The Big Brother Canada House is a MESS Gary: “I’ve always been partying my whole life”

POV Holder: Alec Next POV March 23rd
POV Used No POV Ceremony March 25th
HOH Winner: Gary Next HOH: March 21th
Original Nominations: Tom & Liza
Current Nominations: TOm & Liza
Last Evicted Houseguest Aneal
Have Nots Jillian, Emmett, Talla and Alec


9:35AM Emmett and Liza backyard Emmett keeps complaining about not getting enough calories, not getting the correct protein even though he was promised to get it and he has no energy to do anything so he’s going to try ans sleep all day. Aj, Gary and Andrew join them, Andrew shows his knees they are starting to heal. Talk moves to Nair and shaving your back. Liza wishes she had more hair so she could “Sculpt it into Cool wolverine things”
Gary: “Aneal use to put Nair underneath his eyebrows”
AJ: “That is dumb”
Andrew: “That is super dumb”


9:44AM They are having a good laugh about how AJ holds a spoon. Andrew says he eats like a Muppet.
Emmett says it’s table etiquette how you hold your utensils.

Gary: “He’s just holding a spoon” Gary doesn’t understand what the big deal is everyone holds utensils differently.
Andrew: “Imagine if you are going to a nice dinner.. you’re like a caveman”

Gary says he thinks they heat the house up to affect their moods. Andrew mentions how hot it was when they first came into the house. Gary: “I think that was just an issue they (Production) had withe the house” Liza: “They had the heat lamps on in the backyard”

Tom is on the hammock periodically dozing off so Big Brother Rings the bell.. Tom: “i’m just laying down relaxing.. if they have a problem with that Call me into the Diary Room”


10:01am Backyard random conversations

Gary says when he was in grade 9 he went through his “Club Scene”
Andrew: “How did you get into the clubs as a kid?”
Gary: ‘I’ve always been partying my whole life…. my whole life I was partying”
Andrew: “I drank beers in the woods in Nova Scotia.. there isn’t too many clubs”
Andrew asks Emmett abou this first time drinking.
Emmett: “I was 16 in mexico.. I went to Mexico for 3 weeks to visit a friend.. he was a exchange student”

Emmett goes on to explain his Mexico visit.. His family had a mexican exchange student at their house and he became good friends with them. He went down to Mexico city to visit them. The family was very wealthy they had a holiday home that was larger than the Big brother House.


10:13AM Kitchen Talla and Peter

Talla: “Do you think it’s double Eviction tomorrow”
Peter: “No.. they don’t do double evictions until Jury.. I don’t expect a double eviction until Week 6”
Talla: “Have you talked to Liza”
Gary: “About what.. the blow up”
Talla: “Ya”
Gary: “She was upset”
Talla goes on to explain about her conversations with Liza and how she doesn’t like what happened with Liza these past couple days. Talla wonders what is going to happen tomorrow, Talla “from where is stand it’s still female” (Implying Liza is going home) Gary: “Yes”

Talla says she would like to see Liza go home tomorrow. Talla asks him what would be the benefit of keeping Liza in the house and seeing her do the same thing she did week 1 to 3 ?
Peter says he somewhat disagrees.. they agree to talk more about it tomorrow.

Talla: “Do you feel like you can trust her”
Peter: “I don’t know.. whatever happens tomorrow will be the correct decision.. for the house”
Talla: “Everyone is on the same page for the following week after.. when I watch Big Brother I never see that the house being totally onboard”

Peter says at this stage of the game going against the house makes you a target. Talla: “Would you rather like to see her stay for another week”
Peter: “I would have to weigh my options.. on a personal level yes on a game play level i’ll have to see”

Talla: “Over exaggeration is at level 10 in this house” She thinks that everything in the house is getting exploded, conversations, interactions and incidents.

10:30AM Tom and Talla Kitchen They had a bunch of salmon in the fridge which they want to cook before it goes bad.


10:35pm Kitchen Liza and Peter Liza tells him she’s not sure if she should take a shower today or not. Peter points out that there is glitter all over her hair and face. Liza : “I can never see my face i’m so tall”

The Big Brother House is a MESS











10:51PM Gary and Suzette

(Video uploading)


11:30AM Nothing going on

6 thoughts to “The Big Brother Canada House is a MESS Gary: “I’ve always been partying my whole life””

  1. Those knees should NOT have happened. Bush league, BB.

    Gary’s had a fun week! And raised his profile even more.
    But all that intel he gathered has a” best before” date.
    I hope he climbs down from his HOH” high” and avoids the fallout.

    1. He injured them in the “Batter Up” Have-Not comp. A little bit later he put calomine lotion on them, which caused the wounds to get infected. (i started a tweet attack on the morning of March 17 to complain to BB about the lack of proper medical care he was receiving.) They finally gave him a prescription antibiotic lotion 2 days ago. They are starting to finally look a touch better (they’re not looking as “angry” as they once were.) He’s still complaining about the itchiness, and gets up in the middle of the night to run cold water over them. Even though they do look like they’re getting better, it’s been a slow process getting there (aka: BB should have given him the antibiotic medication a lot earlier.)

      I do feel like they dropped the ball a bit regarding Andrew’s knees…hopefully they’ll be more vigiliant in the future when it comes to things like this.

      But…that’s the up-to-date story of Andrew’s knees. 🙂

  2. An idea here BBC..let the have nots eat for the week, but they should be the only ones to do dishes and keep the house clean.
    That house is messy.

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