Peter “Andrew can win anything at any time its critical to think of the end game”

POV Holder: ? Next POV April 13th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 15th
HOH Winner: JILLIAN Next HOH: April 18th
Original Nominations: ?
Current Nominations: ?
Last Evicted Houseguest ALEC & TOPAZ
Have Nots Talla & Andrew (Servants for haves)



7:20pm Kitchen Emmett, Jillian and Peter

They are getting ready for their dinner. Andrew is hilarious as a servant.

Emmett comments how he’s been craving Chocolate milk he misses it.

Big Brother comes over the Speakers tells them that the back garage doors are going to open but only Peter and Emmett are allowed to be in the back yard.

Peter and Emmett walk to the dinner table prepared for them.. Peter is doing his voice “Wonderful.. absolutely amazing”

Emmett: “You know that the funny thing is we have win and we don’t even like win”

Peter is served an assortment of processed foods (Nuggets fries etc)
Emmett gets chocolate milk and a steak and lobster

Emmett: “Final 5 this keeps getting better and better”
Peter: “who would have thought when we first stepped in.. the unitard alliance standing tall”

Emmett brings up what Alec did during his eviction speech.. says he would have been a bit annoyed by it. Peter says he’s not “Thats Alec’s style of humour”

Emmett: “I was hoping Talla would have been in a more chatty mood”

Peter thinks that nobody would have predicted this specific final 5 that has ended up in the house.

Emmett: “See Andrew is being a good sport I don’t want him to do anything.. Talla she’s going to get it.. cause if she had won today she would have gotten us to do things”

Emmett mentions how they clearly won that challenge. Peter: “That was a very odd challenge.. Bath your friend to remove a key from the soap and go”

Emmett: “How long did it take us.. 5 minutes.. at the rate they were going it would have taken 20 minutes”

Emmett says he doesn’t count anyone out of this game.. Talla hasn’t won anything in this game.

Peter: “The longer Andrew stays the better his chances to win and if he gets to the final he will win.. Talla is beatable in every type of competition”
Peter: “Talla is not capable of winning mentally or physically of winning.. Andrew will thrive under the pressure and he will win.. we had a chance yesterday”
Emmett: “Pete it would be hell in here with 3 girls and us”

Peter: “If those two go on the block we have a 3 to 2 advantage to winning the POV.. I am perfectly fine with the three of us in the final we are perfectly matched, I’m mental, you are physical and Jillian is endurance.. its is critical to think of the end game.. “

Peter: “Andrew can win anything at any time.. if he wins the veto it’ll be a more difficult path to the end”
Emmett: “Really he’s only won a single HOH and a POV”
Peter: “He’s a competitor”
Emmett: “We are all competitor.. but I see what you are saying”

Emmett: “I thought we had some common trust me and him. .not sure anymore. ”
Peter: “As Alec and I talked it became clear that Andrew doesn’t care about pissing people off in there.

Peter yells out at talla “You can only talk if you are topless”
Emmett: “He was annoyed that I put Talla up with Topaz because he felt that you could have taken him out.. “
Peter: “Sure Talla is his partner”



Emmett asks him if he’s worried about certain types of people being in the house. Peter wasn’t worried because he feels that he’s a really social person so he wasn’t worried. Peter: “I don’t like people that disrespect the game.. that is one reason I got rid of Topaz because she was rude and slept the entire time” Peter points out that Jillian is the only person that hasn’t been put on the block.
Peter is getting excited that they might get a wrestling ring to play in. Emmett thinks it would be cool if they had “Those sumo suits” to wear.
Peter and Emmett both decide that a bouncy castle will be pretty cool. Peter would like an erotic masseuse, Emmett wouldn’t mind a hypnotist.
Peter asks Big Brother for clarification if he can wrap his food up.. He says that he eats slow and gets full very quickly.. (Big Brother doesn’t answer)


While Emmett and Peter eat their dinner Jillian, Talla and Andrew chat it in the kitchen. Lots of random conversations. They touch on Peter’s “Selective Eating disorder” Andrew mentions that Peter has never had an egg before, “He says he doesn’t like it but he’s never tried it”. They agree that Peter is not faking it but it’s really odd that he won’t even try certain foods. Talla plans on looking it up when she gets out because she’s very curious about it.

It’s pretty obvious that Jillian isn’t as “Close” to The stooges as she once was. (I get this from body language) They also chat about Alec and the strategy when he came into the house. Apparently Alec’s had studied all the season of BBUS and BBUK and determined the best course of action was to get a bromance and a showmance. They all agree it’s good Alec is out of the game.

At one point Jillian leaves Andrew and Talla.. They talk about there being no way they could beat Peter and Emmett, Andrew “He rubbed that bar of soap on Peter’s skin faster than I ever could.. he’s just so strong” Talla looking out at Peter and Emmett “I’m so pissed at those two.. DRINK THE WINE” (LOL)

They are both saying they feel miserable.. Andrew is worried that Peter is working Emmett right now. Talla: “he’s not HOH” Andrew: “I know” Talla: “He was campaigning hard for ALEC”




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38 thoughts to “Peter “Andrew can win anything at any time its critical to think of the end game””

  1. I think a stooge will be leaving this week, and I fear it’s Andrew.

    Taking Pete to the final three is stupid.

    1. Yep, if Em does that, he deserves to lose (he’s been my fav for a while…but he’s been saying stupid stuff lately like he don’t have a clue what’s going on. He may take Peter F2 which is dumb as hell.). You think I’d give production the chance of helping Peter win the game?
      Plus, they may be bringing a Peter ally back, so vote Peter out or it will be those 2 against you.
      If Peter doesn’t win, I bet he’ll win that Canada’s fav player or whatever *rolls eyes*

    2. Pete is greatly overrated. If they take him to the final 3 it’s guaranteed he won’t win a physical, endurance or anything skill based. His only shot is at mental and he’s pretty damn shitty at that too if you look at him objectively and not through the lens of the diary room camera…

      guy is a joke

    3. I think that taking Peter might actually be a good plan because they have a higher chance of winning and taking themselves to final 2 and if Emmett takes Peter to the F2, he has a really good chance of winning because Peter hasn’t done much and no one seems to like Peter plus he hasn’t done anything in the game. So, honestly, I don’t think it’s that bad of a plan.

      1. I disagree, if Em takes Peter he will win for sure. Peter has Alec’s and Topaza vote FOR SURE. If the backstab Andrew and Talla they both will probably vote for Peter. I think Peter will win this if he is with Em, Talla, or Julian, the only one he could lose to is the returny (depending on who it is) or Andrew. Remember last season of US bb Dan was robbed of his win over Ian (who did nothing).

  2. Also, if Pete is the player he claims to be he should join the stooges to get out emmet and Jill.

    But he isn’t that player do it won’t happen.

    1. Tha’ts a foolish strategy considering you can’t pull the trigger on such a strategy as long as Jillian & Emmett are HOH

      1. Which of the three (two stooges and Pete) isn’t on the block use the pov (if that person won it) to force Jill to put Emmett up and control the vote.

        Long shot but I’d attempt to put that plan in motion if the chips fell that way.

        1. That would be awesome but Peter doesn’t have the balls to do it. Peter wants to be Dan so badly lol but aside from talking a big talk in the Diary Room, he hasn’t really done anything. Dan would do it in a heartbeat, though. Dan’s awesome.

  3. Ironic much, Emmett saying he isn’t sure he can trust Andrew when he is the one selling Andrew out and Andrew has been 100% for Beast Coast F3 the entire time.

    1. Emmett is the reason Tom and Alec are gone. This behaviour doesn’t surprise me the least bit. Classic Emmett .

  4. Ugh vomit .. Peter wanting Talla to serve him topless. Emmett wanting to be hard on her because he doesn’t like or respect her.. She is human. Female. Knock it od a$$$h$le$

    1. …Don’t forget, Peter also asked for an “erotic” massage *pukes*
      peter’s alter ego: Pervy Pete is beginning to emerge, the longer he stays in the game, lol

  5. I think Emmett has been a dick in hiding for the entire game. With less people I the house it is harder to hide his true colours.

    1. He is cocky and getting cocker as weeks go by. He never once had to be nervous other than week one., even then he wasn’t nervous. He has always been safe.

        1. As much as I want AJ back, it looks like Andrew is going so I’ll except the coming Glitterpocalypseto clean house and take talla to the finish.

  6. Emmett is really letting me down right now. Entertaining the thought of turning on Andrew. In the BB House friendship is fleeting I guess. U gotta keep your eye out for turncoats every second of the day! If there is anybody on this site that actually believes Talla remotely deserves to still be in the game needs to stop watching this show. I can’t stand when a useless super floater just sails to the end!! She has done nothing but be fake and tell lies and stories about houseguest once they get evicted. Get drunk and go chain smoke by the hot tub. She makes Topaz look like Superwoman!! Evict Her NOW!!!!

    1. I completely agree with you about Talla, however she would be ideal to be up against in the F2. Its gonna be one of the guys that leaves this week.

    2. I agree, but anyone who drags her along to final 2 so they can win against her deserves to lose to her. I don’t respect trying to beat the easiest person; I would want to win against my biggest competition. It would just show their lack of confidence in their own game play. The only people deserving in my opinion are Andrew and Peter. Both have won when needed and both have been strategic and honest (for the most part/ WAY more than the other three)

    1. Nice; did you see my post on why Production (I believe THEY are the ones deciding who comes back) should bring her back? I wrote it yesterday on the main posting of We’re back & guess who won HOH.

    2. Although Emmett isn’t completely forthcoming with Peter I can’t help but notice the ease in which the two communicate. Obviously Emmett really likes Andrew & they have forged a bond BUT I believe he has a certain respect for Peter.

      Their dinner conversation tonight reminded me of the early stages of the game when Em & Pete would converse. Now Emmett is questioning keeping Andrew being a smart move & the more Peter sells that the more flight that thought will take. Interestingly Peter thinks Andrew & Talla are going up while Andrew thinks the opposite. Guess we’ll have to wait to find out.

      The other reason I know Emmett is strongly considering losing Andrew this week is because Jill is also on that bandwidth based on her convo’s with Em & Talla.

      Sometimes I think Pete & Emmett are quite strategic but they seem to have missed two very big selling points for Andrew at F2 (or at least I haven’t heard them bring it up).
      1) up until very late in the game Andrew was a solo act. therefore manipulating his way to remain in the house & not go on the block was much more difficult than for any of the power players remaining (Jemmett/Shield until this past Thurs) although he did have the 3 stooges formed around the same time as the Beast Coast was that really an advantageous alliance.

      2) Of the people in the jury AJ is Drew’s best friend, Talla is likely to be there, Alec liked & respected his game, Gary also was fond of him & Topaz who was the first & only person to target him for removal.

      That would leave a combination of one/both of Jemmett & Peter (2 of which would be in jury) to join the existing jury & one could easily see almost a clean sweep or one vote shy of it should Andrew get to F2.

      Critical for this week will be who goes on the block b/c it will determine how hard they play for POV. and obviously who wins it. If Jill & Emmett decide they want to get out Andrew they should put him up with Peter. The reasons is they can sell Andrew they’ll put Talla up with Peter for the vote & it will calm her down a bit, and that they need to put Peter up so he can’t win POV & take off Talla forcing an Emm/Andrew nomination. Let’s see how well they are thinking ahead & if they consider all these points.

      Even more interesting would be to see if Talla won the POV & having clued in to her ranking as either 4th/5th if she removes Peter & does force the Em/Dre nomination. Doubt it, but it would be fun to see just for the drama.

      I’ve read many people’s observations of seeing a different side of Emmett this week but I recall how he was in the beginning and one specific fact sticks out to me: when discussing the need to shed showmances at some point in the game with the Quatro, Emmett was the one who said his ex-girlfriend said he was cold & had no feelings. I wonder if Peter senses Emmett & Andrew at least from a game perspective (as I sense Andrew is likely a very sweet guy in day to day life) operate the same i.e. UNEMOTIONAL (no regrets)

      Funny for some reason BB Canada has really shown me such different societal responses than the U.S. version. It’s funny to watch people’s body language shift when they are in power or feel like they are at an advantage & conversely I have reveled at how the people NOT on the block lack empathy for the nominees until they themselves are in danger. The nominees face something similar to a public shunning once nominated along with gossip & bad mouthing from those that are safe.

      Digression aside, let’s see what occurs this week & more importantly (I’m assuming Thursday) when BB brings someone back from Jury. Although I generally don’t like twists (especially ones like what they did to Topaz) I think this one may in fact make the final days much more exciting & definitely put some doubts into Jemmett just coasting to finals. For that reason it would be best for our viewing pleasure for Pete to remain & for Alec to return.

      As much as I’d enjoy seeing one of Topaz (esp b/c production OWES her) or Gary return I doubt that will be the outcome.

  7. I’d like to see Emmitt pull a Dan and get rid of Jillian 🙂 The look on her face would be priceless.

  8. Why are people dissappointed that Emmett is turning on Andrew. If you watch closely, he actually IS pretty skilled in both mental and phyiscal aspects. To keep Peter around would be a smarter move because he doesn’t really have anyone else to turn to in the house. If Andrew was HOH, one of J/H would have to go up against Peter because he wouldn’t put up Talla.

  9. I totally agree with the comment about players always trying to take a lame horse to the finals thinking they will demolish them in the votes and it always backfires. Emmett is a smart dude though. He showed his true colors at the right moment and his mastery of coming off harmless is second to none. Regardless of what any of us bloggers and/or fans want someone has to win and it’s not always the most deserving player. Hey BabyBare…. I’m not knocking smokers. I partake in the occasional Captain Blacks’ myself but chain smoking is a sign of lack of restraint. Talla chainsmokes because she has to keep busy doing something other than playing dumb. Worst part about her role his season is if BB Canada ever makes it to an AllStar edition, we’ re gonna see her again…….. Geesh! Goodnite my Peoples.!

  10. Would be hilarious, once it’s down to final four, to see Talla suddenly start ripping out wins and talking game to everyone at the same level she was when she was talking to Topaz privately. She’s got one hell of a sleeper game going, if she isn’t completely fluking everything.

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