Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Angela
Nominees: Kimo, Lisa, Kenney, Matt
POV Players: Kimo, Lisa, Kenny, Brooklyn, Angela, Joseph (Tucker is the host)
POV Winner: Lisa
Veto Ceremony: Lisa used the veto on herself
Havenots: Quinn, Tucker, Cam, Kimo
DEEP FAKE HOH Upgrade: Quinn
AMERICA’S VETO Upgrade: Makensy
MASCOT: Cedric & Chelsie
2:26 pm Angela talking to herself in Storage room.
“Last night I started figuring out a little bit more pieces of the puzzle of who was really running the house and who they all are and the core of all that. I have to work on relationships with those people for the next 4 days, just to solidify. So that I can be trusted and I could be an ally for them And why not keep me? I mean, look what I did. I’m pretty much losing it, and I’m a threat and easily disposable later on. Like, I want to be here for as long as I can. I want to win, but I’m not going to, like, I’m not going to tell them I want to win. I’m just going to be like, I want to be here as long as I can. And just keep me around. right now, Matt is consulting with Lisa because she has the power.
and he’s strong. She probably didn’t tell him exactly what it was And so now he’s trying to probably draw out of her.”
“If he doesn’t win the veto in the arena can she help him?”
“But if it’s anything like the power that Quinn has, she can’t help him. And my voice is finally coming back. Thank God.”
“I have to continue to act like nervous and skeptical, like he has the numbers out there.”
“So maybe he doesn’t push too too hard, because I look a certain way too. 0K, thank you.”
3:14 pm Matt and Lisa
Matt – I’m sorry I really, I didn’t know. I didn’t know this would be so heavy.
Lisa You’re not telling Kenny when I’m set, right?
Matt – no. I said she’s not working with Angela.
Matt – I literally was just like, do you think she’s working Angela? He’s he’s
he said verbatim. Listen how creative these words are. How can I
come up with? He said I think she sold her soul when she went up on the blog to Angela in some deal. And I said, I don’t think so anymore. That’s literally what this whole thing is about.
Matt – You think I can just come up with that language like on the fly like
Lisa – and are you asking him if you think I’m working on Angela did he bring that up?
Matt – I said remember I asked him and I said you think you think. yes, I know because he that’s the first thing he said to me after the blog after I got put up so I said Do you think lisa is working with Angela
Matt – he goes I think she sold her soul to Angela after she got put on the block and I said I don’t think so because she is blowing up that it is not the case.
Lisa because then what she also told me is that like ..
Plane block audio
Lisa – She told you that that I wasn’t becoming her target that like she wouldn’t pull me off the block.
Lisa – she said my name comes out of a few people’s mouths. So then I Would be the one or the least blood because I came out of a few
people’s mouths honestly like which mouths.. I have never been in cahoots with her.
Matt – is she the ony playing you, is she playing all of us
Makensy joins them
3:56 pm Angela and T-Kor
Angela – Kenny is dealing with it in the way that he needs to. And Kimo is dealing with it in the way that he needs to. But to be all honest out there full out, Kimo is handling it with
freaking grace like a rock star. Not only is he a freaking have not, he’s on the block and he has it once. Like.he could have had more choice words with me than those two boy for sure.” Angela – “And he has it once, like, made me feel bad or like he’s entitled or anything like he is 100% a rock star. He is starving. He is hurting and he is on the block. He’s fighting.
He’s fighting for his life right now. God. that says a lot about his character.
Angela – I feel like after what I did and the example I set for myself to everybody like. sets a narrative that I can’t handle emotion or sets the narrative that
you know, I can go off like I’m unpredictable, but just like I’m like,
4:13 pm Quinn (after talking to Matt for a bit)
Why is this?
Why? Why are we doing this? Can we just? Can we just hang out?
You know, chill a little bit. Conspire secretly. What happened to decorum? Let’s stab each other in the back, not throw ninja stars. 50 yards.
Dude. I’m confused. I’m. confused. Why?
What the fuck’s his name? Kenny. Kenny’s like, you, Matt’s my boy.
That’s my boy. I’ll die. I’ll fall on the sword.
Fuck. No, you’re not throw your game away for anyone. I’m sitting there blown away and then Angela, she’s pulling up life coach style being like you got to believe in yourself. You got to try. And I’m like, he does not want to hear that right now.
I do not get it.
Oh my God. I’m just blown away and I want to. If it comes out that Cedric is like a super fan of this show. with this four.
Cause this is exhausting like.
I just can’t believe it now.
My goodness, there’s it’s just fight. I have to fight. People are stepping on each others toes. I feel like I am up Shit’s creek without a paddle this is not going well for me
I’m I’m messy. I’m a messy player. I am just I’m saying yes, too much
if I can shut up.
Feeds flip.
4:40 pm Tucker and Leah
Tucker – I told everybody I’m a floater
Leah – Good for you, cuz it’s been like working
Tucker – Cams. Cams like. Yeah, bro. People take your floating. I told them like, yeah, that’s that’s what he’s doing. And Cam was like, yo, I’m floating till we figure this shit out. Leah – perfect then I would like to join the floaters
Tucker – Yeah. Yeah, I think floatings not a bad Idea
Leah – I’m like, I’m happy we’re having this moment too, because I haven’t had anytime to
talk to you.
Leah – I’m like, I’m like, I didn’t know where you’re at. And I’m just like, organic or push. I was like, for certain that, like, you were in
the alliance with, like, the guys or something like that. Like, in my head,
Tucker – we are, we are trauma bonded. And that’s it. I can cut weight. I cannot eat. But like the combination with that and not sleeping or having something comfy
one of the hardest fucking things I’ve done. And I thought it would be a cakewalk.
Leah – Keep in mind like this week and I’m not trying to minimize your experience. I’m actually trying to, like, tell you, like, this week has been so hard for everyone and you guys have been like, beat down extra like you’ve had it harder than everyone else in the house. And that’s like, why kind of like the unspoken promise about being a have not
is like. you can’t. Don’t put me on the block like because
Tucker – unless unless I volunteer, which is cool.
Leah – Well, no, it’s not like that. But you know what I mean? Like, it’s like the, like, don’t kick the someone when they’re down kind of thing. Like, you know what I mean?
Tucker – I’ve been floating because the second I tell one someone’s going to be like Tucker, just like shit his pants when he told me something or
whatever. So I’m I’m literally just trying to be the neutral, blah blah blah. I didn’t. I don’t want to win any HOH’s like, but now the way this game has changed.
Tucker – crazy competitive like I’m a crazy. Yeah, that’s some environment is one of a kind experiment experience and I’m so just thankful for it even if like I did that’s why I was like yo even if I did go home even even though I’d beat myself up for like 10 minutes and I didn’t look back and just be like y’all you you made it in there and did this so cool like I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m like I got my dog back home you know like I’ll be good like it’s it’s just I have things that I miss a bunch but I can I can I can be fine without them till till I need to be with them and everything works out for a reason that’s the universe I believe in the universe and
energy I’m always just been going with the flow my whole life and it’s got me here so so it’s working out for me you know yeah I’m
Tucker – going to give you a hug you look sad.
Tucker – I’m like, I’m like, I’m just like, so feel like I’m less sweaty, but we’ll we’ll do it like that. It’s not really clean. Thank you.
Leah – I really love getting to know you because like, I think that like I said, all of us are breaking
stereotypes, right? So it’s like, it’s like refreshing to meet people who also have this exterior. that doesn’t match the interior like or or it does like that in the best
way. Yeah.
5:04 pm Happy birthday to Kenny’s daughter.
5:59 pm Cedric and Quinn
Cedric – we’re all good. We were just trying to lie make sure you were good with it. Like really like 100 percent, I’m like getting the same fucking
room and make sure it was on the same page because we have a lot to navigate like it was like kind of like a quick discussion about everything like okay. This is what’s up this is what target is this week. This is what we’re going with like this is the best course of action to get there.
Quinn – like when we talked in here we were talking about it and you’re like we need to bring in a 5 Brooklyn was like number one crew this is brooklyn we’re called the pentagon.
Quinn – I’m down next time
7:31 pm Tucker and Mackensy
Tucker is talking about an energy bar business he’s involved in.
Why aren’t the posts showing up on the FB page? Just curious.
That’s my fault. I’ll start posting them. It’s been a rough start to the season with all the changes.
Thank you! I appreciate all y’all do!
I’m trying to get a feel for this cast to see who the gamers are but I haven’t seen enough of half of them yet. The ones with big personalities doing too much are revealing their stupidity. Has anyone seen what Cam Kimo T-Kor and Rubina have been up to if anything?
Seems to be trying to Carol (bbcan8) himself.
It’s not a strong enough performance to be an oldschool I hate you all get rid of me so people keep him plot.
It’s more like a “homesick i don’t like most of these people this isn’t what I thought it would be i’m not the star” kind of thing.
I hate quit by eviction plots.
There’s the door.
Like this is so hard to listen to and even read. Leah is the worse with the “like, like, like” but others do it to.