Vanessa “If I win this HOH I better have your f**king word that you’ll take my a$$ to final 3”

POV Holder: Austin POV Competition Sept 5th
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony Sept 7th
HOH STEVE Next HOH Sept 10th
Original Nominations: Austin and Liz
After POV Nominations: Liz and Julia

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12:10am – 1am Backyard – Vanessa and Austin finish their game at a stalemate. They join the others outside. Vanessa asks what I don’t understand is Austin and I have such epic battles. I beat you handily and you beat him. It doesn’t make any sense. Steve says he has a mental block that I can’t beat you. Vanessa says I don’t understand I beat Austin and I are even. I crush Steve but Steve beats Austin. That part doesn’t make sense to me. Steve says you whip my a$$ every time .. much like camping. Julia says STEVEAAA! Julia says she is dreading having to think of another speech. Steve says Liz will be gunning for me next week. Won’t she? Julia says no we understand what it would be stupid to go to the final 5 with her, me and Austin. It just hurt because we’re friends. Steve asks for a hug and says I love you so much Julia. I mean that in a friend way. Not in a romantic way. Julia says obvs! Julia says we all get it, I just think its better for her game if I go.
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12:15pm In the kitchen – Austin and Liz are talking. Liz says I told him we came to this decision and hope you can honor it. Vanessa and John said they were on board and they promised you they would vote the way you wanted and we hope you can honor what we decide. He was nodding but he didn’t say 100% okay. Very weird. Austin says that’s fine. Liz says he is going to look like an idiot if he doesn’t. Vanessa joins them. Liz tells her she talked to Steve and says she told they hope they can respect their decision and told him no hard feelings. That I’m not coming after him. Vanessa asks but he still is the target. Liz says come on, yeah for Julia. Vanessa says if there was a team america do you know who I thought it was? Clay, Shelli and Audrey. Austin asks but can they vote out their partner (Audrey)? Vanessa says yeah if she is nuts!

12:55pm – 1:45am Liz and Austin play a game of pool. After Liz head up to play a game of chess with Austin.
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1:15am Hammock – Steve talks to Vanessa. Vanessa asks did they tell you that they want Liz to stay? Steve says they did. Vanessa asks is that okay with you? It was kind of a toss up for me so why not do what they want. Steve says okay. Vanessa says we can work with it either way. The only person I think its bad for is Johnny but I don’t think he knows it. Do you know its bad for him? Steve says you told me. Vanessa is annoyed at Steve that she always gives him all of her analysis and he doesn’t give her anything. Steve says you think Johnny can’t win without Julia in the game. Vanessa says it makes him more of a target because the 4 of us are big players in the game and he’s not so we have more incentive to keep each other around in the game. He under cuts us because he would be an easier win. Vanessa says with some of Liz’s wins people weren’t trying to win. Vanessa explains that Julia was close to winning a lot of comps. I think its better to go with it rather than make waves. Steve says I understand your logic just let me sit and think on it. Vanessa says she wonders who their target would be. They gave indication that I would be safe but I don’t see how I wouldn’t be up on the block next to you. Vanessa says if you were on the block next to Johnny. Steve says I would have your vote? Vanessa says oh yeah and I would make them understand how stupid it would be to get rid of you over Johnny. I’ve already been planting seeds that Johnny is the target. I think Johnny and I are favourites to win the next comp. It will be logical conceptual or physical. If Liz wins I will be able to influence her heavily. If Austin I will be able to influence him too. Steve says the problem is if Johnny wins veto. Vanessa says we just can’t let that happen. Vanessa says if I win this f**king HOH I better have your f**king word that you will take my a$$ to final 3 no matter what! Steve says yes. Vanessa says because you have to realize how sh*tty it will be for me to have 4 HOH’s. If I win you’re the only one that is pretty much safe. Having Liz stay its so much easier to put Austin and her up. Are we the biggest joke if we keep Liz? Steve says its either a showmance or sisters. Steve says a really good end game strategy he heard was “f**k it!” It all comes down to luck. Vanessa disagrees and says there are a lot of decisions still to be made. Vanessa says she will continue to work on them showing them Johnny should be the target. Vanessa says that Austin is trying to say you’re a threat in the final 4 veto. Austin joins them. Steve talks about how Clay interrogated him more than anyone in the house.
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1:45am Bathroom – Liz and Julia are talking. Julia asks was that good what I told Steve. Liz says yes. Julia says Steve asked if you were coming after him and I said no. With fingers crossed behind my back. I said we understand what he did and that we knew he couldn’t go to the final 3 with all of us and we love him like a brother. Liz says good. Julia says they’re scared of you. Liz says this is the least Steve can do for us. Julia says Steve should be very scared .. and so should Vanessa! Austin joins them. Liz starts crying knowing her and Julia will be spit up. Julia tells her to stop. She tells her and Austin no more hickeys.
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2:20am Austin tells Liz that Steve asked what he can do for him in the next couple days. And I told him whatever decision the girls make just make sure no one tries to flip it and which ever one stays you won’t be angry. He said he yeah we would be fine. Liz says he asked Julia that too and she said we’re not mad and love him like a brother. Austin says he tried hinting to me that we all know who we want to take out next week. It’s just no one wants to say. Liz says she (Vanessa) knows if she doesn’t win veto she will go. Liz says we need to Jedi mind drill! I need to do this for Julia. No more having fun.

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2am – 3:30am Austin and Liz head to bed. Steve heads up to the HOH room. Steve starts talking to himself and says I would like to ask for one favour if you’re HOH and I’m on the block going into eviction you break the tie in my favour. If you can’t I understand, its just the favour I am asking. Steve showers and then reads his HOH letter. Steve goes to sleep.

9:45am – 11am Big Brother wakes up the house guests. Austin’s telling me that I’m good. I want to make sure he knows. It make so much sense for Vanessa to want me to want Julia out. Steve goes back to bed. All the house guests are back in bed except for Vanessa who was called to the diary room. Julia is now the only house guest awake roaming the house.

11:45am All the house guests are sleeping except for JUJU. She works out on the elliptical and then makes breakfast. Vanessa wakes up and joins Juju in the kitchen.

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99 thoughts to “Vanessa “If I win this HOH I better have your f**king word that you’ll take my a$$ to final 3””

      1. No one wants to be around CREEPY Steve at the hammock…..he always tries to rub and sniff peoples butt when they are on it. Complete WEIRDO!!!!

    1. He played chess with Vanessa for an hour instead of having the twins distract her while he talks to Steve and Jmac

    2. Johnny Mac fell asleep so Steve and Austin agreed to talk tomorrow. i have doubts it will ever happen, I’m thinking JM wants to avoid the conversation. Steve should have just talked to Austin in his own. This is turning into Meg and James’ Trojan horse plan, all talk no action.

      1. Whoever takes Vanessa down will win the big check…that jury is just chomping at the bit to see her and her green hat walk through the door.

    3. I was thinking the same thing, I was really looking forward to some plotting against Vanessa! Ugh these people are such WUSSES!

    4. Got to love Johnny. Most Important Date and where is he. Asleep because he took too many drinks because Vanessa said incentive too many times.

      1. Van hijacked Hammock Date with her 36th self destruct death spiral promising to keep Liz Evict Liz Keep Liz psycho drama. Now baby retard robot Steve short circuits cuz he’s the tool next evicted for making BB twin killing history. Austin choreographs Chess games, pretending to be okay with either choice, while Vanbot and Stevebot spit useless circular spew of false statistics and broken deals. It’s pointless, no one trusts either of them and Van’s latest lunatic deal has shown her to be the con that she is. Funny to watch the two so-called brainiacs go down in flames victims of their own delusions of mental supremacy. Steve googoos I’m next mommy, Vanessa eyes bulge and acne explodes all over the Chess board you better take me to Final 3, get me great Christmas presents, all bribes are canceled.

        JMAC isn’t gonna bob around the Chess table like a turd in a toilet bowl while Steve Van Austin go to war over which Twit to keep. Steve sits bedside & wakes up everyone else to talk game–he’s not ready to Hammock Date his alliance is out to kill him and he’s in HOH crying for mommy. Vanessa put everyone on edge over 20 promises they must make to keep Liz instead of Julia another debacle she created to keep blood off her hands for Jury Votes–hahaha–how did that work for you. Another wasted day watching Van’s schemes blow up in her face, and she’s gonna blame it on someone else bc she’s not evil. Blech. She’s no genius she’s f*cked herself and now everyone else over.

        JMAC is smart to sleep while the shooting match continues, he’s got nothing to do with Van and her 15 Final 2s and Steve’s Mommy issues. It’s him and Liztin for Final 3. The next 2 targets are the masters-in-their-own-mind Van & Steve. Sorry, Not sorry.

    5. Evict Steve he makes no effort to win. Wow?? He is just figuring out Austin & Van are working together?? What’s he doing laying in Van’s crotch whispering Mel’s lady parts? These are not man-baby quirks-he’s seriously deranged. You gotta be to creep Vanessa out, she tells DR to give him a warning, and AusTwits it’s okay to vote out your team mate if they’re crazy. Well that’s what the Twins are focused on, evicting crazy Van & Norman Bates. Let Liz motivated to take Austin as F2 or Julia stay to orchestrate the hit on Van & Steve and win BB since they have the most balls in the house.

      Steve creeps Austin out he won’t even talk to him. Looky here mom I’m at Final 5! Jeeez he really has no intention of acting an adult much less actually maturing. His babyish way of relating to people and every situation, while regurgitating useless trivia and gurgling at mom’s nipple is disturbing can’t imagine the pain his family is going through watching feeds. They label him short circuit, unreliable and therefore ostracize him as the next to go. Even JMAC hesitates to talk game with him because he tattles like a toddler.

      JMAC and dare I say it, the Nolan catering heiresses are the only adults in the house not exhibiting serious mental illness, and able to string sentences, albeit in strange dialects, but clear strategy nonetheless. Even convincing everyone Liz should stay or fear the wrath of the Jury and more blame for breaking sacred dead family members on the Bible oaths. Show CBS their social experiment worked–Twin Twist fight club recruits can survive and take it all, while Casting gingerly steps out of the embarrassment Van & Steve turned out to be.

      1. I can’t take any more of this either. Vanessa having people promise to take her further. Where is James when u need broken promises.

  1. Vanessa’s paranoia is making me crazy.
    Yesterday I was afraid to hug my girlfriend in front of my two dogs because they may see us as a showmance … And vote me out of my OWN house. I’m done watching until VAN is out. Crazy is contagious.

    1. Crazy is what has kept Vanessa in the game so long. All the HGs have wanted to pull the trigger at some point but are all scared to live in the house with her for a week if she is on the block..They need to do it and agree to a buddy system so its always 4 to 1. It’s a numbers game.

      1. I think they’re finally onto her crazy. I watched a video where she was going on about how Austin is such a better chess player than her yadda yadda, and the two (Austin & Steve I think) changed the subject and there she stood in the shadows behind speechless. I felt kind of sorry for her getting cut off, but now I’m thinking yes guys, ignore her rants and lies.

        1. I actually feel sorry for her sometimes, too. She’s doped up like crazy and clearly has emotional issues. She can’t stop talking game or scheming or blowing up long enough to make a real connection with any of the other houseguests. When all is said and done, I suspect the game will have a more valuable and lasting impact on the life of someone like Meg than Vanessa.

          Vanessa is a bit of a lost little girl. Super smart but unable to really commit and finish anything. Law degree, unresolved. Poker career at near zero winnings for the last several years, Go Daddy and Poker Stars sponserships gone. She now has the chance to excel at one of the most complex games around and winds up resorting to tantrums and bribery. She seems to be in there with the intent of blogging and writing books. Without a single consideration to the fact that her BB contract prohibits any kind of writing about the game for 3 years, by the end of which she’ll be just another name that only the super-fans (and Steve) remember… Drew, Maggie, Eddie, yadda yadda. Another master strategy on her part.

          Vanessa has played the game hard. Not well. Win or lose, she will never hold a place as one of the “uncontested greats”. But I suspect she’d be a decent person to get all liquored up with under the right circumstances (with the provision that promise NOT to talk about BB) I wish her well. And hope she goes home next week.

          1. She will be remembered as a cheater that BB let get away with breaking all his rules to me.
            I think she will start taking hard drugs when she gets out her ego wont be able to take any negative opinions it will send her over the edge.
            BB17 terrible season with a terrible cast.

  2. Austin as Judas… Not.
    Austin as The Cowardly Lion …. Definitely! Always talking tough
    “Cmon put ’em up, put ’em up. I’ll fight you with hand tied behind my back…”
    But as soon as some one targets him he whimpers and whines “whatcha wanna go n do that forrrrrr”
    So damn wussy-phied!

    1. Have you seen Vanessa wear that one outfit? Polka dot blue shirt, suspenders, straw hair, straw hair, burlap bag complexion.

      Vanessa can be the scarecrow for sure.

  3. Right. Where is hammock date, and what happened to Liz’s heart-to-heart with Julia saying, “It’s your time to shine.” Remember… Julia “always gets the short end of the stick?” I guess she will continue to get the shaft from her sister and everyone else… lol.

  4. These ppl make me sick. They are all mad at Vanessa for making deals with everyone but wait!!!!….. Everyone else has the done the Same thing. But they only choose to call out Vanessa on it. How convient for them lol. They don’t seem to mind when she protects them or saves them at a vote or wins comps or talks to other ppl to deflect the target to someone else lol. Absolutely mind blowing. Vanessa deserves the win. And even more so bc of all the haters on here and in the house. Can’t wait for her to win. Ahahahah 🙂

    1. Me thinks if I were Austin or Steve, I wouldn’t want Vanessa “protecting” me. LMBO

      Yes, everyone left in the game has a final 2 with Vanessa. Guess what? Vanessa initiated all those deals.

      All the other 2 final deals (Liz/Julia; Steve/John; and Liz/Austin – which were just made yesterday) everyone knows/is given

  5. These people are idiots. Don’t want to make waves? The game is almost over when are they going to start playing. Liz needs to go!

  6. I’ve watched enough seasons of BB to know not to get my hopes up. Van & Jmac will throw HOH and Liztin will target Jmac and Steve. One of them will probably be the next to go. Vanessa will probably convince either Austin or Liz to go up as the pawn if one of the Rockstars wins the veto LOL. People talk big then cave. “I’m Vanessa and I ran the numbers and there is a 97.999999% chance that Steve goes to jury next week because I lied to him about planting the Jmac seed to Liztin and made him out to be the ‘traitor’ when he just did what I told him to do with his HOH. Thank God all these idiots slept through their hammock date!”

  7. Didn’t Austin stay in the house because he said he didn’t care about winning and just wanted jury? You think it will ever come back to haunt him with Vanessa reminding everyone?

    1. like VanEssay blabs she doesn’t need the money, she’s too rich, she’s just there to help everyone else win and get DJ gigs? Steve is just there for theme park souvenirs and a job at Disney, wrong network. Apparently the only people who are there for cash, are the dentist’s student loan officer and the pizza delivery chicks. in our dreams they self evict and let us enjoy a couple episodes. they need to vet these mental patients during casting.

  8. I just don’t understand this. They are down to final 5, and John/Mac can’t stay up long enough to have a meeting with Steve and Austin? Is this guy for real or what. I realize he is a fan favorite, but why? He doesn’t speak with anyone but Vanessa about game, full well knowing what she is like. She cannot be trusted, and he has stated that in the past. He can sleep all day. Austin and Steve should have somehow woken his ass up to have this meeting. Vanessa is too paranoid to let them get together any other time during the day. Steve at this point is sitting on pins and needles. Have your meeting with Austin and then fill John in later, or vice versa.

    1. I think jmac is scared to talk to anyone (hammock date that should have happened)but Vanessa in the house because he’s scared it will get back to Vanessa (especially if Austin needs to save his own ass next week) and I think he is the only one that truly realizes Vanessa’s game play and she would twist anything Austin repeated about jmac into a huge thing and send jmac out the door. Hence why everyone is terrified of Vanessa. I don’t know why they don’t get together say whatever she says this week don’t believe it and let’s just get her out of the house. I have NEVER seen someone stay off the block because they get too crazy! Blows my mind!

      1. JM is a boring, dumb, pussy. Him winning is my worst outcome but who(m)ever wins, this season is 130% better than last year.

      2. Or could Jmac slept through the hammock date on purpose. I think he would rather go to the end with her because he knows the jury is bitter towards Vanessa and that’s an easy win in his eyes (he’s all about the money) versus Steve who hasn’t pissed off many jurors and Austin/Liz who is friends with the majority of the jury.

        1. Not really even a jmac fan but I think that’s pretty obvious he purposely went to bed, not because he’s oblivious to the game but he wanted to avoid it.

  9. “Steve talks about how Clay interrogated him more than anyone in the house.”


    I think even Van would laugh at that one……………..

    1. Van is such a sleez that if she makes it to final two the week person she chooses to stand next to her at final two is going to get all the jury votes… They should have taken her out LONG ago …Everyone in Jury sees that she didn’t play the game she was just a two faced pile of scum .

      1. If you don’t think Vanessa is playing the game you can put Dan, Will and Derek in that category as well. You know social, and manipulation are the two biggest factors in this game right? Vanessa has done it all. HOH, Veto and made everyone of these puppets in the house dance the way she wants.

        1. You do know Derik didn’t talk in your face game 7/24 right… between the three way and Vanessa this year they have killed this season.. Dan at least made it interesting… are you finding Venessa interesting, because Im not… not in the least.

          1. You said Vanessa didn’t play the game. You are wrong. If this season is boring it’s not because of her. It’s the rest of the house that floated around like a school of minnows. You know how a minnow gets eaten. By standing out from the rest of the school. So the house basically tried to swim in a school, tried not to stick out. Vanessa was the only top level predetor in the house. If one of the Minnows wouldn’t stick out, she would make them stick out. She picked them off one by one.

        1. No not anything you aren’t allowed to bribe with the prize money and offer everything under the sun for votes.
          You aren’t allowed to cheat in HOH and Vetos either. Van has admitted she cheated in the comps to the others.
          That is until Van came along.

          Now lying, manipulating, backstabbing or having 100 alliances is part of the game and I have no problem with that I also have no problem with her being rich its the cheating they are rules we have had since the start and now they have been broken and she’s gotten away with it.

          BB needs to remember who he is THE BOSS

    2. Dan had the Gheesling mist.
      Vanessa has the Rousso Skunk spray.
      Like it or not, if she makes it to final 2 she’ll walk away with $500k

      And if there’s any justice in the world, production will take it back for cheating.

      1. thats my point, the fact that CBS is not kicking her out is a real let down, she is cheating right out in the open trying to offer other players money .

          1. No, not waaah. Just plain cheating. There are rules that have always been enforced, like the no offering to split prize money rule. The only reason that it’s not a full blown Federal Offense is because Production admits they tamper with the results, BB is not actually a “game show” and is intended to be entertaining, not fair. There was an FCC ruling after BB8, Evel Dick was investigated and they were considering redacting his winnings after he bought his daughter a car and paid her tuition.

            The point is that everyone has to play within the rules. If CBS chooses to let a haggard, washed up old poker player host their new poker show that’s fine. If they want to stuff her into a house full of half-wits on another show as cross-promotion, that’s fine, too. But they have to enforce the rules across the board, particularly when a contestant has been warned and continues. This season has been fun to watch but make nooooooooo mistake about it, it has been non-existent to terrible game play all around.

  10. Just wanna say thanks Simon and Dawg for your great site. As of now am a Canadian super powerhouse thanks to our crap dollar lol but must say did have a trying time to add to your tip jar. Tried the support section first and it didn’t like me. Should have stuck to tip jar ,a lot easier for some reason. Thanks again

  11. The twins “We want a girl to win”. Really? Thats why the jury is full of strong capable gutsy women (and Meg) who could have won the game.

    1. Yeah, as long as the “strong woman” is a twin.. get over your bad selves twinies.. I’m always trying to see the good in people, but aside from cooking and cleaning(sometimes), these twits bring nothing to the table except obnoxious, vile, self loathing, mean spirited, holier-than-thou, nonsensical verbiage to the table. I only wish Liz was going first, as was the initial plan, but will have to settle for the “short end of the stack” being offed. As for the rest of the crew, I’m with most here, it just doesn’t matter who wins at this point, as long as it isn’t Vanasty

  12. Who do Julia and Liz think they’re going to out Vanessa’s game to? Everybody in the house already knows what Vanessa is doing.

  13. Whyyyyy the hell are they voting out Julia. I can’t believe that they think she can win more than Liz, when Liz has been HOH 3 times, and that they think it would make more of an impact on the Austwins if Julia goes. Idiots, idiots, everywhere.

    1. Van(swing vote) can put an end to the save Liz thing but….Austin would go bat shit crazy. This is the 1st real headache for her this season. Her relationship with Austin likely forces her to evict Juju the obvious F2 preference. Gotta rethink Vans F2 strategy.

      Van & Steve- definitely not her choice. 7 questions to much risk versus Boy.
      Van & Liz- I don’t get the game talk about Liz winning F2. The house perspective is odd to say the least. She skankmanced at summer camp hardly played social and no ones voting on who rocked the best kini.
      Van & Austin- this is the only F2 I feel comfortable saying is completely bad strategy. I’m not even saying he’s a favourite over her but I think he has a chance.
      Van & J Mac- If she has bought into HG’s saying they would never give JM the money she may actually think this is a good idea. Maybe it actually is. JM gets a lot of fans from feeders plus the CBS edit he’s been golden. What can be said the re-enter HG has done well to stay up til now.

      What I think is this……. whatever her plan was to get F2 with Juju appears gone. F5 she’ll look for safety plus work hard on Steve going out. F4 safety 1st plus hope she gets the F3 she prefers. Could it be Liz and J Mac? I truely have no idea what she will want. Splitting up Austin/Liz seems logical. Liz staying will make the game more interesting IMHO.

      1. I think it was worded right. They are crazy voting out Julia who has done nothing and is not a threat to win (compared to liz).

  14. Can Austwins & Rockstars come together & make a pact to get Vanessa out next week?! Why is Vanessa the only one planting seeds for next week safety. Throw that biatch under the bus! She thinks shes safe next week cause shes built a feud between the 2 sides. She’s good, but will someone beat her at her own game?! If Vanessa stays next week end the season and give her the check. DONE

    1. The issue is that the Austwins are worried about Steve powering his way to the end with wins, just like Ian did. From a game standpoint, he’s been in the game way too long just like the twins have. He’s an obvious powerhouse for those end of game HOHs and POVs. So at this point they might feel it’s somewhat easier to beat Vanessa at the later comps, so take out Steve first and Van second. Esp b/c Steve is obviously working with Jmac, and would be smart to favor a final 2 with Jmac over everyone else. Plus, breaking up the twins shows them that he is now favoring strategy and big moves over alliances.

      1. That was my personal opinion as a viewer, i can’t stand her delusional tirades anymore. I picked Van to win at beginning of season but i don’t want to see it actually happen.I think Vanessa is Just as big of threat as Steve for final HOHs/Veto, but Austwins don’t see Vanessa taking Johnny Mac to finals so they THINK she will take one of them.I think she would choose Johnny Mac because he hasn’t done anything and doesn’t have close ties to anyone in Jury besides Becky and Shelli.

      2. But his (Steve’s) strategy is Vanessa’s. He wanted to put the twins straight up but Van convinced him to put up Liztin. Van is also with Jmac F2. Vanessa is the bigger threat but these dummies won’t realize it until it is too late. Best thing ever would be for Liz to win HOH and get out Vanessa. Van had her shot and overplayed leaving a potentially dangerous player in the game. I mean LIZ WAS OUT THE DOOR. VAN CONTROLLING IT ALL! Then her overplay to F Steve over ends up in her eviction. Hate to say it because I love good gameplay, but I would love it! Liztin should be wary after the bathroom deal demands.

      3. I’m a huge Wee Ian fan but powered his way with wins lets get serious. F4 Danielle won HOH and in case you cannot remember she won POV as well. Took Dan off the block thinking he wanted to be the one to vote out Wee Ian. We know what happened. F3 Dan versus Wee Ian 7 questions. To this day I think Dan threw it knowing Ian would take him F2. However you look at it Wee fella took Dan and won by 1 vote. I couldn’t be happier but a comp beast down the stretch a little over stated.

  15. Tired of hearing how Austin thinks they are so well liked and Liz is a shoo-in for America’s favorite player. Ugh! Wish I could be there to see their reaction after the show when they find out how not liked they really are. A good story to do is how the perceptions of themselves, these universally disliked characters from this season and past seasons, differs from what the viewing audience sees. They need a good slap in the face from reality.

    1. They really need to add America’s Most Hated Player . Of course it would never happen in this politically correct world but I can assure you the public would love watching it get handed out!

  16. So the plan is to get Vanessa out next week even though Austin and the twins are saying Steve. Let’s see if they actually follow through if that side wins very very doubtful! Austin and Liz have both had the chance to get her out in the past and haven’t taken it, I don’t know if they have the ba*ls to do it!

  17. I thought the smart move is to vote out the person that is best for your game. Not who wants to go. Forget that, Liz needs to go. You break a showmance and sisters apart. Voting out Julia does nothing, and the twins are saying Liz has a better chance which means Liz needs to go and that’s the excuse you tell them.

  18. I’m hoping that JMac wins HOH, puts Van and Aus OTB and JMac wins veto leaves his noms the same, Steve and Julia’s votes are tied and JMac kicks Van out the FRONT door. Now that’s a game winning move. IMO

    1. Could he dump her in a trash can slam down the lid, while she’s still trying to negotiate a pay off, and drag her out to Julie’s chair? The cheers ringing! Church bells clanging! Then he comes back out lifts up the lid and tosses in a giant box of kleenex wiping his hands on his pants and removes his earplugs We find out he talks funny and isn’t scared of Vanasty because he plugged his ears the whole time. Sorry, just daydreaming.

  19. take out liz U stupid people…she is just the better player, and she has the austin connection.. and I don’t want to see anymore of their intimate bs..YUCK…..take out LIZ!!!

  20. Oh Johny Johny Johny … He rather go to bed than talk to his big ally -Steve- and Someone who could get them further .. I keep asking myself why is he so loved? Bc his fake charade of yelling on the DR? Smh .. I thought playing the game was more important.
    Even I dislike the Autwins -like everybody else lol- I like Liz idea that if they win put Vanessa and Steve Up.. Enough with the I don’t want blood on my hands.. Everybody just talk and they don’t do shit -except James and Becky- … Hope someone finally do it… I really would enjoy seeing Vanessa on the block AFTER pov and on the lower side of the pole…

  21. I keep going over who I would like to see in F3 and F2 and TBH, the answer is not any of the remaining hg’s. I think its really funny how I used to stay awake all night watching the feeds, enjoying the drama. Since James and Meg left I stopped watching the feeds, just check your updates/spoilers every morning. Sad how the hg’s left are so gross, uninteresting and lack the courage to make big moves. Their fear is they’ll have to live w/ Van’s outbursts for a week if she is put OTB, yet they passed up two DE’s to evict her and the 1 time she was OTB they didn’t vote her out. I would never let some narcissistic drama queen come between me and $500, 000 or even $50,000. It would just be 1 week of emotional torture, then you’re done. People are trying to say its strategy ,especially on the part of Jmac, but it’s not. They have the numbers (always have) to take her out, they just don’t trust each other and don’t want to be the one to make the call (take the blame). Unbelievable. All that waiting for the F6 to go at each other and we end up with the people OTB deciding who gets to leave. Absolutely ridiculous. Are Steve and Jmac also going to be able to decide who goes home when they’re OTB next week ??? I’ll be glad when this wretched season is over. Looking forward to the reality check they are all going to receive.

  22. So the simple minded twins and Austin are threatening people with there votes. OMFG….the twins won’t even remember who they said that to in 2 weeks. At Final 2 they will probably forget that they are voting FOR THE WINNER and not an eviction. I hate this final 6! I actually hate this cast so bad that I went back and watched highlights from all the seasons past. WTF happened in the last 5 seasons that has screwed up what used to be my favorite show to this shit show? If you are like me and bored with these dumb ass people left (yes Vanessa included…hate her…so take your thumbs down and turn it upward into your ass!) go to YouTube and watch the highlights from 1-14 (15, 16, 17 all sucked). It is so obvious that they went from getting a diverse group of regular people to using the same scouts that head hunt for The Bachelor. So sad…BB used to be what I looked forward to every Summer

  23. I can see right thru Liz and her ” I want Julia to stay “. Fuck outta here with that crap. You want everyone to say how great you are a d that’s crazy- your charade is transparent . You eat loud, you hook up with a loser, nobody likes u bro. Keep eating 3-4 cal a day, see you at 230 lb mark . Your a terrible all around person and I hope anybody wins but you . Ur a butt face

  24. I think it’s mistake to keep Liz, but if Steve and Johnny stay loyal to Vanessa next week the game is over for Austin and Liz.

    It’s 3 agaisnt 2 and Vanessa knows Austin is gunning for her now that he thinks Liz is staying. I hope Vanessa flips the vote back to voting out Liz but even if not she sits in control next week.

    It will come down to the Jury questiions comp with the final 3. Steve or Vanessa will win that. Then we will see sparks fly at who Steve or Vanessa picks to go to final 2. It would be “scumbagging” for either one to take Johnny to ensure the easy win.

    I see Vanessa and Steve final two. Steve will get a couple jury votes. Vanessa got this!

  25. to me its obvious as can be that Liz has to go. it will hurt Austin, who isn’t close with Julia(who has been making it known that she isn’t a fan of his) and she actually wins comps, works out etc. Julia is Jenn City 3.0(Meg gets 2.0 title). the only person who should want Julia out of the game is MAC. MAC knows Vanessa will take Julia to the final 2, and MAC becomes Jenn City 4.0(IF HE THROWS THE NEXT HOH) if Julia were to go home.

    Vanessa needs Julia in the game, so to me that makes it pretty obvious that Liz will go home. since…Vanessa controls everything whether people like it or not.

  26. I watched #bbad from last nite and the clips of Austin and liz “cuddling” was making my tummy upset. Poor Austin is so delusional. and what dude watches daytime soaps????? (crickets)

    1. My husband used to watch Y&R and B&B. OMG. What bugs me about Austin is his excessive cuddling and kissing. Just not normal.

  27. We all “know” CBS Production Team are the “real” manipulators, if they allow a millionairess to win 500K from any of the remaining idiots in this outrageously water wasting house, I mean I thought Ca. was in a drought. I’ve never seen such waste as this show has “produced” and Magnum got fined for water “theft”..whatever, anyway this so called house is disgusting, even the ants are falling out of Austins ugly hairy ass of a face beard. Don’t think this show’s season could get any worse. (not possible) IMO

  28. Am I the only one here who thinks Vanessa wants to keep Liz and is lobbying for that because Liz Can win a comp and Vanessa thinks she is still “in” with Austinktwins so she can ride with them, if they win HOH, to F3 where she can handle them and win jury votes for the money? Am I? Am I sounding like the demented Vanasty everyone is on to but doesn’t know it? OMG, Vanasty needs to be CUT OFF some of that medication! well, maybe not, but she is a freak… Still on the fence over who is most annoying, Twins, Van, or Steve… It’s pretty close.. Love to see that in your poll Simon n Dawg, Most Annoying HG… Btw, thank you guys so much for all you do. Without your painstakingly hard work, this season is a complete bust

  29. Can someone explain to me since when do you ask the nominees to decide who goes home? That is screwed up. Have they forgotten in the end who the jury would pick to win between Julia and Liz? I’m sorry but Liz clearly has more points and real fans vote for someone who has done the most in the house.

  30. So only poor people should be able to play and win Big Brother? Get out of here with that crap of Vanessa shouldn’t win becuz she has made a lot of money in her life.

    You mad that Vanessa is going to win so you are looking for anything to knock her about. Being successful in life doesn’t exclude you from deserving more success.

    1. You are right its not about her being rich its about her bribing the others with it.
      Bribing with cash, cars and all the other stuff she has promised has been against the rules since season 1.
      Its cheating and that’s why people aren’t happy.
      Just think if Frankie knew that he would of paid to win season 16.

    1. One of the many paranoid freaks in the house tried to read too much into a diary room session which happens every year.

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