Head of Household: VIC
Nominations: Breydon and Austin
The Power of Veto Players are: Ro, Vic, Breydon, Austin, Ty
POwer of Veto Winner: Ro
Power of Veto Ceremony: Rohan did not use the veto.
Have nots: Ro, Vic, Breydon, Austin
Big Brother Spoilers – We got real flip energy going on this morning. This group will waffle HARD get ready for a long day of circular conversations. Austin’s pitch appears to have worked on Beth a bit. Interesting…
10:45 am Tera and Tina
Tina – I am irritated like beyond.. oh my god..
Tera – unless we can get through to VIC
Tina – Vic’s going to run right to them though
Tera – she might not have a vote anyways
Tina – whatever we say to her goes right back to them
Tina brings up an instance yesterday where Ro was talking to Vic about the vote and 2 minutes later Vic is with Jed telling him
Tina – Vic cannot be trusted
Tera – I think she’s HOH, She doesn’t have a vote anyways
Tera – if we keep putting ourselves in this position it’s just a matter of time until we no longer have numbers
Tera – what do you think is the best course of action, give them what they want again?
Tina – depends on the conversations today, I would love to switch it up on them but I don’t know what that will do for our game.
Tera – I just wish I could get through to Kiefer it would come down to him
Tera – I think Vic is the invisible HOH, Austin is convinced it is Ty
Tera – I don’t think it’s Ty I really don’t
Tina thinks it’s Vic more than Ty
Tera – I don’t want to keep putting us in this position where we are sitting ducks
Tina – if the guys are staying true to their word we can get to a six with them and then we can switch it up with me, you, and Keif. But then it’s me, you and Kief against Jed, Ty, and Beth
Tera – Kief will go where the power is
Tina – no at that point Kief will be with us to try and take them out but we have to get to that point. IS that the right move to wait for that? (No because you are next on the list to go)
Tera – I know for sure Austin will go after the three 1000 percent.
Tina says Kief is afraid if the shot is taken now and he misses then the three will come after him right away.
They agree the three will take a shot at Kiefer not matter what they won’t want to go up against him in the end.
Tina – he’s well-liked he’s won competitions.
Tina – Beth is getting under my skin like you wouldn’t believe
Tera – they are so obvious that those three are so tight
Tina – Ty has to see that Beth and Jed are like that. how does Ty feel about that? I almost want to have a conversation with him but you have to be delicate with him too.
Tera – he’s even made comments like I wonder how I look in this situation
Tera – we have to win, they are running the house we don’t even have a say. It’s insanity. It’s insanity
Tera – they will not put up Breydon there’s no way
Tera says “nobody thinks Vic is the HOH”
Tera – I do think Vic is the HOH, I don’t think she used the slop pass.
Tera thinks Vic’s planning was if she made a stealth move like this that Canada would award her Skip the dishes and she could save her slop pass
Tera – we can’t count on her vote
Tina – I don’t think so I’ve been saying for a couple of weeks now I don’t trust her
Tera doesn’t think Kief will switch up his vote. “He gets too stubborn.. like about personal stuff. I don’t care if you don’t like her”
Tera – she’s not coming for you she’s going after the three which you need someone to do.
Tera – it’s only a matter of time before they come after our three (Kiefer, Tina, tera)
11:00 am kitchen (Ro is making himself some eggs)
Kiefer – Ro what is that?
Ro – scrambled eggs and cheese, it’s watery because of the tomatoes
Kiefer – what do you mean watery I don’t see any water
Ro – it doesn’t ook good because of the tomatoes and mushrooms
K – what do you mean it doesn’t look good
Ro – it tastes f**ing good
Kiefer keeps going on about how Ro’s food looks “you eat with your eyes man”
Ro – I’m not a chef leave me alone
K – It might be good in a wrap.
Kiefer – there’s eggs in there Ro?
Ro – yeah, there’s eggs in this scramble eggs
Ro says the eggs taste fine.
Keifer – I believe it tastes good it’s hard to mess up eggs.
Ty – what’s the issue
Kiefer – it looks disjusting
Kiefer says “theres so many ways” Ro could have improved the presentation.
Kiefer says the mushrooms release moisture and that is where the grey is coming from
11:00 am Tera and Vic
Vic – I think I overheard something but I didn’t want to say in case I was wrong
Vic – I’m pretty sure I heard Beth say your name for someone to put up
Tera – of course
Beth joins them Tera leaves.
Vic – I’m so mad at Breydon and Austin I can’t be around them. I’m over them girl
Vic says Tina/Tera are her next targets.
Beth – there’s no other option to put up next week if veto is used Tera’s going up
Vic says same, “they have no idea”
Beth says the two of them are good next week “we’re in a good spot”
Vic says Tera and Tina must know they will be going up if they don’t win HOH, “you’re a bad a$$ duo bye-bye” (Never mind the triple)
Beth – I keep telling the Guys maybe stop chilling because it’s coming
Vic – and the whole Tera trying to do the flip for Austin to stay.. that was it for me.
Beth saying Tera is still talking about the vote “What are we thinking”
11:23 am Tina and Austin
Tina is telling her Vic is probably the HOH.
Austin says that is a dumb move if Vic was the HOH.
Tina says it shows that Vic is very close to the guys
Austin says she’s very careful what she says to Vic and Kiefer because it is taken straight up to the guys.
Noon Jed and Ty keeping Vic solid with the ghost peppers
12:20 pm Tera, Tina and Breydon
Telling him they have to go after the three or all is lost.
They tell him the three want Breydon to stay because “they think they can control you”
They think the decision is made and it’s Austin leaving.
Tera – from what I’ve heard from the house.
1:00 pm Austin and Beth
(Feeds come in the middle)
Austin – that will be the dopest move
Beth – V will f*** blow up
Austin – let her
Beth – I know at this point
Austin – If you cast the vote and say it was Kiefer that cuts that relationship. he’s done it before
Beth – when?
Austin – he’s flipped flopped on his word so many times he told me he wouldn’t put me up and he put me up. He had that thing with Kyle and Ro during my HOH and he f**ed up on both side..
Beth – He’ll do it again. he’s shown himself to be ruthless he’ll do whatever.
Austin – Tina and Tera speak to candidly
Beth – ugh they do and they are sketchy
Austin – Breydon is the friendship move I am the game move..
Beth – you’re the game move and I’m here to play the game. You see that couch today (with Vic, Ty, Jed, Kief)
Austin – they are guarding Vic
Beth – Ohh yeah they have VIC
Austin – I tried to sit there no one looked at me
Beth – thats why I got up and left.. F** this..
Austin – they were spooning Vic. I’m like what the f***
Beth – I didn’t like it
Austin – I love but there have been too many times…
Beth – she’s back and forth. I’m not walking on eggshells around her anymore
Beth – I want to barf I am so excited
Austin – you will be such a bad b1tch if you do this and I know that is what you are and I know people don’t see it
Beth – we would be bad b1tches
Beth says she’s going to go outside and think.
1:30 pm Beth considers what Austin says. She wants to start playing for herself not the boys.
1:37 pm Beth and Jed
Beth fills Jed in on Austin’s pitch.
Beth – we can’t take Kief to final 4
Jed – I know
3:00 pm the boys are agreeing Vic is the most dangerous player in the house.
Ty – it has to be a backdoor
Jed brings up Beth saying that Vic is hiding in bed to listen to people.
Ty – she played everyone, everyone believes she’s not HOH.. HOW
jed – she’s the most dangerous player
Ty – you put her up you get drama and I’m okay with that
4:00 pm Ro and Austin talking about maybe vic is the HOH (They’re not convinced)
Ro wonders why the boys are acting panicked asking people where the vote is.
A – I still think they want me out
Ro – they wouldn’t be panicked.. Jed was asking me who I was voting for
Austin says the house flips around so they are worried.
Austin says sometimes emotions get in the way with Vic. She saw all these relationships forming and she decided to say f** them all.
Austin thinks her pitch would have been the most appealing to Vic.
Ro – she said 50/50, why is everyone running around today?
Austin – I could be wrong I’m just getting a weird vibe from the conversation. Maybe she felt bad saying bad things about us but it felt a little deeper than that.
Ro wonders if Vic would have really put Austin up.
Austin says she’s ballsey she threatened to put Ty up two weeks ago.
Ro – if it’s her good f*ing job.. she as in my top three I thought Beth, Ty or Vic.
Austin – it was an emotional play that ended up this way.
Ro says why is the other side stressing about the votes you would think they have 4.
Ro – why are they cuddling her on the couch
Austin – weirdly I may have Beth
Ro – you think so?
A – do not say a word.. if I stay here you are my person in the game. I just said.. you haven’t set yourself up well for long-term success. You’re best chance for that is with me. She was like fully into it. I know she’s sketch she could have been totally bowing smoke up my a$$ but I mean I gave a really good pitch in tere.
Ro – she talked to me the way she described it is she wants Austin in this game.
Austin brings up telling Beth to blame the vote on Keifer. Ro agrees that was a good play.
Austin – Beth tells the boys to keep us out of their mouths. THen Tina, Tera, Vic are in trouble
Ro says he’s going to talk to Vic tonight when they study days and try to get a read on where she is voting.
Ro says if Vic HOH did a really stupid move “am I playing this game with a bunch of f***ing dummies”
Ro can’t believe Vic is the HOH “I would have thought she would put one of them on slop to”
Ro – it’s a possibility but things don’t add up
Austin – the slop and the block was an emotional play
Austin – If I had to bet on it I would still have bet on it being Ty (ZOMG)
Austin – I’m not as confident as I was
Ro – I’m going to play to Beth’s ego a little bit. I’ll say if it’s Austin I’m a little disappointed I thought you were going to be a better game player than this
Austin – for Beth to vote for me it needs to be 4-3
They mention that the silhouette on the nomination screen looks like Ty
Austin wonders why they picked that and not use a generic black silhouette
Austin says she knows JEd, Ty, and Keifer are not keeping her so no point talking to them about the vote anymore.
Ro – oh my god if it’s her I am going to self evict (Vic)
Austin says Vic told her on the couch Beth is her target.
Ro – really
Austin – she’s playing a dirty game
8:44 pm Waffleing has tired some out
8:55 pm Family Dinner
9:37 pm night before evcition hug.
He apologizes says he tried. tells her he voting her out. (sounds like the flip failed)
11:20 pm some tears, some hugs, some laughs
Still cringe worthy all these years later……he just doesn’t want to be seen smoking on camera but that conversation…..blarg
beth and perhaps jed considering keeping austin after austin said she would target the middle people like queefer, vic, tina, tera
good pitch from aus to beth then beth talking out loud to herself she needs to play for herself
its still unlikely things change so i think it will be up to production now if they want to blow up the house and bring some real drama with the april fools ‘no blood for the invisible hoh but no wounds inflicted on the noms’ non elimination round
I know I JUMPED on that (previous page) as soon as it happened… THIS IS F*CKING GLORIOUS!!!
I want to see Vic lose her sh*t if they do it
Keifer “they (Ty/Jed) think they are running the house but they aren’t WE ARE”
Vic “I know it’s so funny b/c Tera & Austin are saying I’m a big target when I’m NOT AT ALL”
HA– famous last words Vic — as a superfan she should know better than to start saying this kind of crap PRE JURY to boot—
As expected BOTH Vic & Keifer are HARD CORE to get out Beth and ranting about it. I laughed my ass off at the Beth – Vic exchange in the kitchen – it was soooooooooo fake.
I need Austin to keep pitching to Beth (and to TELL HER Vic wants your ass next– think about it Beth- she wanted LaToya gone to get closer to Ty/Jed, wants me gone to be closer to Breydon– and YOU ARE NEXT!
Beth is already LEANING heavily to taking Austin up on this deal –
Sure I want Austin to stay b/c she’s gonna go guns blazing but I think I want it MORE so I get to see these two brought back down to earth!
AND – even if there is an April Fools joke that stops the eviction – I still hope the vote progresses so the house is thrown into a tizzy!
Keifer is Keifing again — convo with TNT/Vic/Keif
Someone says it’s going to be me & Ro up (I think Tera) & Keifer in an authoritative voice says NO — it’s Breydon — Ummm Keif — NO it’s either Tera, Vic, or YOU!
And what he’s missing is if the trio wins & let’s say Ro & Tera go up if Tera comes down I highly doubt they’ll put up Breydon or Tina so then it’s one of Vic/Keif going on the block & OUT THE DOOR!
The fact he is puffing up that chest again is uber annoying.
YUP — and there it is —- Austin told Ro “I think Vic is HOH”
She’s basing it on her convo with Vic & her doing it b/c of the Bossy Glossies & she saw it in her face. It’s not confirmed Beth said it’s not Ty but the trio has said that all week long & Beth may have reinforced that again.
That Aus- Vic convo was very telling b/c Vic was emotional but also b/c she’s DYING to tell them this is what they get for turning on her.
Austin is dead on the money – that Vic felt ostracized by Aus/Brey & b/c they also got close to KyRo. Although she tells Ro I’m still 50-50 but I’m pretty sure Austin sees it is her. Several times she refers to the EMOTIONAL move to put Aus/Brey on slop & OTB – (both Aus/Ro don’t want to believe Vic would make this move but they KNOW IN THEIR GUT Ty would NOT make that emotional move but Vic would).
BUT Ro needs to STFU — b/c he just refuses to believe what won’t work in his grand scheme of things.
Austin – also tells Ro about the Beth convo – that oddly she might have her & swears him to secrecy.
As the convo continues Ro starts to have an internal meltdown as the reality of Vic being the invisible HOH sets in. I’m picturing thought bubbles over his head as the boys told him Vic said her target was Austin & Breydon. Or how shady she’s been with him in the things she says but then actions don’t match.
Aus says – so “WHY would someone in her position not care who leaves– we have such different games & if she’s in the middle it should matter” It’s like an AHA moment (b/c she also has other solidified alliances in her mind). The final bit of intel when Austin says she also told me BETH is her target. Ro’s head almost explodes on that little ditty as a flood of him realizing taking out Beth would pull her even closer to Ty/Jed (which is precisely why she targeted LaToya).
He’ll probably find a way to backtrack to WHAT he wants the situation to be” vs what the situation REALLY is but at least the can of worms is fully open now.
I wish there was someone who was consistently rational in the house – like if I’m Aus or Ro — I’m recapping— WHY were the trio so concerned before the HOH noms? If they knew Ty had it they aren’t panicking like that or trying to cement deals. That’s NOT what they do when they aren’t worried (like with Keif’s HOH).
Cuddling Vic on the couch is NO DIFFERENT than how they camped out in Keif’s HOH — it’s their typical MO with the ruling HOH. AND why would Vic tell Aus that Beth is the target – especially if she knows Aus is leaving? Why say that when Vic would believe TJ are her targets (and having told Ro that) — lots to process but the logical answer is b/c if it walks like a duck and it looks like a duck then GUESS WHAT — it is a DUCK (HOH).
So the house dynamics are shaping into three sides right now. Roh might be ina good spot if he plays it right after this, and if Austin stays that gives him a second person to pick up with to isolate another side of the house, where TNT, Vic and kweifer are viewed as a middle of the house players. I have hopes for the season if Austin stays, and I’ll be interested to see the dynamics form if Breydon stays. Worse game play ever, but I’m interested how things work out when hoh is played and won for the next week (please don’t be Vic)
after their convo, austin is totally sus of vic now, telling ro that vic could well be hoh
what would you do if you were austin? try to get beth to switch on the sly and pin it on queefer, or apologise to ty for thinking he was hoh and do a deal with ro/jed/ty/beth to go after the middle with vic/queefer as her next target? or something else?
Beth seemed to have Ty considering it — but unfortunately we get a scene in the pantry with Jed/Ty and Ty completely shut’s it down — he wants Austin gone.
Says WHY — he’s NOT worried about no shields being in the game & believes Austin would definitely target him or strengthen Ro. They FULLY believe Breydon is with them.
Come on Beth – do it anyway. Maybe they feel better with Brey but you should feel better keeping Austin.
Interesting tidbit — Keifer told the boys VIC can go after Ro (SHOCKER) he’s such a coward – he told Ty he would even take Vic out — I don’t think Keif would even try to win HOH b/c he’d be scared of what Vic would do him even more than he’s scared what the boys would do to him.
just sat down with my chart.
I’m crossroads.
I’ve created two versions of what happens in terms of house dynamics.
i’ll add the first version, what happens if Brey stays in a split vote.
in a response i’ll add the second version: what happens if Austin stays or Brey stays unanimously.
It’s Wednesday, so neither is actually the alliance chart for week six. This is just a vision of house dynamics.
This is the change to relationships if Austin stays, or if Brey stays unanimously.
If I’m understanding correctly:
Everyone but Rohan has at least jumped past the 50% mark that Vic is the HOH.
Ro however, has checked his powerpoint presentation and can’t make the jump.
He’s still telling Vic she is the swing vote.
Dude. I said he was a bad reader in the past. But i’m ready to just say he’s illiterate.
Rohan, Rohan, Rohan, come up with the tactical work, but let someone that can actually read people do the psychoanalysis, cus dude you suck at it.
Do I buy this waffle because of the oddness of the week?
Not really.
The complete weirdness of everybody that knows Vic is the HOH acting like she isn’t for a full 24 hours was too prodogremlin do this for edit for me to take seriously. Now jumping back when they need the scamper segment? I’ve gotten too jaded about this week in particular to buy it.
Does Beth make the move? I don’t know. Her pathology is she doesn’t like to compete with other women. It doesn’t fit her character to make the move without Jed and Ty. Does Ty make the move after playing lovemachine with Breydon for two nights? Then what was the point of playing manwhore at a sausage factory? Beth does nothing without consensus, but she has so little social currency when it comes to trust, that nobody is truly willing to give her consensus.
Does Kief change? I’m going to put this out there and be straight up serious: Kief is a guy’s guy at the end of the day, and when I say guy’s guy… I mean he believes himself to be superior to the women in the game. Kief is petty about other people having wealth, and petty in his interactions with women. Even Vic, you can low key hear the tone alteration in his voice that is not present with the guys. It’s there. Kief will vote out a woman over a man 100 times out of 100 if given his druthers.
Austin’s campaign is 100 times stronger than Breydon’s campaign.
The problem: Apparently everyone has added Vic to the walk on eggshells list that was created for Jed and Ty when they were acting as a pair to interrogate everyone in week 2 and 3. I’ve read that the aversion to that is microaggression. I don’t buy that only because two muscular guys on either side of me attempting to intimidate (their alliance’s go to move) would bother me if they were green with orange polkadots. They’re the two biggest guys in the house, and actively say let’s threaten them as their first impulse. Every. Time.
Does the campaign matter?
I don’t really think so.
There was an extra day between veto and eviction for no good reason.
It was just to get everyone excited about a non existent power that won’t show up until week 7 every time the feeds went down.
They know what they’re doing in the feeds dept:
And for the most part we’re falling for it.
Yeah, Ro is the worst — I’m not even sure it’s about Ro having a bad read. He was able to ascertain Kyle was a great partner, that Austin & Brey were the most trustworthy and genuine, and that TNT was the next obvious allies.
I think this is more about Ro not having the ability to adjust or put himself in other people’s shoes. When he WANTS something for his own game he refuses to look at the situation with a clear vision. Case in point, he knows Kyle is leaving so he pitches Vic to be his F2. B/c he NEEDS this to happen he refuses to see her for who she really is. In spite of warnings to the contrary, he finds excuses for her at every turn.
He KNOWS he should use the POV citing TNT, Vic & Keif as the main reason — Come on Ro – you logically know that your best shot in the game is with Austin & Brey in the house (primarily Austin) so TAKE HER DOWN.
Just forcing the re-nom is a win. It EXPOSES the house dynamics. If Ty is the HOH (as he’s convinced himself) then Tera is likely the re-nom right? It’s not even a matter of whether Tera or Brey stay in this scenario — it’s more about the fact the shot would show Vic/Keif are SAFE with the trio which they’ve claimed they aren’t. It’s about showing TNT where they rank in that pecking order.
More importantly — it would show Ro what an idiot he is b/c BETH would very likely have been the re-nom b/c we’re talking petty Vic here who can’t see straight b/c she wants Beth gone so bad & she would know Tina, Tera, Austin, & Ro would all vote out Beth. The other clear win is this would expose Vic as the HOH (which is the ONLY reason she might put up Tera). Yet, even in that scenario it’s a win again for Ro b/c then Tera would likely loose her sh*t & confront Ty (& the trio) to find out why they crossed her & again Vic would be exposed as the HOH.
The point is watching Ro have that conversation with Vic in the ball pit was so frigging annoying. As she consistently lies & trashes Austin (which in his soul Ro knows is personal & bullshit & showed him everything he needed to confirm Vic is HOH). At one point when he suggests Aus is a great competitor that would never target them – Vic counters with how close Brey has been & how he wants to compete. Less than 5 minutes later she says well TNT & Brey can’t win sh*t. Which is it Vic?
He doesn’t miss the nuances — he CHOOSES to ignore them.
Most importantly, it’s so aggravating to watch him KEEP trying to shift Vic to keep Austin — something he should never have had to do if he’s just made the right decision in the first place!
The other overwhelming takeaway is everyone in that house knows that Vic, Keifer & Beth are the most pathological — SO WHY OH WHY do they never question the authenticity of what those people say? Vic has made up a ton of crap & often put her own lies onto others.
Keifer enters a whole new atmosphere with his lies inventing things that were never said let alone broached. Or as you’ve pointed to, frequently will take something he hears on Tuesday and ten days later bring it up like he just heard it – but put a spin on it, change the context, and change who actually said it. Why does he get away with it??? Simple — b/c when you’re looking for dirt on someone you’ll swallow anything as gospel b/c that helps you push your narrative to target someone.
I also agree about the misogyny factor with Keifer — did you catch how he raised his voice in anger at Tera today when TNT/V/K were discussing who would go OTB. It was a condescending reprimand — not how you speak to a peer & definitely NOT how he’d ever dare speak to the guys.
Anyway, I’m with you on Ro — he has no one but himself to blame for the corner he feels painted into. If by chance the April Fools factor plays out — let’s hope he takes how he feels right at this moment and if he’s in the same situation again that he’ll use the POV.
after this convo in the ballpit, will ro tell aus how much vic hates her and doesnt trust her and that she wanted her out last week and this week? that makes it more likely vic is invisible hoh…if so, i hope aus hardcore announces her target is vic, and ro/aus should both tell beth that vic majorly wants her out
wtf are these dirty looks vic is mentioning to ro that aus gives her? aus softly pitched her name to queefer because it was between the 2 of them as renom candidates
vic just admit youve been jealous of aus and her bonds and youre making a petty, jealous, emotional, personal, bitchy move that doesnt make sense for you gamewise as youre getting rid of someone that will be loyal to you, who will be a shield/target in front of you that lessens the chance you go on the block, who has a better chance of winning to keep you safe
bring on that non elimination tomorrow so we can get this rivalry heating up…production could easily do that tomorrow to maximise drama/storylines/ratings etc, but will they? if ever there was a good time for a non eviction round its thursday, because the invisible hoh and april fools just nicely allows that twist narrative…and it then allows a 2nd double eviction in the coming weeks…so all round it would improve the season
do production want good f-cking tv? if so lets hear arissa say after the vote is read “breydon you are safe” then long pause, then “austin you are safe…april fools everyone…no blood for the invisible hoh this week but also no wounds inflicted on the 2 noms, this is a non elimination round…get ready to compete in the next hoh” which is hopefully an epic battle of endurance which would favor someone like tiny tera (or allow the noms to guess who they think invisible hoh is…if either guess right, both are safe)
Yeah, Vic is quickly becoming the girl who can’t have any other woman in the house gaining even a modicum of attention from the men (not even from Breydon).
Makes you wonder if she got her way & Austin, Beth & Tera all left one, two, three would she then get jealous of Breydon getting attention from Ty?
She’s got such potential to be an outstanding player – but she’s, petty, emotional AND WORST — she’s cruel. She didn’t put Aus/Brey on slop & OTB to make them less effective in the POV — she laughed about doing it & told us she did it to be mean.
That cruel streak will likely cost her the game (and possibly a few friendships afterward once the hamsters learn some of the things she’s said). She kept saying Austin has RBF (resting b*tch face). It’s sad she is that insecure– even laughing with Keifer about the fact Austin was looking at her with her sad eyes and she KNOWS Austin would never come from her.
One note: other than jealousy — the other big reason Vic turned on Austin (and Brey) was because of the lies Keifer told her.
i think shes a sadist…the fun party girl routine is an act
she doesnt want anyone there who takes the spotlight away from ‘the vic show’
for me, the kuntiest hoh since neda went after cass
Funny to watch Breydon’s pitch to Vic– she tells him how Austin gave a great pitch with definitive targets and who she would work with & wants that from him.
Before he even tells her anything she says “I’m leaning to KEEP YOU and you don’t really have to give me targets”
Breydon doesn’t do a very good job (not that it really matters) — all he says is I think you & I both want to make big moves. Then he also backtracks and says like obviously TNT aren’t big moves but do you just let them slide by or Keifer either.
While Austin had to pitch – Vic did part of Breydon’s pitch for him.
Then she asks about his relationship with Beth —
Essentially what we get from this is Breydon will go after JT, Beth, TNT & Keif — the ONLY people he doesn’t mention are her & Ro. So — yeah — that wasn’t a definitive pitch that was throwing stuff at a wall & hoping Vic just takes away the four words she wanted to hear — “I’m not with Beth”
What he did well was kiss her ass.
I’ll hold out hope Beth still stands up for herself (doubtful) OR the April’s Fool’s Day is in play.
Austin electing NOT to speak to Ty is going to backfire (might even if she does) BUT she needs to try IMHO.
My pitch would be… okay so initially I thought you were the invisible HOH but now I’m pretty sure it’s Vic. She was shady when we talked & so you know she told me today BETH is her primary target — but by extension does that also mean Jed or you are in danger b/c she pushes that with everyone else in the house.
I knew it had to be you or Vic but the reason I jumped to you is b/c Breydon, Vic & I had a DAY ONE alliance called Bossy Glossies. So if you think she’s secure with you consider that she just put us on slop & OTB. You might have something with her from Day 1 too — but don’t for a second think she won’t take a shot at you if you even remotely piss her off, like not cuddle her enough one day – or make her feel special enough — or are given the option of either you or her go on the block & say her instead of yourself – this could be your fate!
Tell him — the only people I know for sure won’t put you & Jed up next week are Beth, and yourselves, but I can promise you that you’ll be safe. I’d like you to consider this while you are a trio Ty & Beth are tighter than you & Beth, so why not add me as your Beth as the counter to ensure you have a solid partner -even if Jed is your #1 and Beth is your #2 I need someone if I stay to partner up with & you know how loyal and competitive I am.
That ^^ wouldn’t be completely honest but if she won HOH she could put up Vic/Keif which would help Ty/Jed and buy her one more week.
Regardless of whether Aus can make this work or not I hope Austin gets confirmation, Vic is the HOH & in her eviction speech says it came down to Ty or Vic as the only possibilities to be the invisible HOH == but then everything fell into place — only one of those people is emotional to be vicious enough to not just end a DAY ONE alliance but also NEED to be cruel in the process by putting my best friend Brey & I on slop & OTB — This was about making sure we suffered.
Ty is a smart player but not an emotional player, so Vic kudos to taking out someone who always had your back & would’ve voted for you in jury- Good luck to you all – – my only advice is if you are presented with a choice of whether you or Vic should go on the block answer carefully – bc if you say her name instead of your own this could be your fate.
Then as Aus goes to open the door at the top of the stairs the door won’t open & Arisa comes on the screen saying APRIL FOOLS DAY — everyone to the backyard for the HOH.
Bring on the drama.
I mean it seems we can’t have nice things — so I’ll entertain myself instead writing my own plot lines LOL
yes i like that pitch…she needs to switch things up…target vic, promise the world to the trio, and assure them ro also wont target them
re the non elimination round…amazing race has them, different nations survivor has had them, and bb australia and uk have had fake evictions, canada season 4 had the vote back in, us bb had the rewind week and the halting hex, and its more difficult to do battlebacks with covid…i just feel doing it versus not doing it on thursday makes such a massive difference to the overall potential entertainment, liveliness. drama of the season
Fully agree. Plus I just want Vic & Keifer’s current puffed up chests to be deflated.
Bring on the drama! lol
Vic wants all the girls out -> Latoya, Austin, Beth
snakeole 2.0
and Tera. don’t forget. She floated that one as well.
Vic is lying through her teeth to Ro– really throwing Aus UTB – & saying “even if it was a smokescreen that she said Keifer & I – I can’t have that” MEANWHILE — RO knows Vic told MULTIPLE people that Austin & Breydon were her targets – Ty, Jed, Beth & others all told him that.
OPEN your eyes Ro.
I’ve caught Vic using actual things Austin said to her as if they are her ideas both with Breydon & Ro. And, as good as she is – she lets her emotions show through (which at the moment is she wants BETH gone).
Ro missed something — Vic says I’d put up Beth & Jed (says Beth’s name first). He needed to call her out on that & say why wouldn’t you put up Jed/Ty & use Beth as the re-nom, b/c otherwise Ty could play in POV & take down Jed so you don’t even get one of them out.
The other tidbit from Ty-Jed convo is they discuss how Vic has been hiding in the bed so she can hear conversations. They discuss that she is the most dangerous person left in the house— sounds like they are leaning to take her out next b/c everyone is too afraid to put her up b/c she’ll be DRAMA.
Ty did say Keifer told him she has to go after Ro & that he would even do it (sure you will Keif). But the most interesting part of the convo was Ty said it would be best as a backdoor (b/c of the drama) BUT he has solid reasons & will use her taking out LaToya as the prime reason.
NOW – what needs to happen is Ro needs to let it slip to them that Vic is working to put the target on Beth as the next eviction. That might move Vic up the pecking order (sorry (the karma of that scenario would be apropos). But it also MIGHT make them stop to consider keeping Austin (but ONLY if they believed she would take out Vic/Keif). I still don’t have faith they’ll switch off evicting Austin – but this was a very interesting conversation.r
Did you notice that in the ballpit conversation:
Vic said i feel, Ro said I think to start off their points?
This is the problem in a nutshell.
Vic plays chaos because her game is determined by feeling.
Ro plays order because his game is determined by logic.
THIS is why Ro doesn’t get Vic’s game. They are speaking two different languages.
It’s emoji vs. binary code.
preamble: I’m still on the edge of saying screw this season, due to the 25-60% feedcuts.
I don’t trust episode edits compared to feeds. I’m trying to remain invested, but it’s becoming a battle i’m not sure i’m willing to fight. We’ll see. Week 5 of a season has been an issue for me in the past.
blah blah blah. Vic won. We know. Don’t know if it was Wildfire that spread through the house. The Kiefer reveal getting a big play up. snore. forget she’d told Jed by now.
btw the ‘for very good reasons’ is something that Vic actually has said multiple times.
Funny how Vic’s justification is they didn’t talk to her after Vic told the trio it was all KARB’s idea when she was HOH, and the trio the confronted KARB.
D/R is what you’d expect. Basically the same as the D/R from last episode.
They’ve noted it’s Ty Beth or Vic already.
Q: Does guilt work on a narcissistic sociopath?
A: Only if they can talk about how it affected them.
The trio know it’s VIC. and they think it’s LOYALTY that saved them. ummm. God that’s such bull. I almost muted. SOOO CLOSE.
Dude. by Noms Vic had hinted to Tera heavily, and had TOLD Jed.
Ty was giving off bad vibes in the expression department. Too bad Brey was wrong.
WHO DO WE PICK HG CHOICE. Rohan obvious choice. They skip Rohan making backroom deals and Rohan swearing not to use it?
Vic lying straight to Brey’s face.
After all the lying? Um. Brey is wronger and wronger. Vic throws it at Beth. Brey decides it HAS to be Ty. Brey, stop standing close to Ro, it’s infectious bad reading.
Fan Questions Section.
Never cared. eyeroll.
AU/BREY/VIC/TY/RO are chosen for veto.
Vic expounds her heartlessness.
Vic and Ty talk gun for veto. BOTH PRIVATELY on feeds: we should throw.
Rohan already determined them an iceburg.
He honestly thought his schmoozing was getting him in with the TRIO, and blew it by going to BETH and shooting himself in the foot. AGAIN: bad read. He doesn’t understand emotional motivation, only logical tactical move.
beams, puzzle pieces. build the path and the puzzle veto.
1/2 way through comp RO in lead, AU and VIC are close behind. Ty finishes and makes up a lot of ground. Everyone but Brey is doing well so far. Brey finally starts his puzzle.
Puzzle is hard says VIC.
Rohan is pulling away from the pack. Incorrect with his first check.
Austin is trying to win.
Someone has a piece upside down? Is that what Tina said? OOPS.
Now about that use the veto thing he promised to his main alliance.
Now about that not use the veto thing he promised to the rest of the house.
VIC going to Tina and Tera’s paranoia. Tera’s name translates to Paranoia.
And TERA GOES TERA… it’s Christmas in BBCAN.
So now they go after Rohan. Tina takes the lead.
Let’s translate the ROHAN D/R talk: I won’t stand up for my allies.
The second thoughts talk? He’d already promised the house he wouldn’t use it.
Austin opens the waterworks, knowing Ro show is a dud.
Beth has flipped showmance FILLER.
The don’t hate me for going with Ty first then Jed.
Ro and Vic talk.
Ro and his bad reads. Playing the boys game edit.
Eyeroll. Vic pushing no POV use.
The house worries that Rohan will use the Veto.
Brey: defender room buddies, use it on me.
Austin: things are incredibly clear. Everyone said they would use it and everyone lied, so do what’s best.
Rohan: not using it. I love you but you’re cramping my style.
D/R: Austin wants to stay and fight.
Yeah – that episode was completely bullsh*t – no way that wasn’t entirely scripted. We know TNT is aware Vic is full of it — so that whole paranoia bit was completely a “made for TV scripting moment” you don’t go from that to suddenly having Ro go back on his word & TNT wanting to keep Austin -what a joke.
I’m kind of with you on the investment…I became a huge BB fan b/c of the live feeds more than the National TV episodes. The original seasons were the best b/c you could watch the feeds, play along & pick which strategies/players were playing the best games. As much as I loved Jedi Janey and her competition prowess, or some of the good social players my preference has always leaned toward the strategists.
The reason it’s hard to be invested in this ‘scripted’ version is it removes the possibility for anyone to actually ‘play’ & employ a true strategy since TPTB makes the decisions on who advances. Sure, someone can win the live HOH’s but then they can easily be ousted the following week by fixed POVs that are often timed (and we never see) OR – they shut down the feeds, pull out the contracts the hamsters signed that say they agreed to do as told by production.
I’ll always long for the original version but it’s clear those days are over.
Let’s talk here.
Beth told Jed that Austin would target Kief and Vic.
Vic told Jed that Austin would target the three.
Jed, why would Austin tell Victoria she was targeting Kief and Victoria?
Beth, did you notice Jed just took Vic’s word over yours?
Ty, is back to the final four being Kief, Ty, Beth and Jed.
Beth, did you notice Ty has flipped from wanting Kief and Vic out from when you talked earlier?
Beth? Beth? You getting any of this?
The three say they will all vote Austin out
In other news, later Ro tells Brey that Ty is joining Ro’s bed tonight. Brey says he’s abandoning ship. Oh, production must have told Ty the whole flirtmance wasn’t playing well on social media.
flip is dead.
Rohan told Austin he’s voting her out.
He tells her he feels partly to blame for her leaving.
The flip, in Rohan’s opinion failed because he couldn’t get Vic to be the swing vote.
uh, Rohan, you never went back to Beth after the talk this morning. NOOOOO… instead keep it in your head that VIC isn’t the HOH because you can’t understand her motivations being completely personal and not what you think she should do in your playbook.
The flip was actually viable with Beth. But hey Rohan, keep believing Vic is your number 2. Idiot. go ahead, you’re likely on the block Friday anyway, better win that veto.
(Sorry, I have a problem with people that are unable to be fluid in their gameplay. And Rohan is the least fluid thinker I’ve ever encountered).
(bill lumberg ‘office space’ voice)
production if you could go ahead and make it a non elimination tomorrow for lit feeds, and breathe new life into the season, that’d be greeeaaaaaat, mkay, thanks a bunch
Go to Beth, tell her nobody is voting for you, and you really don’t want to be humiliated tomorrow, so please place a sympathy vote for her. Ask in front of Breydon, Jed and Ty.
If she agrees:
Go to Ro, Tina and Tera. Tell them you have a sympathy vote from Beth. If they want to keep her, vote to keep her, if not she understands. But don’t tell anyone. Not Kief, Not Vic.
Just vote how you want, and she’ll understand, but she’s better for their games moving forward.
Bypass Vic entirely.
Won’t happen. But… would it work?
Continue to spend the whole night with Beth Jed and Ty laughing loudly is not the ticket.
That’s gonna space out Tera.
And telling Ty that you said Ty and Jed as targets when discussing scenarios? Does that mean you wouldn’t Breydon?
Is nobody willing to put up the obvious threesome? I mean…. REALLY????
Sooooo they’ve told Austin she is leaving & are showing some film clips for the HOH. EVERYONE is studying EXCEPT Austin.
This means if the twist does happen Austin has no shot at winning HOH b/c she’s not studying.
They updated the feeds & I was behind so I didn’t get to see a bunch of convos (BOO).
I saw Brey/Ty convo where he confirmed with Brey he WAS NOT the invisible HOH & how e truly was worried he was going up. QUESTION – Does anyone know if Breydon told Austin? — b/c that would confirm it was Vic.
Okay – so it looks like Austin is going to help Ro/Brey/TNT study. That’s a positive if by chance the April Fools twist happens. I was worried she wouldn’t bother b/c she’s been told she’s leaving.
Still curious if anyone knows whether Breydon told her that Ty said he definitely wasn’t the invisible HOH & really was worried that Jed & him would land OTB. — If Breydon believes him & based on what Ro told Austin that should be all they need to confirm Vic was the HOH & that regardless if they both stay or just Breydon that she cannot be trusted at all.
If anyone knows can you let me know (whether Brey told Aus).
Also, while Ro annoyed me immensely this week – Beth takes the cake — I mean girl – if you aren’t going to take up Austin on her offer FINE – but why on earth would you tell Ty/Jed what Austin’s pitch was (to take out the guys for her)? The fact she even considered keeping her & pitched that to Jed now opens the door for them to know she’s not entirely trustworthy and therefore expendable.
Btw — hilarious watching how Austin is looking at Vic or rather avoiding looking at Vic (who is all smiles, in the bed beside her). Meanwhile, Aus knows Vic trashed her from Ro — all personal BS jealousy reasons. I know Aus will probably take the high road but the petty part of me hopes she shades Vic in her eviction speech.
“Not everyone is pretty in pink” would be my shade. Throw in an 80s reference the millennials wouldn’t get ha ha.
I just shook my head and turned off the feeds when @4ish Austin is telling Ro the HOH is VIc, and @10ish Austin is telling Brey that Vic wouldn’t vote to keep her. With the required hour long feed cut happening twice in their. mmhmm.
I really didn’t care for such lunacy that left credulity behind days ago.
Breydon spills some tea to Aus — saying he had a random convo (implies DR) who told him not to be upset (about Aus leaving) that the order of evictions was RANDOMLY DETERMINED A LONG TIME AGO.
The implication was really that comps are pre-determined but in reality we know so were the winners b/c Vic was handed that HOH. She was way higher than Tera than suddenly they are almost the same. Plus she turned for all of one second to get that slop pass – I don’t even believe that wasn’t predetermined b/c the shot was of her booth only — ie: could’ve been shot with her alone.
We hear about production controlling the season all the time but its little moments like this that remind the production company has already pre-determined the winner!
What they want you to infer from what you heard:
Austin was determined by the alliance to be the target two weeks ago.
It’s not what he said, that’s what they want you to infer.
It really sucks when they show us the man behind the curtain.
I mean. We always knew the man was there.
We just don’t want to SEE him.
The fact that they come up with storyline by the end of the first week when they turn on feeds is a known thing. It’s how you can watch episode one’s edit right before the finale and say well why tf didn’t i notice that before.
We know the fan votes have rigging because it says so right in the rules of the fan vote.
We know the veto picks are rigged: they have the costumes already prepared.
We know individual time comps are fantasy. People have talked about it on feeds.
We’re just supposed to see how they go about maneuvering what they’re going to do for their chosen storyline, and pretend nobody talks about it. That’s the hard part: suspending disbelief when people say the supposed to keep it a secret bits out loud.
I remember calling bb21, and from waaay early in the season (4th day of feeds or so) saying what they were going to do with that season arc in an attempt to make the jackhole more palatable including secluding him so he could dry out. They just didn’t have enough shinola for all that massive heap with flies circling it. Hence the finale callout. Public pressure did that.