Nomination Results! “You come at me personal and with bullsh*t, I’m going to pop off!”

Head of Household Winner – Cody
Have nots – Nicole
Nominations – Christmas & Tyler
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Power of Veto holder
Power of Veto Ceremony
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4:10pm – 5pm Big Brother blocks the feeds for the nomination ceremony.

Bedroom. Tyler and Christmas.
Tyler – what up block buddy! Christmas – If F**king Enzo hadn’t .. Tyler -he’ll be mad at himself now that he did it. Christmas – It didn’t make sense for him not to. He’s been terrified of Nicole the whole time. You know!? I just don’t get it, unless he’s working with them. You know?! I mean you put up Nicole. Memphis put up Nicole. Like there is a common denominator. And I know they came in with a final four. Tyler – they’re definitely final two. Christmas – I’m like don’t act nervous. (Nicole) You know. Tyler – one of us win the veto .. come down and sent the other one (remon) off. Whoever goes up .. it would probably be Memphis. Christmas – because Memphis is going to do whatever they tell him. Tyler – Or Memphis wins veto and takes one of us off. Or Enzo wins the veto and pulls one of us off and Memphis goes up. Christmas – no matter what happens he’s not putting up Nicole. Tyler – exactly, that’s his last option. Its still possible, we can still do this! Christmas – yeah. I’m not mad about it. I mean I knew it was going to f**King happen. IF you play the game right.. I’m not popping off. You come at me personal and with bullsh*t, I’m going to pop off! Tyler – exactly! Christmas – but he did it right. I mean I respect his game so much. Tyler – he is a good player. Christmas – And he is protecting his girl. I respect that. And she (Nicole) is staying. Christmas leaves the room.

HOH room. Nicole and Cody.
Nicole – you were really nice! Cody – what was I supposed to say? Nicole – no that was really good. You spoke like really well. I would have been .. not like that. Its good that you play like you do. Cody – what would you have said? Nicole – like you guys tried to vote me out. Cody – well obviously two completely different situation for me. Nicole – Christmas came and talked to me and blamed it all on Tyler. Cody – I know she did the same to me. Nicole – I kind of believe it. She was crying and everything to me. Cody – they’re both lying. When she was telling me the story she was like I didn’t talk to Tyler until last. And I was like .. you talked first. Like right when we won the veto and they came in side. .. they went right to the love room so like and I saw that. Now granted you know how when you’re like coming up with something and it is frantic it might not be a calculated lie. But Tyler was saying a lot more to me that made it seem like this was your plan. Nicole – see she is blaming it on Dani. Where did Dani come into this? Cody – I went right up to her and was like did Dani try to get it to go that way? Nicole – what did Dani say to Tyler that was questionable? Cody – I don’t know. Nicole – because Tyler told me that she said something that was really alarming but he didn’t tell me what it was. Do you think that he planned this because immediately after the vote .. She goes I told you. And she had a smirk on her face. Cody – What I think happened was she told them yes and then flipped exposing them. But if that did happen Tyler would have said. Nicole – so she actually was innocent. Cody – in that situation. Don’t make her out to be innocent. Nicole – but they’re still saying her name. Cody – because I said something to Christmas… I was like why did you guys vote opposite. She said no I just thought that the votes were flipping. And I was like from who?! Nicole – she said me and Tyler don’t talk a lot of game so when he says something I believe it. What does that even mean? That doesn’t make any sense. Cody – we need to win the veto. Then we figure out .. like you know. Nicole – she said the only person in the house that gave her confirmation was Tyler.

HOH room. Christmas and Cody.
Christmas – you said everything in your speech. Cody – I don’t have it out for you. Christmas – yeah I don’t feel that. I already explained to you my experience. If you have fallout conversations.. Cody – no, I feel like you’re straight up. I feel like you had the most to lose. Christmas starts to get upset. – I totally respect you and think that you’re the best. I know I pop off some times but I pop off when people are dumb about things or coming at me. You’ve played this game with such respect. I am not taking this personal even if I am emotional. Its just been a rough couple days. Cody – no, I totally get you. I respect you as a person first and then this game has reassured that. I just feel horrible. Christmas – no you had 5 people to choose from. Cody – Its the nature of the game. Christmas – yay we have veto tomorrow and I get to play .. but everyone does. You will hear me make a lot of jokes at myself but just know its not digs at you. Its just me coping. I understand why you put me up.. I am not a Kevin .. this isn’t a tit for tat. I want to stay and play this game. Cody – no I know you do. Christmas – if anyone other than me or Tyler win veto .. I know the noms will stay the same. And if I do win it.. then we’ll have a conversation. I wanted to let you know that I am not mad at you. I am not taking this personal. And I am going to fight for the veto. I’ve respected this game the entire time and I feel super honored to be here. Cody – no I see that. The bitter sweet is that I won HOH but this sucks! And I love Ty this sucks. They Hug. Christmas – it is what it is. Christmas leaves. Cody – oh god this game is the worst! Oh gosh, that was horrible.

Bedroom. Enzo and Tyler.
Tyler – I never thought he (Cody) would do that man. Enzo – over a f**king vote YO! Tyler – its not over a vote. Enzo – I should have just voted her out. Tyler – we just have to win the veto. Well then he might put up you.. Enzo – something about the vote isn’t sitting well with me .. its a f**king vote! You voted her (Nicole) out .. you didn’t vote him (Cody) out. Tyler – best case is you win the veto .. and take me off and then that forces him to put Memphis up.

6:08pm Memphis and Christmas.
Christmas – Only one person can’t win it. Memphis – that’s it. Christmas – I don’t even care if I stay up there. I will get to say hi to my baby. Just he can’t win it. And I know that.. like if you win the veto .. I don’t expect you to use it because I don’t want you to be exposed. Just make sure the votes are locked! Memphis – You know the votes are locked. Its me and Enzo. That’s it. You know that. Christmas – I know. I don’t even care to come down. Memphis – we are going to win the veto. Christmas – then next week it is me, you and Enzo against Nicole. Memphis – I know!

7:35pm – 8:12pm The house guests are hanging out playing backgammon, chatting, eating and sleeping..

8:25pm – 8:42pm Bedroom. Christmas is talking to herself. Nicole has had a lot of blessings in this game. Cody is incredible. Nicole, I freaking love that girl. I love her. Enzo can’t go to the end, he will win. Nicole can’t go to the end, she will win. At this point I am not sure if I would win at all. You know?! Nicole and Cody had more numbers before they even came into the house. How do you play with people before .. like not even in the same alliance. Don’t think I am stupid! I am not f**king stupid! Nicole is saying that she will do anything.. because she is a gamer and her voting Ian out wasn’t her doing what needed to be done .. it was to protect Cody and herself. If Enzo wins, I really want him to use the veto. I just don’t want to be let down again.. I am so frustrated. I should study.. I have a whole lot of butt to kick this week! Yeah!

Havenot room. Nicole and Cody.
Nicole – Enzo definitely wants to keep Tyler which makes sense and I think it makes sense too. Cody – honestly, Nicole .. if Enzo was like we should keep Tyler .. we should keep Tyler over Christmas but .. I can’t get my head around.. Nicole – I know. Nicole says that she was thinking out all the scenarios. Nicole – and it seemed like Tyler staying was better. If Tyler never puts Enzo up we’re in a good place but we need to make sure that .. Enzo needs to play into.. Cody – That is what I f**king said to him. I said Bro you need to be f**king on it. If Tyler is going to stay you have to make sure that you will never be on the block. There is a chance that Nicole and I could go up and if one of us win the veto .. you need to stay off the block. It cannot be you that goes up. Nicole – he has to become Tyler’s new number one. Cody – we need to win this veto.

8:54pm – 9:17pm HOH room. Enzo and Memphis.
Memphis – we need to GUN for the Veto. But its almost like for me and you… Wise Guys till the end .. its almost better if Christmas wins the veto and pulls herself off .. which at that point he is going to put up Nicole as a pawn .. and Tyler goes home with all our votes. If we win, they stay the same .. Tyler still goes home but we can’t throw any red flags to Cody. So what if he is like guys Christmas has to go.. then we’re in a tough bind. And we have to say no, Tyler has to go. Best case scenario is if Christmas wins. if Cody wants Christmas to go.. I don’t want to we can’t go against him (Cody).. but I think we can convince him (to get Tyler out). I think he will be fine with Tyler going because he is a beast. Some times you just have to push people the way you want them to go. If we can get this veto.. the next week its Me, You and Christmas against Nicole in the HOH next week. Cody joins them. Memphis – with Christmas I am trying to keep the peace because I really want to tell her to go f**k herself. The rehash the events of the triple eviction. They all agree they need to gun for the veto. Cody – we need to make sure Tyler doesn’t win. We need to beat him.

9:50pm – 10:40pm HOH room. Cody, Memphis, Enzo, Tyler and Nicole.
They’re reminiscing about past events of their previous seasons. Nicole talks about her experience on The Amazing Race with Victor.

10:45pm Bedroom. Memphis and Christmas.
Christmas – I just don’t want you to go up in place of me. Memphis – yeah but we have the votes. Christmas -I know and trust me, I want all the wins I can get. I think after the veto and the noms are locked I think its important to figure out the hiearchy and what happens next week and who should stay and who should go because at this point I think about not next week but the week after. Memphis – I am not thinking that far ahead. Christmas starts talking out what if scenarios for next week and the week after. I just want you to think about it. Memphis – I think about it .. right now I am just focused on tomorrow.

11:30pm – 12am All the house guests are in bed. Enzo and Tyler talk about what the veto comp might be. Enzo – did you talk to Cody about noms? Tyler – no, not really. Enzo – you’re like f**k it, right!? Kind of upset! I am upset by it too man. I am upset that everyone is f**king going. Enzo – tomorrow is the POV and then from there we take it. I’m not scared. Tyler – I’m not scared. Enzo and Tyler go to sleep.

12:05am Cody comes out of the diary room and heads up to the HOH room. Big Brother calls Enzo to the diary room. All the other house guests are sleeping..

12:30 am Cody reading his HOH letter from home.

12:50 am to 5:20 am Everysleeping YO

9:30 AM everyone up.

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59 thoughts to “Nomination Results! “You come at me personal and with bullsh*t, I’m going to pop off!””

  1. so we’re at that point where there are only 15 possible final 2s left. let’s try to break them down and see who has the best shot at winning.

    cody/xmas – comps falling in such a specific way to get here makes this seem an extremely unlikely combo but cody gets at least ian, dani, nicf, enzo, and memphis’s votes plus possibly more for a relatively safe win.

    cody/enzo – enzo needs a lucky break in comps for this to happen as cody probably takes nicole or memphis before enzo. however, cody might opt to take enzo over tyler or xmas. enzo’s proven pretty terrible in comps so getting here on his own seems unlikely. cody can probably secure at least ian, nicf, dani, tyler, and memphis’s votes for the win but it hinges on evicting nicf as an advocate for him in jury.

    cody/memphis – probably the best possible situation for cody with a decent probability of happening. cody should win unanimously, but it’s possible kevin votes memphis instead of cody.

    cody/nicf – not sure if cody wants this more than cody/memphis so it could happen. it’d possibly be a mistake to pursue this though. cody should still win but ian, dani, da’vonne, and kevin’s votes will all be in play which is one vote away from losing and if he burns any of the players remaining in the house particularly hard when they get evicted that could be enough for nicf to pull off the upset.

    cody/tyler – probably the same situation as cody/xmas. unlikely combo that cody probably wins.

    xmas/enzo – xmas needs comp wins to get to the end, but if she can’t take tyler, taking enzo seems plausible. enzo gets dani, nicf, and probably enough male jurors to win.

    xmas/memphis – really don’t see this combo happening, but it’d be an interesting one. xmas can scoop tyler, da’vonne, david, and kevin’s votes, but i don’t think she can get the one more she needs to win. memphis takes it.

    xmas/nicf – another unlikely combo, but really that’s every combo with xmas as she really needs comp wins to make it to the end. nicf has a good chance at everyone’s vote except maybe da’vonne’s and should win this scenario easily.

    xmas/tyler – tyler and xmas have to beast mode comps to get here but i’d have to admit it’d probably make for the most entertaining last couple of weeks as a viewer. tyler may lose votes for being a “quitter” but i think that will only matter to da’vonne and dani. he’ll get the rest of the votes.

    enzo/memphis – both players seem sincere in their desire for this as their final 2, but it’s a huge mistake for memphis as enzo has solid jury management with da’vonne, kevin, david, ian, xmas, and tyler which is more than enough for the win.

    enzo/nicf – neither player seems to have much interest going to the end with the other but if they did i think enzo manages to get kevin, david, xmas, tyler, and memphis’s vote for the win, possibly da’vonne’s. this is a very close match up.

    enzo/tyler – maybe a scenario enzo finds himself falling into if tyler wins enough comps to snipe at the rest of the house. it probably favors enzo too as kevin, david, dani, nicf, cody, and memphis would all be likely to vote for him.

    memphis/nicf – bleck. think they’re both sniping at each other enough that this doesn’t happen. nicf gets ian, kevin, david, dani, cody and possibly da’vonne’s vote for the win.

    memphis/tyler – tyler needs to win comps and then probably also acknowledge that memphis is way less likeable than enzo when the time comes to choose between the two of them. it ultimately will break down similar to enzo/tyler. tyler can pull kevin, david, and xmas’s votes but that’s probably it and the win goes to memphis.

    nicf/tyler – if tyler can’t drag xmas to the end this is maybe his best option and hope that people are bitter enough to vote tyler. i still think nicf ends up with too many friends in dani, ian, memphis, cody, and enzo and still manages the win though.

    so… overall cody should win just by making it to the end (and is in a good position to do so). enzo’s in the next best spot but needs to get past cody not just to win but even make it to final 2. nicf is next. she’ll need a lot of help to make it to the end but has enough friends in jury combined with the potential to sit next to someone unpopular that could work in her favor. memphis has enough friends that made jury that if he’s not sitting next to one he’ll win but his ego seems more likely to put him in an unwinnable scenario next to cody or enzo. tyler beats xmas and that’s about it, but at least he knows that and is a good enough player that he might be able to manipulate this scenario into fruition. xmas won’t win and she’s clueless how badly the jury views her.

    1. This the season that finally broke big brother. Someone should be fired.

      That said, they really gonna throw another win at nicole aren’t they?

          1. Me, too. So sad I have watched since BB1, before social media.I was camping when the winner was announced and didn’t find out for weeks because the show was not popular. It was almost cancelled, They use to give them whole bottles of liquor and watch them get drunk. Awe the good ol days!!

      1. That Triple Eviction only helped Nicole chances that much more.
        It’s still unfathomable that someone who got 16th Place in David left over a previous winner in Nicole.
        It’s gonna be a huge arguing point for her game and it’s a valid point because Tyler and Christmas completely exposed themselves and Nicole doesn’t have to get any blood on her hands getting them out since she is justified for her actions especially when she voted to keep Tyler just two weeks before and they decided to evict her over David!
        Nicole is getting scary close to being there at the very end because her target has become that much smaller.

        1. You keep repeating this as if Nicole made some big move while her ass was sitting ON THE BLOCK! What could she possibly say argument wise about that vote that could help her on finale night? “Wow, the three people that voted to keep me that night were really stupid, including my two final 2’s Dani and Cody and chickenshit Enzo too! Why did you guys dooooooo that? But thanks for helping me oooooouuuuuut!”

          And you saying Nicole is “getting Tyler and Christmas out” doesn’t make it true. Cody is HOH and HE is the one who put them on the block and has primary responsibility for whoever gets evicted this week, not Nicole. She’s one vote out of three, and as usual will vote how Cody tells her to vote.

          You can’t get any blood on your hands when you can’t win even a single competition the whole season. She’s the only person left who hasn’t won a single damn thing – not even a consolation cash prize. Bottom line is she sucks at this game and is only alive in it because of the pre-game alliance she made (cheating) and because she sucks and the others see her as easy to beat. Your false narrative that she somehow made some “big move” just by surviving a vote against David, when you know there’s no way in Hell Dani or Cody would ever vote her out, that Memphis the HOH wanted David out badly, and that Enzo basically made a decision not to rock the boat so as to not upset Cody and Memphis versus going with Tyler and Christmas (a numbers decision), is a JOKE! Nicole herself had nothing to do with that decision. NOTHING! There’s no argument or point for her to make about this at all.

          1. You sound pretty bitter man to say she’s not good at the game when she’s the only one left that has won a season of Big Brother and she’s still alive. Everytime some one makes a point about Nicole you complain like none other. You don’t have to win competitions in big brother to be good at the game – Dr. Will won zero Comps in two seasons.

            Your sounding completely inept like your political views spewed all across this website about how wonderful Donald Trump is-keep following Donald Trump believing every word he says because It only makes you look that more gullible.

          2. The beef is just mad that he would get smoked like a cigarette like James did and said in bb 18 about how Nicole owned him that season.
            And he’s worried that Nicole is still there- hate to break to you put she would smoke you too if you played against her.

    2. This is what absolutely sucks about this “all stars”. Some of these ppl have strong outside relationships and they will always vote for each other
      Nicole entered the house with not 1 or 2 but 3 outside friends. One of them being cody who also happened to enter with a lot of relationships. This has kept them safe all game as they know these ppl would never turn on them. And those same ppl are also pretty much guaranteed votes for them to win if theyre in the f2.
      The fact that nicole, who has done nothing, could actually win this game is mind blowing. For the ppl who talk about how she managed to be safe in triple bla bla… that was all secured thanks to once again her strong bond with cody and the fact that enzo is all in with cody as stupid as that is
      If/when tyler gets evicted, all im hoping for is that cody cuts enzo in the f3 just like in his past season so he learns the lesson the hard way

      Btw as annoying as christmas is, the fact that she respects the move made by cody and understands its a game and hes protecting his girl (nicole) in comparison with nicole, who is acting like tyler and christmas did the WORST thing ever just cause they did what was best for their games and has said a bunch of mean personal things about them…

    3. I’m hoping if Cody does make it to finale that he doesn’t make the same mistake he made his first time by keeping Derrick. Hopefully he learned after last time that he doesn’t have to stay true to some early on F2 deal. Maybe he will learn that Enzo is doing better jury management than he (cody) is. Still not sure I even want him to make it that far. Not really a fan of anyones this year. I was hopeful with Tyler but when he pulled that crying and wanting to leave BS stunt really made me look at him differently. I still just don’t like memphis from years ago, not sure what I think of Enzo, he is annoying mainly with the YOs but I have that same feeling with cody and all his ‘likes’ in every sentence. LOL Nicole is just whiny and can’t win anything, hasn’t really done anything to prove she is worth keeping in the house TBH. Certainly don’t think she should win a second time. Christmas, well, again this year, she talks as if she is playing this great game, as if she is this strong player when all she has really won is the veto, the HOH wasn’t what I would call a real win. She hasn’t really had a good social game, its barely average IMO.

      So, as you see, I am mixed on all of them, not sure who I am cheering for. Right now though, mix of Enzo or Tyler if I had to choose. Both at different times were doing well socially, Tyler earlier on and Enzo later in the game. My thoughts on them all though seem to change from day to day NOT week to week anymore..LOL

    1. Everyone will want to take Nicole to the end since she won’t get any votes since she has not won any comps and is a previous winner.

  2. So, when/if Cody and Nicole make it to F2…

    Do they have a pre-arrangement to split the money?
    What percentage is due to Derrick as commission?
    Will Memphis still be targeting Ian to avenge Dan?
    Is David aware that the jury votes for the winner?
    Does Dr. Will walk-out of the neighbor house and pretend he’s been living there this whole time?
    Will Enzo decide it’s time to make a big move, yo?
    What brilliant analysis will Kevin provide his fellow jurors?

    1. the door dr will comes out leads to a stairwell that leads to the street running along side BB house where the wall yellers yell.

    2. Cody is showing the whole word hes not Derricks little B*****. Cody has been playing on his own and he`s running the house. Without Cody, Derrick would have been not as good. Cody truly showed and still showing what a alpha player he is.

  3. It`s gonna be such a boring week. If production let me sleep in the HOH room, I could make some interesting things with Cody for u all to watch.

  4. Look at National Hot Dog Day putting on her detective hat and finally guessing that Enzo was w Nicole n Cody! Head smack, She could’ve had a V8! Poor Take Your Pet To Work Day, really didn’t see that one coming.

  5. Oooof, you could not have chosen a more unflattering photo of Christmas, than the one of her crying to Cody.
    Remind me never to get on your bad side!

  6. Cody and the other still going on about voting Nicole out. Why not vote her out. Would have worked if Enzo did his part but he chicken out.
    I am hoping some way Christmas and Tyler stays and changes the game. If one has to go hope it is Christmas.

  7. I read that Memphis made it clear he wanted David gone. Now they are trashing Christmas and Tyler for voting the wrong way. I guess Cody turned his HOH over to Memphis. All of them wanted Nicole to be out but no one had the nerve to do it. What a waste of HOH’s this season.

  8. 2 perfect chances to take out a previous winner & they fumble it. Nicole never deserved her first win Paul just lost, this season tho she’s done well stirring the pot than whining about it being wrong to gain sympathy. She just might win again. I hope not, I can’t stand her BS. Who I would like to win outta this bunch? Tyler or Cody.

  9. Trying to figure out if Memphis is testing Enzo or has a blind spot with Cody/Nicole. He is already trying to reinforce with Enzo that Xmas has to stay & if she comes off the block Cody will put up Nicole & they take him out — UM no he’s putting you on the block buddy.

    Enzo as typical is working his social game saying the right thing to each individual. But, the Nic-Cody ties are percolating in his head especially when Ty says he’ll (Cody) NEVER put her on the block.

    A sign of his social prowess is neither Ty or Xmas sold out Enzo despite him constantly saying they should take out Nicole. He told Xmas “Yo – let’s go” about voting her out but she never told Cody that. Presumably it’s b/c she trusts the WG alliance more than being willing to chance it by selling him out.

    For Ty he knows how tight Cody/Enzo are so he recognizes it does him no good to sell out Enzo especially when two votes will save him this week. He needs to keep Cody/Enzo happy b/c Ty knows Nic will vote how Cody tells her.

    In hindsight, there was a way to pin this vote on Dani …
    Ty should’ve told Cody she offered to make peace with him & prove it in the DE. That if Nic or Memphis were up they’d vote them out b/c she said they were the two people definitely coming after me. When I told her we’ll need more than just the two of us she told me don’t worry. To be honest, I figured it was just her pre HOH typical nonsense to try to be safe but when I went in to talk to Xmas after POV she said lets take out Nic b/c we won’t get another chance and I have another guaranteed voter.

    To reinforce the lie he should’ve told Xmas to say Dani talked to me Wednesday night & we agreed not to go after each other in the DE, even though I was definitely putting her up. She said I’m even willing to take out Nicole if the opportunity arises b/c even though she’s done nothing, all she does is complain about how close you are to all the guys and told me 100 percent Nic was putting me up if she won HOH. In my mind it was taking out someone coming after me to keep someone who would never win.

    B/c Dani was so messy and typically would make her rounds on Wednesday to buddy up it would’ve been really believable especially b/c of how she would plant seeds & this scheme to frame Ty/Xmas would be something definitely in her wheelhouse.

    And, it would’ve been believable to Cody b/c he knew Dani was paranoid at where she sat in the pecking order with the trio. Both ladies were constantly asking if they were his true F2 so I think he would’ve bought that lie.

      1. Not really. You have to get the puzzle right in order to win, and she didn’t do that. She had like three of them upside down, so she was way off.

    1. Nicole was put up twice on the same night….that`s the horrific. Has this ever happened before? She had to play 2 HOH and 2 vetos…..and she lost her BFF……what a night…give the girl a break please….at least once

  10. I’m confused, why did Tyler and Christmas vote Nicole when they knew the numbers were against them and everyone else was voting Dani? Just doesn’t make sense? Was someone else supposed to vote with them and didn’t?

    1. Enzo said to Christmas “Yo, let’s do it” — he had wanted to take out Ian & Nicole right from the start of the season b/c he didn’t feel previous winners should be allowed to get to the F2 chairs again. And this has been an ongoing topic of discussion with him — it’s the one time he doesn’t just say ‘sure, sure, yo they all gotta go’ When it came to Nic/Dani (and even Xmas) Enzo instigates the conversation.

      As for Nic – I’m sure he sees she is tied so closely tied to Cody & how sneaky she is. The pages here are riddled with the numerous words/actions of Nic & her entitled self. She is the ultimate whiner, victim, hypocrite & has ZERO emphathy for anyone else. Then you have Enzo who is a master at the social game & sees how little Nic has had to do to remain in the game so when he would talk about these things with Ty/Xmas it was genuine

      BUT.. then he knew voting her out would go against Memphis/Cody his two biggest allies so he didn’t pull the switch. If you remember he stayed in the hall talking to Ty a long time before coming in to vote & didn’t look happy about the vote either.

      I have my own opinion on it- Another Name made a great argument for why it was right for Enzo whereas I think Enzo could’ve pinned the vote elsewhere or just played dumb & that he should’ve taken out the one person (deep down) he knows Cody will take over him to F2.

    2. Tyler tried to trick Enzo into voting out Nicole when they were going through the diary room but Enzo knew that he would be going against what Cody wanted and didn’t want the target put on him in the fallout

      1. Tried to trick him? How exactly did he do that? I think he told him that he and Christmas were voting Nicole out and wanted Enzo to do so also. That’s hardly a trick. Just a conversation between two players who obviously decided they wanted to do different things.

  11. Memphis told Cody/Enzo that Nicole told him Ty/Xmas both blamed him saying it was his idea to vote her out.

    If anyone heard this could you confirm because I don’t recall either saying that – I know they said we thought that was how people were voting but I never heard Ty or Xmas blame Memphis esp since they knew he wanted David out.

    It’s conceivable Memphis would make that up to plant a seed on Nic but more likely she made it up to bury Xmas/Ty and piss off Memphis -it’s the only thing she’s done well this season other than point at targets from behind her wall of protective shields.

    Personally I think Nicole needs to STFU – she voted out Ian, lied repeatedly to Day’s face & buried her best friend. Not one of them went around the house or in interview’s slagging her the way she is Xmas/Ty for simply trying to cut Cody’s goat/prior winner. I get that BB drips of hypocrisy and requires the hamsters to put on blinders but she’s being so overtly over the top you’d think this game was called: “Mean Girl Best Wristed Coin Slots”.

    1. The longer this game goes on, the more I dislike that girl. Maybe if she had won something to justify her existence in the game, I would possibly feel differently about her, but she’s just a waste of oxygen inside that house to me. The hypocrisy IS very strong with that one for sure!

  12. Does anyone have a nose app on their phone that they can try out different noses on nicole to see how she would look if her snout was replaced with something normal? If so could you post it?

  13. Enzo is putting himself in a horrible spot..if he votes out Christmas and Memphis wins HoH (which is likely) I predict Enzo is the next out.

    1. But Christmas says she “loves” Nicole, while Coins is degrading Christmas every second she can. Coins is a nasty person.

  14. In a season with a terrible and predictable ‘plot’, Cody’s HoH is yet another bore. Any, and I mean any, chance of excitement at season end was ruined when Enzo failed to evict NicoleF on Triple Eviction night. That was one of the most ineptly cynical plays of a hopeless, if to that point, likeable player. He PROVED in that moment he’s simply a piece of vote fodder to stronger players – not a ‘BB ALL-STAR’ but a ‘BB SERIAL APPEARER’. NicoleF, a PREVIOUS UNDESERVED WINNER, is coasting into the late season mix, where with a little luck in an increasingly small field of players, she could pull off yet another undeserved win. That’s a pile of sh*te.

    BB is just a pointless exercise in scripted Reality tv, if contestants with strong outside relationships (business or personal) are allowed to dominate it by casting or ongoing production. Modern whiny, floater, big alliance, shit-stirring, shyster players are not good tv. The show’s production team must know they’ll kill the show with their arse-licking of these so-called super-fans – sociopaths in reality.

  15. So, what are the children of the corn doing now?
    Oh. Sleeping.
    Remember when Grinchmas was saying ‘durr… when it’s my time blahblah there will be no tears, I’ll leave proud of my time hear… duhhhblahblahblah’? Sprung a leak, did she? A few times. awww. Too bad. Suffer.
    Getting the strange feeling that Enzo is overdoing it in his ‘that’s right’ parade of conciliatory ‘big move to make’ bullcrap with every person in the house. Works well when there are 10 people, not so much at six. At six people talk more. Oh well. As you were, keep doing that Enzo, because meh.
    Tyler is back to mirror talking Enzo. eyeroll… great. now two people are saying bro at the end of every sentence. ugh.
    Memphis thinks Nicf would be the replacement nominee? Really? Is he new?

  16. Big Brother allows the most racist people to play and for that reason, I will no longer watch Big Brother!

  17. Wow that was a boring tri[ple eviction.Looks like Tyler, Christmas and Nicole are next. They got rid of the people that would’ve gotten them farther in the game. Old school BB would’ve taken down at least 2 of the 3 biggest threats. They really need to change this game up. This cool kid shit is the worst.

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