“If you guys don’t vote with me and evict Reilly, then you’re f**Ked so vote with me.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household:  Hisam
Nominees: Reilly & Cameron
POV Players: Reilly, Cameron, Hisam, America, Matt, Blue
POV Winner: Hisam
Veto Ceremony: veto was not used.

Lock your ranks in before midnight

7pm Bathroom – Matt and Reilly.
Matt – you good? Reilly – This could go one way or another. Its going to go one way or another. I don’t see them leaning a certain way. I think they’re right in the middle. Matt – you just have to keep playing it.. keep talking to them, keep talking to them. Keep it fresh, you know? Keep them assured. Reilly – ahh..I don’t feel good about this. Matt – I think I’ll talk to Cory. I’ll be like what are you telling them. Reilly – I don’t think you need to say you’re doing a bad job. Matt – I wouldn’t do that. Reilly – I just think he is being really reserved about this. I think they just want to feel safe that everyone is going to do this. That everyone is on the same page. I know I have to talk to Red, Meme and Bowie. I just don’t know what to say. I know I have to talk to Meme for sure. Matt – just keep fighting and then we’ll get past HOH tomorrow and then you can just sit back and relax.

Bedroom – Izzy and Jared.
Jared – Cory is getting nervous because of the way that Reilly keeps coming back. She keeps saying I don’t know why they don’t trust Cory. Izzy – I already talked to Cory since then. Izzy – we can’t keep going back and forth because they’re going nuts and we don’t want to cause any rifts and I want Cory and America to feel solid. I don’t want to put them in more positions. jared – America is a good actor. She is f**king good! Izzy – I know. So what we were thinking was tonight being like look we have talked to Cory and we’ve talked to America and they’ve said that they’re good. We just won’t even use those words.. we’ll be like they’ve told us that they’re solid. We want to sleep on it, we’ll tell you tomorrow. Like a solid answer. Jared – but ya’ll still want to vote Reilly? Izzy – YES! Honestly the more conversations she has with me, the more I am like this is not the way to go. First of all she is calling Cirie and I the deciders of the house which I don’t like. Jared – that sh*t I don’t like. I think the biggest deciders here are Red and Bowie. Izzy – the fact that she is saying that .. I know I am next on her list. So that is one thing that I don’t like. The second thing I don’t like is we agree Hisam is the target next week but what happens after that and she keeps going like well I want it to be collaborative. I want us to just being in a room together holding hands and working together. What to like stand in a group and be like .. we choose Jared. Like that is not how this works. Stop cutting the sh*t! That scares me because of how much they were skirting around it the first week that made me feel unease. So I don’t trust it so I think this is the way to go.. do you still agree? Jared – yeah I agree. Cory brought up so real good points. Izzy – for keeping her? Jared – no, voting her out. Izzy – I think in the idea world (eviction order) Reilly, Hisam, Cameron, Jag and Red. Jared – yeah I agree. Then Bowie and then Blue.

Bathroom – Reilly and Meme.
Meme – I feel like I am still in a place of like up in limbo because I feel like there a lot of conversations that are happening around me that I am not necessarily apart of so I don’t know what the hell is happening and what people are thinking. I talked to Jag and he was like people are a little undecided and they’re wanting to be apart of the house vote. So I kind of feel like that is where I am but I don’t know what the house vote is. Reilly – right. Basically I’ve been having conversations with everybody. I’ve talked with Cirie, Felicia, Izzy, this is my second time talking to you. I still have to talk to Red and Bowie. I know where Red’s vote is going to go. Him and Cameron are boys so I get that. Meme – do you feel good about those conversations that you’ve had. Reilly – I feel really good and they’re probably going to talk to you about it too. Basically I love Cam and I am not going to campaign against him. What I will say is right now I am in a place where I am clearly someone’s target and they’re clearly mine. And I am kind of a human shield when it comes to everyone else and him. And I don’t know, like after his speech the other day I was really rubbed the wrong way and right now my only focus is that. I am not looking to be in any more hot water. I feel like the last couple weeks I have been just like drowning. All I am focused on is that. I don’t want to target anyone else. I want to lay low. I want to collaborate. I just want to be apart of the house and not be in any more hot water. I don’t know what relationship you have with Cam. Do you have a relationship with Cam? Meme – ah I don’t have a relationship with Cam. I haven’t talked game with him this week. I haven’t spoken with him at all so I don’t know how he feels and the vote is tomorrow. We’re friendly. Like I don’t dislike him. Reilly – think about when you’re making your decision. And I would never force anyone either way. Think about long term, who do you think will help you, take care of you and want a friendship with you. I want to protect people and I just want you to know that Hisam is not the all mighty king of the world. There are more people out here that can play in comps and win and protect and help strategize .. and pull people further into the game. And having those relationships outside of your main group is super important. When I say something to someone I mean it. Meme – 100%. Reilly – I can assure you that you are not even close to what I am going for. I am focusing on one thing and one thing only and after that I am sitting back and I am not dipping my toes into any hot water. I am done! I have had 2 weeks of hell. Hisam is bossing people around and being a dictator. Meme – has he talked to you after the speech. Reilly – yeah he apologized after the speech. He was like I f**Ked up. That was too far. I am sorry. Meme – yeah that was a little mean. Reilly – if I was a 45 year old man I would probably not publicly embarrass a 24 year old in front of the country, you know?! Meme – yeah. Reilly – and when I look at him I don’t see him wanting what is best for everybody. He is doing what is best for Hisam. And that is bullying people into making his own game move and that’s what that speech was to me. Forget about what he said about me, I was thinking about how he addressed you guys. If you guys don’t vote with me and evict Reilly, then you’re f**Ked so vote with me. You guys deserve to make your own decisions. I am not coming for anyone but Hisam. Meme – I am not upset with you or have any ill will or feelings about you. Reilly – thank you. Meme – whatever picture is being painted, I don’t see that in you. Through the conversations you’ve had do you think you have 8 (votes)? Reilly – yes. Meme – okay, okay. I am not closed off to the idea. Let me talk to people.

7:50pm – 8:15pm Bedroom – Izzy, Jag and Blue.
Jag – how are things with people on your side. Cirie joins them and then Reilly. Jag – how are things with people on your side. Cirie – I think they’re lying. The only person that has come to me and said I don’t want to go against the house and would like Reilly to stay .. is Cory. No one else has given me anything straight up. And I am like ya’ll see what is going on.. who would you rather be in this house with if you was outside this game .. who would you spend time with? Cirie points to Reilly. Jag – are you talking about America? Cirie – I haven’t talked to America. Jag – because I am fully confident that we have the votes on our side. Cirie – I don’t know. I think ya’ll are going to be surprised. I think it might be 5 to something. Then the whole hunt is going to be like who were they?? I know they’re counting on you (Blue) voting for her. I know they’re counting on you (Jag) voting for her. As a matter a fact I even heard that ya’ll two might not want to go against the house. It might be a tactic to keep us inline but I heard that so when they’re putting that sh*t out there. Who wants to be on the wrong side of the vote? And that is what the problem is because I had everyone in line yesterday and then something happened to change that. I heard that ya’ll two didn’t want to be on the wrong side of the vote which makes sense why everything changed if they’re spreading that around. You know what the problem is .. I am going to keep it a buck with ya’ll. The f**king problem is also ya’ll making it like “WE” “Us Two” (Cirie and Izzy) have the deciding factor. Izzy – which we don’t! Cirie – if it was up to me I would never had you (Reilly) on the block. You got on the block because of Hisam’s rule. Now its making it mad hot because they’re like oh you’re the head.. you’re the head. I AIN’T THE HEAD OF SH*T! Blue – Something that we need to do is come at this strategically. What we need to do is when we’re having conversations we need to strategically come up with a plan .. state our opinions, state our facts.. but ultimately we need them to come to the decision themselves. Cirie – I can’t keep pushing it. Blue – hopefully with our stats, with our passion, with our reasoning its decision to us. The only thing we can do is make them feel comfortable that we are voting this way. And hopefully with our security they feel confident enough.

8:20pm Bedroom – After Izzy and Cirie leave. Jag and Blue talk to Reilly.
Blue – first and foremost I think we have this. We’ve got to talk to individual people at the same time. And MISS GIRL (Reilly) I need to address you. You need to be careful with what you say. Seriously! Jag – the whole thing about saying they’re the heads of it (Izzy and Cirie) came from you accidently saying it. Reilly – I told them to their face that they have the most influence. Jag – America.. Blue – America said it to me too. Reilly – America said what? Blue – that you said that they were the heads. Reilly – I just said that they had the most influence. Blue – BUT that is what I am saying BRO! Jag – that’s why they’re so sketched out. Blue – that is something you have to keep to your heart. Jag – we all understand it but just don’t say it. Blue – we know what that means but to them on the outside it means something completely different. And also what we need to be really careful about when we’re talking to these people is something that we need to address .. this is what America told me . I think people are nervous about what is going to happen next. What you’re going to do. So what we need to reiterate is that there is a handful of floaters that we are going to try and take out before anything else. I think you also need to drop the for the house situation because it sounds like Hisam where you’re trying to make alliances with everyone. All you need to say is that you want to get the floaters out first.

8:40pm Living room – Blue and America.
Blue – Reilly needs to stop saying that they’re the leaders and whatever. So people have gotten wind of that, so Cameron has been following them. Cameron has been following them all day. America – Yeah, I’ve seen that. Tailing them. Blue – And because people in the house are starting to know they’re freaking out because now they … they’re put in a sticky situation. Their the ones in the house trying to convince everyone .. Cirie got all the thumbs up. America – yeah I heard that. Blue – and they came to us freaking out because they don’t want to be in the middle of that. They’re put in a tough situation where if the house does flip they’re being targeted. They’re also doing Reilly a big favour and doing us a big favour. They cannot keep going beyond, beyond, beyond.. because then they’ll get figured out right? So with that being said.. we all need .. we need to pick up the slack .. we need to start having the conversations they’re having for them. It makes sense that we’re advocating for Reilly because she is our girl. So we got to do that. You have to talk to Cirie because she doesn’t know where you’re at. And I think its important you talk to Meme.

9:13pm Comic Bedroom – Red and Cameron.
Red – Two groups that they’re thinking about putting up next week to Cirie.. Cameron – They’re talking .. when you say they .. you mean Reilly, Jag, Blue, Matt, America? Red nods. Red – Mine and Bowie’s name came up for possibilities.. just from Reilly. Cameron – how dumb. How f**king dumb! Red – also yours and Hisam. Shes just like Cam is just in it for himself. Cameron – who? Red – apparently that is Reilly’s pitch to Cirie. Cameron – in it for myself for what? Red – just that you’re not on their side. Cameron – oh well nice try. Red – and you’re beside her so I don’t think its personal. Cameron – I don’t take it personal. Red – so if we have four votes then we know our next two weeks of targets. Cameron – that’s what I said. Red – the writing will be on the wall.

9:34pm Bathroom – Izzy and Meme.
Izzy – I hate that we can’t prepare.. that was going to be the case especially if she was staying which I think is even scarier. SO I think they want to backdoor Hisam. Meme – who would they put on the block though? Izzy – I think Bowie and Red. Which is not great for us .. but it ain’t us. Meme – yeah. Izzy – In terms of worst case scenario .. not that bad. Don’t you think? Meme – yeah, yeah, yeah. Izzy – I think every week, Thursday is going to be the worst day of the week. Meme – hell yeah. Izzy – because someone is going home and new power is established. Meme – MMmmhhmm. I am not mad if a Cory or a Jared (win HOH). Izzy – me neither. Meme – so are people still planning to throw it? Izzy – I don’t know I haven’t heard people talking about it. I am going for it. Meme – hell I am not going to not go for it. That don’t make no sense but if Cory or Jared are close.. Izzy – I kind of want to prove something. I just don’t want to be the first 4 out.

10:05pm Bedroom – Jag and Reilly.
Jag – you can use any information that’s ever been said and there have been names thrown out .. do you get what I am saying? Reilly – maybe.. are you talking about..? Jag – no, no, I’m talking about if tomorrow they say we don’t have the votes. And everything has gone to sh*t and you’re like I’m going and your back is against the wall and you really want to stay in the house. I think looking at everyone .. if you can’t get Izzy, and you can’t get Cirie, and you can’t get Felicia, and you won’t be able to get Meme and you won’t be able to get Red. The only person left is Bowie and what information do you have? Reilly – that everyone thinks she’s a floater? Jag – all I am saying I don’t think it is smart to say now because we want them with us and to move forward right!? I am not saying say this but when you’re put in this position and tomorrow especially .. you have to .. and obviously if you want to stay this is your choice because ultimately this is going to be your conscience and you’re playing this game however you want to play it. And I am not going to tell you how to play it but you can use any information that has ever been given to you if your back is against the wall and you’re trying to stay. And you have information. Reilly – I know. Jag – I don’t know if it would work and that is the one piece of information that could help you. It would send the house in a frenzy in a sh*t show. There are repercussions that will happen but.. Reilly – but I’ll be here. Jag – that is what I am saying .. do you have anything on Cameron. Do you know anything? Start thinking of every other possibility that can help you stay. What promises can you make to one person that if you’re here they’re better off? Maybe its Meme, Maybe its Felicia, Maybe its Red. Probably not Red. Everyone wants to do well in this game. Everyone is an opportunist.

10:30pm Bathroom – America and Blue.
America – I just don’t want us to vote 6-6, have Hisam be the tie breaker and then be like okay .. and then they be like okay there is this group and there is that group. It makes it so much easier to target our side. Or to target sides. Blue – yeah it does make sense but I am voting Reilly regardless. If its 6-6, we tried our best, the other side knows that we kept our word.. I don’t want them to be like oh see we don’t trust them. You know what I mean so like either way. I am making my vote Reilly.

10:38pm Bedroom – Reilly, Matt and Cameron.
Reilly pretending to cry – this is just so sh*tty! Its just that you smell so bad and its making me emotional. Reilly – do me a favour? Shut your mouth when you’re talking to me.

11:37pm Reilly packing.

11:55pm Storage room – Hisam and Cirie.
Hisam help Cirie remember the order of the competitions so far. Hisam – all of these competitions are designed for some people to excel at them and other people wont. For example Matt will not do well at an endurance comp. He won’t, he will come down. He has already told me he is not an endurance person. The person that will be complicated, that will be America. Cory has already told me that if it is a 3 vote he will go after the three people on the other side. Easy! No blood on his hands and continues to work with us. Cirie – we are set up good. If we just get this HOH. We would be set up perfect. Hisam – then we literally have the next few weeks (motions bye bye with his hands). And then next week I am back in the game again. Cirie – and then we get that one and then its done! We got this. They hug.

1:15am – 2am Bathroom – Jag, Reilly and Matt.
Reilly – I am so scared, I don’t want to go. Jag – I know. I know you’re scared. You’ve made it through worse. You’re strong. You will make it through this. Reilly – there isn’t one f**king day in this house that I am not fighting for my life. Jag – you’re going to make it through. Jag helps her with her speech. Jared joins and talks with Reilly and Matt about how to move forward. Reilly – well tomorrow I am just going to have to do what I can. Jared – tomorrow is the best day to do it. Tomorrow people will be open because people are going to be emotional tomorrow. And two as crazy as it sounds people have less time to think. Reilly – I f**king hate this. I have literally been fighting for my life the last two weeks. Jared – you probably should have known being the first HOH .. what comes with this sh*t. Reilly – I didn’t even want to win the first HOH. I’m just competitive with myself. But dude if I survive this sh*t what a story that will be.

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95 thoughts to ““If you guys don’t vote with me and evict Reilly, then you’re f**Ked so vote with me.””

  1. Week one sets season tone.
    The Ciriepack got Reilly to target Kirsten. promising the other nom safety.
    Cirie got paranoid and got everyone into a tizzy.
    the Ciriepack draws a bullseye for week 2
    The other nom didn’t have to campaign.
    The evicted nom thought they had the numbers.

    Hisam targets Reilly, promises Cameron safety.
    Cirie gets paranoid and got everyone in a tizzy.
    Ciriepack draws a bullseye for week 3
    The other nom didn’t have to campaign

    pattern? let’s see.

    1. No one wants to admit it but it’s true. This house chickened out of blindsiding one of the only people Hisam is close with, all because of a 1 in 11 chance he gets picked for Veto next week. I’m calling it now, by the time actually get to next week, almost everyone in the house will gaslight themselves into thinking “wait, what if the BIG brain move is if we DON’T get Hisam out yet” out of fear, and by sheer intimidation Hisam is gonna make it far.

  2. Starting to think the girl who shamed Kirsten for having the audacity to wear makeup and implies that the deaf guy does his community a disservice by being a “hot frat guy” might not be the nicest person in the world ngl.

  3. I don’t really understand why people are faulting Blue and Jag for trying to save Reilly. Cirie and Izzy went HARD to save her, secured it, and then called it off after one convo with Cameron. They’re probably confused by the flakiness so they’re scrambling.

  4. America is getting criminally underrated. She’s sociable, self aware, positioned fairly well, not an immediate target, and a good liar. She’s doing very good in this conversation with Reilly and her potential connection with Cory can lead to immense upside. She’s one of the few people who won’t receive any blow back for Reilly leaving and she’s insulated enough on the other side to not be targeted by them either. If she was smart she’d continue to find a way to play the middle, lay low, and ease her way into the jury phase. Just subtly try to insulate herself more and more into social structures. But she has tons of upside. She’s essentially the opposite of an Hasim. People ENJOY being around her.

  5. If I’m Cory I’m throwing my vote to Reilly and blaming it on America. She’s the one that makes the most sense to the professors if theres an extra vote

    1. Can take or leave America but I like the way you think. If I was in there I would definitely take every opportunity to place votes and place blame on someone else. I’m an equal opportunity sh!t stirrer and I would thrive on the chaos. Nobody would trust anybody! Mwaaaah hahaha !!!

  6. I think this is going to be unpopular, but I don’t love the alliance of Izzy-Cory-Cirie-Jared.
    I honestly wish this season had just been a typical cast of people who didn’t know each other instead of a reality show winner being cast with three people who look up to her.

    1. Cirie never won. However she is seen as one of the greatest players to never win on survivor. Well earned too. She is playing messy here.

  7. Unfortunately it looks like Reilly is going to be voted out tomorrow. What I would love to see is when Reilly goes out to do the one on one with Julie she asks Julie why BB let Hisam call her a white bitch a slut/ whore and stay but they made Luke leave the house. Reilly should say she didn’t do anything to deserve the way he treated her and BB allowed him to do it. That would be something I would love to watch Julie’s response.

      1. Martin its a double standard hisam should be kick off this show wait until this season is over and hisam goes back to real life a doctor being a piece of crap to reilly who did nothing to him but say his name and treated her like crap this big brother show needs to end most of the players ever season are horrible the game play is awful example cirie had a great chance to make a great big game move and wimp out great social game cirie but as far as moves horrible taking out cameron helps you and weakens hisam watch cameron win hoh and not put up hisam at all then that would make reilly point when she told them cameron is working with hisam. When you had cameron out the door.

        1. You’re absolutely right. It’s unbelievable how misogynist and prejudiced Hisam has been during this HOH trying to get Reilly out. The show passes it off because Reilly staying doesn’t fit the shows narrative; young white woman. Given how unfair the edit making Reilly seem like she was the sole person to divide house and Julie reaction how they have underestimated their elder during the live showing. It’s disgusting how production has protected hisam this week. While given an edit that the last few episodes houseguest are calling out Reilly BS after she got a handicap HOH AUTO NOMS and her closest ally Matt two comps this week that were clearly a disadvantage for someone who is hearing impaired. It seems obvious the show wants the fields family and the older crowd with a Cory simp to make far in this game because it protects the fields. How the show, Janelle, and certain fans are getting off on ciries simps along with Jarat being a stool pigeon is the reason the shows ratings have plummet.

  8. The cousin its are gameyakkin and stratemajizin…. so cam knows flipping has consequences now. Red told him he’s a potential nom. The logic issue? If i heard correctly, Red said Reilly named Hisam and Cam as noms next week. Ummmm, the Red Bowie part made sense. the Hisam Cam part? If she’s planning to stay that means Cam gone. So… how?
    Manson seems hurt that the family doesn’t like him since he walked out on them.

    At this point I sort of want a paradigm shift, but let’s face it, any shift isn’t going to shift anything. Any power shift is just going to continue the status quo.

    I again restate: Reilly sucks at bb. But Manson is nope now which means in the game, i want nothing good for him and want him gone.

    MIGHT AS WELL BE A SPLIT VOTE, THE LINES WERE ALREADY DRAWN AND TARGETS AREN’T GOING TO STOP BEING TARGETS. It’s only the floaters Jared, Cory and America that are praying the vote isn’t split so they can keep floating (traditional float definition, not the Rachel error which was really about coasters).

  9. I’ve always hated the new trend of the past few seasons in North American bb where one nom doesn’t have to campaign.
    I find it infuriating.
    This is what you get when production gives them 16 to watch in sequester, which led to now giving them 23 in sequester. The powers that be are saying we’ve come up with a storylined steamroller, so watch this so you know what we want.

    If one of the noms doesn’t campaign to you… why keep that one?
    What are you getting out of it?

    1. She heard from Izzy that Jared was upset with the change ups.
      She was getting push back from Meme.
      She got called to d/r
      She had office hours with professors with Hisam saying he’s team professors.
      She heard Cam was targeting Hisam.
      Cameron winked at her.

      1. Does it add up for you that Cirie really wanted to change her mind off of that or do you think that production tipped her to go the other way? Jared truly has had some thing against Reilly the whole time.

          1. “You can’t fight city hall” and I guess you can’t fight Grod and the production narrative steamroller.

            Cirie, more than anyone in this group, knows how reality shows work. I guess with DR production pressure she bowed to their storyline. And really, it wasn’t to save Reilly so much as to punch Hisam in the nose for having MAJOR HOH-itis. Like, right?

          2. Did production really force Cirie to flip back to voting out Reilly instead of Cameron? If so what was it?

        1. I think Jared doesn’t like Reilly for 2 reasons! 1. He’s mad cause she likes Matt 2. Their alliance followed her and looked up to her as the big dog in charge and he thought he’d come in and be the big dog in charge, but they put him in the second tier not the first. That is why he is pissed.

            1. he thinks she’s over emotional, gives orders instead of asking opinion, and can only see things from the perspective of I not WE.
              he’s not wrong.
              he thinks with her gone he can bro down with the boys.

          1. “I think Jared doesn’t like Reilly for 2 reasons! 1. He’s mad cause she likes Matt” 2. Their alliance….”

            AGREE WITH #1….BUT NOT BUYING #2….




  10. Possible Premonition:
    Right before vote a scaryverse message comes in.
    Bowie Jane, the Nethergorgon requires one more soul. choose someone now.
    BJ chooses Matt. Misses vote and can’t compete in what is typically the first HOH booth comp of the season
    this gets production out of the possible repeat snafu of the monitor not signaling to leave the booth.
    this gets production out of a possible snafu in a booth comp.
    this gets production the follow the house vote they seem to crave because Jag is cowardly lion strategy.

    If I’m wrong, I’m wrong.

    This week the twist and production decisions feel pretty kangaroo court to me.
    EVERYthing about the week feels off. Feels like d/r is calling someone in, giving them leading questioning that prodo hopes will subtly work it’s way into gameplay, but these idiots run out of d/r screaming change of plans.

    1. Appreciate your commentary. Is it really true that production really forced Cirie to flip back to voting out Reilly instead of Cameron?

      1. forced.
        not a correct choice of words.
        d/r asks leading questions.
        those questions cue what production is editing as storyline.
        Houseguests are free to pick up the cues.
        or disregard them.
        Usually they pick up on things, but aren’t allowed to talk about what d/r asked them.

  11. Probelm with reilly is shes too nice to be on big brother but she is a top 5 fan favorite the players dont know that but the fans and the bb producers that reilly is a fan favorite where cameron is not like very well they always vote out the hottest girl every year very early in the game.

    1. “they always vote out the hottest girl every year very early in the game.”

      Wut u b talk’n ’bout?

      Hottest girl is AMERIKA. “AMERIKA, THE BEAUTIFUL”

      Kirsten was pretty damn hot too.

      But b glad u still have ICKY to look at (lol)

  12. With bad ratings and a fan favorite reilly getting voted out its a bad thing for season 25 1 probelm is with reilly she not good at social game of big brother which is what big brother is mostly about game talk not very good so she an easy vote out but a fan favorite

  13. I remember seasons of big brother where the producers brought back the fan favorites even after they were voted out like cody they should do the same with reilly




      OUT !!!!!!

  14. Late night stuff.
    Jared pretty much told Blue he’ll miss Reilly when she’s gone.
    Enter the grossmance that cements Jared as a fuqboy, and gets Blue off the Jared is a rat train of thought. barf.
    America told Reilly Jared was a campaign sandbag. Reilly didn’t believe it.
    America got it through their heads that most houseguests don’t give a shit who goes: it’s not them so they’re not invested.

    Shit stirring is what America is doing.

    Hisam got misted by Cirie. He totally buys she’s still on his side.
    If cleanup goes well enough, she very well could be.
    Episode edit had Hisam saying he didn’t hear Luke when we know Hisam told Luke he found his language edgy and refreshing. Episode had Jared unhappy with the language… wasn’t what he said to Luke.
    Edit will wash away anything we see on feeds that isn’t palatable, and replace it with sanitized crap that becomes the historical record.
    Current historical record says Jared Cory America and Cameron never jumped ship because it can’t look like Cirie is leading an 11-4 mob. That’s not on brand.

    Hisam has been giving Cirie pointers on a majority rules style HOH comp. Pretty sure they stopped doing those years ago. if they bring back all the easy to rig comps i’m going to barf.

    Reilly truly fails to understand. Cirie pinky promised? “I’m most disappoited in Cirie, Julie.” stock obligatory answer forthcoming. Get used to it, it’s season theme for the stuntcast more likeable than Paul, but getting the exact same story arc. Point out where that’s not true. I’ll wait. mmhmm.

    HOW we know this season is truly fuqqed up finger on the scale:
    in most cases annually, floaters attempt to fellate the HOH weekly to maintain safety.
    This season the floaters line up to go down on Cirie the stuntcast. Sideye.
    Episode one set up her status. She didn’t have to compete for safety.
    This week’s nether region gave her son safety. then tossed in some bullshit that was meaningless to storyline. Maybe it nullifies a vote tomorrow.

    When I wake up, I’ll be less vinegar.
    That episode just reeeeeaaaalllllllly ticked me off and i’m handing out tinfoil hats tonight.

    1. Thanks for the tin foil hat I really needed it.
      the bs that is being spewed make me remember my day of youth mucking out the horse stalls lol.

      Reilly is gone tonight and concur that Matt will be sent to netherworld and vote will be 8-3.

      as always love your comments they are both insightful and entertaining.

      now off to buy more kraken as I have already gone through one bottle.











    1. Yeah, after production forced Cirie to flip back to voting out Reilly instead of Cameron, that’s it for me! BB is a disgusting joke in recent years!

        1. forced? no.
          I suggest that d/r calls in hg’s and asks them leading questions to get them thinking in a way condusive to the storyline prodo wants.
          we haven’t gone back to season 18 level d/r as a houseguest level buffoonery yet.

  17. I was flabbergasted last night by CBS when they did not show the nasty, psycho creep’s veto speech demeaning, insulting, women hating rants to Reilly. What is with that. Your boy Hisam was sooooo wrong, CBS, with his threatening behavior to another houseguest and the women who watch your rigged, fake show, that he should have been ejected. What is wrong with society that the media thinks this is ok. I’m DONE with it.

    1. I agree, there is no way that was his full speech after the way the house responded. Everyone in that house was disgusted by his speech and they edited that out. Insane! The worst season ever. The whole Cirie/Jared thing is a disappointment!

    2. Wish they could’ve shown the whole speech! Do you know what else they left out of it that they didn’t show?

    3. Either it wasn’t as bad as was being said via game of telephone or CBS did an edit. Be more annoyed/angry with their bad attempt at hiding what happened with Matt with them showing 3 times instead of how all the POV contestants did

    4. I’m done as well, have taken it out DVR. I don’t think BB will recover. They have given us 3 years of total s**t.

      1. “I’m done as well, have taken it out DVR”
        SURE YOU ARE….LOL…?
        SURE YOU HAVE…LOL….?

    1. You just answered your own question, Izzy would probably have been a have not and gone off the deep end and ruined Scrods plans. So she said hey let’s not have any have nots this week.

  18. I like Reilly. Although she is not a good BB player, I want her to stay. If she was smart she should have told Felicia, Cirie and Izzy that she and Matt will never, ever put them up. Reilly and Matt are loyal and they would have believed her. She should have pushed this hard. She also should have given them a wake-up call that if she is gone, Cameron and Red are a strong duo and they will team with Hisam, bring in Bowie and the stragglers like Corey and this is a strong group who can win a lot of comps. Finally she should have provided them with her to do list: Hisam, Red, Bowie, etc. I think she is a goner though. Cirie’s manic swing yesterday put in motion the kill shot. How satisfying it would have been to blindside Hisam – the most unbearable player in BB memory (maybe even over Frankie – if that is possible). Friends, I think we are going to be stuck with Hisam, Cameron (aka Manson), Red (Deliverance) and Hisam (Hitler). I don’t typically like name-calling, but these folks are awful. Cannot believe we will be stuck with this motley crew for the rest of the season.

    1. The reason why the shows ratings have plummet the last few years. A result of houseguest you mentioned being pushed towards viewers for the rest of the season that nobody wants to see. I imagine it’s likely those three we’re stuck with you mentioned, izzy , Bowie and all of the other fields minions are gonna make jury. That is a ratings disaster that nobody wants to see. It is season 19 all over again if not worse ! The 11 houseguest that still remain that I don’t like are likely getting to the end. We are going to have to suffer to being somehow content with someone that we don’t like make it to the final two so that a cirie or Jarat don’t make it to the end. This is an older cast to help Cirie.

  19. There is an interesting article on Facebook Big Brother page about how Big Brother has made the game accessible for Matt!

    1. Want to know how to be accessible? Don’t have sound dependent comps. There.
      If there was a paraplegic houseguest, would the hokey pokey be a good option?
      If there was a blind houseguest, would a rubiks cube be a good option?

      It’s not rocket science.

      1. There has been talk about how the timing of the release of the article is suspect since it happened after they screwed up with the Veto Competition with in regards to Matt and how it was obvious that they were hiding their mess up by having only 3 of the competitors’ times released instead of all of them like usually happens

  20. Can’t wait but can wait to see the fake mouth drops when BB Houseguests find out Cirie and Jared are mother and son. THEY LOOK ALIKE!!! Jared has her dimples!

    1. I would agree but there is a show called Claim To Fame that everyone is yelling at the screen because one person looks exactly like his father Donny Osmond but they keep on making ridiculous guesses like Elvis Presley & Elton John

      1. Yeah, I can’t believe their wild guesses…latest being Billy Idol ! That’s crazy.I’m older and I can understand them not thinking Donnie. All you have to do is look at him! And the first clue being Puppy Love? Come on millenials!

  21. Jared – that sh*t I don’t like. I think the biggest deciders here are Red and Bowie.

    What is with this rat?

  22. So will the winner walk out to crickets , where no one is celebrating…… like when Celebrity Big Brother Miesha Tate won?
    Talk about awkward !

  23. Today Cirie tells Jared she’s sick of floaters.
    America, Cory, and Jared are the actual floaters.
    To Cirie, anyone that doesn’t suck up to Cirie 100% is a floater.
    She means America, Meme and Red.
    floater to Cirie is anyone that doesn’t say yes, your excellency.
    Pssst… a case can successfully be made that Cirie is a floater.

    Meme’s role this season is the flips out and cam talks woman that bbtwitter will love.
    most recent example of the phenom was bbcan11 Kuzie. The qweencast.
    Izzy, a preseason social media stalker of Cirie, and Cory with the survivor family brother are sidekicks for Jared and Cirie. They are shields and sacrificial lambs really.
    Cory jumped from Cirie gotta go to yes mom in a blink.
    That also ties to a bbcan11 character: Claudia. Got fan bonus points ep 1-2 for saying no alpha male steamroll in d/r…was a showmance girl by the end of week one. The 2face cast that follows production suggestion.

  24. Why I think Jared has a problem with Jag: the reality.
    Jag keeps asking Jared to participate in his alliance.
    Jared wants to downlow float.

    Just like when Jared concocted the opinion that Reilly was never going to take him off the block (still defies all logical explanation) so he doesn’t have to honor his promise to her…
    Jared creates made up reasons, passes them as fact so that his conscience is clear.
    Doesn’t want a ratfloater or villain moniker, and d/r is obliging him. did you SEE those post nethersafe pick d/r? they were SOOO $3 dollar bill.

    I still FIRMLY believe that d/r is pushing mindwipe sanitization. Someone said Jared’s a rat? hurry get them to d/r for reconditioning.

  25. I can’t possibly be the only one who thinks Reilly hasn’t spoken an intelligent word. She is so painfully ordinary by BB standards. Chosen merely because she has a pretty face…shame on you BB, viewers are O-V-E-R that nonsense.

      1. I said “viewers” are OVER BB choosing pretty girls to be on the show; girls lacking in just about everything except their looks.

        That’s what I’m talking about…duh.

          1. Martin: name calling isn’t helpful, like you we all have our opinions. Ratings may be sufficiently lower, yes, but viewership remains in the millions thus CBS continues to produce.

  26. BOWIE JANE: I’ve lost my personality.

    After viewers stop saying whodat?
    Yeeeaaah… that’s the problem.

    Strangely enough… more edit time in episode than Izzy…
    who has multiple extra personalities she could share.

      1. Izzy is excluded for a reason. Her first 2 d/r sessions led to her first 2 meltdowns.
        Severe cause/effect.

  27. Jared to Cory: I don’t have to f explain nothing to f Jag. He’s got to explain to us why he voted to save Reilly. f him, we’re the ones with power.

    OH the ego of a stuntcast. Knows he’s protected by production, and letting it inflate his head.

    Yeah, how dare an alliance mate ask rats why they sank the ship.

    Unpopular Opinion: I don’t give 2 shits that he’s the stuntcast’s kid. I don’t marvel at how they download info to each other because it’s fruit of the poisonous tree. It makes me roll my eyes, tbh. Pregamers made a plan. Remember the outrage we felt with every pregame acknowledgement on 22? Now we give it a pass. Not me.

    In a regular bb season one of the three outcast wins HOH.
    In a stuntcast season, the entirety of the outcast gets wiped out immediately.
    look back at 19 and 22.
    Now that 23 is the new must watch production playbook in sequester?
    Expect the 11 person mob to wipe out a couple more, then split into 2 teams?
    That’s my expectation.

  28. Blue and the curler.
    It’s a South Korean fashion trend.
    There’s been lifestyle and fashion articles on the subject.

  29. Hi y’all… first post here this season! As always, don’t forget to support the site by visiting/clicking on ads to help Simon and Dawg! Please donate too if you can!

    Other than that, I’ve been watching the show on TV only, no feeds here, so I must ask: what is the horrible crime Reilly committed besides saying Hisam was a target? Because by the TV edit the dude truly hates her. The patronizing way he talks to her is annoying. Then I visit this site and see he brought up how BIOPIC people don’t get a chance like white people? I mean: I’ve seen racism im BB a looooot, and that sucks, but naming your opponents is not racism. WTF the dude is on? Can anyone explain to me what was Reilly’s biggest sin in his eyes and what’s the fuss about? I fear you’ll say “no fuss, he’s just being a d!” lol He could easily have gotten rid of her without all those condescending speeches. He talks big game and does deliver in comps, but I’m like: really? 1 little mistake can flush you game? Duly noted, Hisam! Let’s see what will be your “little mistake!”

    1. I’m positive someone else can give you a more objective response, but i’ll try to set aside my bias (he’s on my rotten list) to explain why i put him there.

      I feel he is using his identity as a strategic weapon.
      If someone beats him in a comp or calls him out they are immediately determined racist and/or homophobic in his eyes. Matt beat him at asskick rowing. Reilly beat him in HOH. Cory called out that he was being shady. Insinuations for all three
      He liked the idea of an Lgbt alliance until Blue mentioned bringing in Reilly for numbers, and immediately called Blue slimy.
      The one example of a racial slur was said in his presence. His face was shocked mouth wide open. A half hour later he said Luke’s choice of words was refreshing and edgy. When the house learned Luke was booted, Hisam denied hearing it.
      The professors was already 3 loosely aligned 5 person alliances as of day 4 (with Cirie and Izzy in all 3). They were always going to consolidate. Any talk that they were forced to band together is a farce.
      When it was visible that Hisam didn’t actually want to work with Blue or Jag, and that Hisam was spying on people and the HOH room, Jag and Blue told Reilly Hisam on the block with Izzy. Reilly told Jared. Jared told Cirie and Izzy that Reilly is naming names. Hisam gets the news and says it’s a gay thing, that’s why Reilly is targeting him and Izzy.

      Does that help?

  30. What’s the point of Cirie telling Matt and Reilly that Reilly is likely staying?
    On eviction day.
    Eyeroll, I feel most disappointed in Cirie, Julie. followed by blow up doll O face when the “secret” (coughcough yeah riiiiiight) is revealed.

  31. Sorry if this has already been mentioned, but why do you suppose all the times for the Veto challenge weren’t shown – just the Top 3? Don’t recall that ever happening. Had to do with Matt having difficulty I’m assuming. Guess they didn’t want to point that out but edited it like he did ok.

    1. They showed all the Veto players last night. No one wants to say it because he’s hearing impaired but, Matt is just a idiot and he couldn’t figure out the clues and Blu as well. The same way it’s okay to use his hearing for game play, it’s okay to call out his bs as well.

  32. Bowie Jane.
    Australia barrister and dj. UK commerce and dj. US dj
    claims to fame: had a song chart on the australia edm chart about 12 years ago while she was living in the UK.
    had a song used in the cbs show swat 5 years ago
    most of her sm is about vegas dj gigs and crossfit.

    impression of music> the music itself not horrible but the vocals have too much autotune vocal fry. if it was 2010 and i was clubbing in London three sheets and kiteflying, I wouldn’t quit dancing if it came on… but i’d just as likely dance to the tube station loudspeaker at that point. so…meh?

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