SECRET ROOM – 12 Envelopes with 1 round trip ticket to re-enter the house if evicted!

POV Holder: Big Meech POV Competition July 23rd
POV Used NO POV Ceremony July 25th
HOH James Next HOH July 28th
Original Nominations: Frank AND Bridgette
After POV Nominations: Frank AND Bridgette
Have Nots ?

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5:20pm Natalie tries numbers in the phone booth phone and then comes out saying I’m not a good private detector. Victor says detective. Natalie says oh yeah private detective.

5:25pm HOH room – Corey, James, and Paul. Paul says I think I have it. What I need is for everyone to disperse. If you can keep him (Frank) busy. The situation needs to calm down and I need to be up here for a minute. All I know is keep homie away from it. He doesn’t have it completely figured out but we need him away from the Phone Booth so he doesn’t mess it up. Corey asks why don’t you just crack it and be done with it. Paul says because I don’t want to be out there messing with it. If that’s a diamond power of veto or something that lets you take two people off. … why else would it be after the veto ceremony. Paul leaves and tries to throw the others off by telling them he thinks it has to do with the planes on the wall. Frank joins them and says I really don’t think its something we can figure out right now. Frank leaves. Corey asks James why won’t Paul tell us it right now? Paul asks Frank did you try putting in all the numbers? Frank says yeah and different combinations of them too. Nicole and Z come up to the HOH room. James tells them that Paul got a message on the phone and won’t say what it is. Z asks so should we all try and see if we land on something. James says Paul figured out the combination and I’m pretty sure Frank did too. Frank said I might have heard something .. and then he winked at me.

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Outside the HOH room – Frank, Paul, Bridgette and Natalie are milling around trying to figure out the code. Paul says there

Meanwhile down in the London Bedroom – James is trying the other phone booth phone.

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5:40pm Paul is trying numbers in the Phone booth outside the HOH room. There is a voice on the other end saying congratulations you have just discovered the secret destination. By your feet a a door will unlatch. Once inside you will need to close this door behind you to go through the tunnel into the secret destination. It maybe in your best interest to keep this a secret. If you are ready to enter the tunnel it will open in 5 seconds. If not hang up the phone and return when the coast is clear. Paul hangs up the phone and opens the latch. He drops into the tunnel and crawls through it into the Secret Paris Room. Inside the room Paul finds a card and reads it.

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Congratulations on finding the secret destination. Before you are 12 sealed envelopes containing a big brother airlines ticket. 11 of the envelopes have a one way ticket but one has a round trip ticket. Any one that finds this secret destination may choose an envelope. Once an envelope is claimed it is yours and you may not exchange it for a different one. If you’re evicted your envelope will be opened on stage revealing your ticket. If you hold the round trip ticket you will immediately go back into the house for a second shot at the 500K grand prize. You must keep the envelope sealed as the ticket is only valid if opened on stage with Julie on your eviction. If you open the envelope it void. If you tamper with another house guests envelope you may be subject to a penalty. It is up to you whether you tell the other house guests about this room or the envelopes. Remember the more people that enter the room the greater chance…

Big Brother blocks the feeds.

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5:55pm Paul comes out tells the others in the living room about entering the room. He tells the room is a Paris room. He says 1 of these ticket contains a round trip ticket. He says there were cards laid out and I just picked one. Paul says it sucks we can’t even open it. Frank asks what was the code? Paul says you’ll have to figure it out. The he says I added the numbers together. They keep hounding him for the code but Paul says he can’t say and doesn’t want to get it taken away.

6:06pm – 6:25pm Victor cracks the code and enters the room. Vic reads the instructions and then grabs a card and heads back out. Big Brother blocks the feeds again.

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6:40pm The feeds return to Big Meech in the secret room.

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Everyone has their card from the secret room now!

6:40pm – 6:55pm Big Brother blocks the feeds and then return when Meech comes out. She tells Paul that someone is a F**king Liar! Paul asks who am I a liar? Meech says because you didn’t even mention the part about.. Paul says FOOL! I was going to wait until Frank & Bridgette were both evicted and tell all of you guys to go get a f**king card. But now that everybody knows and they have it… when you evict Frank and he comes right back I’ll be like way to go guys .. round of applause!! Natalie says but we didn’t know .. and I thought it was a vacation so I really wanted to get in there. Michelle says I feel like they wanted us to keep it a secret. Natalie says I knew you were lying down there. Paul asks so do you walk out with this when you leave? Paul says yeah. Paul says Bridgette look at me like F**K you .. you didn’t tell me. Michelle asks do you think this is taking place of Jury buy back? Paul says yes. Paul says they (BB) already know who won. (The cards have numbers on them) Paulie says F**k those two (Frank & Bridgette) I’ll send them both right back out if one one of them comes back. Da says I wish you would have just done a midnight psst… psst! Paul says I couldn’t I felt like they were about to figure it out.

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7pm – 7:15pm Nicole is mad because Corey didn’t immediately tell her the code. She says that she saw Natalie tell James. I found out from James. I absolutely would have pulled you aside and told you. Corey says its just crazy that you’re mad at me for that. Nicole says it was frustrating that I was in that room and .. Corey says I didn’t know if they wanted me to tell you or not. Nicole says well everyone knew it at that point. Corey says I’m not sure why I’m in trouble when everyone figured it out by looking. Nicole says once you went in there I figured you would just tell me. Corey says I was just doing what Paul told me to do and not tell anyone. Nicole says I just don’t want you to be mad at me about it. Paul joins them.

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7:15pm – 7:25pm Storage room – Frank and Michelle head into the storage room. Michelle is crying. Frank says that main reason I am telling you is because you have to know that you can’t trust everybody in this damn house. Michelle is crying and says I just feel bad. Z and Da join them. She says I don’t want people to think that I’m attacking Bridgette. So times I say things like strategy-wise. I do better what I just don’t talk to anyone. I just feel bad. I feel bad for him too. Frank says don’t feel bad for me. Da says he might be coming back. Michelle says I don’t know why I’m crying .. you guys are holding it together. I just don’t want to be held in that light .. as a bad person because its not me. Da says at least you talked to her. Frank says don’t beat yourself up about it. Da says neither of you are going to leave thinking this person is a bully or this person is a bully. Clean slate. They leave the room.

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7:30pm Paulie says we vote out Frank and if he doesn’t have it (doesn’t have the round trip ticket back into the house) then we vote out Bridgette and then Da.

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7:30pm Frank, Bridgette and Z are talking. Frank says You voted out Tiff right? And how sure are you that Paulie did. Z says we both did. Frank says I thought you could trust James. Obviously he went against his word with her (Bridgette) and he swore on his daughters life that he voted out Tiffany. And if me, you, Paulie and Natalie voted out Tiffany. I’m really starting to wonder about his moral character. You know what I’m saying. I know Natalie didn’t vote her (Bronte) out .. that was her friend. Da joins them. Frank says I know one name for sure thanks to Da. Da says you’re welcome. Natalie joins them. Natalie says I’m not the smartest bulb in the pack. Is that a saying?! Frank says no. Not the brightest crayon.

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7:40pm – 7:50pm Havenot room – Michelle talking to Da and says I just don’t want to be seen as season 15. Da says I cussed him about that. First of all you might not be getting what I’m getting. It wasn’t your place to say that. You never discuss money in here. Michelle says I felt like I betrayed him. Michelle says I wish he (Paul) would have just done it in secret. Michelle asks what else can I say to her (Bridgette). Da says you’ve said all you can say what does she want you to do .. kiss her a$$? Michelle says I think so. Da says when her ankle was messed up, you were the one helping her. A bully wouldn’t do that. Michelle asks do you think there will still be a jury buy back? Da says no, not if one of them (Frank or Bridgette) have it. Michelle says I feel like there is still one more week.

7:55pm – 8pm Frank and Bridgette talk about their dislike for Paul. Bridgette says what a piece of sh*t with the numbers. Frank says I know right like don’t lead us down the wrong path. Frank says I don’t know if I trust Paulie. Bridgette says I don’t. I trust Nat. Frank says I have a hard time believing Corey when everyone else knew what was going on but him. On Thursday I’m going home and can watch him being a piece of sh*t.

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191 thoughts to “SECRET ROOM – 12 Envelopes with 1 round trip ticket to re-enter the house if evicted!”

    1. If there was ever a time that Big Brother could rig something I hope this is the time. PLEASE get Frank back in the house. it will be a borefest otherwise.

    2. Paul… should have kept his mouth shut and secretly looked around the house. Talk too much all of them can NOT keep a secret. Mouths are too too BIG. Why run around the house letting other HG know you are on to something. Just shut your mouth. Now Frank and Bridgette have a chance to pull the round trip ticket and all of the other HG may have a chance to be safe as well. I don’t understand why the HG feel a need to tell everything. Too young to play BB. We need more of a mature group of people playing this game. Shame on you BB. Game is some what boring at times. Because they do not know how to play the game. I am sick of tired of being sick of tired with this group of HG. As the shark tank would say “am OUT”###

      1. I really don’t get the casting decisions at all. I don’t think it’s youth that’s the problem, rather maturity, IQ, life experience.

        The reality is unless they bump up the prize $250K after taxes to draw more candidates, it will be more of the same….and since BB isn’t a hit, that’s unlikely…but since they’re not a hit, it’s time to change the game beyond small twists and keep changing it.

        What I’d like to see is shrink the cast to 12, then after week 3, all the evicted go to sequester house but are told 1 could return (we want them all talking freely and it’s all on the live feeds…sorry Simon and Dawg), then once 4 go in, the next person evicted starts the jury and the 4 sequestered all return to the house.

        Not saying it’s the best shake up but they need change the game so the blueprint to play is re-drawn and a new Will, a new Dan, etc emerges.

        1. Sorry! you are right…I was trying to say the maturity level is not there for this game. Sorry for saying they are too young to play the game.

        2. why not just let everyone go to jury. let them watch the actual episodes to catch up on what has been going on, and let them all vote. One thing that seems ‘cheap’ about these shows is that people do have to take leave or actually quit their jobs, for a small chance of a payout. maybe the pool of candidates would be more diverse (assuming BB even wants more than stock characters) if everyone knew they would get stipend for the entire duration of the show. still entertainment for the viewers if they spend more time with jury members doing stuff, maybe even doing stuff to annoy the HGs (BBCAN is good at that stuff 🙂 )

          1. I’m on board with them all. I think money draws talent, period….and BB’s payout is nothing to sneeze at, but nowhere near enough for people to blow off 3 months of what they do in the real world.

            But since that’s unlikely, they just need to do more than small, easy to navigate twists….they need to blow up the game people think they know. So you do my dual house, double elimination shift. The following season players wonder if they need to evict allies to the 2nd house, since they’ll be back. Will players campaign to be evicted to the 2nd house, avoiding any battles of eviction, power struggles? Will player’s paranoia of what’s happening in the other house blow things up? Then the next season, you go back to the old way, except now everybody goes to jury, in a house with past/present live feeds.

            I don’t root for winners, just entertainment….and BB has the same dynamic for too long now. It’s no different than any other show that’s exactly the same. At least hugely successful shows have a reason to stay with the formula. BB has political cover from Mrs. Moonves and the ratings to suggest the need for creativity and innovation.

        3. The sad part about casting decisions is that very few applicants are selected. Many are recruited, related to previous houseguests, or repeat houseguests. They usually go for the pretty young boys and girls who are often dumb as rocks. A 61 year old man with 2 college degrees who isn’t is a little overweight and not-so gorgeous doesn’t stand a chance even though I have ben a fan for about 10 years.

      2. Paul is an annoying idiot. I cannot wait for him to be on the block for real, not a pawn. He. Needs. To. Go.

        1. Paul acts like no one else was trying codes. He just entered it FIRST. I love the VICTOR figured out the code second. He is a lot smarted then people are giving him credit for. He won both thinking & physical comps. His main fault is that he’s too nice a guy. He even gave the code to others after he got his envelope. Victor’s a better guy than Corey (who didnt tell Nicole) or Paulie (who tried to get all the envelops voided-which production would not have allowed).

    3. Here is what I woulda done if I was production. I woulda put 12 1 way tickets into the box and then get whatever hg I wanted to win the Round trip ticket to bring their ticket with them into the DR then swap their ticket for the round trip. That’s what I’d do if I was gonna rig it.

      1. After Paul broke the code it should have been over no one else could go in. What was the purpose of having multiple HG going in and picking up a card.
        BB staff could have just passed the envelopes out to everyone. okay am just saying. AT THE END OF THE DAY THEY ALL HAVE ENVELOPES now what’s wrong with this picture. Wow! Don’t like it at all.

        1. Yeah kind of dumb. Should have at least had a period of time when the phone was “not in service, try again later” type of thing. Should have been a limit. Should have been rules about not talking about it period rather than “you might want to keep it secret.”

    4. Easy to rig….All the tickets are the same..The one that reads Round Trip will be exchanged to whoever BB wants to have it in the DR.

    1. lol. it would looked suspicious if Frank would of gotten it first. Frank will grab the last envelope with the round trip back in the game.

      1. And if that turns out to be wrong will you admit it, or just silently fade away and hope no one remembers?

      2. ROFL… There is no round trip ticket in any of those 12 envelopes. hehehe Second set of 12 numbered envelopes sitting empty in AG’s office. She picks who she wants back and exchange that person’s number with one with a round trip ticket. WTF is the HG being saved going to do rat out production?
        Between the RK winner not being able to be seen through edits as the winner until tackle box to the open, opportunity to mess with those 12 envelopes it’s starting to look like BB Can 3 instead of BB USA !8. You just got to love a good circus.
        Wanna see if Da is prods fav just wait. James might be the chosen or maybe Paulie. It’s a tangled web with Franks life literally on the line Thursday. If Frank is not coming back next week should be a double. I’m guessing snooze fest with Bridge and Vic going to jury. I’d love to see James and Da gone because they are just vile. Nicole and Cory alright to. Z and Paulie would be a great double. So many turds and only 2 can go. The sooner they turn on each other the better for the game.
        I really hate to say this but I picked Big Meech after 2 weeks to win b/c she sat and said little. Now she is just a vile mean turd. That said she is still setting up a deep run and is starting to look more and more like F4 material. One of the showmances will remain intact IMO F4. No idea which one at this point.

  1. Sounds like Frank will get his fix by Grodner. Paul should have said that it is a one time entrance into the room and now it is closed off. He should have stated that his prize will be revealed during the final show. That would throw off the rest of the HG’s.

    1. that was a total mess of an event. some of these HGs couldn’t even spell PARIS using the phone # which I believe was the code. production should of just stuffed the envelopes in a bag and have the HGs pull them out one at a time. that was anti climatic and the live feeds got fished for 10 mins because it looks like they didn’t want to show us how horrible it gotten after Paul and Vic got it. freaking’ Paul couldn’t even read the card right…lol

  2. paul, here’s a thought, if you want frank to get out and stay out and you know what the secret is, how about you tell everyone except frank, and get them in there to select envelopes FIRST, leaving only one behind when it is Franks turn, to reduce the chances of his getting the round trip ticket.

    i doubt if he will get it, i bet day would get it, or james lol

    1. Your math is bad. Frank getting the last envelope would have absolutely no effect on the odds that it’s the right one.

        1. You must be the worst mathematician ever. Formula is 12 choose 1 x 11 choose 1 x 10 choose 1……….1 choose 1. As someone picks odds change depending on if the first person is correct. If they are right odds become 0. If they are wrong it becomes 11 choose 1 x 10 choose 1……1 choose one. As people pick and are wrong odds improve. Go back to school.

          1. I’m picturing you in the Deer Hunter saying we just need to avoid the 1st 5 chambers because that 6th chamber gives us the best odds….

            Some games are random…going 1st, last, in the middle, changes nothing…because it’s random, 1/12….

    2. Man, math isn’t your strong suit is it. It doesn’t matter if you pick first or last, all have a 1 in 12 chance of getting the right envelope.

      1. Obviously math is not your strong suit. If Paul is right on his pick odds become zero for everyone else. Explain that one math genius

        1. You are right, if Paul has first pick and gets the prize the odds go to zero for everyone else. What you are missing is that if Paul doesn’t get the prize the odds go UP for the rest of the players.

    3. sunny dee — that is not how statistics work! Frank (or anyone’s) chances dont change based on the order picked! There are 12 envelopes and 12 people, which means each has a 1/12 chance, whether you pick first or last.

      1. Odds do change depending on if the right card was picked. If Paul gets the first pick and gets it odds are now 0 for the next 11. If he gets it wrong it becomes 1 in 11 and so on.

        1. Your logic is poor. Yes once the right envelope is picked of course the rest can’t have the prize. But the odds are 1/12 of the correct envelope being picked at any point along the sequence.

          1. My logic is poor? Think about what you just said. If you agree that if he gets the right one odds become 0 for everyone else. Than logically odds improve for everyone else if he gets it wrong. Second person doesn’t have 12 to choose from only 11, third 10 and so on. Wow no one here understands probability.

            1. Okay, let’s see if we can all agree on the odds once and for all. If there are 12 envelopes, everyone has a 1 in 12 chance of having the one-way ticket. In this game, the outcome of envelopes that have already been picked is unknown. The only way for the odds to decrease from 1 in 12 will be when the contents of an envelope are revealed on stage with Julie after eviction. Let’s say Frank gets evicted this week and his envelope is opened on the stage. It will either reveal a round-trip or a one-way ticket. If it reveals a round-trip, the remaining 11 tickets have zero chance of winning because there is not another winning ticket. If it reveals a one-way ticket, that is when the odds of the remaining unopened tickets becomes 1 in 11. This, of course, assumes that there is no additional interference from Production skewing the odds of winning in favor of one contestant.

            2. Look man, you’re just wrong on this one. No biggie, everyone is wrong sometimes. Regardless of order, everyone has a 1 in 12 chance – which is 8.33%

              IF all 11 houseguests enter before Frank and take an envelope, there is EXACTLY an 8.33% chance they each choose a losing envelope, leaving Frank with the winning ticket. Here’s the math (took 5 mins on a spreadsheet):

              1st 11 in 12 91.67%
              2nd 10 in 11 90.91% 83.33% chance first 2 scenarios occur
              3rd 9 in 10 90.00% 75.00% chance first 3 scenarios occur
              4th 8 in 9 88.89% 66.67% chance first 4 scenarios occur
              5th 7 in 8 87.50% 58.33% chance first 5 scenarios occur
              6th 6 in 7 85.71% 50.00% chance first 6 scenarios occur
              7th 5 in 6 83.33% 41.67% chance first 7 scenarios occur
              8th 4 in 5 80.00% 33.33% chance first 8 scenarios occur
              9th 3 in 4 75.00% 25.00% chance first 9 scenarios occur
              10th 2 in 3 66.67% 16.67% chance first 10 scenarios occur
              11th 1 in 2 50.00% 8.33% chance first 11 scenarios occur

              An 8.33% chance the first 11 pick a wrong one, leaving Frank with a 100% chance of picking the correct one. There’s simply no way to increase your odds of success in this scenario.

      1. Allison loves Frank. We have known for about 3 weeks that Frank is getting close to the end.
        So, they saw this and now there is a special twist. It’s not rocket science. He will be saved.
        Take that to the bank.

  3. What an idiot Paul is… It’s gonna be so funny when it’s found out Paul lied and tried to keep everyone from getting a chance to come back into the game with the round-trip ticket. I hope he doesn’t have it, cause him being gone next week ain’t soon enough!!

  4. Honestly Paul should’ve waited until people aren’t around/sleeping. Now everyone knows they have a shot to get in it. He was reckless tbh.

  5. OMGG… did Paul told everybody else???? Why would he do that?? He should have told everyone he got the evelope and “that is it” theres nothing else back there and it is over…

    1. It won’t matter. I have no doubt that production would let everyone else know that the prize is still available.

      1. I’m sure the light would continue to light up and the message would broadcast everytime the correct code was entered. If I was in the house I would keep trying vs ‘trusting’ someone was telling me the truth about the prize. The stakes are too big and they dont have much more to do in there. Lol

  6. Ooo Paul I can’t wait for you to be evicted! Dude legit is an asshole and douche to screw Frank out of a free trip or prize. But I guess it’s his game move but knowing the chances of frank getting the one envelope I would still let everyone in on it.

    1. Are you proposing production printed these cards in the envelopes with Magical Ink that can change based off who is touching it??
      Woooooooooowwwww! I didn’t even know that kinda thing existed!

      1. What I’m implying is that now that everyone has the magical envelope, it can easily be exchanged in the DR depending on production’s desires. So If Frank is called to the DR with his envelope, if production wanted to save him, all they’d have to do is swap his with the winner and no one would know. The only way to know if production plans to rig it would be to open everyone’s envelope right now.

  7. What does the one way ticket mean ? Anything ? I’m more than over Paul. This doesn’t look good for Frank But I’m holding out hope.

    1. One way to get away from Nicole, Paulie, Corey, tampon Z and Big Meech. Wait a minute, the one way ticket is not a bad prize after all.

  8. well this is easy enough to rig. all of the envelopes have one way tickets…….until Frank comes in then switch them for all round trip and then back to one way tickets after he gets his.

  9. I feel a disconnect with a lot the fan base this week. This love affair of wanting production to rig things for Frank makes me ill.

  10. Victor and Paul figure it out? That’s amazing two peeps I thought were mental comp deficient are the first two in. Did Paul tell Vic?

  11. See you back in the house Thursday Frank! Great job CBS! I’m a Frank fan but I wish it didn’t have to be this way. Screw it! I’ve had to sit through Vanessa, Stank Twins, Douche Austin, Rats Andy and Paul, Josea, Pu$$y whipped James, Clelly, Ian, Sweet Corey and that Nasty Michelle the last few seasons. Even whiny Nicole sucks turds! I’ll take the fix! Let’s go Frank!!!

      1. I honestly don’t know why this comment has dislikes. It is an indisputable fact that rigging takes away from the integrity of the game. And if you think the game doesn’t have to be fair as long as it benefits who you’re rooting for, then you don’t properly appreciate games for what they are.

        1. If you honestly think this show has not been rigged at times for the sake of entertainment, you are delusional. Yes it’s a game, but it’s a tv show first and foremost. Without it being a tv show with decent ratings etc, there IS NO GAME.

          1. I’m not saying it hasn’t been rigged for entertainment, I’m saying it shouldn’t be. I would rather watch a fair game.

          2. I’m not saying it hasn’t been rigged for entertainment, I’m saying it shouldn’t be. I would rather watch a fair game. And if it can’t be entertaining without being rigged, they might as well script the whole damn thing or cancel it altogether.

  12. That was the dumbest “twist” in the history of this game. Pressure is created to be the first to find the “secret” based on the clues that “everyone” is looking for at the same time. Then, in order to “win,” you have to, somehow, leave the phone booth unattended and hope no one else finds the code, or go for broke like Paul did and let the cat out of the bag. Essentially, all production had to do is make it first come, first served. If everyone can see what everyone else is doing, everyone will find the “secret.” Why not just put the envelopes on a table, and one at a time, have the house guests pick one; essentially creating the same result without all of the cloak and dagger. A real disappointment.

      1. Oh…well it would have been nice if production had given the HG some other than this code game. There are No losers everyone gets one. A waste of time for us the fans of BB. I was waiting for something Great to happen. What a disappointment.

    1. No, b/c Paul dropped the ball by not saying it was a one-time entrance. Plus, if some hgs do not figure out the code, they wont get one.

    2. You are so right! This is the dumbest secret prize they’ve ever done.
      And why did they pick the week Frank was on the block to run it??? Makes me very suspicious.

      1. I’m not a Frank fan but they announced this twist before the HOH was played and before Frank was on the block. The only thing I find suspecious is that the envelopes were numbered on the outside and production could tell a HG which envelope to pick.
        This is good only for 4 weeks so only going to affect the next 4 HGs evicted. Maybe none of them will have the round trip ticket.

  13. Paul has been building his rat strategy for weeks (I’m not a fan but can admit it’s been a good strategy for him), and chooses to show his hand in front of the ENTIRE house by not coming clean about the cards? His best lie would’ve been something like ‘there are 12 cards but each HG must figure out the code on their own or the cards for those people get taken away’. People may have believed that. Anyway, James and Corey were on to him when he lied about the phone message. Paul may have just dug himself a big whole-house-inclusive hole…

    1. Not at all related but it made me laugh – Paulie just saying that if Frank gets the RoundTrip card and comes back in this week, he’ll ask everyone to rip their cards open to make sure “they” didn’t do some sh*t – and then instantly fishes. Ha!

      1. I have a feeling, that they will sequester any winner of, for the 4 weeks… assuming there is a winner..
        it only is active for 4 evictions I think.

        What people should really be paying attention to, is if anyone takes their cards into DR with them on the live feeds. That would be sketchy.

  14. Well, the power kinda sucks, but I’m so glad that d-bag Paul didn’t get a Coup D’ Etat. All 12 houseguests will end up with an envelope, and since the power is only in play for four weeks – there’s only a 33% chance that the round-trip ticket will be used.

    Frank now has a 1 in 12 chance (8.33%) of surviving the week.

    1. Coup D’ Etat is BS anyway. In my opinion Diamond Veto should be the strongest power anyone ever gets.

  15. I really hope Frank or Bridgette gets the round trip ticket. I’m not too fond of Frank but this will definitely make good tv!

  16. Didn’t Julie say that the secret power would only be good for 4 weeks? Or was it that the room would only be available for 4 weeks?

    1. I think she said the room would be available for 4 weeks which could mean other opportunities for different prizes or power

    2. Well…I don’t remember asking this…at least it’s nothing bad. I say enough stupid things without someone else adding to my pile.

  17. Everyone will get an envelope by Thursday (there is nothing else to do in the house so Frank and Bridge could spend 10 hours a day in the booth until they get in). But Frank has only a 1 in 12 chance if he gets an envelope. Not much chance.

    This secret room is pointless. They should have just given everyone an envelope. Funny that production spent months thinking this up and its figured out in one hour!

  18. Pahahahahaa! You can bet production or another HG will give Frank the right code and you can BET before he gets evicted Thursday, he’ll come out of the dr with the “right” envelope!!!

    aahahahahahaaahaaa!!! God PLEASE let this happen THURSDAY!!! IT WILL BE THE BEST EPISODE OF BB EVAAAAAA!!!

  19. So much for Paul being a TEAM player! I do believe he just sealed his fate with his lie!!!
    See ya LITTLE man, go spew your crap elsewhere…SORRY…NOT SORRY!

  20. OF course Grodner rigs the game when her favorite boy, Frank, is about to be evicted!!! I have to say Z is right if Frank/Bridgette get the envelope BB rigging continues. No different than the game show rigging of the 50’s!! Wondering if those also were CBS shows also????

    1. Not much of a rig job if Frank has 1 in 12 chance of winning! I think they could do better than that!

      1. Simple for Grodner to rig this as all she has to do is have all envelopes empty, but in DR session with Frank hand him the envelope with the Round trip ticket in it! Easy and no one is the wiser! Guarantee Grodner will make sure Frank stays just like she did in first season until it became too obvious for her continual rigging of the game for Frank! Did not like him on his first season especially after the rape comment in regard to Dan’s wife an still cannot stand him.

  21. Paul has to backtrack on his lies about the room now, best thing about this is the worried look on Paul’s face. Realizing that others are also getting in.and he is the not the only one.

  22. what could make us fans happy if frank get the right card in comeback in the game in the look on their face will be prizeless frank please frank get the right card me in my family rooting for you in brdiget since bridget will stay this week hope you get the card

  23. What a lame stupid pathetic twist…..we already had someone come back and now we are going to get another one? I was expecting something huge but its a total flop. Production needs to come up with better twists and a better cast because both suck this year. BTW Victor should have been automatically disqualified from getting an envelope, he already had his second chance he should not get a chance at a third

  24. Feeds were down for 30 minutes. Everyone back to normal activities now.

    Conclusion… everyone got their ticket.

  25. So lemme get this straight….
    Paul had the option of secretly entering at any time and lying to the others about what he won and lying by telling them now that he claimed a prize its done, and what does he do… He announces it to everyone! That’s dumb… It’d be dumb to tell 100%-Paulie only, let alone the entire house, including his rivals Frank and Bridgette!
    Paul is the dumbest smart person I have ever seen… he is very bright…
    From what I gather Paul has a lot of money, well, his parents do… and I don’t think he cares about 500k as much as “friendship”… he thinks the term friendship is funny… I think hes pathetically hoping to fit in and being in the cool crowd, and considering that, saying friendship every 10mins is the most desperate thing Ive ever seen…
    Props on cracking the code and being the first to do so… but no props for what he did afterwards…

    1. I think Paul mainly in it for Reality fame. He is in a band and people are checking out his band due to him being on BB. I wonder if his clothing line has received more business since he has been on BB.

    2. Of course Paul’s family is wealthy. How else could he make a lucrative living selling t-shirts? His mumsy and popsy are buying them all.

  26. The question most on my mind right now is Paul / Paulie, why do the two of you talk…and talk…and talk, and talk, and talk? Paulie must be such an embarrassment to Cody and Derrick. Paul is just an embarrassment period.

  27. Don’t worry boys and girls. They’ll rig it. Imagine the one gets it evicted at 3rd. Big Meech called it!

  28. I’m sure Spineless Paul will spill the beans to the king of the house Paulie. Everyone seems to report to that douchebag. Would be awesome if one of the underdogs gets the roundtrip ticket.

  29. Paul Sucks his one ball and everyone else’s!!! What a douchebag!! Michelle needs to wake up and realize Bridgette isn’t the enemy, this huge peen is. Please, please let him get the boot next week…

  30. They should keep an eye on the departure board for the next couple weeks. If this was so easily figured out and the twist still has weeks to play out then maybe the board will change to a new destination each week. Each time some new power, reward, or possible punishment could be released. If not, and this was it, this was very anticlimactic.

  31. Just because Paul found the first envelope, it doesn’t mean that he has the roundtrip ticket. Being the first is meaningless.

    1. all 12 envelopes were in the room. He had to select one of them, still left 11 envelopes. he didn’t pick the only one. 🙂 and he has no idea what is inside, they can’t open them.

      it’s got a time limit on it because obviously F3 gets evicted, they can’t open a ticket and get returned to the house. probably

      why is frank talking about eviction night 2 weeks ago, who cares at this point, and why would anyone lie about who did or didn’t vote, and it isn’t like Day didn’t know exactly how they all voted, it was mapped out. Paulie is getting shaded for not voting tiffany out that week, and i am pretty sure he did. they wanted it to be 5 to 4, i just can’t remember what the exact vote was. but i also can’t figure out who cares. just to find out if bridgette should still hang with Paulie? and once again, day looks like she’s shaing over James, but i’m pretty sure he also voted out tiffany that week. I remember thinking, i thought everyone agreed to keep her, and his vote was a surprise

      1. Natalie, James, Paulie and Frank voted to get Tiffany out 2 weeks ago. Z, Da, Michelle, Corey and Natalie voted out Bronte.

  32. Michelle crying about people in the house possibly thinking she’s a mean girl.

    This girl is in for a rough time on the outside.

  33. Call me a cynic but I think this sudden epiphany that Michelle had about not wanting Frank and Bridget to be mad at her and not wanting to be seen as a mean girl has far more to do with the fact that one of them may come back into the game than it has to do with her actually being sorry.

    1. I think Michelle’s epiphany came from questions (?) she got in the DR about her “talk” with Bridgette…. they probably hinted to her that she was getting a mean girl edit. A very well deserved edit I might add!

  34. I hate the group ganging up on Frank and Bridgette.

    But at this point I hope Frank doesn’t get the round trip ticket.

    All it would mean is another week of them ganging up on Frank and Bridgette, and another week longer until we see them having to turn on each other.

    I’ve had enough of this boring strategy of 10 people ganging up on 2.

    Frank, Bridgette, and Vic are all going home in the next 3 weeks whether they get a round trip ticket or not.

    They are severely out numbered by a bunch of chicken shits all afraid to step out on their own.

    1. I agree with you… But right now Vic is kind alone and Bridgett is alone also..
      Is good that Frank goes home to change the target to someone else…becuse the target on one person gets boring after a while…and trying to get Frank or Day out is alreday boring..

      Hopefully next week, Day,Bridgette,Michelle,Vic and Paul can team up and target the couples…

    2. I hate the mentality that so much of this fan base has, that whoever is on the block each week is a victim.

  35. All the 12 Evelopes/cards are probably written one way ticket….then when Frank goes to the dairy room Production will give him the round trip ticket envelope/card… BSSS as usual from BB

    Thank god the Olympics starts in 2 week and I will have something else to do and wont need to watch BB anymore.

    1. Or when production saw Paul was gettting there and put all the 12 ticktes with one way trip…
      And the same think when Vic got in there..and they will keep all envelopes with one way trip when everybody else gets in there…and when they know Frank is coming….they go ahead and put all the envelopes left with Round Trip ticket,,,,,,

      S H A M E on production

  36. Once we all get over Frank going home this week, the envelope trick will be great! More drama for Thursday nights!

    1. The envelopes can play out for many weeks – including an upcoming dbl eviction. There usually is a Platinum Veto about now that could STILL be in play. Could there be 2 twists going on at the same time? Paris Room Envelopes and Secret Platinum Veto?

  37. THUD. Thats the sound of the production crew this evening at the flop of this twist. This twist was about as twisty as a pencil. So stupid.

    1. I used to hate Paul..but after Vic left, he changed and i started to like hiim a lot…I still like him now…hopefully he wont change with Vic being back in the house

      I love Paul`s voice…I cant believe he is only 23…He looks 30..and Paulie is 27 but looks 20

  38. That dang Paul was up in the HOH room trying so hard to cover his butt with everyone. He kept saying so many times how he was just trying to keep it from Frank and Bridgette, and how he was gonna tell everyone the code later. And Geez! his kung fu master Paulie was backing up his young honorable grasshopper. I don’t know which one is the bigger idiot. As Nicole would say “That’s Bullcrap!!”

  39. Paul just said for the 275th time-“I gave her the POV and she didn’t use it and her friend went home.” He keeps saying that Bridget is an idiot and doesn’t know the game and that is why Bronte went home. Again, I beg of you Paul, STFU!!! By the way, if Bridget would have used the POV on Bronte, Natalie would have been the renom so Bridget’s friend still would have went home.

  40. So the tickets are good for only 4 weeks? With Frank going out the door this Thursday, I don’t think he will end up with the round trip ticket. I would think production would want the suspense of who has it to last at least for 3 weeks or until it’s final week of eligibility. I could see maybe Bridgette having it. Especially if she wins the next HoH the round trip ticket would save her that following week.

    1. I think it’s the room that’s available for 4 weeks but the ticket is good until you see Chenbot. I’m assuming the final 3 can’t use it because that would mean another round of comps on finale night.

  41. Paul says he is against bullying and bullies but tells Michelle that Bridgette is going to be pissed because once frank leaves he’s going to be taunting her all week. Hmmm… You sound like a fucking hypocrite to me. I can’t wait for him to go home. So sick of him running his mouth

  42. I am so fucking tired of everyone pitting against frank. honestly. he has done nothing but be honest when he tells other people what others say to him about them. he is the most honest and loyal person in the house. if james opened his fucking asian eyes he would see that frank is the most loyal player in the house. Paul, Zakiya, NICOLE, and da can suck my dick for i don’t happen to give half of a shit. michelle honey, evict yourself!!! because she thinks she’s the most powerful player just bc she won one POV. My ass. GO FRANK!!!!!!!!! GET THAT ROUND TRIP TICKET AND BEAT ALL OF THEIR ASSES!!!! FRANK FTWWWWWWWW

  43. Here’s hoping that the producers somehow put the house guests on a lockdown so they can go switch Franks envelope with the round trip ticket if he doesn’t already have it. Or just do it when everyone is sleeping or when the feeds are down. 🙂

  44. The one good thing that might have came out of this lame twist is the creation of distrust. Paul caught in his lie. Nicole feeling a certain way about Corey not telling her the code. Outside of Frank or Bridgette having it. The BEST case scenario could be maybe somebody getting blindsided (by way of betrayal) and evicted but then has the round trip ticket and comes right back into the house.

  45. Dawg and Simon
    I appreciate what you do on a daily basis but from the bottom of my heart I want to thank you for today’s post. From experience I know it was crazy going from one feed to the other and keeping up with what was going on, you did an awesome job. Hopefully they will go to bed early tonight (Not). Thanks again, good work on all this.

  46. I hope there a one way ticket HOME!! For everyone but Natalie, none of the rest deserve the win.

  47. Simon and Dawq is it just me or what a wasted Secret competition by BB. I mean give me a break, the entire house was given a 1 in 12 chance of being back in the house if evicted….. I’m not a fan of Paul but hope he is given some type of advantage for figuring it out and btw did anyone drink the wine?

    1. Liked the twist cause it was kinda new didn’t like how they all had it figured out and had cards after 2 hours of searching.

      Hopefully this is the last twist of this type.

  48. Is it possible that the round trip ticket was in #8 since one of the pictures had “ocho rio” on it? Does anyone know who got #8? I know Frank got 6. I’m hoping this isn’t rigged for Frank.

  49. It would be hilarious if Bridgette won HOH and put Paul and Michelle up. Would love to watch them go at it. Even better if she won the POV too. I can dream can’t I?

  50. Come on Frank, get that damn ticket!!!!! Would love to see how pissed everyone would be if Frank came back, especially Nicole, Z, Paul, & Michelle!! Make it happen BB!!

  51. That was the most anticlimactic thing since the last episode of the Sopranos.
    I also think Meech got a head’s up from someone in Production that she’s getting slammed on various fan boards and to lighten up. I also wish Crazy Eye Corey would tell the weeping wonder Nicole just once yes, I am mad at you. She would dissolve into one big puddle. So sick of all the f@&king crying. How do these people manage in real life?!!*?*

  52. I’m confused on the whole four weeks thing. Does it mean they have four weeks to find the room or only the next four evicted get the chance to open their envelope ?

  53. Just when i think things this season cant get any lamer, they go and pull a stunt like this and YEP totally stupid and boring and irritating… Why wld this be considered some big power when everyone knows abt it and evryone pretty much has an envelope… I wld rather see dpov, or coup de ta anyday and shake this boring ass cast up… bb bomb and any idiot cld come up with something better than that crap… bb why do u contine to disappoint your fans with these lame a** ideas… get it together and give a real power to 1 person to make it interesting already…

  54. The rigged factor. I like most of you sometimes feel that things are rigged. Unfortunately if Frank ends up with the return ticket we will all think that production rigged this at least the non-Frank fans will feel that way. We have to remember a lot of years when we thought something was fixed it didn’t come out that way. Does anyone remember how it was all over the internet that Amanda was destined to win BB 15 b/c she was a personal friend of the producer? If it’s rigged it’s rigged if you’ve watched every season you always have that thought at least once.

  55. Paul is such a scumbag… on the feeds he was saying after frank leaves he is going to go off on bridgette… wow really tough paul wait until the big dog leaves to attack the pup and i loved his failed attempt to attack frank and he looked like a coward and an idiot for it… so sick of his fucking tough guy act when really he is just all talk and no action

    1. Paul says he is going to do a lot of things, but never backs it up, he talks a big game about whomever is the target to whomever has the power, he talks a big game but never backs it up, if he does talk to Bridgette next week he’ll suck up to her, which is the opposite of what he says he’ll do…

    2. For all his bluster and bravado, I’m surprised that one of the guys (Frank and Paulie come to mind) haven’t called him out on his ridiculous pronouncements. I’m going to rip my balls off and wear them as earrings, or I’m going to rip his earlobs off and stuff them up his nose so he can’t breathe, I’m going to call him/her/them out…we all know nobody takes him seriously or even really listens, but god, it has to be annoying. And speaking of annoying, Nicole STFU – you’re whining again. Still.

  56. Can any of you who have had the live feeds in years past tell me if Production has always came over the loud speakers telling them NOT to talk about production or diary room sessions; and if so, has it always been THIS often. It seems to me like they are ALWAYS getting on to the houseguests for discussing production and diary room sessions. Has this always been common?

  57. I know the new twists and turns are annoying but we have begged for years for there to be changes and no matter what they are people aren’t going to be happen. If it was the same “recipe” every season no one would watch. While watchers can be annoyed be careful what you “wish” for because it seems new stuff really pissed people off!

  58. So everyone has an equal chance at the round trip ticket… lame! I love Big Brother but this season is dragging. No more come-back passes. Move it along. There’s still too many people in the house. How about a double eviction? Or just random opening trap doors to get rid of boring house guests…

  59. I respect that Paul went into game mode thinking it was best to keep it secret from Frank and Bridgette. I don’t know why the others didn’t think likewise. Dimwits.

  60. It may be just a game but Paul is a creep. I can’t stand to look at him or hear the mean nasty crap he says. Paulie is the other one I can’t stand. Ugh!!!!

  61. Nicole is suspicious of Corey not giving her the answer, and Zakiyah and Da’Vonne are suspicious of Nicole not waking them up to go search for the clue. Paulie and Corey need Paul to win HOH when it comes time to get rid of Nicole and Zackiyah because they will lose their votes. If Nicole is hurt by Corey not helping with the clue, imagine how she will feel if he was the one that evicted her. Same goes with Paulie and Zakiyah.

    1. You’re supposed to want Frank to have it. Never mind that the herd wanted him out last week. The hive mind has changed.

  62. Hmm, secret room is so lame…i feel like no secret room at all. Secret room should be only for 1, who can solve the hint and puzzel. I think no 2ways ticket in all those 12 envelopes, production can rig xchange to in DR section. Frank is round trip ticket holder?????

  63. Frank is definitely not leaving the house! It’s pretty clear that he will be the one with the return ticket. It is not even difficult to rig this: all he has to do is take his ticket with him when he goes to the diary room, and the network swaps his envelope with an identical one that has the return ticket inside. All 12 envelopes in the secret room had one-way tickets inside of them. That is why there is a penalty if anyone opens it before they are evicted. Pretty clear cut and easy to see! I’m not complaining, because I like Frank as a competitor. But this is clearly in place to rescue him.

    1. What he should do is be seen by someone, probably Paul’s Balls, taking his ticket with him into the diary room like he’s going to have it swapped. The house then starts to believe that he’s been saved, votes out Bridgette, who really receives the swapped envelope, and then they just stomp out all the pests.

  64. Get a bunch of corporate sponsors to recruit and train themselves a HG… lots of cash incentives and strict rules and penalties for breaking rules. Let’s have a real game with motivated and skilled players instead of this drivel… and get rid of Grodner and the other casting fools once and for all.

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