“If she [Alyssa] uses veto on Britini or Sarah Beth and I put up Christian I am losing her friendship forever”

HOH: Derek X
HAVENOTS: Christian, Xavier, Alyssa
Nominations: Britini and Sarah
Power of Veto Players: Sarah Beth, Britini, DX, Claire, KY, Alyssa | HOST: Hannah
Power of Veto:
Power of Veto Ceremony:

FYI – Teams are done, Wildcard comps are done, Twist next week with Fan involvement

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Big Brother Spoilers – DX’s plan is to backdoor Christian. He has told both Sarah Beth and Britini his plans.

8:17 am Brit talking to the camera saying she will pick Azah to play in veto if she draws the houseguest pick chip.
DF and Azah are also in the room.

Brit talks about her conversation with KY

“Apparently he finds Sarah Beth and myself the two people he wants to work with in this house. He said that he feels closer to Sarah Beth and he feels like this is an attack personal to him Because he thought they were cool. He’s really up..”
She turns up the sarcasm “So he’s been having a really rough day”
“He’s having a really rough day heres the thing.. Two of his closest allies are on the block and he wants to save one of us being SB so that someone else goes next to me and I don’t go home. How thoughtful is that”
She starts impersonating Ky
“Also Britini I’ve always shot it straight with you and I told you I really do want to work with you in this game I’m just not using the veto on you but I really want to work with you in this game. and Like I know you told me YOu would never come after me for one week and I believed you.. I just want someone to use the veto I want you in this house but I feel so personally attacked I don’t even know I can trust DerekX ..”

Still impersonating “I thought someone else was going to happen and it didn’t”
Brit – I’m sorry Kyland I know it’s a hard day for you I know it’s been such a hard day (points to tears – see image).. Gosh.. it’s been so hard..

8:40 am Azah and DF
Azah – Kyland isn’t acting that he’s sad those tears are real
DF – he’s an emotional person but at the end of the day he knows
Azah – we all know. you knew with Frenchie right. You wanted him to stay longer. People want to keep them longer
DF – of course. I’m just making it clear at the end of the if we don’t take her out now there’s a possibility he’s going to have to do it himself.
DF – I don’t want to take out Brit you don’t want to take out Brit I want someone else to. I don’t want to be the one, it would f**ing kill me

DF points out if two girls win they can put Christian and DerekX on the block anytime. “While Christian is here DerekX is here to take him out in these comps”
Azah says if she goes up against Hannah she’s getting evicted. DF doesn’t think so he sees her staying over Hannah.
DF says DX might have a backdoor plan.
DF – If SB stays she’s going to put up Hannah and possibly DerekX
Azah – yeah that would be scary unfortunately DX got to go that means us against that Duo. We lost DereX against Christian and Alyssa.. DAmn it’ll be a blood bath
DF – I just said if SB stays. Alyssa goes home

9:21 am Sarah Beth and DF
Sarah Beth brings up something he said on the couch with Alyssa and X.
DF – they thought they were getting backdoored.. I said no matter what one of you will lose a teammate.. NOT SB.. one of you guys.. I
DF – If I win a Veto I’m taking Britini down
Sarah Beth – If Britini comes down you or Azah are going up and I will have to fight like hell to stay.
Sarah Beth says she’s over 90% sure the reason she’s on the block is because DX and Hannah are so close.
Sarah Beth – If Britini comes down he’s not putting a king beside me. he wants to send me home. My ideal would be all three of the jokers and me staying I want to come down off the block so a King goes up and Britni will stay
DF – OKay okay I will think about that .. I never said Sarah Beth is going home bullshit.. maybe one of the other b1tches said that my a$$ didn’t say that.
DF – something happened that made you go on the block
Sarah Beth says her Ideal is for her and the jokers to make it all to Jury the only way that can happen is if she comes down.
DF tells her he wants a “Heavy Hitter” taken out this week.

Feeds return the players for the Power of Veto are Sarah Beth, Britini, DX, Claire, KY, ALyssa

9:55 am Tiffany talks to the camera
Tiffany – HI AMERICA.. Ohh you are on me.. Hi America I realize I never say good morning
Tiffany – If this goes according to plan and it should. My six should be all set to make it to the other side of Jury. All of us will be here until October.
Tiffany – I am not opposed to SB going home. I would love for nominations to be the same. I know for DerekX’s game he wants Christian out because that’s his biggest target.
Tiffany – for my game I would like to see Sarah Beth go.. I can get her next week. She is so slick and conniving. You know she told DerekX that she was not interested in coming after me or Hannah and she told him her next three evictions and we have nothing to worry about it’s not me, Claire or Hannah. He believed it.
Tiffany – He looked into her pretty little eyes.. She’s telling the truth and I can tell
Tiffany – if she is that conniving and manipulative to get him to believe her after 5 minutes of a conversation and I have been by his side for the last 27 days.. DerekX are you kidding me..
Tiffany – she’s coming after someone in the 6 cause who else will she put up ? She has to go BYE BYE
Tiffany – As long as anybody other than one of the 6 goes home and I still need Britini. Brit will never put up any of the 6 she loves us. Britini is someone I need to stay in this game.
Tiffany – Bye America
(These are turning a bit cringe. She’s so jealous of SB and KY being close it’s been fascinating seeing her act like this)

10:06 am chti chat..

10:10 am Kyland and Sarah Beth
Sarah Beth – I pretty much told that if Britini comes down they’re going up
Sarah Beth – I tried to look SUPER happy when I pulled Claire’s name to get them even more paranoid. BIGD’s face looked Awfule he looked so freaked out. When we get the costumes I’m going to talk to Britini.
Ky recommends after they get “All dressed” pull her aside.
Sarah Beth – they’ll give me time they know its game.
Ky – make sure you talk to Alyssa
Sarah Beth – Or I can just beat her
Ky says it might be something where they do end up the two of them. “Have her to be ready to give it to you”
Sarah Beth – I think I can convince her in the moment.

10:15 am DX to camera
“America do you hate me? Ohh god I just have to ahh man I don’t know. I feel like this is what I have to do. Briinti is onboard with the blindside and she knows. She’s not telling anyone. SB is also onboard with the blindside but the problem is if I win this veto I have no idea how I am going to use it. I want to throw this to Kyland. Ohh god I feel so bad. This show brings out the worst in you.”
DX says if Ky gets to make the choice the nominee left on the block will
DX – it’s good for my game to build up other COMP beasts so I want Kyland to win more, X to win more. ONce Christian is out I will be the biggest target in this house.
DX – I really hope KYLAND wins this veto. If Alyssa wins we just have to make sure no one talks. (Fat chance)
DX – I will lose my friendship forever if she uses veto on Britni or Sarah Beth and I put up Christian I am losing her friendship forever.

10:23 am Sarah Beth and DX
DX – that was a perfect draw
Sarah Beth – that went well Alyssa is still down to use it on me
DX – if Alyssa wins we’re going to have to play it super cool other than that I think that was the perfect draw
Sarah Beth – I am so relieved
DX – I am throwing this comp ..

10:25 am Sarah Beth and Alyssa
Sarah Beth says the BB gods smiled on her today.
Claire joins them “that was a good draw”
Alyssa – If Britni goes up another one goes up (Joker)
Sarah Beth – She has a one in 6 chance.

10:31 am Alyssa and Christian
Christian – do not give up and don’t make any promises
Alyssa – I just talked to SB and said I’m really want to go for it. Just know I will take you off
Christian – that’s the promise I was referring to not taking..
Alyssa- I thought we all agreed to that.. you said it too.
Christian – in the moment ..
Alyssa – are you worried
Christian says yes
Alyssa – he’s not putting you up
Christian – I’m not the only one worried..
Alyssa – shows worried X
Christian – no
Alyssa – I already told her I would use it. I don’t have to
Christian – If I go up I go home
Alyssa – if you don’t want me to I won’t use it. I just want to win something
Christian – I wasn’t worried until Tiffany and Claire were .. I’m like why are you worried. It was more Tiff Claire was in the room. Tiff’s like can I talk to you later?
Christian – She [Tiff] is like I don’t want Alyssa to use it. I don’t think she knows anything I think she’s just worried.
Alyssa says if she wins she’ll tell SB there’s a worry Christian will go up so she can’t use it.
Christian says he was worried initially but after talking to DX he felt better. “I’m looking too much into this body language bullsh1t”
Alyssa – he can’t lie
Christian says DX never looked at him the entire time they talked together he looked at X and ALyssa though.
Christian – all tiff said was I don’t want her to use it and then she said we’ll talk later.
Christian – if SB is cool with taking a shot at DX next week and we have the numbers for her to stay I think it’s best for her to stay up and we take out Britin. He’s gone next week. He’s gotta go next week.
Alyssa – I want to know what TIFF thinks. I feel like she should talk to me about it.
Christian – she said to not tell you before. she wants you to be focussed

10:49 am Brit and Alyssa
Alyssa tells her she’s worried DX will put up Christian as the renom so if she wins she’s keeping nominations the same.
Brit – Ky is using is on SB
Alyssa – I don’t think Claire will use it
Brit – Claire said she would use it on me
Alyssa – wow
Brit explains that Claire would have to get DX’s approval before using it on Brit.
Alyssa thinks that DX won’t use the veto he wants to keep noms the same “Why would he want more blood on his hands”

11:07 am DX, Claire, Tiff
DX asks if it’s best for him to throw the veto to Alyssa.
Claire – potentially
Claire mentions that Christian and Alyssa want to take out Ky/SB
DX – do you guys want Christian to go up this week?
Tiff – I don’t like how Sb came to you and convinced you.. that shows she’s very manipulative.
Tiff – she is coming for you and coming for Hannah
DX – Sb is more likely to take a shot but Christian is WAY more likely to win a comp

Tiff says she’s still wondering who is better to take out SB or Christian
DX – OHH REALLY? if I get the shot I have to take it
Clair e- yes yes 100%
Tiff – as scared as he is right now he could be changing his focus if he gets the shot he will take it
DX – if they are this scared they never really believed in the royal flush
Tiff – you have to take your shot kiddo
DX – I’m pretty sure I have to take the shot this is the last one before Jury

11:23 am DX and Alyssa
Alyssa – what’s best for our game if I won it?
DX – Putting up BIGD is going to suck it has to be done
Alyssa – just for me to feel better. there’s no plan to backdoor Christian?
DX – there’s no plan to backdoor Christian. I was thinking SB but I’m solid on Brit
Alyssa says she would hate winning the veto using it on SB then DX puts up Christian.
DX says he knows that and he knows if he does it he losses her vote in the jury.
DX – I’m going to throw this comp I don’t want another comp win
Alyssa- unless it’s Brit
DX – yes

Alyssa leaves..
DX to camera “I really hope Alyssa does not win this veto.. OH MY GOD she’s going to kill me if she uses it on SB and I put up Christian.. I can’t throw it to Alyssa”
DX – no, I’m going to win this repair my relationship with SB. Me, SB, and KY can have our own thing
DX – I’m still good with Claire and Tiffany we have our own thing. Kyland is on the outskirts of that. I think over time honestly. X might take out Kyland because he’s close to SB. Kyland might take out Alyssa or X.. I don’t know what is going on.
DX – why did I only watch two seasons of this show this is so hard.

11:30 am Alyssa and Tiffany
Alyssa says DX told her his target is brit and BIGD would be the replacement nomination. Alyssa asks her if she thinks there’s a plan to backdoor Christian. Tiffany says she’s not concerned about a backdoor plan.

11:38 am DF, Hannah and X
DF out of breath “I wish we don’t have to watch this comp today”
Hannah – you hope we don’t have to?
X – I think we will
DF – I don’t want to
Hannah – why?
DF – I would rather listen to music and sleep in the HOH room.
Hannah – we’re in a competition we’re here to compete
DF – I’m exhausted.

26 thoughts to ““If she [Alyssa] uses veto on Britini or Sarah Beth and I put up Christian I am losing her friendship forever””

  1. Don’t have any reason for this:
    I’m thinking the risk / reward veto. You know, like the catapult or what ever.

    1. Dx Alyssa conversation after Tiff and Claire have been playing at… whatever dafuq that was…… scratches head.
      If Dx had any sense of manipulation and guile, he has his reason for putting up Christian now. Alyssa has questioned his motives twice. Sure, she’s right to question, but, she’s broadcasting that she doesn’t trust Dx… to Dx, and they are supposed to be in an alliance together…. 2 alliances in fact.
      His reason can now be: this wasn’t the plan, but your constant questioning of my motives is a red flag of distrust. That makes me think you’re going to target me, so I have to take a shot at your comp beast.
      But…. Dx has no guile.

      1. …….”this wasn’t the plan, but your constant questioning of my motives is a red flag of distrust. That makes me think you’re going to target me, so I have to take a shot at your’re comp beast.
        But…. Dx has no guile.”

        So true! He needs to step up his guile or at least be evasive.

          1. Chrissy, you are so right! OMGosh and here I thought he was super smart! Always, do your research! OK, I am a librarian – so, I’m biased. But to go on a show without doing your due diligence? That’s just hubris!

          2. Derek drives me nuts… you don’t ask ppl if they want to be a pawn.. of course there gonna say no

            U put them up just not Christian. Hes asking dumb Hannah.
            She dont know if Christian would go after Derek x? He probably would nit other ppl

      2. But dude has only watched TWO seasons of the show! Why are they constantly recruiting players who don’t know how the game is played and who basically really have no interest in it, before they are contacted by production? I feel pretty confident in saying DX never watched those two seasons until AFTER he was contacted, and maybe even until after he was selected to be on the show! Clearly he’s a smart guy, but if he had seen more seasons, and experienced more “game play” through watching how others had handled very similar situations in the past, he’d be a LOT better off now, rather than floundering around wondering what to do next, and depending on others “advice”, which may or may not be in his best interest.

        He also may have a better chance of figuring out what’s going on in the house, as Claire’s questions to him about X’s conversations should have triggered some red flags with him. When are these people going to figure out that none of the POC are targeting any of the other POC in the house, even though they were on different teams? Yes, the Royal Flush covered some of that, but certainly not all, and I’m sure the non-POC don’t want to think in those terms and be viewed as racist themselves, but they are going out one by one, and after 5 are gone this week, light bulbs should be exploding over people’s heads, especially when there’s a really good mix of POC players (competitors, social players, and couches) that could be voted out, yet none of them have even been on the block since Ky in the first week, and that was really a Frenchie f*&k up, and Hannah last week, who was totally safe.

        1. He cant stand on his own two feet. Hannah doesn’t know if Christian woukd go after Derek
          Well little miss two shoes sooner or later you’ll be going along with xavier. Hes dumb too. I cant believe he’d come after the kings. There is no kings each for them selves..

  2. So Alyssa just asked DerekX if there is a plan to backdoor Christian. And DX convinced her that there is no plan to backdoor Christian. DX is picking up this game fast. In any other season, he might make it to F2.

    1. With his current thought of saving SB and riding with SB Ky…
      Do you get the feeling he’s Frenching his HOH?
      He saves SB? He loses Hannah. Tiff and Claire get suspicious as hell that he’s riding with SB and Ky (Claire already brought it up). Al and SB plot his demise (and Ky, i’m 90% sure knows SB is plotting Dx’s demise).
      I’m not getting a good feeling with Dx’s current line of thought.

      1. Tiff has her own reasons for taking out DB even if they aren’t valid and seem more personal than game-related

        1. I’ve considered what Tiff ‘says’ are her reasons (the crush stuff), and I consider what I view to be the additional reality:
          She recognized Ky as a potential f2, then as her biggest competition to winning. She thought she was molding SB to be one of her puppets and end votes, only to learn that SB is actually Ky’s puppet. That means SB is no longer a lock vote for Tiff, but more likely a lock vote for Ky.
          I think both are part of her reason, because just because someone says something shallow and frivolous as their reason to other house guests, doesn’t mean there isn’t also a deeper reason they aren’t sharing with the other hg’s (though she initially shared with Claire the reality: SB isn’t on our side).

    2. Yea after this week Derek X is going to be
      the only guy left in the house that’s not black and not in the cookout while being stuck in a house with 7 other woman – yea he is doing a great job….. NOT! His wanna be big move is going to back fire on him.
      This will expose Dx as untrustworthy as the target got that much bigger on his chest! This will make him lose the game as he NOW assumes the role as the most competitive physical male in the HOUSE with 11 people left?!?! 7 of which are women?!! lol
      That is a horrible strategy trying to get to the end – this will be his demise!

  3. OMGosh, DX — grow a pair already!

    “I will lose my friendship forever if she uses veto on Britni or Sarah Beth and I put up Christian I am losing her friendship forever.”

    Of eyes and ears…(ya’ll have dirty minds. lol) Who cares if Elissa isn’t your “friend” – it’s a game and she should appreciate fair game play. Christian wants you out – duh, it’s now or perhaps never.

    SEE and observe the body language, see the exchange of looks and the facial expressions. READ THE ROOM. When you’re trying to persuade people look them in the Eye. Christian picked up on that. You can also phrase things so you are not lying. Yeah, it’s evasive, it’s a game. You can also be like KY and just refuse to answer questions with a knowing grin and a reassuring – you don’t have to worry. Watch more, speak less.

    1. yep….and get a read on Tiff…..good grief she’s at least 10 years older than Ky and acts like a school girl about him……

    1. No let’s all vote for SB. I’d love to see the looks on tiff and Hannah’s faces. They actually have the nerve to call SB conniving n manipulative. SMH

  4. This really is quite amusing the comments outlining deep strategical gameplay when my predictions for 5 weeks now have been bang on. If the posts haven’t been “purged”, pls feel free to review.

    DerekX puts up 2 female POWC which was predictable as the sun rising from the East, then he talks about POWC Christian being the possible nom replacement…..Top 6 was decided pre season. If you guys want to watch a non scripted show, why watch BBUS? The producers don’t even hide it anymore. Funny stuff.

  5. I hate dx, and so needs to go before brit
    .tgey better not put up Christian or im all done watching this season. Swear none of theses house guests have any brains God gave a goose. Who chose tgese ppl I haven’t a clue.
    KY needs to go hes a ding bat

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