“Bro, we’re straight cruising.. It’s going to be another chill week I’m telling you.” -Paul

POV Holder: ? POV Competition Aug 6th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony Aug 8th
HOH Victor Next HOH Aug 11th
Original Nominations: Michelle AND Zakiyah
After POV Nominations: ? AND ?
Have Nots Bridgette, James, Corey

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Big-Brother-18 2016-08-06 01-40-31-839

12:01am Paulie and James

Paule saying they take out Bridgette next week that way they control the votes and they control the other girls in the house. He adds that Zakiyah is going after Bridgette and Victor whereas Michelle is a wildcard.

James – I just feel with Natalie she’ll be more open.. (if she wins HOH)
James- Nicole will tell you what you want to hear for that week.. I think Nicole has been involved in more stuff we think she is and she’s been able to cover because we’ve been evicted other people.

Paulie thinks if Nicole wins the HOH she’ll go after Victor, calls Victor a buffer for them if Nicole and Zakiyah wins.

Paulie wants Zakiyah, Nicole or Natalie to win HOH next week so they put up Bridgette and Victor. If Victor wins the POV he’ll go after the girl that put him up the following week.

Paulie – Victor will be blinded by a blood rage

1:01am Kitchen chit chat
MEECH – what do you call Natalie? A Never Nat..

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1:01am Storage room Paulie and Paul
Paulie – master of Blowj
Paul – master of blowj

Paul – PP
PAulie – 100 hundo .. pping on people
Paul – hilarious
Paulie – we need to figure out a way to orchestrate what we’re trying to do this week
Paul – James is probably shitting his pants about MEECH
Paul – we need to convince him to use it on Nat.. one of them at least on Nat and one of them on himself maybe.
Paulie – can he do that
Paul – I think so
Paulie suggesting Natalie and Nicole or Bridgette.
Paul – somebody that will vote Zakiyah 2 people..

Paul – Meech tried to squash things with Vic, I heard them talking..
Paulie – she squashed stuff with me..

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1:48am Nicole and Paul
Talking about Da’Vonne throwing Z under the bus last week trying to get Zakiyah nominated.
Paul – she’s done certain things that rubbed me the wrong way.. that certain mindset was dangerous any chance tat taking a shot she would have done it.. I think she would have taken a shot at Paulie

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1:51am pool

1:56am chit chat about Survivor and Amazing race

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2:00am Nicole is talking about getting an anxiety attack today, “My heart was Boom Boom Boom i was being overwelhlmeeeeeeeeed.. When you get anxiety you get really short because you think you are going to diiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiie
Nicole says Paul came to talk to her because he gets them too but that didn’t make her feel better she wanted to talk to Corey
Nicole- you just don’t want anybody to know you are having an anxiety attack.. You don’t want anymore attention..
Nicole – I’m sorry … I didn’t mean anything..

2:11am BRidgette, Paul, Natalie, PAulie, and Michelle in the bathroom talking about Jozea and all his crazy stories. “He woke up with his two fists in 2 different a$$ h**** in Paris.. They mention how we would talk about maxing credit card. One would max out and he applied for another one, and kept going.

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2:13am HOH PAul and Victor
Victor – never cared
Paul – it’s the funniest thing ever
Victor – she really likes me as a person that is why she was so hurt about it.. we’re in a game..
Paul laughs at a rhyme Victor had prepared, “9 to 1 do those numbers ring a bell because on my eviction night that’s how the votes fell”

Paul – Bro we’re straight cruising.. it’s going to be another chill week I’m telling you.. We’re doing damage control bro.. You don’t have to worry about it.. You already did your job
Victor – ya I’m stepping back

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2:44am Bridgette and Victor
Talking about getting Zakiyah out this week. Victor thinks the votes are there to do it from what they’e all told him. Victor says he trusts Bridgette a lot doesn’t trust Paulie and Paul as much.

Victor mentions the nomination ceremony how Zakiyah just took the beads and played along but Michelle was pissed.

“9 to 1 do those numbers ring a bell because on my eviction night that’s how the votes fell”
“Battle back champ I got the notches on my belt now you’ll see how eviction felt.”
“Z This is really based on strategy if it was up to you the person on the block would be me and top be honest you never really gave me too much attention, Paulies the only one that gets your affection”
“Michelle this should be easy and clear to see two days ago you were mean and rude to me but really your quote wasn’t too far off yesterday wasn’t the day to piss people off”
“So hopefully this doesn’t ruin and relationships so here are some beads outta friendship ”

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3:01am Paulie and Paul Pool
Paulie – we have to be very careful how we sway them
Paul – Corey will vote Zakiyah out if we really tell him.. I already talked to Nicole and she agree.
Paul adds they would benefit from Paulie telling James and Corey it’s OK to vote out Zakiyah
Paul – Z has already started to throw Meech’s name under the bus.. Meech is her ride or die bro

Paulie – Zakiyah will come to me for anything.. If Z possibly does win she’s going after BRidgette, Natalie or Exec.. If Meech wins she’ll go after James, Bridgette, Natalie or Exec

PAul- that’s not a bad thing.. If we keep Meech in the house and James goes rogue.. There’s a target for him
Paul says Meech doesn’t have the balls to put them up thinks Zakiyah does

Paulie – to be honest as much as we want to keep Exec around he is going to be harder to get out than James
Paul – doubt it..

Paul – at the end of the day it’s a double we lose another girl..

Paul – at the end of the day we can’t protect exec from Corey and James but secretly it’s in our best interest to have him around..

Paulie agrees says they should take a shot at Bridgette if it’s a double and let Victor win the next HOH to take a shot.

Paulie says the vote this week will come to a last minute decision but that will be fueled by them.

Paulie mentions Corey saying that NAtalie wants a girl to win and she’ll only vote out guys.
Paulie say the statement originated from Nicole, JAmes dig some digging
Paul – sketch town
Paulie – Makes sense it’s how it made it to Corey..
They worry about Nicole a bit but feel if Victor is around Nicole will always target him first.
Paulie says if they can get bridgette out, let Vic win and take a shot at Meech/Nicole
Paul – or James
Paulie – or that
Paulie – this will set PP up with a cruise control mission
Paul says James is a little “Sketch McGresh”
Paul points out all the competitions that James is throwing.
Paulie says Corey and James want the 4 boys but don’t want exec they want to cut him before the top 7 .
Paul – Corey/James what have you guys done..
Paulie says Corey is trying to win competitions but isn’t James is throwing all these competition.
Paul points out that Corey dislikes Victor already they could use him to take out Victor.

They go over the boot list, Zakiyah, BRidgette and Michelle or Nicole.
Paulie – put Nicole and Meech up see which one looks prettier
Paul – Corey’s not going to get pissed
PAulie says Corey will be fine with it when the time come s
Paul – Z is more of a threat to you and I

Paulie says if Z leaves it gives him more options socially.
Paulie says he can’t talk to Meech or Nicole because Z gets pissed.

Paul going on and on about how dangerous Zakiyah is compared to Michelle
Paul – Meech cries and Pukes Z doesn’t

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3:31am Corey joins them
Paulie wants to continue the Zakiyah/Michelle debate, “I hear the points on both sides”
Corey says Meech isn’t going to win any comps other than mental
Paul points out Michelle isn’t winning anything she hasn’t won a mental comp yet and won the

COrey – Z is worse at comps than natalie is.. Michelle will whoop Z’s a$$ in mental comps
Paulie – Z’s social game is better than Michelle,.. Michelle is an emotional wreck.. Someone like that in power
Paul – assuming she does get power
PAuli e- Zakiyah will come to me
Corey -agreed
Corey – Michelle blows Z’s social game outta the water.. Nobody likes Z nobody…
Corey says Zakiyah’s social game is a 2 and Michelle is a 8/9
Paul is arguing Zakiyah out.
Paulie – Michelle operates on jealously and attention
Paulie argues Michelle is too unstable, “I can keep Zakiyah’s target on Bridgette”
Paul says Michelle will put Bridgette up there is no way around that.

Paul, Paulie and Corey all say they will not use the Veto. Paul points if they don’t use that veto on Z they will have a problem.
Corey – I like Meech.. I like MEECh 10x more than Z

Paulie says Zakiyah likes him in the sense that she wants to date him after he doesn’t think she will double cross him.
Paulie brings up Bridgette linking up with Michelle and Meech telling her that PAul was trying to turn her against Frank.
Corey leaves..

Paul says Natalie should be the pawn if Zakiyah/Bridgette win the veto.
Bridgette joins them
Paul – hey you little poop stain

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3:58am Cam 1-2 Backyard Bridgette, Paul and Paulie
They want Michelle to think she’s going home because she’s boasted about “Blowing shit up” in the past.

PAulie wants to see what Michelle will do.
Bridgette 0- so she make herself a even bigger target.
Paul – OK beautiful.. We can do that it’s easy.. Never cared..
Bridgette – it’s not easy to set her off

Paul – we’re talking about making her think she’s going home this week so she can blow sh1t up and then keeping her so that she like awwwwh f** but I said all that shit .. SHIT F***
Bridgette – sure let’s do it easy..
Paul says if he wins the veto and doesn’t use it he wants Z to leave and he hopes everyone honours that.
Paulie says at this point Zakiyah is hurting his social game.
Paul jokes that BRidgette should start flirting with paulie
Bridgette – f** no she will f*** come after me every time you hug me o out your hands him my hair.. I think she’s going to cut me.

Bridgette – she’s coming right after me
Paulie – you’re third on her list now.. She wants Vic.

Paulie- I’m down with keeping Meech..
Paulie says he can’t hug Bridgette, Nicole or Michelle because he’ll get dirty looks.

4:04am Bridgette and Paulie
Paulie still giving reasons they should keep Zakiyah
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Paul and Victor head up to the HOH to see the dead fish.
Paul tells Victor to back him up in trying to get Zakiyah out this week.

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4:40am Kitchen Victor, Paulie and Paul
Paul – it’s 4:30 and I’m pissed
Paulie – pissed
Simon – never cared

Paul – get a care package from America it’s a bong.. thanks guys
Paul – lets toss this bag of flour in someone bed..
Paulie – standing here with our d1ck in our hands

Victor says he has 15 blisters on his hands.
Paul – are they going to f** my sh1t up.. where this POV it’s 4 in the morning (backyard still open)
Paulie – it’s inside.. nobody sift though the garbage it is not in there.

Victor – Lets have a quick burping comp
They pass around a bottle of pop taking swigs and burping.. some of them fart as well. Victor and Paul joke that they sh1t their pants. (LOL a bro summer)
Victor is having trouble burping, ‘DAng it it’s like it wants to come out”

Bros giggling and farting … (bro summer)
Victor going on about Coke’s recipe being in a vault. Pauli thinks it’s been figured out already by competitors.
Paulie – McDonald’s has secret sauce for their Macs
Victor quesionts if they should bother going to bed, “lets power through this”
Paul – nope
Simon – please don’t

5:40am Sleeping.
Paul and Victor sharing the HOH bed.

The NEXT America’s Care Package
WEEK 3 – August 7th to August 12th

The good news is the holder of this care package will be safe for the week. The bad news is the house guest must also wear a “Super Safety” costume all week long.

[polldaddy poll=9491180]

65 thoughts to ““Bro, we’re straight cruising.. It’s going to be another chill week I’m telling you.” -Paul”

  1. Thanks for the update, its helping the graveyard shift cruise along. Has the mood shifted in the house since Da left? It seems like people are slowing regressing to insanity this week……

      1. Simon – best comment of the day. Cracked me up!!

        4:40am Kitchen Victor, Paulie and Paul
        Paul – it’s 4:30 and I’m pissed
        Paulie – pissed
        Simon – never cared

  2. Come on, girls! Get your head out of your asses and so called showmances and get the scum out of the house (and I do not mean shower scum either)!!!!!

    1. Sadly no hope for them this season. It is amazing to me with all of the strong, athletic, intelligent women (key word being women and not the high school acting little girls) we have in this country that this is what the producers have to offer. Much like our political choices I guess. So many intelligent men and women in this country and all they can offer us is a choice between Trump and Clinton?? I would love to see a couple of those bad a$$ gals that compete on American Ninja Warrior! They would run circles around these chumps. Like someone else posted there are even plenty of 20 something women that are not this whole “OMG” “Sis-boom-bah” crap. It is just crazy. I happen to be watching that Discovery show Naked and Afraid at the moment, give us some of these bad a$$ women and see if the Con can control them. They would kick his a$$! Tiff had him pegged he is afraid of a strong woman with her own mind.

  3. Victor is a DUMBASS…..its so annoying when the game gets predictable….I mean it’s big brother and they are not playing like they should. It’s like nobody can think for themselves or they are easily influenced. I can’t understand for the like of me why z can’t see that she is getting played in this game she’s so blinded by her attraction to paulie that she can’t see that she needs to start playing the game. Like I would start being nice to everyone, not spending so much time with paulie, like being on this front where people don’t see her as a threat or jealous or emotional because at the end of the day if she did change her attitude they wouldn’t want her out. Her being distracted by paulie hurt her game because she started to make scenes and want to talk about things….Don’t get me wrong paulie played his part too but it was her that kept making big deals about things which then painted her in a light and paulie started to make her target. If she wanted to be close to him she should have waited for jury or when they got out. People need to keep their mouths close as well. Loose lips sink ships and its a lot of them that talk to much and then want to deny they said anything. Z, Michelle, Natalie, Nicole, needs to play smarter.

    1. But I just don’t get how Victor is to blame? He was backdoored which meant he was outside a voting majority and they all hid it. He was out of the house while dynamics were shifting. He comes back in and the only people embracing him are Paulie and his court jester, the court jester being the one guy that stood by him with a vote and a nice eviction message. What move is he supposed to make?

      The guy I blame is James. He suspects Corey and Nicole were side-dealing with Frank…which should tell him they’re not satisfied with the status quo. He’s got Nat and if he used her, Bridgette who has shown the desire to play. That’s a majority James can feel confident he can beat. Yet he’s content being Paulie’s rat and Nat’s fake boyfriend.

      I blame Corey. He should know Paulie is too close to Paul, know that he orchestrates everything, and rather than be annoyed by Vic, groom him to make a big move….to play his ego and his desire for revenge. And he should draw James closer, mention how he thinks Paulie is only pretending to want Z gone, so he can turn and say we should be willing to cut Nic and Nat. Again, the Showmance 4 are a majority.

      1. That’s a good point. If (Emphasis on IF) James had a brain, he could actually befriend Bridgette, apologize for putting her up, and then he would be the only one with a 3some in the house. Super Powers! But, instead he is so stupid and doesn’t care.

        1. No argument whatsoever….my only defense for not playing to win is for Vic and Bridgette because they have no leverage, nobody who is providing a better deal than Paulie, so there’s not only no opening but no incentive to make a big move.

          Everybody else, however, has leverage, has winning plays to make, yet are a blend of cowardice, stupidity, and the desire to be “famous and popular”…of which James is the absolute worst offender (Nat right beside him….nobody cares that you made $50 a week as an NFL cheerleader). Corey is next (with Nicole’s personal insecurity and game paranoia). Then Paul as he acts the fool, trashing Vic to everybody like the nerd at the cool kids table, rather than pulling him in (seriously, a guy that would take him to final 2 and he’s all but ensured he goes so guys that would take Paulie stay).

          James, Corey, and Paul deserve hate for ruining the game….not Vic.

        2. James sat down with Bridgette and Natalie and hashed it out. Whether or not it worked remains to be seen.

    2. It’s sad that Z now has a good sense of what Paulie’s up to in the game and yet still can’t entertain a move against him because she seems too concerned about how that might affect their “relationship.” Irony is he’d probably end up respecting her a whole lot more if she was the one to put him in the jury house. His ego would have to heal first, but he’d see her as more than just bootylicious.

  4. I’m giving the safe package to Zakiya, she might not deserve it but it would just be funny for them to think she is liked outside the house. They are all a bunch of idiots and Vic is number 1 total ass! #theseHG’sareidiots#Ican’tstandthem#NataliefortheWin

    1. For Z’s sake she needs to go. She can save her job if she leaves now.


      Z: “He a fool…” SUBJECT + VERB + NOUN HONEY!!!!!! OMG.

      Seriously, she is teaching YOUR children!!!??????!!! Z should only model. Take off those ridiculous socks, model your looks, your body, whatever, but please, just keep your mouth shut or go back to school.

      1. That and her whole “you make me feel a certain type of way” Without all of the putty she puts on she is not very pretty and the years and tears will not be kind to her. I think once her body goes she has nothing to fall back on. Listening to her talk to Con Corleone in the Paris room the other night I found it had to believe she was a teacher. I wouldn’t let that girl try to teach my dog how to sit a certain type of way.

          1. what does that have to do with it? I have 4 daughters, 4 grand daughters and a grand son. (thus the grey hair)
            I would not want this train wreck TRYING to teach any of the their ABC’s or 123″s or how to use a crayon a certain type of way. Do you remember her talking to the Con in the HOH where he was talking about him and his boys funding charities and start up businesses? She was talking about her goal to run a private school. This from a girl who can form a proper sentence let alone the classlessness she has shown. But if you want to trust her to even walk your child to the bus without turning her head if she sees a good looking man, flipping her “hair” trying to vamp up for him like she keeps doing for the cameras, strutting like she is walking the runway have at it. Me not so much. Now if I was a pimp or a madame wanting to teach the girls or boys (pc world have to include everyone!) how to apply their make-up and act like a ho she would have a good shot at the job

            1. Disagree. Your job is your job. You show up, do what you get paid for and that’s all there is to it. What you do in the privacy of your own “off time” is your own business and should not reflect how good you are at you your job. It’s just unfortunate that she doesn’t have enough respect for herself and realize that she is on camera 24 hrs/day. I know bankers who have great advice, but are terrible with their own money. Personal trainers that can whip your butt into shape, but aren’t fit themselves. I know athletes that smoke, cops that speed, fast food workers who’ll never eat the food they serve and teachers who don’t want children themselves. I’m a true believer in practice what you preach, but a job is a job. Just because Z sucks at the game of Big Brother doesn’t mean much when it comes to the real world. And just to clarify, Z sucks at this game! As poor of an image that she’s giving herself at least she never tried to burn a goat!!!

  5. Z and Michelle pose zero threat to Victor. He should’ve made a boss move and put up Nicole/Corey, Paulie as replacement. What a waste of an HOH. Can’t wait to see him back out of the house. He came back just to be duped by the exact same person.

    1. If Z goes then it weakens Paulie vote by ONE without a direct attack on Paulie. Victor, James, Nat, and Bridgette need to come together! They could bring in Meech to help break up Corey/Nicole.

  6. Maaaann… I really hope Victor is “Keeping his friends close… and his enemies closer.”
    If he backdoors Paulie somehow sooner or later … he will be seen as a great player that had everyone thinking he was a foolish twit.

    If he gets evicted by Paulie’s manipulation… then he proves he is a fool that we all think he is.

    (Im from Canada as well : D )

  7. “The Dynamic Levels of Stupidity – An Analysis of Big Brother Gameplay Gone Wrong” ~ Author Unknown

    Give me two weeks in that house, one HOH and one POV. The havoc I would wreak!

  8. in hindsight, might have been better if jozea was still here. seems like he’d been able top stare stuff up and tge game will not suck as much add out currently does. I hope paulie makes it to final two with someone like zak only so he can get the 50k price like his brother and look like another idiot from their clan.

    1. I think once the HG heard how Josea “woke up with his two fists in 2 different a$$ h**** in Paris” he was pretty much a gone goose…

  9. i don’t even think i’ll watch the rest of the season until the finale, unless by some weird miracle paul or paulie end up on the block as real targets . i’ll just read the feeds. i’m so disappointed. unlike derrick(well i thought he was obvious but could understand not picking up on it inside the house), you can VISUALLY SEE the manipulation that’s going on by paul and paulie. For some reason no one is doing anything about it. Sure. for fans of paul and paulie, I’m sure they’re proud they are staying in control, but as an objective viewer it’s frustrating to watch. And also, yes, usually you have to win something to make a move, but for the love of good tv do these people think they’re on a vacation?! I can see it now, tears from z, a breakdown from michelle, james saying he waited too late to play his cards, natalie following soon after with no protection, nicole wondering why corey didn’t save her, victor saying he cant wait to play his way back next year, corey having that same derp look on his face, bridgette being a wild card for as long as she’s useful. and everyone at the jury house discussion house pissed like they couldn’t have prevented the friendship queens from making it to the end

  10. also nicole is the bad seed within the girls. running like a puppy to the guys and letting things out. won’t be long before she realizes she should have kept day. waiting for her backdoor shocker

    1. I am so annoyed with Nicole this season. ALL THE WHINING about this that and the other. Her freaking out that American doesn’t love her the most is just pathetic. Her game is all about pleasing Corey and I resent her for that. PLAY THE FREAKING GAME, Nicole.

  11. Assholes…all of them. Except Bridge and Nat…its really sad you have to depend on those two to shake up the game…worst season in a while and that’s really saying something!

  12. Paulie and Paul starting to get sick of eachother. Ha. Paulie DOES NOT like having to spend this much time getting Paul to do what he wants. He likes pussies like James who just follow daddys orders and don’t question. He likes that James just happy to float and ride his coat tails.

    Paul will protect Michelle and Vic because he feels those the two he has more control over than Paulie does.

    Paul will keep fighting Paulie this week and try to get Zak out but ultimately Michelle will go home. Paul isn’t happy with Paulie but won’t show it to him yet.

    I think obvious choice for Paulie to take to final 2 would be Paul right now but he actually has a easier path if he clips Paul late and takes James(god forbid NO!) or Zak to final 2.

    I think we are leading up to a Paulie vs. Paul showdown in the weeks to come.

    I know if I’m a writer for the show this would be in the script.

    Paulie vs. Paul. Stay tuned

  13. While Paulie is clearly running this game right now, Paul is actually the one that should win. He was next to go after Victor and on the wrong side of the house and now he has a clear path to the final 3 if he keeps it together. Don’t hate PP for playing the game — hate the others for being sheep.

  14. I agree girls in the house are pathetic but I blame production. I expected nothing less of the season where females selected are some combination of attractive looks/body, hair extensions, boob job etc., a lethargic type that fosters jealousy and cattiness whose primary goal is attracting a man. Pit that type against a bunch of frat boy jocks and the outcome in inevitable. This would be a very different game if the majority of females were smart competitive athletes and there were less male jocks. Won’t be different next season unless production changes it’s current casting model.

  15. I was really crazy to think a backdoor was in the making for Paulie. Victor put up noms on a personal basis, not strategic. Z, she didnt give him any attention. Michelle, she crying as a strategy move. What kinda mess is that!!!
    But I’m kinda looking forward to how this eviction plays out. Paulie tells Paul it’s okay to evict Z(she hurt his social game), but tells Bridget he wants to keep Z. It seems like Paulie is alittle confused.
    So Nicole doesn’t think Z should campaign against Michelle. Why not? That means Z is not just depending on Paulie’s word. Paulie, Paul and Nicole thinks they are the only ones who can strategies.

  16. Well it’s official, Paulie, Corey, and Paul were shooting pool. They were discussing who to evict first, Z or Michelle. Pauline gave many reasons why Michelle should go first. Then he said she FLOPPED. Paul said I don’t understand, what does that mean? Paulie said, I already told Corey when the feeds were down,I just haven’t had a chance to tell you. Paul asked was it something about him, Paulie said no, about Z, but I would be scum to say it on camera. Guess what Paulie you are scum for doing it and telling it. All the live feeders saw you and Z having sex in that bumper car. Afterwards she got went to the bathroom, used it, came out went to the sink and grabbed the mouthwash, gargled, washing NOTHING and went back to snuglgle with Paulie. Dirty Zakiyah strikes again. The only good thing I can say about Paulie is he was really trying to sway the votes to keep her while constantly saying I don’t care who goes first.

    1. I think he wants to take Z to final 2 this is all a smokescreen. Paul was on him yesterday I wonder what dirty BS Paulie will do to flip Paul. Hope Paul investigates he needs to work with Vik and backdoor Paulie this week.

  17. Uggggg I’m going to just bypass this week and wait on DE…if NOONE decides to make a big move and get Paulie out or at least try, I will officially be team Paulie!! If you can’t beat ’em join ’em! Paulie FTW!

  18. Simon: “Never Cared” lol
    Perfect response Simon to that string of bro nonsense! Thanks for the laugh.

  19. This whole season was set up for Paulie to win, I believe. He has too many links to these players outside of the game. He and Nicole knew each other through Cody and their families are close. He runs in the same social circles as Natalie and they have mutual friends. His Dad is James’ manager. He and Robin Kass, one of the top brass on Big Brother, are super close. This game is rigged and has been for years. I’m saddened that a show I loved has devolved to this. Just write him the check and get it over with!

    1. I agree! Watch Paulie have the winning enveloppe to come back in if he is evicted. Why are most Big Brother cast connected some how? Just find it odd.It happens every year.

  20. Love how Paul is going around to people like Michelle, Bridgette, Nicole and Z and acting the part of the concerned friend who is being screwed around by the rest of the guys. He pleads innocence in Days eviction, and constantly giving these girls someone to talk to. I really think at this point if it were the two Paul’s at the end, he would definitely win over Paulie. Paulie does come off as a smug asshole, while everyone appears to like Paul. I have a sneaking feeling that Victor might backdoor Paulie if he gets the chance. I hope so, because I can’t imagine someone being so stupid to think he could work with a person who put him on the block and had him back-doored. Surely he knows Paulie has go to or else his chances are nil to win the game. Day has told him they want him gone, and Michelle did the same in speaking to him after nominations. Now that Paulie has broken his own rule regarding sex in the house, will he try to push even harder still for Z to stay? I hope so, and then the unrest will start. Paul said that he gave him Day, so Paulie should give him Z this week. Both PP’s are strong willed and unwilling to give in to each other.

  21. Victor says he trusts Bridgette a lot doesn’t trust Paulie and Paul as much.

    Then why you put z and big Meech up?

    Wasn’t Paulie the one who backdoor you in the first place when he replace Paul?

    Rico Sauve Vic, you could have done something for yourself but sadly having burp and fart contests with PP is what you desire.

  22. James is the man. Let’s be real, he’s short and not very good looking but he has landed the best looking and one of the nicest girls in there and he did the same thing in his other season. Also his baby’s momma is not bad either. Is he playing the best game? It doesn’t look like it but you never know he might kick in to high gear when he has to.

    Go James!

    1. BAWAWAWA!!! Man you could do stand up comedy with an act like that. He has not “landed” as you call it anything, nor did he last season. Meg wanted nothing to do with him and neither does Natalie. I feel she has made that perfectly clear in the things she has said and her actions. Sure she allows him to rub her back and her feet but I do not see her showing him nearly the same affection. She won’t kiss him! No she doesn’t need to let him use her as his personal finger puppet like someone we all knoooooooooooow, but if she was really into him she would be showing more affection. He is not da man he is dud man

      1. James’ only ever had his lame pranks. Dude is a dud this season. Nat was way more interested in Corey and Vic…but had to settle for Lames….James “doesn’t want his cards shown” …Dude, u never had the cards to begin with

    2. I don’t think he will ever kick it into high gear. If he does, it will be like last season and come an eviction tooooo late!!!

    3. Nat has Hpv. She said it on the live feeds a few days ago when having girl talk with Zakiyah Day and Meech.

  23. V & B are the targets next week for PP and Meech & Z. I’d love to mess with their game, so vote Bridgette or Victor for the next two ACP.

    ACP3 Super Safety: Victor- may need it for DBL eviction. Hoping he puts Paulie as BD !!
    ACP4 Co-HOH: Bridgette- after DE
    ACP5 BB Bribe : Corey or Paul. (TBD too far away yet)

    * you can vote 20 times a day
    ** player can only win ONE ACP so choose strategically

    1. Super safety awarded day AFTER double eviction. Only one in play this Thursday is james’ 2 vote cancellation.

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