Justin “No matter what.. whatever my care package is, I’m using it on you” Kryssie “I trust you”

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9:45pm – 11pm HOH room – Morgan & Shelby. Morgan – well we know who Kryssie is going to target if she’s HOH. Shelby – probably me. Morgan – yeah it probably would be you but now Jason will have an excuse to go after me as well. Shelby – Jason will probably still want me out if he’s smart. Morgan – see that’s the thing they’re not freaking smart! I can honestly see them be like … yeah Shelby has won more comps but lets get Morgan out because she’s going to want revenge for us getting Alex out. They’re so friggin’ emotional it BLOWS MY MIND! Shelby – but we’re the emotional ones!? If we were the emotional ones we would take out Jason, the ring leader of the fake final 5 deal. Morgan – exactly! If we were the emotional ones we would be like he lied to us about this deal… we’re going to get him out. No, its when you think logically in these situations. For some reason Kryssie can’t think logically… like why would you want to bring your friends to the end… to sign up and waste 70 days of your life to make some friends. To go to the end with them because they would be fun… just because they’re your best friends. Morgan – I really don’t think she (Kryssie) gets how this game works. Shelby – you didn’t tell her my test did you? Morgan – no. Shelby – we could probably convince Justin to leave Kryssie on the block. Morgan – I would nominate Kryssie and Jason. I don’t want to work with Jason. I have no desire to go to the end with him. If he came up to me and asked me I would be like no I don’t want to go to the end with you because I’m not stupid. Shelby – I hope I can get out of this funk soon. I’m winning comps but I’m still not happy. Morgan – its the house.

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11pm – 11:30pm Backyard – Kryssie, Justin, Jason and Danielle are in the hot tub chatting. Meanwhile inside – Shelby & Morgan head to bed.

12am Bedroom – Jason, Kryssie, Justin and Danielle are laying around. Jason is studying the days / events of the season. Danielle, Kryssie and Justin are adding in as he goes.

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12:45am – 2:30am Jason and Danielle are talking. Jason – he (Justin) is going to go with whoever has the power. Danielle – exactly. Jason – he’s going to use his care package to help. We just need to make sure… Kryssie knows these f**king numbers .. Kryssie knows then better than anyone. I really want to win HOH but if Kryssie wins … GREAT! Because I know she won’t come for me. Danielle – you guys just have to win HOH to get it back it line. No matter what I think I am going to be the one that goes tomorrow. Jason agrees. Kryssie and Justin join them again. Danielle – I can’t seriously watch her (Shelby) win. They start studying the comps of the season so far.

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3am Kryssie – I told you I’d stay loyal. Justin – I already knew you really meant it. It will be me and you at the end I’m telling you. Kryssie – I am so ready for that. Justin – you and me both. Justin – the end is near. Kryssie – 17 days left. Justin – I really got a plan Kryssie. Kryssie – I trust you. Justin – no matter what… whatever my care package is .. I’m using it on you. Kryssie – thank you. That means a lot. You know how bad I need this. Justin – everything is going to work out. Kryssie – I trust you and have faith in you.

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3:15am All the house guests are sleeping..

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36 thoughts to “Justin “No matter what.. whatever my care package is, I’m using it on you” Kryssie “I trust you””

  1. They are all playing emotionally instead of strategically. If these people were smart, they should take Jason out while they have the chance. All of them know that he has a huge following and leaving him in the game at this point is very risky

    1. It is strategic. If they leave Danielle in, she can win comps easier than Jason. The play for Justin and the girls is to get Jason out this week. Only silly Kryssie can screw that up.

    2. How can that little f*ck face have fans. Seriously! He’s a little loser that lives in his moms basement. Who looks up to that? Talkin shit about people being trash all the time, meanwhile he’s a prime example of total trailer trash. I guess his fans must be worse off than even him. Losers!

  2. Did I see in the last post Kryssie with wet hair? That is the first time I have gotten the impression she has taken a shower. Good on her! That “and Kryssie burps” had me laughing! I am blessed to NOT have the feeds and have to listen to that. Someone said she never even throws an “excuse me” in there? I don’t think I have ever heard of someone who burps that freaking much maybe she has some kind of medical issue. Acid reflux or something. She should get herself checked. It was every line like she would say something and burp, say something and burp. Too funny. As always OBB guys knock it out of the park even doing this “part time” version.
    I was able to follow along and know what is up without feeds.

  3. Team BALLSMASHERS!!!!!! Shelby for the win. I can’t wait to see Jason’s face when he finds out Shelby is not a waitress. Back to you mom’s basement bird boy!!

  4. Well, Justin will Kryssie be mad cause he can’t use his care package on her? That will be one task he will complete for himself, if he is smart. Can’t imagine him pulling a Marcellas and not guaranteeing that he moves on.

  5. Even if it only makes it 3-1 I’d still vote Jason, his presence has ruined the season and it will be cathartic to vote him out!

  6. The biggest threat in this game is not Danielle but Americas Player. Jason has the fanbase. Why can’t they all see this?

    1. The girls and Justin do see that. However Danielle can win comps and she will take Kryssie before any of the others and will take Morgan. Justin and the girls figure that either Justin or Morgan can outplay Jason and Kryssie in the next HOH but not Danielle. That is why they will take out Danielle this week. It is strategy.

  7. Hey Simon or Dawg can you please post the link to the post you guys did explaining all the care packages. Thanks for all your hard work you do here. I’m a fellow Canadian so I didn’t bother getting BBOTT since it was a little difficult and frankly I needed an a little break from watching after Nicole won last season lol. even though I’m not watching I’m enjoying reading your daily updates. I’m loving the girls. I’m still very confused why America keeps siding with the LNJ over the BS. From what I’ve read I don’t understand how people want the LNJ to stay over the BS. I hope Morgan can win HOH next and they get to stay a little longer. Again thanks guys. GO CANADA!!!

  8. Would be great if Justin didn’t pass the challenge and couldn’t use the care package!!!!!! Lol ultimate vindication.

    1. Does anyone know what happens if Justin doesn’t pass the challenge to get into the final 4? Do they do a regular HOH competition? Is America involved in any way? Simon, do you know the details?

  9. Wishing that Morgan wouldn’t have told Krusty that Alex is her sister. Only puts a bigger target on her since they think she is lying.

    1. After Morgan told Kryssie that she is sisters with Alex, Kryssie continued to have no expression. I think Kryssie thought Morgan was lying. Not the brightest bulb.
      Kryssie is so worried about being friends with Jason that she is not playing the game. This is not the Friendship Game.
      And her burping is out of control. Between that and Danielle’s nose picking/flicking…. it’s been a quite a nauseating season. Good thing I didn’t see Danielle/Shane doing it with others in the bedroom with them.

  10. Kryssie is the most unlikable person to play Big Brother in eons. Seriously where did they find this bitter vile bitch? I bet her panties smell like burnt onions & liver.

    1. I have to agree with a mention that Dani is close behind her. Crude, nasty, vulgar, vile and proud of it. Just wow…..where do they dig for these people.

      1. I swear! when I read she was picking and whipping her snots on stuff I could not believe it. Never have I seen or heard of such nasty critters as some on the OTT season. So glad the OBB crew sift through this crap and give us the low down without having to hear and watch for ourselves. They have been some nasty things said and done and to do that crap knowing they are on camera I can only imagine how nasty they are at home!!!

          1. And none of this has been enough for production to tell them to knock it off? I don’t get it. I mean, it’s not a toothbrush in the toilet but come on, it’s not funny or at all necessary.

          2. Simon, I hope that when they do the interview with Dani they ask her why she picked her nose and put it on Shelby’s basket. Can’t wait to hear her response to that. And she’s getting her PHD, I wouldn’t want her working for me! Jason is so annoying!

            1. Ph.D.??? Haha, lmfao. Is that what she said. Dont believe that shit for a second. The lonely thing she’ll have in 4 years is S.T.D and another 5 kids.

  11. All the ones that rubbed their boogers on things should have to replace the object out of their stipend! Can’t believe that Big Brother did not call them out! Alex found out what Jason did to her bag after she came out of the Big Brother house. Her words class act Jason, like always. That side of the house are children and not adults. Not one of them have any grown up qualities!

  12. Has there been a favorite HG poll done here yet. I usually see them on BB seasons. BBOTT has a lot of other things going that votes are called for, but I’d like to see a fav HG.

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