… you’re my people, and i hold no ill will for this nomination. she should have burst into flames.
    • Your families want me to stay. LOW BLOW.
    • swears on bf. that guy is like one toenail and a patch of hair left after all the lightning strikes. Vic goes home to a charcoal briquette boyfriend.

    Ty says she’ll understand when she watches/ nobody can beat her.
    As predicted, Vic tries to diminish her comp wins.
    They’ve already prepared themselves for her answers (Breydon mist session number 55).
    Beth asks her to leave as she campaigns her way out the door.
    It might not be clicking for Vic that they are voting her out right now.

    Jed is having a hard time. Kief is throwing Breydon under the bus, asking if keeping Vic is the better move. All that has been accomplished is Breydon is sketchy.
    SO Everything Breydon warned them about, they have started to believe, he really needs to get in there and mist them again.
    Beth is trying to keep the Vic vote out afloat.
    Vic and Kiefer have demoted Breydon’t spot from F4 to F6 or lower.
    So far they are still saying Vic has to go, because if Vic stays and Ro wins, he pulls in Vic and goes for the trio. Well, they must have watched Ro’s powerpoint presentation after all.
    Tina walks in.
    They share Vic’s latest pitch with Tina.
    They ask Tera’s lawyer why Tera wants Ro out. Tina tells them Tera isn’t a long term planner, she’s a survival mode one week at a time gal. She knows she isn’t getting to the end or winning. Beth Jed and Tina all agree that the house is after Ro, so Vic isn’t required to take Ro out, and she’ll be even harder to get out later. They know Ro would never nominate Vic if he won.
    Tera enters. WILL TERA TALK HERSELF OUT OF THE HOUSE? Tera says she only trusts Tina and Kiefer. She hangs out in rooms with Ro because she has nothing personally against Ro. Jed is pushing Vic’s theory that TNT are aligned with Ro. Tera continues that she’d put up Ro and Breydon. Says she knows for a fact that Vic goes after Beth 100%. She says of everyone in the house, she has the least relationship with Breydon.
    Tera points out that all of Vic’s campaigns contradict each other. She promises waaay too much. Tera says how can I promise final 4 when i could be gone next week? Tera pulls a personal card of her own (wanting to be in the house on the anniversary of her brother’s death so her family can watch her on tv).
    Tera points out if Vic survives this week, they’ll never get her out of the house at all. She says nobody needs Vic to protect them. TERA’S BEST CAMPAIGN YET!
    So Ty is at the point of saying unless we want to have a sit down on Brey, they have to vote out Vic.
    Beth is convinced that Vic is pulling shit out of her ass to stay. Says take Brey as far as we want then cut him. Beth is at the jumping on the bed stage here. NO REALLY.
    Everyone is afraid to tell Vic she is going.
    Send Breydon. No really, he’ll do it for them, but they are scared of the Vic emotional meltdown.
    Ro and Breydon have replaced TNT as noms to keep Tera in the house until her Brother’s death anniversary. I think it’s this coming week. So after the DE.
    Trio/Kief conclude Breydon’s personality has been blinding them. They won’t share info with him anymore. The boys have been turned against Breydon, which Breydon expected, and said was happening.
    Not sure Beth is fully on board with that. Kiefer doesn’t have Tina and Tera like he used to. They took definite note of who was invited to the Vic campaign talk. Kiefer did well in getting Brey out of his final 4 spot. Brey better not throw the HOH like he planned. (However, if they don’t have room for a triple, then the double special eviction is where they would have to put their kill your gays trope sacrifice of the lgbt houseguest: 13 out of 18 lgbt houseguests in seasons 1-7 left in special evictions was the stat i think. So if the houseguest mortality rate for special evictions of lgbt houseguests holds true: BREYDON MIGHT BE IN DEEP DOO DOO.
    They tell Vic she is going. Vic begins to campaign again. It’s not sinking in.
    She’s still trying to get them to change their mind after they’ve said no in twelve languages.
    Well we wanted to see someone fight to the bitter end… who knew it would be this damned exhausting???
    More boyfriend life promises. More everyone is out to get you talk. More I chose you in front of Canada talk. And more I told Canada Talk on my boyfriends life.
    I think the playing the game for Canada parts of her protests actually hurt her campaign.
    Her post HOH talk with Breydon should let him know she was for sure throwing him under the bus in kind. He tells her he told her this morning he was on the fence. Brey is considering going to HOH to see wtf. Meanwhile Kief has taken the opportunity to declare the 4 sunsetters the final 4. Brey will go to HOH, but it’s gonna be crowded.

  16. simon, dawg, and any obb posters/readers that want to predict all the outcomes of double eviction day/night, i will be making my picks in the next new thread whenever that is made either tonight or tomorrow morning and i hope some of you would like to join in by replying with your predictions below that post when i make it and we will see who gets closest for a bit of fun

    the outcomes you need to guess for double eviction day/night:

    • vic or tera evicted and by what vote total and who votes for who if not unanimous
    • double eviction hoh winner
    • who is nominated
    • who are the 5 players in the veto comp
    • who wins veto
    • is veto used…if its used who is it used on…if renom needed who is renom
    • who is evicted and by what vote total and who votes for who if not unanimous
    • hoh winner for the rest of the week later that day
    1. ok im just gonna do my double eviction predictions here as im not sure when a new thread will be created…

      • vic evicted 6-0
      • tera wins 1st hoh comp of the day
      • jed, ty nominated
      • jed, ty, queefer, tina, brey are the 5 playing in veto comp
      • jed wins veto
      • jed uses veto, on himself, beth is renom
      • ty evicted 4-1(queefer the only vote against beth)
      • ro wins 2nd hoh comp of the day

      i would be interested seeing predictions from others in the replies below…your predictions should be not what you want to happen, but what you think will happen

      1. Hey Feeds Gold!

        I don’t know if I will create a new post until after the eviction. I doubt there will be any movement in the vote. I do predict Vic will continue swearing on her boyfriend dead A$$ up until voting.

        I just hope sunsetter take a substantial hit during the double to keep the game interesting.

        What I want (pretty much same as your predication)
        LOL I mixed these up.. this is what I think will happen

        • Vic Evicted
        • Jed wins HOH nominates Ro/Tera
        • Ro wins POV takes himself off. Tina goes up Tera evicted
        • Ro wins 2nd part of HOH

        What I think will happen This is whay I want

        • Vic Evicted
        • Jed/TY end up nominated
        • Ro/Ty win veto Ro doesn’t use it Ty uses on himself
        • Jed is evicted
        • Kiefer/Ty win 2nd HOH of the night targeting Ro.
        • Ro continues to win Veto week after week.. 😉
        1. thanks for replying simon…in your what you think will happen scenario, who is your 1st hoh winner and veto winner if you had to say only one name for each? also jed leaves by what vote total? who wins 2nd hoh k or ty?

          can we get dawgs prediction too?

          i hope youre right that ro wins every veto the rest of the season haha

          1. My first HOH would be Ro or maybe Tera/Breydon.. I’m a bit confused with Tera/Breydon right now. Ty to win the veto during the double unless Ro is not HOH then Ro wins.
            Depends on who Jed is up against, If it’s Beth it’ll be a close vote. I wouldn’t be surprised if Kiefer wins another HOH.

      2. my prediction for weeks 6-10 is already wrong. which means i’m off on production’s storyline plan. I haven’t been this far off the production plan for a few seasons.
        I was sure Vic had replaced Beth in the production pet seat.
        So i’m going to have to go off my current map.
        WHAT I WANT

        • Vic evicted 5-1 (hinky vote drama coming)
        • before after comp hoh. Ro wins.
        • Ro noms Jed/Ty
        • Veto is Jed Ty Tina Kief Brey quick comp move ball in maze.
        • Brey wins veto does not use. (says to save Beth to her)
        • Jed evicted 4-1 (Beth votes to save Jed)
        • next hoh comp played 3 hours after eviction. it’s an objects around the house style q/a. (number of balls in ballpit etc).
        • Brey wins.


        • Vic evicted 6-0
        • before after comp. Jed wins.
        • Jed noms Brey/Ro.
        • Veto is Brey Ro Ty Kief Beth
        • Ro wins veto. Tina is replacement. (Ty and Kief decide Brey but don’t tell Beth)
        • Brey is evicted by a vote of 3-2 (Beth and Ro voted to save)
        • next hoh comp : Kief wins.
        • steamroll resumes.
      3. My prediction:
        ·        Vic Evicted (fingers crossed…haha)
        ·        Keifer wins HOH
        ·        Keifer nominates Ro/Brey
        ·        Ro wins POV, Tera goes up.
        ·        Brey gone 🙁 (I do not want to see this since I love the game Brey is playing now that Austin is gone.) votes: 5-0
        ·        Ro wins HOH

        I feel Ro would put up Jed/Ty. I sadly feel their time is almost done. If they try to flip the vote to keep Vic (they were talking about this again this morning…ugh) they deserve to go! If that happens, I predict Vic wins first HOH and puts up Jed/Beth. Beth wins POV takes herself down, Ty goes up and Jed is voted out.

        Excited for the episode!!

      4. thank you everyone for your predictions! ive been away most of the day and just reading them now

        1. I was close? Haha What a great episode!!

          Now that Ro is gone clearly, he will not be the next HOH…I am shocked at how much I liked Ro when he was talking to Arisa. Poor guy would have done so much better in the game if he would have connected with the Sunsetters from the start. I am happy Brey is still there 🙂

          I predict the new HOH will be Jed and he will nominate Tera and Brey…if one wins POV Tina will go up. I really do believe that the Sunsetters (Ty, Jed, Beth and Kief) are loyal to the four. If any of the four ends up on the block together that is when the Sunsetters will no longer be a thing. Until then they will stick together. Or that is my hope! I think Jed will win now that Ty finally won something…that will be Jed’s motivation …he wants to ensure Beth still thinks he is the top dog! 😉 haha

          Cant wait to see who wins the next HOH and what is to come this week!! Big Brother has created a great season so far!!

    2. Vic evicted by a karmatic 6-0 vote. — Note: Vic is already working the guys for a sympathy vote asking both Keif & Ro (suspect she’ll also do the same with Ty/Jed). Typically they learn about jury after the eviction but maybe Arisa tells them prior to vote & that cements no sympathy vote (jury pandering).

      What I want to happen:

      DE HOH: Ro (or Brey) so they are both safe b/c I don’t trust TNT to do the right thing
      DE Noms: Ty, Jed
      POV players: Ty, Jed, Keif, Tina, Beth
      POV Winner: Keif – saves Ty
      ReNom: Beth
      DE Evictee: Jed (3 to 2) Brey, TNT vote out Jed | Ty & Keif vote out Beth (although I’d equally enjoy a Ty vote out with Jed voting for Ty — just for the aftermath)
      2nd HOH: Brey noms – Ty/Keif

      Who it’ll be:
      So first some notes — Ty/Jed/Keif all said they would put up Ro/Brey which means the trio’s F4 with Brey gets exposed as BS. Something major has to occur to change for both not to be noms if any of that trio wins HOH. Although there is also some angst from Ty/Jed about Tina doing NOTHING for them (so crossing fingers for a shift).

      If a shift occurs & they decide to put up one of TNT even then whichever of Ro/Brey isn’t on block HAS to win & remove the other for both to stay. In the event Ro is nomed with one of TNT & wins POV I just don’t see them evicting either of TNT over Brey. So Brey/Ro are in big time jeopardy tonight.

      Tina also said the dumbest thing last night that she would nom Brey/Ro with Jed as her backdoor target — HELLO TINA — even if one of them won POV & you put up Jed then Beth/Keif/Ty would vote to keep him so that’s literally the dumbest plan EVER. You watched the 4-some closed door meetings all week – don’t be obtuse! Ro/Brey have WORK to do prior to tonight to get TNT on the same page with Ty/Jed initial noms & Keif or Beth as renom if one comes down the other leaves.

      I’ve vacillated so much – part of me believes Jed (or Ty) wins & the other part thinks it’s a wild card like Tera with the latter allowing for the karmic retribution cycle to continue: i.e. Austin >> Vic >>Jed (or Ty). If TPTB do some sort of date related comp it bodes well for Ty/Jed/Keif & Ro. However, if it’s “What the bleep” it’s anyone’s game with potential for the wild card HOH win (Tera). In the end, I decided to go with the more optimistic & hopeful picks of the two.

      DE HOH: Tera
      DE Noms: Ty, Jed
      POV players: Ty, Jed, Tina, Ro, Brey
      POV Winner: Ro – keeps noms the same
      ReNom: —
      DE Evictee: Jed by a 4-1 vote (ONLY Beth votes to keep him)
      2nd HOH: If athletic Ro, if puzzle/skill – Brey – (noms – Ty/Keif)

  17. Brey is always pretty quick to read a room & Jed certainly helped that situation by glaring directly at him. Brey (unlike all week) was quick to leave the room. My guess is he’ll know if they keep this up tomorrow (distancing/changing how they interact with him) that Vic/Keif threw him UTB.

    Vic’s initial reaction was to blame Brey but the fact he wasn’t in the room for any of those chats will sink in after a night of fuming & if DR gives her a nudge (via questions) it might help. Keif can’t ever stfu so he’s likely to also tell her Ro/Brey are the targets and THAT intel should theoretically make a logical Vic recognize it was the trio (and KEIFER) NOT BREY (although in truth Brey did plant the seeds that Beth was searching for) who did her dirty. That could lead to her having a heart to heart with Brey & maybe giving him some intel in anger over the trio taking her out.

    Then again, Vic is an emotional player so she could just as easily decide to keep listening to Keif & continue to take her anger out on Brey.

    Here’s hoping Ro chats with her tomorrow & reminds her he was willing to keep her but with Keifer saying NOPE, it ended all opportunity to try to work others (Beth/Brey) to keep her. And, we’ll see if he takes one more stab at telling her how Brey/Austin were NEVER coming after her & now she’s leaving after doing the trio & Keifer’s dirty work for them & it’s NOT b/c of the ARB but THAT quartet as to why she’s leaving.

    Yeah, I know I just want Vic to drop all the Keifer bombs on her way out the door — she’s not Austin who elected to take the high road & not trash Vic even though she really did DO HER DIRTY.

    In either scenario, and with the continued shift in how the trio are treating Brey JUST BEFORE a DE HOH hopefully it will register & my guess is both Ro/Brey GUN for this HOH. I know Brey’s preference would be Ro winning but I doubt after tonight he arbitrarily throws it.


    • tried to get cute with the vote flip instead of just all the sunsetters voting to evict Rohan. Result: Rohan stays, Tina backs away, Vic targets LaToya, the trio lose their side deal with Austin / Brey. the sunsetters created the oddballs with that failed flip.
    • the pantry argument. It was a setup from the LaToya part on. She stood at the door listening for the right time to accelerate the situation. Kyle and Rohan fell for it. Result: Kyle and Rohan become the universal target of the sunsetters.
    • Vic trying to get her alliance to carry all her water for her HOH evicting LaToya, while she skated clean by blaming them. Result: sunsetters still rememember it was Vic’s HOH. The rest except Rohan think she’s a sketch.
    • Austin throws HOH to someone that isn’t an ally. result: she is put on the block with Kyle. Kyle goes home. ends one possible steamroll. causes the other.
    • Rohan wins veto and doesn’t use it on either ally on the block. result: loses an ally for sure instead of 90% certainty. The flip could have happened. With an invisible HOH nobody can be sure who the renom was. continues the steamroll.
    • Vic chooses the wrong side. result: VIc targets 2 people that wouldn’t vote her out for three people that are using her, and would have the votes to stay if on the block this week. Au/Brey thought she was sketch, but were targeting the trio. continues the steamroll.
    • The trio and Kiefer blatantly lie and fumble the lie one minute and thirty seconds later: they tell Breydon Vic never mentioned his name in the HOH then say she mentioned him. result: we’ll see.
    • The trio and Kiefer choose to evict an ally instead of a nobody to them. result: one more person after them no matter how the vote falls. Tera noted there were 4 of them when it was Kiefer and the trio alone talking to her and Tina, how could she fight that? She now wants to get them out more. Kiefer is now compromised more to Tina and Tera. Flip flopping on a 100% promised safety pawn is not smart. If they flip back, and keep Vic she SHOULD aim at Beth.

    Issues that could become the next unforced error:

    • Telling Vic the night before, not the day of. THIS ISN’T OVER. She’s done tears and anger. Next comes scorched earth threats of outing games.
    • Sunsetters put Breydon on the block to earn his trust. Think about that for a minute. Look at how vengeful bitch he was about Vic. If they nom him and keep him one of them goes soon after.
    • Tera and Tina’s fear of making the move and looking like liars. Could destroy them.
    • Jed being Jed and wanting to go on the block volunteering as tribute to the BBCAN hungry games. If the others allow it. So far they’ve talked themselves out of it.
  19. Wow, what a messy week!! With that said… Rohan, Tina and Tera for HOH! Ideally tomorrow night after the eVICtion AND the following HOH. Mix it up..!

  20. It’s eviction day, and with Victoria receiving confirmation late last night that she’ll be leaving her campaigning mercifully stopped (only so many times we can hear 30 – 60 minute pitches over and over again). Her tears were replaced by anger. Assuming that ire continues today there are a myriad of people and secrets she could shift her shade toward.

    The first question is whether Vic considers the decision was made by FOUR people in the HOH room including the three men she trusted the most in the house. If Vic accepts that simple fact as truth then she could conceivably redirect her angst toward the trio and her BFF & F2 partner Keifer instead of her current obsession (Breydon).

    If what happened to Brey yesterday had you asking why the trio took such umbrage with something they were warned about but elected to ignore the obvious about Keif just consider how much damage Vic could do to each member of the trio & Keif.

    For example imagine the impact of exposing the Pink Ladies, Ghost Peppers, Pre 90s and any other alliance she knows of & how it would impact the corresponding allies. Or how TJ feel to learn Beth & Keif are ACTIVELY looking to have TJ targeted & ousted before either of themselves.

    Keif could take a major hit since TJ aren’t aware of precisely how much side business he’s been up to let alone him actively working to make them targets and the LaToya week occurrences would be a big revelation (PLEASE — can that finally happen).

    As far as TNT they’ve already suspected Keif & this week/last night’s closed door session only served to reinforce precisely who the trio are the most closely aligned with. It should be a safe bet neither of Vic or Tera can feel reassured Keif has their best interest at heart — he can talk all the smack he wants he’s most afraid of disappointing TJ.

    Other than the Ghost Peppers the most damage she could really cause against TJ would be to tell Ro/Brey/Tera they are the trio’s priority boots essentially in that order so all the trio’s intimidation tactics & claims of “honest games” are BS.

    We’ll see how she navigates — she could surprise & take the high road like Austin — hmmmmmmm— yeah we’re talking Vic so that’s not likely. As fans we just have to hope she doesn’t take her anger and channel it at Breydon b/c she did this to herself and quite frankly if she wants to channel that anger at an inividual(s) the trio & Keif are more deserving of her shade than TNT, Brey or Ro.

  21. SHOCKER — Vic is all sweet and joyful today saying she’s accepted it.

    Ro told her it was ALWAYS the plan (tee hee) so she now knows Beth, Ty & Jed (& likely Keif) all knew in advance.

    Still time for her to get spicy though.

    Also– TYPICAL Keif — Vic asks – who do you think did me the most dirty? He says Beth. Sorry but Ty/Jed made the GP alliance with her with no intention of taking her to F3 & IMHO Keif did her equally as dirty (b/c she was always just a shield/pawn for him).

    1. TTOTambz, I am interested in what your double eviction day predictions are…if you can reply to my post above it would be appreciated

    1. its something bbcan introduced in recent seasons i think to create more unpredictability, it means an hoh has less control, and noms have a higher chance of saving themselves, so more of a chance veto is used and a renom is needed…it is a bit unfair though that an hoh cant play in the current weeks veto or the following weeks hoh

      1. I like it. It reduces the HOH power, increases the consequences of being hoh, increases the ability to play the game not win competitions. If you want to win comps, apply for MTV the Challenge or survivor

  22. What I really want to know:
    who in production is peppering Vic with don’t do Kief dirty thoughts?
    She tells him he’s the only one that she hasn’t done dirty.
    When they find out Vic is a juror.. do they regret their goodbye messages? Beth’s will include the week 2 these are the sunsetters message (she made one for everyone it seems that week).
    When Ro leaked it was the plan all along, what I wanted was house meeting level histrionics. What I got was triple dose xanax Vic. D/R has obviously hinted she makes jury.
    Just like D/R hinted a double 2 days ago.

    Plot threads that need to be cut:
    It has to be revealed that Kief knew about the LaToya trap.
    It has to be revealed that Tera has known about sunsetters since week 2.

    Neither will happen for the purposes of edit and storyline. They just love having the first alliance they name in a season to look like champions that never got caught. Review season 6 and 7 edits of episodes for that proof.

    A power will be introduced after the double. It’s week 7. A power will be introduced. After the last double it was the blood veto (a wreck of a twist they changed from a Canada vote to a consensus house vote last minute to protect their chosen alliance). If they give said power to Kief and swell his head further, I’m done. No. Really. He’s playing his game according to Canada likes me, will vote for me, and give me a secret power. Screw that. I hate that.
    When he said last night he isn’t playing for Canada I almost Linda Blair’d pea soup.

    1. Seriously — at this point it seems like TPTB have threatened them NOT to tell about Keifer knowing about LaToya & bragging about his acting all week.

      It makes ZERO sense— the ONLY people who don’t know are the trio. Why wouldn’t one of Brey, TNT or Ro expose that? It makes no sense particularly by Ro given their relationship — or Brey this past week given how Keif got all bent out of shape.

      Nor does it make sense that the trio let Keif off the hook when it was revealed he’s known secrets & important information passed along from each of Vic, Tina & Tera. STINKS of production saying — DO NOT DISCUSS that & DO NOT ever judge or get mad over anything Keif does that’s shady.

        1. The fact nothing has come up when Kief kiefs so much is suspect as hell.
          I’ve thought it was prodogremlins since I decided the pantry argument was staged.

      1. I do not get the Kief haters!? Haha I mean EVERY houseguest has their annoying things they do, IMO!

        IMO, if Kief would have told the Sunsetters, after the eviction, that he knew Latoya was going they would understand that he did not tell them the plan, since he was sitting on the block next her. His goal is to stay in the game, like all other players. I believe they would get that and understand he was playing HIS best game, given that he was on the block. He has shown them full on loyalty to the Sunsetters. Ty/Jed and Beth may feel a bit of a burn, but would get over it, since they can rely on him.

        ALL his Kiefing is annoying, for sure, but I can only assume this a strategy of sorts!? Maybe when the game is done someone will ask him why he Kiefed so much? haha

        I would be happy with ANY of the Sunsetters winning the game. Loyalty should matter when you are playing a cut throat, and generally mean, game like Big Brother, IMO. A good and strong alliance gives the best odd to make it to jury and to make it to the end. You do not have to like all members of an alliance, you just must know how to be loyal, which is not always easy! Takes a special skill that not all people have.

        They ALL have side alliances and connections, from the start, and they do not all share info with each other. It is a game…it is interesting to see who shares what and when…so loving this season!

        It will be great TV when the Sunsetters must turn on each other…think the time is soon!

        While I do feel the proogremlins have been at play this season, so far, I feel they have been helping all things Oddballs, so guess we all see it different! Haha IMO, they have been helping Vic and Breydon, and whomever has been working with either of them along the way. It would be cool to work for production, on any reality show, to see how it all is manipulated. Whatever they are doing this year, it is great and I am entertained!

        1. Just because they say the word loyalty doesn’t mean they are loyal.
          Kiefer has planted seeds with multiple houseguests to target Beth.
          THAT’S why Vic got in trouble, she got outed, but Kiefer scurried and got sketchy.
          Breydon wouldn’t have had a final 4 with the trio if they were loyal.
          Beth wouldn’t be plotting with Rohan to take out one of the boys if they were loyal.
          Ty wouldn’t be planting seeds to have someone take out Beth if he were loyal.
          The only moron that’s being loyal is Jed, and even then he has 2 final 2’s in his triangle. That’s not loyalty.
          Ty and Kiefer wouldn’t have discussed doing Beth dirty and keeping Vic behind her back if they were loyal.
          Ty and Jed wouldn’t have discussed keeping VIc and pretending to have Beth’s back if they were loyal.
          Kief wouldn’t have had 4 final 2’s until today (2 outside of the sunsetters) if he were loyal.
          Ty wouldn’t have sought out a possible side deal with Tera and Tina (to be negotiated after the eviction) if he were loyal.

          There is no loyalty in the sunsetters game. They just say the word loyalty a lot.

          In terms of Kief telling the sunsetters about his role in the demise of LaToya. Have you watched hothead Jed and sentimental TY? I mean. Come on. If they knew that Kiefer was aware of the plan from Thursday night all the way to eviction, and played dead so that LaToya wouldn’t campaign or fight, and that they were blindsided by the vote and made to look like idiots… you think THOSE 2 would have been okay with that? HELLLLLLL no.

          Manipulation we are aware of:
          backdoor heads up to Vic.
          The invisible HOH comp still photo at the half way point. Vic is second highest number, Tera is lowest number (30 below) how did they tie, even with Tera adding 11? Defies credulity that everyone would fall so far off pace and Tera’s pace would speed up and Vic’s slow down enough while the rest of the houseguests flounder… nope. that was a fix. HUGE. Benefit: Sunsetters.
          feed cuts and d/r calls that have massive shifts in gameplay: these have benefitted the sunsetters multiple times, especially Kiefer.
          The fireworks setup and the feed block returning to LaToya listening outside of the pantry door and bursting in. Anyone that doesn’t smell production on that? Check again.
          The waffling over the last two days. that was a direct and i mean direct result of d/r calls and 20 minute feed cuts at least twice.

          1. another name, for sure all things you are saying are valid. They all have side alliances since they will eventually have to go after each other…seed need to be planted.

            Regarding production, have you seen the TV show Unreal? I feel it is very much like that. It is as much a game between the producers behind the scenes as it is in the house. Like on the TV show Unreal, I do not imagine it is just one producer for all the cast. There are various producers, and each is trying to direct their cast member to do what they think will win the game. So yes, I think all of them get help, some more than others, since their producer has more hope for whichever cast member. It would be great if they did all there HOH live…I for sure think they are rigged and was not shocked that Vic won the invisible HOH, but I don’t think Vic did as her producer suggested. I am sure they wanted her to make the big move of putting up the trio. She ultimately chose to not listen, since she is so cray, cray over Jed and Ty. I think she is taking the backdoor much less dramatic than I thought she would and IMO it is because she realizes she made a mistake and should have stuck with the Oddballs… But who knows! I love guessing!!

            If you have not watched the show Unreal, I say watch it! It makes you see all reality shows different and accept it is very ‘managed’!

            Show is about to start!! Cant wait to see what happens!!

  23. Realistic here:
    the episode won’t be long enough if one of the flipfloppers wins HOH in the DE.
    first they have to go to the storage room and make a plan.
    then one of them has to say no and propose the opposite.
    then they have to debate the nom plan.
    then they have to go back and forth on it for 4 hours. before coming to the first plan and calling it brilliant.
    finally the HOH makes noms.
    instantly regrets noms
    pulls the rest of the alliance into a room.
    announces change in plans.
    then two disagree and two are pissy while they try to come to a conclusion.
    then they debate and search their feelings. Then they cuddle. Then they ask canada what to do and ask for a secret power to make the decision for them.
    then they choose veto players.
    more debate about what should be done. This time right out in the open.
    Arisa is having kittens screaming You will and you must NOW!!!!
    Veto is played.
    more debate and going around in the same circle until the crew is asking for overtime.
    round and round they go. more and more debate. Arisa is on the monitor, now bald.
    Seriously: in order to have a smooth D/E, it’s really better from a production point of view if one of the flipfloppers doesn’t win the D/E. It’s not a week long episode.
    Hear that Prodogremlins? Make it so.

    BTW: Beth’s reaction to Breydon has been playing both sides is off. I mean, she was playing both sides to maintain a relationship with him. That was her assignment. So was he just supposed to sit around and not game while not being included in the alliance?

  24. Thoughts on the double. I kind of want a bRey and Roh to survive.

    i hope Roh can save himself in a veto this double. Head to head he has been beating the other big guys, and I’m hoping for a good old fashion scramble for the veto. If it’s a quiz for veto, we know production wants Roh to jury and push he sun setter agenda. If it’s a quiz, Roh is done for from his performances thus far.

    I hope Brey can slipunder he radar and make it through okay.he is not a comp threat in the least so cheers hoping.

    sort of hoping Tera goes, it’s cringe worthy watching her campaign and talk, I think Tina has lost it from osmosis of nuttiness from Tera as well.

    well looking forward to the 4 hour live eviction edited from 4 hours before I air time for the 45 minute time slot tonight.

  25. From season 5 on, there has been a question answer component to the double (there was the weird one in seven on about day 55 that had none, but I’m not going into the logistics of that day).
    So. we know Breydon knows dailies better than Ro. We know Tera knows them better than Tina. We know Jed knows the mains. We know Ty knows the mains. We know Kief knows the mains. The final three have not studied the minutia like Breydon, but Jed has a really good memory.
    If i had to classify who has the daily events down best the list goes:
    Breydon, Jed, Rohan, Kief, Ty, Tera, Tina.

    I’m going to say this once, like I say it every season: Anyone that does not know their days and events backwards, forwards and sideways isn’t thinking of the endgame, and never has my support to win the game. With all the downtime they get… there is absolutely NO reason NOT to know Every event.

    1. At this point in past seasons, the spoilers would be coming out in the next five minutes telling us who was evicted. We’d either be on here cheering or bitching.
      Therefore we know that they are currently 7 houseguests are on meal break and D/R runs before they head into the next HOH comp, which should be starting at around 8pmish. The feeds should return after comp D/R’s and HOH reveal.
      Two evicted houseguests are being debriefed on what has been part of storyline and what has not so that they can effectively respond to interviews with a production approved set of answers.
      This is IF they follow past season pattern.

      1. Only spoiler I’ve seen is from a Kiefer stan account whose first tweet is marked as 2 hours ago. I find it suspect because the evidence receipt tweet they provide from a supposed staff member friend is timed AFTER the Spoiler tweet was sent and misspells houseguests names, as well as NOT providing a definitive eviction. How does someone get a proof receipt tweet after they post a spoiler?
        However, I would not be surprised if the actual body of the spoiler turns out to be true.
        It would fit the season perfectly.

  26. i think beth is going hard for vic because of her letter from home (sister) said “get yourself some SPICY chicken” i think it was an outside influence telling her who she needs to get rid of for her game.


    Okay maybe I’m just seeing things but I thought I saw Keifer saying after prior to Arisa reading the last question (which was after). I could be wrong but it also wouldn’t surprise me in the least if he was given the 5 answers. This SUCKS b/c one of them is gone for sure. Keif was the absolute WORST to win HOH b/c there was no way he’d put up TNT initially.

    NEED one of them to win POV — -if for no other reason than for TNT to realize he will put them up next & to fracture their ties.

    Not sure who I want to stay – I’m partial to Brey BUT production made sure to sink his boat at end of week. Ro more likely to win a physical comp – but his days are numbered with the SS ALL after him.

    This sucks *ss

    Damn – Ty winning POV (I really wanted Keif to be forced into putting one of TNT on the block). Ro is gone – wonder how this will impact Brey’s game next week.

    Classy exit speech by Ro with Arisa

    1. one last hope…brey, tina or tera winning hoh, which sounds like it could be tomorrow

      if its an epic battle of endurance like a wall comp, i like teras chances, shes so little, and in good shape

    Do they have time for a full recap? The second Eviction in the last double started 24 minutes into the episode. So Maybe. But doubtful.
    House of mirrors , house of lies Seeing double edit. Nobody knows it’s a double he says. if they don’t know, how did they get the sound clips? They got a heads up 2 days ago. 2 minutes into episode, no recap really.
    Arisa talks about one of the biggest game moves of the season. hmm. Arisa with the foreshadow.
    Repeat of the end of last episode.
    Vic D/R: she’s confused (D/R told her the night before).
    Tera D/R: big competitor but V will fight dirty.
    Beth D/R: still feeling her oats. for a move she was convinced to make.
    Everyone with the here comes Covid Connie… Do we run or just end ourselves?
    Beth/Vic talk. Vic said Jed / Beth names. She thought she was both siding… by putting words in peoples mouths. If you start the convo with naming names… Of course people agree. THIS IS THE LOGIC ERROR.
    Tera’s personal story. Monday is the 14th year of brother’s death. Technically on the Monday episode… she could go on the block on that anniversary if she survives the double. Yeesh.
    Ten minutes into the episode. Commerial Block one.
    Return at 14 minutes.
    Segues INTO
    Vic vs. Tera. leads into Vic vs. Rohan.
    admits she’s invisible HOH. So you targeted Ty and played both sides?
    Vic waterworks. Tera started the Oddballs talk. Breydon and Austin actually came up with the alliance. So the alliance of 7. The don’t deserve to be here fight.
    Vic D/R i’m not that person. yeah she was that person.
    Brey: Oddballs deflection. Brey says it was Brey Austin and Vic in an alliance. the rest was fell apart after a week.
    The tea isn’t as strong as Jed says. Vic wasn’t as honest as the boys predisposed to believe Vic think.
    22 mintues into the episode. Commercial block two.
    Return at 25 minutes.
    Tera case to stay: family love, houseguests it’s a game vote for me to stay.
    Vic case to stay: Hamilton shout out. Vic forgives the dirty backdoor cus she would have won.
    Brey: Vic. Tina: Vic. Ro: Vic Ty: Vic Kief: Vic Jed: Vic 6-0 vote Vic is evicted.
    Vic and Arisa meet. Left it all on the floor. Nothing else she could have done to stay.
    Fearless and Ruthless. This is Karma. Biggest surprise: invisible and unscripted nothing is rigged. BULLSHIT. Sorry. considering the tip off she was being backdoored. BANANAS I say.
    33 minutes into episode. Commercial block three.
    Return at 36 minutes.
    HOH Before or After
    most points after 5 questions.
    1) houseguest 1 or 0 first
    2) josh speech happily block before or after bloodbath.
    3) sludge vic before or after julie kief ty leading.
    4) ausitn nom 2nd time before or after her 2nd veto comp. Kief is leading.
    5) kyle pied in face before or after egged on head. Kiefer wins HOH
    Noms @ 940 into episode.
    Rohan Breydon are nominated for eviction.
    41 minutes into episode. Commercial block four
    Return at 45 minutes.
    Veto Stone cold veto.
    Maze comp like season 3 that Britt won for HOH.
    Ty won veto
    47 minutes into episode. Commercial block five
    Return at 50 minutes.
    Ro is saying he’ll be a bigger target. Trying to sell out Breydon.
    Breydon pushing the final 4. Like he was never with Ro… Ro who?
    good job Mr. Swordsman.
    TY chooses not to use the power of veto.
    Brey: love you all vote with hearts and head.
    Ro: i’m screwed. I’ll be a fair juror.
    Beth: Rohan. Jed: Rohan. Tera: Rohan. Tina: Rohan. Ty: Rohan.
    By a vote of 5-0 ROHAN is EVICTED.
    56 minutes into episode Rohan leaves the building.
    Ro Arisa talk. Veto King. what happened?
    Lost close allies, or sacrificed one of them? Evicting Victoria mistake? Too emotional, Invisible HOH it was too much. Yeah, not using that veto didn’t help.
    Ro doesn’t know that Kief was the biggest enemy.
    Ro thinks Kiefer will win, wants Breydon will win.

  29. HOH hasn’t happened. or may be tomorrow?
    Brey is planting the seed that Kief is covered on all sides. hes’ on team tnt and he’s on team trio, so everyone is protecting him.

    BTW… Remember how much I bitched in season 7 when the steamroll was ongoing, and everyone knew it was happening, but production had them pretend there wasn’t a four boy alliance?
    I’m not feeling that grossed out. But. I am feeling sorta grossed out. Because there are a few pretend things happening, but not as egrigious as in 7. the fix is as bad. The blatancy isn’t.


    1. D/R as an invisble influencer of Episode only support.
      Vic had close to 100 D/R.
      Rohan and Kiefer have about 70 D/R.
      Austin was in the 60’s.
      Beth, Breydon and Tera have about the same. Between 40 and 50 D/R.
      Jed has just less than them. I think almost 40.
      Tina and Ty however, have less D/R inclusion than Kyle and LaToya and Josh had when they left weeks ago.

      What does this mean? At this point in the game, the more D/R the more episode only fan support. The voice of the season so far is Vic. Tina and Ty are basically afterthoughts when it comes to voice of season support. Ty depends on his looks for his fanbase (give him Kiefers body and tell me he keeps his stans). Tina doesn’t exist.

  30. How long until Keifer turns his anger & bashing up full tilt on Breydon? I know he started a bit this week but with Ro gone my guess is he turns up the heat/lies full bore this week.

    Why can’t we ever have nice things?

    1. He’ll spend the night cock of the walk talking about how he’s the biggest best player ever and his move outdid Beth’s dirty move.
      He’ll spend the night first schmoozing up to TNT to keep him safe and target Brey and Beth, then going to the sunsetters and telling them to target Brey and Tera.
      All the while his ego will be so huge, he won’t be asking each group to do it. He’ll be practically telling them.
      He’ll be crowing about how he’s going to get a power and all the Canada votes now.
      Sorry Kief fans, but come on. Have I said one word about Kiefer’s character that isn’t appropriate considering his past behavior?

  31. when exactly do the trio want queefer out?

    i wouldnt want to take him much further, good resume and very good at memory comps

    both vic and ro respect his game, and they are current jury foreman and forewoman

    1. beth just now in pantry talking to cams…the move is to take queefer out next week

      sounds like she wants brey to go further than queefer

      “queefer is the next victoria”

      wants to backdoor queefer if brey wins

        1. i think austins pitch to beth that beth cant beat the guys in the end put a rocket up her in the game and made her really think

          i dont like her chances against any of the 4 guys in f2 unless she takes some of them out

          her best chance i think is sitting next to tina or tera…so this week beth really shouldnt be wanting a female to leave if shes being realistic

  32. Happily, the special eviction curse didn’t evict Breydon.
    Sorry I always say it’s a curse… but seriously, look back over special eviction episodes.
    It’s a real thing. Nice to see it not happen this time.

    Beth is realizing she has to get rid of Kiefer now. Um, Beth. We shouted that at you days ago here. Lots of us wished it were Kiefer being backdoored.
    Beth is planning to attain that goal by making a side girls alliance… to target Breydon.
    So close Beth. Find out how TNT actually feel about Kief before going in on that. Or don’t. Whatever.

    Kiefer is already pushing Breydon target on TNT. Gee I knew that was coming.

    Okay. I’m out for the night. LOL. I can’t with more buffoonery.

    Power will be incoming this week. I’m 99.9% sure.

      1. Haven’t actually signed out of here yet, just signed off feeds.
        Keifer was talking, bragging imo to TNT. Telling them about his final 2 with Vic fuqifiknowwhy.
        I really couldn’t. you know how i get with my nope list people.
        When they are happy i’m disgusted.
        We should have expected that double by storyline. The two people that have better cases to make to the jury than the trio and Kief go on the same night leaving everyone that is in a final 6 with the trio? Ro was the only one in the house that didn’t have a trio deal. I should have seen it.

        If I’m reading the probabilities about a power correctly? I see either a Britt veto or a butt veto. Nothing too fancy. Not a blood veto situation or a fan vote for a power, because I don’t see that working in the storyline. People were voting Ro to win skip the dishes just to fuq with Kiefer’s ego. Kiefer already got a ball pit hint this morning (right after his D/R call he tells Vic that he noticed a change in the ballpit). could finally mean something.

        What are the rumors? I’ve not seen.

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