Big Brother 24 Finale

HOH Part 1 Of 3: Monte Vs Turner Vs Taylor
Part 1 Winner: TURNER

HOH Part 2 Of 3: Monte Vs Taylor
Part 2 Winner: Monte

HOH Part 3 Of 3: Turner Vs Part 2 Winner
Final HOH Winner: Monte

Liked the season. Thanks everyone for joining us in watching the feeds.

Dr Will wearing a plastic mask meets the Jury..

Brittany joins the jury nobody is surprised.

Final HOH First question

indy gets a fortune teller themed question
Turner – 1
Monte – 1

Second questions is a jasmine Muffin one

Monte – 2
Turner – 2

Third question is all ABS

Monte – 3
Turner – 3

Kyles questions is dance based..

Monte – 4
Turner – 4

Terrance’s questions is all about the tats

Monte – 5
Turner – 5

Michael’s is circus themed.. Like a clown

Monte – 6
Turner – 5

Alyssa is hot

Monte – 6
Turner – 5

Brittany’s question is lame

Monte – 7
Turner – 5

Monte wins the final HOH

Taylor is happy.

Monte Evicts Turner.

Monte – I told you I would get it done.. I came through..

The Jury…

Jury questions.

Taylor’s speech is blood based.
Taylor – “there was an attempted all white alliance that formed and I was on the block”



Turner – Monte
Brittany – Taylor
Alyssa – Taylor
Michael – Taylor
Terrance – Taylor
Kyle – Taylor
Joe – Taylor
Jasmine – Taylor
Indy – Taylor

Big Brother 24 Winner is Taylor

Runner up Is Monte

Top three votes for AFP

America’s favorite player is Taylor

That’s a wrap folks. Thanks again for a fun season!

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un autre nom

BB24 Sunday Two Hour Episode
Recap: Leftovers spin.
Weinerpalooza starts, jury round table. af houseguest result.
(ED. sound was wonky for a minute… no idea what Julie Chenbot was prattling on about).
Turner wants control. Taylor doesn’t want to be taken. Monte only trusts Monte.
The tilt is worse than the spins. ED. I think the jerks are worse but hey.
36 minutes: Taylor out.
Monte seems to be trying to arm strength more than core strength this comp.
46:04 Monte out.
Turner wins Part One
Comps in order. 30 titles, 2 at a time. veto and hoh comps
Taylor does the vetoes first. HOH board second. She goes by ones she won or knew best.
Monte wants to control who gets to finals.
Monte goes HOH first. He goes in numerical order. Monte corrects a veto/hoh error.
Taylor: 7:04
Monte: 6:41
Monte wins Part Two
Turner is happy Monte won because they are taking each other.
Taylor is mad she lost by 23 seconds.
Monte/Turner discuss final 2. Flashback to day 54 final 2.
Turner is sure he beats either of them.
Monte thinks he loses next to Turner and wins against Taylor.
Everyone thinks Britt is coming. She’d have to win out to stay. Strategy says Turner or Monte. Emotion says Britt.
Britt comes out.
Turner doesn’t own his game. He falls asleep and didn’t contribute.
Turner should win so he can buy muffins. He was part of the Pound. He won comps.
Taylor some of her moves were for TV. He wants her to be deliberate. She stayed is her big move. She wasn’t mean in response to her situation.
Taylor social game, not as big as comp moves. Monte had more control.
Monte managed his threat level. Getting sloppy? He was instrumental in Pound pulling in the Leftovers.
(ED. that was edited down from a three hour meeting).
Jury fest video 3 statements. pick which is false.
1) C. Both right.
2) B. Both right.
3) C. Both right.
4) A. Both right.
5) C. Both right.
7) B. Both wrong.
Turner: Worst Jury management. You were there for all my moves.
Taylor: My biggest move ended part 2 of final HOH. You beat me. Bigger meaning.
MONTE votes to evict: no big move. Monte evicts Turner.


Monte seems pissed at Taylor right now anyone else notice this?


Is it because he thought he was going to crush her and now he’s regretting his choice to take her to final 2?


Monte might be a nice guy but lacking in common sense. I think in thr last moments he remembered she’s a pageant girl and could easily respond to instant questioning,


wow is all i can say….


it’s hilarious. Monty lost me a long time ago. I wonder what Taylor will think when she sees that the only reason Monty took her was because he believed he could beat her?


Yes he was, too bad so sad!


Good!! That’s what he gets for taking TAYLOR instead of Turner!! Bit him in the ass , didn’t it? He still gets some money, so he should be happy with that

un autre nom

Did not actually believe Monte would evict Turner.
It doesn’t play into his personality.
It does, however, play into the production revision. However… does it play into that in a believable way?
I don’t think so.
So what is the image correction Monte gets for this? What does the guy that worried on feeds that he would be viewed as saying mysoginistic things (just in the last 24 hours he said this) get from this? Does this wipe the slate clean for being the instigator for the season tone that production has been trying to scurry away from since the press grabbed hold of the shunning atmosphere that Monte owned but never took responsibility for creating? Is that what we’re supposed to get from this season?
Oh. Are they trying to give us a season that doubles as an allegorical morals play?
Is this the one where we point at the season as a whole and say ‘oh look people can do something bad and be instantly redeemed even when they’ve only taken responsibility for the parts of their transgressions that have been revealed, and not the whole deal?’
I don’t like allegorical moral lesson stories.
Do I hate a Taylor win? No. Do I respect Taylor’s game? Alas, not really. Both can be true.
Does it matter what I think? Not much. From a p.r. perspective, I can see the value of a Taylor win. In terms of future houseguests entering saying I hope I play just like Taylor… yeesh.

No Name

I think Monte and Turner were left out of this finale PR campaign.Monte really thought he’d crush Taylor because most of the girls hated her and thinking his bros would be loyal.I usually hate it when juries don’t vote based on gameplay but I’m not mad,glad to see Monte and Turner loose.


I have enjoyed your commentary so much this summer, and tonight’s is no exception.

what I’m trying to understand is, plain and simple: What was Monte thinking? WE all knew he loses to a Taylor F2 and wins to a Turner F2.

is Monte really that naive? Or lacking knowledge of the fact that a pageant girl got that way partly because of her ability to answer questions?

And I also very much agree with your last sentence: How pathetic that other women would enter the BB trying to play Taylor’s game? Are we in for sex all summer in next year’s live feeds?? Is this what BB has dwindled down to? I haven’t watched in ten years, and back in that day, you had real competitors.

un autre nom

Monte believed that he had his pound boys and Terrance no matter what because they were right in there with the trash talk about women. He thought he had Michael because Michael would value game moves and comp wins (superfan analytic). He further thought maybe Jasmine because: Taylor hate. This season began with the men bonding in a discussion that was so damned misogynistic in terms of women’s ability to play the game… That Monte actually had reason to believe his alpha pack would stay alpha.
His calculations aren’t so bad if every juror was put in suspended animation and awakened on finale night with the mindset they had in the house. That’s where many people that lose in finals miscalculate. The jurors share their thoughts and impressions, and all are debriefed by production before they do exit interviews.
This can’t be underscored enough: Production tells evicted jurors about what is and is not part of the edited plotline for episode and general temperature they will receive from interviewers. That impacts their view. What a finalist has to actually look at is what type of season have they had, and what are the secrets or game holes the finalist had. What can jurors share that will affect their chances of winning.
I’ll say this in regard to the Joseph vote: He put more of the blame on Monte as his bro than Taylor. Brocode. Monte broke brocode. Can’t play expecting bro loyalty and break brocode.
As far as how women play or have played… Alyson Irwin. Lol. Blink blink. BBcan9 Beth. For every Danielle Reyes and Janelle… there’s a sex as a weapon player. It’s a strategy. If it’s an owned game strategy I don’t have issue as long as it’s owned. Any strategy that gets a houseguest further in the game as long as they own it. Do I respect the strategy? If it’s owned i respect the ownership. If it’s not owned… human mattress better learn to stride with pride because a walk of shame isn’t something I’ll respect. And I hold the guys to the same standard. I noped a guy in bbcan9 for slutshaming a woman in his season because she WOULDN”T have sex with him… while he was also trying to showmance another woman that would.

Verdella W Fisher

I would suggest that the “sex” goes both ways. Did Monte invite Taylor for “bear warmth” because she was intoxicated and vulnerable. Did he figure he was such a good screw, she’d feel obliged to take him to the end? Why is the focus on Taylor? Did you have a problem with 10 second Kyle and Alyssa?


When Monte said his “biggest move” was evicting Turner…. I knew he was either an idiot OR p***y-whipped. Neither one of these characteristics deserved to win. What a shame. He just gave away $750k for a piece of ass. She played you dude!

Party all night, I cant lose

Lame identity politics bb season. Fluke undeserved winner who production saved in the first eviction.

The only great thing about this season was Paloma who provided more entertainment and liveliness in her one week in the house than the other 15 players combined did for the entire season.

Captain Caveman

I can partially agree. I have always wanted the underdog to win. This year it happened. So just take the win. Stop over thinking this Unless you had money riding on it.

Taylormade Victims

she is the most undeserving winner ever that got saved on the block at the first eviction which has never happened on any other mainline season of the show while doing nothing to save herself from that first backdoor it is insanity to see Taylor fans claim she deserves it

The Beef

I have NO problem with an underdog winning, IF they actually play the game and make the moves that are DESERVING of winning the game, like Steve did in Season 17 beating Vanessa Rousso and several others. But when all they do is hang around, win two basically meaningless HOH’s, which they did nothing with, and then argue at the end their only reason for winning is they were a victim all season, and that you should vote for them, not because they deserved to win, but to “change things up”, then I have a problem with that.

I’m all about fairness and equality, but what I’m NOT about is just giving somebody something because somebody of their race and gender hasn’t accomplished it before them. She had every opportunity to interact, strategize and WIN comps in that house just like the others did, and she didn’t do it, at least not at the level that Monte did. She never removed herself from the block even ONE time, and her line “if you sit on the block next to me you WILL go home”, while cute, had nothing to do with her game play, or anything she did to save herself. In fact, she mostly laid around in bed while her alliance mates decided which person they would evict, while she was sitting OTB!

As for her bringing up the whole “somebody tried to form an all white alliance” thing – that happened WEEKS before she even found out about it, and when it was revealed, that information SAVED her from going to jury, by immediately making Kyle everyone’s target, forcing Turner to put him OTB next to her, and he was summarily evicted by a unanimous vote. Once again, she was saved by somebody else (specifically Michael, Brittany and Turner), yet she seems to think this is somehow great strategy and game play, or tried to frame it that way. What surprised me was that either the jury ate that spoon fed shit up, or they were just determined to GIVE the win to a woman who really didn’t deserve to get it.

After the first week, I was pulling hard for her. Her first HOH, and the complete “about face” in her character totally changed that for me. I lost respect for both her and Monte when it became clear their “sexscapades” were only to lock in each others choices for Final 2. I guess that’s game play, but it’s going too far to me, even for $750K, but that’s just me. Her 2nd win was a “good for her” moment, but the fact she didn’t realize that was ALL it was, and the fact she had absolutely ZERO power after she won, to me indicates she didn’t really understand what game she was playing. Everyone knows the Veto winner holds ALL the power at Final 4 – EVERYONE! Yet Taylor was telling Brittany, “Don’t give up! It’s still MY HOH!” even after Monte won the Veto. Just a dumb thing to say, and indicative of her not having a clue in the game.


Very well put & right on point!!

Captain Caveman!

The Beef, Once again I do not disagree. If you read any of my other post. I stated Taylor had no game and I don’t know how she could even make one up. She road Michael and Brittney coattails until she had to jump off. Then she road Monte’s. Not being a male chauvinist but a daydreamer. I would have wanted to smash Taylor too with that sexy body. Big teeth but that body is fire. So I don’t blame Monte and maybe the women might feel the same about him but that not for me to figure out. I did vote for her for AFP. Her and Michael were the most entertaining to me personally. I voted for her as third place concession. I did not expect for her to be in the F2. Who I wanted to win out of the three that were left was Turner, Monte then Taylor to win. It did not happen.

No matter how people feel. It was a good underdog story. Shown by her winning AFP. Unless everyone was thinking like i was and gave her the pity vote for third place. I did root for her in the beginning. She was dogged out from week one, by almost the whole house. Especially Monte. Kyle sabotaged her first HOH. I think her 1st HOH was garbage. Not only because of her but i personally think that if it was any of the guys that won HOH and wanted Alyssa out Kyle would have done it. But since it was Taylor and i do not think Kyle really respected her as HOH he bucked against her. I really did think Taylor had a legit reason to go after Alyssa. Since Alyssa did not want the veto and took the prize from the HOH and gave the HOH a punishment. She deserved to be the target. I would have taken it personally as well. Taylor did have to overcome a lot. But that is not enough for her to win.

Unfortunately this is another Paul gets screwed season. Did I want Monte or Turner to win based upon game play. Yes!!! However, this is not the season. I have always rooted for the underdog. This happened this year with Taylor. So i guess i have to be careful about what i wish for. I got exactly what i wished for this year. Now i see that is not what i really want to happen. I want it to be based upon game play. The jury should not be so sensitive. But we live in these days and times were you have to worry about people feelings getting hurt. This is a game based on backstabbing and manipulation but i think players over the past 10 years forgot that. As seen by the Kumbaya Unanimous votes and jury management statements throughout the game.

Lastly, Taylor might not of out played Monte but she destroyed him with her answers to the questions and her now to be iconic speech. I probably would have voted for her if i was a jury member in the heat of the moment even if it wasn’t already rigged for her to win if she made it to F2.

BB needs new players

So well said! My thoughts exactly!


un autre nom, I’m glad you didn’t mind that Monte didn’t win. I thought Taylor was going to be evicted the first week so Taylor deserves some credit. I was surprised nobody voted for Monte except for Turner who wasn’t in the jury until Sunday. Do you think it was a group decision to vote for one winner?

At what time in Big Brother History was there four competitions in such a close period of time?

Do you mean in these times, the fans would have liked the Nerd Herd not the Friendship. Janelle and Kaysar were popular then and Janelle won America’s Favorite Player.

un autre nom

the nerd herd was the friendship. Kaysar and Janelle were part of the sovereign six.


The misogyny in this thread is fucking mind blowing. 2022 indeed.


I remember the comments when Jordon won over Jeff. This is misogony and misogynoir


Expected finale! Congrats Taylor! The only good thing will be to see the look on montes face when he loses.

My View

Congrats Taylor for sleeping your way to a win


F off with this BS


The truth hurts. She is NOT a respectable winner!! And everyone knows it. But she got herself there, so she walks away with it all She played them all.


It may be BS to you…but it’s 1000% TRUE.


don’t agree with this statement. Monte really thought he could beat her.


Honest judges he would have, she basically did nothing all season but hide behind her alliance. Another season with the wrong person winning.


Mission Accomplished Taylor! You’ve set a new low bar for BB.


That’s why the vote was 8 to 1 in her favor…because everyone in the house thought she set a low bar. Sheeesh.


Yes, she slept her way to the top. Very hypocritical for her to do that, and then out of the other side of her mouth, say she’s doing this for ‘all black women’ to make a statement, or some nonsense. All she really did was pander to the guilt complex of the jury and bully them to giving her the money.


So then, according to your logic, I guess that means Monte slept his way to second place. I bet if Monte had won you wouldn’t claim he slept his way to the top. What consenting adults do with each other is their business.
Ya’ all acting like they were 5 year old’s playing Doctor.


No need to be obtuse, you know how it goes. Someone uses their sexuality to get what they want. Especially this late in the game when her place in the game was at risk. If they hooked up earlier in the season, I wouldn’t think it was all bad. But how does Turner top that? He can’t, no way Monte would have pillow talk with him too lol


Monte was one of the guys who started the alliance Taylor was like the 7th and last person to join. Only reason taylor got to the end was because she was carried by the alliance. What moves did she actually do to earn the win. And crying and making people feel sorry for her isn’t a big move.


Yes, she definitely slept her way to the top. But hey if that’s the message she’s sending out to the black women that she did it for, then that’s on her.

Jasmines stinky boot

Monte is a big walking L. I don’t want to see him or Taylor winning a thing. Weak ending of a decent season. Turner for America’s Fave!!!! Taylor did NOT deserve to go to final 2. Repeat of last year….was Kyle really wrong thinking cookout#2 when Monte and Taylor made this whole final 2 out of being black people showing up?

Game shows lover

Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha…you will get really mad because they both will win first and second place.

hernanday oleary

Would Monte have any shot of beating Turner? I mean he lost to Taylor who won less than he did so I don’t see a path past 2nd place for him.

Yes, Kyle was wrong, b/c no such alliance existed. Was there a white alliance when ever other finale save 1 season was mostly a white final 2?


When that happens though, the race card always comes out.


Agree 1000%!!!


Totally agree about the Kyle thing. He was bang on and if Mike would have went along with Kyle from that episode he may have won the game.


Ok, that’s it. I turned it off after Monte backstabbed Turner. And according to Taylor he should keep her for “the greater good”???? Why is everything black vs white now? Im so sick of this racist crap on this show, I’m done.


It’s because a black woman has never won and she deserves the chance. Bye

My View

So she deserves to win because she is a black woman? The only thing she did this season was not one but two showmances and sex in the shower. Had she not slept with Monte he would have taken Turner


Shut up petty weirdo, she won, get over it!


Agreed. She lost points and her position of power when she slept with Monte just to stay alive in the game. She basically did the exact opposite of what she was preaching.


It has nothing to do with handing it over based on race or gender. There should be standards and criteria, like game play, social game, etc… People should not be guilted into giving the prize.


So what no1 truly cares its fixed n rigged


She deserves nothing, she didn’t do anything all season bud hide behind the leftovers, that doesn’t earn you the win.

L j

What did Turner do to Alyssa? This is Big Brother, and that’s what they do. Taylor won AFP too!!! You can’t put the narrative on black vs white on that…buh bye.


The fan fave was definitely rigged by big brother. Who in there right mind would vote for someone who did nothing in the game.


You shouldn’t resent that Monte backstabbed Turner. Turner has been backstabbing all season. If he can dish it out, he’s got to be able to take it.

Daniel Sucks

Turner took it well.


Monte got his just desserts, with that humiliating loss.


could not agree more…..act like an ass….pay the price, Monte.

un autre nom

You turned it off?
Because the guy in a showmance took the person he’s been screwing for a couple weeks to finals thinking she was the easier to beat than the guy that made bigger game moves?
That’s what it boils down to.


She won because she made a speech that made her sound like she was changing America. It was all about ‘talking loud and sayin nothing’.

un autre nom

speech had nothing to do with it.
what we didn’t see:
production played a trick on us. By the end of the three hour round table the jury had decided if Taylor goes to the end, Taylor wins.
Joseph and Michael revealed this post finale.


Which is just so typical


You mean Like every guy who took his showmance to the end and thought he could beat her n lost? Wouldn’t be the first time because as way back Jeff thought he HAD that game when Jordon beat him lol.


To Monte’s & Turner’s chagrin The Cause is a Black Female over Misogyny win for CBS with their apologies to All the Women they’ve humiliated and (s)exploited for ratings including Day Tiff Z Franzel. So get in your IG bikini and apply your Followers for Next Season Girls! The Twist: There’s now more equality on BB AFP than you’ll find on the US ballots in real life. Expect the Unexpected.


This is really what bothers me. Now if a black person talks about this, it’s considered progressive and empowering. You change that to another race (white) and then it becomes racist. Taylor’s game was based around being pro-black, but also anti-white (at least, promoting it, whether she really believed it, or used it as a tool for manipulation, is another story).



Big Sister

Your name says it all…


Yes and I wonder how production must of stoked this subject and possibly lured Kyle into the “racist all white group”?


You got just what you deserve Turner!! You lied and betrayed all season. And now it’s your turn to see what it feels like.

Good going Monte!! Even if you lose. You did the right thing by sending Turner to jury. That’s all I wanted to see!


The questions were the least toxic than they have been in some years. Taylor gave good answers and obviously her time in the Pageant world helped her


Monte is unfortunately not clever enough to factor in that Taylor is a pageant girl and used to being put on the spot to answer questions. We all knew that Taylor wins over any of the guys.

The Beef

For somebody who “didn’t want to be carried to the Final 2”, to turn around and base her final argument totally on being a “victim”, and even going so far as to ask the jurors to not vote for the player who won the most competitions and who basically outplayed her the entire season, just so they can “change things up” is pretty weak if you ask me. She was OTB 5 times, and tried to turn that into some kind of “badge of honor”, even added a 6th counting tonight, but when asked how she got herself off, she had absolutely no answer, because she never did it even ONCE, but instead was just kept by the others who had their own reasons for doing so. Instead she said she dusted herself off and kept going – not exactly a great explanation when people are looking for examples of good game play, and the reason is because she basically didn’t have any good game play. Being a block pawn throughout the game is NOT good strategy for anybody, no matter how much dust you knock off yourself, and anybody who says it is, is a fool.

So she had to rely on people’s desire to give it to her – which is exactly what they did. She damn sure didn’t win it. Two HOH’s, the first of which was a disaster, with 3 different targets and ending with the alliance splintering because of her selfish egotistical need to punish a minor player for a perceived slight. The second her main ally left in the game was voted out and sent to jury. She won ZERO Veto’s, so no recap necessary there.

It’s very clear, the only person who voted based on game play was Turner. The rest either voted agenda or voted bitter. In 24 seasons of Big Brother USA I cannot think of a more undeserving winner than Taylor. Before I thought it was Josh, with maybe Jordan a close 2nd, but now Taylor wins it hands down.


Ummmm, but she did just win didn’t she? Cry more


Well she used all she had and that was sex. Not a good message to send out to black females, though. But if she wanted it that way, and she won that way, then so be it. It became money in the bank for her and that was her priority.

The Beef

They BOTH used the sex on each other. Monte was trying to cement her vote in Final 2, just like Taylor was trying to cement Monte’s vote in Final 2. Why can you not see that?

I agree it’s a bad message, but it’s bad by BOTH of them, not just one! In fact, I’m sure Alyssa and Kyle’s families are HORRIFIED they had sex on live feeds as well, so what message does that send to the WHITE males and females out there?

In this day and age, some people seem to think it’s okay to do it whenever and wherever you happen to be, in front of God and everybody, and it’s just HAHAHAHAHA isn’t that great! Well, maybe it is, but I don’t think casual sex for the purpose of enriching yourself or even if you’re just “horny” on the internet/live feeds is really a good look, nor is it “one shining moment” for your family either, so I would just defer if it were me.

Game shows lover

I can’t agree more! I told them all on this site, they will really get mad. Go Monte and Taylor. I love this BB


Turner actually used the word “frenemies” so I am curious as to who he maintains friendships with after this


He’s gonna have to watch the season first lol




oh Turner you should of slept with Monte!! I am surprised that hasn’t come up


Haha! That’s a good one!

Game shows lover

Hahaha… Monte and Taylor got the job done! Go Taylor! Winner, AFP plus a trip! (the one Alyssa stole from you plus more) Hahaha.. How pretty will she be doing lays chips commercial and singing ” I start from the bottom and now I am here”


Not sure Turners P***y would have been worth $750k that apparently Taylor’s was .


Or Taylor should have slept with Turner, just to cover all her bases.


Turner like his old running mate screwed the POOCH. Keeping Taylor all those times bit him in the ass like it would. Made the biggest blunder keeping Taylor at F5 over Alyssa just so that Taylor could steal his F2 with Monte. It appears Monte just blew his game as well! Monte taking Taylor to the end just to lose is the agenda. It is not about strategy anymore. Monte you play to win not 2nd place for an agenda! “Turner and Monte for the win to save the season” Monte should have thrown part 3 towards Turner. Monte would be $675,000 richer- karma you were wrong! You’re the one that can’t talk and shouldn’t play. The real pointless risk and momental brainfart that I told you about just happened! I wish it could have been a Turner and Monte final 2. I tried to warn you Monte would have been better off throwing it.


i would argue putting up kyle as the replacement nom for brittany was turner’s biggest mistake. i think he should’ve called michael out on using kyle’s racism as game and said you can leave noms the same or i will put up someone of matching race to who you leave up. leaving up taylor means monte gets nommed, leaving up brittany means alyssa gets nommed. i’m protecting kyle because i’m not playing your game for you, and i’m protecting terrance cuz he took me off the block last week and i owe him that.


No question it was a mistake him getting rid of Kyle instead of Taylor at F8. Even at F5 if he gets rid of Taylor all him and Monty have to do is beat Alyssa and Brittany who didn’t have the greatest comp record. So those two boys would’ve been smooth sailing to the F2. Keeping Taylor all those times screwed himself by allowing her just to steal his final two with Monte. He screwed both Kyle and Alyssa would have been more loyal.


What makes Turner so aggravating is that he can’t even own that getting rid of Alyssa and Kyle over Taylor was a mistake. That is reason why I think Turner is completely spineless. He can’t even admit his downfall when it was so obvious that he ruined his game wanting to evict Alyssa and Kyle.

The Beef

If he did that, Turner would have been called a racist for protecting Kyle, and summarily cancelled in the real world and probably have become the next target in the game as well. Please don’t forget even Alyssa turned on Kyle and voted him out to protect her own “image”, so I’m pretty sure Turner was more concerned about that (his own public image) than he was about saving the guy they all pretty much perceived as “the racist” at that point anyway.

But, if he did what you suggest, it would have been a vastly different game, or at least maybe it would have been. Production could have had a hand in all of this too though, and may well have insisted Kyle had to go, as remember they dedicated almost two full episodes to the entire sordid affair.


nah, he just needs to call out michael as exploiting this as game and throw it all back on michael. michael is choosing to use the veto at that point. if he doesn’t want it affecting game he can leave it the same. but he clearly does want it affecting game and turner would be creating a situation that still sends one of michael’s allies home.


Taylor crushed it during jury questions. Monte was a flat dud and gave the same answer to 2 questions.

He did get some advantage though by having an extra question at the end that he answered very well. Final impression from him stood out.

So much for the misogynistic haters. Didn’t turn out to be a 2- man finale.


he got pretty screwed by going before taylor with his closing statement


Kyle was correct. Monte said on the feeds that he would take Taylor cause they needed to represent. This was a mini cookout moment. Turner deserved to be final 2. The original cookout seemed to favor him too on Friday’s show. Make up your mind CBS


CBS and jury owe Kyle a huge apology because his concern proved to be true after all. Forced to evict Kyle created this outcome.


Don’t kid yourself. Monte took Taylor bc his alpha male could not imagine losing to a woman who had less brute strength in the game than he did.

He lost bc he decided he needed to add a bigger, ‘necessary evil’, power move. As if Turner would even qualify in that category of big target, hahahahahahaha.

His burned himself out on his fragile masculinity.

It’s so delicious that I may not stop smiling until Thursday.

Sweet, sweet, sweet!

Booyaka tribe

He took her because that a$$ was fire. He’s going to pursue her 100%


You keep believing that.


he took her because he believed he could beat her. Nothing to do with race or gender or relationship. They won’t continue any relationship especially after she sees the show. When he talked down to her and lectured her on respect, etc, that was it for me with him.


He took Taylor because he was tapping that.

Daniel Sucks

I bet Kyle was so relieved that he was one of the top 3 for America’s Favorite Player. He was probably worried for weeks about what he would have to deal with when he got out.


Turner was a weak follower. He now regrets taking out Michael, haha.

All he can do is latch onto a path that seems non-contentious.


I know; look at the irony…he broke his promise to Michael not to sabotage a fellow lgbtq, and now the promise to keep a fellow pounder was broken to him.
And turn the broken promise to Alyssa. You can’t win BB with a resume of broken promises, so he wouldn’t have won anyway.


He should of won the final HOH! You folks act like Monte didn’t be him fair n square


You’re 1000% right, it was a mini cookout moment. That’s what BB has become.


Well, Monte screwed (literally) himself out of $750000. CBS screwed themselves out of $800K.


1000% TRUE. I think CBS has created a monster in the game now. I think future seasons( if it even lasts that long) are going to be played VERY differently by certain players now.

Sick of you

Lets Have the same heated discussions next year when some undeserving white person wins like Andy who floated to the end on BB15 and his sidekick the racist ass GinaMarie. I can keep going but i am not. I am sick of having to defend my race about the cookout. Kyle was dead wrong. He destroyed the leftovers and if he wasn’t a closet bigot the pound would have ran the game. He feel in love and destroyed what he help build. If Kyle and Alyssa were the final two and Alyssa won. All this BS you all are saying would not be written. This is a game and you act like Taylor winning is a crime. So what if someone black won. Someone white has been winning for years. So what if she sucked and won. Every now and again it happens.


Taylor also crushed that final speech. She’s a very polished yet sincere spokesperson.

She’s got this and totally deserves it.

Taylormade Victims

standards are at an all time low in big brother prior to this season taylor gets 16th she did nothing to stop a backdoor at the 1st eviction like every thing following she got handed everything the reason why this game is f@#ked up monte evicting turner since taylor is a black woman today its about what you look like not gameplay to get you 1st congrats monte you had 1st by the balls but blew it for race sex


Sorry to be the first to inform you.

Misogyny and racism lost tonight.

The Beef

I was pulling for Monte to win tonight because of the three players still left in the game (2 black, 1 white), he was the most deserving of the win.

Monte is black. I am white. Your racism charge goes out the window.

Pretty clear to anyone who has a brain (Taylor even admitted it in her speech), Monte played the best game competition, strategy and social game wise. Yet she and apparently YOU think she should have the win handed to her simply because she’s a woman, and more specifically a BLACK woman, since no black woman has ever won BB US before (despite the fact Casey won BB 19 and is part black in heritage, and Tamar Braxton won Celebrity BB 2). Therefore, anybody who DOESN’T just want to GIFT her the win, despite the fact she herself admitted she doesn’t really deserve to win it due to her own performance during the game, must be a misogynist.

I guess the Cookout must be loaded with misogynist then as well, since they could have easily decided and voted to allow an ALL F3 of black women last season, and didn’t do that? Why were they not called out for their obvious misogyny then, like you call us out for ours now? Hell, it’s a bit like they weren’t called out for their prejudice, bias and yes, RACISM, yet Kyle was, and was booted from the game for it! And I do seem to recall conversations week ONE about the formation of a Cookout 2.0 between Terrance and Monte, which went nowhere, but the conversation DID happen, and later conversations between Terrance, Monte AND TAYLOR, where not only Cookout type alliances were discussed, but also race based jury voting was also talked about and PROMISED between all 3 of them, yet you come here and post about “racism losing tonight”. You are either ill informed or simply have your head buried so deeply in the sand, you just refuse to admit what just happened in the game you’ve been “watching”.

I wish you bleeding heart liberals would get your facts straight, set the standards for EVERYBODY, and then quit moving the damn bar based on who’s doing it, so that it’s F-A-I-R for ALL, and not just a one sided sledge hammer to be used at your convenience against white males. I don’t give a damn who wins, as long as it’s based on game play, strategy and social interaction. That didn’t happen last night.


Let me help you understand how logic goes.

The comment I was responding to is dripping with misogyny and white fragility.

Somehow you decided to make it about you, triggered by your sensitivity to any hint of progressive ideology, then go into attack mode rather than substance.

So angry. Go climb a federal building and see where that gets you.


You thinking you’ve disproved racism by virtue of a White person wanting a Black man to win, is about as hilarious as trump thinking he’s a good guy bc he gave Pence a chance before sending the mobs after him.

Are you going to next tell us that some of your best friends are Black?

I never read your comments bc they are such a disorganized mess of hate, without any critical thinking or good use of language.

Someone you thought you could take me on. Heh, heh.

You, get an F.

The Beef

It was not about misogyny and racism – that was my point that seemed to escape you. It was about, or SHOULD have been about who played the best game.

Taylor knew she couldn’t make that argument, so she turned it into a political one, which you seem to agree with so strongly that you feel the need to attack those who don’t. I actually ENJOY the GAME of Big Brother, which is why I come here to keep up with it, so it should come as no surprise to you that I want the jury to actually choose the winner based on GAME PLAY, and NOT outside societal or political motives, like race and gender, especially when we just had a black winner last season. I have ZERO problem with another black winner this season, as long as that person deserved to win, as Monte did, and Taylor clearly did NOT. That assessment has nothing to do with misogyny and everything to do with the game that they played.

We all know you’re brilliant. You’ve told us several times throughout the season how smart you are, and even told us how Einsteinian like your progeny are to impress us all in several posts. So it just goes without saying that anybody who disagrees with you is “a disorganized mess of hate, without any critical thinking or good use of language”. Nice ad hominem attack, which goes more against you than against me. BTW, have you stopped beating your husband yet?

As for who and what race my friends are – that’s between them and me. I would never use them to justify a position on anything!

Your last two sentences actually had me laughing out loud! As if I give a damn what you think of yourself, or what “grade” you might assign to me. Pretty obvious you have a severely over inflated view of your own intelligence, based on the way you’re always bloviating about it, but you do you.


Sounds like another Taylor…..full of herself, blathering on & on about complete nonsense & showing ignorance in a classic way!! They BOTH ” represent” wel….bahahaha!!!!


SPOT ON!! Agree 1000%.

Anyone But Taylor

She has Michael and Brittany to thank for twisting Kyle’s words into a racist narrative and saving Taylor that week.
When the cookout was a race-based alliance last year, it was obvious that future years would bring players that would be suspicious of similar gameplay. The house is always filled with paranoia and trying to connect dots even if they aren’t there. At that point, it was easy to root for any deserving person (which at that point meant anyone besides Taylor). She was gifted a 2nd lifeil in the game at the cost of Kyle’s entire personal life. He had no hate for anyone and it’s unfortunate how lawyer Michael spun that conversation 2 weeks later.

un autre nom

When it was pointed out three of the member’s of this supposed alliance Kyle was worried about were trying to evict Monte, a member of this supposed alliance (WEEK FIVE), did Kyle stop, think, and realize that his idea was meritless?
No. He kept saying he was worried about it until Dyrefest. So for a week and a half after learning this alliance idea was not real and in fact all of the members of this supposed alliance were targeting each other, he kept pushing it.
Nothing was twisted.

Big Sister

So tired of hearing from the Kyle supporters. This 29 year old man (not a naive “kid” from Utah, who lives with his Mommy) got what he deserved. Even he acknowledged that!

The Beef

Yet later in the game, Terrance and Monte DID once again have discussions about forming a race based alliance, along with Taylor, and this was AFTER Kyle was evicted, or maybe during the week he was going to be evicted. They also discussed and promised to vote for each other in jury, and the reason they gave for doing it? Black solidarity, to ensure another black person won the game.

Kyle may have not been 100% right in his assertions, but it’s pretty clear he wasn’t 100% wrong either, based on known conversations between at least those three players. I absolutely abhor the race based game play, and wish they’d make a rule that anybody who even talks about it is IMMEDIATELY evicted from the game, but production opened this up by signing off on the Cookouts game play last season, so here we are. Now the problem is the double standard, and it’s going to take a strong person willing to stand up to THAT, and not grovel like Kyle has done and say “Look, I’ve done nothing wrong here. If what the Cookout did is okay, why can’t white players do it too?” and make somebody explain why not LOGICALLY.

The best option is to make it illegal for ALL. But if production is unwilling to do that, you can’t say it’s okay for one race to do it, and put another race at a disadvantage by not only not allowing them to do it, but publicly SHAMING them on national TV if they do, or allowing it to happen. Kyle pretty much shamed himself out of fear I think, which was sad to watch. I don’t think he’s racist at all – he was just trying to play the game. He’s damn sure no more racist than the Cookout members were/are.

Captain Caveman!

The Beef I was enjoying your comments just as much as Simon and Dawgs recaps. Up until just now. All race related play sucks. Some are implied some are not. Cody and Derrick are two of my favorite players they are two white males. I am a black male. Last year with the cookout i was kind of upset because like Obama being elected to the White House. Now i have to have those type of discussions with my white friends about how that was not discriminatory. However my white friends did not have to have the talk with me when it was not a person of color. Its very uncomfortable. Because we love this game and why do i have to explain a all black alliance when there has been several all white alliances. This should no way become the norm (black vs. white). If it does i will be the first to call it out and pretty much boycott even if i go at it alone. Racism is like the season that Jeremy, GinaMarie and Aaryn made racist comments to and about Candice, Howard and Helen on BB15. For years and season its been going on. Black cast members were manly the first to get booted and made out to be a punch line the rest of the season. Except for Devin on BB16 he was a straight lunatic and needed to go. Black cast members have a uphill battle that few barely made it out of the starting blocks. Expect the unexpected there were more than just 2 token black cast members BB23. They formed a alliance to get to the end. Its been done like that in the past Its just hasn’t been done by people of color. I do understand the mindset of past years alliances were not made by saying lets create this alliance based upon race like the cookout. Like i said in the beginning there is implied and not implied biases and discriminatory practices. Cookout was formed to finally give poc who were voted out first a chance to make it past week one and two. When David was booted out in BB20. The comment was because he was going to be a threat. David sucked at everything. Michael has proven this year that you cannot spot a competition threat off of looks alone. Unfortunately Beef for poc that was the only way that one of us could win by sticking together. Now we hope that future players will see that we are intelligent and worthy ally’s and want to work with poc and include us in things not exclude us. That is why i loved the Left Overs Alliance and was pissed with Kyle for destroying it. It showed that all walks a life can work together with out feeling that your race, gender or sexual orientation will put you at a disadvantage. Then this year two poc made it to the end. Just like any other season my favorite got screwed and someone else won. I did not even think about race. I think if Alyssa and Kyle, Turner or Monte was at the end. Kyle would have taken Alyssa because he was having sex with her. It is what it is on that.

So Beef keep up the great incite and comments. Just take the win and let it ride.

The Beef

Did you see the post by “BBshowtime” on Sept. 3 2022 at 4:24 AM BB time laying out the eviction of every single black player in BB US history and why they were evicted? It’s obviously a long one, but it blows out of the water the whole “black players are always evicted first” accusation, and pretty much lays out some of the bad game play of some of the players who left.

I do understand the lack of representation argument, but you also have to understand the whole percentage of population argument as well. The Mexican American population has been severely under represented on the show, as well as other latino American, Asian American, and maybe even Native American populations.

I am certainly NOT justifying racist language or actions by ANYONE, including the ones you named, and the two Jacks in BB 21 which you didn’t. It’s just to me, bias, prejudice or racism is the same, no matter who is doing it, and it’s wrong. Justifying it by saying there’s never been a Black winner so let’s do this, doesn’t make it right. They could have still worked together to win without summarily evicting every single non-Black person first, and looked a lot better in doing it, IMO. Was there a risk in doing that? Maybe so, but they would still have pretty much controlled the jury, and likely would have had the votes had it been say Tiffany against Claire in F2, and who’s to say the jury wouldn’t have done what the jury did Sunday night and voted political, not that they would have had to, since Tiffany played one Hell of a game!

But that’s just one scenario. It could have still been 2 CO members sitting there, just without an all CO final 6 and without the angst of having to defend (not that they are really) playing a biased, racist game.

I’m cutting and pasting “BBshowtime’s” post below. Hope you see it and take the context of it to heart. Remember, he was responding to someone who said POC were always evicted first, or something to that effect. Clearly NOT the truth……..

“most seasons were like a horror movie, evicting people of color first”
Why you lying ?
BB2 Monica 3rd place
BB3 Danielle 2nd place
BB3 Marcellas 5th place
BB5 Marvin 6th place
BB6 Beau 5th place
BB7 Danielle 6th place
BB7 Marcellas 9th place
BB8 Jameka 4th place
BB10 Libra 9th place
BB11 Chima 6th person to leave after being expelled by production
BB13 Kalia 5th place
BB15 Howard and Candice, 5th and 6th evicted after 3 white guys and 1 white girl were evicted
BB16 Jocasta 6th person evicted
BB18 Davonne 7th evicted, Zakiyah 8th evicted
BB OTT Justin 4th place, Neely 4th evicted after 3 white guys were evicted
BB19 Dominique 4th evicted Ramses 5th evited after 2 white guys and 1 white girl were evicted
BB20 Bayleigh 6th evicted
BB21 see below – 4 poc – Bella , Jack, Analyse and Jessica all went deeper into the game
BB22 Bayleigh 5th evicted after 3 white girls, Davonne, Kevin, David 7th, 8th and 9th evicted after 3 white girls and 1 white guy
BB23 – All black players created an all black alliance based on being black, and targeted the other players for not being black which included 2 poc Alyssa and Derek X

those who left early and why:
BB1 William he argued with the other HG’s, sabotaged the shopping task – public voted him out over the attractive former stripper
BB10 Parker left early because of the couples twist , where 2 people left at the same time. Parker’s partner had a boyfriend in the house, she was the target not Parker. (victim of circumstance)
BB13 Keith 1st evicted After leading the charge against the vets who were in power (bad gameplay)
BB14 Jodi 1st evicted (By Production)
BB16 Devin 3rd evicted after being one of the craziest players the game has seen (bad gameplay)
BB17 Davonne 2nd evicted after getting heated and arguing in a room full of people (bad gameplay)
BB18 Jozea 2nd evicted after callig himself the messiah and telling the HoH that she’s his target (bad gameplay)
BB19 Dominique 4th evicted after blowing up peoples games with her talk show (bad gameplay)
BB20 Swaggy 2nd evicted he was talking about Kaitlyn behind her back,she found out and wanted him out, Kaitlyn won HoH turned on her Foutte alliance, Swaggy was a renom and the secret Level 6 alliance kept their alliance member (bad gameplay)
BB21 David 1st evicted (By Production) Ovi 2nd evicted he ratted out some players to their own alliance (bad gameplay) Kemi 3rd evicted she talked about getting Jack(poc) out, that info got back to him. he won HoH (bad gameplay) – All 3 of them lost the re-enter comp to an old white guy (Cliff)

Captain Caveman

I can go a throw up stuff as well. Interviews and such with former guest that can justify what i am saying as well. Bad Game Play is that individuals perception. I am just telling you how it is perceived in the poc communities. I just know about the black community. To give you a understanding of the WHY not the Should. When it comes to bias its not always logic based. Its based on feelings and perceptions. Prior to the cookout (which i said previously i did not agree with) poc felt like that they did not have a chance in hell to win. Because the cast was predominantly non people of color and never made it far in the game (base on perception).

What i was the most worried about the Cookout is that it makes me have to draw a line in the sand at times. So here it goes.

  • Chilltown
  • The Quack Pack. …
  • The Detonators. …
  • The Hitmen. …
  • The Renegades. …
  • The Brigade. …
  • The Exterminators. …

There were people of color on the cast. Can you please tell me why they did not include any people of color. Why did they want to get rid of all the people of color first in the game before there alliance was left. Was this being prejudice or discriminatory? You probably don’t think so. To me it looks like the non poc banned together and formed a group and got ride of everyone else that was not part of the group.
The cookout did the same. I think they formed a group that gave them the best advantages to get to the end with people they could relate to the same as all of the great alliances in the past that did not have poc. Why?! Because they did not invite us. So the cookout created their own alliance and did not invite them. The cast found out in the goodbye messages like its been done in the past.


Just wait until it comes back to them in future games when a people of Latin , Asian or other descent decide to specifically exclude other players based on race, including blacks. & see how they respond to being targeted ONLY because they aren’t part of the OTHER race that wants to ” represent”. I can GUARANTEE you, that will NOT fly with them & they will then protest.

Captain Caveman!

Guess What Tyrantual Nightmare it probably will happen in the future. If they feel excluded and overlooked by the black and white cast. I would not blame them. Lastly, I did not hear all this uproar when mainly only non people of color was winning this game all these years.

This just shows me your hidden biases (prejudice). That you are trying to wrap up in a pretty bow and act like its poor game play. When non people of color been doing it for almost 22 seasons.


Dr Will said it best in an interview in 2021. The houseguests now play thinking of social media,not game. Dr. Will said he was glad he played before social media was such a huge thing. I love the show and I actually like Taylor, but I am tired of winning a game based on a cause vs. game play. Monte was a fo. He had no idea how popular the Taylor agenda was. I am convinced production made it appear Turner couldn’t be beat. Monte should have won, Turner second and Taylor AFP and love boat cruise would have been a perfect end to the season.


It’s a shame. Because now there is no game, it’s just avoiding being cancelled. Good luck getting more celebrities to sign up for the BB Celeb edition.


Now I’m glad he lost…stupid move on his part & he paid the price. Dumbass.

Taylormade Victims

for sure monte was a dumbass he beats turner with turner having 0 votes and did the exact opposite by getting railroaded by taylor only receiving 1 vote that is such a stupid move


Her speech was hollow and hypocritical, considering what she did to stay in the game those last couple of weeks.


Your bitterness is affecting your judgment. By any standard that was an admirable and powerful speech.

The jury glowed as they listened to her. She captured their hearts.


Her speech was basically to guilt the people to give her the money. If they didn’t, then they would be deemed mysogynist and racist. That’s not a good win.


And I’m sure you also love that sex got her to F4!!


I think Monte will win but he took Taylor to secure his win because Turner would have beat him. Taylor had a social game but not as much strategy as Monte.


Stand to be corrected?

Daniel Sucks

Monte would likely have beat Turner. Instead he lost to the woman who climbed into his bed in order to stay.


She’ll probably dump him like a hotcake now that she has nothing to GAIN from him. Typical.


Whoot, Whoot! Who gonna be salty now?


Monte you’re a very foolish man and truly didn’t deserve to win BB! Congrats to Taylor!

un autre nom

BB24 Sunday Two Hour Episode
Turner thinks he made the big moves surrounding the Leftovers. He maybe should have thrown something. Michael was the big move.
(explains the massive build noises for a day and a half?).
Final HOH Part 3 was not in the back yard.
Set most likely in the Have not (construction noises last week?).
JURY THINKS TURNER IS EVICTED. Michael and Terrance agree.
Joseph is celebrating when Monte is called winner of final HOH… or when Monte evicted Turner… not sure which.
Kyle Q1: sound problem.
Monte: biggest move Michael not included.
Answer: getting rid of Turner.
Michael Q2:
Taylor: did you adapt?
Answer: Taylor did have to adapt socially.
Joseph Q3:
Monte: biggest mistake?
Answer: hated how he handled his HOH week.
Jasmine Q4:
Taylor: moves you made.
Answer: social game making sure i had insulation. didn’t want people to see her as the one doing it, wanted other people to take the target.
Britt Q5:
Monte: where was your risk?
Answer: Same HOH week. Could have been the big target.
Indy Q6:
Taylor: On the block a lot… good or bad socially.
Answer if you sit next to me you are going home.
Turner Q7:
Monte: why should you get my vote?
Answer: timing. I had the agreement with Taylor first.
(ED. calling bullshit on that. he wanted out of the brochella agreement… lying in a jury answer to mitigate… that’s a new one).
Speeches to Jury:
Who represents. Competitor. 3 HOH, 2 vetoes. Loyal. No false promises.
Only on the block twice. Big moves. Nic, Michael, Turner. Choose me. Keep Scootin you’ll warm up.
3 comp wins. Monte has more blood in one way. She bled out as a 6 times nom. Women. All white alliance and she was left on the block. I am not a victim. Resiliancy. Challenge not asking. Choose Social Game Resiliancy. Choose Progress.
Juror voter comments:
Indy: one of my fave people. Jasmine: carry on something I wanted to do.
Joseph: face and sword of the season. Kyle: choosing season representative.
Terrance: finally got you on the block Monte. Michael: strongest. Alyssa: time to take power. Britt: Missing vote. Turner: I’m voting for one of you.
Prejury asshatery Unfortunately, Paloma was in the inception simulation and couldn’t make it to the finale.
Pre-jury in the back yard.
Joseph didn’t screw your games Britt and Taylor. ED. Well not intent but… sorta did.
Michael is a lawyer reveal. Britt says it hurts. ED. Spinkitty time look at her eyes. and his guilt eyes saying get the hyperhypnotoad away from me this is a convo i don’t want to have.
Other lawyer reveal. Joseph. Turner surprised.
Ameerah what was the surprise: Monte Taylor showmance was surprising. Two Joseph flashes (ED. why? it was a negotiated with production fauxmance between J and T)
Taylor says close friend.
Alyssa: showmance update. We’ll see and hopeful. Kyle: i love this girl. hopeful.
Pooch: volunteered to go on the block. Pooching is part of the vernacular.
Pooch was happy he was welcome.
Muffin reveal.
Daniel: was boring for a few weeks. Biggest move: being a fan again.
No Nic questions. Daniel question was a waste. Ameerah question was a dig in a way. Pooch question was irrelevant.
Jury Vote for winner
FOR Monte:
FOR Taylor:
Britt, Alyssa, Micheal, Terrance, Kyle
CURSE BROKEN: For first time the non winner of ANY stage of final HOH won.
AFP: Michael, Kyle and Taylor finalists.

BB24 finale.jpg

Honestly the one vote that surprised me was Terrence’s. I could have sworn that he would vote for Monte

un autre nom

The guy that was asked in EVERY one of his exit interviews about his derogatory feeds comments about Taylor. you mean?
Just saying, Press and exit debriefs had every one of the jurors trying to clean up the image they presented of themselves on feeds.


Congratulations Taylor! High emotional intelligence wins the day. An unexpected outcome. This was a very interesting season.

Anyone But Taylor

She proved multiple times to have low emotional intelligence as exemplified with her backhanded comment towards Monte and sleeping with Joseph’s best friend in the house after she felt betrayed by him.


For Taylor it was all about who she could sleep with to get to F4. and it worked for her. Sadly, this is what BB has stooped to.


We’re gonna play a drinking game to redeem your repetitive commentary.


Obviously there is that part of America, that problematic section, that voted with gusto and anger trying to make super questionable AFP. Big fail! Cry all you want because shedding tears is free… costs nothing so enjoy it! Hahahaha!


Seriously?!? I’m speechless on that finale. So disappointing beyond words.


Didn’t you know that when she slept her way to the F4 that this would happen? It was in the cards..


Worse season yet.

Anyone But Taylor

It was my favorite through Dyre Fest. Then it got weird and seemed to have a lot of things that were swayed by production.


Taylor was absolutely NOT a girls girl…yet she kept saying she was.


When Taylor said I did everything I could to protect Alyssa and Indy until she couldn’t. Taylor made a deal with them to keep them save then Taylor won HOH 4 days after this. Taylor puts Indy on the block. Absolute why reason INDY went home and in the process wanted to backdoor Alyssa for a stupid trip that she felt was entitled. I have never heard of bigger lie during a jury answering!

The Beef

She was begging for votes. What did you expect her to say? All season long she claimed to be a comp beast and said she didn’t want to be “dragged to final 2” by anybody, yet here we are at the end and she won TWO comps (I don’t know where she gets three, unless she’s counting the preliminary comp at the beginning of the week two HOH comp – the one where Jasmine twisted her ankle) and was taken to the final 2 only because she’s black, to “represent”.

I’ll give her credit for making a good speech, but the content of it was really weak. No matter how good you say it, if the logic isn’t there in the words, it just doesn’t make sense, and there was no logic in her “I am a victim” but I’m not speech. Who says “He beat the pants off me strategically and competition wise” but vote for me to “change things up” because I’m a girls girl (even though I proved I’m not in the first week) and us women have to stick together, so GIVE ME THE MONEY or things will NEVER change? How does anybody who actually played the game hear that, and then vote for that person to win Big Brother?

So sad to see players voting solely for agendas and/or out of bitterness vs. who deserves to win the game. It’s obvious Monte blundered in taking her, but damn HE had an agenda too, so he pretty much got what he deserved. That doesn’t make it right for the game though. She did NOTHING to deserve to win, and now she won it all plus AFP too, which is fine. That’s just a popularity thing, and I get that. But the game should mean more than just let’s all vote for a woman to win just because she’s a woman.

Daniel Sucks

Monte did beat “the pants off her”. Literally.


taylor played the jury’s concerns about being portrayed as racist and sexist like a fiddle, and proved that sleeping your way to the top is an effective strategy. great role model.


The one shining message Taylor has sent to her black followers is, go for it: Sleep your way to the top.

Avid watcher

You got her. Ha


I can’t believe Monte is this fucking stupid he would’ve crushed Turner


He is a fool for not taking Turner! I bet he wins 9-0 against Turner. I mentioned that Monte would be better off throwing it to Turner who totally was going to take him. People Monte was fool to take my advice and that Monte would dumb to throw part 3. Well audience you had no idea I meant when I said the dumbest thing that Monte could do is win part 3 and follow through with what he told Taylor in the last two weeks. He wanted to have the agenda to take her to the F2 even if it meant a lose. monte: i rather lose to you than to anybody else.. cuz if i can be a part of this season where a black woman wins.. id be fine with that.. id be fine with taking that L… The problem with Taylor’s followers is that they don’t understand that she got handed this game bc it was based on stupidity for what you look like and not strategy. Players don’t want to be cancelled for voting out a POC. The game is now broken with this double standard race crap. Monte made one of the stupidest plays ever and all he had to do for the win tonight was throw part 3 to Turner but he gave it up for race!


I don’t know what he was thinking when he took Taylor to F2.


Yeah I said same thing if he threw final hoh to Turner he would get Taylor’s vote still and a win. I thought he was smart enough to see Taylor could beat him but he went with his heart instead of logic

Anyone But Taylor

There’s no way he could know that jury was giving him credit for Michael leaving.

Captain Caveman

I stand corrected Taylor can articulate why she should win. She had great answers and a killer speech. Even slickly owned and said that she road Michael and Britteny coattails. Still think Monte had the better game, but my couch vote don’t matter.

The Beef

Wow. If you think that was a good speech, you must be a fan of speakers who “speak” well but say nothing as far as content goes. Pointing out you “rode somebody else’s coattails” is not a point you want to make in a final plea to get someone’s vote. Saying you sat on the block 6 times is not a good point, unless you can point out how many times you got yourself off of that block, which in Taylor’s case was 0 times. She couldn’t point to her “big moves” in the game, because she doesn’t have a single one! Her first HOH, Indy was evicted, the person she did NOT want to go home, and had promised safety to before nominations. Her second HOH, Brittany went home, her last ally left in the house (before she slept with Monte to make him an ally).

What else did she do in there to show she deserved to win? I mean other than parade around in bikini’s and sequined outfits showing off her nice figure, and kind of proving the reason the other women didn’t like her from the beginning? Playing the “meat shield” strategy, is a strategy, but it’s not one that usually gets you the win (it worked for Nicole F., but she’s one of the few, and she did win a few comps in her seasons, which Taylor only won 2 and did nothing with those wins). But she really didn’t play that strategy anyway, as Joseph was booted when they were getting close, plus he wasn’t much of a shield anyway since he couldn’t seem to win shit.

So I agree she said what she said well, but the content was lacking in merit. I guess that doesn’t matter when you’re talking to people who want to gift you the win anyway. It was very obvious after the jury round table she had Terrance, Joseph, Brittany and Jasmine on lock. I figured if she made it to Final 2 she also would get Alyssa’s vote, because of “girl power” and Alyssa is dumber than dirt. That’s 5 and that’s enough. I thought Michael might go for her because he’s obviously a far lefty who would like to see a black woman win. I really thought Kyle and Turner would vote based on game (Turner I think did) and Indy would vote for Monte because she likes him and doesn’t like Taylor much, but I think I underestimated the power of production debriefing, and fellow juror influence, especially with Kyle and Indy. Turner obviously had the least of both of those last two things, and voted accordingly (for Monte).

I think poor Kyle’s head is so screwed up, he’d vote for whoever they told him to vote for, no matter who it was, if he thought it would get him any redemption at all. She basically called him out to his face in that final speech, and he STILL voted for her. Once she did that, I would have snap voted for Monte, had I been him. To me, I would have thought she doesn’t even WANT my vote, so I’m not going to give it to her, but when he didn’t, he of course would have been held up to even MORE public ridicule for doing that I guess, so he probably did the right thing. He can’t win no matter what he does – probably for the rest of his life.

Captain Caveman!

Once again. I wanted Monte to win. I know now it was rigged in her favor after the round table according to Turner. I thought it was a good move by Monte to take her. I was saying all week get rid of Turner or Monte and take Taylor in order to win. I did not realize she is that good of a public speaker. She gave a lot of fluff and no substance but it sounded good. The speech was epic whether you like it or not. She summed up what she went through in the BB house for the summer. It sounded convincing and she presented her argument very well. Its one of the best speeches I have heard at a finally night or it could be Monte was just that dull and boring. Beef brother you are getting to deep for me. See you next year. LOL

Great Season

That’s a shame. Taylor was a coat tail rider.

un autre nom

Curses still intact:
First to enter in a regular north american season
Otev winner has never won
no same name winners.
Curses broken in US:
first week on block at eviction survivor wins (same curse broken bbcan10)
non winner of any final HOH part has won.
Winner has also won the Afp.

un autre nom

I forgot Maggie in 6.
She never won any part of Final hoh and beat Yvette the final HOH winner.
Sorry. I like to forget Maggie.
Given the way the fanbase has been going in recent years… damn if 6 were now people would have been cheering on the friendship. Shudder.


Taylor becomes the second winner in the veto era (BB3-24) who never won a veto. The first was Derrick, who was never nominated or renominated, and never faced eviction until he lost the F3 HOH.

Both times, the final HOH winner chose the wrong person for the F2 chairs. Cody, however, kept his longstanding F2. Monte threw his away.


They said Turner ate Jasmines muffin, but I wish it was me. I’d eat those melons too.


Loved it. In the end it was worth investing my time to watch this season.

Taylor crushed everything. Amazing final speech. Took all the prizes home. What a treat!

So many facial expressions that were worth watching (especially among the first 4 to be evicted from the house).

Thank you Simon + Dawg for everything. It’s been 9 – NINE! – years since I’ve been visiting this website.

Y’all let’s click on adds to help Simon + Dawg to make some money. They sure deserve it!

Thank you also for the laughs – in that regard I must thank the fashion police that had some one liners that I won’t ever forget, and the people that destroyed some stupid arguments with classy, polite, articulate texts, but never losing their good humor.

See you all next year (as I probably won’t be watching BBCan – no one by the way told me if the last BBCan season was worth watching).


BB NEVER works out like this. The underdogs never win. Not this time.

The racists won’t ask themselves WHY Taylor resonates with so many people. They’ll just see an “uppity” Black girl. Their loss.


I don’t at all see at uppity black girl. I see a girl who slept her way to the finale. Would have liked to see more from a fellow female.


I wouldn’t call her uppity. She just lacks self perspective. So many times she talked about being this great competitor or great at this game but when it’s all said and done she won two competitions. One led to a total disaster of an hoh and the other was final 4 where it’s just safety which based on noms and her attempts to guilt monte into voting out turner cuz it was her hoh she clearly didn’t understand. She didn’t game, she rode coattails then played to the jury’s insecurity about being perceived racist and/or sexist to win by painting herself as a victim. I guess you can make an argument about having a good social game but really all she did was exploit the jury’s insecurities about being outside the game rather than anything relevant to inside the game and then really what’s the point of playing the game at all?

The Beef

Great post! Everybody keeps talking about how great her speech was without considering the content of it. She spoke it well, but the content was weak as far as justifying why anybody should vote for her to win the actual game, unless you consider “Give it to me because I’m a victim. I may not deserve the win, but I’m a woman and we need to change things up, plus the evil white boy tried to pull a Cookout on me, which benefited me, but never mind that, I’m a WOMAN so you better GIVE it to me!” to be great content.

It’s a sad state the games in right now. The past two seasons riddled with race issues, and now gender plays into it as well. The All-Star Season 22 sucked and had it’s own racial issues as of course did Season 21 with it’s racist winner Jackson Michie and his sidekick Jack Mathews.

To me Season 20 was the last good season, and even that one had racial allegations made in it. So sick of all this shit, and just wish they would just play the game and leave all the racist crap at the door when they enter.


you’re never gonna completely avoid some amount of racism and i do think bb has countered well by trying to include more minorities so minorities aren’t as culturally isolated as they have been on seasons with token minorities. furthermore they seemed to have stopped their practice of always making sure the black girl is sassy (though we did still get jasmine, ugh). but taylor’s speech was very much a voting against me makes you the problem speech (watch birdman for another great example of this in that scene with the critic, the film is not nearly as good as it or critics think it is but that scene with the critic made them feel insecure about criticizing the film). taylor didn’t talk game at all, because she didn’t have any. and while monte’s jury performance was maybe B- at best all his questions were game related. if they’re not gonna vote on game ask him questions like what having back to back black men means or some crap. if the jurors didn’t care about game, don’t ask about game or at least zero in on why he selected taylor. give him that opportunity to point out that she’s there because everyone felt she was expendable, because she largely was but failing to point that out is something monte bears responsibility for.


Unfortunately the bar has been lowered by Taylor and from now on it will always be racist based. The Pandora’s box has been opened and it’s never going to close.


Taylor’s GWU journo degree and entertainment / pageant pedigree recruited by CBS for her confidence and promise to wear all her $$$ Jovani wardrobe and modern feminist equal rights morals for a twist on the Mean Girl Catfights v Alpha-Dog ‘Narrative’. Misogyny is real among women too. Taylor’s not settling for a BB Franchise marriage and babies, neither is Alyssa UNLESS Monte and Kyle grow up. That’ll take a while so ladies, keep it classy while we enjoy a rare win, however we ‘produced’ it.

So-called super fans Turner & Britt applied multiple times and didn’t get cast until they had ‘sufficient platform’ ie. suicide to hypnotist and ‘newly out’ bi-pansexual vlogger to compete with their usual cast of sandbagging Lawyers & Undercover Cops. Recent Real Life Winner ‘recruits’ like Taylor and other young powerful women won’t need to settle for a token Amazing Race gig with stalker Joseph, an ET Host gig or Ameerah’s Diversity Officer job at Google. She could get carried by Beyonce’ Tyler Perry or Shonda, but Reese Witherspoon could bankroll an integrated Hollywood Girl Squad stop playing the mainstream Studio Production to sell actual pro-women content to all the networks, not just the MeTooMoonves relatives and racism lawsuits at Paramount.

‘Self-Aware’ Rug-Life Turner & Van-Life Monte will be just fine taking all the credit and cashing in as Life Coaches for the blind ? lol ?Fire.


So happy that Taylor won!! Did you guys see how weird Terrance was looking at Taylor, her Mom, and her Grandma when they were on the stage hugging Taylor? I think he is scared of them because of all of the negative things he has said about Taylor. I was honestly surprised that he voted for Taylor to win

The Kats Meow

Good year, good feed recaps, and a generally fun and smart group of commentators. Kudos all around and hope to see you on the next BB rollercoaster. Most of you were a joy. But before I head out, let me offer my most sincere … bwahahahahas to you pearl clutching and overly emotional souls losing your minds over Taylor winning.. Y’all know the ones who every year claim to never come back. The ones raging over HG’s as if the players sh*t on their lawns. I hope the y’all can recover from BB24’s outcome. May your tears be as salty as some of your attitudes. Hugs and kisses

un autre nom

ONLY thing Turner has a right to hold a grudge about:
DURING part 3 of HOH comp, when Turner made his first error, Monte said aloud :
Don’t worry, I got you.
And he evicted him.
THAT is the only thing Turner has the right to hold a grudge about because someone just Turner’d Turner.


i think he can be upset that both michael and brittany referenced veto comps he didn’t witness.

un autre nom

The ONLY veto he didn’t witness is the Brochella veto. He may not have participated in all of the vetoes, but he witnessed the rest to the same extent as anyone else in the house.
Turner, imo, considering how he chose to play the game in terms of social management (not whether he was liked, but jurors leaving feeling like he didn’t shank them)… Turner pretty much gave up the right to be upset with anyone other than Monte.


both referenced their performance in that veto, which as far as i know they could have lied about. like he knew they participated because there were only 5 people and everyone should have participated assuming they could get out of bed (which i realize was tough for some players this season), but he didn’t actually know how they did just how they said they did.

un autre nom

The same way the Brochella people had to believe what the Dyrefest people said about their veto?
This is why production should have shown clips of veto comps when the 2 were brought back together.


kyle, alyssa, joe, and terrance’s segments did not mention their veto comp performance (or jasmine’s for that matter).

un autre nom

Michael’s statement: I lost the fourth veto I perfomed in.
Week 5 was the fourth veto he performed in. Otev. Turner was there. He got a dislocated knee in that comp.


ah, okay, so that’d be fair. i couldn’t remember which veto was which. i thought brittany referenced her vetos after the split house.

un autre nom

I don’t mind that Monte lost and I don’t mind that Turner lost.
I noped both of them a couple weeks ago.
I have no problem with someone i noped losing.


I’m so glad a WOMAN WON! And to a male…which has “I think” only happened once or twice before. To all saying Monte should have taken Turner…IMO and based off of live feed convos and jury feedback..Monte was going to get 2nd regardless. I wish that Taylor and Turner were at the end…but I’ll take it. Thanks for all you do every year Dawg & Simon. Truly appreciate it and come back every year.


As a female, I’d be happier if she were a better role model than sleeping to the money.

Why so serious

I don’t think you commented enough about how she slept her way to winning. There’s like 5 other comments you missed to informed them about this. Get to it.

The Kats Meow

My God can you beat a dead horse. The whole she slept her way to the top line is ridiculous on it’s face. It was mutual sex, that they continued right up until the HOH room was taken away from them. They liked it, get over it. If you honestly in your mind believe that Monte who was not close to Jealyssa or Brittany was tossing Taylor out over those two wowsers. Were you watching a different show? By the way, do you always think a man is blameless, seduced, or force against his into sleeping with someone? Granted I understand I say a lot of snarky things. But I’m really trying to understand where that mindset comes from. And since you have it, I was just hoping that you would explain it.


OMG, get over the Taylor sleeping with Monte. I notice you don’t have that same energy for Alyssa who slept her way all summer in the BB House, the backyard and in the Jury House for zero dollars! At least she got $750K for her cookie if you want to keep believing that’s what she is about. What are you getting for yours, probably not ever Seven dollars and fifty cents! Nicole won 2 seasons sleeping her way in the BB House, what you got to say about that? Taylor won, BB24 best season ever, second best was BB23! America voted for her as AFP and she won the season on a landslide with a diverse jury. Proving not everyone is a hater!


There’s a huge difference – Alyssa and Kyle genuinely have affection for each other.
Taylor was lying there and bedding Monte only to get to F4. Sex equals Ticket to the top.

The Beef

Monte was beating Turner hands down. Don’t know why you think otherwise, but oh well.

If they’re voting based on game play, strategy and social interaction, Monte also beats Taylor. That’s just a fact. Unfortunately other factors come into play it seems every season now, like bitter people, who’s my friend, race, and now gender. Apparently, to seem people, you also have to consider what “reason” the person has for “needing”, wanting or “using” the money, as Brittany seems to feel her “reason” trumped everyone else’s as being a justifiable one for winning, which I think is total BS.


Monte tainted his social game. Terrance said he only saw Monte’s political face with no authenticity.

The way he lectured Brit during his HOH.

Did he ever give Jasmine much time of day?

Alyssa was an afterthought to him. Whereas Taylor showed her some genuine kindness.

Taylor worked herself into Joe and Michael’s hearts.

Monte was relying on the old bros before hos.

Guess he’s no Chilltown, and this is not 2006.

He’s a cardboard cutout.

Part of the reason he lost is that he does not truly connect with people.



Could not agree MORE! She changed the narrative. Now future HG’s will think more about their story than WIN COMPS!
WIN COMPS! Thank You.

Guy From Canada

AFP and winner all in one? Has this happened before?

Thanks for the updates Simon and Dawg. Life was too busy and we didnt get to watch this season. Cheers to hopefully visiting back this Spring with BBCan twisto twists

un autre nom

Valid Question:
Why was Terrance wearing his wife’s Sunday Church Hat?


He often did! Probably for good luck..

un autre nom

He often wore that orange thing that was only missing a fishnet veil with sequins and a feather to make it high sunday fashion?


He looked silly, silly doesn’t look good on a man.


Great Season with a surprise ending!!! Congratulations Taylor

un autre nom

Gonna be honest:
Anyone that thinks Ameerah was trying to drag Taylor by bringing up the showmance with Monte is wrong.
She was rubbing Joseph’s face in it intentionally for the night before her eviction and his gbm. Remember that goodbye message: maybe we’ll see where our relationship leads us after the show gbm in contrast to saying she was too old for him and he had no interest and felt forced to share her bed?
She was being a bi-yotch… but that passive aggressive was to rub JOSEPH’S face in it for being two faced with her and humiliating her. Book it.

un autre nom

Ameerah answered questions in a text.
According to her, production told her to go shady for good tv and bring up the m/t showmance in front of j.
Only thing i can say in support of that? Well they did have the cam set up for the Joseph reaction shot in a real time… not a group, a close up shot. That means one of the back yard designated cams for reactions was set on Joseph deliberately as Ameerah made the comment, cut to interior final 2 cam as the comment is ending, switch to reaction designated cam already set, not panned to Joseph.

What I buy: Prodo told her to go below the belt for good tv. Content was her choice. And I still say it was more a dig at Joseph for his two faced shit than it was a Taylor bash.


Monte outsmarted himself thinking he had a good chance at beating Taylor. He got one measly vote, a major bitch slap. Go home and regret the showmance that altered your thinking. So many of us were rooting for you until we weren’t.

The Kats Meow

His pretend I’m an alpha male BS got to him in the end. It never crossed his mind once that a woman could possibly beat him. It never crossed his mind that his “bros” in jury wouldn’t vote for him. When you blow enough smoke up your own a** then you’ve and done a Monte


“Turner or Monte for the win to save the season” You told me I should’t play big brother when I said Monte could totally throw part 3 here and still win the game. You then later went to praying that Turner won part 3 so Taylor wouldn’t be in F2. Well you look pretty sad now I told you the truth. I guess you can’t talk about it nor think of playing. Call what I told you apart of the gospel “Turner or Monte for the win to save the season” your boys screwed the POOCH one too many times to keep Taylor.


That dude seems to be really, really quiet now. Got a bit ahead of himself, much like Monte.

So hard for that sort to maintain their dominance these days. They will be left behind in their bitterness.

Team Taylor


No one will ever have a better Winner’s Story than her. She absolutely deserves this win! I can’t wait to see what happens next with her career and life. Well done Queen! Say “Hi” to Danielle Reyes for me.

Anyone But Taylor

All she needed was production twisting things so much to keep her safe all game.

Taylormade Victims

she did nothing to stay week 1 or during turner second hoh let alone it monte saying i wanted to take a black woman to give her the win


She probably slept with production too.


It would not surprise me.


Hey, if you’re proud of how she bedded her way to the money, good for you!


If you’re proud of your backward views, good for you!


If you’re good with young black girls aspiring to bed their way to money, that’s you’re right.

Her goal was to be a role model for them. And so she is.


So let me get this right, To think forward, follow Taylor’s lead and have sex to get to the big ticket money.

She must be SO proud of herself, all the way to the bank. And she did it all for black women.

Come on, Fay, you have to be smarter than that!!

Michaels Cat

Deserved to win? No, she didn’t do anything but be a pond and taken to final 2. And one the pond was no longer an option, she sealed the deal the other way with Monte.


Worst season for several reasons. Taylor should not have won for one thing she rode coattails and since when do houseguests get to pick if they want to not do a competition? CBS, Michael and Brittany owe Kyle an apology for making him out to be a racist. Kyle was right all along. I fill the season was fixed for Taylor to win but to get AFP also is a joke. Michael deserved to win but wouldn’t have wanted him to because of the Kyle thing. Turner should have been the winner. Have watched BB every season but I think it should be canceled because it isn’t about the best competitors anymore. Not enjoyable to watch anymore.

Mike Honcho

Spot on.

Taylormade Victims

the 1st week twist that saved taylor had bullshit written all over it taylor got 16th place and left 1st but bc of a lopsided twist that just cancels the first hoh that had nothing to do with what taylor did game wise as a player now everyone of her fans are acting like taylor is a bb legend just totally direagarding like they have for the last 3 months now that taylor did nothing to stay week 1 it was a bullshit twist and her not doing jack shit to stay it was a total setup backup for players being associated with cookout2.0 coming into this season as other players of different races totally could have put a couple of black players to start after the show encouraged the cookout last year and their praise of success


Michael is the BB legend of season 24. He’s the only thing that made it worthwhile watching.

Taylor’s “legend” is how she slept her way to a lot of money. Otoh, Monte was a very foolish man for allowing this to happen.


You’ve written the longest sentence I’ve ever seen in my life.

Daniel Sucks

Taylor rode more than coattails.

Mike Honcho

I thought for sure she would win the weenie riding competition. How poetic! Haha!


So true!


Agree with you.Done with Big Brother for good.

Mike Honcho

This result has had production’s intent smeared all over it since Kyle’s “comment revelation” this season. Well Kyle, buddy, your thoughts were correct in the end. No there wasn’t initially a CO 2.0 but one did emerge.


so now, will there never allowed to be have black people in the finals without it being called the cookout?


Interesting point. I do think that in the F4, it will become an issue. Cookout 3, 4, 5, and so on. It will definitely change the outlook of the F4 players.

Another bad season

Well Monte if you are mad at anyone, it should be yourself. You lost the game the moment you evicted Turner. You had a really good read on the game up to that point. But you made one of the dumbest decisions in BB history. It will bother you for a very long time, as it should.


Thinking back to how proud Monte’s Dad was that his son was on the way to a win, I cannot imagine what was going through Monte’s mind when he literally gave the game away.

So true, one of the worst moves in BB history.


And Turner stated in post eviction interviews that he knew he couldn’t win. The jury didn’t like him.

un autre nom

Compiled thought:
So… bbcan10 and bb24 broke the same curse. And in both cases the textbook winner lost to the season long voice. Interesting twist on the bb dynamic.
Where does that go?
Does BB become less about the alphabro domination? Doubtful.

I do have a weird question running through the back of my head:
the viewership divide… If the viewers just decided to view a season as 16 PEOPLE are playing big brother, and if the viewership tossed all of the rhetoric, bias and prejudice in the bin where it belongs, wouldn’t a season of big brother be much more enjoyable?
I mean, damn, everybody get hold of yourselves. No, I’m not pointing at white or black, or male or female, or gay or straight when I say that. I’m pointing at everyone. Seriously. 16 human beings entered the house. There. Problem solved.
You know what… I’m not going to respond to any yeahbut…. messages to this. Don’t bother. Just be better to yourselves and each other and everyone be safe and happy until the next season. Cheers.


i feel this basically forces white and male contestants to vote out players based on their race and sex more than it did in the past if they care about winning (in fairness many contestants really don’t care about winning). it really feels like one step forward, several steps backwards. but i could be wrong about that. we’ll see who the next winners are moving forward.


I had thought the same thing…it will most likely be played now with that in mind…unfortunately ..& they may not say it out LOUD, but a retaliatory or overly concerned ideal may become a way to play & they just set themselves up for that. I am not saying I AGREE with that, but I will say what is good for the goose , is good for the gander. I prefer unbiased agendas with fair gameplay, but that has all changed now. Good job. Hope it all was worth it.

un autre nom

oh yeah, white male houseguests have had it so rough historically on big brother. blink blink. Sorry, i’m running behind today and I’m still having my first coffee…. so that wasn’t meant to be rude. I’m just not editing my sarcasm. Maybe big brother houseguests as a whole have to ditch their rhetoric, bias and prejudice too.
Just wait until actual “I” in BIPOC get represented in American seasons… what’s the argument of the narrowminded can’t let them take our game from us crowd going to be whining about then?
When the reason given for nominating black or latino people was the wink wink nudge nudge “they stood out in the crowd” season after season, I hate to break it to you, but white men were already targeting based on race and sex. It’s just that ‘stood out from the crowd’ isn’t a valid smoke screen any more when half the crowd isn’t a sea of white faces. I’m not saying everyone was racist every season as much as I’m saying the easy excuse is gone.
Since season 4 all male alliances have banded together with a mission statement of broing out to power their way to the end. in later seasons the justification became ‘just in case they form a women’s alliance’ (which we all know doesn’t work due to casting model). The reality: there’s always been an air of male privilege in big brother that has been accepted by the viewers.

This is the change. The table is level. Privilege is stripped, and the old excuses for targeting aren’t valid anymore. So maybe those white male players just need to adapt.
Just imagine for a second if Big brother had ever completely flipped the script and had a season with 13 POC houseguests and max 3 white houseguests. Imaging the viewers attitudes then. Complaining about the cookout? After 22 seasons of that? Really? What that says: How dare big brother for leveling the table and stripping away white privilege.
NONE of this would matter if people viewed humans as humans and made the conscious decision to view all humans with the same human rights.


i’d be fine if taylor won on game. fact is, she didn’t. and between her win and the cookout, you’re gonna see a lot of kyle strategy moving forward which absolutely sucks. if players aren’t gonna look at game and instead who’s owed it, then you have to vote out everyone who shares the mindset that disadvantaged groups should get extra consideration if they make the final which makes more advantaged groups more likely to have to band together and discriminate to win. we’ll see what happens, but i think taylor’s win is a net negative for the show moving forward.

overall i liked the inclusion of more diverse contestant pools, i felt minorities were at a distinct cultural and social disadvantage in prior seasons and were often written off and overlooked as potential allies. but taylor was a bad ally pretty much this entire season, was nothing but a number to her alliance, and got dragged to the end because no one respected her until they all of a sudden got worried she might be popular with potential social media followers. so now instead of they’re getting voted out because the coded “they don’t fit in,” we’re gonna start getting more overt it’s because they’re a minority. is that really better?

and yeah, adaptation is what’s gonna happen. and the adaptation to my eyes is more openly racist alliances moving forward. which is not the game i want to see.

un autre nom

As a slice of the cultural zeitgeist… doesn’t it fall on the viewers to be the change they want?
If the goal is to have less prejudice in the game moving forward… perhaps promoting a change to the social culture is what is required. If enough people make it known that equal human rights for all humans is the only acceptable position, and prejudice is intolerable. isn’t that a good thing?


In agreement with “d”, a win based on game and skill would have been a great accomplishment for a player. But anyone who watched and or saw the feeds knows that she won because she had sex with Monte, kept him content, and he saved her for the F4.

Yet, if Taylor can hold her head high with how she got to the money, then that’s on her.

un autre nom

and yet, nobody seems to question whether Monte began sleeping with Taylor so that she would keep him safe if she won the next HOH (which she did). His opportunism isn’t questioned.
Remember, he was lovey dovey until he won veto at 4 … and suddenly was annoyed AFTER he had that veto.
Nobody questions that for some reason. His timing.
We’re so conditioned to attach sexual judgement to women that nobody ever said isn’t it odd that until he had safety, Monte was mister romance… and the moment he was safe she was disposable.
BOTH used showmance for game. BOTH need to own it.
Monte’s motive: safety or himself and manipulate her emotionally to put a wedge betweem Taylor and Britt. Once he was safe… suddenly he was telling Taylor that she needed to learn how to be a dutiful compliant woman.
Where’s the outrage for his use of sex as a game tool?
Boys will be boys?
Yes, I’ve said i felt Taylor used showmance tactically and i felt ownership was required. But I’ve also said Monte was using showmance tactically and neeeded to won it too. So, for my part in ownership of the sexual judgement I’m going to say this: They both need to own their shit. It’s not just her.


Except the difference is Monte actually worked in this game. Monte didn’t need to have sex to get to the top, he had Turner. And he win comps and vetoes.

Taylor only had sleeping with Monte to get her to the top. But what’s worse is her D/R confessionionals how she’s doing this for black women. Having sex to get to the money being the message black girls and women clearly saw from this season. The only reason she went to F4 is she turned up the bedding relationship with Monte.

I don’t watch BB, only did this season because I saw Michael would be exciting. But I know last season a black man won and he seems to have won a strategic, honorable game that men, women, white, black can be proud of. As a female, I am not even close to being proud of Taylor needing to use sex to get to the top.

un autre nom

I’m glad you enjoyed watching.
While I think Monte and Taylor both have to own using sex as a game tool, I’m not as upset about using sex as i am about lack of owning the use of sex by both of them. Showmancing to get further in big brother is as old as the series practically.
In every showmance there’s an element of two vote block, and meatshielding. My annoyance with showmances isn’t the tactical part, it’s the tinkly piano reserved segments in the show part that focuses on the showmance not as game but as a production tool to woo viewers.
I don’t think either of Monte or Taylor get very far without Michael. He pretty much won 80 percent of the comps he played in to keep that group safe (i knew the exact percentages before the