Vanessa “Please feed her the line I’m not really big into making deals!” Liz “NO DEALS, NO DEALS!”

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3:30am – 4am HOH room – Steve comes up to talk. Austin tells him they have no idea we’re with you. They think you were manipulated into putting up Jackie. Steve asks by who? Austin says they didn’t say names but implying its Vanessa. Austin tells Steve that no one is throwin his name out, no one is throwing anyone’s name out. Vanessa joins them and tells them we need to come up with a new name other than freaks and geeks. (They’re not allowed to use that name) Liz says what about nerd herd. Austin says thats been used before it was the worst alliance ever! They come up with the name “The Scamper Squad”. Vanessa asks what happened with Becky’s conversation? Austin says she just talked about last week and how hard it was. It was a team decision and how she was left out to dry. Steve tells Vanessa she shouldn’t be up here. They’ll think you’re listening in on my conversation. Vanessa tells them tomorrow you will make Johnny extremely comfortable and then well make a deal with him after he goes up. Vanessa asks if Becky asked for a deal? Please say you said no deals? Austin and Liz tell her she didn’t ask for any deals. Vanessa leaves. Liz says she wants to ask Vanessa about telling James to throw the BOB. Austin says we need to wait until we’re going to flip the vote to vote out Johnny Mac. We’ll ask her did you tell James to throw it and then we’ll tell Vanessa we’re not doing her dirty work. We’re still good with the freaks and geeks and stuff. Sorry, not sorry. Austin tells Liz if you didn’t win that BOB I wouldn’t be here. Liz says I’m sad, I really thought I could trust her (Vanessa). She is obviously trying to be the Derrick (BB16) making deals but with everyone but she isn’t getting away with it. Austin says we need to tell Becky she is the pawn and we’ll keep her safe if she keeps us safe next week. Julia asks what if Johnny Mac wins the veto? Austin says then Becky goes home. Liz says she’s already won money anyway (10K). This is hard because she (Vanessa) hasn’t done us dirty but she has done you (Austin) dirty. Austin says she has done you dirty because she wanted James to throw that BOB so you would stay on the block. Liz says if feel sick to my stomach. Like I’ve been played. Liz is worried about putting up Becky and having her come after her. Austin says we make a deal with her. Liz says Becky will tell Johnny Mac he’s the target. Austin says then we vote her out if she tells him. They’re pissed at Johnny for not coming to talking to Liz and acting like he doesn’t have to.

THE NEW PLAN – Liz plans to nominate – Becky & Johnny Mac
(Johnny Mac as the main target, Becky as the pawn / secondary target.)

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4:10am – 4:25am HOH room – Johnny Mac comes up to talk to Liz. Johnny says I’ve been left out of a lot of things. Liz says yeah very non threatening. Do you have any thing that would make my decision easier. Johnny says I’m not sure how much I know. Or how much I believe any of it. I would like to know what happened last week. Austin says we want to know what happened last week. We were left in the dark. Liz says a lot of stuff came up about Vanessa but obviously we are friends with her. Austin asks Johnny what happened with he and Vanessa. Johnny says Clay pretty much made it up for us to get mad at James. I had both of them coming at me. So I just admitted it was me and then Clay said it was him. So if Vanessa wins, pretty much she can just put me up. Liz says I have no idea what I am going to do tomorrow. Austin asks where do you think you’re in the game? Johnny says I need a team. James and Meg told me I could work with them and you guys never said anything to me so I figured I could go with them. I don’t know what happened with Steve. Austin says they told Clay and Shelli they were safe too. Johnny says I’m a free agent .. Clay and Shelli are gone. Liz tells Johnny its pretty much just Austin and Julia.. we’ve been called the three headed monster .. we would love to work with you. Liz says I’m going to base my decision on people who havent tired to flip flop around. Johnny says if you guys do want to work something out I am fine with that. As far as me and the goblins .. they never wrote anything in stone with me. Liz says alright we’ll reconvene tomorrow. Johnny says I don’t like to push deals and don’t like to be forced into deals so I don’t like to do that with other people. Johnny says we could even do a you’re safe with me deal. They agree to talk later..

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4:30am HOH bathroom – Austin tells Liz we will ask Becky if your team won HOH during this double eviction who were they really going to put up? Because if they were lying and they were going to put us up anyway we need to know. Liz asks do you think she will tell us? Austin says she has to, her back is against the wall. We have to talk to Meg and James about Johnny Mac and whatever Becky tells us and the third things is we have to tell Johnny Mac and Becky they’re going up. Liz says we still need to tell Becky she’s the pawn. Was your team going after Johnny mac or were they going to put up one of us. Austin says we need to reconfirm Brass Tacks with James and Meg and how we need them to vote with us. We can tells them that Becky isn’t necessarily our target but we need to dig up more stuff.

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4:40am HOH bedroom – A kiss before bed…

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9:45am – 10:10am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Vanessa gets a bowl of cereal and heads back to bed. Becky does her hair in the bathroom. All the cameras are not on the house guests sleeping.
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10:55am – 11:10am HOH room Austin is called to the diary room. Liz wakes up to start getting ready for the day. She tells the camera that she does not know who to put up today .. well that’s not true. I just hate being the bad guy. Well not really I have to put someone up as HOH. I just hope this decision doesn’t come back to bite me in the butt. Liz joins Johnny Mac in the kitchen. She finds tons of ants in the sink and freaks out.


  • Goblins/Gremlins = Jackie, James and Meg
  • Generals = anyone allied with Becky
  • SOS = Steve and Vaenssa
  • Rockstars = Steve and Jmac
  • ? = Becky, Shelli, Jmac, Steve
  • Freaks n Geeks = Austin, Twins, Steve, Vanessa
  • AUS-Twins = Austin, Julia and Liz
  • “Brass Tacks”  Gobins and Austwins
  • The new “Brass Tacks” = Aus-Twins, Meg, James + Vanessa
  • “The Scamper Squad” – Aus-Twins, Vanessa, Steve

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I see an add for brass tacks on the side of the screen from Amazon…LMAO!!!!!!


Shelli staying in the game would’ve been bad for JJM. Evicting Shelli last night did nothing but strengthen James and Meg’s game. Steve would’ve still nominated the same people and nothing would’ve changed.

If Shelli stayed, it would’ve strengthen Steve, Jmac, and Becky’s game, and Shelli would’ve made far into the game because she had a good social game. If Shelli stayed, no way would Julia or Liz even consider giving James and Meg a shot.

Vanessa is already on everyone’s radar and she won’t make it too far.

I’m actually rooting for Jmac, just like I was rooting for Donny last season. Just like last season when Donny was so popular but really didn’t do much, Jmac is a clear-cut fan fave without doing much.

I’m enjoying this season so much. It would be hysterical if the final 3 were the twins and Meg.


Exactly, completely agree about Shelli. Jmac needs to show n prove.

Canadian Kevin

I disagree. If Vanessa had gone home, then a) Austin and the twins would have to start thinking for themselves, and b) They would have been the weaker side.

Let’s say for argument sake you’re right about Shelli, Jmac, Steve and Becky being stronger. Becky and Jmac were already working with the Goblins and had started to bring Steve in.

Steve was mad at Vanessa and while he had promised to vote to keep her, he was mad she talked about Freaks and Geeks.

But Jmac came clean about being close with Becky – who was with the goblins, and was actively trying to save Shelli.

So it’s possible Shelli would have crossed over, and it’s possible Steve would have too. But that would have been five on that side (at worst) Verses, the goblins and Jmac – also five.

And that isn’t even taking into consideration the possibility of Shelli, Jmac and Steve actually working with the Goblins moving forward.

Basically James fucked up HIs, Megs, and Jmacs game – and i think he’s going to be picked off as a thank you – they were ALREADY talking about him being a secondary target.

They seemed to have moved off of that for the moment, but what would it take for it to come back?

Basically Meg and James – though it was initiated by James, sent shelli home, and possibly Jackie.

Beast Mode Cowpie

Yes, but I think Vanessa planted the seeds with James and Meg that led to them viewing evicting Shelli as the safer move (Since Shelli was a threat to win HOH and Vanessa was promising to target Becky, not them). They were manipulated into that move. In typical fashion, James & Meg continued to look only one week ahead while a true chess player like Vanessa is thinking 2 or 3 moves ahead and even thinking about the end of the game.

Ms Chiff

Will go with the third option that probably the goblins would still be in about the same predicament, no matter who they chose to keep/evict last week.

The dynamics of the house right now might have been different had Shellie stayed, which could change things in future weeks – but in terms of who’s been getting nominated (and evicted) right now, I don’t think keeping Shellie would have made any difference.

Steve wasn’t influenced by Vanessa to put Meg and Jackie up on the block – and he wouldn’t have put Shellie up, so Meg/Jackie would have still been his choices, and Jackie would have still been out the door.

And Liz – if anything, Shellie being in the house would have made it MORE likely that James and Meg would have been nominated instead of Becky and Johnny Mac, because Shellie is working with them.

Jackie and Meg should have been nicer/friendlier to Steve when they were in power, instead of taking him for granted – then maybe he would have gone after Becky instead of them, and they’d still both be in the house.

Sometimes the little things like showing someone who’s lonely a little kindness can make a big difference. Their competition game is super weak, so it was up to them to have an extra good social game, and JJM were kind of cliquey while in power, which was probably scary to someone who might have been feeling a bit alone and afraid in the house.


I have adds for the gremlins films lol


This whole cast is a bunch of idiots!! Look how smart they make the tweeker and her green beanie look. Everytime I read an update I throw up in my mouth a little.

Like...I'm Jackie

Congratulations Vanessa for winning another HOH! Way to go!
You know the austwins won’t touch her…she’ll make it another week and more than likely will make it all the way because everyone is scared of her…unfortunately!

Think With The Other Head Austin & James!

Eeeeeewwwwuhhh! So James blackmailing Meg for a kiss with Steve cheering him on was gross! Then that’s to far on her to blow her out of the room. Disguising. Then Brass Tacks first item for business James reports are his favorite porn sites. And he’s still gunning for Becky over her audacity to ask him to stop being sexist. While he wears Clays shirt to humiliate Shelli and feud about it until he’s lost 3 players from his own team buh bye Jackie, Shelli & Becky. They threw in with a chauvanist and his slave pawn Meg because he won an HOH early after playing pawn on the block for the first month? Surprise! Don’t turn down Jame sexual advances or you’re out.

Now he gets to suck up to Austin & his harem, to afraid of Vanessa’s wrath to be a real leader of his own team Becky, Steve, JMAC Meg he’s already given up, joined the other side, because he thinks Austin will take him to Final 2? No, James will play helpless while his girls are picked off one by one, for a rediculous Brown Code deal with Austin. Just lay low, nod, do whatever Vanessa wants, cut a deal with Vanessa without Meg. Hero right? Frightened Coward who talks tough but had no intention to be loyal to his crew. Never was.


I smell a Pandora’s box!


I smell Austin’s stinky hair


Exactly, I was thinking it was time for another weekly twist.

meg's always laughing

I’m afraid Vanessa’s millionaire A$$ is gonna win. D*mn it NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I agree! Vanessa needed to go over Shelli if anyone in the house wanted a chance to win. But Austwins are making a big mistake if they keep Becky to get out Vanessa. That will back fire and they will be out before Vanessa. Vanessa is a snake working all sides, but going about it that it doesn’t seem like she is throwing anyone under the bus. She uses the “your name didn’t come out of my mouth” but it did without saying your name. Oh well, season started good, but seeing how dumb these people are, Vanessa will win.


Noooo Becky don’t go….not my baby!
Best case scenario… James wins POV and takes Becky off the block, both are safe…. then get the piece of trash green beanie wearing tweeker Nessa out next week… Becky should just mad dog here all week, like it’s coming bitch, it’s coming.


Where folks are at or headed….

Meg- easiest call in the house. She is playing F2/ 50K like crazy. Who would you want to sit beside more to win 500K. Jebus even the twins beat her and that is so bad.
James- no strategy the best strategy. Well not quite but can’t see the forest from the tree. It’s same money for F3, F4, F5 ect Unlike Meg James isn’t going to be carried F2.
Austin- no bloody end game just a knight protecting Princess Liz. Liz reminds me of “bottle server” Porsha from BB 13. Liz is a pure snake you wait and see. Feel a little bad for lummox Austin.
Julia- think she lacks votes versus Liz. Starting in the house should give Liz F2 edge.
Liz- She has lots of protection at this point has a favourable F4 and a decent F2 depending on when/how the house flips. Gotta be Vanessa’s ultimate play if they don’t get her 1st.
J Mac- bye old buddy great season thanks to you and DR’s. He’s gone and maybe Thursday.
Becky- I’m buying they keep her to go after Vanessa. The light bulb comes on if Johnnie Mac goes but to late. She’d know Austwins and J/M working together and Becky wants blood. Steve and Van would be isolated…. maybe.
Steve- welcome to BB adulthood. Your at the bottom except with J Mac on alliances. J Mac is going it won’t be fun for you as you’ll have paranoid Van left.
Vanessa- My gut tells me Austwins/J/M could stick. Only if they hold power of course. It’s still musical chairs depending whose HOH and that’s a Van strength. She has to be able to read the house if Becky stays and J Mac goes. Unless Becky wins POV which disguises it all. They talked about a James renom I’m not buying it by Monday it will be Steve. Vanessa may not get the clue.


It’s hilarious and unreal how fast James and Meg are regretting keeping Vanessa.
Johnny Mac needs to pull this POV and makes some moves to take Vanessa out ASAP


After all this, I don’t get why people don’t see that Austin/twins have GOT to be broken up. Yes, Vanessa is a big player etc. but the twins and Austin are three in one, or two in one worst case.


Sad thing is Jackie, James, and Meg waited too long to start the game. When James finally won, there were too many targets to safely go after any. They needed to win the second HoH to put a nail in Vanessa. Either way it played out between Shelli and Vanessa, the goblins were in trouble. The goblins needed more people capable of winning comps.


It being BOB Big Brother didn’t help the social politics. It allows more sneaky ones to hide behind i for a few reasons. By the time some catch on it’s really too late. So I agree. It was too late without one of them winning again and wasn’t surprised Jackie got evicted when I saw all of them go out on the same question. Is what it is.


Im still not sure why Steve decided to go after the Goblins instead of Austwins. were ppl putting Steve up if they won in DE? I thought it was Jamc…
Is he just prefer the Freaks n Geeks alliance more? Someone shed some light please
But obviously it was a great move for him. Goblin thought he was manipulated so no target on his back, and now Liz won HOH(he could not have possibly foreseen this, or is it?) , so not a target on this side too.


The reason Steve went for the goblins is because they are the only group who didn’t include him in on their convo or any deals. He had freaks and geeks, and the generals who included him as well as all of his mini side alliances. It was a spectacular move on his part. Now all of the other groups feel like he is trust worthy while goblins just think he was being manipulated. If he was smart he would tell Austin the Goblind said Austin was Jackie target the whole time, then Austwins would not feel guilty about putting up James and Meg knowing the 3 of them all think alike, then they can keep Becky and Jmac to go after Vanessa.


In my opinion it was a terrible move for someone who is supposed to be a “student of the game”. Jackie was a non issue for Steve yet he leaves Austin, Liz and Julia in and Austin has been coming for him the whole time. DE are when you get out a big target and if Steve actually thinks he would beat Austin, Liz or Julia in the end he is crazy! Had Steve backdoored Austin he would take the mouthpiece out of that threesome and he would be safer when it comes to who would put him up. Now I don’t think Steve will make it close to the final 5.


If Steve had taken out Austin, he would be a prime target for the twins and Vanessa. Being that he’s on the bottom of everyone’s totem pole, it would have been very risky for him to do that. He does not have anyone who prioritizes his protection. He’s likely to get farthest by continuing to play the middle and laying low. Consider this current HOH with Liz winning, for instance. Steve is in the fold and reasonably safe this week. He would have otherwise been on the outs with them and a good person to target b/c he is so good at mental comps and someone who had betrayed them. Making bold moves doesn’t always further your game. Derrick won b/c he was very conservative with his game play. Of course Steve is no Derrick, but there is something to be said for cautious game play.


Because Steve is a twit who won’t initiate social interaction but who gets even with those who do not include him in theirs.


Austwins are less united than goblins. I don’t see Meg/Jackie/Games turning against each other, however Julia will have no problem to get Austin out of the house if it benefits her or her sister’s game.
Pluss, Goblins had no problem taking out Steve… Vanessa and Austwins are way more loyal to him


This is why keeping Vanessa shot the goblins in the foot. If Vanessa had gone out, Steve could have targeted Shelli. That would’ve been the safest move for him.

With Shelli gone and Vanessa still in, Steve felt safe enough to go after the goblins. Game over for Jackie, James and Meg.


Somehow I want Jmac to go home just to spite Steve, he has a better chance at working with the goblins and Jackie (since austin and liz are a showmance and julia is a freaking twin) and yet he opted to get rid of a potential ally. Having said so, the best case scenario is still Steve getting the boot this week. Jmac or Becky wins veto and then gets to be nominated.


Right, sounds like it would have been a great move for Steve to join a group that had no clue what is going on in the house, even after being told about alliances, masterminds, and seeing all their friends going one by one.

Being at the bottom of a strong alliance gives you a chance to stay in the house longer and find weaknesses. Its better to keep your enemies close.


Vanessa deserves to win IF they”re dumb enough to let her..although I’d love to see Steve win it because hes like the epitome of an underdog..

Sorry had too

Only the winner deserves to win…
Deserve is so misused,
ONLY the winner has done everything they need to do to win bc ONLY jury votes matter…
Not HOH not winning comps, not social game, not manners, cleanliness or morals.
JUST jury votes…
you get the majority of those and you deserve to win.


Well, it was good while it lasted. Look, at this point I would HATE to see Austin, Liz, or Julia in the final 3.

Hate to admit it, I really do, but at this point Vanessa deserves to win. No one else has played this game like a player, other than her. These idiots will keep her until it’s too late to get her out- so Van will win!

Pot Kettle Black

You’re right Valerie, the dumb asses just handed Vanessa the check for half a mill.

Smart Guy

Why are these fools trying to act like Vanessa was just scheming to get Austin out for no reason. The twins, who Shelli and Vanessa worked really hard to protect, could have both been evicted that week because of what Austin did. Vanessa directed the heat off of them and put it on Austin where it should have been…only he never felt the heat because Jason went home. I don’t think he realizes that he didn’t actually get the boot, and because he didn’t get the boot, Clay and Shelli are gone and Vanessa made a lot of enemies in the house. That’s gratitude for you. LOL!


Totally agree with you Smart Guy! Van was protecting Julia who Austin had every intention of getting rid of so he could be Liz’s only focus. Austin is an idiot if he lets Liz focus on that. If this finds it’s way back to Van (which it will) Van will absolutely remind the twins of WHY she did it and who she was ultimately protecting which was them This will totally bring back Julia’s mistrust of Austin again (she doesn’t really like him anyway that’s pretty clear) – Van will use this to be the “crack” in Austwins foundation and it will probably work out even better for Van then for Austin in the end. – Love her or hate her – She’s playing to win


Hate her and the Austwins. lol.
That is a little strong, but I do not enjoy thier gameplay. Van is a strong strategic player, she’s constantly negotiating, but she is a lot more transparent than you are giving her credit for. Her social game has taken quite the hit, she is not fun to be around, and that seems important to the twins. The austwins are more concerned about tv time and public perception than the 500k, but that gives them equal enough drive. Therefore, they probably disregard Van’s arguement, and not go against Austin.
I dont agree with the people that say Van is the only one that has been playing the game. There are different ways to play and she has some contenders to deal with.

Oh Brother

Diamond Power of Veto please! Johnny Mac wins, puts up Vanessa. I know I’m stretching but I really can’t stand her.

OhBrother (Another OhBrother)

Either you are using my name or great minds think alike. I don’t post often so it could be the latter.


I’m not easily grossed out, but is anyone else grossed out by that last picture of Austin & Liz? Yuck.


People should be worried about the three headed monster!!!!!


I have a feeling Vanessa will be on the block again… I really really do, which is a shame.


Why the downvotes? lol If they want her out, why didn’t they just get rid of her at DE? Backdooring her now is pretty much a safe move, which is a waste of an HoH.

Austin thinks he is the brain of the operation, when it’s really Vanessa… he is trying to prove something.


Thought Steve made a great move for his own game, putting up the Goblins. Now Liz won HOH, it was a fantastic move. Getting the target off his back from Austwins, but also didn’t piss off the Goblins because they’re too stupid to realize they were the ones being manipulated, not Steve.

This is going to be a predictable aka boring week, like it always is when senses is in power (except jason’s blindside)
Goblins are truly entertaining to watch when they are in power, but when they don’t, they’re just Goblins…

I think I could probably skip this week and still wouldn’t miss much…
Hoping Jmac stays so at least the 3 way fight is still possible (Goblin VS Austwins VS the rest)


Austin actually thinks he’ll be in a final 2 with Liz? Lol Liz won’t pick him over Julia and Julia will pick Liz. The only way that will happen is if Austin wins final HOH. Also what happened to Austins “I don’t want to win, I just want to get to jury” I would taken him out by now, just for that statement.

Whackstreet for the win!

Time to dust off the ole fortune teller …


Austin and the twins make me want to vomit. Just looking at Austin alone, I get pukey. Yuck.

Let’s just hand they money to vanessa now.


It wasn’t Austin that is voting out people, it’s JUDAS. Every time he says that it’s JUDAS doing all these things, I think about a little 5 year old and his imaginary friend.

The Dog Whisperer

Agree totally. No one gives a crap about this alter ego. It’s not entertaining and he sounds like a dumbass. Whatever name he wants to use he is just a Moron and Liz is using his pecker for a leash. When she’s done with your obedience training it’s off to the dog pound for your sorry ass. No bone for you buddy!

I survived last seasons BB

Hey James..You said keeping Vanessa was best for Your game…How’s that working out for You now ? You had a chance to be in a solid 5 person alliance and now Your basically about to get hit by a truck


So you’re saying Steve wouldn’t have targeted Jackie & Meg if they voted out Vanessa instead of Shelli? Or are you mad and being illogical because voting out Shelli weakened Jmac, Steve, Shelli, Becky’s chance to further in the game?

It worked out well for James & Meg because they were always one of the first names out of everyone’s mouth to put up on the block. You don’t think Shelli wouldn’t have tried to influence Liz to put up James/Meg on the block instead of Jmac & Becky (as it seems as of now)?

Shelli is well liked by everyone except James and Meg. There’s no way whatsoever that James, Meg, Jackie didn’t make the right call to keep Vanessa.

Unlike some, I’m rating people by their gameplay, whatever is best to get them further in the game. I hated Steve’s HOH but he made a good call. He’s not on people’s radar. As unpalatable as it may be, I do believe that Austin/twin & James/Meg alliance is probably their best chance to win. At the end, you want to be sitting next to someone you’re able to beat. Think about the jury votes. My only thing is I would vote out Meg right now because I know she would be the surefire person to take to the final 2.


Terrible move to keep Vanessa. The Goblins have no idea what’s going on in the game. If Shelli had stayed, Steve could have targeted her in the DE. Not a sure thing, but a very good chance.

Keeping Vanessa in the house put them in a permanent minority with no chance to win. At least they’ll be able to entertain each other in the jury house.


Great, we get to have Austin and Liz literally in our face with their groping all week. This week will finally put this trio in the spot light and maybe just maybe people in this game will wake up and start targeting them. It was smart for Becky to tell Liz that James was supposed to throw that BOB. I know Liz already knew she was playing that alone. Now doubt about Vanessa and James are open for the backdoor. They are so dumb though, it will be James as the replacement. I hope they do put JMac straight up with Becky. I want him to have the chance to win the POV and take himself down and make Liz put a replacement up. Dumb move not to get Vanessa out by the Goblins, but maybe this is better because maybe by the time she is out (finger crossed) she won’t be able to come back. I can’t help but wonder who Liz would be making out with if Jace and Jeff were still in the game. Austin just gets her by default, because those two are gone. She’s made her rounds, that’s for sure.

Johnny Mac Fan

Damn Austin. Last week i wanted Vanessa out, but now that Vanessa actually wants a 3 person alliance with Steve and Johnny Mac, i want Vanessa to stay a while. Now DAMN Austin redirects the target to Johnny Mac. If i didnt like Austin before, that feeling is 100 times stronger now. I hope Johnny Mac wins the POV.

Lemon balls

Ah James JamesJames … You should of taken out Vanessa and taken your chances with Shellie .. She is such a snake ..
Will someone go after austwin already

Hey Lemon balls...

What does ‘should of’ mean?


Vanessa has a fetish for the phrase “poetic justice.” She says it every ten minutes.

Austin is becoming…. Just as bad as Frankie. That’s pretty horrible.


No one in this cast is even close to the vileness of Frankie. He was absolutely the worst and probably still doesn’t get how disliked he is.


I didn’t really have a strong opinion on meg before the past couple days, but now I can’t stand her for potentially ruining this season.

Keeping Vanessa in just makes it easier for the three headed monster and her to be the final four. Disappointing. Hopefully something switches up soon


Really?! I beg to differ! Imagine if Shelli stayed, and Liz still won? The twins respond better to Shelli’s social game over Van’s strategic game play, which made Shelli all the more influential IMO.
Shelli would have thrown shade at the goblins, while trying to protect Becky and JMac, forcing Liz’s hands to go after them. Meg and James are sitting in a better spot w/ van.
Love Meg or hate Meg, she did make the right decision. Either way, Van and Shelli were interchangeable, one targets goblins, and the other targets generals, both controls austwins.

An ornery mouse

Looks like it’s gonna be a John vs. Becky block. I like Johnny, but more than I like the doctor, I want to see Vanessa freak-out when her “allies” save her arch-nemesis.

Johnny’s great at comps and DR’s – but let’s face it – he’s severely lacking in the social and strategy departments, and has very little chance at winning this thing. Whereas the “Becky & Vanessa Mutual Hatred Club” is the entertainment gift that keeps on giving! These chicks are completely obsessed with each other and want to do the Electric Slide on each other’s graves…….. good times!

It took 60 days, but Vanessa has completely lost the trust of all remaining players with her “balls-out, manipulate everyone” style. Yet, she seems to have no idea that anyone is even slightly doubting her….. I don’t think she’s capable of believing that possible. She’s really interesting.


Vanessa actually believes that she’s never wronged anyone in the game, that her word has been good and that she doesn’t play dirty. She wonders why anyone would be upset with her. Self-delusion. The rules don’t apply to her b/c she believes she has valid reasons to break them, but everyone else is held to a perfect standard without exception. If you’ve ever been close to anyone who thinks that way, it’s a serious, serious emotional flaw and makes relationships impossible.

An ornery mouse

Yes – no accountability and always the victim….. something broken when it comes to self-evaluation. Well, she’s certainly very smart and I’m sure she’s a fine person in the outside world, but it’s got to be beyond frustrating at times for her friends and loved ones if she does indeed exhibit these behaviors in her everyday life.


By definition a narcissist. The BB house does magnify flaws, but I imagine that at the least she has definite tendencies in her real life. It fits with her domineering nature.

Normal Guy

Austin ruins everything. I hated him before, now the dislike grows now that he is after Johnny Mac


Vanessa is such a weak ass bitch. Wanting Liz to tell Becky no deals. Vanessa needs to do her own dirty work. If Liz has any guts Vanessa would be her backdoor option. Big move for jury votes if she makes it to the end. John still viewed as floater and no threat and Steve used his opportunity to make bold move to get out Jackie….who mostly just talked….didn’t really have a power position even when she won her hoh. I was team Steve from the beginning but I’m not seeing him as so smart a player. He is going to get mashed between John and Vanessa.
I’m enjoying this season but at this point I’m not really pulling for anyone. I will give Vanessa props for being teflon coated though.


You can call her a lot of things but weak isn’t one. Not in this game at least.

I survived last seasons BB

No Vanessa fan here,,but weak She aint…I dont know if She is as strong as it has appeared, or that the ensemble around Her is just that bad

Calling Her weak would be like calling James tall, or Meg as a Comp threat..or the Twins as intelligent

Backseat Driver

Great post… took the words right out of my mouth!


STEVE YOU STUPID LITTLE JERK, YOU JERK, YOU JERK!!!!!!!!!! You are just so weird, uncanny, eerie, unnatural, supernatural, unearthly, otherworldly, ghostly, mysterious, strange, abnormal, unusual; eldritch;
informal, creepy, spooky, freaky ALL OF THOSE synonyms AND MORE!!!!!!!
You started this mess and I cant wait until they vote you out. YOU JERK, YOU JERK!!!!!!


Strange thing is Steve is probably in the safest spot right now. Working with Vanessa and the twins plus Austin. He’s also got some tread with JMac. Even the goblins think he was manipulated by Vanessa. No one is looking at Steve as a serious target.

I survived last seasons BB

Yeah but how do You REALLY feel about Steve ? LOL


Zapp4u—- but he’s cute, right?


I hope your immaturity is due to the fact that you’re actually prepubescent.


I thought you said last night that you would be done with the show forever if Vanessa stayed? hmmm…

Shelli's Chompers

It’s gonna be a long week of Austin and Liz. Ugh, my eyes!!

I survived last seasons BB

So Becky will get the axe, or Johnny will if She wins POV

Then James will get zapped

Our only hope is Jmac surviving and winning HOH

Vanessa will keep Steve in Her pocket and if She wins HOH will break up the 3 faces of skank (Austwins)

If the little midget James and Clueless Useless Meg would have not flipped, the game would have a much better out look


OK I get it. You all think Austin is creepy. I agree with you. Austin and Liz are an item because LIZ GOES ALONG WITH IT. Saying Austin is raping Liz, molesting Liz, is the farthest thing from the truth. Liz promotes it, plain and simple. Get over it! She has stated that she has feelings for him now, whether we like it or not. Can we discuss game instead of the odd match those two make please? So tired of the same old crap taking up space on these pages. We get it!!!


I really hate and am disgusted by Austin and Liz. Why do they want to target John? Their reason is because John is in the DR too much. Shut their BS, they are jealous they are not in DR as much as John. Let me guess why are they not in DR? because they are puppets and they are gross and disgusting and they are not entertaining. I really hope John will win the POV again. That is the only chance he can stay. I hope he will get out of serious trouble because he will not have the vote to stay and he is the target of the disgusting couple this week. I really feel bad for John because he has to fight hard every week to stay in this game since he has no alliance to protect him and plays the game independently. I hope John will pull this one off. I am afraid John will be evicted this week.

Better Than Last Year

Dear Simon: Nice ooops on the grid! I went to bed last nite all happy that Becky had won HOH & dreaming of all the possibilities/scenarios for the goblins. Van going up with Liz, Austin/Steve….oh endless noms…..
Woke up this morning to oops!
Guess I have had a little taste of being “backdoor nominated” & the game turning on a dime. LOL!

But seriously, you & Dawg do a GREAT job on this site! Everyone should buy through your Amazon link!
C’mon….support these guys that work so hard to keep us up on the game!



Yeah Sorry about the mistake I left Becky’s name on the table from the week before .. OPps 😉


Don’t piss off Liz or she might put you on the block…It’s going to be a painful week listening to the twins.

I’m sorry Simon and Dawg…I’d suggest a drinking game for every time they drag out their words like 80’s preteen valley girls, but after the bro and dude thing, I’m not sure your livers can survive.

Uh huh...

Things have been entertaining these past few weeks, but with the last two evictions prior to Jackie going to jury the wrong decision was made both times. And it has drastically changed how things would be right now.

Clay volunteers to go home, so they give him what he wants? It made little sense for anyone to do that that wasn’t certain they were strongly aligned with Shelli. You shoulda sent Shelli packing and kept the weak, unmotivated Clay in the house. It would’ve been beneficial to everyone that wasn’t certain they were working with Shelli.

And the decision that occurred during Becky’s HOH is such an embarrassment – especially so from JJM. The most controlling player in the game is on the block. You have the votes to get her out. And what do you do? You let her manipulate you into voting Shelli out instead even though you’re aware manipulating people into doing what she wants is how she’s become the strongest player in the game to begin with.

It was such a truly awful choice by them.

And now, while it’s nice to hear the Austwins talking about how they will need to take Vanessa out, they are choosing to keep her around for the time being. Hence, giving her one more week to last longer in the game. And then she’ll find a way to do the same all over again the next week and the one that follows and so on and so on.

And hell, even if they do send her to jury once they feel the time is right, that would just leave the Austwins in a strong position to be the final three. Does anyone really want to see one of those three win?

Earlier in the game the people on the other side of the house should have been smart enough to get Liz the hell out so that her sister wouldn’t get in – especially when realizing Austin was in good with Liz and that having Julia join made for a tight trio.

I don’t know… Just kinda thinking outloud right now. It amazes me how people in this game can be so easily led into making poor decisions rather then go about truly doing what would put them in the best position to win it all.

If you’re ruled by fear then you are easily manipulated. And while playing the game that way might help you last longer, it also leaves you as the first to go once the number of houseguests gets down to a point where you are on the outside looking in within your own group.

Hell, at this point I’m almost hoping that best case scenario here is that Austin truly is the ultimate player. That he got in good with Liz to get in good with her sister while knowing they were aligned with Vanessa and then he also managed to play things cool with pretty much everyone else in the house.

By all of his actions he hasn’t only kept a target off his back, but he’s insulated himself against attackers by being down with the twins (+Vanessa). In other words those three are more likely to be targeted before he is by most, if not all, in the house. I don’t really believe he has this worked out in his head as a plan to truly win it all – not at this point anyway – but maybe he does.

Maybe his whole thing with Liz is just part of the game and he’s figuring, “Hell, while I’m here I might as well lie back, have some fun with a girl… who just so happens to have a twin… which just so happens to benefit me tremendously in this game… especially since I’m on the good side of Vanessa and have her thinking I don’t have any clue that she’s working me just as much as she’s working everyone else… I’m in a damn good spot!”

And on top of that, he’s sealed it by having a pretty good bond with James. So that leaves JohnnyMac, Steve, and Becky to bother with. And well, he doesn’t really have to because others will take care of those three for him.

Ya know what, I’ve talked myself into it (at this particular moment anyway), I’m pulling for Austin!


really hate and am disgusted by Austin and Liz. Why do they want to target John? Their reason is because John is in the DR too much. Shut their BS, they are jealous they are in DR not as much as John. Let me guess why are they not in DR? because they are puppets and they are gross and disgusting and they are not entertaining. I really hope John will win the POV again. That is the only chance he can stay. I hope he will get out of serious trouble because he will not have the vote to stay and he is the target of the disgusting couple this week. I really feel bad for John because he has to fight hard every week to stay in this game since he has no alliance to protect him and plays the game independently. I hope John will pull this one off. I am afraid John will be evicted this week.


I don’t agree with you “T”. I think up to this point John has done just the minimum to stay in the game. He has won only when he needed to, and slept and moped around the house in his pj’s all season. He doesn’t even comb his damn hair. He does nothing socially to promote alliances with anyone other than Steve. He bawled like a baby when Jeff and Clay left, and gave Jeff a stupid vote knowing full well the guy was leaving. Just don’t understand why everyone is totally in love with this guy. I actually think this guy needs a blood transfusion to give him some energy.


Ahem….his hair is awesome.


smart to keep van till after a jury member returns.. NOBODY including the austwins will take her to the end.. her time will come.. hoping jackie gets that sweet revenge.. still standing by final 3 james austin meg..

Ms Chiff

JMM should have been nicer to Steve when they had the chance, but they were in power for two weeks, calling the shots, and got too comfortable.

If players aren’t as capable of winning competitions, I think their social game needs to be especially good to make up for it – and instead JMM were cliquey, and took Steve for granted.

There’s a reason Jackie’s sitting in the jury house right now, and it has nothing to do with choosing to keep Vanessa over Shellie.


It’s looking like Johnny Mac needs to win veto or he’s going home! Did I actually hear Austin have a Strategy, other than his goal of sleeping with Liz. To use Becky to get out Vanessa! Lol! I am kinda liking Brass Tracks minus Vanessa, but please my favorite player Johnny Mac must be saved!

Sad Face

People are stupid not to target Liz earlier especially during the Double Eviction. Liz is the only one holding together the Aus-Twins alliance. Austin and Julia don’t even like each other!


James and Meg now have some very powerful info. Info that they could use to split up the house after this week. With Austwins telling JM that Vanessa is the sixth person on the side. They have what they need to fracture the big alliance. They tell Vanessa that and it is over, done.

Now are they smart enough to use that info after this week. Probably not.


They had that info three weeks ago when Vanessa put Jason up without talking to them.


Huh? Brass tacks didn’t exist. What I am getting at here is, Van isn’t a part of brass tacks. In a round about way they told JM last night that Van is expendable. They can use that info, Van would go nuts. But they have to wait until this week is over. They could actually use Van to further themselves in the game.


Brass Tacks, LOL. Brass Tacks doesn’t exist now. That’s a fantasy alliance to keep Meg and James in line this week so that they vote the way Austin wants them to.


If Jmac or Becky win POV, things could get interesting.

I survived last seasons BB

Liz would probably throw Meg or James up if that happened..So I doubt things would get that interesting..Whoever didnt win POV would be going home

What interesting thing did You think might happen ? They put Vanessa up ? They already tried and failed at that


I get this feeling Austin doesn’t want to put up J or M. He wants to build trust with them. He truly wants to work with them. POV being used puts a wrench in that plan. Liz will not want to put up Steve.


Nice to see Van is still HOH…
She may not have controlled James and Becky’s HOH but she controlled the votes.


This is where women and their emotions get in the way. Becky and Van are on the outside looking in, with both their alliances. If they crossed referenced info. They could forum very powerful duo and pull in Jmac/Steve. But they won’t, because women like to hold grudges.


And you’re only slightly sexist.


I miss Jackie already…


I am going to be so disappointed if they take out J-Mac this week. These HGs aren’t too bright. Wish one of them had a brain.


Austin is just as useless as Meg..The bigger targets in their group have always been Vanessa and Shelli..He couldn’t of aligned himself with anyone better..They should of NEVER allowed the other twin in the game..(knowing they knew she was coming in) …This is the worst spot for the goblins, unless they can align themselves , as brasstacs, and convince the assstwins to get out vanessa.., unprobable, but they can try..I really don’t want JMAC to go, the only one with the real problem with him is austin..Other than that Austin is USELESS just like Meg..what have you seen him win in this game/? I can’t remember him winning anything The Goblins should of been studying last night, instead of whining about the other side…you can’t stop to cry about spilt milk, especially this far in the game…All the twins and Vanessa did last night is study before the last hoh. thats why they won, no one else was studying..

Hey Asstwins...

‘Couldn’t of’ and ‘should of’ – what do they mean? Or did you mean ‘couldn’t have’ and ‘should’ve’? Because that makes sense.


Ugh I’m going to skip the feeds this week. I don’t mind Austin, but can’t watch the cuddling/kissing in the HOH room for 7 days.

Can we get a twist? Wth?


come up with a twist and reset this game!

Coup D'etat Says ...

Hang on, I’m coming!


Can’t wait until the house evicts Becky. She is guilty herself of all those things that she accused Vanessa of doing. Becky is a negative, criticizing, lying, emotional lunatic.

Can you imagine what it would be like to have her as your manager? I trust her people are watching this and can see what a crazy person she is. Maybe her employer can provide free therapy. She needs to deal with her demons!

I pity the poor fellow who marries her. What a nightmare he would be walking into.


Actually, I find her very level headed. She contained herself when JJM flipped the Vanessa vote on her. In terms of lying, come on, it’s a game and they are all lying. She is not typically critical or judgemental. She is understandably disgusted by Vanessa’s game play. Even then, she did say that outside of the house they would have probably been friends.


What a horrible double eviction night! Anybody knows that you need to take out a BIG PLAYER during the double eviction because they do not have time to campaign all week. The idiot savant STEVE should have put up Liz/Austin and then if anyone used the veto, they would take down Austin and put up that horrible bitch VANESSA. Liz would be the pawn, ensuring Vanessa goes home because there would be no way her sister or Austin would vote her out. Or they could of just put Vanessa up with Liz to begin with. Either way, taking out Jackie was the stupidest and most boring episode of big brother history!


After this last conversation of their’s I feel pretty good. I wonder how long this feeling will last? Till the next post maybe?