Quick Big Brother Spoilers
Head of Household: Chelsie
Nominees: Lisa, Angela, Kenny Tucker
POV Players: Lisa, Kenny, Angela, Brooklyn, Chelsie and Joe
POV Winner: Kenny
Veto Ceremony: Kenny used the Veto on himself, Tucker nominated.
Havenots: Rubina, Leah, Makensy and Lisa
DEEP FAKE HOH Upgrade: Quinn
AMERICA’S VETO Upgrade: Makensy
MASCOT: Cedric & Chelsie
12:53 pm Angela campaigning to the girls (Rubina, Leah, Makensy)
A – Use me as a shield. I’m always going to be somebody’s target because of past trends. Whatever that transgressions, see it’s hard for me to talk sometimes too. Don’t
use these words a lot. It’s always going to be easy for me to be the target and take it off of your backs, Always, always. Why not use me as your shield? Your eyes, your ears and your protector. I can do that. I can really, really do that
A – And I want to do that. I don’t know how easy it would be for Lisa to say that they would do that for you. Maybe she said it, but I she’s also shown that she can win. She’s very much a powerhouse in this game. And when she puts her mind to something like she’s going
to achieve it, I will never out doLisa in a comp that is physical. That’s just the bottom line. I won one by luck. The other three I have lost. I don’t know what’s going to
happen in this AI Arena. It could be physical and I could just be out of luck. And that’s why I’m asking. Understand. My track record isn’t good with games, but I can.
promise you this. And if I’m looking you in the face and I’m telling you this with my whole heart, you can trust me. If there’s an all girl thing going on, I want to be a part of that. If there’s this thing going on, I want to be a part of it with you Guys
A – I want to be a part of this game and a part of it with you. I do. And I promise you. I promise you guys. I will be here for you. And I’m not saying Lisa’s a terrible person. Honestly, that girl came in to my HOH room when I was hitting my rock bottom and she uplifted me and gave me hope. She is a good person. I am not trying to down talk her. She’s just not somebody I would hang out with outside this game. And so just the different things she’s doing is rubbing me a little bit wrong. Sure. And unfortunately, I said something. Yeah, a couple times. You know, I’m, I’m kind of, it’s sad to say at 50 years old, I’m kind of learning as I go a little bit with this in my life. But with good people around me, I can only be good with good people around me that I know have my back. I can only shine and be good and and learn from what I did and move forward
L – 100 percent.
M – Understandable.
A – And I just. I’m just kind of pleading my case here with you guys if I didn’t have to kick myself in the butt later like I didn’t try
L – you made some really great points I think that you’re at such a better place mentally than you were and like I can not only can I see that but I can feel it like I can feel that what you just said is very genuine
A – it is I can’t I’m telling you I cannot freaking lie yeah unless I have to for my for my for the love of my team or the people that are supporting me I would do anything for them anything
L – and people know that yeah and I like and I think like all of us like have been kind of like everyone’s holding their breath until this eviction sort of thing like
so nobody solidified anything so yeah. So I really want to make it clear that you’re not left out of anything like because nothing is really happening right now as much as I also wish it was happening but. you know I really think that you made some very valid points. I’m so happy that you’re in a better place mentally I think everybody can
see it everybody and I don’t think that you should really apologize for pleading your case because anyone would do the same thing in your shoes and it’s also like it’s all about.
L – it’s all about putting yourself in someone else’s shoes and like at the end of the day anyone can say whatever they want about the way you’ve acted with the truth of the matter is the hardcore truth is if you’re Angela in a moment you’re gonna do exactly what Angela did cuz that’s what Angela did
A – It was a shocker. Like I’ve never seen that girl before. Have I called
somebody a name outside of this game before? Maybe a couple of
L – We’re all seeing sides of ourselves and including the sides that we’re not proud of. Yeah. So like, I think it’s really important. Like I told you before, Grace is important. Like, I think that you can. You can’t control the past or the future, but you can control. Well, you can control the future to a certain degree, but all that matters right now is the present. So, like, and how you move forward and. kind of breaking whatever patterns or whatever are going on like is important. And I also like,
really appreciate, like, your honesty and like your heart. Because at the end of the day, no matter what anyone says, like, can’t say you don’t have passion, can’t say you don’t have a heart
A – I definitely have that, I promise.
L – And like, you’re not the only one, like all of us, I think, are on edge like to a certain
degree. But everyone deals with shit different.
A – Well, just I think catching up on the sleep is so important. So the guys definitely get your You guys are amazing. You’re a freaking rock stars, but just.
know, I definitely if your name is will not come. I don’t know if I could be a part of anything. I don’t know where I would fit if it was
with you guys or if it’s if you guys have something else going on. I really just don’t even know what I think.
A – I could be a part of this or let’s put you on a trial basis. Sure. A probation period I understand I understand you got to see how I work and your names won’t come out of my mouth. I will be solid steady and somebody can count on 100% like there’s no waiver for me
1:20 pm Chilling
2:00 pm Kenny and Lisa
K – Tucker is nervous they might pull a FlinFlam.
L – They might pull what?
K – He’s just nervous thinking that there’s a possibility they pull a Flinlam on him or like, kind of. At the last minute, if he’s sitting up there next to Angela.
L – No way. I don’t think the house would do that. I would hope not. I don’t think I have anything to be concerned about either.
K – I can’t believe they did that to Matt.
K – Matt was trying to just work with everybody. I think that was his biggest downfall He was trying to pull too much together and then Angela lost her shit when she didn’t get what she wanted.
Kenny goes on about how he doesnt think Angela will win AI because she’s panicking.
Lisa says there’s no way the house is going to flip on Tucker.
2:58 pm Leah does Kimo’s Nails Chit chat with Tkor.
3:16 pm Angela enjoying some time alone.
3:33 pm Tucker and Chelsie
T – All my friends are like, bro, you got to be meaner to people, bro. I always give people the benefit of the doubt to the point where, like all my friends are like bro, you gotta be meaner to people, bro. You’re way too nice. Yeah, yeah, yeah. It’s like I can’t do that. Yeah, for years. And I just know that this is how I am. Yeah. Like when someone throws something out of the trash, even when I was living in, like, just like. The sketchy areas of New York, you know where there’s just drug addicts and drug dealers and people on the side of the street and like just what the f*ck ever when someone goes and throw something out of their car, it’s like I’m not thinking about someone having a gun or being someone like that. I go up to him and I’m like, yo, this just fell out of your car. Do you want it? You want me to throw it out?
T – In a nice light hearted away Because I can’t stand the littering, you know? Yeah, like I’ve done it with my mom’s and she’s like, honey, yo, you don’t know who that could be. Like, just be careful. I’m like, I don’t give a fuck. I give everyone.
T – The benefit of the doubt. If you approach it in that way, there’s nothing to worry about. But my mom lived in New York and had scary things Happened to her when she there. She was there in the 80s.
C – Oh
T – yeah, yeah, yeah. And so, like, I get a part in New York. My mom. Yeah. She lived all around. She was like on the west village. She was in like. Chelsea and the Lower East side Yeah, she would tell me when she would buy weed she lived on St Mark Street St. Mark’s is still like St Mark’s you know we’re all like the tattoo parlor things and like bong shops have been forever and like there’s a little yoga studio there I would always go to but like when she was at my my place this is like six seven years when I was in the East Village….
Tucker goes on about New York
4:44 pm Quinn and Kimo
Q – If Lisa win’s Ai and HOH she’s not putting us up
K – I know
Q – I know she threw Tkor under the bus but I don’t think she would nominate TKOR
Q – I’m just like optimistic and like life so I’m like either way we can make it work for ourselves because if Angela is still here I win HOH she can be my target. If I win HOH and Lisa is here everyone is going to want me to put up Lisa and I probably will but she’s going to be like Blindsided.
K – I feel bad, but when I see people like packing their stuff too.
Q – Ohh, that hurts. Yeah,
K – even just looking at like Tuckers stuff. Angela’s packing earlier. I don’t know if Lisa started packing
Q – I don’t think so. She’s got, like, in the corner of the Unicorn room. It’s like all piled up, but damn
Quinn says Angela thinks shes OKay.
K – her mood changed
Q – that’s just her paranoia
Q – I went upstairs to hang out and like Lisa left the room. And then Chelsea was like, 0K, just making sure. Who’s everyone voting for? And then they all threw up the L for Lisa. So, like,
K – I feel weird. I never go upstairs and to talk.
They talk about how they like chelsie but dion’e feel comfortable in the room.
K – I definitely think she’s good for my game.
Q – dude. As we’re forming this other team I’m wondering if we include Chelsea as part of that. I know Tkor wants Chelsea. I want Chelsea too.
K – I don’t know. It’s kind of getting weird. It’s getting like because I’m like, Oh my God, everyone. might be good to work with, you know,
Q – Also Tucker is convinced that all the women are working together.
K – Kenny is too
K – I don’t know. I think it could be a possibility.
Q – They’re like it’s including Angela and Lisa though. So then that’s five women.
K – I don’t think there’s the numbers wise.
Q – Yeah, but it’s still a group, I guess.
K – true. I feel good with certain people, but I don’t think would be, you know
Q – I don’t think Tkor would let us go home, you know,
k – I agree. I agree. 100 percent. But apparently Tucker told me that Leah was talking like a lot of became of like, she’s going to be the reason why Cam goes home. And so if that’s the case, I’m like, go for it. Be a badass.
K – Leah was trying to talk to Tkor and I and I was like she was like, I don’t really talk game with people, which I know is true. I don’t know where her head sits. I know she loves me. I love her when she was. When she was like trying to talk game.
5:05 pm Angela cries

6:05 pm Kenny and Angela Talking about movies…
For anyone wondering why the feeds have constantly been off, it’s because BB had to produce that BS script of tonight’s episode.
I think Angela has a good heart. I feel like she’s had a rough life trying to please everyone.
Her boss says she’s a good person.
Depends on one’s criteria for good person. I’ve worked with people who were so obviously problematic, but fooling a lot of people around them. The worst sorts are very good at doing that.