“I made myself the biggest f***G jerk in the world to my girlfriends family..I love you”

POV Holder: Austin POV Competition Sept 5th
POV Used ? POV Ceremony Sept 7th
HOH STEVE Next HOH Sept 10th
Original Nominations: Austin and liz
After POV Nominations: ? and ?

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5:00pm Austin tells Jmac in the bathroom he’s going to wait until Liz calms down before he tries to talk to her again.
Austin says he was a bit hurt that during the POV Liz was overtly cheering for Julia not him. He thinks Liz would make it further in the game with him than Julia.
Austin – Julia you just sealed your fate or your sister’s fate.. what are you doing;.. clearing not thought out decisions.
Austin says Liz feels like she’s being betrayed by him because he’s not being Clay and using the veto on her.
Austin adds if Liz really does feel that way she’s not the girl he thought she was.
Austin says they both have families how would those families feel if he threw the money away for a girl that he just met 2 months ago.
Jmac says Clay said he only had one relationship in high school.
They laugh at the other side of the house never keeping their mouths shut

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5:09pm Austin and Liz
Austin – Hey what’s up
liz – nothing I just want to sleep
Steve comes in with candy
Liz all happy “Thanks Steve”
Steve – the wine is on the counter grab it if you want it
Liz – I just want to be with my sister
Austin – OK, I just want you to know I wasn’t trying to hurt you, I wanted her to win it but after she put me against Johnnymac that early I don’t know what was going on anymore.. I just had to win it.
Liz – I just feel like.. Your reaction was everything, it proved everything to me
Liz – this isn’t going to end well..
Austin – I told you you were the F*****g target
Liz – Vanessa says she has information for me
Austin – no she doesn;’t
Liz – yes she does.. yes she does..
Austin – Talk to her again she only said that because she was pissed.. I love you
Liz – I can’t wait to see this show after
Austin – All I’ve done was protect you
Austin tries to explain to her after Julia picked him so early and everyone in the POV was looking at him weird and rooting for Julia, he knew he had to win it.
Austin – I was like Oh my god the whole house is in on getting me out again, this is week 5 all over again
Liz- OH PLEASE YOU KNEW THAT, you are so full sh1t.. Get out of here please.. You were bragging about it in the bathroom.. oh I had to show Mr Pectacular and your reaction afterwards.. you are disgusting to me

Austin – you are so off base right now.. I ruined my life for you , I choose you over a girl back home because I fell in f***g love with you.

Austin – are you kidding me right now are you this mad at me because I won’t eh veto.. I have never lied to you .. if you don’t believe all the moments we have are real I don’t know what to say.

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5:20pm Twins in teh bedroom alone
Julia says Austin wants one of them out this week.

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5:20pm Austin and Johnnymac
Austin – anything I say she’s turning against me right now
Austin wants Jmac to talk to Liz

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5:21pm HOH Austin and Steve
Austin says he’s going to need Steve to talk to Liz
Austin – right now she says she hates me say we’re done says i’ve been against them from the beginning.. says we were in a room with you and Johnnymac and I knew I was the pawn

Steve – she just broke up with you
Austin – yup over this..
Austin says Vanessa was telling Liz stuff and now Liz doesn’t trust him at all. Vanesa told her he was conspiring against them.

Austin says Liz is believing that he’s been against her for awhile “She thinks I kept stuff from her”
Steve – you even told her you thought she as the target
Austin – I did

Austin says Liz will now say he’s responsible for her sister going.
Steve – how is that your fault when I was the one that nominated you

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5:23pm For the 400 000 time Vanessa is explaining the POV incident.

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5:25pm Julia throws all Austin’s stuff in the corner
THey are pissed Austin didn’t throw the POV to them. Julia thinks Johnnymac threw the POV to him.

Julia goes on and on about not trusting Austin
Liz – Oh my god we literally had the biggest fight.. he said he loved me though
Julia – it’s all for show I don’t believe literally anything that comes out of his mouth

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5:37pm Liz alone crying
Julia joins with some of Steve’s port wine. Liz starts to cry says how embarrassed she feels losing the POV.
LIz – you have to stick with Vanessa and pretend to be nice to Austin
Liz – after he lost me he’s probably coming after you
Julia – Vanessa makes it sounds like he really loves you
Julia says Austin is a super fan of the show they can’t be mad at him for not suing the veto on her.

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5:39pm Austin and Vanessa
Austin says Liz hates him now. Goes on the describes the fight..
Austin “I made myself the biggest f***G jerk in the world to my girlfriends family because my heart was with you I didn’t want to have any regrets I love you”
Austin says Lix is saying Vanessa has more information about him
Vanessa – I have more information strategically
THey go over what Vanessa can say to liz to help his
Vanessa- I will fix this
Austin – Please

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5:48pm Vanesa, Twins
Vanessa – on my mother I’ve never done anything to you girls in this game..
Vanessa says she hurt her game telling Julia to picked Austin. For the 400 001 time she explains the entire POV and why she did what she did. (Still only Jmac see what she really was trying to do in the POV)

Vanessa asks them who they want to get evicted. The twins want Julia to stay in the game they think she has a better chance. Vanessa tells them Liz is playing for the win Julia is playing for second place.
(The universe doesn’t contain the required energy to follow a fully medicated Vanessa tonight.. She’s gone complete bad shit crazy)

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6:16pm Kitchen Austin, Jmac and Steve
Random chit chat some big brother talk about the BOB, Season 2 etc. Austin explains Season 2 you could win back to back HOH’s. one of the players “Hardy” was winning of them until he lost one and was taken out final 5. For season 3 you couldn’t win them back to back anymore.
Steve says Austin is pulling a janelle wearing the veto for so long. Austin says if there was still 12 people in the game he wouldn’t do that.
Austin – I want things to be smoothed over.. But I’m not going to f****g grovel I didn’t do anything wrong
Jmac – and you didn’t’ even get her out of the comp I did
Austin – I know

6:30pm Vanessa comes around tells Austin wearing the veto pissed the twins off because they feel like he’s rubbing it in their faces.

7:15pm Mostly chit chat.. we learn that the first time Steve saw a breast was on the internet looking for cheat codes for his console game. The first time he saw a real breast was his freshman year in college. The girl was drunk and it freaked him out.

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87 thoughts to ““I made myself the biggest f***G jerk in the world to my girlfriends family..I love you””

  1. I haven’t read this post but I’d like to say that I like how Liz says Austin is no knight in shining armour like clay was. Bitch have you forgotten all the shit you talked about him? I’m glad Austin is realizing he has to play for himself, I just wish a miracle would happen and that they’d get Vanessa put up. ‘My feelings are so hurt you think I was trying to get you out!’ Oh boo f*ckin hoo, gtfoh you fake ass broad!

      1. Vanessa quizzing Steve & JMAC on relationships with girls, can’t believe JMAC has been in love with a girl, trying to figure out why he breaks up with them, she keeps saying she can’t get a read on him. Discusses lesbianism experience with Madeline/ Mel. After hearing Steve can live without seeing boobs and nipples, she’s convinced they’re gay. Always playing mother, Vanessa gives them permission to feel how they have to feel, because can’t help who you fall in love with. She’s got to have told this story 1000 times about her transition, now transferring to Steve & JMac?

        Keep watching feeders….Vanessa’s playing headshrinker and mining for more information. Does she really think they’re gay? or hoping to change the subject of how she’s f*cking everyone in the house and needs to be the renom for eviction this week?

        1. I wonder if Liz or. Julia will get boo’d when they get evicted? Im sure the BB Production will do everything they can to stop it from happening, like with Audrey who also deserved to be boo’d. How could anyone give a cheer to someone like Liz who is a home wrecker, played a whore game, and has just acted like trash this entire season. God I hope the crowd destroys her Thursday night!! This hateful bitch needs to put in check!

      2. Oh, you know she would!! She has played a whore game this whole summer. She is nothing but a home wrecking gold digging whore anyway…..and an ugly, annoying voice one at that. She and her sister are pure trash. If it wasn’t for Austin they would both be gone already. I bet the REAL reason behind “Austin’s Smell” is due to her fishy skanky ass!

        1. The real trash, as I’ve come to find after watching this show six years straight, are the people who come on these boards, year after year, and find a target among the cast to funnel all their hate and bitterness at.

          I wonder what you people do the other nine months out of the year to distract yourselves from how much you hate yourselves and your life choices.

          1. Then you come along and show that YOU ARE NO BETTER than the same people you are condemning by doing same name calling and spewing your hate as well. Ive come to find that being Politicicaly Correct always comes back to bite the PC police. Two wrongs don’t make a right.

      3. You know what I feel sorry but not sorry that I absolutely love that Liz and Austin are on the rocks. I really am enjoying their fights. I have never enjoyed someone’s fights. I will be sick and absolutely wont watch if they make up. I would not be able to handle THAt make up I have seen to much of them and that. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEwwwwwwwww

    1. OMG–the best part of feeds today is Steve’s latest confession he can’t stand girls boobs, grossed out by their nipples and hopes never to have to see them again. Did he come out as gay and I missed it? Everyone is looking at each other bewildered and uncomfortable. Then try to keep talking about girlfriends, relationships, now that Austin Liz broke up…and Steve busts out with his breast phobia to Austin Van JMac. He said he had a crush on Audrey–what’s really going on with him. Teddy bears only? Furry fetish? Adult baby in diapers role play? Of course its okay if he’s gay maybe that was that the secret he’s been keeping? No relationship with girls in 4 years …. hmmmm

      1. Steve is definitely NOT a FURRY! I’ve known a few and they were fun people, sociable party types who just enjoy being squirrels ,cats, etc. And not closeted about it. On the other hand the adult baby thing might fit. We need to hear from any DOM ladies who visit this site. He is definitely different.

        1. He was caught on mic last night or the night before telling Vanessa he was really attracted to Audrey when he saw her/him!!! He wasn’t on camera when he was talking but you could hear him clear as day. He was asking Vanessa if that was weird.

          1. Wait, What?????? I guess I shouldn’t be surprised by that. Steve has already taken the Creep meter past 10 this season.

      2. A couple weeks ago he was talking to Vanessa about a crush he used to have. Someone said he kept slipping up and saying he instead of she. Also, someone on here said he recently admitted to having a crush on Audrey. I didn’t hear it myself so I don’t know if that’s true or not. If women’s boobs gross him out as much as he says they do, I suspect he is either asexual or gay. Or maybe it’s just his childishness that makes him think like that. Steve and Jmac are childish. I know a guy who is childish just like them. He’s almost 30 and can’t get a woman to save his life. He’s not grossed out by boobs though.

    2. Lol austin is clueless…

      Look at how fast liz turned on you when you were of no use to her? I mean she’s acting fking nuts right now.

      Of course in week 5 you legit said you was playing for third or second place perfectly willing to throw any comps if vanessa allowed you to jury with liz so maybe she has a point bahaha

    3. Ok lets be real, I kinda feel bad for Austin because he’s such a wimp. Then he talks about his gf from back home and they were kinda together…. lets be real he probably smothered her as well and she didn’t care about him and he kept begging for her back. He’s only bringing her up to make him seem wanted on TV. She could care less he’s on the show right now… unless he wins lol. I know bunch of guys like this that just get run over their entire lives and can’t pickup on obvious clues (aka Liz). Austin is that guy who all his friends tell him the girl isn’t into him and he thinks they are all wrong and they have something special. Everyone has one or two of these emotional clueless people and he is absolutely one of them. End point… he has no girlfriend back home .. 100%

    4. Yeah Liz n Julia are 2 arrogant girls who have talked shit about so many HG. The bitch started when she did a message for Jason evict night saying “have fun going back to your moms basement.” Uncalled for! She has some nerve.
      I’ve long wished Austin want so swoon over her to point he wasn’t playing the game. Once she leaves he will start to think of the game !

    1. Liz is the one who looks like a jerk. Oh im mad because you won the Veto and are using it on yourself so you have a chance of winning $500,000 instead of using it on me. Really she turned on him that quick?? The twins are nothing but trash anyway….their not even a solid 7, they need to just get over themselves. If i was Austin, after the way shes acting, i would wear it until. Thursday night!!!

  2. Something tells me that Wednesday’s episode is going to be an exact rehash of BB15 Bowlerina comp when Amanda and McCrae were on the block…

  3. Why do they still believe everything that Vanessa says?!? Why isn’t Austin going off on her for lying to Liz?!? These people all need to be lined up and slapped!

  4. LOL at “The universe doesn’t contain the required energy to follow a fully medicated Vanessa tonight.. She’s gone complete bad shit crazy)”

    Austin better used his head ( the one on top of his neck this time) and let that user girl go. He will probably still try to coddle her though unfortunately. But they are about to leave and hopefully the real world looming is kicking because this little fake relationship isn’t going to happen. I can’t believe Liz can’t think for herself other than incorporating slut princess strategy to get ahead. They were all on to Vanessa prior to her winning HOH again and there they are actually entertaining what she says. The same with Austin, I would have never forgave her for possibly almost backdooring me.You would think that would be some indication of what kind of person she is in the game

  5. LOL! 400,001 times Vanessa claiming she did not screw Julia in the Veto comp. I had to stop watching the feeds. If you drank each time she said “integrity” or swore on her mom/Mel’s life you are now 3 sheets to the wind! They are EATING it up. Julia and Liz say Van is their only ally and Aust/Liz pretty much broken up. I hope Jmac sees the writing on the wall as to how Van treats her supposed allies and vows not to be one of her casualties. Jmac win HOH and get 2 of the others to vote Van out. He has plenty of “information” on her. DO IT!! Save the season and come from behind to win the game!

  6. These twins are so superficial….and spoiled winches. Please take Liz out and then Van and Austin. Please!! I am tired of watching a high school drama with these people, not even entertaining. This crying is so fake. Sorry but both Liz and Austin, have made total fools of themselves, I for one will be glad to NOT have to watch and hear, the suck facing, it’s been gross!

    1. Absolutely ZERO sympathy for the austwins. Austin, you had a good girl on the outside and you go after a whiny ass bitchy twit. And by the sounds of julia it runs in the family .Good luck to you suckka !! You deserve exactly what you get , inside and out da house

  7. LOVE Van going ape caught in her myriad of lies and betrayals again. Austin made up with Van eventually because they only have each other, and Austins got more on her. Steve & JMAC see through her mania and set ups, so Steve says sure Julia will go up, but Austin JMAC & Steve really thinking Van is too dangerous to keep around, and offering F2 to everyone. Steve knows he’s not F2 with Austin there and Austin Van are closer than Twins, so they are real threat comps, votes and deals. Steve again stupid if he doesn’t put up Van asc replacement nom. Last chance to be AFP and winner.

  8. Why is everyone sure that Steve is putting up Julia.

    Also Austink comparing himself to Jesse is a joke. I’m fairly certain that Jesse wasn’t in as long and still won more. Furthermore Jesse would likely have won had the producers not given Jeff some bs power that hasn’t been used since. Diamond power of BS err veto.

  9. Vanessa says she hurt her game telling Julia to picked Austin. For the 400 001 time she explains the entire POV and why she did what she did. (Still only Jmac see what she really was trying to do in the POV)

    What was Vanessa trying to do in the POV?

    1. 3:31pm HOH Jmac and Steve
      Jmac saying they should take Julia out
      Jmac – Vanessa was setting herself up so she’s good with the twins
      Steve – She isn’t now
      They agree to let it sit for a bit..

      Jmac – the one thing we don’t have to worry about is a vanessa austin final 2
      Steve – they hate each other now

      Jmac says Vanessa was using the POV to build her relationship up with the twins so if they don’t win the HOH she’s good.
      Jmac adds Vanessa was telling Julia to take out Austin because if he won the veto she would go up. Adds that Vanessa didn’t want Julia to win because she knew she would go up if she did./

  10. Soooo, do the twins not see how Vanessa keeps trying to cover for Austin, ever since their little talk in the parlor room?? Is that not sketchy to them right now?? It would be raising all kinds of red flags for me… Just saying… These people get crazier and crazier by the minute!

  11. Austin knows what’s up. He’s just playing nice. Getting into a fight is not a good move. Gotta smooth things over.

  12. Kind if like the people played with last year. We all agree Derrick got lucky. This year it’s Vanessa. Unbelievable the twins and Austin continue to believe her. She is good!!!

    1. If a guy was playing like Vanessa, most people wouldn’t be as offended. People expect men to play to win, Women are supposed to play nice.

    2. I think the biggest difference for Derek last season and Van this year is their opponents. Last season most of the houseguests could and would keep their mouth shut. This year everyone runs their mouth and no one listens!! When they actually do question Van she turns on the water works and they fold like pu$$ies. Sometimes she turns them to keep them from calling her out. Point being this year has a bigger collection of Dumba$$es! Oh yeah Austin is still a stank a$$ Douche

  13. Thank you Steve for finally pulling the trigger. Been waiting for this to happen for weeks. Austwins are finally imploding. Jmac has gotta be loving this. All this drama and finger pointing and none of it aimed at him. He may just make it to F2 after all.

  14. Liz should guilt trip Austin into getting him to use the veto on her. Ahh this week is going to be delicious regardless.

  15. I know one set of twins they were cousins and behaved nothing like these idiots. Is this the norm?
    Likability…… 1) J Mac 2) Steve 3) Van 4) Austin 5) turds breakfast ……. Johnnie has strictly no competition. Steve is a sad case but not an evil guy just needs serious help(professional). Van plays great which is liked by some. Feel sorry for him. think he’d get more sympathy if he wasn’t tatted up and 260lbs. Vile trash that’s the twins in a nutshell.

    Win BB 17…… 1)Van 40% 2) J Mac 25% 3) Steve 20% 4)Austin 15% 5) Juju 0%(2nd 50K 80%) based on Liz evicted F6. Van has to win the 3 part final IMO but she has best position to get F3 atm. A lot of folks have said no JM for 500K. Dentist works against him to. It’s who you sit beside F2. Steve is such an enigma he beats Juju, might even get the twins versus Austin lol. Austin would have had a way better number if this fight had not happened. Blaming him for what’s going to happen Thursday really? That guy busted his hump all season protecting these 2 brats. Would they really vote Juju the 500K?
    F5 and F4 could be fun depending. Still some play left in the season. Need a JM HOH next.
    prediction……………. Van throws HOH F5

  16. True love is no match for the golden power of VETO.
    #Liztin #its over #not really
    I have to ask: in the 400,001 tellings of the veto comp, is Van at least telling the same story or custom tailoring it for her audience?

  17. They have all gone Big Brother Crazy….

    Liz: Is mad at a boyfriend that she has said repeatedly that she is just not into hime. Has called him a “Meat Shield” who’ sole purpose in the game was to shield her and her sister. She is just a selfish girl that wants a one sided relationship. She crawled into bed with Austins nemesis Jeff and voted to keep him because she was more attracted to him… yet she expected him to throw the PoV to her sister so that they could decide who stayed and who went to jury…. crazy cow.

    Austin: “I broke up with a girl because I love you.”… I am beginning to think there is no girl back home… just a friend that is a girl but not his girlfriend. The fact is Austin is 100% right that he should not throw his game for a girl that he has known for 2 months… spot on… he is 100% wrong that he is in love with Liz… it is just a Big Brother relationship of convenience. Liz was always an object to compete for with Jeff and Jace, it is not love.

    Vanessa: Of course Vanessa did not want Julia to win the PoV she knows she would be the replacement nominee. Steve will not replace any of them with JMac, he does not want to pick Vanessa but JMac would go to jury were as Vanessa might stay… Of course this best for Vanessa she needed to break up Liz and Austin and Liz would still have Julia if she stayed… so it is best to keep Austin, get out Liz and have Julia hating Austin. It really is not evil, it big brother. For a Puppet Master she has strangely situated herself at the bottom of all of her alliances…. weird.

    Steve: Steve i in the best place… yeah he is the HoH that separated the Austwins but everybody blames Austin and Vanessa because the view Steve as the puppet not the master. What he really needs is someone to target Austin and Vanessa.. preferably Austin or Vanessa.

    Julia: The more pleasant twin… but sort of useless.

    Jmac: I don’t kno sometimes I think he has the game of Meg with better luck and others I think he is brilliant. Still he is the most likable house guest. Si hope for final two.

    I don’t think outside the house any of them are not really bad people… ok maybe Liz… her using Austin the way she has is heartless and now she is mad because he did not risk blowing up his game for her. Straight boys this is the selfish entitled mean girl you should avoid like the plague. She is the type of girl that is going to marry a rich old man and talk him into disowning all of his kids so she can get all of his money… the girl is trouble.

  18. Dumb as hell!!! The parents of these players must be so proud. It’s obvious only to JMac that Vanessa was screwing the twins in the POV by telling Julia to compete against JMac. I wish I could watch this entire season back with all of these people. I still don’t think any of them would understand how Van screwed with their minds. Austin the Douche sounds like a pu$$y begging everyone to go talk to Liz. Liz the Ho is done with you bro! Your of no use to her anymore Austink. Nobody but JMac sees Van for what she is and he’s stuck with her now!!! Bye Bye ho bag. Go find you a 60 year old with money to take care of your nasty a$$

  19. Can I just say, to be Austin in the house right now would be “AWKWARD!!!!!!!”

    “Austin – you are so off base right now.. I ruined my life for you , I choose you over a girl back home because I fell in f***g love with you.” Karma is a Bitch, right Austin?

    Vanessa, explaining for the “400 001th” time is also “AWKARD!!!!!”

    I am enjoying every minuet of this cluster F right now………

    I hated this show just a few hours ago and now, I am again, obsessed with the internal turmoil of all the hysteria and paranoia……….J Mac for the WIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1. Me too, I was really bummed out when James left. But after Austin won the veto today I was reading the updates to my 90 year old Mom and we were laughing our asses off.

      1. Laughing is an understatement! I love that your 90 year old mom can see the humor in this show!!! Peace, Love, Joy and longevity “Mom”!!!!!!!

        1. Dear Awkward,
          You have the coolest Mom ever. I read everything here to my Mom too, she is 83 and she loves the comments the best. God blessed us, right!
          Give your Mom and big Texas size hug and kiss from Linda in Texas.

          1. To Linda and OfftheGrid — how fortunate and blessed you are to have your Mums and that you spend the time reading them the updates. My Mum would have been 100 today and I know she would be wetting her knickers from laughter at these updates and comments. My Mum saw humour in everything possible, even to the point when told she was dying, she rang up funeral operators to make arrangements and get the best price. As frustrating and stupid as some of the HGs are, one can certainly get a good laugh ( or a coronary).

            1. Greetings Taylor, Your Mum sounds so special too. Your home must of been a fun place to call home, filled with the beautiful sound of laughter throughout. I will say a special prayer for your Mom tonight and pray God has continued to comfort and hold your Mom in his loving arms. They must be watching us and laughing at us living our crazy lifes. Thank you for your kind wishes for my Mom, I love her dearly she has the biggest kindest heart that has ever been, I am certain your Mum did to. My Mom sends you her love and I do too. Thank you for your kind words.

  20. No game play in mind . Also keep in mind I’m somewhat of a normal man, understood it’s a silly tv show. Not even sure how to comment or this will post. Seen a good portion of the season . I’m sorry but this Liz person. Worst human ever . I loathe every thing about her. Is she liked? Because I had to stop watching the program due to her personality . Is she playing a character ? Seems she is. Nobody acts like this in real life right ? She’s like an 80 s movie character that you hope gets killed. Wow. Sorry

  21. A sad picture is running through my mind…Asstin singing Three Dog Night’s song “One is the Loneliest Number” to his now limp, dejected and lifeless magic finger. Someone hand me a tissue…..*sniff*

    1. Wish I could give you a thousand thumbs up for that great comment. Of course, Austwit is probably hoping he can get “one finger up”.

  22. So is Austin now admitting he has a girlfriend on the outside? I thought they were on a “break”. Maybe if he wins she or Liz will take him back. Otherwise he is SOL.

  23. I can usually tell by listening to someone talk for a few minutes if I like them or not. Since the day they all went into the house I did not like Vanessa. She began playing the game way to hard before she even knew the rest of the players. If I hear “all I have is my integrity” on more time I swear I will bitch slap someone. She has never stopped playing the game for one single moment. Her social game sucks BIG TIME. Every week I pray someone votes her out or puts her up on the block. You can literally see the hamster on the wheel in her brain working all the time and I feel sorry for the little guy. The players have obviously forgotten about all the lies she told a few weeks back when she had head of house. Why doesn’t Austin and Liz confront her in front of everyone? I can bet she will stutter or stammer over her words and begin to cry and go on about her integrity again. And Liz getting so childish over Austin winning to POV. It is funny how far people fall from one week to the next. HOH to the eviction chair and that is when all the crazy comes out. Liz and Julia needs to suck it up and move on. If Liz feels that the game is stupid then self evict!!!!! Done with the rant. Thanks for keeping us all posted on the updates Dawg and Simon. It is so appreciated.

  24. The twins made fun of Meg for crying, said awful things. They are being so nasty and unreasonable. They have to be miserable, self centered people. Austin is being a prick wearing the Veto around his neck.
    Since Jessie was the host, maybe production is helping Austin out. But we all have a surprise for him, he is NOT good TV. He looks dirty.

  25. Does anyone else think that Liz watched what Clay was willing to do for Shelli and use that as her motivation for entering into a “showmance”.
    Seems like she was resistant until after that.
    I have no right to question someone’s motives but her actions are odd if she cared about him even a little.

  26. Unbelievable Van STILL yammering on to Austin defending her blatant (to anyone else with half a brain!) sabotage during the veto comp. Planting the seeds that it is best if Liz goes because she will keep them a bigger target, even though Julia could only come in 2nd at best. Austin again apologizing for questioning the queen. WOW for a superfan who thinks he knows the game, he should have some alarm bells going off. Maybe if Liz is out this week his big head will take over and Jmac can help him see the light. I don’t know if Steve would have the guts to turn on Van but since he can’t play for HOH that might not matter.

  27. liz an Julia is my least favorite in the house
    I hope they get bood when they evected
    no heart at all venssa is next

  28. These are the most delusional houseguest EVER!!! I’m sooooooo freaking sick of these LOSERS!! Uggghhhh!!! Bring on Survivor already!! Geez!!

  29. Starting to think Johnny and Steve have a real plan. I also think Steve is seriously yanking the others chain with his weirdness. It could get him to final two with any of the others if they think he’s beatable based on that nonsense. I’m just waiting for the inevitable….Johnny wins hoh….Vanessa goes out. Wish Steve would do it now….but his sights are set on mean and meaner.

  30. Now I finally understand why Vanessa is playing this game so hard. She’s pretty hard up for cash. Poker Stars did not renew her contract this year and any big money she made in the past has been pretty much eaten up. Her Vegas mansion everyone is looking at online has been on the market for quite awhile it may have been sold awhile ago, no one seems to know? She is actually DJing on the west coast or was before BB . She is definitely not a millionaire anymore even though since 2006 or thereabouts she made a fair amount of money…

  31. Can’t wait to see this POV !! Austin. Do the right thing and save yourself. When the season is over, you will hear how you were a meat shield. How your hair stinks. Even tho Liz swore it wasn’t her that started the Austin stinks thing. You will hear how you cannot kiss and 400,001 other negative things that she came up with and said on national TV. Save yourself and don’t let her make you feel guilty about it. Seems like this could be the best week yet. We need a good one after the James Meg evictions.

  32. ROFLMBO – (The universe doesn’t contain the required energy to follow a fully medicated Vanessa tonight.. She’s gone complete bad shit crazy) – ROFLMBO!!! BaHaHaHaHaHaBAAAAAAHHHHAAAAAAAA!!!! <3

  33. I suspected that Austin was a douche but the fact that he is now (at least appearing) to agree with Van that it is best if Liz goes over Julia (according to Van) just confirms it. Liz might seem like a spoiled brat right now but AustA$$ has wasted no time firming up his F2 with Van. He is even so dumb as to say if him, Van and Julia made F3 he would throw it to Van so he didn’t have to pick her over Julia so he wouldn’t have Liz any more upset with him. (Dude it’s over anyway) If Van/Aust/Julia make F3 (really hope neither Van or Austin do) I would love it if Van says “so sorry, it’s a game situation I have to choose Julia.” GIRL POWER!!

  34. When the double evict happened Thursday I was so bummed with the 6 we were left with but………….NOT ANYMORE!!! We get to watch this Six-pack (JMac is decent) ok 5 pack of whacked out assholes self-destruct. Vanessa will eventually be exposed. I have a feeling Austin will be the one that blows her ass up.(I can’t stand him either but it’s true) it’s like when you pass an accident and can’t help but rubberneck. You know it is wrong but you can’t help but watch.

  35. I was huge Meg and James fan and truely feel that Austin wanted to take them both to a final 5. It’s time for Austin too wake up and see that Vanessa is doing everything she can to send him out the house. She has said lie after lie based upon what she told Steve to Austin and there is no doubt Vanessa wants to take Steve and Jonmac to the final 3.

    I really hope that Austin and Jonmac form a team to get Vanessa out next week, at least I can hope.

  36. Good that one of the Jiz trash is leaving the game. But boy do I hate Steve and Vanessa!
    Vanessa is clearly a junkie — this erratic behavior is so typical and is medication induced.

  37. Please don’t let Austin and Liz kiss and make up…EVER!
    In defense of Steve not enjoying women’s breasts, some women have unattractive chests! Who knows what he saw?! They can be small and saggy,big nipples,hairy….barf! Maybe the kid had a bad experience? Even women who go the breast implant route aren’t guaranteed to have a perfect set…depends on the surgeons aesthetic.
    Poor JohnnyMac is having to listen to Vanessa talk about her “time of the month” right now! All these guys are having a tough time…

  38. 9:46pm – Lillystark rolls in and tells Vanessa, wearing that beanie, all her facial expressions and the fact she’s still in the house pisses off at least 70% of feed watchers, it feels like she’s rubbing it in their faces. Vanessa offers to explain the POV incident for the 501,347 time. Collective groan from feed watchers causes earthquake that takes out all of CA with the exception of the BB House. It is basically hopeless.

  39. Its hilarious how people act when they are safe and when they are nominated. I’d say Becky took it the best. Vanessa, Shelli and Liz took it the worst. And really they only have themselves to blame. Oh reality tv and it’s horrible acting. Survivor, can’t wait.

  40. “(The universe doesn’t contain the required energy to follow a fully medicated Vanessa tonight.. She’s gone complete bad shit crazy)”

    This, made me literally laugh out loud.

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