Head of Household: JED
Nominations:Tera and Tina Kiefer
The Power of Veto Players are: everyone but Breydon
POwer of Veto Winner: Tera
Power of Veto Ceremony: Tera used the power of veto and Kiefer was the replacement
Big Brother Spoilers – Kiefer is now staying.
10:30 am Ty and Breydon
feeds flip breifly to these two talking about the Vote. Ty says at the end of the day it’s the three of them voting. He needs to talk to Jed to see what Jed wants.
Feeds cut again.
10:45 am Kiefer campaigning to Beth
Kiefer – I want to be in the greatest alliance of all time If I leave tomorrow I won’t be the greatest alliance of all time
Keifer – the double was 6 days ago BETH
Kiefer says whether Tina stays or Goes Tera will play the same way.
K – I know you guys are tight it’ll be a 3v1
Beth says his best chance is against Beth
Kiefer agrees points out that Ty does not have a chance to win this game unless he wins out.
Beth says the reason he was on the block was because Jed got carried away with making a big move and the three of them “F***ed up” because they never had a final 4 talk with the remaining core sunsetters.
They hug it out.
11:00 am The wafflers meet.
Going on about how Tera is trying to pin them against each other.
Beth says with Keifer in the game her chances of winning the Head of household goes down. She personally has a better chance to beat Tina and Tera over Kiefer.
Beth points out that moving forward competition wins mean everything.
Beth – with him (Kiefer) in here he’s still a target for BReydon that is Breydon’s big move or whatever.. if Tina survives this week she’s going to the four
Jed agrees about BReydon and Tina
They mention how Breydon won’t like this move but they don’t care.
Jed brings up Tera saying that she would never put up Tina. They say this “sewered” Tina because it means Tera would put up the three of them.
Jed somehow thinks they can use this as the reason to Tina. Jed wants to throw Tera under the bus.
They bring up Breydon and Tera not talking to each other
Jed – Tera will be alone.. Keeping Tina will strengthen her
Ty – she’s confident (Right now)
Jed says Tera’s head BLEW up when she won the veto.
Ty – I don’t want her going into this HOH with confidence. She’s going in there believing she can win I don’t want her
Ty – she doesn’t deserve any money
Jed – she really doesn’t
Beth – she’s playing harder than RBeydon but still, you don’t start playing day 41
Beth reminds them they’ve been playing BIG BROTHER since day 1
Ty – I just don’t want them to have any money I would rather lose then they get the money
Ty keeps repeating “I don’t want them to have any money”
Beth – yeah, I already said we get to final 3 we’ve won
Ty – I don’t want any of them to have money
Jed – that pisses me off to the max
Ty – Kief winning money that’s ok.. nobody else man.. nobody else but us nobody deserves it
Ty – Tina, and Tera lied to us they lied straight to my face (About voting out LT the horror)
Beth – are you serious
Ty – then they flipped.. Tina is supposed to be working with us
Ty – I think we should take out everybody on the other side that’s a statement one by one.
Ty – think about that. That is history in itself.. one by one
Ty – none of them deserve to stand next to us.. if you aren’t with us you are against us.. they chose their side.
Beth says Breydon brings nothing to the conversations “He doesn’t know what is going on”
Jed – Kief is going to stay
Ty – he will vote with us but we don’t need him to
Jed says they need to talk to Blueline
Ty – are we keeping Kief final decision?
Jed – yeah
Ty – Ok
Ty – I’m willing to draw the line with Tera like Tera I am done with you.. I am tired of you. if you don’t win that veto sorry you are going home DONE
Ty says Tera “Genuinely irritates me”
Ty – she always acts like we owe her something
Jed – every time
Beth goes on about how Tera keeps telling her the only way she will win is against her.
Jed – she wants to be taken by a strong woman she hasn’t done anything to build up to this.
Ty says he wants to sit Tera down and be like “YO you are next”
11:37 am More campaigning by Kiefer
Jed – We fully believe you man I have full faith in you
Jed – I wasn’t putting you up as a target
Kiefer – I’m back and ready to chill in the HOH room. this will be another proof of loyalty sitting on the block.
Jed – we know you are so loyal
Kiefer goes on about how the sunsetters are loyal and his best chance going into final 3 with Beth and Jed.
Kiefer says he’ll win if he stays in the game or if he leaves.
Kiefer – I’m getting a cooking show and I’ll be speaking all across Canada
Jed says putting him up was an emotional experience.
Kiefer – Ty’s time to win is almost basically over he has to win all the comps to have a chance to win this game. If his goal is to win this game it’s not against any of us
Jed – that makes sense
Beth – that stays in this room
Kiefer says if Breydon wins HOH he will tell him to put him on the block against Tera and they’ll battle for Veto.
Jed says he would rather roll the dice with you then win against those people (Tnt, Breydon)
Jed – I’m not here for the money I don’t need the money to survive.. I’m here for this I don’t need to burn my best relationship in the house.
Kiefer – the greatest alliance of all f***ing time nobody will be better than us..
Kiefer says they are better than the pretty boys.
11:45 am Tina and Ty
Ty says she’s good for his game.
Tina – at the end of the day who are you going to win next to?
Ty – yeah it’s uhh… interesting conversation to have.. cause uhh.. it’s getting tighter and there are people out there with more wins. Keifer and Jed.
Tina – do what’s best for your game..
12:25 pm TnT
Tera – he’s in a toxic relationship he’s literally the girl that gets cheated on and keeps going back.. keeps going back thinking they will change..
Tera – I don’t know why he’s so enthralled with them.
They agree the only way forward is for Tera to win HOH and take one of the Jed/Ty out.
(I may fill in the conversation with Kiefer congratulating himself for being the greatest Big Brother player ever. Maybe not hard to listen to.. lol )
2:47 pm Tina and Tera
Tina says beth told her she’s leaving..
Tina – It’s done
Tina – it’s fine really.
Tina – I knew yesterday.
Tera – well let’s go have our last dart.
The last dart
Tera – if I don’t win I’ll follow you
They agree Kief is going to go right back with them.
Tina – it is what it is. I don’t think it is the right move.
Beth joins them. blames the boys. Says Kiefer offered a lot to the boys. “swearing on family”
Tina says for Beth’s game it makes no sense to keep Kiefer.
Tina – I don’t see you going to the end if Keifer is here. Just based on the conversations I’m hearing. I’m just being honest.
Beth doesn’t think Kiefer will take the boys.
Tina – Kiefer is not playing the game to take you to the end Keifer wants to take the person next inline
Beth – that is offensive to me
Beth says Keifer sees that she’s the best and will want to take her.
Tina says she’s talking from a jury standpoint.
Beth – if he goes home this week that is something on your resume not Jed’s
Tina really pushing the aspect that Beth can’t win against the boys.
5:43 pm Tina tells Breydon to trust Tera she has his back..
Breydon says the trio keep saying Tera is coming after him. He knows this is BS.
6:00 pm Kiefer tells Breydon if he wins HOH he has to put Tera and himself up.
9:25 pm TnT
Tera is fantasizing about winning HOH putting up Jed and Kiefer. She continues the story by saying Jed wins Veto and Kiefer gets evicted.
Tina – not unless you put one of them beside Kiefer
Tera – they would have the votes.
Tina suggests she puts up Jed and Ty.
Tera says she realizes now that Kiefer has been playing her for a while. Tera lists off a bunch of things that happened which shows Kiefer was working against them the entire time.
Tera – it’s all making sense now.
Tera brings up how Kiefer would come into the room telling them “I’m doing work for you”. When she talked to the trio about that they laughed at her. “They laughed they were like no man.. Kief was pushing for Vic because Vic was better for Kiefer”
Tera – I thought the pre-’90s were legit. I thought it was for real
Tina – I don’t think Kief will come here for late-night chats..
Tera – Kief is playing both sides. They are CRAZY for keeping him
Tina – you can only tell them so many times.
Tera – I wonder if they’ll actually go for him or will they take the shot at me and Breydon.
10:22 pm Silence..
Tina tells them they should get out their beef so they can enjoy the night.
Kiefer – I made a game move Tera. If I don’t make a deal I go home.
Tera – you’ve put me in a position that I have to go after you. you didn’t have to swear that deeply you could have just lied
K – there was no other choice, I don’t think you go next week no matter who wins.
Kiefer – this game changes week to week anything can happen
Tera – it’s fine, they’re not very nice people to you
K – I didn’t come here to make friends
Tera – I know, they’re still going to come for you
Tera – you have a final two with Jed and a final 3 with Beth
Tera – I don’t think Jed and Beth will be loyal to you
Kiefer agrees “I just bought myself another week.. I’m still on the block I still could go home”
Tera – they’ve been treating you like sh1t you don’t know what they’ve been saying about you
Tera – I know you can’t trust them.
Kiefer – If I can get to the final four I can win the game that’s all I gotta do
K – you know every move I made was with them
Tera – I know, I thought you were waiting for this point. I honestly don’t see any bringing you
Tera wishes Kiefer would have worked with her. Is upset he swore on his family that he would stick with the trio. Kiefer tells her it would mean the two of them win every competition to survive in this game.
Tera and Kiefer agree Breydon’s act with the trio is bullsh1t. Tera says Breydon will work with them.
Kiefer knows says best case for Kiefer is if Tera/Breydon win HOH.
K – what’s Ty’s path to victory?
Tera doesn’t think he would turn on Jed, Ty will take Jed.
Kiefer says his only road to victory is to win the next HOH, POV, HOH, HOH
K – I have to win out
Tera says even if he has a better resume than the trio the trio will win this season. She points out his the moves he made were to help the trio. They manipulated him.
Kiefer – at least I got second place at least I tried.. I survived the backdoor.. I’ve been on the block three times. Unfortnulety I picked people to stay loyal to that you don’t like.
Tera – they’re not going to be loyal to you they won’t. They’ve shown you over and over again.
Tera – the only reason they’re keeping you is they’re scared of me taking a shot at them and Tina is a vote.
Kiefer – someday it will all make sense
Tera leaves.. “It all makes sense now. I’m not an idiot in this game I know you’ve been lying to me it’s fine. just stop saying you’re going to win cause you’re pissing me off”
Kiefer laughs
Tera – and you don’t know if you have my vote in a jury
K – I don’t….
Kiefer laughs “Ohh I hate this game”
10:46 pm Tera iand Tina
Tera is pissed after her convo with Kiefer.
Tera – your resume looks better for them you made their moves, Kyle wasn’t coming after you, Ro wasn’t coming after you, Vic wasn’t coming after you. Why do you just assume these people are voting for you in the jury. I am not If I’m voting in jury F*** no
Tera – and he’s not really speaking too highly of Ty. I was like how does Ty feel bout your final 2 with Jed and your final 3 with Beth
Tera impersonates Keifer – Well if Ty wants to tick around he’ll have to start winning things anyways.
Tina – Jesus christ… and yet Ty thinks it’s best for his game.. whatever
Tera – he said he actually wants me to win so I take a shot at them.
11pm HOH room. Ty and Breydon.
Ty – someone is going home tomorrow. Breydon – shut up. Ty – not like that.. I don’t want it to seem like I am being insensitive because I am not. Breydon – you’re not. I get it. Ty – because I actually care. It could easily be me next week. You just never know. Breydon – More likely me than you.. realistically. Ty – I mean I guess .. sure. It depends what happens. I don’t even know these people. Breydon – you don’t know these people .. shut up! Ty – Going to be every night being like f**k these people. I will need therapy after this .. no if and’s or butts. Breydon – like they said the lying .. that will be the hardest for me.
9:10 am Thursday morning. Houseguests getting up.
10:01 am Kiefer and Ty
Practicing Tik Toks
10:02 am Tina and Tera
They’re agreeing Kiefer and Breydon want Tera to win this next HOH to take a shot at the trio.
Tera – if Breydon doesn’t do anything he’ll be the one that wants to go to the end.
Tera asks what her best move is. Says it’s obvious to go with Breydon and Keifer
Tina – the trio has to be split up regardless. Do what you have to do
Tera – it’ll come down to who wins the veto.
Tera says she would put Jed and Ty together. She doesn’t see Kiefer or Breydon trying to win the veto they’ll want to have the boys fight it out. “nobody wants to use the veto it’ll show their cards”
Tera would want Ty to win the veto.
Breydon joins them. They start studying tik toks
10:10 am Kiefer and Ty
Kiefe r- between you and me she doesn’t want to be the one that takes the shot but she wants it to happen soon (Beth?)
Ty – what?
K – A big shot
Ty – who her? I agree
K – the game is different now. The way I see it is the only way I am safe is potentially you win or if I win. I don’t know if I’m safe if you win
Ty – you don’t think you are safe with me?
K – I dunno
Ty – Of course, you are safe with me. Kief, I feel like we need to work together me and you
K – I did what I have to to to survive and that’s all I can do from here on out. If I have to pick somebody it’s you I’ve had all those talks with you all season. When it comes down to the four I don’t give a f*** what I swore on.
Ty – the reality is there’s somebody left that is not good for us
K – Ty we get cut quick.. they’ll cut me next then you after then it’s them vs Breydon and Tera
K – I am down to make another move for us if I win
Ty – If someone goes it’ll be better for us and as much as we think someone would be mad at us they wouldn’t
K – no they wouldn’t .. (Jed won’t be mad if they cut beth?)
Kiefer – the game is different now that they put me up
Ty – I know this..
Beth joins them.
Keep Kief!
Now the game is hopping!
**Puke Emoji**
Fessiejed’s jury speech:
When I won a veto I got tricked into not using it, and then got tricked into trying to vote out the wrong person. Then when I won HOH i targeted that same person, but got tricked into keeping them.
Who gives that anything but a bus ticket home?
Ty: i don’t want them to have any money. they don’t deserve it.
Mr. won one veto is saying Mrs. won one veto doesn’t deserve the money.
mmmkay. I mean… Ty, what HAVE you actually DONE in the game?
No really: what’s he done? Name game moves Ty made. I’ll wait.
He joined an alliance? Everybody joined at least three.
He voted out each person that he would beat in the finals? Oh. Yeah. Give him a cheque.
Breydon says the words “of course” and feeds cut… okay. This is getting ridiculous.
Kiefer TELLS Jed and Beth that Ty is screwing himself and has absolutely no avenues left to win, and knows it. Jed and Beth loyalty test to Ty for all those people still saying the three are so loyal to each other: FAILED.
Beth keeps saying we’ve been playing since day 1. sit down toots, your team won you safety for the first two weeks, you got tricked into voting the wrong way week three. Sounds more like you started playing on day 21. I’d tell you to take a nap, but let’s get serious, you’ve spent half the season on your back already… fighting… for…strong…women??????
Beth and Jed want to pass down the royal edict to Breydon now. Ty has already had a conversation with Brey… the feeds cut when he opened his mouth, remember. If he does more than bow and curtsie… do feeds get cut again? Nope. Because Jed basically put the move to keep Kief on Ty, saying Ty is against Tina staying and getting final 2 money. They’ll talk later. Breydon mostly didn’t say much, and nodded with a smile. So no need to cut that one much.
Does cutting Tina make Tera weak for the HOH comp? Or does it make her feel like a caged animal? Tera’s personality in my books says latter. She starts playing IDGAF style. Then again, the idiot is talking about not trying in HOH and gunning for veto. OH God, this is in response to Tina telling Tera NOT to target Kiefer if Kiefer stays. Really Tina? NO campaigning, no talking, and your big push is Kiefer is against you, but don’t target him????? Go take 2 seats, in the partking lot. I’ll be over later to slap you with one of them. Assinine. Completely Stupid. Carol style gumption.
Hope last night’s margaritas and delivery food were worth it as a bribe, because today makes less sense than “the biggest move is putting a big target on the block and keeping them.” No really, Fessiejed said that. ASSHAT.
So now that Tera has won HOH – does that mean Ty is the least deserving to win $$? After all, Brey (who has no comp wins) has been navigating since F9 essentially on his own while Ty has the shield of the trio, plus Keif (& Vic on invisible HOH).
I can’t name an actual game move Ty has made independent of the trio, after all, the episodes don’t acknowledge his bedtime by gaslight treatment of Breydon.
So has Keifer gained about 25kg since the game started or is his ego just so inflated it appears so?
I would be so down for setting aside my dislike for Kiefer’s BB performance if he took out Jed next week.
But he won’t expect Tera and Breydon going up.
Vic gave us 1 week of greatness the rest of the season has been running off those fumes.
The season is Kraken.
Well, let’s be honest.
When they came back due to an online fan campaign and said
this season is for the fans (season 6) and then completely let us see how they manipulate a season, and continued the trend in 7 (i mean… clockwork forget all plans made on saturday night and sunday go back to the script on monday after d/r calls… reallllly?)
We had to know the storyline was going to kick in eventually.
Beth actually BELIEVES Kiefer will go final 2 with her. She knows he’s taking Jed.
Beth actually BELIEVES Kiefer will see the value in her game and want to beat her. He thinks she’s trash, and has said so since day 5 of feeds.
Let me tell you something: The reason Kiefer wanted to align with the pretty people is he’s never been accepted in the pretty people crowd. He wanted to be attached to the air time and prodogremlinery that comes with being attached to the pretty people.
In the end game, the reason Kiefer will always choose one of the alphaboys over Beth is because he’s got a deep seeded issue where he was never accepted by the alphaboys irl, so he is trying to boost his flawed ego by beating an alphaboy for the prize.
This is his pathology. It’s written in every statement he makes and every story he tells.
I don’t need to know his childhood or teen years life story to see this. It’s smacking us in the face daily.
So, no Beth. Kiefer does not see you as the alpha he has to conquer. You’re female. We’ve heard his vocal tone and words when it comes to females.
Oh good. Beth is doing her impersonation of Helen Reddy. Okay, Beth, It’s nice that you rail about how unfair it is that women aren’t respected in the game. Can you maybe do that without your stated strategy being to get rid of the women so you can roll with men and a gay best friend? Can you maybe do it without naming women as your target or you eviction vote in EVERY Parascam talk you have? Y’know. Preaching Equality is great… but not when you are only preaching equality for yourself while telling every other woman to go suck an egg.
Beth, of course is extra pissy and whining to the boys that Tina the meangirl told her the truth. The jury doesn’t respect her game, and she’ll never win next to the boys.
Gee, Beth. Getting as delusional as Jed.
The fact that Beth is whining to 2 the two boys that Tina told her the truth? Priceless.
I mean. Come on.
Beth is complaining about the inherent sexism of Big Brother. To two men.
Meanwhile Ty tells the Bed duo that he told Breydon straight up, if Kiefer stays that Tera and Breydon would be on the block and leaving one after the other. I… don’t… remember that…. oh. Breydon must have spoken and they cut feeds.
What I wanna know… did the tiktok videos reveal LaToya is a cop? Otherwise, there’s no reason whatsoever they should know that. Video had to reveal it.
Tera and Breydon are having their third game talk of the season.
They’ve realized they are going on the block next week together if they don’t win.
And yet a part of my brain says they’d still nominate each other an bow to social pressure (production) even if they won HOH.
This must be a we need the victims of the slaughter to realize their lot moment for the episode…. they haven’t cut the convo and Breydon has talked full sentences.
They tell each other they both told Kiefer to say anything he needs to say to stay.
Tera knows he’s still running back to them. Breydon knows too. (Brey wants to believe it less IMO, but he still knows).
Neither plans to do anything to change the vote…. because…. choices?
They both have enough dirt on Kiefer to flip Ty.
FInal thought on Kiefer. Kiefer thinks he’s one of the coolkids. Kiefer is one of the cool kids in the same way Alice was one of the Brady’s. He’s there to cook dinner for them.
If they don’t evict Kiefer, despite all my hate for the guy he wins the game. If I were a juror and the final two still end up being two of Jed/Beth/Ty I’d just give my winning vote to one of the balls in the ball pit….this is pathetic
Absolutely pathetic. Where the h*ll is Tina and Brey and why aren’t they spilling all the sh*t that Kief came and said to them. They are just hoarding useful information that could actually help their game. Sure, Tina just told Beth that Kiefer wouldn’t take her, but you think that’s what she wants to hear and what she’s going to believe??? come on.. This is the most confusing and unentertaining final 7 ever.
The guy wanted to quit multiple times on Monday leading into Tuesday, and went to D/R to complain and threaten to quit.
He comes out after a feed block, and he’s staying.
The math isn’t hard.
Ummmmmmmmmmmm (insert face slap emoji)
That is all
Check out the part where Beth actually believes Kiefer will take a shot at Jed and Ty for her.
Check out the part where Ty actually believes Kiefer will take a shot at Beth and Jed for him.
Check out the part where Jed actually believes Kiefer will take a shot at Ty for him and Beth.
Check out the part where the trio say they are evicting Tina for LaToya (the 6-3 vote). And Kiefer’s involvement in that week STILL won’t be outed.
So MUCH to face slap.
I think Beth is confusing woman power with pu$$y power ?, as much as I despise mouth breather I now hope he sends her packing , it’s a whole lot of stupidity and arrogance happening in that house right now !
Right now? They’ve been arrogant and entitled since week two.
Remember when feeds returned after everyone had tried slop and the houseguests were talking about how Jed yelled at them that nobody was allowed to put him on slop?
She is a disgrace to strong women and could have made it on her own by just playing a smart game without spreading her legs for everyone in the house.
This season sucks guys. I can’t believe keifer is staying for one, and for two that when he stays that he stays loyal to those 3 morons. I. Can. Not. Stand. The trio. Gaaaaaaaaaawd. And honestly I’m not a fan of keifer either at all. Don’t get me wrong. The rest that’s left haven’t really done extraordinary things. Especially blue line. Ughhhh if I had to pick someone that I wouldn’t hate to see win it would be Tera or Brey. But that’s not gonna happen. The only one who would really deserve it in my eyes at his point would be keifer, if he stays this week. Especially if he turned on the trio. That would be the only thing to redeem the season in my eyes lol keifer stays, joins with Tera and brey and they take down the trio. I mean it’ll never happen but that would make me happy. Just to see the look on the trio’s faces if keifer didn’t save them LOL that would be the best. And in that case keifer would have my vote even if I can’t stand him. This is one of the crappiest seasons of BBCan if you ask me.
This season has been running on Vic’s Latoya move and it’s finally out of fumes
You know what altered the plan that ended up giving us a few weeks of fun?
They had to come up with a new storyline plan when Ethan was turfed and Kyle didn’t gel with Beth.
I mean… that was 2 days before move in wasn’t it?
And then Vic switched sides and didn’t tell anyone for advice second HOH…..sounds like maybe “Bananas” was HOH for the invisible HOH as well…..
7:02 pm missed the recap. THE VETO EPISODE
Kiefer is 100% comfortable in the nom ceremony.
Breydon’s the backdoor talk.
Jed is upset Breydon is… being Beth’s puppy… when that was the plan.
Kiefer is telling Tina they don’t like Breydon.
He just bragged he’s in the perfect house position in D/R.
Tera D/R saying Beth is playing great and controlling a lot of moves. She has to get in Beth’s ear. She says Tina doesn’t take, she’s taken. Kiefer is more for the boys. Beth is her only final 2 shot. peppering Beth’s ego.
Beth doesn’t need peppering, she’s already an egomaniac.
Beth Parascam: Tera made good points. The jury isn’t going to respect her… but…she still thinks the jury will respect her. Beth thinks Jed and Ty get all the credit or her game.
Beth runs it to Jed… just like someone carried in the game would.
The Sunsetters seem to think they have an hour to explain their game at finals. It’s a two minute speech max.
Jed is worried someone else is thinking for Beth, he thinks he’s the only one thinking for Beth. Sideye. opposite side Sideye. No Gloria Steinem meets Rosie the Riveter moment.
ON FEEDS: Kiefer told Tina that he’s on the block because Kiefer TOLD Jed to put him on the block. OOOOkay. That set off my bullshit sensor but GOOD. How dafuq he going to lie like that? He wants Tina to tell jury he asked to be nominated to take out Tina. Bigger jury play is I got put up and finessed my way safe. Much BIGGER.
everyone but Breydon.
Jed picked Ty. Tera picked hg choice and picked Kiefer. TIna picked Beth.
So Jed is thinking Breydon is the backdoor.
VETO: TIKTOKVETO 3part competition.
part 1 Sleepwalk. Stack blocks like the video blindfolded. 3 top go to round 2.
Kiefer d/r wants to remove Tina and backdoor Breydon.
Beth d/r crawling around can’t find anything.
Tina d/r one of them have to come off the block.
Tera d/r only trusts herself. Knows nobody is saving her.
Tera wins round 1.
Ty d/r this comp isn’t for him. Kiefer is incorrect. And it fell. TIna comes in second.
Beth gets cheers and comes in third to more cheers.
part 2 Slop Cookie Recipe. Slop batter. find the numbers to complete the recipe.
convert your measurements to metric. Top 2 go to round 3.
Imperial to metric. Beth d/r what’s metric? Tina d/r it’s gross.
Tera d/r she’s been the slop baker all season. Math is hard.
Tera wins round 2.
Beth getting cheers.
Tina comes in second. D/R TNT will get a comp win.
part 3 Trick Shot
bounce ping pong ball down 6 discs into a cup.
Tera has had multiple near misses. Tera came to play in this veto.
Tera wins round 3 and the Veto.
Post Veto Plotting.
Kiefer says don’t put me on the block. He’s being an ego boy a bit.
Kiefer D/R i want to be best alliance of all time and beat them.
Breydon D/R i’m in danger girl. They have Breydon camchat…. they cut feeds when we are getting Brey camchat.
Jed is thinking of put up Kiefer out of nowhere. Why isn’t Jed looking to take out the big shot? They’ve skipped the part where Ty said it’s the move. Beth is taking credit in D/R.
Tina is telling Kiefer to cut the comp wns, I’m gonna win ego talk. Kiefer thinks Jed will never put him up. Tina is Saying don’t say I didn’t warn you.
Ty Jed are now having the talk that was had before Jed had the talk with Beth.
There’s 23 minutes left to the episode. Veto is played already. Ummm. Oh.
The ballpit is a bedroom. Hide and seek from Tera and Jed. Last found picks.
Beth is a mess. Like she can be quiet. Screeching. Stop the Screeching.
Beth wins. Beth picks. Beth chooses Ty. They thought he’d get a power.
REMINDER: Ty didn’t have to sleep there due to power outage the first night. He’s slept there for ONE night.
Return to Plotting
Brey talks to Jed. Brey pushes Kief because he’s the middle boy. Reminder: Beth told him Kief was the target.
Kief is now spooked D/R. Kiefer talks to Ty. Sunsetter loyalty talk. I could have burned all of you talk. I want you to take me out… Just not until I take you out first is the reality of what he’s saying. The guy sitting pretty between the alliances… hmm. Say it was Tera and Tina tipping him. IT was D/R. He went to D/R and was asked leading questions. We JUST SAW THE D/R that tipped him off. GTFO with the whole bananas didn’t warn him shit.
The Triangle comes first talk from Jed.
So the final 3 deal comes first. Let’s remember that. When we hear tomorrow how the biggest move is to keep the big target in the house.
Kiefer is getting tipped off AGAIN D/R.
Beth goes to get the boys for THE TALK. KIEFER JUST LEFT D/R AND WENT TO HOH.
Kiefer: I’ve been so loyal. He has deals with the others.
Kiefer is upset and pulling the guilt strings.
Don’t do me now.
ME: IN ORDER TO WIN YOU HAVE TO TAKE OUT EVERYONE… ORDER IS IRRELEVANT. SENTIMENT IS IRRELEVANT. Get rid of whoever is in your way of winning. This is what the TRIANGLE misses in their Blubbering and Flipflopping.
Kiefer says he’ll throw the next HOH (he had a deal with TNT and the TRIANGLE… why woulnd’t he have thrown the next one?) If Brey was gone throwing was his only jury management move.
OH GOOD THEY”RE CRYING LIKE HE JUST DIED. They’ve been assholes to everyone all game, a little late to cry now.
Tina hugs Kiefer. Says the newfie version of toldja so.
Tera saves herself to honor her deceased Big Brother.
Jed says loyalty to everyone means loyalty to no one. Kiefer take a seat.
Soundtrack added a cracked version of the suspense music.
Kiefer D/R I got caught. I saw a 4 with the sunsetters.
No Tina or Jed D/R.
Tonight on feeds:
Jed Beth and Kief are bonding and cementing their new final three (that’s what it is, it’s not named, it’s not official, it’s what it is).
Meanwhile Ty is socializing with Brey and Tera.
Ty is aware he’s being replaced. But is doing nothing about it. What he appears to be doing is trying to forge a Wednesday night emotional rapport with the two outsiders in case they win HOH tomorrow. I’m not sure which is the better move for Ty. Should he be up Jed’s ass reminding him bros for life… or should he be making sure Brey and Tera see he’s been ousted and the other three make better targets if they win HOH?
He doesn’t have to sell Brey. I think Brey thought Kiefer’s earlier if you win HOH you have to nominate me and Tera for exactly what it was. I TEND to believe he would go for Jed Beth if he won HOH, hoping Ty would appreciate the move and keep him safe the following week. Breydon’s game plan going in was to attach himself to an alphamale and run for the finish line (revealed week 5).
Tera is unwilling to throw out all the dirt she has before the HOH comp tomorrow.
She’s accepted that if Tina doesn’t fight for Tina, Tera isn’t fighting for Tina (my take).
Kief is bragging to Jed and Beth about how TNT are pissed he’s targeting Tera. Honestly, they should and shouldn’t be. They should be because they’ve been loyal to Kiefer more than Kiefer has been loyal to them. They shouldn’t be because they KNOW they’ve been more loyal to Kiefer than Kiefer has to them.
100% real talk: swearing on his kids he’d target Tera lost Kiefer a jury vote. Tera takes that crap really personally. Like bitter ball of hate personally.
While Kiefer and Beth and Jed circlejerk each other, each trying to take ownership of every move in the game… let’s pause. Let’s pause and say really? Here’s their accomplishment list:
1) safe week one… by a popular vote EVERYBODY disputes (prodoplay). Played social so badly week one, that he ended up on the block week 2. Got caught being a ratfink end of week 2. HIS OWN PEOPLE voted to evict him week 3… and he snivelled back to them. HIS OWN PEOPLE PUT HIM ON THE BLOCK THIS WEEK… and he snivelled back to them.
2) was safe due to team wins for 2 weeks. wrong side of vote on week 3. has bedsores from week 4-7. Took out Vic but won’t get the credit for it. She won’t. Jury thinks she’s the bimbo that does what the boys say. a 2 minute speech doesn’t change that.
3) nothing has changed from my Jed jury speech concept earlier today.
Kiefer tells Jed that Tina is fine with leaving. Jed says she chose Tera over sunsetters (remember in week 2 when Jed told LaToya that Tina was out of the alliance because she was too much? and then got pissed when she left week three before being thrown out?) It’s not chicken and the egg. Tina knew the boys didn’t want her in the alliance. Tina learned LaToya was more for the boys than her… Tina left.
*MY HOT TAKE: TINA TELLS JURY THE FIRST ONE TO SAY LOYALTY IN THEIR FINAL 2 SPEECH LOSES HER VOTE. It’s what I’d do. They say loyalty, they’ve never shown loyalty. They’ve all always been looking for someone else to take the shot for them, and Tina knows it. She’s known since week 4.
Okay. I still think Tera is Christmas waiting to happen. I’ve just decided I don’t mind if Christmas comes to town for the entitled brats, and leaves them a lump of coal.
Sue me.
The entitlement and prodo placating the entitlement pissed me off weeks ago. At this point… I’m not numb. I’m just not angry anymore. It is what it IS. And We all see it.
If they don’t find a way to cover their tracks better in the storyline and writing department / D/R interference in US and feed block for instructions interference in BBCAN…. I think I’ll be giving the next season of each a pass. It’s ruined the experience.
I’ve become the viewer that doesn’t choose a favorite houseguest or a favorite side… just begs for anything that doesn’t feel like production. I’m team anyone but prodo.
Tomorrow i’ll be analyzing Tina’s game like I have for Breydon and Kiefer already this week…. unless I find 20 new ways to say Tina sits and talks about nothing but never talks game in the next couple of hours.
Y’know what? Screw that. Let me answer social media’s most asked question: why isn’t Tina fighting to stay? She has enough info to BURY kiefer and she isn’t doing it. She’s OVER it.
She knows exactly what was going on. Kiefer threatens to quit multiple times, leaves a conversation WITH her to go to D/R to complain. Script flips. I think Tina was the fan that actually thought it was a gameshow, and is massively disillusioned, wanting it over. She’s giving the prodos what they want with lame ass soundbites that almost sound like weak campaigning… and her bag is packed.
Last time they said anything about HOH:
Kief noms Brey and Tera.
Tera noms Kief and Jed… target Kief.
Brey noms Beth and Jed… renom Kief.
Beth and Ty haven’t actually said that i’m aware of.
I am going to root for Tera to win .
100%. What a solid group of muppets this year…
Tina’s last night in the house and she’s fed up with Tera and Kiefer.
She tells them to work their shit out so she can enjoy her last night.
The swearing on the kids thing has Tera pissed (well tbh, the kiefer playing both sides and lying to her about what he said and did, leading to the trio laughing at her is what has her pissed… Tera feels like she’s been the punchline to a joke she didn’t even know was being told).
Kiefer is saying it’s just a game move. I think Tera wanted to slap him. I could see it, the Holiday season was rising up in her. Her hand tensed.
She’s just told him swearing that deep has put her in the position where now she HAS to target him, and it pisses her off. She says he could have just lied to them (like he’s been lying to her).
I think what Tera is really mad at: She was right. She’s been saying since week 4 that Kiefer was not with TNT, and Tina has been defending him and making excuses for him left right and centre for three weeks. She’s pissed because she trusted Tina’s trust in Kiefer.
She tells Kiefer he didn’t have to sell his soul to the devil because there was already movement to save him. She’s pretty much telling him he sold his soul to the devil when the chorus of angels were already on their way, and in doing what he did, he screwed the people that were fighting for him. AGAIN. Yeah… that loyalty part of his final two speech is gonna get a throat punch.
Reminder: Jed and Beth didn’t force Kiefer to promise on the life of his kids. He volunteered a million promises on the life of his kids without being asked.
His swears right now:
Why would they keep him? Why would Ty keep him knowing all of this? This makes no sense. So Ty doesn’t have the self investment in the game to get rid of the person that isn’t taking him to finals, over someone that couldn’t win a screeching in contest even though she’s a local.
Kiefer, who told Tera about sunsetters already, just used the some day it will make sense line on her. Is he trying to get decked with that cocky bullshit? Okay. I’m sick of that line myself. I know why she’s storming off now. He got a little cocky with her. BAAAD MOVE.
Yup. she’s storming off saying, “It makes sense now, I know you’ve been lying to me. And stop saying you’re gonna win this game, you’re really pissing me off. You DON’T KNOW you have my vote in jury.”
Kiefer laughs. Says I don’t, laughs some more. Oh this game or I hate this game. laughs more.
Tera: I don’t even care if I go next. At least I don’t look like a little fuqin bitch. He looks like a bitch. Making them fuqing dinner right now.
Tera doesn’t know why Kiefer thinks she’s going to be gracious as a juror that got scewed over by a supposed alliance mate.
Tera: Is he insane?
Tina: The assuming of the votes is a little…
Tera: My husband tells me all the time I should’ve been a lawyer. You just pissed off the wrong person..
Tera is going to tell the boys what Kiefer said about jury votes (that a combination of Tera, TIna, Ro, Brey or Kief in one of those spots decide the winner of the game) and telling tina to sell him to jury.
Tera: I’ve got nothing to lose now. I’ll tell them everything. The audacity for him to assume that you are going to vote for him after he did you pretty fuqin dirty too.
Tera doesn’t care if Kiefer’s sitting next to Breydon, she’s voting for Breydon & she’ll sell him to the jury too.
Tera: He had to maneuver .. pivot ..he survived many attempts.
Tina: Maybe you should’ve been a lawyer.
To some Tera is pissed that Tina is leaving. This isn’t it. To some Tera is pissed because Kiefer is staying. This isn’t it. Tera is pissed because she comforted and pumped Kiefer up when he was down and threatening to quit, and he stabbed her in the back by saying he’d put her on the block for her troubles. It’s the snivelling back to sunsetters for life after they showed him he’s shit to them for the second time. That is what is on her nerves.
Everybody trim your trees and hang your stockings. I feel it. I think its actually gonna come to town tonight. I HOPE.
I so hope you’re right. Kiefer is an idiot. And so is Ty. Lie you said he knows that Kiefer swore on his kids that he’s taking the mattress and jed to finals. Why the eff would ty want to keep him around now knowing that ?? Lol what a joke. I also agree with you that this game used to be entertaining but now it is all production. It ruins it. Jed back pedaling and saying to Kiefer ahhh I never said you were going home, well fuck ya you did. Kiefer you CRIED over it. And right back to the boot lickin. Oh and cooking. I hope Tera goes off on all of them ( except blueline and Brey ) and then wins HOH and takes one of those morons out. End rant lol
Tina has told Tera if she wins HOH to nominate Brey and Beth.
ok. Shag off Tina.
Tina is now giving Kiefer helpful hints and game knowledge instead of trying to stay by burying the fink.
ok. Shag off Tina.
Dear Tina,
Your social game week two and week three was beyond marvelous.
Then you started throwing comps. Shuddup. You said you were gonna throw them. You Did.
Then you started hiding behind Tera.
Then you stopped gaming.
Then you stopped doing… anything.
Then you actively began running public relations or Kiefer.
That’s your game.
Stop trying to fuq up more people on your last night to protect Kiefer.
Shag off.
TINA. YOU Better push that Kiefer should not crawl back to the trio.
That the jury will laugh at him for being the trios bitch.
If you don’t… Shag off.
It looks like Christmas has been cancelled. She’s been to D/R.
Tina is all smiles when Tera tells her she’s not going to target Kiefer.
So obviously – I was PISSED when I heard that. ICYMI — I said Tina may as well just hand Keifer her bank account information – I mean wtf is that? Seriously? Are they related or something why on earth would she go OUT OF HER WAY to help Keif & hurt Tera?
The same Tera who was madly searching for a DPOV to save both Tina & Keif. I don’t blame Tera for getting “Christmas-y” lol but damn TPTB for stopping that explosion – I wanted Tera to go drop all that info on Ty especially. UGH — it’s like one thing TPTB are forcing the plot/narrative & maybe I’m wrong but it seems this season they’ve also been quick to nip any live feed action in the bud too.
The hamsters MUST be getting paid extra OR that contract must be iron clad b/c this is some straight up BS. Can’t we at least be entertained. UGH – so annoying –
I mean I expect it but yeah seriously Tina you were mute for 99.9% of the game — just go back to that please.
Meanwhile Keif – just messed up BIG — he told the trio with Brey there that Tera is targeting him but also was “laughing AT her” which isn’t a good look.
How in the hell can TPTB manipulate all these ‘keifs’ so people in jury want to even speak to him let alone give him their vote? In the OG version his jury ‘mismanagement’ would’ve been a thing (worse than Danielle Reyes AND that was only b/c the jury GOT TO WATCH DR’s lol).
That we have to listen to the trio & Keif discuss how ONLY they have played a good game, ONLY they “DESERVE” (I hate that shit) to win $$ & ONLY they were LOYAL instead of getting angry – I thought I’d toss up the TOP 10 things TNT/Brey ‘COULD’ do to shift TPTB’s ridiculous plot line they are trying to ram down our throats …
Notably, I’m taking poetic license here b/c some of this is not the case. For example – Tera is pissed at Keif & WOULD NOT– at least at this moment vote for him. It sort of reminds me of the week Austin won HOH after Keif – keefed — & he had to crawl to her groveling. More than anything – I want Tera to win HOH tomorrow so we know TPTB will make sure that doesn’t happen.
ONE: Breydon tells Ty “So are you sure keeping Keif is best? He told me it was SUNSETTERS to F4 they AGREED you go at F4 – and that you have no route to F3 b/c he won’t take you & the deal he made with Beth/Jed is they go F3 which maybe only Keif believes but he’s sure that’s the case – like if he wins HOH & needs a replacement he’s putting up YOU. And the thing is he might stay loyal but he’s such a good actor you never know – like when he fooled you guys that he thought he was leaving instead of LaToya but was just acting or knowing Vic was invisible HOH & then lying he influenced her vote. The one thing I know for a fact is Vic made those noms on her own b/c she wanted Austin out — it was personal – she admitted it. (plant those seeds Brey)
TWO: TNT wait for one of Ty, or Jed to go into washroom & then rush in and say “can you believe they were dumb enough to buy it? That he’d stay loyal? (gales of laughter) Then Tina says – Yeah I’m only pissed I’ll have to wait for the jury video of him nominating Ty & Jed when he wins HOH” more gales of laughter – then leave bathroom. (alternatively they could wait for someone to go in pantry & do the same thing.
THREE: Same as above ^^^ conducted with Beth’s name in the mix & how Keif hates her & is dying to backdoor her next week.
FOUR: Breydon casually hangs in HOH & when trio says “so we’re keeping Keif – you’re good to vote that way right?” – Brey responds – ‘absolutely, Keif explained to me about the Sunsetters going F4 — him&Jed F2. He apologized that any deals made by you 3 were bullshit – just to string us along. I mean – he deserves to win like he said if Vic was the best liar I’m the 2nd best – he’s right b/c I had no idea”
FIVE: Tera to house: “Congrats Keif, when I go to jury I’ll enjoy laughing at how you won the game b/c the (uses fingers as quotations) “your Sunsetter allies thought it was a smart move to put you OTB & keep you when you’ll win all those pivotal date comps.It doesn’t even matter who you take b/c you talked them into keeping you even though THEY put you OTB. Man it was one thing to fool them you thought you were going home over LT but with this one — even Ro will vote for you after this.”
SIX: Tera to Tina/Keifer in earshot of Jed (and the trio) “I wonder if this move by Jed & the trio will overtake Marcellas not using the POV on himself or Jordan Palmer or Luwon’s dumb ass moves? I mean it’s got to be up there as top 3 worst BB moves of all time right?”
SEVEN: Tina responds “the fans must be laughing their asses off or really ticked– I can just see it blowing up on social media of (uses fingers as quotations) “HASHTAG BB9 trio of dummies lol”
EIGHT: Then Brey chimes in “but conversely – this move by Keif will put him on par with Dan’s Funeral. Great job Keif – you are a beast”.
NINE: Tina talks to Beth “This whole argument of yours about running the game was bullshit b/c YOU are the ONLY person my eviction hurts. So – – I’m sorry but I have no choice but to confirm that to the jury since I know ALL of Keif’s moves having been his F2 since Day 1. (and then let Blue Line RUB IT IN…) I get it I played exactly the same game as you did with the guys but with Keif. The only difference is I didn’t make out with him or sleep with him.” It’s clear they were your shield & you just do what they tell you. “
TEN: Tina says to Jed “Wow – you guys are ballsy – keeping the guy who knows every date forward & backward. And now he can take you to F2 & say how he played you twice when he was OTB. (Jed will respond – how?) Tina: “The first time when LT left & he knew all week he was staying but pretended he wasn’t & bragged about it to everyone on the other side & was laughing at you guys b/c he fooled you, & this time talking you into keeping him uses her hands like a scale — {right hand} so he got out Kyle & Ro and will likely be the one who takes out Beth & Ty {left hand| and you— um — you got out me! {raising right hand over her hand & lowers left hand as low as it will go). But, congrats you’ll make $20k that’s more than I will“
Hang on —- WTF is wrong with TNT — seriously THIS has to be production’s doing they can’t be this stupid.
Tera says to Tina “I don’t know if I should put up Ty & Brey (???) or Jed & Beth — and wait for it that’s not the worst of it….
Tina responds – you should put up BREY & Beth (like seriously Blue Line – forget about Beth sleeping with the boys why don’t you just give Keifer your bank information b/c apparently him doing you dirty all game still merits your 100% loyalty even if it means f*cking over you other ally that ALSO now knows you were tighter with him than her!
I can’t— I just can’t.
Breydon for the HOH win b/c he’s the ONLY ONE that sees Jed & Beth need to go on the block with Keif as the replacement.
Are these people playing Big Brother or Big Baby?
So, why is Tina telling Tera to target Brey and Beth, but also telling Kiefer he should work with Tera and Breydon?
Kiefer is afraid Canada will hate him if he turns against the trio.
ummmm. who gonna tell him? No really. Someone shoulda told him cus those 5 sunsetter for life d/r tonight on the episode made me wanna spew.
What the hell is our Tina doing? Trying to protect Kiefer from Tera, while also trying to protect Tera from Kiefer? Ummm… i repeat my earlier objection: shag off Tina.
At least Tera is back to saying Jed gotta go. Now give Tina a last night xanax or a ballgag.
When she was saying she’d nominate Jed and Kiefer you know the cam guy was calling for help… what do we do, Tera’s not following the program… okay, a quick d/r call? then what? okay, get the HOH for people over 6 feet ready… we’re at code orange. i repeat… hide the tinsel people it’s a code orange.
I wish that TNT would do at least one of your earlier suggestions, but that would mean Tina actually having to get off her ass and do something proactive other than defend Kiefer. HOW MANY LOST PET TAGS DID PRODUCTION BUY????????????????????
I wish Breydon would actually do something… but with knowing TNT say his name as a target at the drop of a hat, and knowing that Kiefer is still sunsetters for life meaning his final 4 is fukakta… and knowing he was going to be on the block this week before the oddness… he’s hoping Ty has seriously considered everything Brey told him yesterday (Beth takes Jed, Jed takes Beth, Kiefer takes Jed… nobody is taking Ty). I’ve had to extrapolate that conversation from the four short feed cuts in ten minutes that occurred… mostly when Breydon was making the case. Seriously, it’s become my new game. I count how many times production talkblocks Breydon in conversation.
Well. Maybe production will allow Tera or Brey to win HOH, so that they can unleash that twist they decided to hold back this week, instead having a feed block LSD trip to waffletown. HOW YOU KNOW IT HAS PRODUCTION FINGERPRINTS: FESSIEJED DIDN’T WAFFLE ONCE TODAY. Jed waffles 60 times a day every day. NO WAFFLES SINCE THAT FEEDBLOCK and party. Mmmmkay. Big eyeroll. I buy that. Sideye
So. Jed and Beth haven’t done jury management with Tina tonight. Neither has Brey. But Brey hasn’t talked to Tina really in quite a while. He’s afraid if he is seen with TNT the trio will call it a final three (he knows they are looking for an excuse). But Jed and Beth have no excuse. They may have talked to her earlier, but they are missing prime good vibes feeling now. Always try to make a evictee feel valued as a human before they go.
Kiefer is pumping TNT up with bullshit (reality I don’t buy Kief flips, shut up).
Kiefer says he’s worried he’ll be blindsided tomorrow. I think even Tina wanted to dropkick him there.
Ty comes and jokes about finding a secret veto. I didn’t like that. I know Tina laughed. I just don’t like that.
This season really sucks! Production is throwing this game. It’s actually boring you can read every move.
If it wasn’t a power, it was going to be an hour and forty five minute feed block followed by two feed blocks of around a half hour each surrounding the pitch, the deliberation, and finally the decision.
I thought it would be the power, because if they’re going to be obvious, at least be obvious in the same way as every other season.
I’m still shocked they didn’t toss in a power. I mean… they always have some extra power crap after a special eviction.
At this point all they have is a hail mary power in week 8 or a return juror at the end of week 8… otherwise they won’t have their twist quotient covered.
A thought before crashing:
This week, Jed gave the ‘sorry, you’re going home speech’ to three houseguests.
Jed, tonight, was absolutely shocked that someone said they’d throw his ass on the block if they won HOH tomorrow.
Anyone that wants a clear and concise big brother definition of entitlement: see above.
The two golden Boyz of Toronto… They’ve been entitled bullies the entire game while doing in for the most part as a tag team. They’re allowed since, well….You know why.
Another interesting bed time chat with Keif/Brey with GET THIS — Keif telling Breydon that Tera “isn’t really angry at him – she’s pretending” – he’s implying that it’s plot line from TPTB (interesting).
He’s STILL playing the middle game but I think he’s LEANING to Brey/Tera (maybe I’m hoping this but it sounds like that sincere Keif again – the one who spilled everything to Brey the other night).
This duo seems to have gained ground based on Brey not spilling everything Keif told him the other night. Keif even thanks him for not outing his spillage from the last bed time chat. — that & Tera getting pissed at him (real or acting) seem to have got Keif thinking. I know Another Name prob won’t buy it — but maybe I’m more gullible (wink, wink AN).
I want to believe this & may be reading too much into it but I get the genuine feeling Keif is happy to finally have a partner to work with. He knows he’ll likely beat Brey and they have these strategic conversations where they share info.
Brey EXPERTLY knows how to play Keif — when to pump him up, not to ridicule him for having the SS alliance or bemoan him playing the game with SS or riding the middle. Brey’s mist is STRONG — IMHO Keif finally feels like he has a level partner who he can have real strategic conversations with. Think about it- the trio TELL him what to do, Vic was too sketchy & desirous of joining Ty/Jed, & TNT don’t win & are comprised of one player (Tina) who is mute & one who can snap & always thinks she’s the target (Tera). Keif tried to pull Ty away from the trio but was never truly successful, he doesn’t trust Beth & Jed is in the middle of those two so would never pick Keif over them.
SERIOUSLY — have you EVER heard Keifer have genuine strategic game conversations with anyone as calmly as he does with Breydon?
Keif was his most vulnerable with Brey who didn’t betray that info dump in the first bed time chat & now I think this duo has legs >> even if Keif is on your NO LIST 😉 tell me you don’t want to see that trio finally be put OTB?
Another sign of the Brey mist was his empathy for Keif being so hurt by their betrayal, saying “it would be the same as Austin putting me on the block” — I do think Brey is getting through combined with the videos they saw. Apparently, the former hamsters kept implying “Make THE BIG MOVE” (read: break up the trio). Both Brey/Keif got the gut impression that LT was specifically speaking to Keif (she may have said “trust your instincts” which was something Keif & her discussed).
Although we know Keif is wishy-washy you know he’ll be celebrating with Brey/Tera if either of them win. If I had to bet — I’d be putting big $$ that if Keif sees Brey/Tera ahead & he knows the answer he’ll throw it.
He tells Brey “OUR best shot is me, you or Tera winning. Say – you win & take a big shot – then the next week Tera & I gun for it.
They both think Beth is throwing it – now to be fair I have no idea if Ty & Beth were studying but I didn’t see them studying on the night feeds — I only saw Tera doing a ton of studying. Ty WANTS to win it though so it sounds like it could be 3 vs. 1
One TELL TALE sign that Keif IS REALLY READY to shift — he’s using the “rich people” line on the trio he used to put on Rohan AND again Brey gives Keif the PERFECT cover for swearing on his kids – that YES but you swore TO your kids you would try to win to change their life – so your promise to them (his kids) is more important. He’s essentially telling Keif – THEY (his kids) are his REAL ALLIANCE! Hello – Brey just gave him his out.
Now if TPTB can stay the F out of it & let Brey win I’ll be doing back flips! MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!
Please please please let Kiefer pair up with brey and Tera to take out the trio. They talk about power moves well that would be it. Kiefer talking them into keeping him and then turning on them imo would win him the game. Depending on bitter jury. But I think he’d have a good chance. As much as I don’t enjoy Kiefer. I just want the trio out. ?
Will I buy it? Only if Kiefer wins hoh and actually DOES nominatation from the sunsetter pool.
Otherwise, it’s just crawling to the middle and hoping they take each other out while playing up he’d be on both sides. You know… the plan he’s had for weeks.
I’m glad I never totally bought that he’d be going this week, or my disappointment would be terribly bitchy. As it is, I’ve been grumbly. I still never give 100%’s as odds. Kief staying was at 95 yesterday, it’s at 90 from what I was seeing earlier. It should have risen, but it dropped, only because Kief has jumped both feet back into the middle noticeably. If I were a voter, I’d clock that and say nope. But that’s me, not this cast.
Tina hinted to Beth that she better be careful, because nobody is making the big move… but Beth had best be careful. Tells Beth she has to sell to the jury that she wasn’t a puppet.
Tera has told Beth that the boys club isn’t afraid to sacrifice her, and getting rid of the women is a dumb move. Tera tells Beth everyone is telling her to target Beth.
Ty has told Beth that all of Tera’s talk came from Kiefer when Kiefer thought he was going home. Now I partially say sort of true, but Ty is being a wee bit dismissive of the fact that Tera has loudly been announcing the trio would be her noms since week three. Way to invalidate a woman having her own mind, there Ty, just because blow up doll Barbie in your alliance seeks validation from men every time someone tells her the truth in the game, doesn’t mean every woman can only parrot the ideas of a man. I gotta tell you, that was one of THE most annoying things I’ve heard Ty express. Now, normally, this talk would lead me to say why would we keep him if he has the capacity to pull that crap. This lot, I don’t have hopes they’d feel that. They should, I doubt they do.
Beth seems really mad that the jury isn’t going to view a woman that targeted other women and glued herself to a mattress for two men isn’t a feminist Icon.
Beth has gone to yell at Tina and Tera. The gist… how dare Tina and Tera not value Beth’s game as a woman. sideye. They tell her they said she has to sell her points to the jury because the jury views her as Jed’s puppet. They tell her they said house skuttlebut has Beth in danger from her own peeps. Beth is playing martyr and victim while also playing executioner. IMO it’s not a good look. Sanctimonious and self righteous is never a good look when it’s coming from the mouth of a hypocrite. Since Tina and Tera know that Beth always tries to get game information from the victim before she votes to evict, they aren’t giving Beth specific conversations. Isn’t stopping Beth from saying ‘how am i supposed to keep you if…’ considering Tina knows this is Beth’s weekly ritual.
What should have been said to Beth by Tina earlier:
Beth, stop telling me why you can’t vote for me to stay, it makes you look like a puppet. You keep telling me to respect your game, but you also tell me that you haven’t had a choice and the boys’ decision took away the power of your vote. Which is it, I’m heading to jury, quit trying to butter my muffin and tell me about your real game, or lose in the finals, is what it is, your choice start talking.
I think Kiefer’s bedtalk with Breydon is to get Breydon to take a shot at the trio. He lets one of them go, stays tight with the other two, and ghosts Breydon to be the next evicted. HIs talks with Breydon to get Breydon to target the trio is Kiefer’s attempt to get Breydon out of the fourth seat at final four, and keep him out.
I think Kiefer’s talk with Ty is to turn Ty against Beth, while Kiefer maintains his position with Jed, isolating Ty from the triangle. The way he is talking to Ty is Kiefer’s attempt to get Ty out of the third seat at final three, and keep him out.
I think Kiefer’s hot air to Tera is just that. He wants her jury vote, and he totally sank that last night. He’s telling her what she wants to hear. And she’s aware that’s what he’s doing.
Kiefer isn’t gong for this HOH because he just got put on the block for playing all sides against the middle, and after the ridic feed outages and quitting threats, he’s staying and right back into the middle. So was this just the BBCan equivalent of MacBeth? A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing? Kiefer should know he can’t win this HOH because a shot is fired and he loses a jury vote either way he shoots. Creating a bitter juror is stupid. Tera WILL be a bitter juror. Beth would be a toxic bitter juror.
Kiefer should want to take a seat and not even compete in HOH.
I bought that he was leaving this week and now I’m bitchy
I kept saying power will save him. I never thought that power would be feed block and some margaritas. Live and learn. The timing of the feed blocks around his salvation made me bitchy. The fact that prodo isn’t done with trying to make the sow’s ear a silk purse… not as surprising.
This is Kiefer’s Dane moment. On the block against Mark. Getting the Papi keep me speech. It’s Kiefer’s dream because Superfan Kiefer can only quote from season 7.
I still say the fact that Jed didn’t waffle for 36 hours shows the fix is in. Fessiejed didn’t waffle? C’mon now.
Me too Simon. I’m not even going to watch the show because I’m so bitter. I’m here to get my news from y’all. No ratings for Global from me.
Can someone confirm if HoH automatically plays in power of Veto comp?
Can anyone confirm it HoH automatically plays in the power of veto comp?
In season 7 they didn’t allow the HOH to play in the veto until final 6.
After the triple in that season, in week 8, they allowed everyone to play in veto on week 9.
Only when they are down to 5 house guests in BBCan
I, for one, am completely tired of hearing Beth whine that she isn’t respected because she’s a woman.
Beth is hardly a suffragette. She’s actively been against every woman in the game, wanting the house to be just men and her, so that she could cry about how unfair it is that she’s being judged by a different standard as a woman.
She has actively TOLD people that moves weren’t hers, and she couldn’t stop it from happening, and that the mean boys over ruled her… but wants the same people she says this to to go to jury and promote her stand alone game as better than the boys.
Someone explain.
Is she just the entitled spoiled woman that is actively a meangirl to other women, then cries misogyny to the closest validating male when she doesn’t get her way? This is what I’m seriously thinking. I guess equality is just a guilt trip inducing buzzword to Beth. If she whines about it just once more while actively targeting the other final woman in the game… she’ll be on my nopelist.
Imagine. All the smack i talk about Beth, and i’ve been editing to be nice, because she’s not on my nope list yet. Lol. I’m as surprised as all of you to realize I haven’t nopelisted bedbethandbeyond yet.
OMG = that’s the best nick name yet BedBETHandBeyond- ==== I’m DYING lmao
As the hamsters prepare for eviction night and a likely Tina oust they head into F6 with what appears to be TPTB ensuring their plotline via a series of feed blocks. Another Name masterfully highlighted the constant cuts this week to realign the hamsters to their (TPTB) direct motivations & end result.
That said let’s dive into where everyone stands entering F6
Tina is headed to the jury — and should be given she made no true attempt to stay. She expected to be dragged to F2. Nice lady but if you’re not even going to try to fight for yourself or offer some context to stay — or dirt about the others — then bye girl!
Tera will gun for HOH and after much deliberation (and input from Tina) has circled back to Jed/Ty as her noms. The question is who would be the replacement. Hopefully, Brey could make her see it has to be Beth in order to split the trio. Odds of her winning are slim b/c it doesn’t fit TPTB plot – doesn’t mean we won’t pull for precisely THAT to happen.
And for what it’s worth — the BEST lines this week have all come from Tera when she’s pissed. Unfortunately every time it looks like we’ll get a Christmas-type explosion from her she gets called to the DR or feeds cut. (Come on production – let us have one fun moment!)
Jed: Can’t play HOH — his “big move” is evicting Blue Line which will pale in comparison to Keif if they reach F2. He believes he has F2’s with Beth/Ty and Keif so he’ll likely be the only one in the trio pushing to keep the quartet together.
Beth: Tina leaving is the worst outcome for Beth b/c Keif will NOT want her in F3. She may feel somewhat safe this week since she thinks Tera/Brey would target the boys ahead of her & then Keif. What Beth misses is each of Tera/Brey & Keif is ON TO HER & know how she’s the one planting seeds to target Jed/Ty. Her ideal F3 likely includes Jed & Tera or Brey/Tera believing they would each take her (they WON’T). Should Jed get evicted at F6 or F5 she’ll also happily try to pull in Ty as her F2 since her argument is stronger than his.
It’s a coin toss on whether she’ll try to win HOH believing she’s safe or be inspired to win to pad her resume given Tina telling her she looks like she was just playing Jed’s game.
Ty: Interesting week for him with some uncomfortable comments “they don’t DESERVE to win money” (um you’ve won the same number of comps as Tera & had a bigger shield so how do you deserve $$ more than her?) Each of Brey/Keif is working Ty to make him see he has no path to F2 with the trio. Brey telling him Jed/Beth take each other & Keif takes Jed while Keif continues to push his own mandate sullying Beth & the decisions made this week show how the showmance will operate down the stretch. I still think a Ty HOH would find Brey/Tera OTB with Keif as the renom.
Brey: A pretty good week for Brey all things considered — unable to play in POV he seemed destined for the true backdoor but avoided the block. Additionally, Keif began his bedtime chats dumping all kinds of game intel. While Keif has his own motivations this did serve to help Brey since he has a better overall understanding of the house dynamics. The sessions confirmed Beth can’t be trusted, and that the trio isn’t really invested in Brey in F4.
Brey took the intel and is using it to try to forge a F2 with Ty. He planted seeds with Ty on how Beth/Jed won’t take him & need to go. He’ll retain the intel Keif gave him & if he’s in jeopardy again (OTB with Keif for example) he now has lots of little tidbits he can use to show Keif’s true intent is to break up the trio. For now, he’ll keep that intel close to his vest as it’s allowed him to build something with Keif. Brey will gun for HOH –UNLESS he can throw to Tera. His ideal F3 always includes Ty (the third is flexible although Tera is the best option with Keif 2nd.
Brey’s priority is to get out Jed then one of Beth or Keif. If he wins HOH Jed/Beth likely go OTB (to build more trust with Ty). Presumably, he’d have to put up Ty if one comes down so he retains Tera/Keif’s vote to take out one of the trio. The fly in the ointment — would Keif or Ty vote out Jed if Beth sits beside him? It’s the smartest move but would they?
Keif: Production’s pet got an insane plot change despite landing OTB. The thing I can’t put my finger on is whether he’s a borderline savant — The bravado is annoying and he’s made copious stupid game decisions. Things like telling the trio he knew Vic was invisible HOH — there was no need to tell them that info especially the timing he delivered the intel. His jury management is BRUTAL but perhaps he’s counting on the jury wanting anyone other than the trio to win.
What I question if he’s just a manipulator or his efforts is a purposeful strategy … were the bedtime chats simply a matter of Keif venting? Or were they purposeful strategy? The result seems to have pulled Brey in — at least to the point that Brey’s targets are Jed/Beth ahead of Keif. Like Brey, Keif would like to have Ty go deep but I wonder for all his “loyalty talk” & promises if Keif’s desires aren’t to get to F3 with Brey/Tera or Brey/Ty to ensure his victory. ALTHOUGH— none of Ty, Brey, or Tera (if making the decision) would ever select him over the other option.
He’ll be throwing HOH —- the one exception I think would be if Beth is poised to win b/c he trusts her the least but would feel safe with any of Ty, Brey, or Tera winning. The big question is who would Keif nom if he did win? Should he elect to put up Brey/Tera he’d need to carefully navigate that conversation b/c Brey could dump the bedtime chat intel to the trio and it’s a big risk to put up Brey/Tera in case the trio won & kept noms the same. OR Keif could go off script entirely & put up Tera/Beth for example then get Brey to gun for POV to take Tera off the block.
Note: the goal of Keif/Brey is to make sure if Beth/Jed are on the block he’ll either throw POV or not use it if he wins it. While I doubt Ty would mind losing Beth I think he’s committed to his F2 with Jed and will have a hard time not sticking to that. Although it won’t matter if Beth/Jed are OTB together b/c Brey/Tera’s priority boot is Jed.
YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS Tera — let’s shake this sh*t up!
its useless, the eviction will be fake. Her HoH is meaningless. its so obvious production is rigging this game for a black person to win. The power finally shifts and production pulls a rabbit out of their hat. its rigged, they’ve rigged it
Yeah – that ^^^ went up prior to the announcement of “Fake” DE.
I think TPTB wants one of the trio (or Keif) to win – the cast was very diverse so I never looked at it from that perspective — just that they were protecting the trio & Keif.
Anyone else notice how Keif had the right answer on the first question & changed it? (he was throwing all the way)
Isn’t it a shame that the person Tera evicts has a chance to fight to return vs. the person that leaves during the fake double on Thursday?
I mean… as far as production guaranteeing safety, that’s a pretty big tell.
they must have listened to the code orange when Tera was naming names for targets.
Yeah – that’s some messed up sh*t right there & you just know if Jed is the one leaving the comp will be something athletic that he excels in …
Tera too tiny if it’s something like climbing or reaching
Keif/Brey cant’ run to keep up with him’
I’m uber annoyed b/c my gut is telling me Brey/Tera are the ones who’ll get screwed. Like WHERE the hell was this for Kyle, Austin, Vic or Ro? (people who would’ve played the game). No — keep it in your pocket for when the trio are in jeopardy. It’s a crock but that’s entertainment AN (excuse me while I gag on the heavy-handed production assist).
Preamble: get ready for some salty. I’ve got a full saltlick here, and I’m likely going to use it.
Tera’s anger / Kiefer’s bitchiness / Jed’s happy / Beth mastermind edit.
fuq off. she said nothing to Jed to push Kiefer.
Tera wins veto.
Brey is scared.
Jed is for a blindside.
Kiefer gets the D/R headsup and a loyalty call out with tinkly piano. oh ffs.
Giving a lot of hail mary. more like hail D/R.
Arisa: even more background we just heard in recap.
Kiefer D/R i’m the biggest threat left I got caught playing the middle.
Tina D/R oh she’s so sad.
Kiefer sadness with the sunsetters. HE WASN’T DYING, HE WAS GOING TO JURY.
Representation talk between Ty and Breydon. Diversity in media causes racism.
George Floyd and systemic racism discussion. In a way this is filler, but this is filler that if I call it filler I’m a dick, but it’s filler. Sorry. It is. grimace prep for the hate.
Goodnight Breydon. The talk between Kiefer and Breydon.
Sunsetters reveal.
Breydon isn’t sure Kiefer leaving is best for him.
feel the burn for spicy peppers. ranked 1-7. Winner gets a special award.
So, just opinion, but I feel like Jed was the biggest wimp. Sorry.
Now it’s time for Kiefer went to D/R to quit and this is what happened.
Kiefer. it’s a blindside, not a backdoor. You played in veto.
Hype music added. It’s the Dane theme from 7.
Tina says for game she’d say Tera’s name. She knows it’s not looking good.
The decision was already made.
Kiefer and Ty talk.
Ty and Jed and Beth talk.
Announcement they are keeping Kiefer. D/R with superhero theme.
Beth was left out and wants the details.
Beth gets pissed off. She’s tired of being the third wheel.
She says they took her vote. The boys game. She’s pissed.
Tina: boiler plate. Now is the time to change the game. Kiefer and Tera i love yo
Kiefer: kid from the res again, keep me. I play this game right. I sideyed.
BREYDON: Tina TERA: Kiefer TY: Tina BETH: Tina. TINA EVICTED 3 to 1.
They race to get Tina to say nice things about them to Jury.
Whatayat? Tina thinks she was the plan all along.
Tina thinks Kiefer Brey and Tera need to change the game. NO GOODBYES.
q1 never won an hoh you’d all have been in trouble. kyle. kiefer wrong.
q2 stress you out by existing. josh. all right
q3 sitting pretty make big moves. julie. beth wrong.
q4 defined just one thing. latoya, beth, breydon ty wrong. COMMERCIAL
q5 don’t trust anyone. victoria. ty wrong.
q6 2 big targets if i won HOH. josh. everyone is wrong.
q7 stir the pot. rohan. TERA IS THE HOH
Kiefer: 85-90
Tera: 60-65 closer 65
Beth:60-65 closer 60
Jed: 55-60 closer 60
Brey: 55-60 closer 60
Tina: 25-30 closer 30
Ty: 25-30
Keep in mind. Vic left with over 90, Rohan over 70, Austin over 60. LaToya still has more D/R than Ty.
What we learn from this is what D/R is pushing in terms of story development as the season goes forward. Tina and Ty are not considered fundamental to the storyline progression. We’ve passed the point where Anthony made his D/R surge.
This FAKE DE next Thursday is being used to save the trio b.c TPTB knew Keif/Beth would likely throw HOH & Ty just isn’t good at these comps.
The problem with this is everyone will gun for DE HOH – & take their shot only to potentially see that person walk right back in the door.
It’s GREAT if Beth/Keif/Jed/Ty turn on each other & make the move. It’s BAD if Brey gets HOH & takes the shot only to be vulnerable if that person comes back in.
Vic got to win invisible HOH — AND compete again the next week at HOH — while the person who wins HOH at F5 (the fake DE) could get screwed.
So yeah, part of me is excited to see the drama & part of me feels like this is all a set-up to get the trio to the end.
BEST case scenario: Tera noms Jed/Ty and if either wins POV, the replacement is Beth (Jed evicted or Beth if he wins POV, or someone removes him)
Then in DE Keifer wins & puts up Beth/Tera or Beth/Brey — Tera wins POV & saves Brey with Ty going up as the only option. Hmm – Brey votes out Beth — Tera I think might save Beth but Keif definitely sends Beth packing.
That would have Beth/Jed facing each other in comp to re-gain entry to the house.
WORST case scenario(s): Tera does exactly the same thing as above.
Option A – Beth wins POV saves Jed – Keif goes up & they vote him out
Option B- Beth throws POV (or loses) one of the trio leaves.
DE HOH is won by Beth: she puts up Keif/Brey –
Option A – one comes down Tera goes up & likely leaves via Ty’s vote & Beth tiebreaker (as payback for Jed)
Option B – Keif wins POV – Ty goes up (who does Keif save? — Ty or Brey)
Option C – Brey wins POV – Beth gets Brey to confirm he’ll take out Keif not Tera (would he?)
The absolute worst scenario is ONLY one of the trio leaves and the one who does comes right back in. And as noted above this could be supremely unfair for Brey if he wins DE HOH since he can’t play when they re-do F5 HOH — (let’s say it’s Jed vs Keif or Tera in the fight to come back — all TPTB have to do is make it a very athletic comp so Jed is ensured he comes back.
Ultimately, the timing of this whole thing is HIGHLY SUS >>> looking like TPTB will do ANYTHING to protect the trio/Keif. Fans finally get to see the trio in trouble – & no – no- no >>> production finds a way to make sure they still can be safe.
six straight HOH’s where the flipfloppers are in the driver’s seat.
No TWISTS. Even on twist week (after the double).
First time a non flipflopper wins:
I’ll just be over in a corner with my salt lick.
On feeds Beth is trying to come up with a way for Tera to target Breydon.
At almost the same time, Kiefer is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay up Tera’s ass saying they’ll want you to target Breydon.
Thanks AN- I just spewed coffee everywhere — “in the corner with my salt lick” LMFAO
Can you imagine how lost Beth is going to be that DR isn’t helping her fix things this week? All b/c TPTB are saving them anyway — but still.
I just hope Tera SPILLS everything Beth says about Brey b/c I want that tie completely fractured
how do we know thee will be another HoH and veto for the double? They could just evict both noms together, why is production gonna waste all the time and effort constructing and tearing down the comps for nothing
(clayton halsey voice)
PREE-VEE-USSS-LEEEE on biiiiiiiig brotherrrrrrr canadaaaaa…
tera unexpectedly wins another crucial comp in the hoh, throwing another wrench in productions season narrative plans, and as she plans to target the production pets, production immediately announced its a fake double with a buyback…THEY DIDNT MENTION THE TWIST BEFORE THE HOH RESULT…BUT AFTER…if ty/beth had won, there would be no fake double buyback, because it wouldnt be needed
the net result next thursday is: tera(who was hoh for the week) may be the only one leaving to jury over the coming 7 day period
but hopefully its an interesting week of feeds, babie!
it all continues right now on beeeee beeeee ceeeeee
Ty & Jed plan on intimidating Tera — SHOCKER
Jed “Next week you will be going home if you take one of us out”
Directly from Ty’s mouth “we STRONG ARM her on the noms”
The fact they don’t understand that Tera KNOWS she was the target this week is hilarious.
I’m so so soooooooooooooooooo sick of the let’s force/intimidat/scare/strong arm/threaten bullshit. They did it while they were in power for god sake.
You can SO tell what seasons the two of them watched to prep for this.
I say can7, us 19. us 21 were their guide books.
On week three i said the measure of an alliance isn’t how they act in power, but how they cope when not in power.
I said this because of the way the sunsetters turned on Kiefer completely ( they actually SAID In front of him, “who gets his bed?”).
I said this because their go to hail Mary move (after the pantry incident THEY called bullying, with LaToya announcing “what we’re NOT going to do is gang up on people 2 on 1) was to mass in a group of 4 to gang up on Vic and show her they had the power and she should do as they say.
When they feared Breydon was the invisible HOH they pushed that alliance so fierce on Austin and Brey… until noms, then back to making fun of them, belittling them, and Jed calling Austin a bitch.
So… I expect they’ll attempt trickery, they’ll attempt a show of force or intimidation (there will be more of us coming for you if you don’t do as we say), and blame.
It’s going to be Kiefer’s fault they don’t have a great relationship with Tera.
It’s going to be Breydon and Kiefer’s fault they didn’t fall on the sword to volunteer as nominees.
Most of what I’m saying, the trio has already suggested.
The Oddballs out of power scattered and denied. that was their error. The sunsetters go to move is force and intimidation. Let’s see how that plays out with bitter little ball of hate Tera.
Tera is, I believe, taking Ty to Wendy’s. Smooth talk where he really sits in the game, and test if he actually believes anybody takes him to final 2. I guess he doesn’t have to sleep in the kiddie bed anymore since they shelved that twist to throw the fake double to keep their pets safe.
Anyone saying oh, but they plan the comps in advance: I was one of you. Until: they’ve altered the comp order in BBcan before. Season 6 and 7. They altered two hoh comps and three veto comps. How we know? Two day lockdowns, construction begins, stops, and it’s a booth HOH? How about the vetoes where they did 2 day lockdowns… and it was a no backdrop veto? Really? twist alterations: bbcan3 viewer vote changed the wording on the vote choices 36 hours in to a 72 hour voting period. bbcan 4 the viewer vote turned into house consensus decision after the test vote (who played a better game online vote) turned in a 78% favorable for the wrong one (loveita won the test vote over Kelsey). bbcan 7. the ridiculous blood veto crap. announce a vote is coming and don’t have it.
I’m not surprised there’s a hail mary. I just figured it would be all the jurors like season 1, not just the prodopets. said what I said.
Still. there is an outside chance this week goes off the rails.
It’s Tera. There’s always a chance things go off the rails. Remember the invisible HOH? That was off the rails. Off the rails enough that VIc is probably telling the wallpaper in the jury house “this show is so real. Nothing is rigged.” Oh honey. Not it.
Twists week seven are lame. twists week 8? suspect and dubious.
So what will the head to head battle be? name the members of the evicted sunsetter member’s family in this portrait?