Hisam “I am true to my word. I don’t want this brown on brown crime. I am a trust worthy guy.”

Quick Big Brother Spoilers

Head of Household:  Hisam
Nominees: Reilly & Cameron
POV Players:
POV Winner:
Veto Ceremony:

Lock your ranks in before midnight

8:05pm – 8:37pmThe live feeds switch to the kitten cams.. Jag is back!

Bumper Pool Room – Jag and Jared.
Jag – I just wanted to check in with you because I had no idea what it meant to go out there. Its a blessing and a curse. Obviously thank you first of all because safety for the week is safety for the week. Jared – of course. Jag – I just wanted to see what the head space was behind it. Jared – so check it out. One – right before I made those nominations.. I am eligible to get nominated. Two – Reilly knew what my ultimate goal was but I was also played. I was told that it was going to go one way and it went another way. Three – in this game no matter what happens if you get trusted with a certain amount of information you have to do what you can to help your people while also making sure you’re safe. Because if you’re not here then I cannot help my people. Jag – 100%. Jared – we knew that Hisam was after us. Reilly specifically. So the problem was, he told me exactly who he wanted to put up. So I was cool with that. You can’t save everybody. I knew Cam and Matt were going up. Jag – ohhh… Jared – so when she (Reilly) went up I was not really expecting that. I was thinking the only way to save my team without showing my hand was to do this because if not then he is just going to put up the next person from our team. Which would have probably been you or probably Matt. I wasn’t expecting Cameron, I don’t even know why Cameron went up. If I had send Reilly off. He would have put me up there. Jag – did he tell you, don’t use it on Reilly? Jared – no, well he hinted at that. He said he was going to put up Cam and Matt and that it would really mess up his game to take anyone that was going to support them. You and Blue are here. They figure Matt is going to do anything that Reilly says. Matt is a target because he is a protector of Reilly .. just like if I switch that then I am a protector of Reilly.

Reilly joins Jag and Jared.
Jared – I can’t even trust anything he (Hisam) says now as far as what he says he wasn’t going to backdoor anybody and isn’t going to backdoor anybody. Obviously if someone comes down he has to put someone else up ..she (Reilly) thinks its not going to be me but I think its going to be me. Reilly – hell no. Jag – he did say that he didn’t want to backdoor anybody. Reilly – that’s why he told me to my face that he was putting me up to my face. Jared – and that’s what pissed me off. I told her that Matt was going up and so immediately after I went up there and said you literally just told me that wasn’t going to happen. And he was like well no you knew she was a possibility. And I was like but it came out of your own mouth that this was who was going up. I was like that doesn’t make sense you said you were a straight shooter and that she wasn’t going up on the block. Jag – so what did you tell me or others as to why you chose me? Jared – I just said I like Jag. I am comfortable with Jag and want to work with him in the future. Jag – we need to be clear that, that eight is done. Because as long as they keep associating us together they’re going to buy us one by one. What we need to make clear is that we’re all free agents. We don’t have a team anymore. They count the votes Felicia, Cirie, Matt, Jared, Blue, America, Red, Cory..

9pm Exercise Room – America and Blue.
America – I feel if he didn’t want me to use it (Veto) I wouldn’t use it. I want to establish some sort of trust with him you know!? I think she would understand. I mean I hope so, I don’t know. We’ll see. She said that she is close with Felicia and Cirie so they would vote for her to stay. Blue – yeah.

9:09pm Havenot room – Jared and Matt.
Jared – Yo, if Reilly comes down. Hisam is going to put you up. Matt – did he say that. Jared – I know that. Matt – he said I am not going to put you up. I don’t do the backdoor. Jared – no it is not a backdoor because he does want Reilly to go. Matt – he told me that too. Jared – if she does come down ..either you’re going up or I am going up. Matt – he is not going put you up. If you play in the veto, win and take Reilly down, then I am going up. Matt – he made me promise him not to use it, so he could put me up. Jared – no if you play and use it, he can’t put you up. Jared – go ask him. He might tell you, you. Like he told Reilly straight up he was putting her up. I am sure he will tell you. Sh*t sucks.

9:35pm Bumper Pool Room – Reilly and Matt.
Matt – I think I need to talk to Hisam and convince him that Cory needs to go up. (If they win the veto) Reilly – I love Cory and he will fight for me but I am literally thinking what else can we do? Even if Jared went up he has Felicia, Cirie.. Like he would have the same numbers that I have. You can get close with Hisam. Matt – I know, I need to talk to him. Reilly – I could be f**Ked! Matt – Cameron is not a good person. So why would you want to team up with someone that flipped already? Like what is to say that he wouldn’t do it to you again? Like that is your way of getting votes over him. You’re loyal and he is not. You know what I mean.

9:48pm HOH room – Hisam and Jag.
Hisam – I don’t think either of them were surprised. Like we’re in week 2 and nobody has said anyone’s names except for Reilly. And the name that she said was might, right. And so once someone says something like that.. there has to be a response. If I don’t respond to that then its.. Jag – then its fine. Hisam – then its fine to say his name to flirt with that. And if I don’t say her name, then people would think what shady thing is happening there because you would expect me to say her name. Jag – yup, right. Hisam – shots fired, shots responded and if she wins and comes back then I think there is still a place for us to work as far as a truce being called, right!? But there has to be a response. And just like if we were opposite, I would expect the same. And I understand why it happened but it doesn’t change the fact that it did happen. I am trying to play with honor and integrity. Jag – I know I was chosen to go to the Nether. I just wanted to check in with you because at no point had I requested to go to the nether because I felt unsafe. I feel safe with you and I honor your word. I know that you honor your word. Hisam – I didn’t think that Jared choosing you was at your behest. You were not on my list of people that I was considering. I am true to my word. I don’t want this brown on brown crime. I am a trust worthy guy. I trust you. I would love to see what happens with the veto. I think that will add a lot of information. Is it with or without Reilly.

11:10pm Cory and Hisam playing chess.

11:30pm – 11:50pm The house guests get the backyard. Hammock – Jag and Blue.
Jag – you and Hisam need to start something. Blue – you’re not going to join? Jag – join? Blue – Hisam pulled me aside and we had a conversation and he was like I really do want to work with Reilly and me spewing about I was to work with a group with a greater purpose. Like I always say I do want that. And then he was like I thought you me, Jag and Reilly were going to have a talk and it never happened. And I said yeah I did want to talk but those few days were weird. And not that I wanted to say it but I didn’t really feel like Reilly was really into the idea. What do you think about not including Reilly and just being the three. Jag – yeah he might say that to me as well. Here is the thing how does this benefit us.. he is only one person. Blue – I think we need to have him bring Izzy along. Because you feel a little sus about Izzy now so I think that will benefit you. Blue – so his 100% target is Reilly this week? Jag – he never told me if it is or isn’t. I think it is stemming from how he doesn’t want to put anyone else up. I get it. Lets say you or I win it and use it.. then Matt is going to go up. Or Jared is going to go up. Or someone is going to go up that has a lesser chance of going over Reilly. Blue – so do you think if Reilly stays on the block .. do you think she has a good possible chance to stay? Jag – I think she has a chance to stay. Jag – Cirie pinky promised her that she would vote to keep Reilly. And I think Hisam wants Reilly gone. At the end of the day if Reilly is in this game .. she is with us. Blue agrees – 100%! Jag – if she isn’t in this game then we lose a really really strong ally. I don’t want to bow down to the other side and be the first one to get our head cut off. Regardless of me, you, Hisam, Izzy alliance we will always be at the bottom of their alliance.. bottom of their hierarchy, bottom of the totem pole… Because cool Hisam wont take a shot at us and maybe Izzy wont. But the moment Red, or anyone .. they can’t take a shot at each other .. they can only take a shot at our side. Jag – if we walk out of this week with an alliance with Hisam and Izzy .. I am still not feeling so great. Last week was a sh*t show. This week Hisam claimed he is still flexible and the people he kept mentioning from our side is just me and you. Just us. Those are the only names he mentioned. For us the ideal, keep most of our eight and pull in Hisam.

12am Backyard – America, Felicia, MeMe, Izzy, Bowie, Cirie and Hisam chatting on the backyard couch.

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9 thoughts to “Hisam “I am true to my word. I don’t want this brown on brown crime. I am a trust worthy guy.””

  1. so the twist essentially is Cirie junior leaves over night and gets to save a houseguest / nullify that houseguest’s vote.
    wonder what the twist would have been i someone not named Fields had gone to the netherverse.

  2. Hissy fit needs to stop with his brown on brown crime bullshit. This is Big Brother, no crime is involved, FFS! There’s something very wrong with that guy. Plus, he’s not even brown, lol…

      1. White is purely what you look like. It doesn’t take into consideration his heritage, background, nationality etc.
        People look at him and see white. He is not brown.

  3. All big brother does is cast a bunch of weak ass chicken shit players who are scared to make a big move if i was player my hands would be covered in blood am no chicken shit like all theses wips.

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