OBB Houseguest Ranking system for Big Brother 19

As promised on the Kraken hour, this year we’re rolling out a new feature on the site. We’ve expanded our polling solution to include a full fledged Houseguest ranking system. As you can see from the Pre feeds rolling total above Christmas has the highest star average.

To get acquainted with the houseguests here is the BB19 cast reveal post from earlier in the week.

Here is how it works

  1. Each day you assign a rank from 1-5 stars to each of the houseguests
  2. 5 stars is the highest ranking, 1 is the lowest
  3. You can change your ranking throughout the day. Your last ranking for the day will be what the system records
  4. Rolling Daily average is available on the Daily Graphs pages. Feel free to change your ranking at any time throughout the day
  5. At the end of each day the day’s averages are recorded and viewable on the Full Ranking Pages
  6. System uses IP to track how many times you have voted. If you have multiple IP addresses you can vote multiple times

How do I access the poll?

I’ll be publishing weekly reports and we’ll show totals under posts but in order to vote and see Live data you’ll need to use the following links.

For those of you that like Statistics here are some expanded reports.

Please keep in mind.
1) Before the feeds start on June 29th consider the Data in the graphs to be subject to change. I am still making tweaks but would appreciate people using the system to populate it with Data. So consider this BETA for now.
2) As far as I know other than spoofing your IP there isn’t a way to compromise the system. I built it which doesn’t mean its invincible just that I did try to harden it.
3) There isn’t enough time to make major changes but if you find a bug or have a question please feel free to let me know so I can address it

9 thoughts to “OBB Houseguest Ranking system for Big Brother 19”

  1. I want to do a first impression rating but I’m having trouble doing so…I can only rate one player and it doesn’t register, am I missing a toggle I need to use?

  2. I did my vote but only my first choice highlighted and then when I went back in that vote and a couple others I did were registered so I completed my rating and all of them registered for me…..I really like this implementation Simon and Dawg??

  3. Looking forward to another Kraken season! Love the new Houseguest Ranking poll. Great job Simon and Dawg!

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