“It’s us 4 and we got our 4 soldiers, 3 of them are good soldiers, Tiffany’s not the best Soldier.. She’s not”

POV Holder: Paul POV Competition June, 24th
POV Used Yes POV Ceremony June, 26th
HOH Nicole Next HOH June, 30
Roadkill Competition Winner: Frank
Original Nominations: Paulie, Jozea, and Paul
After POV Nominations: Paulie, Jozea and 1Bridgette
Have Nots ?

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11:00am Frank, Da and Zak had a talk. Frank HOH

Frank – (james) his heart’s not black
Nicole says James is going to be hanging out with girls all day now

Frank – I’m closest to you three right here.. I like women
Frank says production loves it when he gives Nicole “CraP”
Nicole asks him about Bridgette.
Frank says he’s cool with cutting bridgette free the more he see her the more he see’s her naive. He’s noticed Bridgette has buddied up with the other side.
Nicole leaves to play chess with Paul
Da’Vonne wonders how the other side can be so stupid.

DA’Vonne calls the newbies Mean
Frank – they do seem really comfortable right now

Frank is really happy with how solid their group has been while the other side the newbies are all chaotic.
Da’Vonne brings up Michell
Da’Vonne thinks Tiffany might pull an “Audrey” and through a funny vote out near the end, “I hope not”
Frank – She’s (Tiffany) one of their biggest target
Frank – I’m not worried about JAmes
Da’Vonne says she trusts James but she needs to separate him from NAtalie.
Zakiyah mentions how JAmes didn’t get a lot of attention last year so this year he’s trying to get the attention.

Zakiyah thinks Natalie is manipulating JAmes
Frank – everyone sees the game she’s playing, he’s blinded by that
Zakiyah – PAulie is sweet… he’s gotta go at some point.. iI know the goal
Frank – the less they see it coming the better
Da’Vonne leaves..
Zakiyah- I’m ready for Vic to go
Frank- I don’t even mind if Paulie wins Head of household
Zakiyah- He said he is going after Vic and Natalie, right?
Frank – ya, I don’t see anyone in our group that he would go after, everyone in our group is going to vote to keep him

Frank – I don’t think we have to worry about her Tiffany yet.
Zakiyah she says a lot of those things is this a red flag..

Frank – Honestly She just likes to talk and act like she has an idea.. You know what i’m saying
Frank – she likes to think she’s the one that came up with this great idea, you know what i’m saying.. She’s trying to live up to something
Zakiyah – She’s fine
Frank – I think she is the first one that needs to go
Zakiyah – ya, she’s the first outta 8
Zakiyah thinks Natalie can be the last to go from the other side, Frank agrees suggests NAtalie or Bridgette either one is fine for him.

Frank is more worried about Natalie winning Competitions than Bridgette points out how in shape she is.
Frank says PAulie and Corey are going to fit for the HOH this week, “Could be a damn crapshoot” Adds that most crapshoots have some hand eye coordination requirement which Corey will excel at.

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11:33pm HOH Frank and Nicole
Frank says he’s honestly going to play to win the HOH.
Nicole – Us four are going to stay solid right… are we your number 1 priority
Frank jokes around, ‘Of course not… you know where my loyalties are”
Nicole – Where
Frank – with Corey and Paulie
Frank – NO.. the only one I’m worried about us four is James
Nicole – I don’t want to sit next to a newbie at all
Frank asks who out of the 8 should go first
Nicole – I don’t care
Frank – you gotta have an idea
Nicole agrees that Tiffany be the first of their 8 to get rid of.
Frank doesn’t think she’s stable emotionally and finds Tiffany paranoid
Frank – she’s not super on the level

Nicole won’t be happy with jury
Frank is planning on going to the end, “I gotta back it better than 7th place”
Nicole – me too

Nicole says Michelle is happy with Jury
Frank thinks Zakiyah is happy with jury as well she’s just happy to get the “The money” (Stipend)

Frank wants to bring a goat with them to the end, “Someone you will always beat.. Someone like a Michelle.. But I don’t want to take them to the end”

Frank says Derrick and Cody still would have won if they brought Victoria.
Frank thinks Dan was a idiot and should have tried to win the final HOH and take Danielle

Da’Vonne joins them.. They start talking about worrying about JAmes.
Frank – he’s so close to the girls
Frank – it’s OK to have 1 wildcard.. I got one with Bridgette you had one with Jozea and you had a wildcard with Glenn..
Frank – we did a pretty good job of getting in our hooks

Da’Vonne says she feels she has to press him to get “His business” she doesn’t want to feel like she’s interrogating him

Frank – you know how I feel about James spilling the beans
Nicole – about the roadkill comp
(The day after the 8 pack was formed james told Zakiyah that frank won roadkill)
Frank – I felt that he didn’t trust Zakiyah as much as I did
Da’Vonne – theres things I tells the 4 that I don’t’ tell the 8
Nicole – ya
Frank – It’s us 4 and we got our 4 soldiers, 3 of them are good soldiers, Tiffany’s not the best Soldier.. She’s not
Da’Vonne – I agree
Frank says Michelle, Zakiyah and Corey are good soldiers.
Frank says Tiffany told Paulie about Vanessa and told him that she already told them. PAulie had gone to him earlier and asked him about it.
Nicole – I played dumb about it to.. I tried to protect her and she’s keeping stuff from us

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11:11am Tiffany and Paulie

Paulie wants to put Victor and Paul up. If POwer of Veto is played he’ll put up Bronte as the replacement.

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2:12pm HOH pictures

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3:05pm Michelle and Tiffany
Michelle says she told Jozea she’s voting with the house majority. Adds that Jozea called her his friends and said he liked have ditsy airhead’s as friends.

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3:19pm Chit chat in the backyard…
Bronte, Vic, James and NAtalie talking about fitness.. .etc etc..
JAmes asking about Ab workouts… Victor says the abs are like any other muscle don’t overwork them. Stresses that lower body fat is important in seeing abs.

Victor says unless you “Compete” and Make money doing it you shouldn’t live such a stoic life.
Victor see people at his gym they work out every day and nothing changes after 6 months. He believes it’s because the don’t eat right
Natalie – alot of people just don’t know how to workout

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3:25pm Natalie and Tiffany
(Michelle is resting quietly off to the side)
Natalie asks if she stinks (been laying in the sun sweating)
Tiffany – no only the boys stink
Natalie – James smell really good actually.. he smells Delicious
Tiffany – whats up with you and James
Natalie giggles says they are friends and team unicorn
Natalie – I’m so over the whole showmance thing especially after that thing with Vic.. i’m over it.

Tiffany – do yo miss home at all…
Natalie – yeah
Tiffany misses her dog.
Tiffany – I had a dream that someone stole my dog

Tiffany – what kinda movies yo like
Natalie likes Dance, Comedy and love stories, “Obviously the notebook I like..”
Tiffany – Love Actually.. the Holiday
Natalie – YES! I love the Holiday

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3:32pm Bridgette and Frank
Bridgette says she has no idea who is going home, “I listen I watch try to figure sh1t out.. I dunno.. some people are really confident”
Bridgette – do they know what show they’re on
Frank – I don’t know
Bridgette – as long as you know whats going on that makes me feel better
Frank – it’s always up in the air.. it’s more up in the air than they want to believe.
Frank – they (Paul, Victor, Jozea) were happy you went up because they were unsure about you the day before

27 thoughts to ““It’s us 4 and we got our 4 soldiers, 3 of them are good soldiers, Tiffany’s not the best Soldier.. She’s not””

  1. LOVE Frank, I have done a complete 180 on this guy since his last season in BB14. He is still funny, charming minus the annoying part. I still cant figure out how Jozea can be so clueless, I mean Zakiyah and Tiffany have been hanging out with Da/Nicole for several days. The fact that Paul was the RK nominee and that Bridgette is his replacement should be huge f..ing red light flashing in Jozea’s face…YOU ARE THE TARGET…but yet he thinks Paulie is going home? I am sorry but I just cant figure how this dude can be so dumb. Thursday cant come fast enough to see him go home…go watch BB and maybe learn how to play this game Jozea

    1. Jozea is from the hood and so are his girls, Za and Da, they are all minorities and wouldn’t stab him in the back. Plus he’s a messiah, so all he has to do is turn on his charasmatic charm. He’s got the whole gay community behind him, that means Tiffany and Corey who adores him. He likes pink and is gurly gurly so none of the females will vote for him. Dufus Paul is by his side and Frank whispers sweet nothings into his ear how could Jozea go wrong??? Dial 333 and Jozea will come running to do your nails or clean your fudge pipe out, how could he go wrong?

      1. This post us underrated. I get it Don’t Vote Trump.But, you gotta admit the POTUS DONALD, nailed it with these stereotypes, very witty..

  2. Tiffany is playing realy similar to Vanessa (create a big alliance and create a core alliance and then get someone from the outside) and for a season with four veterans, two of which had played with her sister, will be a huge disaster for her. Unless she manages to pick up some of the newbies once they scatter after Jozea leaves, I can see her getting the boot prejury. Her biggest mistake so far is hanging around Paulie while he is nominated

  3. So Big Brother picked the 7th place finishers from 14 (Frank), 16 (Nicole), and 17 (James) and left out Amanda Zuckerman from 15?

    Would you have rather had Amanda or Da’Vonne this season?????

    1. Da’Vonne over Amanda … any day, all day.

      Amanda was a really vile and dirty POS. She and Frankie Grande ……….excuse me but I just vomited … can’t finish this thought but you know where it’s going.

    2. I got a question myself….
      If you were to created pizza….
      You’re the pizza bread and the sauce….
      Who would your two toppings be?
      Mine would be Natalie & Zakiyah.

  4. Are you going to be watching Emmett and Jillian on the Amazing Race Canada tonight? If so, do you have a link for those of us who want to watch it live?

  5. I am worried that this is going to end up being one of the most boring seasons ever.The Roadkill twist is one of the biggest rigjobs in BB history. If basically puts 2X as much pressure on the minority alliance that they have to win both HOH AND Roadkill in order to exert any influence. Plus, this is a pretty dumb cast tbh…does anyone see dimwits like Paulie ever waking up and jumping ship from the vets? It also sucks that not only are they inept, but there aren’t a lot of controversial or abrasive personalities in here, so they won’t even be fun idiots.

    1. So Victor, Natalie, James, Jozea, Da’Vonne, and Zakiyah are under 2x as much pressure as everyone else? Ummm, ok. smh

      1. Are you all serious about not understanding what the minority alliance means? Nah, you’ve got to be joking. No one thinks the poster was talking about minorities in the house such as Black, Latino etc.

  6. Frank is a hater when it comes to James. James hangs with the girls that Frank wish he could. Frank is not going to flirt with Nicole, Day, Zak ect. James isn’t going to get romantic/hook up by any means, just envy on Franks part

  7. I don’t know if anyone watches BBUK but I feel like Jozea would really get on with Georgina – both deluded af

  8. I’m getting sick of them trying to drag James down. The most honest and loyal guy you can ask for is on their side and they can’t stop making up crazy assumptions. He’s helping them by playing friendly with the other side cause someone has to do it. They act as if you should totally shut them out. That’s how you lose.

    Also very hypocritical of them considering Nicole has made a whole other alliance without him and Frank never wants to put Paul up cause he knows he’s good with him. Even after Payl told him he would put up James. Frank not being a good alliance member.

  9. Is Frank kinds setting up James for a fall? I thought Frank and Da would be the first to backstop another Vet… but this is so much earlier than I thought. I think Frank would backstab any of them at any minute now. Maybe James told Tiff as a loyalty test. The paranoia is starting early this year again… should be a fun Summer.

    1. I thought I kept up pretty well but I missed where James told Tiffany something to test her loyalty. What was it he told her. Thanks.

  10. I will be so happy to see Jozea leave the big brother house!????
    He got way to comfortable in the house!! He also talked to much crap about the returning vets!????????
    Team Veterans!????

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