Jason “America will be the 4th vote. If it goes wrong you can be like sh*t it wasn’t me, it was America!”

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9pm Storage room – Morgan tells Alex – I need Shelby to go up on the block desperately. Because if Whitney goes up she is safe and she can’t vote. If I break the deal, Kryssie freaks out. Whitney can’t vote. Right now we promised 2 votes to Kryssie. Alex – I am very confused. Morgan – I need Shelby to go on the block so that Whitney can still vote. Shelby is honestly irritating me. Alex – why is she irritating you? Morgan – because I know she wants Scott to stay because its good for her game. Alex – if Scott stays its probably good for my game because if he goes I am probably target number 1. Morgan – right but if he stays out of all the girls I’m the target. Alex – I don’t know.. I know Neeley going home sucks for your game but for the long term game she is dangerous. Morgan – I am fine with sending Neeley home but I’m going to go to Scott and say if you want my vote… Alex – you don’t have to worry about Scott. Morgan – no literally I am because I don’t want to depend on you to keep me safe with him. I’m going to like go to him and like tell him… Alex – I don’t even know what you’re saying because you’re rolling your eyes and saying like a lot. Morgan – You’re pissing me off like no other today! Also, like seriously you thought I was going to use a veto to save Scott.. are you an idiot!? Alex – I wasn’t saying to do it … I was saying to consider it because if you make it to the final 3 you need to have a good resume. I wasn’t telling you to do it, I was just giving you all options. Morgan – I know you think I’m the dumbest person at this game. You’re really pissing me off. I’m just getting paranoid that you’re lying to me. Or that you’re going to pair up with Scott to get rid of me. Alex – Scott annoys me. I feel like the other side of the house gangs up on him and bullies him ….so I am never ever going to go with that.

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9:05pm HOH room – Danielle, Justin, Shelby and Kryssie. Shelby – I will vote him (Scott) out but if you could give me a little warning if you do decide to put me up. Kryssie – I will do my best to warn the person I put up but its against the rules to say I’m nominating you. If you do end up on the block next to him …just know you would be safer than you ever would be in this game. Which ever one is it… as long as everyone plays ball you’re good with me next week. The only problem I had with Alex is that she made a problem with me and broke it. I don’t even respect him as a human being. Shelby – literally the only positive to keeping him is that he would be a bigger target next week. There would be some poetic justice the four horsemen going out one after the other. Shelby leaves. Justin – she’s suck a f**king liar. Oh my god I want her out of this house.

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Bathroom Alex, Whitney and Morgan are talking. They agree that Kryssie is a non-threat right now. She can’t get HOH next week and she can’t get another care package. Alex – the odds are one of you get a care package because y’all haven’t gotten it. Morgan – I’m about to say lets go balls to the wall. Whitney – we just have to preach Scott is going home no matter what. Morgan – I’m going to go talk to Kryssie tomorrow morning just because I feel like she would be weirded out if I didn’t say anything. Whitney leaves. Alex – preach Scott should go and Shelby should go up. Shelby joins them. Morgan and Whitney whip their hair and say ball smashers. Shelby – if Kryssie calls me out I’m going to say I don’t really owe you anything, you had someone eavesdropping on our first conversation.
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12:40am London bedroom – Morgan and Alex are whispering. Morgan – If I get screwed over I’m going to go out screaming in the hallway. Alex – at the beginning of the week Scott was like better Morgan than me and in my head I was thinking if only you knew Morgan and I are sisters! If only you knew. I love that no one knows. They head to bed.

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12am – 1:20am Backyard – Kryssie, Danielle, Jason, Justin and Neeley. Kryssie – I don’t care what the f**k happens with Shelby. Neeley – I would just rather keep Whitney happy and f**k Shelby. Kryssie – that’s where I’m at too. I might pitch it like ..I’m putting you on the block, you don’t have a vote … so no one will think you had anything to do with this week. Neeley heads inside. Danielle – it will be three / three and America will decide. Justin – I’m going to vote for Neeley to stay. Kryssie – you got to vote for Scott to stay and then America will tell us where they land. Justin – so it will be tied up and America will be the fourth vote. Danielle – yes. Jason – America’s going to do what they want to do. And then you can be like like yo.. even if it goes wrong you can be like sh*t it wasn’t me, it was America! Justin sings – f**k that witches hat .. I tried to tell her not to wear that and now its over! Neeley comes back. They chat about random things like the food they ordered in the land before time (sequester). Kryssie, Neeley and Justin head inside. Danielle – I really hope America sees that I’m still trying. Jason – when Justin gets in power I’m going to let him do whatever he wants to do. Jason – he just can’t get Neeley out he said. Danielle – which is fine with me because as long a Shelby and Neeley are here I’m not his target. Jason – that’s true and even b***h if he was I would try and scare him off. Danielle – I know just looking back… I think if I had taken things slower with Shane … Jason – things would have been different. Danielle – like even if he had told me about that alliance I have understood more. Justin and Kryssie join them again.
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2am Backyard – Justin – you notice how she isn’t wearing that witch hat any more. It was making me think very badly of you. Guess what I will vote your a$$ out because of that witch hat. I was feeling real good about Neeley until she put that hat on. I ran up stairs and said Kryssie I just can’t trust Neeley.

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2:20am All the house guests are sleeping..

3:15am Backyard – Scott is up talking to the cameras. Scott – when it comes down to it Morgan is going to use the power of veto to save herself. I can’t blame her. On one hand she thinks she might have a better chance staying in the house with America’s vote over me which is reasonable however if she were to save me with the power of veto she thinks America would think she is an idiot and would vote her out just for that. It cuts both ways. Neeley wants to be the biggest, baddest competitor around and that’s why she’s been coming after Alex and why she’s been coming after me. That’s why she’s been throwing Jason’s name around. And that’s probably why you made her America’s nom. Honestly I think its a pretty sh*tty strategy especially for an OTT (Over the top) season to try and take out all the best competitors. I think you should try and team up with the competitors so that you all make it to the end regardless of who gets the care package. Regardless of who gets the America’s nom. Because if all the best competitors are working together, you can over come anything in this game with team work and fight or die spirit. I think its getting to her (Neeley) that she hasn’t won any competitions yet. As soon as they get rid of me, they’re going to get rid of Alex. If Neeley gets what she wants and takes out me and Alex then she will probably turn her wheel and try to take out Jason. I know I wouldn’t want to see that as a viewer. As soon as Julie told us this was going to be a final 3 instead of a final 2 I knew I couldn’t win this game.
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3:25am – 4:15am Scott – There is no way I am going to be able to put up with Danielle’s self centered egotistical a$$ for the next 40 days. She is horrible. She is just a horrible person. I don’t want to see her get any further in this game or get any more enjoyment out of this game…. so I would like to send her a$$ right home to Shane. I’m the only HOH so far that has gotten out their target. If you guys vote to keep me I will have the 3 girls plus America and that’s enough to keep me in the house this week. I like to think I am a good competitor. I have literally shed blood, sweat and tears for this game. I am a good competitor ..as you saw today I lost the veto with only 16 seconds. On some real sh*t I’ve had a blast. You shouldn’t keep Neeley around because she wants to get rid of the best competitors… me, Alex, and probably Jason. I really don’t think I can win this game. At this point I want Alex to win this game. She is loyal. Six people went up to the HOH room and told her to take me out and she didn’t. I wouldn’t betray her for 500K. I am going to take out Danielle because I can’t put up with her entitlement issues. If you guys keep me this week I promise you Danielle is next! I am 99% positive BB is going to give us a Question based comp. If you give me my life in this game I will try and give you life in this show. Danielle is just so full of sh*t. I will make it so you don’t have to put up with her bullsh*t. I’m really sorry you’ve had to put up with her bullsh*t. At this point I just want to help Alex get to the quarter million dollar prize. Justin has done us so many favors so I want to take him far. I’ll still respect Justin if he votes to evict me this week. He is probably the best player here. Shelby has been playing the dumb thing. Half the people in the house think she is dumb and our side thinks she is one of the smartest people in the house. Shelby has been doing really well. Good on you Shelby. Shelby is a better player than I am. Alex is better than I am. It makes me more sad to think Alex could go, than me. I really want Alex to win this game. If I stay I will dedicate my game to keeping Alex here. My goal in this house is to be a loyal soldier for Alex and to make Danielle’s last week in the house hell. I f**ked up this game for Alex and that’s why I would give up my game for her. I don’t want her to pay for my mistakes. If I do stay, I am just going to be an a$$hole so people want to evict me and not her. If I win the veto I will use the it in such a way so that she doesn’t go on the block.

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[polldaddy poll=9561401]

75 thoughts to “Jason “America will be the 4th vote. If it goes wrong you can be like sh*t it wasn’t me, it was America!””

  1. Poor Scott. NOT. He will feel really stupid when leaves the house and sees that Alex wants him gone and she says he is annoying. You never give up your game for someone else, especially if they won’t do the same for you.

    1. Time to keep Scott, send Neely home, hurting toxic Jason & Krissy, helping Justin & The Ball Smashers and keep feeds entertaining says:

      Here is why Neely should leave and Scott should stay…

      – If Neely leaves on Krissys HOH we could see some explosive epic feeds
      – Grandma Neely is boring, Scott is much more entertaining, even staying up all night to chat to the feeders
      – Neely has joined in on the disgusting comments when talking about the Ball Smashers, and called them crackers which is racist, called them c-nts, and laughed as she watched Jason and Shane rub Shelbys pillow and coat with their armpits
      – If Scott is kept his rivalry with Krissy will continue providing good entertainment
      – If Scott is kept he will be clashing with Krissy, Danielle and Jason
      – Scott is a super fan and a better player than Neely, who is pretty mediocre and nowhere near as passionate about the game
      – Scott missed out on veto by mere seconds but Neely took an eternity to finish, so on that alone Scott is more deserving to stay
      – Scott has been an active member in the Big Brother community for many years
      – Scott legit wants to work with Justin and is not targeting him and Justin himself agrees it is good for Justins game to keep Scott around so the guys dont get wiped out
      – Justin fans just remember that Justin wants Neely out for sure but doesnt want to ruin his game with the likes of Krissy being upset with him, so if America was the 4th vote to evict Neely…then Justin gets what he wants to get Neely out, but will be able to maintain his playing in the middle game
      – I really appreciate Scotts honesty with viewers…he acknowledges he majorly screwed up the game of Alex, his closest person in the game, and will do his best to stay loyal and help her and their side as best he can, and he can be very valuable as a mental comp threat and loyal number
      – Anyone who voted to have Neely nominated, I hope you follow through by also voting to evict her(20 + 20 votes before and after midnight)
      – Fans of good entertaining feeds, super fans, neutrals please unite to keep Scott who is promising to keep us entertained unlike boring Neely
      – People that are not OK with Jasons behavior and comments especially towards Shelby where he says he wants to burn her house down and impose his bodily waste on her and spit on her grave, then please evict Neely, a number for Jason, to let Jason know you dont like that behavior and that you dont like him calling the American voters petty(Neely has contributed alot of toxic comments when Jason says these things)…it will sink into Jasons brain that he is disliked by America
      – The Ball Smashers side had to go through winning HOH then losing a number on their side twice…it is time for the other side to now experience that
      – Evicting Neely and keeping Scott is good for the season overall, good for the feeds, good for Justin, and good for one of the best and most solid female alliances we have seen, The Ball Smashers

    2. Scott and his scrotum are lying to America. His plea late last night was just a ploy. His true self was in the yoga room waiting to play in the veto comp. He said F**k America a while back and only flipped to the BS side when he saw America loved Alex. He’s a trombonist steve moses snake.

      1. What? How did he “discover” that America loved Alex between the veto comp and right after the veto comp. That makes no sense. Alex got the care package before the veto comp. What are you talking about???

  2. Poor Scott. NOT. He will feel really stupid when leaves the house and sees that Alex wants him gone and she says he is annoying. You never give up your game for someone else, especially if they won’t do the same for you.

      1. What’s wrong in an all female final 6?! I’m a guy and in my opinion it would be awesome and a nice change from the “bros” seasons -_-

    1. That will indeed be epic. For Neeley to get evicted on her girls HOH and Jason to go into meltdown is going to be the best moment so far. I also can’t wait until he finds out Shelby is 1000 Xs smarter then he is and doesn’t live in her moms basement turning tricks for smokes like himself

      1. Kryssie: (reading the result card) “by a vote of 4-3 Neely you have been evicted”

        later that evening…

        Scott: “Nothing personal Krissy can I have a hug? I still want to play video games with you after the show”
        Krissy(rubbing Scotts things on her armpits): “F-ck you Scott, Im going to sh!t in your bed & spit in your drink”
        Jason(rubbing Scotts things on his armpits): “Scott I will puke on your clothes and p!ss in your drink”

        later that evening…

        Scott: “Who wants to see my HOH rooooom?”

  3. Neeley brings nothing to this game except calling people ignant for doing exactly what she does. And don’t tell me that “saltine cracker” comment isn’t tinged with racism. It is. Evict this boring hypocridiot. Scott is a weirdo but at least he has a clue about what’s going on.

  4. Scott knows he will not win at this point. Has too many enemies in the house. His goal is to stay longer than as many LNC members as he can. He knows he is a number for the BS girls. Alex knows that as well. If the BS girls stick to the plan and vote their 3 votes on Neeley going home, America will do the rest. You do not put one of your own numbers out of the house intentionally, even if it is the weakest link. You have to wait until that person’s vote is meaningless and can not hurt you by losing it. Jason knows this as well. That is why he is pushing Justin not to voter Neeley out yet. Sounded like Alex got Morgan on board with the same logic that Jason used with Justin. Alex wants him gone too but just not yet.

  5. Morgan is dumb can she not see the house is split down the middle? Alex is just saying she wants scott gone later to make her sister do what she wants clearly the smarter of the 2.

    1. I don’t get to vote, just a reader, not a feeder. BUT, i hope you vote out Neeley.. poetic justice to have one of theirs voted out on their HOH like the first 2 evictions. That side of the house is just awful with their personal attacks against the Ballsmashers. Nasty, nasty people. Jason especially.

    2. No Morgan is not dumb at all. She knows that that Scott wants her out over Whitney and Scott says Morgan is your basic cheerleader. She doesn’t want to burn bridges on the other side neither.

    1. As another poster commented a couple days ago, Kryssie, Jason, and Danielle will all be like in the exorcist when Neeley goes tomorrow night. Heads will be spinning around like crazy!!

        1. I cannot believe there are still so many people wanting to help out Jasons sweaty armpit scumbag team. Not as many as at the start, but still alot. I could never bring myself to vote in a way which benefits them. They are there with the first 5 alliance of Big Brother Canada 2 as one of the most unlikable alliances alltime.

    1. I agree. I was actually rooting for him for the first week or two but he’s just too creepy. From the way he smokes, walks, talks, and the looks he gives. And this whole trying to play the evel dick role is making it worse. It does not work for him, at all.

  6. While I do like Scott, I do not like nor respect that he is playing for Alex. It is no right for people to create their designated winner, and pushing for them win instead of themselves.

    After Jason is America’s Nominee, and hopefully evicted next week, I don’t care who wins.

  7. Something is wrong with your poll. It shows 2 choices: Jason and Dawg. I pressed Jason and then lists that Scott is leading Whitney and Neeley. Those weren’t choices.

  8. What’s up with the poll? It gives us Dawg and Jason on the outside and then no Jason after the you’ve voted.
    What’s up with that?

  9. Scott is alright. A tad annoying, but nothing real bad. Jason on the other hand needs a good kick in the butt. What the heck is his problem? He’s the whore- BITCH he keeps talking about.
    Neeley needs to go. Maybe that will be the kick in the ass the ass that Jason seriously has coming. Little basement dwelling troll!!

  10. OMG Morgan was scaring me with her talk with her sister! #’s are EVERYTHING in this game! Get rid of Newley first then Jason then Danielle. Kryssie might be humbled in the process.

    1. Jason just spat in the bath tub knowing Alex would be cleaning there, he is a disgusting vile embarrassment

      Jason has just become my most hated house guest of any North American BB ahead of Sabrina(BB Canada) and Amanda(BB USA)…Krissy is not far behind

    1. Justin doesn’t even know how Justin is voting. I mean cmon dude. I like you but you gotta get your head into this game. Putting up 17 on the Cornbread evict question when only 13 people were in the house…cmon man. Not knowing that Shane was the 3rd person voted out…how is that even possible? Justin ur a trip my man!

      1. I get the vibe from Justin that he keeps hinting he wants Neely out so that we vote her out and then he doesnt have to expose himself with his vote. He for sure wants her out otherwise he wouldnt keep saying it.

  11. What is Justin’s game? Is he even playing? I haven’t liked some of the things that have come out of his mouth either. He’s nothing like Jason, but still… He needs to get a plan and tune in. Floating around like a turd in a toilet isn’t gonna get him the win.
    Step it up man!

  12. Quite frankly I do not care who goes this week. This whole BBOTT is a joke. America has way too much power, and I find it has become a popularity contest, not an experiment whereby people have to fight for their own safety. The BS’s can’t tell the truth, and the other side have filthy mouths. I am really disappointed in Morgan and Whitney. They cannot think for themselves, and could have set themselves up really well throughout the house. They made a deal for safety this week, and promised to vote out that ugly weasel Scott. First chance they get, they reneg on that deal. Say what you want about Kryssie, she followed through on her side of the deal, only to get screwed by those girls. I didn’t expect much from Morgan because she does whatever Alex wants her to do, but thought Whitney was a step up from that. Even now, Kryssie is trying to protect Whitney by putting her on the block supposedly to protect her from voting. This leaves a bad taste in my mouth, and all the while they are downstairs celebrating that they think she is crazy. Really nice girls in my opinion, and I hope you get what you deserve. Yes, Kryssie is crass and annoying, but at least didn”t string those girls along. They should be ashamed of themselves. Even at this point, Morgan cannot tell her the truth about the situation.

    1. Do not be fooled…Kryssie did what was best for her game & acting like she is doing to help the girls out. She wants them to feel like they owe her cause she knows they need them to vote Scott out or her HOH is a fail.

  13. Does every comment made on this site get a thumbs down if it has the slightest hint that the writer might not be completely and utterly on the side of the BS’s? Touchy people here. You are the next best thing to a “lynch mob”. You are all a joke. I thought this site was somewhere where you could go and give your OWN opinion and not be called out about it. I guess not.

    1. Don’t worry I got a tonne of thumbs down for saying that jason was painting a target on his back for talking bad about shelby! and that I was happy danielles target is getting smaller because I think she’s an underdog.
      It seems like everything we write gets thumbs down.

  14. What’s Justin’s obsession with Kryssie? I don’t get it. He runs to her after every conversation.
    Justin is just so afraid to play BB. Not a Justin fan!

  15. I don’t subscribe to access but I do read all these updates and I do listen to all the recap podcasts/youtubes while I drive to and from work (hour each way). Damn Jason now! I liked him and have been routing for him, but after his very ugly rants and insults about Shelby, I’m ready for him to go home! Again, I don’t watch the feeds so I don’t know what Shelby has done to make him say all those slandering comments, but I doubt she deserves all that! Maybe after the show Jason should learn a lesson by Shelby threatening to sue him for slander! Not to actually sue him but to scare him! He needs to learn that it’s never ok to talk like that about anyone.

  16. Apparently if you read between the lines, production had a lot to do with that, and that is why Kryssie is all pissy right now. So, let me get this right here. Alex came into the game with a SISTER who she can control, has the America’s vote on her side, and now Production is pushing the HOH around to make it go their way. Wow!!! OK so Alex will make final 3 for sure. Good ride for Alex and her side here. Yeah, has she said who she wants us to vote to get out next week yet? Just want to be sure I get it right, so we can all help her win the money………….what a friggin joke

    1. The first 9 votes of the season went in favor of Jason and his alliance.
      Morgan has shown she wont be controlled by Alex and its not the sisters fault the others havent realized theyre sisters.
      Production are laughing at Krissy because this is not Big Baby, it is Big Brother.
      Why does Alex have a for sure spot in f3? She is the biggest target of the other side.
      Just to be clear Alex side has won 3 HOH and only been able to evict 1 from the other side.

  17. Ok I’m dying listening to the feeds…..kryssie telling Whitney she had giant open actively bleeding wounds on her hands! She truly is psychotic….can you say delusional?? Lolol….every time they zoomed in on her hands all that you could see was a little skin tear and small cut with no blood to be seen! Doesn’t she realize they were showing her hands to the world??

  18. Neeley goes home give Shelby the care package with a bag of krackels. Love to see Jason’s face if Shelby would get the care package

    1. I want Shelby to win HOH and have Justin get the care package. Then he can’t get another one. Then Shelby puts up Justin and America puts up Kryssie. Of course I want to see Kryssie go home. But we need to see Danielle evicted soon too.

  19. Got my 20 votes on Neeley for today and will do 20 on her tomorrow as well. Hopefully the ball smashers don’t get nervous and will vote out Neeley. America may still vote out Scott, but I am hoping Neeley still gets America’s vote. Regardless the ball smashers need to take that risk and force a tie and let America decide, it’s a game move that I would respect because it shows me they are actually playing and willing to take big risks. They have to realize the other side(LNJ) is gunning for them regardless, so lying to them is all right and breaking deals, because that is what LNJ is doing too. This is Big Brother it is how it’s played.

  20. This game will be really boring if we start voting for everything to go in favor of the BS & Scott – do we really want a potential final five of them? BORING!!!! Vote Scott out!!!!!!!!

    1. I agree if we vote Neely out and the other sides win HOH and gets the care package then there is a good chance Justin or Jason go home next week and I think that the game would become very boring. I think we need to keep both sides on their toes and make it not clear who America likes. Vote out Scott this week and nominate and vote out Krissy next week.

    2. Boring Grandma Neely has gotta go, without question the most boring person there. This will cause potentially one of the biggest meltdowns alltime. I am wanting the most drama and entertainment and voting out Neely will cause that.

  21. Why are trying to keep a snake like Steve in the game. Final 6 girls get rid of the double sided snake. Vote out steve..

  22. LNC may be obnoxious but at least they are way more entertaining (when they are not complaining). I would hate to see the final five be the ball smashers and Scott. Vote Scott out this week!!! And everyone needs to realize the type of crap Jason says is stuff he would say to his own friends – that is his sense of humor. I think we should keep Neely to keep the numbers on the LNC side and then next week vote out Kristie because she is delusional and a poor sport. Danielle does talk about herself too much but I think we should keep her in the game because she is one of the more strategic player on their side(and give her a little break I think her behavior is based on being picked on when she was a kid so she try’s to overcompensate by trying to be interesting even though it has the exact opposite affect). Vote Scott out!

    1. Neely has done nothing to sway me to want to keep her over Scott. He is more worthy of staying over her. I am far more entertained by The Ball Smashers, Scott and Justin. You can make as many excuses as you want for Jason, Krissy, Dani, Neely behavior, but as a group they are pretty vile. The chances one side crushes the other are slim as it has been close each week. Remember Jasons team has only lost one member and its now week 4. Even if that unlikely event were to happen I would not care because Jasons team is just so unlikable.

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