Big Brother 26 Spoilers Week 2 Power of Veto Ceremony Results **updated**

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: Lisa, Angela, Kenny, Tucker
POV Players: Lisa, Kenny, Angela, Brooklyn, Chelsie and Joe
POV Winner: Kenny
Veto Ceremony: Kenny used the Veto on himself Tucker nominated.
Havenots: Rubina, Leah, Makensy and Lisa

12:40 pm Feeds return. Kenny used the veto on himself Tucker nominated.

Tkor and Chelsie in the HOH.

C – Both are good options to leave this week, but it’s which one is the better option to leave this week? And that’s something that you guys as Houseguests can figure out. My goal was like, is she going to use this power? And I think her power may. I think Tucker was right. Her power is like three votes or two votes.

T – Oh, like extra votes.
C – So even if she has it. She can’t use it
T – exactly, exactly. Yeah. I would like for that to be the power. But the thing is, my only thing is, if that’s the power, then.
I feel like it’s a secret power that can be communicated. You know what I’m saying? Having an extra vote is nothing on your own. You have to share. If it’s secret, like having immunity on the block, then that makes a bit more sense while you wouldn’t share it

C – which, if it is immunity, then there’s probably, there’s another probability it could be another person that does have it. And I told for who I told, but I don’t care sharing. If I have to add immunity or that that power, I probably keep it to myself until it expires until I have to use it. People are gonna try to expose it. So I would keep it to myself too. So I’m not upset with who should keep it. I’m just trying to figure out who has it.

C – If I win a HOH in the next two weeks again, or this week, and I would have put somebody up who has the power, and their power is immunity, they’re gonna gun after me the next week. So I was trying to figure out who the freak has this so that I in my HOH
would have kept them off. because it’s guaranteed safety. And they’re gonna come after the person to put a up on the block. So yeah, Lisa was just like, oh, risk. I was willing to take other people. I’m like, oh, I don’t know.

C – I’m tired. Lisa, she’s a lot. And a lot as a housemate, but also a lot has just been straight up lying and throwing other people’s name under the the bus, but also going to their face saying she wants to work with them Like what Angela did. What are people doing TKOR?

T – I don’t know. It’s confusing.
C – It’s like a bad gameplay.
T – Yeah, it’s very confusing. It’s like they don’t realize that if you say something to someone else like, if anything, if you can just spread a name, don’t tell Tucker. That’s just like the first rule. Because he’s gonna tell everyone
C – because he’s the type of player who was just gonna, like, say what it is. Say what he sees and very black and white. He’s not the type that’s going to be hiding. He’s not the type of player. Everybody knows that. So why are you going to this guy? Yeah,
telling him anything and why even Matt wasn’t smart. going to Angela saying, put Tucker or Tkor up and then. going to tell everybody, Tucker offered himself. You don’t think Tucker would vindicate himself and say no.

T – exactly
C – what And then Makensy wants to lie this week and say that Matt didn’t offer up Tucker
T – But he did. And I know he did because Matt told me he did.
C – Matt told me he did too. Matt told me did he was like I offered up Tucker but I immediately went to go tell him after he was like I went to go tell Tucker Hey, I just want to let you know, I threw your name out there to Angela. I think you’re comp beast you can win the comps blah blah blah blah so he admitted he threw Tucker’s name, but he also told Tucker. But he’s telling different houseguests. Tucker offered himself.

C – So I’m sitting in the room like no he didn’t. so and then of all people. You think Tucker’s just going to go on a shell and I say nothing. what and Mackenzie didn’t know? That’s something they stayed up and schemed as well as Leah

C – Leah was aware of all their games, too, so whatever Matt Makesny were on Leah os on and whoever they don’t like Leah doesn’t like and that’s just the name of the game And Lee is trying to branch away from Makesny, because that’s one number. Yeah, you need at least enough. 8. So she’s trying to latch on. She thinks she wants to be part of an all girls thing. And I’m ok with that.

C – Makensy cool with being an all girls thing too. I think she mentioned it yesterday. A couple of girls in your room. which I’m okay with. It shows the boys are suspecting that. So you just have to be smart.

T – Yeah. You have to be careful.
C – And do you want all girls thing? If Angela stays, do you want all girls thing, including Angela? Because if Angela goes on the block, she’s going to blow up. There’s an all-girls alliance And do you want to be in an alliance with Lisa?

C – What’s the goal for next week
T – The goal next week. That’s an interesting question. I feel like I’m still trying to suss out. You know what I’m saying because of these powers but I feel like, you know, I feel like the person I’m most nervous about winning HOH is Kenny. because he also threw my name out with Matt. And he said that, oh, you’ll be surprised by who I put on the block. But in. in genuinely, I feel like the only way he could surprise me with who he puts on the block is if he puts other strong men on the block. But he’s giving. He’s with the bros energy for me. So I fear that he could put like women. on the block, like all women on the block or you know, the men here that hang out with the woman on the block.

C – Cam, Cedric
T – No, he wouldn’t cedric
C – I don’t think he put cam up .
T – No, I don’t think he like Joseph. I he put those people up? It would surprise me. Quinn, Joe.. up people like that, that I wouldn’t be surprised.
C – But also, I’m just thinking of, like, probability. There’s still a lot of people in this house unless everybody throws the comp. If everybody has in their mind this week, I’m throwing the comp. Kenny might.

T – Yeah, it’s interesting to see how relationships all continuing to develop in the house for sure.
C – what were yall for real talking about when I walked up yesterday by the little nook before we started. No, no last night at like midnight in the little nook.
C – Who’s in love?
T – We were talking about we were talking about a bunch of different things. We were talking about like Cam and Leah.

C – You know if confronting him about it.
T – I think multiple people have
C – The thing is just like he’s aware that everybody has eyes and we’re trying to give him a heads up in the crazy is he doesn’t care because he can continue to be.
T – It’s like he can’t help himself
C – He’s infatuated with her
T – He really is he doesn’t know how like his face changes you know
C – or how he in a room of people only stares
T – it’s like it’s the type of thing that you can’t control it’s like it was totally non game related yet
C – do you think she for really likes him?
T – here’s the thing about Leah I don’t know what she’s doing truly I don’t know what she’s doing because I don’t know who she’s aligned but I don’t know who she’s attempting to align because I feel like but. Makesny and Leah’s situation, they kept themselves very true.. true in the first week. And so now it’s like now that that reaching out and trying to talk to others and naturally just doesn’t feel as genuine because. you know, because of week one. And so for leah , like, I don’t know what her strategy is. You know what I’m saying?
C – she’s going to gun for the HOH this e way, she was trying fort his last one

1:20 pm Chilling.

3:16 pm Makensy fan club

4:04 pm Joe and Cedric

J – I think that like the collectives, definitely a thing. No, without us, you know, without us congregating and stuff all the time, which is good. And I think that everybody else is playing so scared, like Leah and them, that they just want to be part of something, you know what I’m saying? And so, like, even if they do win, we can convince them how to handle it. Lisa, you know, obviously, if they won veto, that makes it hard.”

J – “also, too. I talked to MJ today about. like, Angela’s blow up and what she was referring to.”

C – When

J – Remember when she came downstairs yelled at Matt and she was like, you sent your gremlins upstairs and she was she was referring to the collective And So what I told MJ today was that like, oh, that was what she was referring to was the alliance Matt was trying to start between us and Angela so I penned it all on that so that so just keep that in mind, yeah, yeah. yeah.

J – So I would tell I would maybe say something to cam or Chelsea to. That way they know what page that’s on you know what
I’m saying because

J – I think the only thing we had to worry about need to think about is like how to if Angela does blow it up if she’s here next week how to sidestep it.

J – You know what I’m saying so, but I think we’ll be good next week. I’m kind of worried what Kenny would do. That’s like the one person who I’m like, I feel like I’m good with him again I’m a little worried about you because I feel like, I don’t know if you all had, like, a falling out or something, but are you all good?

C – Kenny and I think.

J – And I had a good talk with Brooklyn today too, and I’ve never really taught game with her. I just asked her what her thing was with the Matt thing, and she pretty much told me that she was always against him. I just never thought that the votes were going to be there to do it. And when she found out that they were, then, you know what I’m saying. But she.
told me that I’m not like one of her you know. So that’s. really all I’ve done today.

C – good work BRO

J – think they’ll probably have to worry about is like people seeing us together, not just you and me, but me and Kimo as well, because I was talking to Chelsea yesterday, and she said that. people are starting to get that idea.

C – It was Leah cuz she saw us together and we’re never around.

5:05 pm Quinn (AKA Queen Grods Son)
“As I was saying so. so Lisa would not put me up right now. Worried about it. And so it’s one of those things where the house wants to Lisa to go because she gets under everyone’s skin. But. I don’t think I’m in a spot to draw a line in the sand. It doesn’t make
sense for me since I’m aligned with every one of the house. But. it is abundantly. I mean, cleared me that a lot of the power
structures I’m participating in mostly.just the Pentagon. I am at the bottom. If Chelsea was really worried about my game, she would not ask O. K. I’m doing what I said. Oh, we would have Angela. BUT.”

“And it’s not the case. The good news about Lisa going home is people can’t talk shit about her anymore, so that’ll be great. And then secondly, I don’t have to draw line in the sand by winning the HOH competition and put her up so that saves me from an uncomfortable situation that it kind of exposes the way my game is working. now is that more important than being worried about Angela winning an HOH COMP because she will totally put me up.”

“I don’t know. I don’t know, but she only is almost home. Said tkors name. And that’s a no fly zone for me. with my will not let someone try to send tkor. I have zero attention of letting that happen. So once I heard that she let her name very publicly, I was like, you’re going bro. I’m not going to try to leverage my influence in the house to save someone who can’t even hold me down for 20 seconds, you know. I feel like Lisa was misunderstood in the house. And I hate that. But She’s said Tkor Name more. That’s where I’m at. I almost f***ed up telling or I was scared.”

Feeds flip When we’re back.

“I’m going to win at a household so that I can. So when I can show the Pentagon that I am being reliable, ally will do what they say. Leah is killing me. We formed the final two and I was really like interested in prioritizing that because I think she’s really mart. But during the day I cannot talk to her. She does not really make you acknowledge me, which I get like maybe I made her feel weird by me like flirting So if that’s the case, I feel bad. ”

“But also she’s now in a very like obvious showmance with Cam and it’s like I don’t know how to stop people from noticing I wanted to work with her and now she has this new element to the game that, like, I don’t want to get caught up with because obviously you will prioritize your showmance over a final 2. And so I don’t know it’s a very awkward situation. Obviously, I’m not going to tell Leah feeling, oh, you’re just flirting with that guy because that’s weird because I was flirting with her. That’s not something I’m about. That’s I won’t do that. But. she should stop”

She can stay here for a long time. But… I don’t know. I was hoping after her 4 in the morning conversation, we would have like way more game talks, she was like whatever I thought that was going to be like the representative change and all of a sudden we
would be dodgy cable all the time.I’m going to try it and have a conversation with Kenny and form something with Kenny just because it’s funny and he can win comps So that’s why but like imagine and I’m working Kenny and I have an alliance with everyone in the house and one point hilarious risky but hilarious. ”

“Quinn says he would like to win HOH and be able to form a “real” alliance and not be approached with one. I want Rubina included in that. I don’t know if she’s going to win comps this summer, but I like being around her. I want to take Cam out Pre Jury
because… Brooklyn is the best player than Cam. so I am worried that if I keep Cam around until Jury …”

Conversation ends as The girls come in looking for Salmon.

5:42 pm Kenny
Kenny is going on about how scared he is to be a have not.
“America, you can’t understand the respect. 11m scared the death to get into that room. I’m trying to bribe Quinn right now. Quinn, who is a big brother encyclopedia. I am trying to… He actually volunteered. He said that he would do it again. So I called dibs on that. If he can do it for me, that would be great. Although I thought it was going to be the last couple of people from the last comp. So that’s why I was kind of making sure that I didn’t come in Didn’t get bumped out first on the animal obsession.”

“But yeah, the girls. Wow. I mean, it’s day. What? Thursday, Friday, Saturday. It’s day 5 on slop and they are happy as can be.
but they are crushing it. They are. They are turning that slop into such delicacies”

“I don’t have that imagination. I don’t have the imagination to do the slop. So I’m going to rely on MJ making me some moat meal. MJ’s said she take care of me. She’s a good kid. MJ’s parents, if you listening, good kid. MJ, she’s a sweetheart. Nice kid. They’re all nice kids, deep down. They’re just all trying to win money. We’re all trying to win 750,000. I’m trying to win 750,000.”

“Yep. If everybody has to have a chance to be on slot next week. Next week it’s going to be me, Brooklyn TKOR, Joseph. I think we’re the only 4 that haven’t done it yet. Angela didn’t do it, but the Angela’s going home. So if you’re not going to have to do slop and Matt went home, he didn’t have to do slop. who else wasn’t a have not?”

“Tkor, me, Brooklyn, Joseph. I think that’s it. I think us. Oh wait. Oh, Chelsea. Chelsea didn’t do slop it’s us 5”

“If me and Brooklyn can get away without doing slop. That would be great. I think Brooklyn’s in the same boat as me. She’s not going to be able to do it. No way. I mean, she’ll be able to do it. She’s tough, but it’s going to be tough. The bed’s going to be tough for me.

YAdda yadda yadda

7:02 pm girls rolling


Rubina’s Worm is on point


17 thoughts to “Big Brother 26 Spoilers Week 2 Power of Veto Ceremony Results **updated**”

  1. Hey Chatterboxes….shut up and wake up and start playing the game…Lisa doesn’t have a power, where that came from, I don’t know….better send the quiet, fake, crazy, lady Angela home before she comes out of her phony nice person stupor and attacks all of you……good grief you are all naive……here’s Leah…, me, me, I, I, I, mirror, mirror, mirror.

    1. Where did the idea come from? It came from secret agency Tucker and his CIA training on how to secretly read people. He’s really good about secretly keeping secrets, just ask him!

    2. Agree…So far it’s been annoying, confusing and a bit boring. People are acting like it’s their first year at high school. Everyone wants to be cool and hang with the House-quests they consider should the popular gang of sorts..I wish Big Brother still had the battle back for HQ sent home early in the game.

    3. First time I noticed anyone saying Lisa had the power, it was Tucker saying he knows people and the power is 2 votes to counteract the mascot downgrade, and it had to be Lisa.
      However, it is possible that the core thought it was Lisa around the same time….
      Angela was 2nd to think Lisa had the power because Matt said keep Lisa instead of keep Kenney. It was another “I know what happened” and made up an entire conversation that occurred between Lisa and Matt.
      Angela told a few people, Tucker told a few people, Chels told a couple people…..AND here we are.

    1. Check out You Tube Channel Ory Streams. He does an awesome job each morning breaking down the latest with graphics as well.

    2. As if it’s up to us to breakdown the season so far. Go to On demand and watch the previously aired BB shows.
      You’re on your own pal.

      1. I watched the shows and so far the edited versions have shown the collective and the bs alliance both being complete bs

  2. I think it was Brooklyn that first said Lisa had the power when she was up in the HOH room with Chelsie. I wonder if the vote out Angela if she will tell everyone Quinn has the power?

  3. given the newest tmz drop *suspect another leak involving prodo?*
    People are calling Angela’s job.
    I may nope a houseguest, and bitch to high heaven about that houseguest…
    but real life isn’t reality tv.
    I’d RATHER complain about feeds going out than be part of the CAUSE for feeds going out.
    That’s right…. the superfans deranged and calling a job? Don’t complain about feeds going out.
    Want to really impact a reality show contestant…. take away their oxygen by completely leaving them alone and giving them NO notice WHATSOEVER once they leave the show. Don’t call jobs and shit like that. That’s how Canada ended up with Digital Dailies.
    bbcan9 beth and bbcan10 kyle and Haleena and Josh … all harassed ridiculously and beyond the scope of sanity. Debate comes about concerning production’s duty to their contracted players…. and oop. Digidumps.
    My point:
    hey fanbase. choose your struggle, and leave family and workplace and child custody out of your hyper-fanning.

  4. Kimo is one of the houseguests with the most information in the house.
    Why this really doesn’t help Kimo.
    His strategy isn’t strategy.
    He’s so stuck in highschool mentality and wanting to be a cool kid…
    that he takes every opportunity to tell T’kor that they have to align with the most popular people in the house.
    The most influential people in the house…. and Kimo in an alliance. Gee… who do you think gets cut first between Kimo and T’kor in that scenario…. considering nobody needs 2 runner up goats.

  5. Angela plans to out Quinn’s power.
    She told Kenney she has dirt to tell him after eviction whether she leaves or not.
    offered him an alliance.
    He declined the alliance. He wants to lone wolf it.
    MJ has told Leah that Lisa MOST LIKELY doesn’t have a power or she would have used it by the end of veto ceremony.
    The logically impaired clinging to Lisa has a power in order to justify her social shunning and eviction over the proven Karen…. what else are they going to say?
    The story was CREATED because the gossip influencers of the house don’t like her personally. She’s a lot. That’s a given, but if you go back to last week… there were a couple houseguests that went to town crafting and shaping hate. Raise your hands, Chelsie and Tucker and show the crowd that you are trying to be the Conductors of this season’s hate train as the MAIN part of your strategy.
    Strategically? Smart.
    Respect on a human level wise? In the Trash.
    Do I care if anyone agrees/disagrees about this harsh judgement? No. We’ve seen how week one sets the tone. We’ve seen the tone is pile on the hate. We’ve been here. We’ve done this.
    The fanbase tried to say Paul wasn’t malignant until mid week 3 of season 19 too.
    The fanbase tried to say season 21 wasn’t a mob of little assholes for weeks on end until that HOH meeting night. Even NOW the word grateful is cringe in many bbfan circles because that was the alliance name. Both seasons started this way.

    IS THIS TINFOIL WORRY POSSIBLE? Look at the feeds. Look at the feed cuts. Look at the episode edit. We’ll see some of it on feeds and the edit will show NONE of it.

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