“It sucks man it’s a 4 vs 1 .. I was talking to my stuffed Pig last night he doesn’t want to take me either”

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Kevin won the pov

Dillon and Kevin in the HOH
Kevin – Demetres has to go.. He has to go, He’s the biggest threat
Kevin – He’s going to make a pitch to you if he hasn’t already made it to you
Dillon – yeah he’s already made it
Kevin – the kid is strong
Kevin – yeah he is big time
Kevin – it sucks man it’s a 4 vs 1 situation .. there’s no motivation for you guys to keep me if you guys all think I’m going to win”
Dillon – it’s kinda true
Kevin says if he knows he can win he’ll take Dillon over Karen, “it’ll be cooler for the show”
Kevin – I wouldn’t want to take Karen after the whole season out relationship
Dillon and I need that money bad
Kevin – Karen does well in her life… just for the story

Kevin tells him that Demetres wants to win this game so bad if Ika wins the veto and says she’ll use it on Demetres he’ll let her.
Dillon isn’t sure.
Keivn says if Demetres is in the final 2 he’s going to have to vote for him.
Dillon says he’s fighting for second place there’s not way he’ll win against Demetres or Kevin.
Kevin says if Dillon is sitting next to Karen he wins 9-0.
Kevin – I was talking to my stuffed Pig last night he doesn’t want to take me either
Kevin – best final 3 is Ika and Karen, that’s your path. My Path is to win Final 4 veto
They agree Demetres needs to win today’s POV
Kevin – Ika hasn’t won a comp..
Dillon – not one
Kevin – she really hasn’t been close
Dillon says the only way he can make it to the finals is Demetres goes this week then Kevin and he wins the final 3 HOH.

Kevin – if you have a chance to get rid of me Final 3 you should..

Kevin says Ika made the show so much better “She’s stirred up so much sh1t.. if there was a fan favorite she would win for sure.. ”
Dillon – me and Ika at this point. (LOL)

Kevin says Big Brother helps his career so much.
Kevin says after he lost the last season he was “Crippled” and was depressed for months. He went to a counselor and they told him he’s on national television so the exposure is really the benefit the 100K victory is just icing.

Dillon says his manager said the same thing “get on there and make people love you and we’ll use it.. I’m sure they’re already selling T shirts a shit.. big country apparel.. Appearances”
They agree this is the most watched season so the exposure will be good for their careers. (nope 🙁 )
Kevin says Ika/Demetres have been a couple since week 2 and they’ve survived until final 5, says they are incredible players, “Ika stays up every night talking to people convincing people”
They agree getting rid of Jackie last week was “Solid”

Dillon – Dre went from being in the best position to out the door..
Kevin – Ika loved her

Dillon find Kevin’s study hole

Kevin studying..

Demetres and Ika in the red room
Ika says Dillon told her he’s going to take her to a club after this. He also said he was a catch.
Ika says Dillon came on to her a bit.
Demetres says Kevin offered Dillon a final 2 deal. Adds that Dillon wasn’t buying it.
Demetres – he’s pushing an out of house deal.. I just told him no..
Demetres calls Dillon a slim ball for trying to “catch her”
Demetres – take you out to a club f** that

Kevin wants to make sure Demetres leaves this week if he wins the power of veto he’ll take down Ika and put up Dillon.


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Go Ika Go!!!!


Go straight to jury

Some Guy on the Internet

::::farts loudly::::


It sucks though. To see Ika in this showmance and she has a family back at home. Not just kids but a spouse. If Ika was really geniune with Dem?. Who knows but her family should be upset. As we seen him in the family video!


that was her children’s father, they are not in a relationship.


They actually are in a relationship. Ika is currently free to see other people, but she has never truly cut it off with her “ex”, which is why she was so upset to see him sad. She refused to sleep with Demetres that night. She lives with him and they raise the boys together.


She does indeed have two kids with the father of her child who she appears to be on good terms with. No one knows what will happen in the future a lot of things definitely need to be hashed out once Demika get back to the real world but Demetres seems to make her happy. Being a mom does not mean that you do not deserve happiness in your life.


Is Ika married ? if so her husband should be going to a divorce lawyer


no she’s not married…lol


Why does Dillon think that Canada loves him?

Guy From Canada

I have no reason to hate him, but no reason to love him either…


When is the POV competition Simon?


No doubt this is a tough spot for Ika and Demetres this Week. It would be nice if Karen could finally win a Veto and take Demetres off the block and have Dillon as the replacement. That would be the ideal situation. Either way One of them needs to win and get Dillon up on that block which is no easy task. But Karen will do it I believe because once Dre and William left, the plan of getting rid of the Vets was out the window, so she is always evolving in the game. So this Week she knows her best chance at getting any money is against Demetres. So take out Kevin next Week with the help of Ika and Demetres and she then can get rid of Ika after that. ( as much as I love Ika ) !!!


That’s kind of hilarious that you believe in a f3 of demika and kaRen that Karen has any shot of winning to f2. I like the idea for demika to be f2 but your reasoning about Karen… ummm not quite


Karen is an idiot if she thinks the showmance would take her to final 2


Even if Dem or Ika DONT win veto Ika will go, Karen and Dillon will keep Dem just to piss Kevin off lol And that’s good !!


no Karen wants to win veto to vote out dillon

dillon wants to throw the veto

Kevin wants to win veto so he can take down ika and put up dillon

so either way one of ika or den is coming down…it’s a wrap


The season of stupid…..

Instead of leaving noms alone Kev appears to want to take Ika off and replace with Dillion. If things are as stated on the feeds Karen will vote out Dillion with Ika and Dem staying F4. Lord these folks are stupid. Karens playing for second place which requires Dem or Ika to backstab each other F3 barring a Kev F4 POV.

The only logical thing is no change in noms or Karen up if you trust Dillion. But If you trust Dillion leave the noms the same. You’d have to believe Dillion would throw away 100K by keeping Dem over Ika. I don’t see it as Dillion would be best positioned to win F4 HOH and a free pass to F3 as a result by evicting Dem.

If Dillion is safe as HOH then you target Kevin F4. He wins POV you take out Ika. Leaving Karen and the 2 guys.. Who ever wins part 3 of the final takes Karen F2. Even the moron Karen should be able to figure out she wins second place simply by getting rid of either Ika or Dem F5. Those 2 taking each other is the only threat to her not getting 2nd place money IMHO.


Sion , you should do a poll to see you F3 will be

Ika you slut

Ika is an embarrassment to her kids. Shame on her.


do not call any woman a slut. that is low and disgusting.
Nothing she done makes her less of a mom. O Ika


Bihhh stfu how dare you come for the queen…. get dragged lol


If dem survives this week I hope he goes final 3 with kev and Dillon. Karen is too tempting because everyone will choose her f2 so with her out of the way dem has better chance because dillons only chance of winning is taking him and I believe dem can convince Kevin to take him too


Why do they call dem the greek ? Im sure Ika wouldnt like being called the African. Or sindy the asian


Ika is Jamaican.


That’s his self declared nickname

another name

Dem’s nickname at home is the Greek. His video from home on one of his hoh’s had his buddy calling him Greek throughout. His hat has his nickname ‘greek’ on it.
maybe that’s why they call him Greek, because he has encouraged it.


1. Ika is Jamaican, 2. Dem calls himself the greek 3.Being called the african or the asian isn’t offensive if the person was literally the only african or asian on the season. It’s just an identity.
4. smh


You really think calling someone “The African” or “The Asian” just because they’re the sole African or Asian person cast isn’t offensive?

Upside down Matrix

“They agree Demetres needs to win today’s POV”

uhh wha?

Club H.O.H

Go Demika & Karen! Please BB Gods! And we call Dem the Greek because that’s also what his coworkers call him and he’s a beast at comps so Greek “God” (I know some may think that’s a little much but he deserves to win so I’m putting that energy out there) fits him.


go ika


Ugh I do not like Kevin! Hoping he’s out next week.. His game pisses me off for some reason.


My gosh! Kevin are you stupid! He’s saying that if it’s Dillon vs dem on the block then Karen would vote out dem yet says Karen will help him out in the veto! Do you not see the flaw in your logic!!! Therefore Karen wouldn’t vote him out you idiot!

I really hope Kevin puts Dillon up and watch him be blindsided when Karen votes to evict dillon!

King James

Ok so here is what has to happen Kevin has the poV he was talking about how it’s better for his game if he uses it to take off Ika & Dillon will be the replacement. And then I have a feeling that in her heart Karen would rather go to the end with demetrie & ika because they now have a better bond and let’s face it people Dillon it’s literally just a floater he doesn’t win anything and he just sits there killing time and listens to everybody it’s like he’s there to keep everybody company at some point, but he has no game & the sleeping giant should definitely be sent home if he’s the replacement against Dimitrie I’m really hoping they can get Karen to understand that and screw Kevin over!!! Dimitrie deserves to stay over dillon hands down even dillon knows that! If kevin doesn’t use the pov then im pretty sure ika could stay…kevin is going hard now but i hope he gets served !!!

King James 23

Ok so here is what has to happen Kevin has the poV he was talking about how it’s better for his game if he uses it to take off Ika & Dillon will be the replacement. And then I have a feeling that in her heart Karen would rather go to the end with demetrie & ika because they now have a better bond and let’s face it people Dillon it’s literally just a floater he doesn’t win anything and he just sits there killing time and listens to everybody it’s like he’s there to keep everybody company at some point, he has no game & the sleeping giant should definitely be sent home if he’s the replacement against Dimitrie I’m really hoping they can get Karen to understand that and screw Kevin over!!! Dimitrie deserves to stay over dillon hands down even dillon knows that! If kevin doesn’t use the pov then im pretty sure ika could stay…kevin is going hard now but i hope he gets served !!!

another name

Simon, Quick question:
Is the first to enter the bb us or can house never wins curse still a thing?
If so, things look bad for Dillon no matter what happens. Just checked, he was the first hg to enter. lol.
Thanks, sorry the question is so off topic.

another name

Dillon walked in first ahead of dre, jackie and mark.
wasn’t sure if the curse was still real though. lol.
will also be interesting if they break more of the bbcan traditions. The first to leave is a woman tradition has been broken (Kat, Anick, Risha, Paige) by Mark this season. There’s a chance a woman leaving in 4th position as well (Talla, Heather, Brittnee, Cassandra) may change as a tradition. Sorry, stupid head for patterns.



KEVIN WON THE VETO… I heard that at one point in the very physical competition Ika started helping Demetres so he would win the Veto. I was really hoping to see Demetres at least in the final 4. If they vote Demetres out, there’s nothing I would like more than to see Ika in the final 2 just to see everyone’s face… lol

Guy From Canada

Well this just ruined my work night….I wonder if Kev will use the veto to try and guarantee Dem out….If he does, Karen dropping Dillon would be HUGE for TV, but very poor gameplay….Unless at this point she realizes that she has to play for second place in which it would be a good game move.


lol Kevin still secretly plans on taking Ika down and putting up Dillon, thinking that Karen will not vote out Dillon! lol


Best thing to happen is…..
Let Kevin go over scenarios in his retarded brain… thinking he is going to take down Ika and putting Dillon up.
Both Karen and Ika vote to save Demetres fkng over Kevin’s intended target.

I just don’t get Kevin fans. He does not deserve to win this game. Demetres played a better game than him. Kevin is not a mastermind. He is absent minded, no intuition, can’t read people and he gets caught in his lies.

Demetres for the Win.
Greek Legend needs to win.

Lets go cavs

I really hope somehow ika & demetrie stay. I know that Kevin wants to use the pov to save Ika only to put up dillon as a pawn to get rid of the greek beast Demetrie opa!! I hope this plan backfires By Karen & ika voting off Dillon instead. Dillon Country boy is a nice enough guy I really like him, but let’s face it he’s been a floater the whole entire game and hasn’t really put in that much work, hes like everyone’s confidant/friend so the sleeping giant doesn’t really deserve to be in the final. Kevin was on the live feed’s talking about Ika could possibly refuse to step down if he uses the pov hmmm either way i know karen loves dillon but i still think ika could convince her to vote off dillon & secure her spot in final 3 & possibly even 2 heck y not win the game big mama K lol now that would be a sweet tune coming out of an older fiddle & she’ll make BB history!! She did play a good social game and was entertaining that’s for sure!!! I’m still hoping it’s Demika somehow, but who knows, it’s been great season overall !!!!!!!


Spolier From jokers:

Kev back in storage rm laughing saying Dil talking about voting & he maybe OB so he wont be voting. Then worried IK will turn downKev wanting to use the Veto on her. Kev says what is the rule, can she turn down the Veto being used on her bcz she wants to stay OB. -JSweetness
11:52 PM Kev was in storage rm said no way in heck is he leaving it for Dil/Kar to vote Dem out so he is taking Ik down & putting Dil upto ensure that Dem goes home bcz he believes there is no way in heck Kar will vote Dil out! Little does he know Kar already told Ik Dem if they can get Dil OB she would vote him out bcz yesterday he told Kar Kev offered him F2 and he would be happy w/20K, which really pissed Kar off & she told Ik/Dem. Kev doesnt plan to tell anyone of his plan! -JSweetness
11:21 PM Dem almost beat Kev & Kev says you can see Dem was devastated I beat him -JSweetness
11:20 PM

Best season of bb can ever…. both ika and dem might be staying lmfaooioik hahahahhahahahahdifjghjdjdhxhdhhfjdhfhhd


If both ika and dem stay ill have to go buy some adult diapers cause i will literally SHIT FAT BRICKS hahah
This is the most entertaining season of bb ive watched in a while, bbus included


Karen has said a few times to Ika that if Dillon is replacement nom she will vote OUT Dillon over Demetres !! Cant wait to see Kevins face when Demetres stays. Bye Ika !! Dillon even said he would keep Demetres a few days ago But who knows now what he would do. If noms stay the same Karen might be able to talk Dillon into keeping Demetres . They need Demetres to get Kevin out next.


Sure hope Kevin does precisely what he is saying which is to remove Ika from the block & put up Dillon.

Support of dislike for Kevin is polarizing- fans either think he’s a brilliant player due to his intelligence, slow methodical way and chameleon like ability socially. Or view him to be an irrational. slimy user with poor strategic skills.

Personally, I fall somewhere in the middle. I recognize his ability to win comps and his smarts in not winning early so others aren’t aware of that dimension to his game. In his 2 seasons he has generally had one ride or die & one emotional connection, but is willing to ruthlessly lie and cut bait the minute it suits him. I don’t know whether to praise his ability to do the latter or be offended he does it so effortlessly (William as an example).

What I do know, is Kevin is an OVER THINKER. Arguably his career in online poker sets him up to think several stages ahead while strategizing which can be helpful in BB or it can ruin your game. His current thought process to remove Ika & replace her with Dillon stems from his desire to remove the opportunity for Dillon/Karen to control the vote. He knows Dillon views Dem as a beast, but he also knows the entire house recognizes it’s all his friends in jury who’ll give him the title. Kudos to Karen & Ika for driving home this point; Karen flat out told him & Ika in her argument screamed it at him.

As much as people might think that wasn’t a smart move by the ladies it was a brilliant social move b/c it gave Kevin confirmation no one would take him to F4 ….. That led to him thinking about removing Ika to remove the temptation for Dillon/Karen to vote to keep Dem so he can help them take out Kevin in F4.

That to me is the biggest flaw in Kevin’s game and ironically where the biggest difference lies between his game and Demetres (or Ika for that matter) which is their emotional center. Ika who many call cold and cruel is committed to making sure Dem stays. If she was really out for herself she wouldn’t be doing that. Dem is more despondent at the moment b/c he feels by losing POV he took away any opportunity to protect Ika.

Meanwhile Kevin showcased his steps ahead me first process during the triple evict. He did this as show for Dillon/Karen by calling out DemIka to shine a questionable light on them. When what he should have done is acted like he understood why they nominated him & tried to at least present an illusion of still being with them and discussed who they should keep. It would have been better for his game to try to keep Will at best, Dre second b/c she may have been in front of him as a target.

Bottom line, if Kevin makes this move to take Ika off the block- then Karen/Ika need to vote out Dillon & Kevin will have (even if he makes F2 vs Karen)a far less appealing resume for not being able to get out one of DemIka in back to back HOH’s.

STILL — being a more drama fan, I hope he does it & Karen obliges by taking out Dillon


i like your analysis very much!
Too bad Kevin in rough spot now,for no matter what he will be everyone’s target.
Still liken Ika for the win.
Hoo Haw!


to clear the record ika is not married she is separated From her ex-boyfriend Who is also the father of her children they were living together for a while but they had an arrangement where they weren’t together and they just wanted to raise the children in the same home being civil towards each other & they did try to make it work several times but It just never ended up working out & He’s a real humble and civil guy and they are good friends. I do agree that when you have children you do have to be careful with what you do on the television but I guess she got caught up & I wouldn’t say it was so provocative maybe she will regret it who knows!! I still hope she wins some how Kevin is a piece of work i can’t even stand the sound of his fake voice I don’t know how he has this much fans in Canada he is such phoney and in-genuine person the sight of him repulses me he’s so gross and slimy!!! He kisses women he kisses men & nobody says anything about him but as soon as a girl does anything she’s labelled, but Kevin can have two separate showmanses one with a woman and one with a man & its all good smh gross!!!!!! #BoyBye


I really hope they blindside kevin & if uses veto to save ika & replaces her with dillon i hope Karen & ika vote dillon out & kevin gets siked out completley played a dirty game I don’t like his game at all he’s just lucky that he was able to win some competitions other than that his game was foul!!!!!!


Kevin cant be that stupid too think that to leave Demetres in the game is good for his game . Next week the only person not on the block is the sole power to evict and evin would have a much better chance if Demetres is gone this week .


If Karen votes out Dillon (if he’s a replacement nom) she will have made the dumbest move since sindy taking out Neda. Karen can’t win this game vs anyone right now. She can only hope for 2nd place. Dem, kev and Dillon would all probably take her to final 2 for an easy win if she votes out Ika. She wants to keep demika so they take out Kevin next week and then she’s gotta take on Ika and dem for final 2. Good luck Karen lol. Now everyone who says this is rigged for Kevin to win explain this to me?


* Ika, kev and Dillon would take her to final 2 if she votes dem out.


The most logical answer is to break up the couple and take out the stronger player (Demetres). But, I love to analyze people’s motivations and then dissect their decisions to 1) increase odds of winning comps 2) increase chance of reaching F2 and 3)make F2 argument. Although I’d agree on the most logical move I can also lay out why this choice by Karen could be positioned to put check marks in each of those 3 areas:

Karen currently has the best odds of reaching F2. But is that true? Dillon’s recent behavior to make F2’s with both Kevin & Demetres is sketchy. He even offered to pay Dem money if he took him F2. Moreover, he’s made comments Karen doesn’t deserve/need the money & said when he promises on his Niece he won’t go back on it. (he did though to Dem on his HOH). So, in terms of reaching a F2 chair she may not feel Dillon serves her best interest or will even take her based on “promises” .Further, does Karen believe Kevin is more likely to take Dillon over her (given their fights all season & deals Dillon is cutting) ?

Now here is where her choice starts to gain some momentum…..

Should Karen reach F2 by evicting Dillon it builds her resume with a big argument:
1) she saved Ika twice (telling Dillon to put up Sindy instead & voting out Jackie)
2) Either getting Dillon to vote with her to keep Dem (Kevin’s target) or keeping both DemIka if Kevin renoms Dillon & they vote him out.
3) AND MOST IMPORTANTLY… Karen can claim to be the key person responsible for spoiling Kevin’s game play especially by stopping him from taking out DemIka in back to back HOH attempts. The first time by ensuring Dillon would vote with her to take out Jackie and if this week goes down as they are discussing by saving Dem. Should she get to be the single vote to evict Kevin it would be an even bigger check mark. And, if she is sitting beside Kevin her loyalty argument will gain leverage as well especially once she tells William that Kevin didn’t even fight to save him.

I don’t care who is on jury they have to respect that argument. I think it would garner her Will, Dre, Ika and Dem’s vote and maybe even Dillon. So, while it’s unlikely this move gets her to F2 (especially if DemIka both stay) it does give her a better shot at winning if she does.


Kevin’s plan to take down Ika only works if he replaces her with Karen. I can’t believe he does not see this.


The problem is Kevin is so caught up in being the one who’ll take out Demetres he can’t stop from getting in his own way. He knows there is a chance Karen/Dillon will vote to keep Dem.

But two things are driving him – the fact Karen was adamant about keeping Dillon in the triple eviction is fresh in his mind. Second even if he trusts Dillon to vote out Dem his ego needs to the actual person who gets to say it on TV and gets his big moment and F2 argument stamp. If you notice Kevin is good TV and revels in Diary Room sessions. He’s feeling extremely confident he can beat Dillon, Karen & Ika in F4 POV once Dem is gone . And you know what they say about what happens in BB when you get too confident.