Jared tells Kelsey “You weren’t in this house so watch your mouth! You were out of this house!”

POV Holder: ? Next POV April 16th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony April 18th
HOH Winner: The Brothers Next HOH: April 21st
Original Nominations: ? and ?
Current Nominations: ? and ?
Last Evicted Houseguest Paige, Sharry, Christine, Kelsey, Loveita, Dallas, Mitch, Raul
Have Nots Tim, Cassandra and Kelsey

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9:10am – 10am Kelsey comes into the HOH room and asks do you guys want to talk now or later? I did some thinking and thought some thoughts that I wanted to share with you. Just that you boys know that I love you and would always be there for you. And when anyone would talk about you I would sway them. If you put me and Jared up, then I couldn’t continue to trust you. If its getting near the end, who could I beat? Nick comments that she couldn’t beat Jared. Kelsey says it depends on what you say. Phil says either way, I just wish people had opened up their relationships sooner. Nick says we literally saved Jared from going home… and nothing came of it. Jared’s name has never come up as a nominee or a backdoor plan .. until now. Kelsey says If I go up, I would go home. Jared has people that will keep him. And if I don’t go home, am I supposed to still trust you? Phil says yes. Nick says there have been so many moments for him to come to us and he hasn’t, he’s spent his time with you. Phil says if you go on the block and you stay, if you start acting like you hate us… you will go home next week. Nick says you’ve had a second life in this house and you’ll never win in a final two, that’s why people would want to bring you to the end. Kelsey says you need to stop saying I could never win this game, that’s mean. Phil says you’re trying to strong arm us and its not a good idea. Nick says its nothing personal, we love you as a person. We’ve told you, you’re not the target this week. Kelsey says you need to understand why Jared has trouble trusting you guys. He’s heard every week not to trust you. Phil says that’s exactly why we should put him up because he doesn’t trust us. Kelsey says I’m the one that brought you and Jared together. Phil and Nick both say we’re not together though. We saved him from going home.. it was a moment to build trust and he didn’t. Kelsey says I saved your guys’s life, can’t you owe me one?! Phil tells Kelsey you’re so emotional and catty. Kelsey sasy Jared will come talk to you. Phil says you’re like his wife… oh he’ll come .. he’s late in traffic.

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10am – 10:30am In the bedroom – Jared says I don’t know what is going to happen. It will probably be me and you. Nikki tells Jared I’m happy for that to happy .. I just don’t want to pack. I’m not packing again, to then just unpack again. Nikki leaves and Kelsey joins Jared. She tells him the conversation with the brothers didn’t go well. We’re going up. They’re saying they don’t know but we’re going up. Jared says I don’t get what people facination is with me. People have been trying this for four weeks now. Kelsey says you need to talk to them. Jared says I don’t know how to talk to those imbeciles. Kelsey says you haven’t even tried to pretend to work with them. Jared says I’ve tried, we had that brilliant game plan. Kelsey asks who had that brilliant game plan. Jared tells Kelsey you weren’t in this house so watch her mouth, you were out of this house! Kelsey says I understand why you did it but you needed to move forward with them. Jared says I just hate that I have no control over this. Big Brother has literally handed them everything in this game. And I told them that… Big Brother blocks the feeds. Kelsey says your only last shot is to give them some security for next week. Its your only option. Its your last chance. You need to go talk to them. On a game level. At this point its messing with my game as well. You need to go do something. I’m sorry we’re in this spot, they have been handed everything on a silver plater. Jared says I can’t stand people like that.

10:30am – 11am Kelsey and Jared head out to the Hot Tub room and ask Tim if he will go up with Jared to talk to the brothers because Jareds not good at talking to them. Tim says you need to tell them that if they just put you up it will be a copy cat move and they’ll look dumb. Maddy and Ramsey are becoming a powerful force. Tim says I just don’t want this to be used against me ..like f**k Tim can change anything. I’ll try but..

11:15am Tim asks are you going to just pull the same the same move that Maddy and Ramsey did last week. The power is in your hands to take over both groups or use one group to take over another. Phil says nothing is set in stone. Jared says I’m pretty sure when Tim was HOH we had a set game plan. Tim says if you do want to change the direction there will be consequences.. Tim says Jared’s not going to work against you. Nick says except for that one week when you tried to turn a whole room against us. Tim says that Mitch was a big part of that. Nick asks if you guys are all on board with a certain move then we’ll do it. Jared says we’re not trying to strong arm you. Tim says if Jared goes home I don’t think Kelsey will work with you.

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11:30am – 11:45am Jared talks to the brothers in the storage room. Jared asks what can I do for you? Phil says that they’ve wanted to work with him. Jared says he doesn’t talk game with anyone but Kelsey. Phil says I can protect you, if you can protect me. I don’t want people to think that if we keep them (Maddy & Ramsey) safe that we’re working together because that’s bad for our game. Phil says we pulled you off the block, we do want to work with you. Jared says its like the totem poles where the people at the bottom want us to keep knocking ourselves off at the top. Phil says why don’t we just do the opposite. Jared says exactly. Phil says I think game so much. Jared says don’t turn into Loveita. Phil says I would be honoured to go to the end with you. Jared says same with me. The end is near if we play our cards right. I would hate for the internationals to be in the final 2. I want to take them far but its our game. You don’t have to worry about me. People sitting there and laugh at us. Phil says I just have to do some damage control with Ramsey. Jared says Ramsey knows he’s not the target. Phil says Maddy went after you guys and.. Jared says she went after you guys. Phil says I know Joel wants this done. Jared says and Cass. We just need to keep playing nice with Tim. He’s been good to us. Phil says if I have full on trust with you, I will open up to you. There’s no reason for us to go against each other or the group. They hug and leave the room.

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11:50am – 12:20pm In the HOH room – Phil tells Nick that he’s going to tells Ramsey and Maddy that they’re going to have to put them up because that what the group wants. Phil says they’ll tell Maddy & Ramsey there’s no support for Jared & Kelsey to go up. Nikki joins them. Kelsey comes in and apologizes for getting excited earlier. Phil asks Kelsey if she has a final 3 with Cass. Kelsey says I have no final 3 with her. I would not want that. Phil tells Kelsey no matter what she thinks there’s support for either duo going up, no matter what people tell her. Kelsey says that Ramsey wanted to go after them. Phil then wanted to bring Ramsey up to ask him. Kelsey says you’re HOH, he’s not going to tell you wanted you up. Phil says Ramsey is a honest and loyal guy. He has had their back in the game. Kelsey tells Phil that there’s another duo in the house. Cassandra and Tim are good with both sides. Cassandra joins them and Kelsey leaves. Phil asks if you or Tim won HOH would you put us up? More so Tim? Cass says we trust you and wouldn’t put you up. Phil says so you, Tim and Joel want Maddy & Ramsey up? Cassandra says yes, everyone wants them up. Phil says I just hope it doesn’t come to bite us in the a$$. Cass says if you put them up, there will only be one left here next week. Cass says if I had won HOH I would have put up Maddy & Ramsey.

12:40pm Big Brother blocks the feeds.

The Plan for Nominations

As of right now, the Brothers had planned to nominated Jared & Kelsey but have now switch to targeting Maddy & Ramsey.

12:40pm – 2pm Big Brother blocks the live feeds and when the feeds return, we learn that Tim and Nikki had a task that they won. In the HOH room – Tim asks when do you reckon we’ll get this poutine. No one would have been able to spell Saskatchewan, except for you. That was so cool we got a task today. It keeps us on our toes. It gets so boring and repetitive. Me and Nikki feel so much like a part of Canada now. The Nikki and Tim answered trivia questions about Canada. They won and will get Poutine as their reward. In the bedroom – Nikki comments on how she wouldn’t have been able to do it without their help. Big Brother then blocks the feeds again..

2:05pm – 2:40pm Big Brother blocked the live feeds and when they return the house guests are eating their poutine and beer. Nikki says I’m so glad there’s no havenots.

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47 thoughts to “Jared tells Kelsey “You weren’t in this house so watch your mouth! You were out of this house!””

  1. Finally the brothers are going to take a stand. They told Kelsey what she needed to hear. Liked when they said she was up campaigning for Jared like a wife. Where is Jared…..stuck in traffic? Great line!!!

    1. But I think Tim might have changed the targets after talking to the brothers and being a bridge between Jared and them. Let’s hope when his own ass is on the line he’ll be able to pull himself off harm’s way like he just did for Jared.

  2. i dont think the brothers have been handed everything!
    if jared wasnt such a whiney ass jealous controlling suck then he would be in with the brothers! they have tried to work with jared..even pulled him off the block once!

    1. And all it took was Jared giving the bros a few minutes of his time to get them on his side. Despite the fact that in a not so subtle way he’s been trying to get the bros out for weeks.

      All Jared has to do is passively play Big Brother in order to get to the end. The amount of people who are eating out of his hands without even trying is hilarious.

  3. I know Jared is jealous of the bro’s due to Kelsey’s filtering with them.
    But just before the feeds cut out a second time with Jared & Kelsey discussing Jared going to talk to the brothers. Jared mentioned something about their Dad and who he is. Is it possible that there is some history between Jared and the brothers prior to BBCAN4? Could this be why the brothers & Jared are not associating with each other in the house?

    1. Its so true he was like “if only their father had bestowed upon them..” and then the feeds were cut like idk maybe seems sketchy

  4. Loveita did a great job teaching Kelsey about logic and strategy….and Jared needs to get his head out of his butt-hurt ass

    1. Kelsey and strategy are two words that should never be used in the same sentence together lol I can’t believe the brother’s were handing her a free ticket saying that she would never win in the final two and she had a big pout up about it. If she had any knowledge of this game she could ride that card to the end but she has no clue what she’s doing and she needs to go!

      1. My comment about Kelsey was meant as a comparison from her first stint in the house and now…her convo above with Jared and how and what to say to the brothers was leaps and bounds above her earlier strategic talks…and as a compliment to Loveita

  5. It frustrates me that Jared and Kelsey don’t seem to realize that this is a game? Whenever someone mentions that they’re targets or they’re going on the block, they always pull the “We’ve done so much for everyone -they owe us” and “This is a horrible move, I can’t believe they’re going to do this.” They can talk trash about everyone and have all these targets but as soon as they’re the targets, the tables have turned and they act like helpless victims that have done nothing wrong. Jared doesn’t even trust the brothers and never has and has been wanting to backdoor the brothers for weeks (I believe Kelsey has agreed to that as well?), but it’s apparently not okay for the brothers to think for themselves and for their game and get those two out? Jared and Kelsey are just hypocrites.

    I’m glad the brothers got HOH this week because they can really shake things up this week.

  6. I don’t know how people like Jared. He’s always complaining and a sore loser. Saying “watch your mouth” to Kelsey is rude as hell.

    1. Jared is a glorified Bully , he’s the poster boy for typical jock bully that can’t do no wrong yet go against him in any way and that will automatically makes you evil and bad . blah blah blah he basically suck .
      Kelsey is the mean girl that think she’s better than everyone .

      They are the kind of couple I would drop in a sewer anytime .

  7. from day 1 jared, kelsey and raul gravitated to each other as if they are the priviledged ones.
    their attitudes in the smoking room showed they are arrogant and ignorant of the other HG’s
    the bro’s see it and playing it right.
    it was nice to see kelsey stumbling over words
    Thanks for posting that video Dawg/Simon
    paints the whole Kelsey-Jared as Romeo and Juliet
    Go Phil and Nick
    deal with the fubar
    i do want Nikki to at least make it to final 2

  8. Happy Birthday Simon and Dawg!
    Wow – The way Jared talks to Kelsey is disgusting. No excuse for that period. Jared has had numerous times to ring in the Brothers but chose not to and furthermore is to much of a wimp to go talk to them on his own. Yet, Kelsey has the balls to go talk to them on her own. Say all you want about how annoying Kelsey is and the fact she was out of the game but it was a FAKE double eviction. She would probably play a much better game if not under the constant supervision and meltdowns of Jared. I hope the Brothers put Both her and Jared on the block and Jared finally goes home this week. Oh and when Jared talks about the Brothers being handed everything he might remember them handing him the POV that took him off the block and sent Loveita home in the process. Jared – King of the Dumb Asses.

  9. Thanks guys and happy birthday ???? I can’t watch #BBCan anymore and have t since week2 ???? Due to the idiots trying to play the game of bachelor/bachelorette ???????????? love Nikki and Tim who are fu my and clever/smart. But thanx to you guys I can get updates and clips I can pic and choose who to watch ???????????????????????????????????? thank you so much and keep up the great work. ???? Worst cast ever #bbcan4 ????

  10. There is no good reason to put Maddy and Ramsey up. Who cares if the “whole house” wants that. It’s there game and it has been proven many times Jared is not on the brothers side. They know he isn’t that is why they were gonna put up Jared and Kelsey. Now they want to do Maddy and Ramsey? How does that benefit the brothers in any way going into next week. Best thing they could do is make a deal with Maddy and Ramsey. Tell them that everyone wants them up but if they don’t put them up they have to be a trio (Trio cause the brothers are one). Something like that to help the brothers out next week because I have a bad feeling that Jared, Tim or Kelsey will win next HoH and they all will go after the brothers or at least get them nominated. This is why if Nikki was HoH it would have been so simple. Cassandra and Maddy would’ve been nominated and then it would make sense for Maddy to go. But the Brothers going after them makes no sense for their game.

    1. “if Nikki was HoH it would have been so simple. Cassandra and Maddy would’ve been nominate”
      As of right now, Nikki is way more annoyed at the Cass/Kelsey pairing. Maddy’s buddying up to Nikki during her week as an HOH, plus the Kelsey/Rayyyl night talks in the HaveNot room, seem to have influenced Nikki into hating Kelsey way more than Maddy. But we all know how quickly she changes her mind – and when she does, it’s 100% all-or-nothing black-and-white. 😉

  11. Was there no Tim and Phil one on one? Really wanted to see that before nominations. Does Tim really lean with them/Joel/Cassandra like he told Phil last night or is he just playing all sides real hard? He could really easy get exposed right now.

    Phil is dropping the ball. He should of got him alone and ask him why is he turning 180 from last night when he pushed more for Kelsey/Jared. He could see Tim’s playing him and just blindside him. Leave the two pairs in to go at it.

    1. Also is this Jared guy really going to slide by again? People voted for these guys to get him out. Now they’re going get played and fold at the last minute.

    2. Jared and Phil are slowly getting closer to having “that talk” about Tim: they already admitted that Tim told both of them he’d “love to see them win” and “love to go to the end with both”.
      I think Jared and Phil are (slowly!) catching on to what Tim is doing, but in this pool full of sharks, they each still see other sharks more dangerous to their game than Tim is. But once Maddy is gone, they’ll probably have “that talk”. Although Jared will for sure be very thankful to Tim for his speech in the Hot Tub in front of everybody except Maddy/Ramsey. Even though this was only circumstancial: I’m sure Tim would never have been as blunt and “committed” to saving Jared if he had talked to the brothers alone. Jared’s luck! 😉

  12. Jared is a big baby and if he can’t communicate (talking to women the way he does and jealousy), and not being able to face the ‘real alpha’ in the house, his life is gonna be hard.
    Kelsey and Jared are no more ‘deserving’ than anyone else in there. Neither one made any moves that are considered brave.
    Who wanted Loveita and Sharry gone? I don’t think it was the balls of Jared.

  13. The fallout of Canada picking potential HOH that I have been wanting is double edged.
    I sort of want to see just how much ego swelling will go on in the brothers (okay, Phil), and I sort of want to see how much ego deflation will go on in all the others.
    Kelsey’s reaction last night on the episode was very much damn, it’s out of our hands, all of that studying was a waste of time, we’re sunk. From the sounds of it, until it was announced that Nikki and the brothers were chosen, Maddy had the same reaction on her face. From the sounds of it, Jared, Tim and Cassandra’s facial reactions to learning they weren’t favorites would have been meme worthy as well.
    The entire silver platter talk today between Kelsey and Jared? Bruised ego and denial. Kelsey, who was legitimately voted out of the game and chosen to come back in a popularity contest over Loveita, is the last person who should be slagging big brother for handing out gifts. She has a really valid point when she tells Jared all of his pettiness about the brothers is going to bite them both in the ass, she’s said it for weeks. Of course Jared’s ego won’t allow for such a thought.
    Between Kelsey and Jared or Maddy and Ramsey, I don’t so much care which couple goes up. Realistically they are the same side of the same coin. As much as Maddy hated Kelsey at first sight without legitimate reason, Jared has been the same when it comes to the brothers. As much as Kelsey has been a hypocrite, Ramsey has been doing the same.
    For arguments sake, I’m disappointed that Kelsey didn’t throw Maddy and Ramsey under the bus by stating that an alliance with Maddy and Ramsey hasn’t worked out well for the other allies in the past. Reminding them of Loveita, and of Dallas’ fate after the double move along with the common knowledge that Maddy wanted the brothers gone very much if she survived the block: where was that? Throwing in her talks with Loveita (or making something up and suggesting it came from her time watching the feeds for a week with Loveita) might help. As much as the brothers thought Loveita was just too much, they always said that she was very game smart. Kelsey should be using the tools she has instead of the whole ‘don’t be mean, or I won’t be your friend anymore’ tactic.
    The ONLY saving grace that the broken wheel has is the brothers are swayed very easily by concensus. Tim saying it’s a weak move to be a repeater? Cass and Joel both voicing the desire to go after Maddy and Ramsey? These are things that could sway the brothers (Phil especially).
    Tim begrudgingly helping Jared tickled me. If the brothers had a brain, they’d see that Tim was team Mamsey when they were in the room, team Kered when they were in the room, Team outsiders when Joel or Cass was in the room. But the brothers don’t notice such things. Phil’s too busy mancrushing on Tim.

  14. OMG why is Phil/Nick targeting MadRams? You hear everyone saying they want them out…so let them take them out! If Tim’s campainging to you to keep Jared wouldn’t you think that they’re working together? Why is it in Tims best interest to keep Jelsey over MadRams if he dosn’t have any ties to either side? Just having Tim come up and campaign for Jelsey would push me even further to put up Jelsey or Tim & Cassandra. You take out Cassandra you can break up ties between her. (Jelsey-Cassandra-tim /Joel-Cassandra-Tim) And you’d be the guys in the middle in this Jelsey/Madrams war.
    See you in Jury next week brothers!

  15. SHOUT OUT to the most influential player in BB Can: BB.
    We’ve seen how many times the brothers have switched their minds on who to nominate. BB’s timing in when to start a Nom / POV ceremony or when to call someone into the DR when in the middle / about to have a conversation, does affect the outcome a lot.
    Now, Phil and Nick said they’re going to nominate Maddy and Ramsey, but they want to tell them about it first. Then BB blocks the feeds.
    1) BB gets great drama, because they didn’t get to tell them first.
    2) BB gets a great storyline for the next Global show: “Tim the mastermind singlehandedly changes the brothers’ mind with a passionate speech”. So BB doesn’t want to endanger that by allowing the brothers to talk to Maddy/Ramsey, which might result in yet another change of mind.
    BB has a huge influence in what happens in this house, be it blatant with the timing of stuff, or more undercover with what happens in the DR: “so… do you REALLY think you can trust that person? really? like, really really???” 😉
    (BB US14: Shane won HOH, wanted to put up Mike Boogie and Frank, and said that BB was “trying hardcore to CONVINCE HIM to NOT nominate both of them together”. There’s a reason why there’s a contract that scares BB players to ever reveal what REALLY goes on in the DR.

    1. Just gonna quote Wikipedia on this, to make sure it’s not only my word:
      “On Day 42, shortly after Shane made his nominations as Head of Household, he told Danielle that the production crew in the diary room explicitly told him not to put up Frank and Mike for nomination that week.”

  16. I hope Maddy goes home–this week…. I can’t believe what am about to say , but I hate Nikki more than Maddy —why because:
    1st –the show caters to her ,Case&point– ,this week havenot as Tim said was ridged so she wasn’t havenot this week—last week she was havenot for 3days only the shortest time ever–not fair to the others
    2nd –she gets the best edit—on the show
    3rd –she is super petty and she is the oldest person there #growup
    4th—-she says mean stuff about Joel —like for someone who was admitted into a mental house before joining the show— she is quick to say ignorant stuff about autism and mental illness —which is the epitome of irony—Joel is just quirky and exuberant—he is super smart —if you Nikki queen of fucking demands and bulshit can’t stand it –you can leave like you have been threatening for weeks and let the people that actually want to play stay—-arghhh get her out of there:/

    1. I just saw Nikki and Tim talk about Cassandra —I can’t believe Nikki who has suffered from anorexia –is body shaming Cassandra —like come on , I get Cassandra isn’t a peach but seriously —like what is happening right now—talking smack about someone’s weight is just too below the belt for me—I can’t stand cassandras personality but weight thing just is so low—like have some class !—calling her ugly?..so sad that people like this exist —listening to Nikki and Tim talk left bad taste in my mouth —I really believe they are ugly people inside :/

  17. Congrats Dawg and Simon as once again your Onlinebigbrother Poll for the wildcard correctly guessed the two house guest wildcards… Once again shows this site is the primary way to follow and understand what is happening in the house… BTW Happy Birthday too..

  18. Well, I am disappointed. Sounds like they are going to put up Ramsey / Maddy. It’s not that I dislike or am a fan of either, I just know that the best move for the brothers is to get rid of Jared. Phil is so caught up in the fact that he really wants to be part of an alpha male alliance, and had wanted Jared from the beginning. Kelsey isn’t helping his (brothers) game. Anyways, if this is the case, I do hope it bites them in the ass. Canada just voted them in because they wanted them to pick a side.

  19. Jared hated Phil and Nick!!!
    Dont fall for it Phil! Get Jared on that BLOCK! or at least BACKDOOR him if Mad or Ram win VETO

  20. Tims gay-ness is out of control. He does make me laugh tho… hes so repulsed when a female tries to hug him.

  21. The brothers made me so proud when they shot down kelseys shut talk in the hoh…but then the disappoint by listening to hatreds shot talk in the storage room…what’s wrong with them…a 2yr old could see thru Jared…so obvious…I like Maddys game.

    1. How is it possible for anyone to like Maddy’s game? From evicting Loveita (one of the worst moves of this season by any player) to letting Kelsey stay in the house, to making everyone hate her by telling them they’re all in trouble, to having absolutely no self awareness. She’s playing such a bad game, and if Ramsey wasn’t banging her, he would have saved Dallas over Maddy, and this house would be so much more interesting.

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