“These next few weeks the only goal is achieving maximum chillatude and let someone else take those shots. “

HOH: Xavier
SAFE: Christian, Alyssa and Sarah Beth
HAVENOTS: Claire, Kyland, Tiffany
WILDCARD Competition Winner: Tiffany
Nominations: Brent & Britini
Power of Veto Players: Xavier, Brit, Brent, DF, Whitney, Christian
Power of Veto: Christian
Power of Veto Ceremony: Veto Not used The original nominations are locked.

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Big Brother Spoilers – Brent is getting evicted but he just started “playing serious now” so you never know.. Hannah has moved up on the house target list. Surpassing Whitney in most cases. Alyssa, brit and Christian have all been mentioned as well.

3:55 pm Tiffany and Brit
(Another 6 hour conversation with Brit….)
Tiffany is giving reasons to keep Christian over Alyssa. Brit is 50/50
Brit says Christian could have shown her loyalty and used the veto on her. “every move counts.. you didn’t use it you made me sit up there for 3 days.. you could have pulled me off. you chose your teammate over me which shows me one thing. You’ll pick him ”
Brit says Whitney and Alyssa have a lot of influence over the guys.
Tiff is pushing for Alyssa to go over Alyssa and Christian. Says that the guys want a girl to go next so that is why the house is Okay with Alyssa.
Brit – if either one of us gets HOH and we send Alyssa home. What kind of move is that (Exactly)
Tiff – I mean…
Brit – we can beat her in any comp they throw..
Brit says they will look like idiots if they don’t get out one of the biggest physical threats out before Jury.
They’re now both agreeing on ALyssa out before Chrsitian.

4:20 pm Alyssa, Christian and Xavier
Christian – next week we put up Hannah and Whtiney
Alyssa – I just talked to BIGD and he wants Hannah out too then the jokers are fine with us. We can tell Whit we have to put them up together
Christian – Hannah needs to go
Alyssa – I think so. Whitney is an open book we can convince her we’re helping her out. the house is seeing her and Hannah as a duo and if we take her out she’s off everyone radar
Christian – we also wanted whit out before Jury though.. I guess we have until next week. we want the emotional people out before Jury. Wasn’t that Azah, Derekf, (Whtiney)
Alyssa – that isn’t working out with what we have going on
Alyssa – BIGD said he would put up Hannah and Claire.
Alyssa says she asked BIGD wouldn’t that be fishy if he didn’t put up a king. “He said well than I would put up SB because she wasn’t win the slaughterhouse”
Alyssa adds she told him that they have SB in their back pocket. She’s trying to get it so he doesn’t put her up
Alyssa says BIGD isn’t putting them up.
Alyssa deduces that it’s not a good idea she wins HOH because she’s not thinking herself the target.
Christian – you’re not the number one anymore

Xavier joins them.
Alyssa – I was talking to BIGD he wants Hannah out I really think we should switch it to Hannah because Hannah feels so comfortable and she really shouldn’t me
Alyssa says Whitney wants to work with them. If they are the ones that have to pull the trigger why should they take that person out. Why not take out someone that doesn’t want to work with them.
Alyssa says if it’s between her and SB on the wall she’ll try and fall before her.
Christian – she does want it.. SB says she wants it.

4:44 pm Alyssa and Christian
Christian – it’s me and you baby all the way final 2.
Christian – Ky f***ing scared me. he does.. I really don’t trust him at all
Alyssa – WHy
Christian – I don’t. as far as a gut feeling I want him gone before DerekX
Alyssa – WHAT .. Okay.. no no
Christian – My gut is telling me he wants me gone first out fo the 8
Alyss a- him and DerekX want you gone firs tout of the 8
Christian – they have to go first.. which one would drift more.. probably Derek
feds cut..
Christian – I saw Hannah and BabyD interact today like alone. she does not stop giggling at anything he sayd
Alyssa – Awwww, She likes him. She’s going to mess it up
Christian – or we’re going to mess it up
Christian – I don’t think he’ll make a move and I don’t think she’ll let him know
Alyssa – he would only make a move if she said it

Christian – who should I get close with Azah?
Alyssa – I am getting close to Azah so don’t do the same person as me
Christian – I think we both need to get closer to Azah
Christian – maybe over time I will get closer to Ky
Alyssa – I need to get closer to Claire and Tiff
Alyssa – I am nervous our alliance would have your back over mine. The royal flush would try to get me out then they would have you around.
Alyssa – we need to make a final 4 with Tiff and Claire. If I win HOH we talk to them

5:15 pm Xavier talking to the camera
X – 7 different alliances and we’re nearing the end of Week three
X- it’s usually at good thing if people want to work with you but this is getting confusing i’m losing track
X – America pray for me.
X – ohh I forgot I’m also part of the radicals which was myself, Alyssa, Christian, SB, Brent, Hannah, DX, and Whitney. That was the alliance started by Brent. So I have 8 alliances and it’s the end of week 3.
X laughs “I don’t even know at this point.. it’s a lot”
X – with the exception I am allied with every single person in the house.
X goes through the list. He’s got multiple alliances with everyone but Brit.
X – since I’m so interwoven with the alliance in this house it is key for me to do NOTHING. I am going to sit here with my bucket hat and my sunglasses and we are going to sit back and watch everybody else take shots all around us until we have to win another competition. Right now I don’t want to win anything. I will win and continue to win when I have to. I won this week to show people I wasn’t a floater and to take out a clear target. To gain favour with the rest of the houseguests.
X – it’s my benefit to do a whole lot of chilling these next few weeks the only goal is achieving maximum chillatude and let someone else take those shots.
X – This is either going to work out or blow up. Either way it’ll be fun.

5:45 pm Xavier and Azah
(Maxumum chillatude)
They’re talking about how everyone in the cookout is playing their own games but they still have the centre.
X – if we were all playing the same way it wouldn’t work. we need people that play a bunch of different style.
X – you need all those different styles to be in the loop of what is going on. right now no one is coming after us
Azah – if we honestly get away with this
They laugh
Azah – this will be remembered for ever.. for real. It’s never been done like this where you can have people that are in different teams and doing different things. This is crazy.
X – BIGD said it best he was like. This is the only chance for this to work because after this when a lot of black people are in the house. People are just going to assume they are working together
Azah agrees
X – even if they aren’t they’ll be like NAH them players working together
Azah – for real. I do have to tell you something that gave me concern
Feeds flip..

6:20 pm Brent and Hannah
Brent – We need to make sure Tiffany and Claire are on the same page.. like f**Ing legit
Brent – if they think they have power because they have the Jokers and the kings then They’re just going to take us all out.
Hannah says she’ll talk to Claire..
Brent – if I go home f** it, I don’t really care. there’s nothing I can do
Brent warns her if he goes their team is going to get picked apart “the whole house is going to be against you three”
(the crazy thing about this is after the convos today She’s the prime target)
Hannah – I know.

Brent – I’m playing the game like like dead serious now (OMFG priceless)

6:34 pm Alyssa and Hannah talking quietly while Claire, Tiffany, DF, and Ky yak
Hannah says the things Brent says pisses her off.
Alyssa – he’s always right
Alyssa thinks Brent is starting to realize he’s going. she can only be so fake.

6:58 pm houseguests milling around preparing food.

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6 thoughts to ““These next few weeks the only goal is achieving maximum chillatude and let someone else take those shots. “”

  1. “Azah – if we honestly get away with this
    They laugh
    Azah – this will be remembered for ever.. for real. It’s never been done like this where you can have people that are in different teams and doing different things. This is crazy.
    X – BIGD said it best he was like. This is the only chance for this to work because after this when a lot of black people are in the house. People are just going to assume they are working together
    Azah agrees“

    They keep giving more and more evidence on just how far we’ve fallen in such a short period of time. Picking a winner solely because of their skin color does not constitute as a real winner. It’s become very obvious they are here to push a narrative across the the finish line rather than have a winner based on skill! Tiffany even alluded to it in the last recap but went back to the tribalistic cookout idea. It’s just sad because Tiffany and Kyland are skilled players, but are playing for a winner based on skin color instead of skill.

    It’s a shame and obviously more and more people are picking up on that despite whatever CBS tries to push via edits

    1. This won’t be the first time a couple of players in the alliance will carry the alliance to the end. This has been done plenty of other times where lesser players get carried to the end. If the Cookout get to the end, a skilled member of the cookout will win the game I guarantee you that. This will still be a competitive game and the drama will be even better this year due to this narrative.

      Also, this has been done before. The game is dominated by white ppl every year. The week where there is no “house target” they would fabricate a reason to the get the few POC out because ofc they aren’t in their alliance and there’s no one else to go or they like them better. I remember when black players were deemed “sneaky” or “not trustworthy” simply for existing in the house with people they can’t relate too.

      This year, if all 6 players make final 6 (they wont but I suspect X,Ky, Tiff, And Big D to all make it) it will be crazy and show how they had complete dominance over the big brother house. The first season in 23 years where there’s more than 2/3 POC and you thought they wasn’t gonna team up?? When there’s never been a black winner and Danielle Reyes was robbed??? Goofy. I’m grateful and this will bring more attention/gameplay to future seasons because it will force HGs of all races to work together.

      White HGs coasted to the end with all white alliances for too long, black ppl will get one season. Next season will be played very different and I’m already excited.

      1. I wholeheartedly agree with you. I am loving it. I am tired of the whining/outrage over the Cookout alliance. What happened to turn about is fair play? I have noticed a common theme among the complaints. The use of the word tribalism/tribalistic, the phrase, “a spade is a spade,” and reverse racism (not a thing). Just saying….

        In case anyone is wondering, I am white. I just have my eyes open.

    2. You said it best. Who cares to watch? Not I. It’s no longer fun when it is a set up from the beginning to have a person of color take the win and first place. Truly pathetic.

  2. “X – BIGD said it best he was like. This is the only chance for this to work because after this when a lot of black people are in the house. People are just going to assume they are working together”

    Just like ive been saying, you see that Simon?, im not the only one who can see this will have negative consequences for future black players.

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