Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: Lisa, Angela, Kenny Tucker
POV Players: Lisa, Kenny, Angela, Brooklyn, Chelsie and Joe
POV Winner: Kenny
Veto Ceremony: Kenny used the Veto on himself, Tucker nominated.
Havenots: Rubina, Leah, Makensy and Lisa
7pm Kitchen – The haves are eating while the havenots are out in the backyard are hating havenot life.
Leah – Did you guys have awesome guacamole and awesome baked
potato and awesome sandwich? Rubina – Oh yeah, is it good!?? Do you like it? Does it taste so good! Do you love it? Yeah. Yum! Leah – OOOHHHHHH.. Delicious! Do you enjoy yourself today!? Rubina – With your hot shower. Leah – OHHHH YUMMM!!! Makensy – And your birthday cake. Rubina – Oh yeah. Do you like that?!! With your WINE! AND your pasta! Was it so good??!!! Tonights entertainment brought to you by the HAVENOTTIES! Makensy – everyone scream 3, 2, 1! Leah, Rubina and Makensy scream. Rubina – This is helping me. This is helping. Rubina – baked potatoes! Leah – and ice cream!! Makensy – It’s fine. It’s fine. Leah – Oh, you were warm. Oh, you were so hot. You sweat last night. Rubina – oh sucks. Well, must be so hard!! Leah – oHhhh.. you poor baby! Makensy – they’re definitely like what the f**k. I have a headache now from screaming. Leah – That felt good. I feel better. Rubina – Yeah, no, honestly, just letting it out in the most annoying way possible. It’s so helpful because I’m being really respectful when I’m around them. Leah – Yeah, suddenly flowers and rainbows and unicorns and butterflies and tampons and lipsticks and nails.
Backyard – Cam, Leah
Cam telling Leah – it would not be smart on either of our ends. Inside the house the other girls are OHHHhhhh’ing and AWWwww’ing. Cam – no way! Its your friends. Kimo, Tkor, Rubina, Makensy and Lisa come out and join them. Cam – Okay, Okay, truly… okay we have to stop this rumor. Makensy – what rumor? Rubina – what rumor? There is no rumor. Cam – Okay no, no for real. Its going to mess up the game. Its going to mess up our game. We have to stop the rumor. Makensy – no rumor with me. There’s no rumor because I understand. Leah – we’re literally friends. Cam – we’re thinking logically. We’re thinking smart. Makensy – as you should.
7:35pm Kitchen – All the house guests are hanging out chatting and eating.
Cam – I don’t want you guys to quit. It will be better if you wait. Its always better when you wait. Remember guys!? Rubina – mamma didn’t raise a quitter. Cam – aways better when you wait. Makensy – thank you .. ah uh! Thank you. YUP! Chelsie – break it down for us a little bit. Rubina – give us a little bit more. Cam – it feels better .. the anticipation makes it.. better, you know!?. Rubina – Are we still talking about food or? Cam – absolutely. Rubina – it sounds like something else.
7:45pm Backyard Hammock – Chelsie and Leah.
Leah – he’s (Cam) like, I just don’t want to showmance. This is his words. Nobody on the show is my type. So then it made it easy for me because I don’t want that anyways. But this morning, before all of this, Cam goes me. I had a dream about you last night. And I’m like, Oh yeah, was it a good dream? He was like, yeah. And then I was out here doing my life. He’s been following me everywhere. I was doing my laundry. And then he added his clothes to my laundry. So I freaking. So I freaking folded his sh!t. He basically admitted that he’s attracted to me. He’s like, but we can’t, you know?! Chelsie – he is following you around everywhere. Leah – he was like there are just conversations I wish we could have without our mics on. He is like attractive and shit but he’s younger than me. Like there are so many factor. Cam is like sprung sprung. Like listening to every word I say. Its not easy being perfect. Chelsie laughs. He is kind of acting like its nothing.
8:05pm Angela alone on the backyard couch listening to the other house guests. Angela quietly – Twit. Such a twit!
8:14pm Living room – Angela, Quinn, Kimo, Tkor, Makensy, Quinn and Rubina. Rubina is hiding in plain sight to scare Tucker when he comes out of the diary room. They laugh about how Tucker could take another hour. Rubina – what do I do. Angela – wait until he sleeps and then scare him. Tickle his feet. Quinn suggests she suck on his toes.
8:20pm Backyard Hammock – Brooklyn, Lisa, Cedric, Cam, Leah, Joseph and Chelsie.
8:25pm Kitchen – Tkor is icing the cake for Joseph’s birthday celebration.
8:45pm Unicorn Bedroom – Brooklyn and Leah
Brooklyn – If you happen to win HOH .. a little snuggle never hurt no one. Leah – he told me he had a dream about me. Brooklyn – of course he did. You at least can hide it a bit better. He can’t. Leah – No, he’s cute, but I thought like Tucker was cute too. Brooklyn – Cam like peed on you so he’s claimed you ..he’s imprinted you. Leah – I just need him to lock in cuz I need to do my thing. It could be worst, he’s not the least attractive person. Brooklyn – he is sweet. The problem is there is just so much time in this house..
9pm Backyard – Kenny, Cedric, Joseph and Kimo
They ask Angela who she would be rooting for if she was at home watching. Angela – definitely Kimo and not just because he’s sitting here. Its his laugh. It’s infectious I would be rooting for Brooklyn and for Kenny because of age. I know sitting at home. I really wanted to see people represent who I am at my age and kicking some butt, right? Like I wanted to see more of that, but I can kind of see now why maybe not a lot of older people come on the show because we do have families. We do have more responsibilities. Not that you guys don’t for sure. We have kids. Grandbabies. I’m finding it interesting and a little hard sometimes because there is a lot of paranoia that goes into this and for me it’s just like at my age. I just am tired of bullshit and so I’m wanting to call it out wherever I am seeing it. Maybe it’s not there, but I’m wanting to call it out because I don’t do that in my regular life and people don’t do that to me. So I’m finding it hard to be here and deal with that. I’m struggling with that. I think also Tucker would be a favorite because of his energy. He doesn’t stop. He doesn’t stop like I can’t wait to go home and watch his confession. I mean, I can’t wait. So he would be a favorite for sure. There’s so many great characters here and there’s so many wonderful people here. Lisa would annoy me from even the TV. I’m not saying anything I wouldn’t say to her face. She would annoy me. I’m not gonna joke around, but everybody else is like super fun and great and even Lisa in her own way has her thing that she means well, she’s giving something to somebody. Keep me around guys because I am a lot of fun. I will keep you on your toes and not in a bad way.
Kenny – pull yourself off the block the day of eviction. Joseph – IF someone has an immunity power I don’t know how they would be able to use it that same day. Angela – I feel like they would have to use it right after veto or during veto or something. Joseph – do you think if they did it, the week would be a wash? Or she (Chelsie) would have to renom? Angela – she would have to renom. And that is why I think it is too late for her (Lisa) to use it and she is promising it to people to keep her here. Joseph – as a ploy. Angela – yeah and that’s why if I don’t win, I go home. Tucker – I think she has an extra vote. Angela – there are no extra votes. Trust me, I know this. They discuss what it could be. Angela – Guys what it is ..They get to trump the HOH noms. I already know this 100%! 100%! 100%! Like I know this and if you can read between the lines, it means I know a 100 percent! I don’t have it. But I know this a 100 percent!

9:20pm Backyard – convo continued without Angela.
Tucker – I’m risking it for that because those two things I hope will stick with people and you can only do that sh!t early on in this game because later on f**king seizes that opportunity and do it. And I’m nervous if I’m up there against so and it’s going to be her and me you know, like I’m just playing on f**king winning that Al arena, dude. I mean, even it’s you too. Like Jesus. Can we just talk to game and then you’re not f**king be like, no, you’re lying. You could say that in a nice way, if that’s what you really mean. But I’m telling you, I’m f**king on. I told you yesterday 1 on 1 that I’m going up to do this thing. Told you today after I talked with Chelsea that I thought it may be someone else might but you know I told her I’m still totally fine with it either way because I’m a man of my word. I’m ready to f**king crush this and she put me up and I’m ready to crush this. There’s no beating around any f*cking bush here right now. That’s exhausting bro. I don’t even know.
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Can we stop casting 20somethings?All this high school level talk is annoying,and I don’t mean this as an endorsement of the older people in house who are such a disappointment.
The older ones are more annoying than the younger ones this year!
Just Angela & Lisa, ugh
How old is Leah? 14????? Note to Leah, Not every man is in love with you.
I love her.
Angela reveals what the other upgrade power does. Doesn’t reveal who has it.
In attendance Kenney Kimo Tucker Cedric Joseph. she implies she’ll reveal who has it if they keep her.
Quinn walks into the convo.
they don’t seeeem to believe her.
Why would Lisa stay on the block if…
They are voting out Lisa because she has the power and Angela’s reveal doesn’t fit that narrative.
Talk is she’s just trying to make up shit because she thinks Everyone is in cahoots to get her.
Angela thinks Chelsie and Tucker are running the show remember. They are, but NOT officially as a PAIR. They’re just the ones steering people at targets socially through gossip and repeated use of ‘hate them because I hate them’ curated and twisted retells.
Kimo knows Angela knows btw. The night after have nots ended early, Quinn and Kimo slept in the HOH with Angela.
Re Quinn’s power:
they most likely did body face and voice scans and samples pre-season to make the deep fake aspect possible.
Re My sarcastic evil mind:
or if season really goes dank they’ll just switch to deep faking entire conversations so they don’t have to feedcut and it will be like a Sims the tv show.
Re the darkest deepest hole in my brain:
I hear that’s how Grod gets dates these days. She’s got deepfake video of herself with all of her favorite Grodboys of the past in one big Menage a Gross Slop pile.
What is grow?
Meant grod
Grod is Allison Grodner, the executive producer of Big Brother US since 1892. She’s the one who decides what comps get played and when they get played in order to “guide” the story line of the show. She’s also the one who controls those “edits” Another Name has been talking about that doesn’t match up with what we’ve been seeing on the live feeds. So, she’s trying to force feed us a narrative on the TV show, that’s different from the actual narrative that is being played out in the house.
Tucker pooched himself
If Mack went around telling people she had the power then why do they think Lisa has it?